Data Submission Agreement

NIH-Funded Grants | Non-NIH Funded Grants 

The Data Submission Agreement (DSA) is required to submit data to the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) and defines terms for data sharing.

Once you receive the "Welcome to Data Sharing" email confirming your NDA Collection is created, the Principal Investigator (PI) must sign and submit the Data Submission Agreement (DSA) to gain access to their Collection. For NIH-funded grants, this must be done within six months of the grant award.  

Both the PI and an institutional Signing Official (SO) must sign the DSA.

Review the full agreement before signing to understand NDA's data submission sharing policies.

NIH Funded Grants

If your grant is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), use the Electronic Data Submission Agreement (eDSA) Tool to complete the DSA.

For Principal Investigators (PIs):

How to create, submit, and sign the DSA:

  1. You'll first need an eRA Commons account with the "PI" role for an NIH-funded grant. 
  2. Create an NDA account using your eRA Commons credentials or a account linked to your eRA Commons account (i.e. RAS identity).
  3. Log into the eDSA tool using linked RAS identity.
  4. Select the grant for which you are submitting the DSA and review the pre-populated information provided by the tool.
  5. Select an Institutional SO to sign your DSA. 
  6. Review your DSA.
  7. After you've signed the DSA, we notify the selected institutional SO to access the eDSA tool, review, and electronically sign the DSA

For Signing Officials (SOs):

How to review and sign the DSA after the PI selects you: 

  1. You’ll first need an eRA Commons account with the "SO" role for your institute.
  2. Once you have that, create an NDA account using your eRA Commons credentials or a account linked to your eRA Commons account (i.e. RAS identity).
  3. Log into the eDSA tool using linked RAS identity.
  4. Select the grant you were chosen to sign.
  5. Review the entire DSA, including the full terms and conditions of the agreement and submitter information and certification fields for completeness and accuracy.

  6. Sign the agreement through the tool.
  7. We will notify the PI you've signed the DSA and will grant the PI access to the NDA Collection

Non-NIH Funded Grants

If your grant is not funded by the NIH, the DSA must be submitted using the PDF version of the agreement.

  1. Create your NDA account
  2. Download the Data Submission Agreement (DSA) PDF.
  3. Read the terms and conditions of the DSA. 
  4. Fill out all the blank fields within the DSA, starting on page 6. 
  5. Sign the agreement electronically or physically send the DSA to an authorized SO from your institute.
  6. Once the DSA is signed by both the PI and SO, upload the signed PDF DSA to your Documents dashboard.
  7. NDA will review and process the uploaded DSA.


Related Resources

Contribute Data NIH Guide Notices NDA Sharing Regimen Data Submission Agreement Setting Up Data Expected Exceptions to Data Submission NDA Data Standards NIMH Common Data Elements Using the NDA GUID NDA Harmonization Approach Data QA Reporting Submit Data From a Paper Collection Closeout