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Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)- Module 1

1,784 Shared Subjects

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) - General Module 1 - Pre-Verbal/Single Words (2001 or later)
Clinical Assessments
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Element Name Change Description Before Now When
interview_age VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 VALUE_RANGE: 0::1440 04/04/2024 13:54 PM
codinga_gest_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0::3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_point_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_iecho_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_stereo_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingd_selfinj_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = No attempts to harm self. 1 = Dubious or possible self-injury, and/or rare but clear self-injury (e.g., one clear example of biting at own hand or arm, pulling own hair, slapping own face, or banging own head). 2 = More than one clear example of self-injury, such as head banging, face slapping, hair pulling, or self-biting. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = No attempts to harm self. 1 = Dubious or possible self-injury, and/or rare but clear self-injury (e.g., one clear example of biting at own hand or arm, pulling own hair, slapping own face, or banging own head). 2 = More than one clear example of self-injury, such as head banging, face slapping, hair pulling, or self-biting. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinge_actve_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Sits or stands still appropriately when expected to do so during the assessment. 1 = Sits briefly or stands still when expected to do so (e.g., during the symbolic imitation task, the birthday party) for activities besides the snack. Often fidgets, moves about, or gets up out of his/her seat, but is not obviously restless or unusually fidgety. Difficulties in the assessment are not principally due to overactivity. 2 = Hardly remains still at all (not counting the snack). May move around the room in a way that is difficult to interrupt; the level of activity disrupts the assessment. 7 = Underactive.; ADOS-2 (2012) and ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Sits or stands still appropriately when expected to do so during the ADOS-2 assessment. May explore the room as expected for developmental level but is not obviously overactive. 1 = Sits or stands still when clearly expected to do so (e.g., during the symbolic imitation task, the birthday party) for activities besides the snack, but often fidgets, moves about, or gets up out of his or her seat. 2 = Fidgety; more active than other children of same developmental level. 3 = Incessantly and energetically moves around the room in a way that is difficult to interrupt; the level of activity disrupts the ADOS-2 assessment. 7 = Underactive. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Sits or stands still appropriately when expected to do so during the assessment. 1 = Sits briefly or stands still when expected to do so (e.g., during the symbolic imitation task, the birthday party) for activities besides the snack. Often fidgets, moves about, or gets up out of his/her seat, but is not obviously restless or unusually fidgety. Difficulties in the assessment are not principally due to overactivity. 2 = Hardly remains still at all (not counting the snack). May move around the room in a way that is difficult to interrupt; the level of activity disrupts the assessment. 7 = Underactive.; ADOS-2 (2012) and ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Sits or stands still appropriately when expected to do so during the ADOS-2 assessment. May explore the room as expected for developmental level but is not obviously overactive. 1 = Sits or stands still when clearly expected to do so (e.g., during the symbolic imitation task, the birthday party) for activities besides the snack, but often fidgets, moves about, or gets up out of his or her seat. 2 = Fidgety; more active than other children of same developmental level. 3 = Incessantly and energetically moves around the room in a way that is difficult to interrupt; the level of activity disrupts the ADOS-2 assessment. 7 = Underactive. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinge_agg_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Not upset, disruptive, negative, destructive, or aggressive during ADOS. 1 = Occasional display of mild upset, anger, aggression, negativism, or disruptive behavior to the parent/caregiver or the examiner. 2 = Shows marked or repeated negativism, temper tantrums, or more significant aggression (e.g., hitting, biting others). Loud screaming is included here.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Not upset, disruptive, negative, destructive, or aggressive during the ADOS-2 assessment. 1 = Displays an example of mild upset, anger, aggression, negativism, or intentionally disruptive behavior to the parent/caregiver or the examiner. 2 = More than one intentionally disruptive (e.g., swiping toys off the table) or mildly aggressive act. Loud screaming can be coded here. 3 = Shows marked or repeated negativism, temper tantrums, or more significant aggression (e.g., hitting or biting others). 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Not upset, disruptive, negative, destructive, or aggressive during ADOS. 1 = Occasional display of mild upset, anger, aggression, negativism, or disruptive behavior to the parent/caregiver or the examiner. 2 = Shows marked or repeated negativism, temper tantrums, or more significant aggression (e.g., hitting, biting others). Loud screaming is included here.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Not upset, disruptive, negative, destructive, or aggressive during the ADOS-2 assessment. 1 = Displays an example of mild upset, anger, aggression, negativism, or intentionally disruptive behavior to the parent/caregiver or the examiner. 2 = More than one intentionally disruptive (e.g., swiping toys off the table) or mildly aggressive act. Loud screaming can be coded here. 3 = Shows marked or repeated negativism, temper tantrums, or more significant aggression (e.g., hitting or biting others). 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_inton_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingc_imgcr_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Spontaneous use of a doll or other object as an independent agent, OR spontaneous use of objects to represent other objects (e.g., pretends to eat the string like spaghetti). 