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ACE Subject Medical History

5,825 Shared Subjects

ACE Subject Medical History
Clinical Assessments
Med History
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ACE Subject Medical History Form.pdf PDF file icon
Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project record_id
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY smh_visit_date
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data comment, diagnosis_other_specify
Query data_derived Integer Required Data Derived From 1::4; 999 1 = Physical examination; 2 = Medical record; 3 = Both; 4=Parental report; 999=missing smh_data_aplus
Query diag_aofc Integer Recommended Age of First Concern(in months) 0 :: 1200; -999 age_of_first_developmental_con, diag_aofc
devel_concern String 10 Recommended Developmental concern 1 = Cognitive/learning; 2 = Behavior; 3 = Hearing; 4 = Motor; 5 = Language; 6= all devel_concern
Query aut_diag Integer Required Autism-related diagnosis 1::4;999 1 = Autism; 2 = Autism Spectrum Disorder; 3 = Asperger syndrome; 4 = PDD-NOS autism_related_diagnosis
Query diag_ageatdiag Integer Recommended Age at diagnosis(in months)
0 :: 1200
Query diag_diagnosismadeby String 50 Recommended Diagnosis made by Physician;Psychologist;Other; NK NK = Not known
Query preg_complic String 10 Required Complications during pregnancy?
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known complications_during_pregnancy, preg_complic
Query preg_dxdrug String 10 Required Used prescription medications during pregnancy?
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known preg_dxdrug, used_prescription_medications_
Query full_term String 10 Required Full-term delivery? 37-42 weeks
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known full_term
info_gest String 50 Recommended No. Weeks Gestation (G.A.) if_how_many_weeks_gestation, info_gest
Query birth_weight_lbs Float Recommended Birth weight pounds birth_weight_lbs, birth_weight_lbs_nk, birth_weight_ozs
Query ldnb_lgthin Float Recommended What was the babys length at birth(inches) -1 = Not known birth_length_inches, ldnb_lgthin, ldnb_lngthin_nk
Query ldnb_hosptotalbabyday Float Recommended How many days total did this baby stay in the hospital (after delivery up until discharge, including the neonatal ICU) (days) 0 :: 365 ldnb_hosptotalbabyday, number_of_days_hospital_after_
Query earlydev_walk Integer Recommended Age when first walked unaided (in months) 995 = Still not reached; 996 = N/K, but apparently normal; 997 = N/K, but apparently delayed; 998 = N/A; 999 = N/K or not asked age_at_walking_10_steps_months, earlydev_walk
Query ad016 Integer Recommended Age of first single words (months) 994 = Milestone not reached; 996 = N/K, but apparently normal; 997 = N/K, but apparently delayed; 998 = N/A; 999 = N/K or not asked ad016, age_at_first_words_months_or_y
Query age_3word Integer Recommended Age at 3-word sentences (in months) age_3word, age_at_3_word_sentences_months
Query current_lang String 10 Recommended Current speech/language. Verbal?
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known current_lang, current_speech_language_verbal
Query verb_words Integer Recommended If yes, how many words? 1::4 1 = <10 Single words; 2 = Speaks in 10 or more single words; 3 = Speaks in 2 word combinations; 4 = Speaks in 3 or more word combinations if_yes_how_many_words, verb_words
Query othmem_devdelay String 50 Recommended Developmental Delay
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known developmental_delays, othmem_devdelay
Query school_perf Integer Recommended School Performance
1::4; -999
1 = Below grade level; 2 = At grade level; 3 = Above grade level; 4 = Mixed (at or above grade level in some areas and below grade level in other areas); -999 = milestone not reached school_performance
Query rx_behav String 10 Required Prescription medications for behavioral concerns
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known prescription_medications_behav, rx_behav
Query rx_phys String 10 Required Prescription medications for physical health concerns
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known prescription_medications_physi, rx_phys
Query otc_med String 10 Required Over-the-counter medications
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known otc_med, over_counter_medications
Query ds_med String 10 Required Dietary supplements
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known dietary_supplemants, ds_med
Query gastro_spec_diet String 50 Required Does subject have a special diet?
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known gastro_spec_diet, special_diet_e_g_gluten_free_e
Query rev_headmeningitis String 50 Recommended Meningitis
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure meningitis
Query rev_headmeningitisage Integer Recommended Meningitis: Age(in months) 0 :: 1200 meningitis_age
Query rev_headmeningitisorg String 255 Recommended Meningitis: Organism meningitis_organism
Query rev_headencephalitis String 50 Recommended Encephalitis
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure encephalitis
Query rev_headencephalitisage Integer Recommended Encephalitis: Age(in months) 0 :: 1200 encephalitis_age
