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Beck Hamilton Depression Rating Scale

288 Shared Subjects

Depression assessment scale
Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported
ham_done Integer Recommended Don't need to re-do, done at another visit 1 1 = Yes
ham_date Date Recommended Date of administration MM/DD/YYYY
ham_1_dm Integer Recommended Depressed Mood: Sadness, hoplessness, gloomy, pessimistic, weeping, worthless. Severely depressed patients may "go beyond" weeping. Behavior: Faces, posture, weeping, voice 0::4 0 = Not depressed ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Behavioral evidence and feeling states elicited only on direct questioning ; 2 = Mild. Occasional weeping. Feeling states spontaneously reported. ; 3 = Moderate. Obvious behavioral evidence. Frequent weeping. Feeling states comprise large part of spontaneous communication. ; 4 = Severe. Exhibits virtually only these feelings states in their spontaneous verbal and non-verbal communications. In presence of severe retardation, judge by non-verbal behavior
ham_2_gf Integer Recommended Guilt Feelings: Pathological guilt not rationalizing self blame. 0::4 0 = Not Guilty ; 1 = Doubtful. Trivial, self-reproach, feels they have let people down ; 2 = Mild. Ideas of guilt spontaneously expressed. (e.g. states that they are bad person, do not deserve attention.) ; 3 = Moderate. Belief that illness might be a punishment. Rumination of past errors and sins. States that illness and suffering are deserved. ; 4 = Severe. Guilty delusions. Accuses self of impossible or unlikely blame. Asks to be killed by staff because of delusional thoughts. May have accusing and denouncing auditory or visual hallucinations, or conviction of imminent execution. May be convinced that his/her presence is making other patients ill.
ham_3_su Integer Recommended Suicide: Rate for feelings or behavior of the past week. 0::4 0 = Absent. ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. In response to direct questioning says life is empty, not worth living. ; 2 = Mild. Recurrent thoughts of death. Wishes he were dead, spontaneously given or elicited only by questioning. ; 3 = Moderate. Includes (2) together with active suicidal thoughts, or behavior indicative of same, e.g. isolation. Attempting to leave ward, suicide gesture or threats or discussions with other patients. ; 4 = Severe. Serious suicide attempt.
ham_3a_wl Integer Recommended Wish to Live: (If score is a #1 or #2, complete entire Suicidal Ideation Scale) 0::2;9 0 = Moderate to strong. ; 1 = Weak. ; 2 = None. ; 9 = N/A
ham_3b_wd Integer Recommended Wish to Die: (If score is a #2, complete entire Suicidal Ideation Scale) 0::2;9 0 = None ; 1 = Weak ; 2 = Moderate to Strong ; 9 = N/A
ham_3c_rld Integer Recommended Reasons for Living/Dying: (If score is #2, complete entire Suicidal Ideation Scale) 0::2;9 0 = For living outweigh dying. ; 1 = About equal. ; 2 = For dying outweigh living ; 9 = N/A
ham_3d_asa Integer Recommended Desire to make active suicide attempt: (If score is a #1 or #2, complete entire Suicidal Ideation Scale) 0::2;9 0 = None. ; 1 = Weak. ; 2 = Moderate to strong. ; 9 = N/A
ham_3e_pdw Integer Recommended Passive Suicidal Desire: (If score is #1 or #2, complete entire Suicidal Ideation Scale) 0::2;9 0 = Would take precautions to save life ; 1 = Would leave life/death to chance [e.g. drive recklessly; walk along at night in a rough part of town, carelessly crossing a busy street]. ; 2 = Would avoid steps necessary to save or maintain life [e.g. purposely not taking medications or trying to die by eating too little]. ; 9 = N/A
ham_4_ii Integer Recommended Initial Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep. As part of present illness: distinguished from habitual insomnia. Note whether hypnotics are used. 0::2 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild, trivial, infrequent. Less than 30 minutes ; 2 = Obvious and severe. More than 30 minutes on most nights.
ham_5_im Integer Recommended Insomnia Middle: Midnight to 3 a.m. 0::2 0 = Absent - Rate 1 if hypnotics are being used. ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Patient complains of being restless and disturbed during the night. If wakes to void, unable to return to sleep quickly. ; 2 = Obvious and severe. Patient wakes once or more after being asleep and has difficulty sleeping again. Any getting out of bed (other than to void) rates 2. (Same for smoking or reading in bed on waking).