1 = Spontaneous pretend play with a doll (e.g., feeding, hugging, or giving a drink) or other objects, but no use of a doll or other toy as an independent agent or to represent something else. 2 = Imitates pretend play as described above for a rating of 1, OR imitation with a placeholder; no spontaneous pretend play. 3 = No imitated or spontaneous pretend play. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = Spontaneous use of a doll or other object as an independent agent, OR spontaneous use of objects to represent other objects (e.g., pretends to eat the string like spaghetti). 1 = Spontaneous pretend play with a doll (e.g., feeding, hugging, or giving a drink) or other objects, but no use of a doll or other toy as an independent agent or to represent something else. 2 = Imitates pretend play as described above for a rating of 1, OR imitation with a placeholder; no spontaneous pretend play. 3 = No imitated or spontaneous pretend play. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingd_oman_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = None. 1 = Very brief or rare hand and finger mannerisms or complex mannerisms, OR mannerisms not as clear as specified below for a rating of 2. 2 = Definite finger flicking or twisting, ANP/OR, hand or other mannerisms or stereotypes.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = None. 1 = Unusual and/or repetitive hand and finger mannerisms or complex mannerisms not as clear as specified below for a rating of 2. 2 = Definite finger flicking or twisting, AND/OR hand or finger or complex mannerisms, stereotypies, or posturing. May be brief and/or rare if clear. 3 = Mannerisms, as described above, occur frequently, during at least two different tasks or activities, and/or may interfere with the ADOS-2 assessment. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = None. 1 = Very brief or rare hand and finger mannerisms or complex mannerisms, OR mannerisms not as clear as specified below for a rating of 2. 2 = Definite finger flicking or twisting, ANP/OR, hand or other mannerisms or stereotypes.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = None. 1 = Unusual and/or repetitive hand and finger mannerisms or complex mannerisms not as clear as specified below for a rating of 2. 2 = Definite finger flicking or twisting, AND/OR hand or finger or complex mannerisms, stereotypies, or posturing. May be brief and/or rare if clear. 3 = Mannerisms, as described above, occur frequently, during at least two different tasks or activities, and/or may interfere with the ADOS-2 assessment. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_qsov_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Effectively uses nonverbal and verbal means to make clear social overtures to the examiner or the parent/caregiver. The overtures must be appropriate to immediate contexts. 1 = Slightly unusual quality of social overtures. Assign this rating if overtures are restricted to personal demands or related to strong interests, but with some attempt to involve the examiner or the parent/caregiver in those interests. 2 = Overtures often lack integration into context AND/OR social quality. Assign this rating if there are some clearly inappropriate overtures, even if there are other overtures. 3 = No social overtures of any kind. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = Effectively uses nonverbal and verbal means to make clear social overtures to the examiner or the parent/caregiver. The overtures must be appropriate to immediate contexts. 1 = Slightly unusual quality of social overtures. Assign this rating if overtures are restricted to personal demands or related to strong interests, but with some attempt to involve the examiner or the parent/caregiver in those interests. 2 = Overtures often lack integration into context AND/OR social quality. Assign this rating if there are some clearly inappropriate overtures, even if there are other overtures. 3 = No social overtures of any kind. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_show_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Spontaneously shows toys or objects throughout the ADOS evaluation by holding them up or placing them in front of others and using eye contact with or without vocalization. 1 = Shows toys or objects in a partial or inconsistent manner (e.g., holds them up and/or places them in front of others without coordinated eye contact, looks from an object in his/her hands to another person without clearly orienting it toward that person, or shows objects as described above for a rating of 0 on one occasion only). 2 = Does not show objects to another person. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = Spontaneously shows toys or objects throughout the ADOS evaluation by holding them up or placing them in front of others and using eye contact with or without vocalization. 1 = Shows toys or objects in a partial or inconsistent manner (e.g., holds them up and/or places them in front of others without coordinated eye contact, looks from an object in his/her hands to another person without clearly orienting it toward that person, or shows objects as described above for a rating of 0 on one occasion only). 2 = Does not show objects to another person. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_give_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Spontaneously gives toys or objects to other people in a variety of contexts throughout the ADOS evaluation, including giving toys, food, or pretend food for the purpose of sharing. 1 = Gives objects to other people for the purpose of getting help (e.g., in operating toys or opening food containers) or as part of a routine. 2 = Rarely or never gives anything to another person.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Spontaneously gives toys or objects to other people in a variety of contexts throughout the ADOS-2 evaluation, including giving toys, food, or pretend food for the purpose of sharing. 1 = More than one example of giving objects to other people for the purpose of getting help (e.g., in operating toys or opening food containers) or as part of a routine. May occur in just one context, but must be repeated without a specific prompt. 2 = Rarely or never gives objects to another person. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Spontaneously gives toys or objects to other people in a variety of contexts throughout the ADOS evaluation, including giving toys, food, or pretend food for the purpose of sharing. 1 = Gives objects to other people for the purpose of getting help (e.g., in operating toys or opening food containers) or as part of a routine. 2 = Rarely or never gives anything to another person.