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Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders Identification Test

17,460 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
Substance Use
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR* pseduo_guids, pseudo_guids
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project aid, id, participantid, record_id
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY audit_date, date_of_interview_contact, dateformcompletiondate, interview_dt_t1, interview_dt_t2, interview_dt_t3, interview_dt_t4, lab_interview_date, visit_date
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month. age, age_months, age_t1_mos, age_t2_mos, age_t3_mos, age_t4_mos, dema1, lab_interview_age
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth
M;F; O; NR
M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported demo_1, gender, gender_t1, gender_t2, gender_t3, gender_t4, sex
Query site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site asite
Query clinicid Integer Recommended Clinic ID aclinic
Query ran002 Integer Recommended Was the subject randomized? 0::3; -9 0=No; 1=Yes; -9=unknown; 2=No meds; 3=No community care rand
Query audit1 Integer Recommended How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
0::6; 555;777;888;999;-5;-999
0= Never; 1= Monthly (or less); 2= 2 to 4 times a month; 3= 2 to 3 times a week; 4= 4 or more times a week; 5= NA; 6= Monthly or less; 999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_1audit, aud01, audit001, audit01, audit1_t1, audit1_t2, audit1_t3, audit1_t4, audit_02_1, audit_1, audit_1_1month, audit_1_bl, audit_1_fu, audit_oftendrink, audq_1, c3869_audit1, how_often_do_you_have_a_dr, m1_audit_l_1, oftndrink, q1_audit
Query audit2 Float Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
0::6; 9999; 555;777;888;999
Decimals: answered between two values - 0= 0 to 2; 1= 3 to 4; 2= 5 to 6; 3= 7 to 9; 4= 10 or more; 5= N/A; 9999= no data; 6= 1 or 2;999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing alcohol_2audit, aud02, audit002, audit02, audit2_t1, audit2_t2, audit2_t3, audit2_t4, audit_02_2, audit_2, audit_2_1month, audit_2_bl, audit_2_fu, audit_howmany, how_many_drinks_containing, m1_audit_l_2, numdrinks
Query audit3 Integer Recommended How often do you have six(for male, 4-female) or more drinks on one occasion?
0::5; 9999;444;555;777;888;999
0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data; 444= Do not wish to respond; 999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing alcohol_3audit, aud03, audit003, audit3_t1, audit3_t2, audit3_t3, audit3_t4, audit_02_3, audit_3, audit_3_1month, audit_3_bl, audit_3_fu, audit_4, audit_sixdrinks, audq_3, fiveormore, how_often_do_you_have_six
Query audit4 Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777;-5;-999
0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_8audit, aud08, audit008, audit08, audit12_08a, audit6_t1, audit6_t2, audit6_t3, audit6_t4, audit_02_8, audit_8, audit_8_1month, audit_8_fu, audit_9, audq_8, c3869_audit8, c_audit8, memloss, unable_to_remember
Query audit5 Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777;-5;-999
0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_4audit, aud04, audit004, audit04, audit12_04a, audit4_t1, audit4_t2, audit4_t3, audit4_t4, audit_02_4, audit_4, audit_4_1month, audit_4_fu, audit_5, audq_4, c3869_audit4, c_audit4, cantstop, how_often_during_the_last
Query audit7 Integer Recommended Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?
0 = No; 1 = Yes, but not in the time range given in version_form; 2 = Yes, but not in last year; 3 = Yes, in the time range given in version_form; 4 = Yes, during last year;5 = Yes, but not in the 4 months before jail ; 6 = Yes, in the 4 months before jail; 7=N/A; 8=Yes, but not in the last month; 10=Yes, during the last month; 11= Yes, but not in the past 2 months; 12= Yes, during the past 2 months; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444=Do not wish to respond; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_9audit, aud09, audit009, audit09, audit9_t1, audit9_t2, audit9_t3, audit9_t4, audit_02_9, audit_10, audit_9, audit_9_1month, audit_9_bl, audit_9_fu, audit_injury, audq_9, c3869_audit9, c_audit9, have_you_or_someone_else_b, injured
Query audit6 Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking (e.g., missed deadlines, poor classroom or work attendance, failed committee responsibilities, inconsistent work patterns)?
0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777;-5;-999
0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_5audit, aud05, audit005, audit05, audit12_05a, audit5_t1, audit5_t2, audit5_t3, audit5_t4, audit_02_5, audit_5, audit_5_1month, audit_5_fu, audit_6, audq_5, c3869_audit5, c_audit5, failed, failed_expectations
Query audit8 Integer Recommended Has a relative or friend or a doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
0 = No; 1 = Yes, but not in the time range given in version_form; 2 = Yes, but not in last year; 3 = Yes, in the time range given in version_form; 4 = Yes, during last year;5 = Yes, but not in the 4 months before jail ; 6 = Yes, in the 4 months before jail; 7=N/A; 8=Yes, but not in the last month; 10=Yes, during the last month; 11= Yes, but not in the past 2 months; 12= Yes, during the past 2 months; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444=Do not wish to respond; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_10audit, aud10, audit0010, audit010, audit10_t1, audit10_t2, audit10_t3, audit10_t4, audit_10, audit_10_1month, audit_10_bl, audit_10_fu, audit_11, audit_suggeststop, audq_10, c3869_audit10, c_audit10, has_a_relative_or_friend_o, sggtstcutdn
Query audit9 Integer Recommended How often in the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?
0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777;-5;-999
0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_6audit, aud06, audit006, audit06, audit12_06a, audit7_t1, audit7_t2, audit7_t3, audit7_t4, audit_02_6, audit_6, audit_6_1month, audit_6_fu, audit_7, audq_6, c3869_audit6, c_audit6, first_drink_in_the_morning, morngdrink
Query audit10 Integer Recommended How often during the past year have you had feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777;-5;-999
0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_7audit, aud07, audit007, audit07, audit12_07a, audit8_t1, audit8_t2, audit8_t3, audit8_t4, audit_02_7, audit_7, audit_7_1month, audit_7_fu, audit_8, audq_7, c3869_audit7, c_audit7, guilt_or_remorse, guiltdrnk
Query au1 Integer Recommended Thinking about the past 6 months, how often do you have a drink containing alcohol? 0::4 0 = never; 1 = monthly or less; 2 = 2 to 4 times a month; 3 = 2 or 3 times a week; 4 = 4 or more times a week
Query au2 Integer Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? By "a drink," I mean a can of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of hard liquor.
