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Genomics Subject

83,831 Shared Subjects

Basic information about a study subject related to a genomics experiment including demographics, pedigree, and diagnosis/phenotype
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Element Name Change Description Before Now When
teen_subject_id NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'teen_subject_id' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 05/08/2024 08:54 AM
interview_age VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 VALUE_RANGE: 0::1440 04/04/2024 13:54 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal; oral cells VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal; oral cells; rectal swab; cervicovaginal swab 02/09/2024 14:41 PM
sample_sent NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'sample_sent' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 12/27/2023 10:51 AM
sample_sent_id NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'sample_sent_id' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 12/27/2023 10:51 AM
sample_sent NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 12/27/2023 10:51 AM
sample_sent_id NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 12/27/2023 10:51 AM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal; oral cells 09/29/2023 13:04 PM
ethnicity VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino; Unknown; Prefer not to answer VALUE_RANGE: Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino; Unknown 04/06/2023 12:02 PM
race VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White; Other; Prefer not to answer VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White; Other 04/06/2023 12:02 PM
ethnicity VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino; Unknown VALUE_RANGE: Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino; Unknown; Prefer not to answer 04/06/2023 11:39 AM
race VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White; Other VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White; Other; Prefer not to answer 04/06/2023 11:39 AM
teen_subject_id NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 03/15/2023 12:05 PM
fetal_age VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: 0::310 VALUE_RANGE: 0::322 11/29/2022 10:02 AM
fetal_age NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'fetal_age' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 11/14/2022 09:51 AM
fetal_age_type NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'fetal_age_type' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 11/14/2022 09:51 AM
fetal_age_type NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 10/21/2022 14:33 PM
fetal_age NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 10/21/2022 14:33 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal 08/16/2022 10:07 AM
sample_description DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal DESCRIPTION: Sample description: tissue type, i.e. blood, saliva, brain etc. 08/16/2022 10:07 AM
sample_description DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sample description: tissue type, i.e. blood, saliva, brain etc. DESCRIPTION: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk; buccal 08/16/2022 09:54 AM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA; breastmilk 08/08/2022 13:56 PM
race VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White; Other 07/15/2022 10:00 AM
visit NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'visit' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 07/14/2022 11:02 AM
family_user_def_id ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 20 ELEMENT_SIZE: 25 04/14/2022 12:46 PM
longform_id NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'longform_id' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 03/29/2022 15:03 PM
longform_id NEW_DATA_ELEMENT 03/28/2022 15:43 PM
site NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'site' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 03/09/2022 13:20 PM
sibling_type3 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown 10/14/2021 15:10 PM
sibling_type4 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown 10/14/2021 15:10 PM
sibling_type1 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown 10/14/2021 15:10 PM
sibling_type2 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown 10/14/2021 15:10 PM
race VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported VALUE_RANGE: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White 07/29/2021 12:53 PM
sex DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of subject at birth 07/09/2021 10:38 AM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab; DNA; RNA 04/15/2021 16:02 PM
interview_date NOTES, NOTES: Required field NOTES: 01/08/2021 10:21 AM
sibling_type2 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS 12/15/2020 14:12 PM
sibling_type3 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS 12/15/2020 14:12 PM
sibling_type4 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS 12/15/2020 14:12 PM
sibling_type1 VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS VALUE_RANGE: Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS 12/15/2020 14:12 PM
visit ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 50 ELEMENT_SIZE: 60 06/25/2020 10:25 AM
sex VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; O; NR NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported 02/21/2020 13:02 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood; nasal swab 01/30/2020 18:22 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart; cord blood 01/15/2020 16:57 PM
zygosity VALUE_RANGE, , NOTES, VALUE_RANGE: monozygous; dizygous; trizygotic NOTES: VALUE_RANGE: monozygous; dizygous; trizygotic; 999 NOTES: 999=unknown 12/24/2019 11:13 AM
ethnicity REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 09/04/2019 12:07 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle; kidney; liver; heart 08/12/2019 11:58 AM
ethnicity NEW_MAP_ELEMENT Added data element 'ethnicity' to data structure 'genomics_subject02'. 07/24/2019 16:17 PM
gender PERMANENTLY ALIASED gender sex 04/22/2019 00:00 AM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool; muscle 02/28/2019 16:00 PM
site ELEMENT_SIZE, ELEMENT_SIZE: 100 ELEMENT_SIZE: 101 01/30/2019 17:56 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE, VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen; stool 01/09/2019 14:47 PM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 08/22/2018 10:43 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Block Brief 2000: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 08/20/2018 10:21 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject DESCRIPTION: Block Brief 2000: Sex of the subject 08/14/2018 16:18 PM
