Data Structure

ABCD Youth Fitbit Daily Sleep Summaries

Version 01Submissions Not Allowed
Short Name: abcd_fbdss01
Categories: Sleep

This instrument includes sleep data for each participant night that had sufficient wear/sleep long enough to achieve sleep "stages"--minimum of 180 minutes of in-bed time.  Metrics include number of instances of, and number of minutes in, each sleep stage.  Average HR within each stage is also included.

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Value Range
subjectkeyGUIDRequiredThe NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subjectNDAR*
src_subject_idStringRequiredSubject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_dateDateRequiredDate on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
interview_ageIntegerRequiredAge in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging.0::1440Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
genderStringRequiredSex of subject at birthM;F; O; NRM = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported
eventnameStringRequiredThe event name for which the data was collected
fit_ss_sleepdateDateRecommendedDate of the night (PM portion of sleep period) of sleep being considered
fit_ss_wknoIntegerRecommendedWeek number since start of protocolOnly first 3 weeks will be included in weekly aggregation (protocol length of wear)
fit_ss_weekdayIntegerRecommendedDay of the week1::71=Sunday, 2=Monday, 3=Tuesday, 4=Wednesday, 5=Thursday, 6=Friday, 7=Saturday
fit_ss_weekend_indIntegerRecommendedIs this day a weekend (Saturday or Sunday)0;10=no; 1=yes
fit_ss_protocol_dateStringRecommendedFirst day of (expected) wear by 3 week protocol
fit_ss_protocol_wearIntegerRecommendedIs this day during the 3 week protocol period?0;10=no; 1=yes
fit_ss_first_inbed_minutesStringRecommendedFirst Minute that the participant was identified as being in-bed (but not necessarily asleep)Unless otherwise stated, all data is offset by 12 hours so that 00:00= noon; 23:59=11:59A
fit_ss_first_sleep_minutesStringRecommendedFirst Minute that the participant was identified as being asleepUnless otherwise stated, all data is offset by 12 hours so that 00:00= noon; 23:59=11:59A
fit_ss_outbed_minutesStringRecommendedFirst Minute that the participant was identified as being out-bed (but may have woken up prior to this)Unless otherwise stated, all data is offset by 12 hours so that 00:00= noon; 23:59=11:59A
fit_ss_wakeup_minutesStringRecommendedFirst Minute that the participant was identified as being awakeUnless otherwise stated, all data is offset by 12 hours so that 00:00= noon; 23:59=11:59A
fit_ss_total_sleep_minutesIntegerRecommendedTotal time within the sleep window (including wake periods) as calculated by 30 second sleep record
fit_ss_sleepperiod_minutesFloatRecommendedTotal time in sleep (light plus deep plusREM)
fit_ss_wake_minutesFloatRecommendedTotal number of Minutes (in 30 second increments) identified as being awake during the sleep windowDoes not include any Minutes anotated as awake prior to the first Minute of sleep (i.e. does not count latency)
fit_ss_light_minutesFloatRecommendedTotal number of Minutes (in 30 second increments) identified as being in "light" sleep stage during the sleep window
fit_ss_deep_minutesFloatRecommendedTotal number of Minutes (in 30 second increments) identified as being in "deep" sleep stage during the sleep window
fit_ss_rem_minutesFloatRecommendedTotal number of Minutes (in 30 second increments) identified as being in "REM" sleep stage during the sleep window
fit_ss_wake_countIntegerRecommendedTotal number of unique awakenings during the sleep period (excludes final awakening)
fit_ss_avg_hr_wakeIntegerRecommendedAverage heart rate during Minutes that were classified as awakeIn the event that the two (2) 30-second epochs within the Minute under review did not agree regarding sleep stage the HR for that Minute was not included.
fit_ss_avg_hr_lightIntegerRecommendedAverage heart rate during Minutes that were classified as light sleep stageIn the event that the two (2) 30-second epochs within the Minute under review did not agree regarding sleep stage the HR for that Minute was not included.
fit_ss_avg_hr_deepIntegerRecommendedAverage heart rate during Minutes that were classified as deep sleep stageIn the event that the two (2) 30-second epochs within the Minute under review did not agree regarding sleep stage the HR for that Minute was not included.
fit_ss_avg_hr_remIntegerRecommendedAverage heart rate during Minutes that were classified as REM sleep stageIn the event that the two (2) 30-second epochs within the Minute under review did not agree regarding sleep stage the HR for that Minute was not included.