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Data from Labs

Data from Labs are NDA Collections', which contain datasets from one grant or project. Search for datasets from hundreds of contributing research labs.

Research labs submit and share data on a rolling basis over the life of the grant or project. Newer NDA Collections are less likely to have shared data available.

For more detailed information, click the Help button below.

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NDA Help Center

Filter Cart

Viewable at the top right of NDA pages, the Filter Cart is a temporary holder for filters and data they select. Filters are added to the Workspace first, before being submitted to The Filter Cart. Data selected by filters in the Filter Cart can be added to a Data Package or an NDA Study from the Data Packaging Page, by clicking the 'Create Data Package / Add Data to Study' button.

The filter cart supports combining multiple filters together, and depending on filter type will use "AND" or "OR" when combining filters.

Multiple selections from the same filter type will result in those selections being applied with an ‘OR’ condition. For example, if you add an NDA Collection Filter with selections for both collections 2112 and 2563 to an empty Workspace, the subjects from NDA Collection 2112 ‘OR’ NDA Collection 2563 will be added to your Workspace even if a subject is in both NDA Collections. You can then add other NDA Collections to your Workspace which further extends the ‘OR’ condition.

If a different filter type is added to your Workspace, or a filter has already been submitted to the Filter Cart, the operation then performs a logical ‘AND’ operation. This means that given the subjects returned from the first filter, only those subjects that matched the first filter are returned by the second filter (i.e., subjects that satisfied both filters).

When combining other filters with the GUID filter, please note the GUID filter should be added last. Otherwise, preselected data may be lost. For example, a predefined filter from Featured Datasets may select a subset of data available for a subject. When combined with a GUID filter for the same subject, the filter cart will contain all data available from that subject, data structure, and dataset; this may be more data than was selected in the predefined filter for that subject. Again, you should add the GUID Filter as the last filter to your cart. This ensures 'AND' logic between filters and will limit results to the subjects, data structures, and datasets already included in your filter cart.

Note that only the subjects specific to your filter will be added to your Filter Cart and only on data shared with the research community. Other data for those same subjects may exist (i.e., within another NDA Collection, associated with a data structure that was not requested in the query, etc.). So, users should select ‘Find all Subjects Data’ to identify all data for those specific subjects.

Additional Tips:

  • You may query the data without an account, but to gain access you will need to create an NDA user account and apply for access. Most data access requires that you or your lab are sponsored by an NIH recognized institution with Federal Wide Assurance (FWA). Without access, you will not be able to obtain individual-level data.

Once you have selected data of interest you can:

  • Create a data package - This allows you to specify format for access/download
  • Assign to Study Cohort - Associate the data to an NDA Study allowing for a DOI to be generated and the data to be linked directly to a finding, publication, or data release.
  • Find All Subject Data - Depending on filter types being used, not all data associated with a subject will be selected. Data may be restricted by data structure, NDA Collection, or outcome variables (e.g., NDA Study). ‘Find All Data’ expands the filter criteria by replacing all filters in your Filter Cart with a single Query by GUID filter for all subjects selected by those filters.

Please Note:

  • When running a query, it may take a moment to populate the Filter Cart. Queries happen in the background so you can define other queries during this time.
  • When you add your first filter, all data associated with your query will be added to the Filter Cart (e.g., a Concept, an NDA Collection, a Data Structure/Element, etc.). As you add additional filters, they will also display in the Filter Cart. Only the name of filter will be shown in the Filter Cart, not the underlying structures.
  • Information about the contents of the Filter Cart can be seen by clicking "Edit”.
  • Once your results appear in the Filter Cart, you can create a data package or assign subjects to a study by selecting the 'Package/Assign to Study' option. You can also 'Edit' or 'Clear' filters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Filter Cart?
  • What do I do after filters are added to the Filter Cart?
  • Are there limitations on the amount of data a user can download?
  • How does Filter Cart Boolean logic work?