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Spontaneously gives toys or objects to other people in a variety of contexts throughout the ADOS-2 evaluation, including giving toys, food, or pretend food for the purpose of sharing. 1 = More than one example of giving objects to other people for the purpose of getting help (e.g., in operating toys or opening food containers) or as part of a routine. May occur in just one context, but must be repeated without a specific prompt. 2 = Rarely or never gives objects to another person. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_gzsov_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Uses eye contact effectively with words or vocalizations or gestures to communicate social intention. 1 = Uses eye contact and other strategies independently of each other to communicate social intention (i.e., uses both eye contact and vocalization at different times, but does not coordinate them with each other). 2 = Uses either eye contact or other strategies (e.g., vocalization, gestures) to communicate social intention. 3 = Uses neither eye contact nor other strategies to communicate social intention, OR no social overtures. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = Uses eye contact effectively with words or vocalizations or gestures to communicate social intention. 1 = Uses eye contact and other strategies independently of each other to communicate social intention (i.e., uses both eye contact and vocalization at different times, but does not coordinate them with each other). 2 = Uses either eye contact or other strategies (e.g., vocalization, gestures) to communicate social intention. 3 = Uses neither eye contact nor other strategies to communicate social intention, OR no social overtures. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_fvoc_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_faceo_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs a range of appropriate facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver in order to communicate affective or cognitive states. 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver (e.g., directs only expressions indicating emotional extreme(s) to others, or occasionally directs wider range of expressions). A child who has a limited range of facial expressions, but who directs most of his or her facial expressions to another person, may be rated here. 2 = Does not direct appropriate facial expressions to others. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Directs at least three different facial expressions toward examiner in order to communicate affect (e.g., amused, confused, concerned, irritated, skeptical, proud). 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner. A participant who has a limited range of directed facial expressions (but as least TWO) should be scored here. Participants who direct at least one of the facial expressions across several different activities but use the other only once OR whose facial expressions are slightly unusual, but are directed to the examiner on several occasions may also be scored here. 2 = Some range of facial expression but little directing (e.g., participant has 2 facial expressions each directed only once) OR direction of only ONE facial expression. 3 = Limited range of facial expression AND little or not directing. Also score here if the participant only ever directs very odd facial expressions. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs a range of appropriate facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver in order to communicate affective or cognitive states. 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver (e.g., directs only expressions indicating emotional extreme(s) to others, or occasionally directs wider range of expressions). A child who has a limited range of facial expressions, but who directs most of his or her facial expressions to another person, may be rated here. 2 = Does not direct appropriate facial expressions to others. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Directs at least three different facial expressions toward examiner in order to communicate affect (e.g., amused, confused, concerned, irritated, skeptical, proud). 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner. A participant who has a limited range of directed facial expressions (but as least TWO) should be scored here. Participants who direct at least one of the facial expressions across several different activities but use the other only once OR whose facial expressions are slightly unusual, but are directed to the examiner on several occasions may also be scored here. 2 = Some range of facial expression but little directing (e.g., participant has 2 facial expressions each directed only once) OR direction of only ONE facial expression. 3 = Limited range of facial expression AND little or not directing. Also score here if the participant only ever directs very odd facial expressions. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_ueye_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Appropriate gaze with subtle changes meshed with other communication. 2 = Uses poorly modulated eye contact to initiate, terminate, or regulate social interaction. 3 = Uses poorly modulated eye contact to initiate, terminate, or regulate social interaction AND frequently actively avoids eye contact (e.g., by turning away, pushing away, closing eyes).; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Appropriate gaze with subtle changes meshed with other communication. 2 = Uses poorly modulated eye contact to initiate, terminate, or regulate social interaction. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Appropriate gaze with subtle changes meshed with other communication. 2 = Uses poorly modulated eye contact to initiate, terminate, or regulate social interaction. 3 = Uses poorly modulated eye contact to initiate, terminate, or regulate social interaction AND frequently actively avoids eye contact (e.g., by turning away, pushing away, closing eyes).; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Appropriate gaze with subtle changes meshed with other communication. 2 = Uses poorly modulated eye contact to initiate, terminate, or regulate social interaction. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_point_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Points with index finger to show visually directed referencing (coordinated gaze to object and person) of distal objects in at least two activities (e.g., points to bubbles and to balloon). 