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Packaging, downloading data, and MINDAR databases are currently unavailable.

1 Numbers reported are subjects by age
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Format should be in the following format: Activity Code, Institute Abbreviation, and Serial Number. Grant Type, Support Year, and Suffix should be excluded. For example, grant 1R01MH123456-01A1 should be entered R01MH123456

Please select an experiment type below

Collection - Use Existing Experiment
To associate an experiment to the current collection, just select an axperiment from the table below then click the associate experiment button to persist your changes (saving the collection is not required). Note that once an experiment has been associated to two or more collections, the experiment will not longer be editable.

The table search feature is case insensitive and targets the experiment id, experiment name and experiment type columns. The experiment id is searched only when the search term entered is a number, and filtered using a startsWith comparison. When the search term is not numeric the experiment name is used to filter the results.
SelectExperiment IdExperiment NameExperiment Type
Created On
475MB1-10 (CHOP)Omics06/07/2016
490Illumina Infinium PsychArray BeadChip AssayOmics07/07/2016
501PharmacoBOLD Resting StatefMRI07/27/2016
509ABC-CT Resting v2EEG08/18/2016
13Comparison of FI expression in Autistic and Neurotypical Homo SapiensOmics12/28/2010
18AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics01/06/2011
22Stitching PCR SequencingOmics02/14/2011
29Microarray family 03 (father, mother, sibling)Omics03/24/2011
37Standard paired-end sequencing of BCRsOmics04/19/2011
38Illumina Mate-Pair BCR sequencingOmics04/19/2011
39Custom Jumping LibrariesOmics04/19/2011
40Custom CapBPOmics04/19/2011
43Autism brain sample genotyping, IlluminaOmics05/16/2011
47ARRA Autism Sequencing Collaboration at Baylor. SOLiD 4 SystemOmics08/01/2011
53AGRE Omni1-quadOmics10/11/2011
59AGP genotypingOmics04/03/2012
60Ultradeep 454 sequencing of synaptic genes from postmortem cerebella of individuals with ASD and neurotypical controlsOmics06/23/2012
63Microemulsion PCR and Targeted Resequencing for Variant Detection in ASDOmics07/20/2012
76Whole Genome Sequencing in Autism FamiliesOmics01/03/2013
90Genotyped IAN SamplesOmics07/09/2013
91NJLAGS Axiom Genotyping ArrayOmics07/16/2013
93AGP genotyping (CNV)Omics09/06/2013
106Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 2EEG11/07/2013
107Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 3EEG11/07/2013
108Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 200EEG11/07/2013
105Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 1EEG11/07/2013
109Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 400EEG11/07/2013
116Gene Expression Analysis WG-6Omics01/07/2014
131Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Charlie Brown and Sesame Street - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
132Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Animacy - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
133Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Mom Stranger - Project 2Eye Tracking02/27/2014
134Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Face Emotion - Project 3Eye Tracking02/27/2014
151Candidate Gene Identification in familial AutismOmics06/09/2014
152NJLAGS Whole Genome SequencingOmics07/01/2014
154Math Autism Study - Vinod MenonfMRI07/15/2014
160syllable contrastEEG07/29/2014
167School-age naturalistic stimuliEye Tracking09/19/2014
44AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics06/27/2011
45Exome Sequencing of 20 Sporadic Cases of Autism Spectrum DisorderOmics07/15/2011
Collection - Add Experiment
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To add an existing Data Structure, enter its title in the search bar. If you need to request changes, select the indicator "No, it requires changes to meet research needs" after selecting the Structure, and upload the file with the request changes specific to the selected Data Structure. Your file should follow the Request Changes Procedure. If the Data Structure does not exist, select "Request New Data Structure" and upload the appropriate zip file.

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The Data Expected list for this Collection shows some raw data as missing. Contact the NDA Help Desk with any questions.

Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.

Collection Updated

Your Collection is now in Data Analysis phase and exempt from biannual submissions. Analyzed data is still expected prior to publication or no later than the project end date.

