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Change History For

Calgary Depression Rating Scale

4,908 Shared Subjects

Calgary Depression Rating Scale
Clinical Assessments
View Data Structure
Element Name Change Description Before Now When
interview_age VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 VALUE_RANGE: 0::1440 04/04/2024 13:54 PM
calg_ts NOTES, NOTES: Created variable with 20% missing data rule applied: Sum of CALG1-CALG9 NOTES: Created variable with 20% missing data rule applied: Sum of CALG1-CALG9; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 06/26/2023 14:12 PM
ampscz_missing_spec VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0::5 VALUE_RANGE: 0::6 05/18/2023 10:47 AM
ampscz_missing_spec NOTES, NOTES: 0 = Evaluation not necessary because the screening visit was less than 21 days from baseline visit; 1 = Measure refusal (no reason provided); 2 = No show; 3 = Research assistant forgot; 4 = Uncontrollable circumstance; 5 = Participant dropped out NOTES: 0 = Evaluation not necessary because the screening visit was less than 21 days from baseline visit; 1 = Measure refusal (no reason provided); 2 = No show; 3 = Research assistant forgot; 4 = Uncontrollable circumstance; 5 = Participant dropped out; 6 = Evaluation not necessary because the screening visit was less than 21 days from baseline visit 05/18/2023 10:47 AM
ampscz_missing_spec NOTES, NOTES: 1 = Measure refusal (no reason provided); 2 = No show; 3 = Research assistant forgot; 4 = Uncontrollable circumstance; 5 = Participant dropped out NOTES: 0 = Evaluation not necessary because the screening visit was less than 21 days from baseline visit; 1 = Measure refusal (no reason provided); 2 = No show; 3 = Research assistant forgot; 4 = Uncontrollable circumstance; 5 = Participant dropped out 03/16/2023 15:48 PM
ampscz_missing_spec VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::5 VALUE_RANGE: 0::5 03/16/2023 15:48 PM
cdss_eight_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_eight_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_five_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_five_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_four_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_four_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_nine_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_nine_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_one_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_one_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_seven_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_seven_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_six_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_six_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_three_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_three_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_two_notes NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdss_two_notes' to data structure 'clgry01'. 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_eight_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_five_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_four_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_nine_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_one_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_seven_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_six_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_three_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
cdss_two_notes NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/28/2023 11:35 AM
calg9 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg9 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg9 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg8 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg8 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg8 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg8 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg9 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg7 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg7 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg7 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg7 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg5 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg6 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg6 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg6 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg6 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg5 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg5 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg5 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg4 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg4 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg4 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg4 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg3 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg3 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg3 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg3 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg1 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg2 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg2 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 3 = 4 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg2 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg2 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg1 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 0 = 1 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg1 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 2 = 3 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg1 NEW_TRANSLATION_RULE 1 = 2 01/05/2023 10:00 AM
calg8 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 8. Suicide DESCRIPTION: 8. SUICIDE Have you felt that life wasn't worth living? Did you ever feel like ending it all? What did you think you might do? Did you actually try? 01/05/2023 09:56 AM
calg1 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Expresses some sadness or discouragement on questioning; 3 = Moderate - Distinct depressed mood persisting up to half the time over last 2 weeks: present daily; 4 = Severe - Markedly depressed mood persisting daily over half the time interfering with normal motor and social functioning; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg1 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 1. Depression DESCRIPTION: 1. DEPRESSION How would you describe your mood over the last two weeks: Do you keep reasonably cheerful or have you been very depressed or low spirited recently? In the last two weeks how often have you (own words) every day? All day? 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg2 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 2. Hopelessness DESCRIPTION: 2. HOPELESSNESS How do you see the future for yourself? Can you see any future? - or has life seemed quite hopeless? Have you given up or does there still seem some reason for trying? 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg2 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Has at times felt hopeless over the last week but still has some degree of hope for the future; 3 = Moderate - Persistent, moderate sense of hopelessness over last week. Can be persuaded to acknowledge possibility of things being better; 4 = Severe - Persisting and distressing sense of hopelessness; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg3 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 3. Self Depreciation DESCRIPTION: 3. SELF DEPRECIATION What is your opinion of yourself compared to other people? Do you feel better, not as good, or about the same as other? Do you feel inferior or even worthless? 