1 = Uses pointing to reference objects, but without sufficient flexibility or frequency to meet criteria for a rating of 0 (e.g., only one instance of pointing that fits the preceding description for a rating of 0, or absence of coordinated gaze with distal pointing, though the child may vocalize); AND/OR produces an approximation of pointing (coordinated with gaze or vocalization) rather than an index finger point; AND/OR coordinates only pointing that includes touching a picture or other nearby objects with gaze or vocalization; AND/OR points with coordination (gaze or vocalization) only to a person or to himself or herself. 2 = Points only when close to or actually touching an object, without coordinated gaze or vocalization. Does not have to be well-formed index finger point. 3 = Does not point as described above. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Points with index finger to reference an object in at least two activities (e.g., points to picture on the wall and out the window). Points can be to distal objects OR when close to or actually touching an object, but must be for the purpose of shared attention AND involved coordinated gaze OR vocalization. 1 = Coordinates pointing with gaze or vocalization for the purpose of shared attention on only one occasion OR only uses pointing with coordinated gaze or vocalization to request objects. 2 = Points to reference or request, without coordinated gaze or vocalization. Points to distal or nearby objects that do not include coordinated gaze or vocalization should be coded here. Also code here if participant uses something besides a well-formed index finger point. 3 = Does not point to objects as described above. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Points with index finger to show visually directed referencing (coordinated gaze to object and person) of distal objects in at least two activities (e.g., points to bubbles and to balloon). 1 = Uses pointing to reference objects, but without sufficient flexibility or frequency to meet criteria for a rating of 0 (e.g., only one instance of pointing that fits the preceding description for a rating of 0, or absence of coordinated gaze with distal pointing, though the child may vocalize); AND/OR produces an approximation of pointing (coordinated with gaze or vocalization) rather than an index finger point; AND/OR coordinates only pointing that includes touching a picture or other nearby objects with gaze or vocalization; AND/OR points with coordination (gaze or vocalization) only to a person or to himself or herself. 2 = Points only when close to or actually touching an object, without coordinated gaze or vocalization. Does not have to be well-formed index finger point. 3 = Does not point as described above. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Points with index finger to reference an object in at least two activities (e.g., points to picture on the wall and out the window). Points can be to distal objects OR when close to or actually touching an object, but must be for the purpose of shared attention AND involved coordinated gaze OR vocalization. 1 = Coordinates pointing with gaze or vocalization for the purpose of shared attention on only one occasion OR only uses pointing with coordinated gaze or vocalization to request objects. 2 = Points to reference or request, without coordinated gaze or vocalization. Points to distal or nearby objects that do not include coordinated gaze or vocalization should be coded here. Also code here if participant uses something besides a well-formed index finger point. 3 = Does not point to objects as described above. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_stereo_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Rarely or never uses stereotyped or idiosyncratic words or phrases. (Note: Requires at least five words to code 0 rather than 8.) 1 = Use of words or phrases tends to be more repetitive than that of most individuals at the same level of expressive language, but not obviously odd, OR occasional stereotyped utterances or use of odd words, OR use of phrases in an unusual way, with other flexible spontaneous language as well. 2 = Often uses stereotyped utterances or odd words or phrases, with some other language. 3 = Frequently uses odd or stereotyped speech, and rarely uses non-stereotyped spontaneous speech. 8 = Language too limited to judge. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = Rarely or never uses stereotyped or idiosyncratic words or phrases. (Note: Requires at least five words to code 0 rather than 8.) 1 = Use of words or phrases tends to be more repetitive than that of most individuals at the same level of expressive language, but not obviously odd, OR occasional stereotyped utterances or use of odd words, OR use of phrases in an unusual way, with other flexible spontaneous language as well. 2 = Often uses stereotyped utterances or odd words or phrases, with some other language. 3 = Frequently uses odd or stereotyped speech, and rarely uses non-stereotyped spontaneous speech. 8 = Language too limited to judge. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_inton_a NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Normal, appropriately varying intonation, with no peculiar or odd intonation. 1 = Little variation in pitch and tone; rather flat or exaggerated, or occasional peculiar intonation. 2 = Odd intonation or inappropriate pitch and stress, AND/OR markedly flat and toneless mechanical vocalizations, OR an odd cry and few other vocalizations. 8 = N/A (insufficient vocalizations for assessment of intonation; includes presence of normal cry and few other vocalizations). 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity NOTES: 0 = Normal, appropriately varying intonation, with no peculiar or odd intonation. 1 = Little variation in pitch and tone; rather flat or exaggerated, or occasional peculiar intonation. 2 = Odd intonation or inappropriate pitch and stress, AND/OR markedly flat and toneless mechanical vocalizations, OR an odd cry and few other vocalizations. 8 = N/A (insufficient vocalizations for assessment of intonation; includes presence of normal cry and few other vocalizations). 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinga_fvoc_a NOTES, NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner in a variety of pragmatic contexts. Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly or to express interest, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner consistently in one pragmatic context, OR directs a limited number of vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner across a variety of pragmatic contexts. 2 = Directs an occasional vocalization to parent/caregiver or examiner inconsistently in a limited number of pragmatic contexts. May include whining or crying due to frustration. 3 = Vocalizations never or almost never appear to be directed to parent/caregiver or examiner, OR rarely or never vocalizes. