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Change History For

Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale

1,110 Shared Subjects

This inventory consists of 35 questions measuring four sub-scales of perfectionism: Concern over mistakes and doubts about actions. Excessive concern with parents’ expectations and evaluation. Excessively high personal standards. Concern with "precision, order and organization". Setting excessively high standards is the most prominent feature of perfectionism, accompanied by tendencies for overly critical evaluations of one’s own behavior, expressed in over concern for mistakes and uncertainty regarding actions and beliefs. This scale can be useful in highlighting that being highly perfectionist is in fact unhelpful. This test is appropriate for people 15 years and older and is especially appropriate for individuals with critical parents, anorexia, OCD traits or an anxiety disorder. Perfectionistic beliefs may be an important underlying cause of a range of psychopathologies.
Clinical Assessments
View Data Structure
Element Name Change Description Before Now When
interview_age VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 VALUE_RANGE: 0::1440 04/04/2024 13:54 PM
sex DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of subject at birth 07/09/2021 10:38 AM
interview_date NOTES, NOTES: Required field NOTES: 01/08/2021 10:21 AM
sex VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; O; NR NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported 02/21/2020 13:02 PM
gender PERMANENTLY ALIASED gender sex 04/22/2019 00:00 AM
Data Structure Change History

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