ham_6_di Integer Recommended Delayed Insomnia: 0::2 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Wakes earlier than usual but eventually sleeps again until normal time of rising. ; 2 = Obvious and severe. Wakes 1-3 hours before usual time and is unable to sleep again.
ham_7_wi Integer Recommended Work and Interest Apathy; Loss of pleasure and interest in work, hobbies, social activities, recreations, inability to obtain satisfaction. 0::4 0 = No difficulty ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Feels incapable, listless, is less efficient, distinguish form fatigue and loss of energy. ; 2 = Mild, has to push him/herself to undertake normal activities. Loss of interest, sees no point, gets less satisfaction. ; 3 = Moderate. Clearly decreased efficiency, gets less done, e.g. at work or home and spends less time at working, usual chores or recreations. In hospital rate if patient does not engage in activities spontaneously, marked loss of personal tidiness. ; 4 = Severe. Stopped working because of present illness. Doesn't not shave, bathe, etc. In hospital, rate 4 if patient engages in no activities except ward chores; or if patients fails to perform ward chores unassisted.
ham_8_re Integer Recommended Retardation Psychomotor. Slowing of though, speech, movement and concentration Often shows diurnal variation. 0::4 0 = Normal speech and thought. ; 1 = Mild. Slight flattening of affect, fixity of expression. ; 2 = Moderate. Monotonous voice, delayed in answering questions. ; 3 = Severe. Retardation prolongs interview to a marked degree , slowness of movement. Abnormal time to complete self-ratings. ; 4 = Extreme. Depressive stupor, interview impossible.
ham_9_ag Integer Recommended Agitation Psychomotor. In mild form can be present together with mild retardation. May also have motor agitation with verbal retardation. Often shows diurnal variation. 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild. Fidgety at interview, clenching fists or side of chair. Kicking feet. ; 2 = Moderate. Wringing hands, biting lips, pulling hair, gesturing with arms, picking at hands and clothes, restlessness on ward, with some pacing. ; 3 = Severe. Includes features of (2). In addition, patient cannot stay in chair during interview. Much pacing on ward. ; 4 = Extreme. Interview has to be conducted "on the run." Pulling off clothes, tearing at hair, picking at face. Almost continuous pacing. Patient looks bewildered and distraught.
ham_10_psya Integer Recommended Anxiety (Psychological): Rate features which developed with illness, not those of previous anxious disposition. Many symptoms included here: tense, unable to relax, irritable, easily startled, worrying over trivia (distinguish from morbid depressive ruminations). Phobic symptoms, apprehensive of impending doom, fear of loss of control, panic episodes. 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Expresses feeling states only on direct question. Few symptoms and low frequency. ; 2 = Mild, spontaneously describes symptoms which are not marked or incapacitating. ; 3 = Moderate. Greater number and frequency of symptoms than (2). Accompanied by more subjective distress and serve to impair normal function. ; 4 = Severe. Symptoms are numerous, persistent and incapacitating much of thetime.
ham_11_soma Integer Recommended Anxiety (Somatic): Physiological concomitants of anxiety, such as: "butterflies," indigestion, stomach cramps, belching, diarrhea, palpitations, fainting, hyperventilation, paresthesia, sweating, flushing, tremor, headache, blurred vision, urinary frequency. 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Minor symptoms elicited only by direct questioning. ; 2 = Mild. Spontaneously describes symptoms, which are not marked or incapacitating. ; 3 = Moderate. Greater number and frequency of symptoms that (2). Accompanied by more subjective distress and serve to impair functioning. ; 4 = Severe. Symptoms are numerous, persistent, and incapacitating much of the time.
ham_12_gi Integer Recommended Gastro-intestinal: Loss of appetite and dry mouth (diminished salivary flow) are more common and characteristic than constipation. Heavy feelings in abdomen also occur. Distinguish from GI somatic anxiety symptoms. 0::2 0 = Absent. ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Eats without encouragement by staff. Food intake about normal but without relish. Other symptoms minor. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Marked reduction of appetite and food intake. Difficulty eating without staff urging. Other symptoms variable.