Query au3 Integer Recommended Thinking about the last 6 months, how often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4 0 = never; 1 = less than monthly; 2 = monthly; 3 = weekly; 4 = daily or almost daily audit_3
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name audit12_date, pax_timepoint, wave
Query days_baseline Integer Recommended Days since baseline lof
Query interv Integer Recommended Intervention Status 0;1 1=ITV, intervention; 0=TAU, treatment as usual
Query alcq Integer Recommended Sum of Alcohol Use Items audit_score, audit_sum, audit_sum_score, audit_total, audittot_t1, audittot_t2, audittot_t3, audittot_t4, record_the_total_of_spe, record_the_total_of_specif
version_form String 121 Recommended Form used/assessment name
Query audit12_01a Integer Recommended How often do you have a drink containing alcohol or use other drugs (e.g., marijuana, cocaine, narcotics)? 1;2 1=Never; 2=Less than monthly
Query audit12_01b Integer Recommended If more than once a month: Alcohol 1::3 1= Monthly;2= Weekly;3= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_01c Integer Recommended If more than once a month: Cocaine 1::3 1= Monthly;2= Weekly;3= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_01d Integer Recommended If more than once a month: Marijuana 1::3 1= Monthly;2= Weekly;3= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_01e Integer Recommended If more than once a month: Tranquilizers 1::3 1= Monthly;2= Weekly;3= Daily or almost daily
other_specify_mdhx String 50 Recommended Other= specify audit12_01f
Query audit12_01g Integer Recommended If more than once a month: Other 1::3 1= Monthly;2= Weekly;3= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_02a Integer Recommended On a day when you drink alcohol or use other drugs, how many drinks (alcohol) do you have? 1::6 1= None; 2= 1 or 2; 3= 3 or 4; 4= 5 or 6; 5= 7 or 9; 6= 10 or more
Query audit12_02b Integer Recommended On a day when you drink alcohol or use other drugs, how many lines (cocaine) do you use? 1::6 1= None; 2= 1 or 2; 3= 3 or 4; 4= 5 or 6; 5= 7 or 9; 6= 10 or more
Query audit12_02c Integer Recommended On a day when you drink alcohol or use other drugs, how many joints (marijuana) do you use? 1::6 1= None; 2= 1 or 2; 3= 3 or 4; 4= 5 or 6; 5= 7 or 9; 6= 10 or more
Query audit12_02d Integer Recommended On a day when you drink alcohol or use other drugs, how many tranquilizer pills do you use? 1::6 1= None; 2= 1 or 2; 3= 3 or 4; 4= 5 or 6; 5= 7 or 9; 6= 10 or more
Query audit12_02e Integer Recommended On a day when you drink alcohol or use other drugs, how many other drugs do you use? 1::6 1= None; 2= 1 or 2; 3= 3 or 4; 4= 5 or 6; 5= 7 or 9; 6= 10 or more
Query audit12_03a Integer Recommended How often do you have 6 or more drinks, 1 or more joints, 10 or more lines, or 3 or more tranquilizer pills on one occasion? Alcohol 1::5 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_03b Integer Recommended How often do you have 6 or more drinks, 1 or more joints, 10 or more lines, or 3 or more tranquilizer pills on one occasion? Other drugs 1::5 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_04b Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you found that you were unable to stop using other drugs once you had started?
1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily; 6=NA dudit_6_1month, dudit_6_bl, dudit_6_fu
Query audit12_05b Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of using other drugs? 1::5 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily dudit_7_1month, dudit_7_bl, dudit_7_fu
Query audit12_06b Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you needed a drug in the morning to get yourself going after a drug using session?
1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily; 6=NA dudit8, dudit_8_1month, dudit_8_bl, dudit_8_fu
Query audit12_07b Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after using other drugs?
1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily; 6=NA dudit_9_1month, dudit_9_bl, dudit_9_fu
Query audit12_08b Integer Recommended How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been using other drugs? 1::5 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_09a Integer Recommended Have you or someone else been injured as the result of your drinking or drug use? Alcohol 1::5 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_09b Integer Recommended Have you or someone else been injured as the result of your drinking or drug use? Other Drugs 1::10 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily; 6 = Yes, but not over the 4 months before jail (baseline)/past 4 months (follow-up)/month since leaving jail (1-month); 7 = Yes, over the 4 months before jail (baseline)/past 4 months (follow-up)/month since leaving jail (1-month); 8=Yes, but not in the last month; 10=Yes, during the last month dudit_10_1month, dudit_10_bl, dudit_10_fu
Query audit12_10a Integer Recommended Has a relative, friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or drug use or suggested you cut down? Alcohol 1::5 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily
Query audit12_10b Integer Recommended Has a relative, friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or drug use or suggested you cut down? Other Drugs 1::7 1= Never;2= Less than monthly;3= Monthly;4= Weekly;5= Daily or almost daily; 6 = Yes, but not over the 4 months before jail (baseline)/past 4 months (follow-up)/month since leaving jail (1-month); 7 = Yes, over the 4 months before jail (baseline)/past 4 months (follow-up)/month since leaving jail (1-month) dudit_11_1month, dudit_11_bl, dudit_11_fu
Query audit_4_bl Integer Recommended How often during the 4 months before coming to jail have you found that you were unable to stop drinking once you had started? 0::4 0 = Never ; 1 = Less than Monthly ; 2 = Monthly ; 3 = Weekly ; 4 = Daily or almost daily audit_4, audit_4_1month, audit_4_fu
Query audit_5_bl Integer Recommended How often during the 4 months before coming to jail have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking? 0::4 0 = Never ; 1 = Less than Monthly ; 2 = Monthly ; 3 = Weekly ; 4 = Daily or almost daily audit_5, audit_5_1month, audit_5_fu
Query audit_6_bl Integer Recommended How often during the 4 months before coming to jail have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? 0::4 0 = Never ; 1 = Less than Monthly ; 2 = Monthly ; 3 = Weekly ; 4 = Daily or almost daily audit_6, audit_6_1month, audit_6_fu
Query audit_7_bl Integer Recommended How often during 4 months before coming to jail have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::4 0 = Never ; 1 = Less than Monthly ; 2 = Monthly ; 3 = Weekly ; 4 = Daily or almost daily audit_7, audit_7_1month, audit_7_fu
Query audit_8_bl Integer Recommended How often during the 4 months before coming to jail have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking? 0::4 0 = Never ; 1 = Less than Monthly ; 2 = Monthly ; 3 = Weekly ; 4 = Daily or almost daily audit_8, audit_8_1month, audit_8_fu
Query audit_02_2b Integer Recommended During the year when you drank the most, how many drinks did you have on a typical day? 0::5; 9999 0= 0 to 2; 1= 3 to 4; 2= 5 to 6; 3= 7 to 9; 4= 10 or more; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_02_3b Integer Recommended During the year when you drank the most, how often did you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::5; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_02_4b Integer Recommended During the year you drank the most, how often did you find that you were unable to stop drinking once you started? 0::5; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_02_5b Integer Recommended During the year you drank the most, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking? 0::5; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_02_6b Integer Recommended During the year you drank the most, how often did you need a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after heaving drinking? 0::5; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_02_7b Integer Recommended During the year you drank the most, how often did you feel guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::5; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_02_8b Integer Recommended During the year you drank the most, how often were you unable to remember what happened the night before because of drinking? 0::5; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data
Query audit_03_1 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how often have you had a drink containing alcohol? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Monthly or less; 2= 2-4 Times a month; 3= 2-3 Times a week; 4= 4 or More Times a Week; 9999= no data
Query audit_03_2 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how many standard drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day? 0::5; 9999 0= 1 or 2; 1= 3 or 4; 2= 5 or 6; 3= 7 or 9; 4= 10 or more; 9999 = no data; 5=none
Query audit_03_3 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how often have you had six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than Monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 9999= no data
Query visnum Float Recommended Numeric Visit Number -1.5 = Pre-Screening; -1 = Screening; 0 = Baseline; ## = Visit ## (from 1 to 10); Whole numbers = standard monthly visits; #.001 - #.009 = Unscheduled; #.1 = End of Phase 1; #.2 = End of Phase 2; #.3 = End of Phase 3; #.4 = End of Open Choice Phase; #.5 = End of Study; #.6 = Genetic Analysis; 1000=all visits visit_number
mini_subuse3 String 100 Recommended Substance Use Disorder: Which drug(s) cause the biggest problems? dudit_12a, dudit_12a_1month, dudit_12a_bl, dudit_12a_fu
dusib String 100 Recommended The drug that you PREFER MOST. Please choose only one. dudit_12b, dudit_12b_1month, dudit_12b_bl, dudit_12b_fu
Query mini_j1a1 Integer Recommended J1a1. Check each drug taken 0::12; 999 0=Stimulants; 1=Cocaine; 2=Narcotics; 3=Hallucinogens; 4=Inhalants; 5=Marijuana; 6=Tranquilizers; 7=Miscellaneous; 8 = Sedative/hypnotic/anxiolytic; 9 = Opioids; 10 = PCP; 11 = Other; 12 = No drug of choice; 999 = Unknown dudit_12c, dudit_12c_1month, dudit_12c_bl, dudit_12c_fu
Query dudit_1_bl Integer Recommended How often do you use drugs other than alcohol? 0::4;6 0 = Never ; 1 = Once a month or less often ; 2 = 2-4 times a month ; 3 = 2-3 times a week ; 4 = 4 times a week or more often; 6 = I prefer not to answer dudit1, dudit_1_1month, dudit_1_fu
Query dudit_2_bl Integer Recommended Do you use more than one type of drug on the same occasion?