visit NOTES, NOTES: Character description of each type of visit NOTES: 07/18/2018 13:11 PM
race DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Race of participant DESCRIPTION: Race of study subject 12/21/2017 08:54 AM
race DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Race of study subject DESCRIPTION: Race of participant 12/21/2017 08:52 AM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYYY DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY 08/28/2017 15:10 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair; occipital visual cortex; cerebellum; spleen 08/22/2017 16:16 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta; hair 07/14/2017 16:03 PM
zygosity REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 11/14/2016 12:42 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia; Placenta 08/05/2016 14:35 PM
race DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Race of participant DESCRIPTION: Race of study subject 07/12/2016 16:49 PM
gender VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: M;F; T NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; T= Transgender VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female 05/25/2016 11:51 AM
gender DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Gender DESCRIPTION: Sex of the subject 05/25/2016 11:50 AM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex; basal ganglia 12/18/2015 14:56 PM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen; frontal cortex; parietal cortex 12/18/2015 09:37 AM
sample_description VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown VALUE_RANGE: whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line; unknown; semen 07/14/2015 11:56 AM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYY DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYYY 06/02/2015 17:40 PM
interview_date DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed DESCRIPTION: Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed. MM/DD/YYY 06/02/2015 17:40 PM
interview_age VALUE_RANGE VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1200 VALUE_RANGE: 0 :: 1260 06/01/2015 14:16 PM
twins_study DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Is this study of twins? DESCRIPTION: Is this study of twins? 05/29/2015 13:30 PM
site ELEMENT_SIZE ELEMENT_SIZE: 20 ELEMENT_SIZE: 100 05/26/2015 11:15 AM
sample_taken DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Was a sample taken at this interview? DESCRIPTION: Was a sample taken at this interview/during this project time 04/08/2015 16:41 PM
cell_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
cell_id_original REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
sibling_type2 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
sibling_type3 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
sibling_type4 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
subjectkey_sibling2 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
subjectkey_sibling3 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
subjectkey_sibling4 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Recommended 04/06/2015 14:17 PM
family_study DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: Was it family study? Study of biological mother, biological father and/or sibling of autistic child. DESCRIPTION: Was it family study? Study of biological mother, biological father and/or sibling of proband. 03/25/2015 12:13 PM
src_subject_id DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: The site or study's subject identification DESCRIPTION: Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project 01/12/2015 18:22 PM
gender VALUE_RANGE, NOTES VALUE_RANGE: M;F NOTES: M = Male; F = Female VALUE_RANGE: M;F; T NOTES: M = Male; F = Female; T= Transgender 12/01/2014 12:34 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository != NULL CONDITION: 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
sample_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #sample_taken=Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
sibling_type1 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
sibling_type1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
subjectkey_father CONDITION CONDITION: #family_study=Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age>12 && #interview_age<60 CONDITION: 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: #sibling_study = Yes 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
zygosity REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
patient_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:08 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL && interview_age=12::60 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL && interview_age=12::60 CONDITION: #biorepository != NULL 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
phenotype REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
phenotype REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
race REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
race REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Optional 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
sample_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Optional 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
sample_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age=12::60 CONDITION: #interview_age=12 && #interview_age=60 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION, REQUIRED CONDITION: #family_study=Yes REQUIRED: Recommended CONDITION: #interview_age=12::60 REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age=12 && #interview_age=60 CONDITION: #interview_age>12 && #interview_age<60 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
sibling_type1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes || #family_study=Yes 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #sibling_study=Yes CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes || #family_study=Yes 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_father REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_father REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 18:07 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository != NULL CONDITION: 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #sample_taken=Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sibling_type1 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sibling_type1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_father CONDITION CONDITION: #family_study=Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age>12 && #interview_age<60 CONDITION: 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: #sibling_study = Yes 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