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Frequent direction of vocalizations to examiner in at least two pragmatic contexts (e.g., to request, to chat, to label). Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly OR to express interest/share enjoyment, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalization to examiner frequently in one pragmatic context (e.g., only to request). 2 = Infrequently directs vocalization to examiner. A participant who is very quiet throughout most of the assessment, though s/he may sometimes direct vocalizations should be scored here, even if the vocalizations occur across more than one pragmatic context. 3 = Directs an occasional vocalization to examiner OR vocalizations almost never appear to be directed to examiner. Also code if rare or no vocalizations at all. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner in a variety of pragmatic contexts. Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly or to express interest, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner consistently in one pragmatic context, OR directs a limited number of vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner across a variety of pragmatic contexts. 2 = Directs an occasional vocalization to parent/caregiver or examiner inconsistently in a limited number of pragmatic contexts. May include whining or crying due to frustration. 3 = Vocalizations never or almost never appear to be directed to parent/caregiver or examiner, OR rarely or never vocalizes. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Frequent direction of vocalizations to examiner in at least two pragmatic contexts (e.g., to request, to chat, to label). Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly OR to express interest/share enjoyment, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalization to examiner frequently in one pragmatic context (e.g., only to request). 2 = Infrequently directs vocalization to examiner. A participant who is very quiet throughout most of the assessment, though s/he may sometimes direct vocalizations should be scored here, even if the vocalizations occur across more than one pragmatic context. 3 = Directs an occasional vocalization to examiner OR vocalizations almost never appear to be directed to examiner. Also code if rare or no vocalizations at all. -1 = Not Collected. 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinge_agg_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codinge_anxty_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:53 AM
codingb_qsov_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingc_fplay_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingc_imgcr_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingd_oman_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingd_selfinj_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingd_usens_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codinge_actve_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;7;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;7;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_give_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_req_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_rjnt_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_rname_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_show_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_sijnt_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_faceo_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_gzsov_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_shrnj_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_ssmle_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;1;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;1;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
codingb_ueye_a VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0;2;3;8;9 VALUE_RANGE: -1;0;2;3;8;9 07/06/2023 10:52 AM
sex DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of subject at birth 07/09/2021 10:38 AM
interview_date NOTES, NOTES: Required field NOTES: 01/08/2021 10:21 AM
sex VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; O; NR NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported 02/21/2020 13:02 PM
year_mta NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'year_mta' to data structure 'ados1_200102'. 12/06/2019 12:19 PM
gender PERMANENTLY ALIASED gender sex 04/22/2019 00:00 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 08/22/2018 10:43 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Block Brief 2000: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 08/20/2018 10:21 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Block Brief 2000: Sex of the subject 08/14/2018 16:18 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYYY DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY 08/28/2017 15:10 PM
algorithm TYPE, ELEMENT_SIZE TYPE: Integer ELEMENT_SIZE: TYPE: String ELEMENT_SIZE: 50 11/07/2016 13:24 PM
algorithm NOTES NOTES: 0=No words; 1=Some words NOTES: 10/31/2016 16:10 PM
algorithm DESCRIPTION, VALUE_RANGE DESCRIPTION: Algorithm Used VALUE_RANGE: 0;1 DESCRIPTION: algorithm used for scoring VALUE_RANGE: 10/31/2016 16:09 PM
calc_status NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'calc_status' to data structure 'ados1_200102'. 10/12/2016 16:41 PM
algorithm NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 10/12/2016 16:41 PM
algorithm NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'algorithm' to data structure 'ados1_200102'. 10/12/2016 16:41 PM
calc_status NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 10/12/2016 16:41 PM
gender VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: M;F; T NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; T= Transgender VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female 05/25/2016 11:51 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Gender DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 05/25/2016 11:50 AM
scoresumm_dtotal NOTES NOTES: NOTES: 999=NA/NK/missing 07/27/2015 18:06 PM
scoresumm_btotal NOTES NOTES: NOTES: 999=NA/NK/missing 07/27/2015 18:05 PM
scoresumm_atotal NOTES NOTES: NOTES: 999 = NA/NK/missing 07/27/2015 18:05 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYY DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYYY 06/02/2015 17:40 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYY 06/02/2015 17:40 PM
interview_age VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1200 VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 06/01/2015 14:16 PM
