First Steps of Data Submission

This tutorial outlines the steps required prior to starting data submission to NDA.

Included topics are:

  • How to create an NDA account.
  • How to submit a Data Submission Agreement.
  • How to gain access to your NDA Collection.
  • Information needed to create GUIDs.
  • An introduction to the Data Expected list.

Data Submission Agreement (DSA)

Last Modified on Dec 9, 2024

A DSA is required for each Principal Investigator (PI) who is submitting data to NDA. The DSA is due within 6 months of grant award.

  • Submitting your DSA provides you access to your NDA Collection.
    • An NDA Collection is the virtual container on the NDA website where your grant information and data are stored in NDA.
  • Once your DSA is submitted by following the instructions below, NDA will:
    • Assign the PI permissions as the NDA Collection owner.
    • Send the PI an email notification acknowledging receipt of the DSA and the next steps in the data submission process.

For NIH-funded grantees, submit the DSA through the eDSA Tool.

  1. You'll first need an eRA Commons account with the "PI" role for an NIH-funded grant.
  2. Once you have that, create your NDA account:
    1. Go to and click "LOGIN."
    2. Select "Sign in with RAS."
    3. Use your eRA Commons credentials or a account linked to your eRA Commons account to sign in.
    4. After signing in, fill out the required fields and click "Create New NDA account."
  3. Once your NDA account is created, you can log into the tool using your linked RAS identity:

For non-NIH funded grantees, submit the DSA via PDF.

  1. Complete Data Submission Agreement (DSA) PDF.
    • This document must be signed by an authorized institutional business official, as well as the PI.
    • If you do not know who is considered a Signing Official at your institution, please email the NDA Help Desk and we can provide you with a list.
  2. Email the signed PDF DSA to the NDA Help Desk for review.