0 = Never ; 1 = Once a month or less often ; 2 = 2-4 times a month ; 3 = 2-3 times a week ; 4 = 4 times a week or more often; 5=NA; 6 = I prefer not to answer dudit2, dudit_2_1month, dudit_2_fu
Query dudit_3_bl Integer Recommended How many times do you take drugs on a typical day when you use drugs?
0 = 0 ; 1 = 1-2 ; 2 = 3-4 ; 3 = 5-6 ; 4 = 7 or more; 5=NA; 6 = I prefer not to answer dudit3, dudit_3_1month, dudit_3_fu
Query dudit_4_bl Integer Recommended How often are you influenced heavily by drugs?
0 = Never ; 1 = Less often than once a month ; 2 = Every month ; 3 = Every week ; 4 = Daily or almost every day; 5=NA; 6 = I prefer not to answer dudit4, dudit_4_1month, dudit_4_fu
Query dudit_5_bl Integer Recommended Have you felt that your longing for drugs was so strong that you could not resist it?
0 = Never ; 1 = Less often than once a month ; 2 = Every month ; 3 = Every week ; 4 = Daily or almost every day; 5=NA dudit5, dudit_5_1month, dudit_5_fu
Query audit1_2 Float Recommended During the year when you drank the most, how often did you have a drink containing alcohol? 0::6 0=Never; 2=Monthly or less; 3=2-4 times a month; 4=4 or more times a week; 5 = NA; 6=2-3 times a week
Query aescode Integer Recommended Staff code number of person completing this form 999= Missing Data audit_interviewer
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data audit_comments
Query dode String 10 Recommended Date of Data Entry audit_entered
Query audit_tot Integer Recommended Sum of AUDIT1, AUDIT2, and AUDIT3
Query dudit_7 Integer Recommended How often over the past year have you taken drugs and then neglected to do something you should have done?
0 = Never ; 1 = Less often than once a month ; 2 = Every month ; 3 = Every week ; 4 = Daily or almost every day; 5 = Not Applicable dudit7, dudit_7_1month, dudit_7_bl, dudit_7_fu
Query dudit_10 Integer Recommended Have you or anyone else been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs?
0 = no; 1=Yes, but not in the time range specified in version_form; 2 = yes, but not over the past year; 3=Yes, during the time range specified in version_form; 4 = yes, over the past year; 5 = not applicable dudit10, dudit_10_1month, dudit_10_bl, dudit_10_fu
Query dudit_11 Integer Recommended Has a relative or a friend, a doctor or a nurse, or anyone else, been worried about your drug use or said to you that you should stop using drugs?
0 = no; 1=Yes, but not in the time range specified in version_form; 2 = yes, but not over the past year; 3=Yes, during the time range specified in version_form; 4 = yes, over the past year; 5 = not applicable; 6=Yes, but not in the last month; 8=Yes, during the last month dudit11, dudit_11_1month, dudit_11_bl, dudit_11_fu
Query audit_m4 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
Query audit_m5 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
Query audit_m6 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
Query audit_m7 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
Query audit_m8 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
Query dudit_m3 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drug use 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
Query dudit_m4 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after using drugs 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily dudit9
Query dudit_m1 Integer Recommended How often do you use illegal drugs or use prescription drugs in a different way than prescribed 0::4 0= Never; 1= Once per month; 2= 2-4 times per month; 3= 2-3 times per week; 4=4 or more times per week
Query dudit_m2 Integer Recommended How often during the last month have you found that you were not able to stop using drugs once you had started 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than once per month; 2= Once per month; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily dudit6, dudit_6_1month, dudit_6_bl, dudit_6_fu
Query au3_1 Integer Recommended In the last year, how often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4 0 = never; 1 = less than monthly; 2 = monthly; 3 = weekly; 4 = daily or almost daily
Query missingsum_obvq Integer Recommended total number of missing items auditmiss_t1, auditmiss_t2, auditmiss_t3, auditmiss_t4
Query auditdx_t1 Integer Recommended Problematic alcohol use diagnosis based of cutoff of a total score of 8 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes audit_cutoff, auditdx_t2, auditdx_t3, auditdx_t4
timepoint_label String 50 Recommended Timepoint/visit label assessment.c
condition_c Integer Recommended Patient Condition 0::2 0 = Control; 1 = Self-Affirmation; 2 = Expressive Writing condition.c
sample Integer Recommended Training or randomized case 1::5 1 = randomized; 2 = training; 3=randomized-control; 4=randomized-intervention; 5=concurrent cohort-intervention
audit12_12 Integer Recommended How many drinks have you ever drunk in a 24 hour period? Specify
alc_first_use_agecoded Integer Recommended The next question is about drinking alcohol. This includes coolers, beer, wine, champagne, liquor such as whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, scotch, or liqueurs, and also any other type of alcohol. About how old were you when you first started drinking, not counting small tastes or sips of alcohol? PX030201_Alcohol_First_Use_Age_Coded 0::99 96=Never drank; 97=Refused; 99=Don't know
audit_stopdrink Integer Recommended How often during the last 3 months have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than Monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or Almost Daily; 9999= no data
audit_failedtodo Integer Recommended How often during the last 3 months have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than Monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or Almost Daily; 9999= no data
audit_firstdrink Integer Recommended How often during the last 3 months have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than Monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or Almost Daily; 9999= no data
audit_guilt Integer Recommended How often during the last 3 months have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than Monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or Almost Daily; 9999= no data
audit_remember Integer Recommended How often during the last 3 months have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking? 0::4; 9999 0= Never; 1= Less than Monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or Almost Daily; 9999= no data
m1_audit_l_3 Integer Recommended How often do you have 5 or more drinks on one occasion?