ham_13_gs Integer Recommended General Somatic: Fatigability; feels tired or exhausted, loss of energy, diffuse muscular achings in back or limbs. Heavy, dragging feelings in arms or legs. 0::2 0 = Absent. ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Feelings noted but not marked. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Tires very quickly, exhausted much of the time. Spontaneously mentions these symptoms.
ham_14_sex Integer Recommended Genital Symptoms: Difficult to assess, especially in elderly. Rate only definite change associated with illness. 0::2 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Loss of libido, impaired sexual performance. Inconstant/not severe. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Complete loss of sexual appetite, functional impotence since onset of present illness.
ham_15_hd Integer Recommended Hypochondriasis: Morbid preoccupation with real or imagined bodily symptoms or functions. "How would you rate your health over the past week? 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild. Some preoccupation with bodily functions and physical symptoms. Trivial or doubtfully pathological - score 1. ; 2 = Moderate. Much attention given to physical symptoms. Patient expresses thoughts of organic disease with tendency to somatize clinical presentation. ; 3 = Severe. Convictions of organic disease to explain present condition, for example - brain tumor, cancer. ; 4 = Extreme. Uncommon in men. Hypochondriacal delusions, often with guilty associations, e.g. of syphilis, worms eating head, rotting inside, bowels blocked and will never function again, infecting other patients with bad odor.
ham_16_li Integer Recommended Loss of Insight: Denial of "nervous" illness. Attributes illness to virus, overwork, climate, physical symptoms. Does not recognize, breaks with reality. 0::2 0 = Acknowledges being depressed and ill. ; 1 = Doubtful, mild with some denial. Acknowledges illness but attributes cause to bad food, climate, overwork, virus, need for rest, etc. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Denies being ill at all. Strong conviction that illness is not nervous in origin. Delusional patients (guilty, hypochondriasis) rate (2) by definition, as do those w/ fixed depressive ideation).
ham_17_weight Integer Recommended Loss of Weight: Since onset of illness, estimated in absence of definite information. 0::2 0 = No weight loss. ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Less than 5 lbs. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. More than 5 lbs.
ham_18_txt String 50 Recommended Diurnal Variation: This past week, have you been feeling better or worse at any particular time of day (morning or evening)? IF VARIATION: How much worse do you feel in the morning/evening? Is it a little bit, worse, or a lot worse? How many days did you notice this over the last week? Please choose either Rating first then AM or PM
ham_18_rt Integer Recommended Diurnal Variation Rating 0::2 0 = Absent (No real difference in perceived ; 1 = Mild to Moderate difference noted at least 2 days in the past week ; 2 = Severe or marked difference which is noted at least 5 days in the past week
ham_18_q Integer Recommended Diurnal Variation AM or PM? 0::2 0 = N/A ; 1 = A.M. ; 2 = P.M.
ham_19_dp Integer Recommended Depersonalization and derealization: During the past week, have you ever suddenly had the feeling that everything is unreal, or you're in a dream, or cut off from other people in some strange way? Any 'spacey' feelings. (IF YES: Tell me about those feelings. How bad have they been? How often has that happened in the past week? Did it interfere with work or home life?) 0::4 0 = Absent, no symptoms ; 1 = Mild or infrequent: 2 days per week ; 2 = Moderate, frequent: 5 days per week and of moderate severity ; 3 = Severe and frequent: often experienced as intrusive and/or disturbing ; 4 = Incapacitating: frequent, severe, and interferes with daily activities
ham_20_prsx Integer Recommended Paranoid symptoms: This past week, have you felt that anyone was trying to give you a hard time, or hurt or harm you in any way? Did you feel that people were talking behind your back? Did you feel that people had bad intentions towards you? (IF YES: Tell me about that, who and why? Have you felt that you were being singled out or persecuted?) 0::4 0 = Absent: no evidence of excessive concern about others' motives or behavior ; 1 = Mild: some, perhaps fleeting, suspiciousness (at least two days per week). For example, excessive concerns about the interview's usage or the motives of others. ; 2 = Moderate: more persistent or intense suspiciousness (at least two days per week). May have impact on behavior, e.g., avoids contact with others. ; 3 = Severe: relatively fixed idea that others are out to harm or have malevolent intentions (at least five days per week). ; 4 = Incapacitating: paranoid ideation is clearly delusional (regardless of duration), e.g., a paranoid system.