[CMS] Attention
[CMS] Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.
[CMS] Error


Unable to change collection phase where targeted enrollment is less than 90%

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You have requested to move the sharing dates for the following assessments:
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Explanation must be between 20 and 200 characters in length.

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Collection Summary Collection Charts
Collection Title Collection Investigators Collection Description
Genotypes of Swedish subjects used in "Most genetic risk for autism resides with common variation" study
Joseph D. Buxbaum, Trent Gaugler, Lambertus Klei, Stephan J. Sanders, Corneliu A. Bodea, Arthur P. Goldberg, Ann B. Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Stephan Ripke, Sven Sandin, Pamela Sklar, Oscar Svantesson, Abraham Reichenberg, Christina M. Hultman, Bernie Devlin, Kathryn Roeder 
Genotypes of Swedish subjects used in "Most genetic risk for autism resides with common variation" study
NIMH Data Archive
Funding Completed
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NIH - Extramural None



NDA Help Center

Collection - General Tab

Fields available for edit on the top portion of the page include:

  • Collection Title
  • Investigators
  • Collection Description
  • Collection Phase
  • Funding Source
  • Clinical Trials

Collection Phase: The current status of a research project submitting data to an NDA Collection, based on the timing of the award and/or the data that have been submitted.

  • Pre-Enrollment: The default entry made when the NDA Collection is created.
  • Enrolling: Data have been submitted to the NDA Collection or the NDA Data Expected initial submission date has been reached for at least one data structure category in the NDA Collection.
  • Data Analysis: Subject level data collection for the research project is completed and has been submitted to the NDA Collection. The NDA Collection owner or the NDA Help Desk may set this phase when they’ve confirmed data submission is complete and submitted subject counts match at least 90% of the target enrollment numbers in the NDA Data Expected. Data submission reminders will be turned off for the NDA Collection.
  • Funding Completed: The NIH grant award (or awards) associated with the NDA Collection has reached its end date. NDA Collections in Funding Completed phase are assigned a subphase to indicate the status of data submission.
    • The Data Expected Subphase indicates that NDA expects more data will be submitted
    • The Closeout Subphase indicates the data submission is complete.
    • The Sharing Not Met Subphase indicates that data submission was not completed as expected.

Blinded Clinical Trial Status:

  • This status is set by a Collection Owner and indicates the research project is a double blinded clinical trial. When selected, the public view of Data Expected will show the Data Expected items and the Submission Dates, but the targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts will not be displayed.
  • Targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts are visible only to NDA Administrators and to the NDA Collection or as the NDA Collection Owner.
  • When an NDA Collection that is flagged Blinded Clinical Trial reaches the maximum data sharing date for that Data Repository (see https://nda.nih.gov/nda/sharing-regimen.html), the embargo on Data Expected information is released.

Funding Source

The organization(s) responsible for providing the funding is listed here.

Supporting Documentation

Users with Submission privileges, as well as Collection Owners, Program Officers, and those with Administrator privileges, may upload and attach supporting documentation. By default, supporting documentation is shared to the general public, however, the option is also available to limit this information to qualified researchers only.

Grant Information

Identifiable details are displayed about the Project of which the Collection was derived from. You may click in the Project Number to view a full report of the Project captured by the NIH.

Clinical Trials

Any data that is collected to support or further the research of clinical studies will be available here. Collection Owners and those with Administrator privileges may add new clinical trials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) determine which Permission Group data are submitted into?
    During Collection creation, NDA staff determine the appropriate Permission Group based on the type of data to be submitted, the type of access that will be available to data access users, and the information provided by the Program Officer during grant award.
  • How do I know when a NDA Collection has been created?
    When a Collection is created by NDA staff, an email notification will automatically be sent to the PI(s) of the grant(s) associated with the Collection to notify them.
  • Is a single grant number ever associated with more than one Collection?
    The NDA system does not allow for a single grant to be associated with more than one Collection; therefore, a single grant will not be listed in the Grant Information section of a Collection for more than one Collection.
  • Why is there sometimes more than one grant included in a Collection?
    In general, each Collection is associated with only one grant; however, multiple grants may be associated if the grant has multiple competing segments for the same grant number or if multiple different grants are all working on the same project and it makes sense to hold the data in one Collection (e.g., Cooperative Agreements).