0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5 = Decline to Answer; 999= Prefer not to respond audit3_five, audit_3
p_audit_partner_8 Integer Recommended How often during the last year has your partner been unable to remember what happened the night before because of his/her drinking? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_audit_partner_9 Integer Recommended Has your partner or someone else been injured because of his/her drinking? 0::4 0 = No; 2 = Yes = but not in the last year; 4 = Yes = during the last year
p_audit_partner_10 Integer Recommended Has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your partner's drinking or suggested your partner cut down? 0::4 0 = No; 2 = Yes = but not in the last year; 4 = Yes = during the last year
p_audit_partner_total Integer Recommended Partner Total sum([p_audit_partner_1],[p_audit_partner_2],[p_audit_partner_3],[p_audit_partner_4],[p_audit_partner_5],[p_audit_partner_6],[p_audit_partner_7],[p_audit_partner_8],[p_audit_partner_9],[p_audit_partner_10])
p_audit_partner_mean Integer Recommended Partner Mean round(mean([p_audit_partner_1],[p_audit_partner_2],[p_audit_partner_3],[p_audit_partner_4],[p_audit_partner_5],[p_audit_partner_6],[p_audit_partner_7],[p_audit_partner_8],[p_audit_partner_9],[p_audit_partner_10]),3)
p_dudit_partner_1 Integer Recommended How often does your partner use drugs other than alcohol? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Once a month or less often; 2 = 2-4 times a month; 3 = 2-3 times a week; 4 = 4 times a week or more
p_dudit_partner_2 Integer Recommended Does your partner use more than one type of drug on the same occasion? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Once a month or less often; 2 = 2-4 times a month; 3 = 2-3 times a week; 4 = 4 times a week or more often
p_dudit_partner_3 Integer Recommended How many times does your partner take drugs on a typical day when he/she uses drugs? 0::4 0 = 0; 1 = 1-2; 2 = 3-4; 3 = 5-6; 4 = 7 or more
p_dudit_partner_4 Integer Recommended How often is your partner heavily influenced by drugs? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less often than once a month; 2 = Every month; 3 = Every week; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_dudit_partner_5 Integer Recommended Over the past year, has your partner felt that his/her longing for drugs was so strong that he/she could not resist it? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less often than once a month; 2 = Every month; 3 = Every week; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_dudit_partner_6 Integer Recommended Has it happened, over the past year that your partner has not been able to stop taking drugs once he/she started? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less often than once a month; 2 = Every month; 3 = Every week; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_dudit_partner_7 Integer Recommended How often over the past year has your partner taken drugs and then not done something he/she should have done? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less often than once a month; 2 = Every month; 3 = Every week; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_dudit_partner_8 Integer Recommended How often over the past year has your partner needed to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less often than once a month; 2 = Every month; 3 = Every week; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_dudit_partner_9 Integer Recommended How often over the past year has your partner had guilty feelings or a bad conscience because he/she used drugs? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less often than once a month; 2 = Every month; 3 = Every week; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_dudit_partner_10 Integer Recommended Has your partner or anyone else been mentally/physically hurt because your partner used drugs? 0;2;4 0 = No; 2 = Yes = but not over the last year; 4 = Yes = over the last year
p_dudit_partner_11 Integer Recommended Has a relative or a friend, a doctor or a nurse, or anyone else, been worried about your partner's drug use or said to your partner that he/she should stop using drugs? 0;2;4 0 = No; 2 = Yes = but not over the last year; 4 = Yes = over the last year
p_dudit_partner_total Integer Recommended Partner Total sum([p_dudit_partner_1],[p_dudit_partner_2],[p_dudit_partner_3],[p_dudit_partner_4],[p_dudit_partner_5],[p_dudit_partner_6],[p_dudit_partner_7],[p_dudit_partner_8],[p_dudit_partner_9],[p_dudit_partner_10],[p_dudit_partner_11])
p_dudit_partner_mean Integer Recommended Partner Mean round(mean([p_dudit_partner_1],[p_dudit_partner_2],[p_dudit_partner_3],[p_dudit_partner_4],[p_dudit_partner_5],[p_dudit_partner_6],[p_dudit_partner_7],[p_dudit_partner_8],[p_dudit_partner_9],[p_dudit_partner_10],[p_dudit_partner_11]),3)
p_audit_partner_1 Integer Recommended How often does your partner have a drink containing alcohol? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Monthly or less; 2 = 2-4 times a month; 3 = 2-3 times a week; 4 = 4 or more times a week
p_audit_partner_2 Integer Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol does your partner have on a typical day when he/she is drinking? 0::4 0 = 1 or 2; 1 = 3 or 4; 2 = 5 or 6; 3 = 7 to 9; 4 = 10 or more
p_audit_partner_3 Integer Recommended How often does your partner have six (for male) / four (for female) or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_audit_partner_4 Integer Recommended How often during the last year has your partner found that he/she was not able to stop drinking once he/she had started? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_audit_partner_5 Integer Recommended How often during the last year has your partner failed to do what was normally expected of him/her because of drinking? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_audit_partner_6 Integer Recommended How often during the last year has your partner needed a first drink in the morning to get him/herself going after a heavy drinking session? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily
p_audit_partner_7 Integer Recommended How often during the last year has your partner had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily
dudit_8 Integer Recommended How often over the past 12 months have you needed to take a drug (other than alcohol and cannabis) in the morning after heavy drug use the day before? 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
dudit_9 Integer Recommended How often over the past 12 months have you had guilty feelings or a bad conscience because you used drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis)? 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
dudit_3 Integer Recommended How many times do you take drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis) on a typical day when you use drugs? 1::5 1 = 0; 2 = 1 or 2; 3 = 3 or 4; 4 = 5 or 6; 5 = 7 or more
dudit_1 Integer Recommended How often do you use drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis) 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Monthly or less; 3 = 2-4 times a month; 4 = 2-3 times a week; 5 = 4 or more times a week
dudit__11 Integer Recommended Has a relative or friend, a doctor or a nurse, or anyone else, been worried about your drug use or said to you that you should stop using drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis)? 1::3 1 = Never; 2 = Yes, but not in the past 12 months; 3 = Yes, during the past 12 months
dudit_2 Integer Recommended Do you use more than one type of drug (other than alcohol and cannabis) on the same occasion? 1::5 1 = None; 2 = Once a month or less; 3 = 2-4 times a month; 4 = 2-3 times a week; 5 = 4 or more times a week
dudit_4 Integer Recommended How often are you influenced heavily by drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis)? 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
dudit_5 Integer Recommended Over the past 12 months, have you felt that your longing for drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis) was so strong that you could not resist it? 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
dudit_6 Integer Recommended Has it happened, over the past 12 months, that you have not been able to stop taking drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis) once you started? 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
dudit__7 Integer Recommended How often over the past 12 months have you taken drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis) and then neglected to do something you should have done? 1::5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