ham_21_ocsx Integer Recommended Obsessional and compulsive symptoms: In the past week, have there been things you've had to do over and over again, like checking the locks on doors everal times, or washing your hands? (IF YES: Can you give me an example?) Have you had any thoughts that don't make any sense to you, but that keep running over and over in your mind? (IF YES: Can you give me an example?) Did you have any disturbing thoughts that you could not stop thinking about? (IF YES: Can you give me an example?) IF YES to any of the above: How often in the past week did you have these (repetitive behaviors or disturbing thoughts)? 0::2 0 = Absent: no evidence for obsessions or compulsions ; 1 = Mild: obsessions or compulsions that are infrequent or of short duration during the day and occur at least two days per week ; 2 = Severe: obsessions and compulsions which are occupying hours and/or interfering with functioning and occurring at least 2 days per week OR obsessions and compulsions of moderate severity and occur 5 or more days per week
ham_22_xhelp Integer Recommended Helplessness: During the past week, did you feel that you had trouble coping with routine activities? Were there times when you felt overwhelmed and unable to complete your activities or responsibilities? Were these feelings so bad that you would say you felt helpless? Did other people have to encourage or urge you to tend to your work, school, or household activities? During the past week did you feel that you were giving up trying to cope with life? During the past week, did you need the physical help of others to complete simple activities like grooming, dressing, or eating? (Do you feel you need assistance to accomplish these things?) 0::4 0 = Absent: no evidence in the past week of subjective or objective helplessness ; 1 = Mild: patient reports inability, or feelings of inability, to accomplish usual tasks only on inquiry. Patient reports the need or desire for the assistance of others to accomplish usual tasks ; 2 = Moderate: patient spontaneously volunteers subjective feelings of being overwhelmed, or unable to cope with usual tasks ; 3 = Severe: patient REQUIRES urging or guidance of others to complete usual tasks (personal hygiene, school work, household chores, etc.) ; 4 = Incapacitating: patient REQUIRES physical assistance of others for elementary tasks of daily living (personal hygiene, eating, dressing, grooming)
ham_23_xhope Integer Recommended Hopelessness: During the past week, were you optimistic or pessimistic about your future? Did you think that things would improve for you? If pt indicates pessimism and feelings that things will not improve: Do you have this doubt all the time? When people tell you that you will be well (or stay well), do you feel reassured? If your doctor told you s/he was optimistic about your prospects, would you be reassured? If pt indicates optimism or feelings that things will improve: Do you have feelings of despair or discouragement about the future that simply will not go away? 0::4 0 = Absent: No feelings of pessimism ; 1 = Mild: Pt is more optimistic than pessimistic about getting or staying well, but has doubts (at least 2 days per week) ; 2 = Moderate: Persistent pessimism or hopelessness (at least 5 days per week), but states that s/he can be reassured by others ; 3 = Severe: Reports discouragement despair and/or pessimism which is persistent (at least 5 days per week) and cannot be relieved by reassurance ; 4 = Incapacitating: Interview is dominated by frequent, repetitive, and spontaneous statements of despair and hopelessness which cannot be dispelled.
ham_24_xworth Integer Recommended Worthlessness: During this past week, have you felt that you are as good as other people whom you know and respect? Have you felt that others are better than you? If YES: During this past week, did you feel that you are no good or inferior? Would you say that you had feelings of being worthless? 0::4 0 = Absent: No loss of self-esteem or feelings of inferiority ; 1 = Mild: Poor self-esteem or feelings of inferiority only reported on direct inquiry ; 2 = Moderate: Spontaneous report of diminished self-esteem on inadequacy, at least some of the time (at least two days a week) ; 3 = Severe: Spontaneous reports of more severe or persistent loss of self-esteem and feelings of inferiority. Notions of worthlessness should be pervasive i.e., patient believes that there is nothing worthwhile about them ; 4 = Incapacitating: Delusion of worthlessness, (i.e., "I am a heap of garbage") or other self-deprecatory delusions regardless of spontaneous or elicited report
ham_hamtotal_17items Integer Recommended Hamilton Total: Should be SUM of First 17 Items
ham_hamtotal Integer Recommended Hamilton Total: Should be SUM of all items
ham_8_re_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Retardation Psychomotor. Slowing of though, speech, movement and concentration Often shows diurnal variation. 0::4 0 = Normal speech and thought. ; 1 = Mild. Slight flattening of affect, fixity of expression. ; 2 = Moderate. Monotonous voice, delayed in answering questions. ; 3 = Severe. Retardation prolongs interview to a marked degree , slowness of movement. Abnormal time to complete self-ratings. ; 4 = Extreme. Depressive stupor, interview impossible.