codinga_iecho_a NOTES NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Does not repeat others' speech. (Note: Requires at least five words to code 0 rather than 8.) 1 = Occasional echoing. 2 = Echoing words and phrases regularly, but some spontaneous language, which can be stereotyped. 3 = Speech largely consists of immediate echolalia. 8 = No echolalia noted, but language too limited to judge. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Rarely or never repeats others' speech. 1 = Occasional echoing. 2 = Echoing words and phrases regularly but some spontaneous language (it can be stereotyped). 3 = Speech largely consists of immediate echolalia. 8 = N/A or not enough language to judge. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Does not repeat others' speech. (Note: Requires at least five words to code 0 rather than 8.) 1 = Occasional echoing. 2 = Echoing words and phrases regularly, but some spontaneous language, which can be stereotyped. 3 = Speech largely consists of immediate echolalia. 8 = No echolalia noted, but language too limited to judge. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Rarely or never repeats others' speech. 1 = Occasional echoing. 2 = Echoing words and phrases regularly but some spontaneous language (it can be stereotyped). 3 = Speech largely consists of immediate echolalia. 8 = N/A or not enough language to judge. 05/29/2015 13:32 PM
codingb_faceo_a NOTES NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs a range of appropriate facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver in order to communicate affective or cognitive states. 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver (e.g., directs only expressions indicating emotional extreme(s) to others, or occasionally directs wider range of expressions). A child who has a limited range of facial expressions, but who directs most of his or her facial expressions to another person, may be rated here. 2 = Does not direct appropriate facial expressions to others. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Directs at least three different facial expressions toward examiner in order to communicate affect (e.g., amused, confused, concerned, irritated, skeptical, proud). 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner. A participant who has a limited range of directed facial expressions (but as least TWO) should be scored here. Participants who direct at least one of the facial expressions across several different activities but use the other only once OR whose facial expressions are slightly unusual, but are directed to the examiner on several occasions may also be scored here. 2 = Some range of facial expression but little directing (e.g., participant has 2 facial expressions each directed only once) OR direction of only ONE facial expression. 3 = Limited range of facial expression AND little or not directing. Also score here if the participant only ever directs very odd facial expressions. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs a range of appropriate facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver in order to communicate affective or cognitive states. 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner and/or parent/caregiver (e.g., directs only expressions indicating emotional extreme(s) to others, or occasionally directs wider range of expressions). A child who has a limited range of facial expressions, but who directs most of his or her facial expressions to another person, may be rated here. 2 = Does not direct appropriate facial expressions to others. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity. ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Directs at least three different facial expressions toward examiner in order to communicate affect (e.g., amused, confused, concerned, irritated, skeptical, proud). 1 = Some direction of facial expressions to the examiner. A participant who has a limited range of directed facial expressions (but as least TWO) should be scored here. Participants who direct at least one of the facial expressions across several different activities but use the other only once OR whose facial expressions are slightly unusual, but are directed to the examiner on several occasions may also be scored here. 2 = Some range of facial expression but little directing (e.g., participant has 2 facial expressions each directed only once) OR direction of only ONE facial expression. 3 = Limited range of facial expression AND little or not directing. Also score here if the participant only ever directs very odd facial expressions. 05/29/2015 13:32 PM
codingb_shrnj_a NOTES NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Shows definite and appropriate pleasure with the examiner during more than one activity. Must include pleasure in at least one activity that is not purely physical in nature (e.g., tickling). 1 = Shows some appropriate pleasure in the examiner's actions during more than one activity, OR shows definite pleasure directed to the examiner during one interaction (may be physical in nature). 2 = Shows little or no expressed pleasure in interaction with the examiner. May show pleasure in his/her own actions, in interaction with a parent/caregiver, or in the available toys.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Shows definite pleasure with the examiner that is appropriate to the context and occurs during more than one activity. Must include pleasure in at least one activity that is not purely physical in nature (e.g., not tickling). 1 = Shows some pleasure appropriate to the context during interactions with the examiner, OR shows definite pleasure directed to the examiner during one interaction (may be physical in nature). 2 = Shows little or no expressed pleasure during interaction with the examiner, but shows pleasure in his or her own actions, in interaction with a parent/caregiver, or in noninteractive components of the ADOS-2 materials or activities. 3 = Little or no expressed pleasure during the ADOS-2 evaluation and little interest in toys. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Shows definite and appropriate pleasure with the examiner during more than one activity. 1 = Shows definite, clear pleasure directed to the examiner during one interaction. 2 = Shows some appropriate pleasure during interaction(s) with the examiner. The participant's attempt to share enjoyment may be unclear or brief, but appears to be directed to the examiner. 3 = Shows little or no expressed pleasure during the interaction with the examiner, but shows pleaure in his/her actions or in non-interactive coimponents of the ADOS materials or activities. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Shows definite and appropriate pleasure with the examiner during more than one activity. Must include pleasure in at least one activity that is not purely physical in nature (e.g., tickling). 