  • Administrator Privilege
    A privilege provided to a user associated with an NDA Collection or NDA Study whereby that user can perform a full range of actions including providing privileges to other users.
  • Collection Owner
    Generally, the Collection Owner is the contact PI listed on a grant. Only one NDA user is listed as the Collection owner. Most automated emails are primarily sent to the Collection Owner.
  • Collection Phase
    The Collection Phase provides information on data submission as opposed to grant/project completion so while the Collection phase and grant/project phase may be closely related they are often different. Collection users with Administrative Privileges are encouraged to edit the Collection Phase. The Program Officer as listed in eRA (for NIH funded grants) may also edit this field. Changes must be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. This field is sortable alphabetically in ascending or descending order. Collection Phase options include:
    • Pre-Enrollment: A grant/project has started, but has not yet enrolled subjects.
    • Enrolling: A grant/project has begun enrolling subjects. Data submission is likely ongoing at this point.
    • Data Analysis: A grant/project has completed enrolling subjects and has completed all data submissions.
    • Funding Completed: A grant/project has reached the project end date.
  • Collection Title
    An editable field with the title of the Collection, which is often the title of the grant associated with the Collection.
  • Grant
    Provides the grant number(s) for the grant(s) associated with the Collection. The field is a hyperlink so clicking on the Grant number will direct the user to the grant information in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) page.
  • Supporting Documentation
    Various documents and materials to enable efficient use of the data by investigators unfamiliar with the project and may include the research protocol, questionnaires, and study manuals.
  • NIH Research Initiative
    NDA Collections may be organized by scientific similarity into NIH Research Initiatives, to facilitate query tool user experience. NIH Research Initiatives map to one or multiple Funding Opportunity Announcements.
  • Permission Group
    Access to shared record-level data in NDA is provisioned at the level of a Permission Group. NDA Permission Groups consist of one or multiple NDA Collections that contain data with the same subject consents.
  • Planned Enrollment
    Number of human subject participants to be enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in competing applications and annual progress reports.
  • Actual Enrollment
    Number of human subjects enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in annual progress reports.
  • NDA Collection
    A virtual container and organization structure for data and associated documentation from one grant or one large project/consortium. It contains tools for tracking data submission and allows investigators to define a wide array of other elements that provide context for the data, including all general information regarding the data and source project, experimental parameters used to collect any event-based data contained in the Collection, methods, and other supporting documentation. They also allow investigators to link underlying data to an NDA Study, defining populations and subpopulations specific to research aims.
  • Data Use Limitations
    Data Use Limitations (DULs) describe the appropriate secondary use of a dataset and are based on the original informed consent of a research participant. NDA only accepts consent-based data use limitations defined by the NIH Office of Science Policy.
  • Total Subjects Shared
    The total number of unique subjects for whom data have been shared and are available for users with permission to access data.
IDNameCreated DateStatusType
161PAGES study of autism heritability07/31/2014ApprovedOmics

NDA Help Center

Collection - Experiments

The number of Experiments included is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. You may download all experiments associated with the Collection via the Download button. You may view individual experiments by clicking the Experiment Name and add them to the Filter Cart via the Add to Cart button.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may create or edit an Experiment.

Please note: The creation of an NDA Experiment does not necessarily mean that data collected, according to the defined Experiment, has been submitted or shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can an Experiment be associated with more than one Collection?

    Yes -see the “Copy” button in the bottom left when viewing an experiment. There are two actions that can be performed via this button:

    1. Copy the experiment with intent for modifications.
    2. Associate the experiment to the collection. No modifications can be made to the experiment.