ham_9_ag_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Agitation Psychomotor. In mild form can be present together with mild retardation. May also have motor agitation with verbal retardation. Often shows diurnal variation. 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild. Fidgety at interview, clenching fists or side of chair. Kicking feet. ; 2 = Moderate. Wringing hands, biting lips, pulling hair, gesturing with arms, picking at hands and clothes, restlessness on ward, with some pacing. ; 3 = Severe. Includes features of (2). In addition, patient cannot stay in chair during interview. Much pacing on ward. ; 4 = Extreme. Interview has to be conducted 'on the run.' Pulling off clothes, tearing at hair, picking at face. Almost continuous pacing. Patient looks bewildered and distraught.
ham_10_psya_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Anxiety (Psychological): Rate features which developed with illness, not those of previous anxious disposition. Many symptoms included here: tense, unable to relax, irritable, easily startled, worrying over trivia (distinguish from morbid depressive ruminations). Phobic symptoms, apprehensive of impending doom, fear of loss of control, panic episodes. 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Expresses feeling states only on direct question. Few symptoms and low frequency. ; 2 = Mild, spontaneously describes symptoms which are not marked or incapacitating. ; 3 = Moderate. Greater number and frequency of symptoms than (2). Accompanied by more subjective distress and serve to impair normal function. ; 4 = Severe. Symptoms are numerous, persistent and incapacitating much of thetime.
ham_11_soma_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Anxiety (Somatic): Physiological concomitants of anxiety, such as: 'butterflies,' indigestion, stomach cramps, belching, diarrhea, palpitations, fainting, hyperventilation, paresthesia, sweating, flushing, tremor, headache, blurred vision, urinary frequency. 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Minor symptoms elicited only by direct questioning. ; 2 = Mild. Spontaneously describes symptoms, which are not marked or incapacitating. ; 3 = Moderate. Greater number and frequency of symptoms that (2). Accompanied by more subjective distress and serve to impair functioning. ; 4 = Severe. Symptoms are numerous, persistent, and incapacitating much of the time.
ham_12_gi_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Gastro-intestinal: Loss of appetite and dry mouth (diminished salivary flow) are more common and characteristic than constipation. Heavy feelings in abdomen also occur. Distinguish from GI somatic anxiety symptoms. 0::2 0 = Absent. ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Eats without encouragement by staff. Food intake about normal but without relish. Other symptoms minor. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Marked reduction of appetite and food intake. Difficulty eating without staff urging. Other symptoms variable.
ham_13_gs_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: General Somatic: Fatigability; feels tired or exhausted, loss of energy, diffuse muscular achings in back or limbs. Heavy, dragging feelings in arms or legs. 0::2 0 = Absent. ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Feelings noted but not marked. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Tires very quickly, exhausted much of the time. Spontaneously mentions these symptoms.
ham_14_sex_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Genital Symptoms: Difficult to assess, especially in elderly. Rate only definite change associated with illness. 0::2 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Loss of libido, impaired sexual performance. Inconstant/not severe. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Complete loss of sexual appetite, functional impotence since onset of present illness.
ham_15_hd_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Hypochondriasis: Morbid preoccupation with real or imagined bodily symptoms or functions. 'How would you rate your health over the past week?' 0::4 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild. Some preoccupation with bodily functions and physical symptoms. Trivial or doubtfully pathological - score 1. ; 2 = Moderate. Much attention given to physical symptoms. Patient expresses thoughts of organic disease with tendency to somatize clinical presentation. ; 3 = Severe. Convictions of organic disease to explain present condition, for example - brain tumor, cancer. ; 4 = Extreme. Uncommon in men. Hypochondriacal delusions, often with guilty associations, e.g. of syphilis, worms eating head, rotting inside, bowels blocked and will never function again, infecting other patients with bad odor.
ham_16_li_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Loss of Insight: Denial of 'nervous' illness. Attributes illness to virus, overwork, climate, physical symptoms. Does not recognize, breaks with reality. 0::2 0 = Acknowledges being depressed and ill. ; 1 = Doubtful, mild with some denial. Acknowledges illness but attributes cause to bad food, climate, overwork, virus, need for rest, etc. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. Denies being ill at all. Strong conviction that illness is not nervous in origin. Delusional patients (guilty, hypochondriasis) rate (2) by definition, as do those w/ fixed depressive ideation).