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg3 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Some inferiority; not amounting to feelings of worthlessness; 3 = Moderate - Subject feels worthless, but less than 50% of the time; 4 = Severe - Subject feels worthless more than 50% of the time. May be challenged to acknowledge otherwise; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg4 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 4. Guilty Ideas of Reference DESCRIPTION: 4. GUILTY IDEAS OF REFERENCE Do you have the feeling that you are being blamed for something or even wrongly accused? What about? (do not include justifiable blame or accusation. Exclude delusions of guilt) 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg4 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Subject feels blamed but not accused less than 50% of the time; 3 = Moderate - Persisting sense of being blamed, and/or occasional sense of being accused; 4 = Severe - Persistent sense of being accused. When challenged, acknowledges that it is not so; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg5 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 5. Pathological Guilt DESCRIPTION: 5. PATHOLOGICAL GUILT Do you tend to blame yourself for little things you may have done in the past? Do you think that you deserve to be so concerned about this? 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg5 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Subject sometimes feels over guilty about some minor peccadillo, but less than 50% of time; 3 = Moderate - Subject usually (over 50% of time) feels guilty about past actions the significance of which he exaggerates; 4 = Severe - Subject usually feels s/he is to blame for everything that has gone wrong, even when not his/her fault; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg6 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent - No Depression; 2 = Mild - Depression present but no diurnal variation; 3 = Moderate - Depression spontaneously mentioned to be worse in a.m.; 4 = Severe - Depression markedly worse in a.m., with impaired functioning which improves in p.m.; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg6 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 6. Morning Depression DESCRIPTION: 6. MORNING DEPRESSION When you have felt depressed over the last 2 weeks have you noticed the depression being worse at any particular time of day? 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg7 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent - No early wakening; 2 = Mild - Occasionally wakes (up to twice weekly) 1 hour or more before normal time to wake or alarm time; 3 = Moderate - Often wakes early (up to 5 times weekly) 1 hour or more before normal time to wake or alarm; 4 = Severe - Daily wakes l hour or more before normal time; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg7 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 7. Early Wakening DESCRIPTION: 7. EARLY WAKENING Do you wake earlier in the morning than is normal for you? How many times a week does this happen? 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg8 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Frequent thoughts of being better off dead, or occasional thoughts of suicide; 3 = Moderate - Deliberately considered suicide with a plan, but made no attempt; 4 = Severe - Suicidal attempt apparently designed to end in death (i.e.: accidental discovery or inefficient means); -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg9 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg9 NOTES, NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown NOTES: 1 = Absent; 2 = Mild - Subject appears sad and mournful even during parts of the interview, involving affectively neutral discussion; 3 = Moderate - Subject appears sad and mournful throughout the interview, with gloomy monotonous voice and is tearful or close to tears at times; 4 = Severe - Subject chokes on distressing topics, frequently sighs deeply and cries openly, or is persistently in a state of frozen misery if examiner is sure that this is present; -9 = Unknown; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg1 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg2 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg3 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg4 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg5 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg6 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg7 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
calg8 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 VALUE_RANGE: 1::4;-9;-900;-300 01/05/2023 09:39 AM
ampscz_entry_date NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'ampscz_entry_date' to data structure 'clgry01'. 01/05/2023 09:29 AM
ampscz_missing_spec NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'ampscz_missing_spec' to data structure 'clgry01'. 01/05/2023 09:29 AM
ampscz_missing NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'ampscz_missing' to data structure 'clgry01'. 01/05/2023 09:29 AM
ampscz_entry_date NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 11/14/2022 09:36 AM
ampscz_missing NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 11/14/2022 09:36 AM
ampscz_missing_spec NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 11/14/2022 09:36 AM
timepoint_label ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 15 ELEMENT_SIZE: 50 03/14/2022 11:50 AM
timepoint_label NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'timepoint_label' to data structure 'clgry01'. 01/26/2022 16:30 PM
sex DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of subject at birth 07/09/2021 10:38 AM
interview_date NOTES, NOTES: Required field NOTES: 01/08/2021 10:21 AM
timepoint_label ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 20 ELEMENT_SIZE: 15 01/07/2021 12:45 PM
timepoint_label ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 5 ELEMENT_SIZE: 20 11/25/2020 12:59 PM
visit ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 50 ELEMENT_SIZE: 60 06/25/2020 10:25 AM
sex VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; O; NR NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported 02/21/2020 13:02 PM
gender PERMANENTLY ALIASED gender sex 04/22/2019 00:00 AM
site ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 100 ELEMENT_SIZE: 101 01/30/2019 17:56 PM
assessment_complete NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'assessment_complete' to data structure 'clgry01'. 01/28/2019 13:09 PM
comments_misc NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'comments_misc' to data structure 'clgry01'. 01/28/2019 13:09 PM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 08/22/2018 10:43 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Block Brief 2000: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 08/20/2018 10:21 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Block Brief 2000: Sex of the subject 08/14/2018 16:18 PM
visit NOTES, NOTES: Character description of each type of visit NOTES: 07/18/2018 13:11 PM