dudit__10 Integer Recommended Have you or anyone else been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs (other than alcohol and cannabis)? 1::3 1 = Never; 2 = Yes, but not in the past 12 months; 3 = Yes, during the past 12 months
audit_year Integer Recommended How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion during this past year? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less than monthly; 3= Monthly; 4= Weekly; 5= Daily or Almost Daily
audq_2 Integer Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? 0 :: 4 0 = 1 or 2; 1 = 3 or 4; 2 = 5 or 6; 3 = 7 to 9; 4 = 10 or more q2_audit
respondent String 20 Recommended Respondent Mother;Father;Parent;Guardian;Teacher;Child;Self;Caregiver;Partner;Other
willingdrink1 Integer Recommended Suppose you were with a group of friends some place and there was some alcohol you could have if you wanted. Under these circumstances, how willing would you be to do each of the following: Have a sip? 1::4 1 = Not at all willing; 2 = Somewhat willing; 3 = Willing; 4 = Very willing
willingdrink2 Integer Recommended Suppose you were with a group of friends some place and there was some alcohol you could have if you wanted. Under these circumstances, how willing would you be to do each of the following: Drink a whole drink? 1::4 1 = Not at all willing; 2 = Somewhat willing; 3 = Willing; 4 = Very willing
willingdrink3 Integer Recommended Suppose you were with a group of friends some place and there was some alcohol you could have if you wanted. Under these circumstances, how willing would you be to do each of the following: Drink more than one drink? 1::4 1 = Not at all willing; 2 = Somewhat willing; 3 = Willing; 4 = Very willing
audit_03_4 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? 0::5; 888; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_03_5 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking? 0::5; 888; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_03_6 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how often have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? 0::5; 888; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_03_7 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how often have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::5; 888; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_03_8 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, how often have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking? 0::5; 888; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_03_9 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking? 0::8; 10; 888; 999 0 = No; 1 = Yes, but not in the time range given in version_form; 2 = Yes, but not in last year; 3 = Yes, in the time range given in version_form; 4 = Yes, during last year;5 = Yes, but not in the 4 months before jail ; 6 = Yes, in the 4 months before jail; 7=N/A; 8=Yes, but not in the last month; 10=Yes, during the last month; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_03_10 Integer Recommended Since your last visit for the study, has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? 0::8; 10; 888; 999 0 = No; 1 = Yes, but not in the time range given in version_form; 2 = Yes, but not in last year; 3 = Yes, in the time range given in version_form; 4 = Yes, during last year;5 = Yes, but not in the 4 months before jail ; 6 = Yes, in the 4 months before jail; 7=N/A; 8=Yes, but not in the last month; 10=Yes, during the last month; 888 = Don't know; 999 = Refuse
audit_m8_30 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Once or twice; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or Almost Daily
audit_m1 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often did you have a drink containing alcohol? 0::4; 999 0 = Never; 1 = 1 time; 2 = 2-4 times a month; 3 = 2-3 times a week; 4 = 4 or more times a week; 999= Prefer not to respond audit1fu
audit_m2 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how many standard drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you are drinking? 0::4; 999 0 = 1 or 2; 1 = 3 or 4; 2 = 5 or 6; 3 = 7 to 9; 4 = 10 or more; 999= Prefer not to respond audit2fu
audit_m3 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often did you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Once or twice; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or Almost Daily
audit_m4_30 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? 0::4; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Once or twice; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or Almost Daily; 999= Prefer not to respond audit4fu
audit_m5_30 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking? 0::4; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Once or twice; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or Almost Daily; 999= Prefer not to respond audit5fu
audit_m6_30 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? 0::4; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Once or twice; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or Almost Daily; 999= Prefer not to respond audit6fu
audit_m7_30 Integer Recommended In the past 30 days, how often have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::4; 999 0 = Never; 1 = Once or twice; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or Almost Daily; 999= Prefer not to respond audit7fu
c_audit1 Integer Recommended How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? 1::7;888;999 1= Never; 2= Once a month / less; 3= Monthly; 4= Weekly; 5= 2-3 times a week; 6= 4-6 times a week; 7= Daily; 888= Don't Know; 999= Refuse
c_audit2 Integer Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? 1::7;888;999 1= 1 Drink; 2= 2 Drinks; 3= 3 Drinks; 4= 4 Drinks; 5= 5-6 Drinks; 6= 7-9 Drinks; 7= 10 or More Drinks; 888= Don't Know; 999= Refuse
c_audit3a Integer Recommended How often do you have 5 or more drinks on one occasion? 1::7;888;999 1= Never; 2= Less than Monthly; 3= Monthly; 4= Weekly; 5= 2-3 times a week; 6= 4-6 times a week; 7= Daily; 888= Don't Know; 999= Refuse
c_audit3b Integer Recommended How often do you have 4 or more drinks on one occasion? 1::7;888;999 1= Never; 2= Less than Monthly; 3= Monthly; 4= Weekly; 5= 2-3 times a week; 6= 4-6 times a week; 7= Daily; 888= Don't Know; 999= Refuse
studyphase Integer Recommended Study Phase 1::6; -888; -999 1=Phase 1: Treatment as Usual(TAU); 2=Phase 2: Screening Only; 3=Phase 3: Intervention; 4=Focus Groups; 5=Open Trial; 6=Randomized Trial; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
treatmentgroup String 30 Recommended Treatment condition
audit10_p2m Integer Recommended How often during the past 2 months have you had feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped
audit1_p2m Integer Recommended In the past 2 months, how often do you have a drink containing alcohol? 0::6; 555;777;888;999 0= Never; 1= Monthly; 2= 2-4 times a month; 3= 2-3 times a week; 4= 4 or more times a week; 5= NA; 6=Monthly or less;999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing
audit2_p2m Integer Recommended In the past 2 months, how many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? 0::6; 9999; 555;777;888;999 0= 0 to 2; 1= 3 to 4; 2= 5 to 6; 3= 7 to 9; 4= 10 or more; 5= N/A; 6= 1 or 2; 9999= no data; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped; 888= Skipped; 999= No Answer
audit3_p2m Integer Recommended In the past 2 months, how often do you have four (for female, 5-male) or more drinks on one occasion? 0::5; 9999;444;555;777;888;999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data; 444= Do not wish to respond; 999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing
audit4_p2m Integer Recommended How often during the past 2 months have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking? 0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped
audit5_p2m Integer Recommended How often during the past 2 months have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? 0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped
audit6_p2m Integer Recommended How often during the past 2 months have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking? 0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped
audit9_p2m Integer Recommended How often in the past 2 months have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? 0::5; 888; 999; 444;555;777 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; 5=N/A; 888 = do not know or Skipped; 999 = Refuse or No Answer; 444= Do not wish to answer; 555= Missing; 777= Condition Skipped
partner_dudit8 Integer Recommended How often during the past 12 months did your partner find that they were not able to stop using drugs once they had started? 0::4 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily
partner_dudit9 Integer Recommended How often during the past 12 months did your partner fail to do what was normally expected from them because of their drug use? 0::4 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily
partner_dudit10 Integer Recommended How often during the past 12 months did your partner have a feeling of guilt or remorse after using drugs? 0::4 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily
partner_dudit11 Integer Recommended How often during the past 12 months was your partner unable to remember what happened the night before because they had been using drugs? 0::4 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily
partner_dudit12 Integer Recommended How often during the past 12 months did your partner use drugs to keep from experiencing withdrawal symptoms? 0::4 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily
partner_dudit13 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, was your partner or someone else been injured as a result of your partner''s drug use? 0::3 0=No; 2=Yes, but not in the last 12 months; 3=Yes, during the last 12 months
partner_dudit14 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has a relative or friend, or a doctor or other health worker been concerned about your partner''s drug use or suggested they cut down or stop? 0::3 0=No; 2=Yes, but not in the last 12 months; 3=Yes, during the last 12 months
partner_dudit1 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use cannabis (for example, hash, pot, marijuana, THC, or other)? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
partner_dudit2 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use cocaine (for example, intranasal, IV, crack, freebase, speedball, or other)? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
partner_dudit3 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use hallucinogens / PCP (for example, LSD, mescaline, peyote, psilocybin, STP, mushrooms, PCP, angel dust, Extasy, MDMA, or other)? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
partner_dudit4 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use stimulants that were not prescribed for them by a doctor (for example, amphetamine, speed, crystal meth, dexadrine, Ritalin, ice, or other)? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
partner_dudit5 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics that were not prescribed to them by a doctor (for example, Xanax, Quaaludes, Valium, Librium, barbiturates, Miltown, Ativan, Dalmane, Halcion, Restoril, Seconal, or other)? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
partner_dudit6 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use opiates that were not prescribed to them by a doctor (for example, heroin, morphine, Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, opium, Methadone, codeine, Demerol, Darvon, Percodan, Dilaudid, or other)? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
partner_dudit7 Integer Recommended About how often does your partner use other substances, such as steroids, glue, gasoline, paint, inhalants, nitrous oxide, laughing gas, amyl or butyl nitrate, poppers, nonprescription sleep or diet pills, unknown, or other? 0::6 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=2-3 times a month; 4=Weekly; 5=2-3 times a week; 6=4 or more times a week
alc_occ_life Integer Recommended On how many occasions (if any) have you had alcoholic beverages to drink (more than just a few sips) in your lifetime? 0::9 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6-9; 7 = 10-19; 8 = 20-39; 9 = 40 or more
alc_occ_3m Integer Recommended On how many occasions (if any) have you had alcoholic beverages to drink (more than just a few sips) during the last 3 months? 0::9 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6-9; 7 = 10-19; 8 = 20-39; 9 = 40 or more
alc_occ_30d Integer Recommended On how many occasions (if any) have you had alcoholic beverages to drink (more than just a few sips) during the last 30 days? 0::9 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6-9; 7 = 10-19; 8 = 20-39; 9 = 40 or more
drunkhigh_occ_life Integer Recommended On how many occasions (if any) have you been drunk or very high from drinking alcoholic beverages in your lifetime? 0::9 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6-9; 7 = 10-19; 8 = 20-39; 9 = 40 or more
drunkhigh_occ_3m Integer Recommended On how many occasions (if any) have you been drunk or very high from drinking alcoholic beverages during the last 3 months? 0::9 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6-9; 7 = 10-19; 8 = 20-39; 9 = 40 or more
drunkhigh_occ_30d Integer Recommended On how many occasions (if any) have you been drunk or very high from drinking alcoholic beverages during the last 30 days? 0::9 0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3; 4 = 4; 5 = 5; 6 = 6-9; 7 = 10-19; 8 = 20-39; 9 = 40 or more
q3_audit Integer Recommended How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_8 Integer Recommended How often during the last year do you think a?typical college male?had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_9 Integer Recommended How often during the last year do you think a?typical college male?has been unable to remember what happened the night before because of his drinking? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_10 Integer Recommended Do you think a?typical college male?has injured himself or someone else because of his drinking? 1 :: 3 1 = No; 2 = Yes, but not in the last year; 3 = Yes, during the last year
aud_dn_11 Integer Recommended Do you think a?typical college male?has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker who has been concerned about his drinking and suggested that he cut down? 1 :: 3 1 = No; 2 = Yes, but not in the last year; 3 = Yes, during the last year
aud_dn_sum Integer Recommended Summary score (sum score of aud_dn_1 to aud_dn_11)
niaaa_1 Integer Recommended In a typical week, how many days do you drink alcohol? 1::7 Days per week
niaaa_2 Integer Recommended On a typical day that you drink alcohol, how many drinks do you have? Average drinks
niaaa_3 Integer Recommended In a typical month, how often do you consume 5 or more drinks? 0::31 Days of binge drinking
aud_dn_1 Integer Recommended How often?do you think a?typical college male?has a drink?containing alcohol? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Monthly or less; 3 = 2-4 times a month; 4 = 2-3 times a week; 5 = 4 or more times a week
aud_dn_2 Integer Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol do you think a?typical college male?has on a typical day when he is drinking? 1 :: 5 1 = 1 or 2; 2 = 3 or 4; 3 = 5 or 6; 4 = 7 to 9; 5 = 10 or more
aud_dn_3 Integer Recommended How often do you think a?typical college male?has 5 or more drinks on one occasion? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_4 Integer Recommended How often do you think a?typical college male?has 6 or more drinks on one occasion? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_5 Integer Recommended How often during the last year do you think a?typical college male?found that he was not able to stop drinking once he had started? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_6 Integer Recommended How often during the last year do you think a?typical college male?failed to do what was normally expected of him because of drinking? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
aud_dn_7 Integer Recommended How often during the last year do you think a?typical college male?needed a first drink in the morning to get himself going after a heavy drinking session? 1 :: 5 1 = Never; 2 = Less than monthly; 3 = Monthly; 4 = Weekly; 5 = Daily or almost daily
alcbev3months Integer Recommended In the next three months, do you think you will drink alcohol beverages? 0::4 0 = Definitely won''t; 1 = Probably won''t; 2 = Don''t know; 3 = Probably will; 4 = Definitely will
audit03 Integer Recommended How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::5; 9999;444;555;777;888;999 0= Never; 1= Less than monthly; 2= Monthly; 3= Weekly; 4= Daily or almost daily; 5= N/A; 9999= no data; 444= Do not wish to respond; 999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing
vape_mod_oth String 100 Recommended If other, for e-cigarette or vaping model you use/used the most, please specify.
vape_brand Integer Recommended The next questions ask about any e-cigarettes or vaping you may have engaged in in your lifetime. Please indicate which e-cigarette or vaping brand you use/used the most. 1 :: 4 1= JUUL; 2= V2; 3= VaporFi; 4= Other
vape_brand_oth String 100 Recommended If other, e-cigarette or vaping brand you use/used the most, please specify.