ham_17_weight_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Loss of Weight: Since onset of illness, estimated in absence of definite information. 0::2 0 = No weight loss. ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Less than 5 lbs. ; 2 = Obvious, severe. More than 5 lbs.
ham_1_dm_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Depressed Mood: Sadness, hoplessness, gloomy, pessimistic, weeping, worthless. Severely depressed patients may 'go beyond' weeping. Behavior: Faces, posture, weeping, voice 0::4 0 = Not depressed ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Behavioral evidence and feeling states elicited only on direct questioning ; 2 = Mild. Occasional weeping. Feeling states spontaneously reported. ; 3 = Moderate. Obvious behavioral evidence. Frequent weeping. Feeling states comprise large part of spontaneous communication. ; 4 = Severe. Exhibits virtually only these feelings states in their spontaneous verbal and non-verbal communications. In presence of severe retardation, judge by non-verbal behavior
ham_2_gf_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Guilt Feelings: Pathological guilt not rationalizing self blame. 0::4 0 = Not Guilty ; 1 = Doubtful. Trivial, self-reproach, feels they have let people down ; 2 = Mild. Ideas of guilt spontaneously expressed. (e.g. states that they are bad person, do not deserve attention.) ; 3 = Moderate. Belief that illness might be a punishment. Rumination of past errors and sins. States that illness and suffering are deserved. ; 4 = Severe. Guilty delusions. Accuses self of impossible or unlikely blame. Asks to be killed by staff because of delusional thoughts. May have accusing and denouncing auditory or visual hallucinations, or conviction of imminent execution. May be convinced that his/her presence is making other patients ill.
ham_3_su_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Suicide: Rate for feelings or behavior of the past week. 0::4 0 = Absent. ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. In response to direct questioning says life is empty, not worth living. ; 2 = Mild. Recurrent thoughts of death. Wishes he were dead, spontaneously given or elicited only by questioning. ; 3 = Moderate. Includes (2) together with active suicidal thoughts, or behavior indicative of same, e.g. isolation. Attempting to leave ward, suicide gesture or threats or discussions with other patients. ; 4 = Severe. Serious suicide attempt.
ham_4_ii_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Initial Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep. As part of present illness: distinguished from habitual insomnia. Note whether hypnotics are used. 0::2 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild, trivial, infrequent. Less than 30 minutes ; 2 = Obvious and severe. More than 30 minutes on most nights.
ham_5_im_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Insomnia Middle: Midnight to 3 a.m. 0::2 0 = Absent - Rate 1 if hypnotics are being used. ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Patient complains of being restless and disturbed during the night. If wakes to void, unable to return to sleep quickly. ; 2 = Obvious and severe. Patient wakes once or more after being asleep and has difficulty sleeping again. Any getting out of bed (other than to void) rates 2. (Same for smoking or reading in bed on waking).
ham_6_di_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Delayed Insomnia: 0::2 0 = Absent ; 1 = Mild, infrequent. Wakes earlier than usual but eventually sleeps again until normal time of rising. ; 2 = Obvious and severe. Wakes 1-3 hours before usual time and is unable to sleep again.
ham_7_wi_7 Integer Recommended Last 7 days: Work and Interest Apathy; Loss of pleasure and interest in work, hobbies, social activities, recreations, inability to obtain satisfaction. 0::4 0 = No difficulty ; 1 = Doubtful, trivial. Feels incapable, listless, is less efficient, distinguish form fatigue and loss of energy. ; 2 = Mild, has to push him/herself to undertake normal activities. Loss of interest, sees no point, gets less satisfaction. ; 3 = Moderate. Clearly decreased efficiency, gets less done, e.g. at work or home and spends less time at working, usual chores or recreations. In hospital rate if patient does not engage in activities spontaneously, marked loss of personal tidiness. ; 4 = Severe. Stopped working because of present illness. Doesn't not shave, bathe, etc. In hospital, rate 4 if patient engages in no activities except ward chores; or if patients fails to perform ward chores unassisted.
timepoint_label String 50 Recommended Timepoint/visit label
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