  • Workspace
  • Filter Cart

NDA Help Center


The NDA Query Tool provides a powerful interface to identify and access data. It enables users to select one or many types of queries, typically following a keyword search. Then, users add these selections to their Workspace.

The Workspace is the intermediate place for selecting and reviewing filters before submitting them to the Filter Cart. Once queries have been added to the Workspace and verified, the next step is to submit them to the Filter Cart.

Multiple selections from the same filter type will result in those selections being applied with an ‘OR’ condition. For example, if you add a Data from Labs Filter with selections for NDA Collections 2112 and 2563 to an empty Workspace, the subjects from NDA Collection 2112 ‘OR’ NDA Collection 2563 will be added to your Workspace even if a subject is in both NDA Collections. You can then add other Data from Labs filter to your Workspace which further extends the ‘OR’ condition.

When combining other filters with the GUID filter, please note the GUID filter should be added last. Otherwise, preselected data may be lost. For example, a predefined filter from Featured Datasets may select a subset of data available for a subject. When combined with a GUID filter for the same subject, the filter cart will contain all data available from that subject, data structure, and dataset; this may be more data than was selected in the predefined filter for that subject. Again, you should add the GUID Filter as the last filter to your cart. This ensures 'AND' logic between filters and will limit results to the subjects, data structures, and datasets already included in your filter cart.

If a different filter type is added to your Workspace, or a filter has already been submitted to the Filter Cart, the operation then performs a logical ‘AND’ operation. This means that given the subjects returned from the first filter, only those subjects that matched the first filter are returned by the second filter (i.e., subjects that satisfied both filters). Note that only the subjects specific to your filter will be added to your Filter Cart and only on data shared with the research community. Other data for those same subjects may exist (i.e., within another NDA Collection, associated with a data structure that was not requested in the query, etc.).

Additional Tips:

  • You may add filters without an account, but to create a data package or add data to a study you will need to create an NDA user account and apply for access. Most data access requires that you or your lab are sponsored by an NIH recognized institution with Federal Wide Assurance (FWA). Without access, you will not be able to obtain individual-level data.
  • Once you have selected data of interest you can click the 'Create data package / Add data to Study button' on the Filter Cart, this will take you the Data Packaging Page where you can:
    • Create a data package - This allows you to specify format for access/download
    • Add data to a Study - Add the selected data to an NDA Study allowing for a DOI to be generated and the data to be linked directly to a finding, publication, or data release.
    • Find All Subject Data - Depending on filter types being used, not all data associated with a subject will be selected. Data may be restricted by data structure, NDA Collection, or outcome variables (e.g., NDA Study). ‘Find All Data’ expands the filter criteria by replacing all filters in your Filter Cart with a single Query by GUID filter for all subjects selected by those filters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Filter Cart?
  • How are selections from different tabs represented in the Workspace?
  • What do I do after filters are added to the Filter Cart?
  • How do I see all data associated with the subjects in my Filter Cart?
  • How does Filter Cart Boolean logic work?
  • How do I create a data package?


  • Add to Filter Cart
  • Clear Selections

NDA Help Center

Data from Labs

Data from Labs is an inventory of all NDA Collections. Each NDA Collection contains data from one grant or project. The Data from Labs tool is a data browser where you can search and filter NDA Collections and then select to add one or multiple NDA Collections to your Workspace. Identify NDA Collections of interest by filtering for Submission Status, Funding Source, Organization, Permission Group and NIH Research Initiative. Each NDA Collection tile contains charts with numbers of shared subjects by sex, age, and data type. Data type is broken down by imaging (such as neurosignal recordings), omics, and clinical data.

All selections in the Data from Labs tab will run an 'OR' condition in the NDA database. Subjects with data in any of the selections will be included in the Filter Cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an NDA Collection?
  • How does the Text Search work in Data from Labs?
  • How do Filters work in Data from Labs?


  • Submission Status
  • Funding Source
  • Collection
  • Sort By
  • Organization
  • Principal Investigator
  • Data Source
  • NIH Research Initiative
  • Permission Group
  • Data Use Limitations