rev_headencephalitisorg String 255 Recommended Encephalitis: Organism encephalitis_organism
Query rev_headfebseiz String 50 Recommended Febrile Seizures
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure febrile_seizures
Query rev_headfebseizages String 255 Recommended Febrile Seizures: Age(S) febrile_seizures_age
Query rev_headseizure String 50 Required Seizures
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure non_febrile_seizures
rev_headseizureonset String 255 Recommended Seizures: Onset onset
Query rev_headseizurecontrol String 50 Required Seizures: Controlled
NK = Not known controlled
Query fhxcp String 5 Required Cerebral Palsy
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known cerebral_palsy
Query hist_trauma String 10 Recommended History of head trauma
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure history_of_head_trauma
Query rev_headimagestudy String 50 Recommended Imaging Studies
NK = Not known brain_imaging_studies
Query rev_headimagestudytype String 50 Recommended Imaging Studies: Type US;CT;MR;PET;EEG; MR; any combinations of these types
Query rev_headimagestudyresult String 255 Recommended Imaging Studies: Results Normal; Abnormal results_check_any_of_above
Query vis_blind String 10 Recommended Significant visual loss or congenital blindness
Yes; No; NK
NK = Not known significant_visual_loss_or_con
Query rev_eartest String 50 Recommended Hearing Testing:
NK = Not known hearing_testing
rev_eartestages String 255 Recommended Hearing Testing: Age(S) hearing_testing_age
Query rev_eartestresult String 50 Recommended Hearing Testing: Result
Query hear_loss String 10 Required Deafness or significant hearing loss
NK = Not known deafness_or_significant_hearin
Query othmem_hearingcor String 50 Recommended Hearing corrected?
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known if_yes_was_hearing_corrected_h
Query rev_earrecuotitis String 50 Required Recurrent Otitis Media
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure recurrent_otitis_media_om
Query rev_earrecuotitisyear Integer Recommended Recurrent Otitis Media: #Year year
Query rev_earrecuotitisage Integer Recommended Recurrent Otitis Media: Age of Onset(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_of_onset
Query rev_earpetube String 50 Recommended PE Tubes
NK = Not known pe_ear_tubes
Query rev_mouthcleftlip String 50 Recommended Is there a cleft lip and/or cleft palate?
NK = Not known cleft_lip
Query rev_mouthcleftpalate String 50 Recommended Cleft Palate
NK = Not known cleft_palate
Query rev_teethdentalab String 50 Recommended Dental abnormalities
NK = Not known dental_abnormalities
Query rev_neckspinalab String 50 Recommended Spinal abnormalities
NK = Not known spinal_abnormalities
Query rev_skinbirthmark String 50 Recommended Birthmarks (e.g., cafe-au-lait spots, white spots)
NK = Not known birthmarks_e_g_caf�u_lait_sp
Query rev_skineczema String 50 Recommended Eczema
NK = Not known eczema
Query rev_skinabcesses String 50 Required Skin Infections/Abcesses
NK = Not known skin_infections_abscesses
Query rev_pulbreathab String 50 Recommended Abnormal Breathing
NK = Not known abnormal_breathing
Query rev_pulasthma String 50 Required Asthma
NK = Not known asthma
Query rev_lung String 10 Recommended Lung disease
NK = Not known lung_disease
Query rev_cardiomalfunc String 50 Required Cardiac Malformation
NK = Not known cardiac_malformation
Query rev_cardiocyanosis String 50 Recommended Cyanosis
NK = Not known cyanosis
Query rev_rythm String 10 Recommended Abnormal rhythm or heart rate
NK = Not known abnormal_rhythm_or_heart_rate
Query rev_gastrodysphagia String 50 Recommended Dysphagia
NK = Not known dysphagia_swallowing_difficult
Query rev_gastroreflux String 50 Required Reflux
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure reflux
Query rev_gastrorefluxmed String 50 Required Reflux: Medication Required
NK = Not known medication_required
Query rev_gastroother String 50 Recommended Other feeding difficulties
NK = Not known other_feeding_difficulties
Query rev_endoprecocious String 50 Recommended Precocious Puberty
NK = Not known precocious_early_puberty
Query rev_endoprecociousage Integer Recommended Precocious Puberty: Age(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_of_puberty
Query rev_endohypothyroidism String 50 Required Hypothyroidism
NK = Not known hypothyroidism
Query rev_endohyperthyroidism String 50 Required Hyperthyroidism
NK = Not known hyperthyroidism
Query rev_endodiabetes String 50 Required Diabetes
NK = Not known diabetes
Query rev_endodiabetestype String 50 Required Diabetes: Type
Query rev_endohypoglycemia String 50 Recommended Hypoglycemia
NK = Not known hypoglycemia
Query rev_hemanemia String 50 Recommended Anemia
NK = Not known anemia
Query rev_hembleeddisorder String 50 Recommended Bleeding disorder
NK = Not known bleeding_disorder
Query rev_immunorecurinfection String 50 Required Recurrent Infections((>2 pneum or sinus infect/yr, >8 OM /yr, absesses))
NK = Not known recurrent_infections
Query rev_immunoigdeficiency String 50 Recommended Ig Deficiency
NK = Not known immunoglobulin_igg_deficiency
Query rev_immunocellimmunedef String 50 Recommended Cell Mediated Immune Def.