zygosity REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
patient_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL && interview_age=12::60 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL && interview_age=12::60 CONDITION: #biorepository != NULL 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
phenotype REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age=12::60 CONDITION: #interview_age=12 && #interview_age=60 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION, REQUIRED CONDITION: #family_study=Yes REQUIRED: Recommended CONDITION: #interview_age=12::60 REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age=12 && #interview_age=60 CONDITION: #interview_age>12 && #interview_age<60 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
phenotype REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
race REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
race REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Optional 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Optional 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sibling_type1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes || #family_study=Yes 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #sibling_study=Yes CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes || #family_study=Yes 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_father REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_father REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 10/20/2014 17:43 PM
sample_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #sample_taken=Yes CONDITION: 01/10/2013 13:37 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository != NULL CONDITION: 01/10/2013 13:36 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: 01/10/2013 13:35 PM
sibling_type1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: 01/10/2013 13:35 PM
subjectkey_father CONDITION CONDITION: #family_study=Yes CONDITION: 01/10/2013 13:34 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age>12 && #interview_age<60 CONDITION: 01/10/2013 13:32 PM
sibling_type1 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 01/08/2013 14:01 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 01/08/2013 14:00 PM
zygosity REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 01/08/2013 14:00 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes CONDITION: #sibling_study = Yes 01/08/2013 13:59 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 12/13/2012 13:00 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 12/13/2012 13:00 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 12/13/2012 11:47 AM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 12/13/2012 11:42 AM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 12/13/2012 11:42 AM
patient_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Required 08/24/2012 14:30 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 06/29/2012 14:31 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age=12 && #interview_age=60 CONDITION: #interview_age>12 && #interview_age<60 06/29/2012 14:29 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION CONDITION: #interview_age=12::60 CONDITION: #interview_age=12 && #interview_age=60 06/29/2012 14:28 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Conditional 06/29/2012 14:26 PM
subjectkey_mother CONDITION, REQUIRED CONDITION: #family_study=Yes REQUIRED: Recommended CONDITION: #interview_age=12::60 REQUIRED: Conditional 06/29/2012 14:21 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL && interview_age=12::60 CONDITION: #biorepository != NULL 06/29/2012 14:20 PM
patient_id_biorepository CONDITION CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL CONDITION: #biorepository!=NULL && interview_age=12::60 06/29/2012 14:19 PM
sample_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:11 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Optional REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:11 PM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:09 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:09 PM
race REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:08 PM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:08 PM
phenotype REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 06/04/2012 12:08 PM
sample_description REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Optional 06/04/2012 10:43 AM
sample_id_biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Optional 06/04/2012 10:43 AM
phenotype REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 06/04/2012 10:43 AM
ethnic_group REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 06/04/2012 10:34 AM
race REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 06/04/2012 10:28 AM
interview_date REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 05/28/2012 23:43 PM
interview_age REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 05/28/2012 23:43 PM
subjectkey_sibling1 CONDITION CONDITION: #sibling_study=Yes CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes || #family_study=Yes 05/03/2012 12:36 PM
sibling_type1 CONDITION CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes CONDITION: #twins_study=Yes || #sibling_study = Yes || #family_study=Yes 05/01/2012 13:05 PM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 03/06/2012 09:28 AM
subjectkey_father REQUIRED REQUIRED: Conditional REQUIRED: Recommended 03/06/2012 09:28 AM
subjectkey_father REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 03/02/2012 05:58 AM
subjectkey_mother REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Conditional 03/02/2012 05:57 AM
biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Recommended REQUIRED: Required 02/08/2012 11:33 AM
biorepository REQUIRED REQUIRED: Required REQUIRED: Recommended 02/08/2012 11:32 AM
Data Structure Change History

This page displays a list of all the changes that have been made to this data structure since its original definition. You can view the element name, the attribute that was changed, previous and subsequent values, and the timestamp of the change. Use the search bar to filter the displayed changes.

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