data_language Integer Recommended In what language did you collect the data? 1;2 1= English; 2= Spanish for the United States
life_12mon_dudit_1 Integer Recommended Please think of the 12-month period of your life when you used drugs the most (do not include alcohol use). The following questions refer to this period of using drugs. During this 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most?How often did/do you use drugs other than alcohol? 1 :: 4 ; 6 1= Never; 2= Once a month or less often; 3= 2-4 times a month; 4= 2-3 times a week; 6= 4 times a week or more often
life_12mon_dudit_2 Integer Recommended Please think of the 12-month period of your life when you used drugs the most (do not include alcohol use). The following questions refer to this period of using drugs. During this 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most?Did/do you use more than one type of drug on the same occasion? 1 :: 4; 6 1= Never; 2= Once a month or less often; 3= 2-4 times a month; 4= 2-3 times a week; 6= 4 times a week or more often
life_12mon_dudit_3 Integer Recommended Please think of the 12-month period of your life when you used drugs the most (do not include alcohol use). The following questions refer to this period of using drugs. On days when you used/use drugs during this 12-month period, how many times did/do you take drugs on a typical day? 1 :: 5 1= 0; 2= 1-2; 3= 3-4; 4= 5-6; 5= 7 or more
life_12mon_dudit_4 Integer Recommended During the 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: How often were/are you influenced heavily by drugs? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less often than once a month; 3= Every month; 4= Every week; 5= Daily or almost every day
life_12mon_dudit_5 Integer Recommended During the 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: Did you ever feel (or have you ever felt) that your longing for drugs was so strong that you could not resist it? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less often than once a month; 3= Every month; 4= Every week; 5= Daily or almost every day
life_12mon_dudit_6 Integer Recommended During the 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: Were you ever not able to stop taking drugs once you started? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less often than once a month; 3= Every month; 4= Every week; 5= Daily or almost every day
life_12mon_dudit_7 Integer Recommended During the 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: How often have you taken drugs and then neglected to do something you should have done? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less often than once a month; 3= Every month; 4= Every week; 5= Daily or almost every day
life_12mon_dudit_8 Integer Recommended During the 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: How often did you ever need (or have you ever needed) to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less often than once a month; 3= Every month; 4= Every week; 5= Daily or almost every day
life_12mon_dudit_9 Integer Recommended During the 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: Did/do you have guilty feelings or a bad conscience because you used drugs? 1 :: 5 1= Never; 2= Less often than once a month; 3= Every month; 4= Every week; 5= Daily or almost every day
life_12mon_dudit_10 Integer Recommended During this 12-month period of time when you used drugs the most: Have you or anyone else been hurt (mentally or physically) because you used drugs? 1 :: 3 1= No; 2= Yes, but not during this time period; 3= Yes, during this time period
life_12mon_dudit_11 Integer Recommended Has a relative, friend, doctor, nurse, or anyone else been worried about your drug use or said to you that you should stop using drugs? 1 :: 3 1= No; 2= Yes, but not during this time period; 3= Yes, during this time period
evsmk Integer Recommended The next questions ask about any tobacco cigarette use you may have engaged in your lifetime. Have you smoked? 1 :: 5 1= No, not even tried; 2= Yes, but just tried smoking; 3= Smoke/smoked now and then or at parties; 4= smoke/smoked regularly; 5= Prefer not to answer
hsi_1 Integer Recommended Please think about the 6-month period when you were smoking the most. The following questions refer to this period of time. How soon after you wake up did/do you smoke your first cigarette? 0 :: 3 0=After 60 minutes; 1=31-60 minutes; 2=6-30 minutes; 3=Within 5 minutes
hsi_2 Integer Recommended Please think about the 6-month period when you were smoking the most. How many cigarettes per day did/do you smoke? 0 :: 3 0= 10 or less; 1= 11-20; 2= 21-30; 3= 31 or more
evrvape Integer Recommended The next questions ask about any e-cigarettes or vaping you may have engaged in in your lifetime. Have you ever tried an e-cigarette or vaping? 1; 2 1= Yes; 2= No
vape_freq Integer Recommended The next questions ask about any e-cigarettes or vaping you may have engaged in in your lifetime. During the 6-month period when you used e-cigarettes or were vaping the most, how often were/are you using them? (Frequency) 1 :: 4 1= Once a month or less; 2 = 2-4 times a month; 3= 2-3 times per week; 4= 4 or more times per week
vape_day Integer Recommended The next questions ask about any e-cigarettes or vaping you may have engaged in in your lifetime. During the 6-month period when you used e-cigarettes or were vaping the most, how often were/are you using them? (daily) 1 :: 4 1= 10 or less; 2= 11-20; 3= 21-30; 4= 31 or more
vape_model Integer Recommended The next questions ask about any e-cigarettes or vaping you may have engaged in in your lifetime. Please indicate which e-cigarette or vaping model you use/used the most. 1 :: 7 1= Cig-a-like; 2= Pod system; 3= eGo style/Vape pens; 4= Mods/Advanced personal vaporizers; 5= E-cigar; 6= Multi-use (Dry-herb and concentrates); 7= Other
custom_src_id String 30 Recommended Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project (used for source IDs that change depending on timepoint/visit/etc.)
dudit5_pastyear Integer Recommended Over the past year, have you felt that your longing for drugs was so strong that you could not resist it? 1::6 1 = Never; 2 = Less often than once a month; 3 = Every month; 4 = Every week; 5 = Daily or almost every day; 6 = I prefer not to answer
dudit6_pastyear Integer Recommended Has it happened, over the past year, that you have not been able to stop taking drugs once you started? 1::6 1 = Never; 2 = Less often than once a month; 3 = Every month; 4 = Every week; 5 = Daily or almost every day; 6 = I prefer not to answer
dudit8_pastyear Integer Recommended How often over the past year have you reacted to take a drug the morning after heavy drug use the day before? 1::6 1 = Never; 2 = Less often than once a month; 3 = Every month; 4 = Every week; 5 = Daily or almost every day; 6 = I prefer not to answer
dudit9_pastyear Integer Recommended How often over the past year have you had guilt feelings or a bad conscience because you used drugs? 1::6 1 = Never; 2 = Less often than once a month; 3 = Every month; 4 = Every week; 5 = Daily or almost every day; 6 = I prefer not to answer
auditc_score Integer Recommended The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) score on a scale of 0-12 0::12 Total sum of 3-item AUDIT-C questions; ex auditc_1-3
total_harm Integer Recommended AUDIT - Total Harm Score 0::12 Sum of items audit4, audit7, audit10
total_audit Integer Recommended AUDIT Total Score (last year) 0::12 Sum of items total_dep, total_consum, total_harm
time_since_last_drink Float Recommended Time since last drink containing alcohol consumed See time_since_last_drink_unit
time_since_last_drink_unit Integer Recommended Unit of time corresponding to time_since_last_drink (time since last drink containing alcohol) 0::4 0= Hours; 1= Days; 2= Weeks; 3= Months; 4= Years
alceduc Integer Recommended Have you received any information or been engaged in any education aiming to reduce your alcohol consumption? 0::2; -5; -999 0=No; 1=Yes; 2=I do not know; -5 = Item seen but not answered; -999 = Data not submitted (incomplete, item not seen)
alceduct String 100 Recommended (If alceduc = 1) Please specify: -5 = item seen but not answered; -9 = item skipped by show-if logic; -999 = data not submitted (incomplete, item not seen)
alctx Integer Recommended Have you participated in any treatment aiming to reduce your alcohol consumption? 0::2; -5; -999 0=No; 1=Yes; 2=I do not know; -5 = Item seen but not answered; -999 = Data not submitted (incomplete, item not seen)
alctx_t String 100 Recommended (If alctx_t = 1) Please specify: -5 = item seen but not answered; -9 = item skipped by show-if logic; -999 = data not submitted (incomplete, item not seen)
auditc_2 Integer Recommended How many drinks did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the past year? 0::4;-5;-999 0 = None, I do not drink or 1 or 2; 1 = 3 or 4; 2 = 5 or 6; 3 = 7 to 9; 4 = 10 or more; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) audit2_pastyear
auditc_3 Integer Recommended How often did you have six or more drinks on one occasion in the past year? 0::4;-5;-999 0 = Never; 1 = Less than monthly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = Weekly; 4 = Daily or almost daily; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) audit3_pastyear
total_dep Integer Recommended AUDIT - Total Dependence Score 0::12 Sum of items audit5, audit6, audit9
audit_02_1b Integer Recommended This series of assessment asks about alcohol, nicotine, and substance use. Please think of the 12-month period of your life when your drinking of alcohol was the heaviest. During this 12-month period, how often did/do you have a drink containing alcohol? 0 :: 4 0= Never; 1= Monthly or less; 2= 2-4 times a month; 3= 2-3 times a week; 4= 4 or more times per week
audit_02_9b Integer Recommended During this 12-month period when your drinking was the heaviest; Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking? 0; 2; 4 0=No; 2=Yes, but not during this 12-month period; 4=Yes, during this 12-month period
audit_02_10b Integer Recommended During this 12-month period when your drinking was the heaviest; Has a relative or friend, doctor, or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? 0; 2; 4 0=No; 2=Yes, but not during this 12-month period; 4=Yes, during this 12-month period
audit3_pl Integer Recommended Over the past 3 months, how often did you have six or more drinks on one occasion? Choose one. 1::5 1= Daily or almost daily; 2= Weekly; 3= Monthly; 4= Less than monthly; 5= Never
audit4_pl Integer Recommended Over the past 3 months, how often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? Choose one. 1::5 1= Daily or almost daily; 2= Weekly; 3= Monthly; 4= Less than monthly; 5= Never
audit9_pl Integer Recommended Over the past 3 months, have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking? Choose one. 1::3 1= Never; 2= Yes, but not during the past 3 months; 3= Yes, during the past 3 months
audit10_pl Integer Recommended Over the past 3 months, has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? 1::3 1= Never; 2= Yes, but not during the past 3 months; 3= Yes, during the past 3 months
alc_use_1 Integer Recommended How old were you the first time you got drunk, that is, your speech was slurred or you were unsteady on your feet? Your best guess is OK. 1::18 1= Age 6 or before; 2= Age 7; 3= Age 8; 4= Age 9; 5= Age 10; 6= Age 11; 7= Age 12; 8= Age 13; 9= Age 14; 10= Age 15; 11= Age 16; 12= Age 17; 13= Age 18; 14= Age 19; 15= Age 20; 16= Age 21; 17= Age 22 or later; 18= I have not yet felt ''drunk'' from drinking alcohol as defined in this question.