NK = Not known cell_mediated_immune_deficienc
Query rev_immunoenvallergy String 50 Required Environmental Allergies
NK = Not known environmental_allergies
Query rev_immunomedallergy String 50 Required Medication Allergies
NK = Not known; NA=Not Applicable medication_allergies
Query rev_immunoimmunization String 50 Recommended Immunizations
Up to date;Behind;None;NK
NK = Not known immunizations
Query gen_dis Integer Required Does the study subject have any of the following genetic disorders? 1::5;999 1 = Rett syndrome; 2 = Down syndrome; 3 = Tuberous Sclerosis Complex; 4 = Fragile X syndrome; 5 = Neurofibromatosis I
Query gen_dis_conf String 10 Recommended If check above, is the genetic disorder confirmed by a physician-ordered genetic analysis
NK = Not known if_check_above_genetic_disorde
Query othmem_bipolar String 50 Recommended Bipolar disorder (Manic/depression)
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known bipolar_disorder_manic_depress
Query othmem_depression String 50 Recommended Depression
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known depression
Query othmem_anxiety String 50 Recommended Anxiety disorder
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known anxiety_disorder
Query cfmh_othr_ocd Integer Recommended Obsessive compulsive disorder
1;0; -9
0 = No; 1 = Yes; -9 = Not known obsessive_compulsive_disorder
Query othmem_schizophrenia String 50 Recommended Schizophrenia
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known schizophrenia
Query othmem_selfinj String 50 Recommended Self-injuring behavior
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known self_injuring_behavior
Query othmem_adhd String 50 Recommended Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known attention_deficit_hyperactivit
Query othmem_eatingdis String 50 Recommended Eating disorder. Bulimia, Anorexia, other
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known eating_disorder_bulimia_anorex
Query othmem_eatingdis_type String 100 Recommended If yes, specify type
Query sleep_pat String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns
NK = Not known disrupted_sleep_patterns
Query touret String 10 Required Tourette Syndrome
Yes; No; NK; NS
NK= Not known; NS = Not sure tourette_syndrome
Query birth_weight_oz Float Recommended Birth weight ounces
cfmh_othr_autism Integer Recommended Autism 1;0 0 = No; 1 = Yes
cfmh_othr_pddnos Integer Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder 0::2 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Cannot be ruled out
cfmh_othr_aspergers Integer Recommended Asperger's Syndrome 1;0 0 = No; 1 = Yes
aut_diag_pddnos Integer Recommended Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
aut_diag_other Integer Recommended Autism-related diagnosis - Other 0; 1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
diag_diagnosismadeby_a Integer Recommended Diagnosis made by - Physician 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
diag_diagnosismadeby_b Integer Recommended Diagnosis made by - Psychologist 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
diag_diagnosismadeby_c Integer Recommended Diagnosis made by - Other 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
diag_diagnosismadeby_d Integer Recommended Diagnosis made by - Not Known 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
hhb_med_yn_dt1 Integer Recommended Diabetes Type 1 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
hhb_med_yn_dt2 Integer Recommended Diabetes Type 2 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
rev_endodiabetestype_c Integer Recommended Diabetes Type - Not Known 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
rev_immunoimmunization_a Integer Recommended Immunizations - Not Known 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
rev_immunoimmunization_b Integer Recommended Immunizations - Up to date 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
rev_immunoimmunization_c Integer Recommended Immunizations - Behind 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
rev_immunoimmunization_d Integer Recommended Immunizations - None 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
cfmh_othr_retts Integer Recommended Rett's Syndrome 1;0 0 = No; 1 = Yes
cfmh_othr_downssynd Integer Recommended Down's Syndrome 1;0 0 = No; 1 = Yes
cfmh_othr_tuberscl Integer Recommended Tuberous Sclerosis 1;0 0 = No; 1 = Yes
cfmh_othr_fragilex Integer Recommended Fragile X 1;0 0 = No; 1 = Yes
neurofibromatosis Integer Recommended Neurofibromatosis I 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Data Structure

This page displays the data structure defined for the measure identified in the title and structure short name. The table below displays a list of data elements in this structure (also called variables) and the following information:

  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

At the top of this page you can also:

  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
  • Download a copy of this definition in CSV format
  • Download a blank CSV submission template prepopulated with the correct structure header rows ready to fill with subject records and upload

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