calg1 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg2 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg3 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg4 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg5 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg6 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg7 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg8 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
calg9 VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: 1::4 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe VALUE_RANGE: 1::4; -9 NOTES: 1=Absent; 2=Mild; 3=Moderate;4= Severe; -9 = Unknown 05/11/2018 16:37 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYYY DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY 08/28/2017 15:10 PM
t1wk NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 06/21/2017 16:28 PM
t1wk NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 't1wk' to data structure 'clgry01'. 06/21/2017 16:28 PM
elig_inclusion_check VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: 0::2 NOTES: 0=Failed (Ineligible); 1=Passed (Eligible); 2=In screening VALUE_RANGE: 0::3 NOTES: 0=Failed (Ineligible); 1=Passed (Eligible); 2=In screening; 3=NA 09/01/2016 13:44 PM
gender VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: M;F; T NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; T= Transgender VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female 05/25/2016 11:51 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Gender DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 05/25/2016 11:50 AM
days_baseline NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'days_baseline' to data structure 'clgry01'. 03/09/2016 11:26 AM
monthsbl NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'monthsbl' to data structure 'clgry01'. 03/09/2016 11:26 AM
cdsstsx NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 03/09/2016 11:26 AM
cdsstsx NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'cdsstsx' to data structure 'clgry01'. 03/09/2016 11:26 AM
assessment_complete NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 01/06/2016 11:06 AM
subjecttype VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: Control;Prodromal VALUE_RANGE: Control;Prodromal; Enhanced; Non-Enhanced 01/04/2016 18:01 PM
calg_s1 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: If #8. Suicide = 4 (Severe): Lethality/Medical Damage� DESCRIPTION: If #8. Suicide = 4 (Severe): Lethality/Medical Damage 09/18/2015 16:14 PM
calg_s2 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: If #10 Suicide (LV) = 4 (Severe): Lethality/Medical Damage� DESCRIPTION: If #10 Suicide (LV) = 4 (Severe): Lethality/Medical Damage 09/18/2015 16:14 PM
calg10 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: 10. Suicide (since the last visit)� DESCRIPTION: 10. Suicide (since the last visit) 09/18/2015 16:11 PM
gender REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 07/23/2015 11:32 AM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 07/23/2015 11:29 AM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 07/22/2015 12:41 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 07/22/2015 12:29 PM
calg10 NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
calg10 NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'calg10' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
calg_s1 NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
calg_s1 NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'calg_s1' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
calg_s2 NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
calg_s2 NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'calg_s2' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
suicidality1 NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
suicidality1 NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'suicidality1' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
suicidality2 NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
suicidality2 NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'suicidality2' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/17/2015 12:22 PM
dataquality NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'dataquality' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/01/2015 15:17 PM
elig_inclusion_check NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'elig_inclusion_check' to data structure 'clgry01'. 07/01/2015 15:17 PM
dataquality NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 07/01/2015 14:04 PM
site NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'site' to data structure 'clgry01'. 06/26/2015 17:55 PM
subjecttype NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'subjecttype' to data structure 'clgry01'. 06/26/2015 17:55 PM
visit_name NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'visit_name' to data structure 'clgry01'. 06/26/2015 17:55 PM
subjecttype NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 06/26/2015 15:09 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYY DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYYY 06/02/2015 17:40 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYY 06/02/2015 17:40 PM
interview_age VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1200 VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 06/01/2015 14:16 PM
timepoint_label DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Timepoint/visit label DESCRIPTION: Timepoint/visit label 05/29/2015 13:29 PM
comments_misc DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data 05/29/2015 13:29 PM
phase_ct VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: Pre-Rand; Phase 1/1A; Phase 2; Phase 3; Phase 4; Phase 1B; Open-Choice Phase VALUE_RANGE: Pre-Rand; Phase 1/1A; Phase 2; Phase 3; Phase 4; Phase 1B; Open-Choice Phase; Screening; Phase 1 05/28/2015 18:32 PM
phase_ct VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: Pre-Rand; Phase 1/1A; Phase 2; Phase 3; Phase 4; Phase 1B VALUE_RANGE: Pre-Rand; Phase 1/1A; Phase 2; Phase 3; Phase 4; Phase 1B; Open-Choice Phase 05/28/2015 12:11 PM
site ELEMENT_SIZE ELEMENT_SIZE: 20 ELEMENT_SIZE: 100 05/26/2015 11:15 AM
visit_name NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 04/30/2015 13:47 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 03/26/2015 12:22 PM
elig_inclusion_check NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 02/27/2015 17:14 PM
monthsbl NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 01/27/2015 17:47 PM
phase_ct DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Current Phase. Phase patient was in at the time of the assessment Phase 4 refers to the follow-up phase. DESCRIPTION: Current Phase. Phase patient was in at the time of the assessment Phase 4 refers to the follow-up phase. 01/13/2015 17:38 PM
src_subject_id DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: The site or study's subject identification DESCRIPTION: Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project 01/12/2015 18:22 PM
timepoint_label DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Timepoint/visit label - a label selected by the site at the time of registration of a new timepoint into the database. This label is used to group all instruments administered to a subject at a given timepoint. DESCRIPTION: Timepoint/visit label 12/09/2014 15:55 PM
gender VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; T NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; T= Transgender 12/01/2014 12:34 PM
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