  • Experiment Status
    An Experiment must be Approved before data using the associated Experiment_ID may be uploaded.
  • Experiment ID
    The ID number automatically generated by NDA which must be included in the appropriate file when uploading data to link the Experiment Definition to the subject record.
Genomics Sample Genomics 636
Genomics Subject Genomics 548

NDA Help Center

Collection - Shared Data

This tab provides a quick overview of the Data Structure title, Data Type, and Number of Subjects that are currently Shared for the Collection. The information presented in this tab is automatically generated by NDA and cannot be edited. If no information is visible on this tab, this would indicate the Collection does not have shared data or the data is private.

The shared data is available to other researchers who have permission to access data in the Collection's designated Permission Group(s). Use the Download button to get all shared data from the Collection to the Filter Cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if another researcher uses data that I shared through the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)?
    To see what data your project have submitted are being used by a study, simply go the Associated Studies tab of your collection. Alternatively, you may review an NDA Study Attribution Report available on the General tab.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a completed research project?
    Often it becomes more difficult to organize and format data electronically after the project has been completed and the information needed to create a GUID may not be available; however, you may still contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a research project that is still ongoing?
    Unlike completed projects where researchers may not have the information needed to create a GUID and/or where the effort needed to organize and format data becomes prohibitive, ongoing projects have more of an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Please contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.


  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Type
    A grouping of data by similar characteristics such as Clinical Assessments, Omics, or Neurosignal data.
  • Shared
    The term 'Shared' generally means available to others; however, there are some slightly different meanings based on what is Shared. A Shared NDA Study is viewable and searchable publicly regardless of the user's role or whether the user has an NDA account. A Shared NDA Study does not necessarily mean that data used in the NDA Study have been shared as this is independently determined. Data are shared according the schedule defined in a Collection's Data Expected Tab and/or in accordance with data sharing expectations in the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Additionally, Supporting Documentation uploaded to a Collection may be shared independent of whether data are shared.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:


Publications relevant to NDA data are listed below. Most displayed publications have been associated with the grant within Pubmed. Use the "+ New Publication" button to add new publications. Publications relevant/not relevant to data expected are categorized. Relevant publications are then linked to the underlying data by selecting the Create Study link. Study provides the ability to define cohorts, assign subjects, define outcome measures and lists the study type, data analysis and results. Analyzed data and results are expected in this way.