1 = Shows some appropriate pleasure in the examiner's actions during more than one activity, OR shows definite pleasure directed to the examiner during one interaction (may be physical in nature). 2 = Shows little or no expressed pleasure in interaction with the examiner. May show pleasure in his/her own actions, in interaction with a parent/caregiver, or in the available toys.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Shows definite pleasure with the examiner that is appropriate to the context and occurs during more than one activity. Must include pleasure in at least one activity that is not purely physical in nature (e.g., not tickling). 1 = Shows some pleasure appropriate to the context during interactions with the examiner, OR shows definite pleasure directed to the examiner during one interaction (may be physical in nature). 2 = Shows little or no expressed pleasure during interaction with the examiner, but shows pleasure in his or her own actions, in interaction with a parent/caregiver, or in noninteractive components of the ADOS-2 materials or activities. 3 = Little or no expressed pleasure during the ADOS-2 evaluation and little interest in toys. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Shows definite and appropriate pleasure with the examiner during more than one activity. 1 = Shows definite, clear pleasure directed to the examiner during one interaction. 2 = Shows some appropriate pleasure during interaction(s) with the examiner. The participant's attempt to share enjoyment may be unclear or brief, but appears to be directed to the examiner. 3 = Shows little or no expressed pleasure during the interaction with the examiner, but shows pleaure in his/her actions or in non-interactive coimponents of the ADOS materials or activities. 05/29/2015 13:32 PM
codinga_fvoc_a NOTES NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner in a variety of pragmatic contexts. Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly or to express interest, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner consistently in one pragmatic context, OR directs a limited number of vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner across a variety of pragmatic contexts. 2 = Directs an occasional vocalization to parent/caregiver or examiner inconsistently in a limited number of pragmatic contexts. May include whining or crying due to frustration. 3 = Vocalizations never or almost never appear to be directed to parent/caregiver or examiner, OR rarely or never vocalizes. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Frequent direction of vocalizations to examiner in at least two pragmatic contexts (e.g., to request, to chat, to label). Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly OR to express interest/share enjoyment, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalization to examiner frequently in one pragmatic context (e.g., only to request). 2 = Infrequently directs vocalization to examiner. A participant who is very quiet throughout most of the assessment, though s/he may sometimes direct vocalizations should be scored here, even if the vocalizations occur across more than one pragmatic context. 3 = Directs an occasional vocalization to examiner OR vocalizations almost never appear to be directed to examiner. Also code if rare or no vocalizations at all. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001) and ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner in a variety of pragmatic contexts. Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly or to express interest, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner consistently in one pragmatic context, OR directs a limited number of vocalizations to parent/caregiver or examiner across a variety of pragmatic contexts. 2 = Directs an occasional vocalization to parent/caregiver or examiner inconsistently in a limited number of pragmatic contexts. May include whining or crying due to frustration. 3 = Vocalizations never or almost never appear to be directed to parent/caregiver or examiner, OR rarely or never vocalizes. 9 = Cannot be rated for some reason other than that listed above, such as if an examiner makes an error and does not administer a particular ADOS activity; ADAPTED ADOS: 0 = Frequent direction of vocalizations to examiner in at least two pragmatic contexts (e.g., to request, to chat, to label). Must include chatting or vocalizing to be friendly OR to express interest/share enjoyment, as well as to make needs known. 1 = Directs vocalization to examiner frequently in one pragmatic context (e.g., only to request). 2 = Infrequently directs vocalization to examiner. A participant who is very quiet throughout most of the assessment, though s/he may sometimes direct vocalizations should be scored here, even if the vocalizations occur across more than one pragmatic context. 3 = Directs an occasional vocalization to examiner OR vocalizations almost never appear to be directed to examiner. Also code if rare or no vocalizations at all. 05/29/2015 13:32 PM
comments_misc DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data 05/29/2015 13:29 PM
comments_misc REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
observation_a_10_12_cmt REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
observation_comments REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
codinga_fvoc_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinga_gest_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinga_iecho_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinga_inton_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinga_point_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinga_stereo_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinga_uothr_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_faceo_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_give_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_gzsov_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_qsov_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_req_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_rjnt_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_rname_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_show_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_shrnj_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_sijnt_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_ssmle_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingb_ueye_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingc_fplay_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingc_imgcr_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingd_oman_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingd_selfinj_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codingd_usens_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinge_actve_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinge_agg_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