alc_use_2 Integer Recommended How old were you when you first started drinking regularly, that is, at least once a month, for 6 months or more? Your best guess is OK. 1::18 1= Age 6 or before; 2= Age 7; 3= Age 8; 4= Age 9; 5= Age 10; 6= Age 11; 7= Age 12; 8= Age 13; 9= Age 14; 10= Age 15; 11= Age 16; 12= Age 17; 13= Age 18; 14= Age 19; 15= Age 20; 16= Age 21; 17= Age 22 or later; 18= I do not think my alcohol use is ''regular'' as defined in this question.
usaudit_q9 Integer Recommended Thinking about your drinking in the past year, have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking? 0;2;4 0=No; 2=Yes, but not in the past year; 4=Yes, during the past year
usaudit_q10 Integer Recommended Thinking about your drinking in the past year, has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking and suggested you cut down? 0;2;4 0=No; 2=Yes, but not in the past year; 4=Yes, during the past year
auditc_1 Integer Recommended How often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the past year? 0::4 0 = Never; 1 = Monthly or less; 2 = Two to four times a month; 3 = Two to three times a week; 4 = Four or more times a week
audit1_pl Integer Recommended Over the past 3 months, how often did you have a drink containing alcohol? Choose one. 1::5 1= 4 or more times a week; 2= 2-3 times a week; 3= 2-4 times a month; 4= Monthly or less; 5= Never
audit2_pl Integer Recommended Over the past 3 months, how many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking? Choose one. 1::5 1= 10 or more; 2= 7 to 9; 3= 5 or 6; 4= 3 or 4; 5= 1 or 2
audit3fu Integer Recommended Thinking about the past 30 days, how often do you have five or more drinks on one occasion? 0::4; 999 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily; 999= Prefer not to respond
audit8fu Integer Recommended How often during the PAST 30 DAYS have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking? 0::4; 999 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=Daily or almost daily; 999= Prefer not to respond
audit9fu Integer Recommended Have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking? 0; 2; 4; 999 0= No; 2= Yes, but not in the past 30 days; 4= Yes, in the past 30 days; 999= Prefer not to respond
audit10fu Integer Recommended Has a relative, friend, doctor or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? 0; 2; 4; 999 0= No; 2= Yes, but not in the past 30 days; 4= Yes, in the past 30 days; 999= Prefer not to respond
drinking_behavior_1p Integer Recommended Have you ever continued to drink after you realized drinking was causing you any emotional problems (such as feeling irritable, depressed, or uninterested in things or having strange ideas)? 0::2 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = I do not know/I do not remember
drinking_behavior_2p Integer Recommended Have you ever continued to drink after you realized drinking was causing you any health problems (such as ulcers, diabetes, or memory problems)? 0::2 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = I do not know/I do not remember
max_drinks_1p Integer Recommended What is the maximum number of drinks that you have consumed in a 24-hour period in your entire lifetime? (Note: one drink = one 12 ounce beer or one 5 ounce glass of wine or one 1.5 ounce shot of hard liquor, straight or with mixer.) 1;4::13 1 = None; 4 = Less than one whole drink; 5 = 1 drink; 6 = 2 drinks; 7 = 3 drinks; 8 = 4 drinks; 9 = 5-6 drinks; 10 = 7-9 drinks; 11 = 10-14 drinks; 12 = 15-18 drinks; 13 = More than 18 drinks
max_drinks_2p Integer Recommended What is the maximum number of drinks that you have consumed in a 24-hour period in the past year? (Note: one drink = one 12 ounce beer or one 5 ounce glass of wine or one 1.5 ounce shot of hard liquor, straight or with mixer.) 1;4::13 1 = None; 4 = Less than one whole drink; 5 = 1 drink; 6 = 2 drinks; 7 =3 drinks; 8 = 4 drinks; 9 = 5-6 drinks; 10 = 7-9 drinks; 11 = 10-14 drinks; 12 = 15-18 drinks; 13 = More than 18 drinks
max_drinks_3 Integer Recommended In the past year, how often have you consumed [previous answer of maximum drinks]? 1;4::9 1 = Less than once a month; 4 = Once a month; 5 = Monthly; 6 = Weekly; 7 = 2-3 times a week; 8 = 4-6 times a week; 9 = Daily
fu_max_drinks_2p Integer Recommended Since your last survey on [MM/DD/YYYY], what is the maximum number of drinks that you have consumed in a 24-hour period? (Note: one drink = one 12 ounce beer or one 5 ounce glass of wine or one 1.5 ounce shot of hard liquor, straight or with mixer.) 1;4::13 1 = None; 4 = Less than one whole drink; 5 = 1 drink; 6 = 2 drinks; 7 = 3 drinks; 8 = 4 drinks; 9 = 5-6 drinks; 10 = 7-9 drinks; 11 = 10-14 drinks; 12 = 15-18 drinks; 13 = More than 18 drinks
fu_max_drinks_3p Integer Recommended Since your last survey on [MM/DD/YYYY], how often have you consumed ''[previous number of maximum drinks]''? 1;4::9 1 = Less than once a month; 4 = Once a month; 5 = Monthly; 6 = Weekly; 7 = 2-3 times a week; 8 = 4-6 times a week; 9 = Daily
usaudit_total Float Recommended Total Alcohol Audit Score Total sum of all 10 questions; 999=Missing value
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