PubMed IDStudyTitleJournalAuthorsDateStatus
38699304Create StudyContribution of autosomal rare and de novo variants to sex differences in autism.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesKoko, Mahmoud; Kyle Satterstrom, F; Autism Sequencing Consortium; APEX consortium; Warrier, Varun; Martin, HilaryApril 16, 2024Not Determined
38402414Create StudyEvaluating and improving health equity and fairness of polygenic scores.HGG advancesZhang, Tianyu; Zhou, Geyu; Klei, Lambertus; Liu, Peng; Chouldechova, Alexandra; Zhao, Hongyu; Roeder, Kathryn; G'Sell, Max; Devlin, BernieApril 11, 2024Not Determined
35982160Create StudyRare coding variation provides insight into the genetic architecture and phenotypic context of autism.Nature geneticsFu, Jack M; Satterstrom, F Kyle; Peng, Minshi; Brand, Harrison; Collins, Ryan L; Dong, Shan; Wamsley, Brie; Klei, Lambertus; Wang, Lily; Hao, Stephanie P; Stevens, Christine R; Cusick, Caroline; Babadi, Mehrtash; Banks, Eric; Collins, Brett; Dodge, Sheila; Gabriel, Stacey B; Gauthier, Laura; Lee, Samuel K; Liang, Lindsay; Ljungdahl, Alicia; Mahjani, Behrang; Sloofman, Laura; Smirnov, Andrey N; Barbosa, Mafalda; Betancur, Catalina; Brusco, Alfredo; Chung, Brian H Y; Cook, Edwin H; Cuccaro, Michael L; Domenici, Enrico; Ferrero, Giovanni Battista; Gargus, J Jay; Herman, Gail E; Hertz-Picciotto, Irva; Maciel, Patricia; Manoach, Dara S; Passos-Bueno, Maria Rita; Persico, Antonio M; Renieri, Alessandra; Sutcliffe, James S; Tassone, Flora; Trabetti, Elisabetta; Campos, Gabriele; Cardaropoli, Simona; Carli, Diana; Chan, Marcus C Y; Fallerini, Chiara; Giorgio, Elisa; Girardi, Ana Cristina; Hansen-Kiss, Emily; Lee, So Lun; Lintas, Carla; Ludena, Yunin; Nguyen, Rachel; Pavinato, Lisa; Pericak-Vance, Margaret; Pessah, Isaac N; Schmidt, Rebecca J; Smith, Moyra; Costa, Claudia I S; Trajkova, Slavica; Wang, Jaqueline Y T; Yu, Mullin H C; Autism Sequencing Consortium (ASC); Broad Institute Center for Common Disease Genomics (Broad-CCDG); iPSYCH-BROAD Consortium; Cutler, David J; De Rubeis, Silvia; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Daly, Mark J; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Sanders, Stephan J; Talkowski, Michael ESeptember 1, 2022Not Determined
35438146Create StudyRobust and accurate estimation of cellular fraction from tissue omics data via ensemble deconvolution.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Cai, Manqi; Yue, Molin; Chen, Tianmeng; Liu, Jinling; Forno, Erick; Lu, Xinghua; Billiar, Timothy; Celedón, Juan; McKennan, Chris; Chen, Wei; Wang, JiebiaoMay 26, 2022Not Determined
34112972Create StudyGenome-wide association identifies the first risk loci for psychosis in Alzheimer disease.Molecular psychiatryDeMichele-Sweet, Mary Ann A; Klei, Lambertus; Creese, Byron; Harwood, Janet C; Weamer, Elise A; McClain, Lora; Sims, Rebecca; Hernandez, Isabel; Moreno-Grau, Sonia; Tárraga, Lluís; Boada, Mercè; Alarcón-Martín, Emilio; Valero, Sergi; NIA-LOAD Family Based Study Consortium, Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC); Liu, Yushi; Hooli, Basavaraj; Aarsland, Dag; Selbaek, Geir; Bergh, Sverre; Rongve, Arvid; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Skjellegrind, Håvard K; Engdahl, Bo; Stordal, Eystein; Andreassen, Ole A; Djurovic, Srdjan; Athanasiu, Lavinia; Seripa, Davide; Borroni, Barbara; Albani, Diego; Forloni, Gianluigi; Mecocci, Patrizia; Serretti, Alessandro; De Ronchi, Diana; Politis, Antonis; Williams, Julie; Mayeux, Richard; Foroud, Tatiana; Ruiz, Agustin; Ballard, Clive; Holmans, Peter; Lopez, Oscar L; Kamboh, M Ilyas; Devlin, Bernie; Sweet, Robert AOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