codinge_anxty_a REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/09/2015 08:01 AM
year_mta NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 01/27/2015 17:47 PM
codinga_olang_a NOTES NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Regular use of utterances with two or more words. 1 = Occasional phrases only; mostly single words. 2 = Recognizable single words only; must use at least five different words during session. 3 = At least one word or word approximation, but fewer than five words used during session. 8 = No words or word approximations.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Non-echoed phrase speech of three or more words per utterance; some grammatical markings, such as plural or tense. 1 = Speech is primarily two- or three-word utterances, with minimal or no grammatical markings. 2 = Occasional phrases only; mostly single words. 3 = Recognizable single words or word approximations only; must use at least five different words during session. 4 = At least one word or word approximation, but fewer than five words used during session. 5 = No spontaneous or echoed use of spoken words or word approximations. 7 = All speech is echoed (immediate or delayed), with or without communicative intent. 8 = No words or word approximations. 9 = N/A.; ADAPTED ADOS: Same as 0 to 7 for ADOS-2 above. NOTES: ADOS-1 (2001): 0 = Regular use of utterances with two or more words. 1 = Occasional phrases only; mostly single words. 2 = Recognizable single words only; must use at least five different words during session. 3 = At least one word or word approximation, but fewer than five words used during session. 8 = No words or word approximations.; ADOS-2 (2012): 0 = Non-echoed phrase speech of three or more words per utterance; some grammatical markings, such as plural or tense. 1 = Speech is primarily two- or three-word utterances, with minimal or no grammatical markings. 2 = Occasional phrases only; mostly single words. 3 = Recognizable single words or word approximations only; must use at least five different words during session. 4 = At least one word or word approximation, but fewer than five words used during session. 5 = No spontaneous or echoed use of spoken words or word approximations. 7 = All speech is echoed (immediate or delayed), with or without communicative intent. 8 = No words or word approximations. 9 = N/A.; ADAPTED ADOS: Same as 0 to 7 for ADOS-2 above. 01/13/2015 17:44 PM
src_subject_id DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: The site or study's subject identification DESCRIPTION: Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project 01/12/2015 18:22 PM
gender VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; T NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; T= Transgender 12/01/2014 12:34 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_overalldiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_overalldiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_abtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_atotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_btotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_ctotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_dtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
scoresumm_abtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
scoresumm_atotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
scoresumm_btotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
scoresumm_ctotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
scoresumm_dtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_overalldiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_overalldiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_abtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_atotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_btotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_ctotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_dtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_atotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_btotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_abtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_ctotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_dtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
scoresumm_overalldiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 01/04/2013 14:46 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 01/04/2013 14:46 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 01/04/2013 14:45 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 01/04/2013 14:44 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 01/04/2013 14:18 PM
scoresumm_overalldiag REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 01/04/2013 14:17 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 01/04/2013 14:09 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 01/04/2013 14:08 PM
scoresumm_abtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 08/17/2012 14:52 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 08/17/2012 14:52 PM
scoresumm_atotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 08/17/2012 14:52 PM
scoresumm_btotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 08/17/2012 14:52 PM
scoresumm_ctotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 08/17/2012 14:52 PM
scoresumm_dtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 08/17/2012 14:52 PM
scoresumm_atotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 05/25/2012 14:45 PM
scoresumm_btotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 05/25/2012 14:44 PM
scoresumm_abtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 05/25/2012 14:43 PM
scoresumm_ctotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 05/25/2012 14:43 PM
scoresumm_dtotal SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 05/25/2012 14:42 PM
scoresumm_adosdiag SUMMARY_DETAIL SUMMARY_DETAIL: 1 SUMMARY_DETAIL: 0 05/25/2012 14:41 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/12/2012 14:03 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 03/09/2012 00:42 AM
Data Structure Change History

This page displays a list of all the changes that have been made to this data structure since its original definition. You can view the element name, the attribute that was changed, previous and subsequent values, and the timestamp of the change. Use the search bar to filter the displayed changes.

Please email the The NDA Help Desk with any questions.