32268104Create StudyWhole-Genome and RNA Sequencing Reveal Variation and Transcriptomic Coordination in the Developing Human Prefrontal Cortex.Cell reportsWerling, Donna M; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Choi, Jinmyung; An, Joon-Yong; Sheppard, Brooke; Peng, Minshi; Li, Zhen; Dastmalchi, Claudia; Santpere, Gabriel; Sousa, André M M; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Kaur, Navjot; Gulden, Forrest O; Breen, Michael S; Liang, Lindsay; Gilson, Michael C; Zhao, Xuefang; Dong, Shan; Klei, Lambertus; Cicek, A Ercument; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Adle-Biassette, Homa; Thomas, Jean-Leon; Aldinger, Kimberly A; O'Day, Diana R; Glass, Ian A; Zaitlen, Noah A; Talkowski, Michael E; Roeder, Kathryn; State, Matthew W; Devlin, Bernie; Sanders, Stephan J; Sestan, NenadApril 2020Not Determined
31981491Create StudyLarge-Scale Exome Sequencing Study Implicates Both Developmental and Functional Changes in the Neurobiology of Autism.CellSatterstrom, F Kyle; Kosmicki, Jack A; Wang, Jiebiao; Breen, Michael S; De Rubeis, Silvia; An, Joon-Yong; Peng, Minshi; Collins, Ryan; Grove, Jakob; Klei, Lambertus; Stevens, Christine; Reichert, Jennifer; Mulhern, Maureen S; Artomov, Mykyta; Gerges, Sherif; Sheppard, Brooke; Xu, Xinyi; Bhaduri, Aparna; Norman, Utku; Brand, Harrison; Schwartz, Grace; Nguyen, Rachel; Guerrero, Elizabeth E; Dias, Caroline; Autism Sequencing Consortium; iPSYCH-Broad Consortium; Betancur, Catalina; Cook, Edwin H; Gallagher, Louise; Gill, Michael; Sutcliffe, James S; Thurm, Audrey; Zwick, Michael E; Børglum, Anders D; State, Matthew W; Cicek, A Ercument; Talkowski, Michael E; Cutler, David J; Devlin, Bernie; Sanders, Stephan J; Roeder, Kathryn; Daly, Mark J; Buxbaum, Joseph DFebruary 2020Not Determined
31551426Create StudyCommonMind Consortium provides transcriptomic and epigenomic data for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.Scientific dataHoffman, Gabriel E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Voloudakis, Georgios; Montgomery, Kelsey S; Sloofman, Laura; Wang, Ying-Chih; Shah, Hardik R; Hauberg, Mads E; Johnson, Jessica S; Girdhar, Kiran; Song, Lingyun; Fullard, John F; Kramer, Robin; Hahn, Chang-Gyu; Gur, Raquel; Marenco, Stefano; Lipska, Barbara K; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Hemby, Scott; Sullivan, Patrick; Akbarian, Schahram; Chess, Andrew; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Crawford, Greg E; Domenici, Enrico; Devlin, Bernie; Sieberts, Solveig K; Peters, Mette A; Roussos, PanosSeptember 2019Not Determined
31455887Create StudyGlobal landscape and genetic regulation of RNA editing in cortical samples from individuals with schizophrenia.Nature neuroscienceBreen, Michael S; Dobbyn, Amanda; Li, Qin; Roussos, Panos; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Stahl, Eli; Chess, Andrew; Sklar, Pamela; Li, Jin Billy; Devlin, Bernie; Buxbaum, Joseph D; CommonMind ConsortiumSeptember 2019Not Determined
31424081Create StudyResting-State Functional Network Organization Is Stable Across Adolescent Development for Typical and Psychosis Spectrum Youth.Schizophrenia bulletinJalbrzikowski, Maria; Liu, Fuchen; Foran, William; Roeder, Kathryn; Devlin, Bernie; Luna, BeatrizFebruary 2020Not Determined
31400192Create StudyUsing multiple measurements of tissue to estimate subject- and cell-type-specific gene expression.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Wang, Jiebiao; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, KathrynFebruary 2020Not Determined
30911161Create StudyGene expression imputation across multiple brain regions provides insights into schizophrenia risk.Nature geneticsHuckins, Laura M; Dobbyn, Amanda; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Hoffman, Gabriel; Wang, Weiqing; Pardiñas, Antonio F; Rajagopal, Veera M; Als, Thomas D; T Nguyen, Hoang; Girdhar, Kiran; Boocock, James; Roussos, Panos; Fromer, Menachem; Kramer, Robin; Domenici, Enrico; Gamazon, Eric R; Purcell, Shaun; CommonMind Consortium; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; iPSYCH-GEMS Schizophrenia Working Group; Demontis, Ditte; Børglum, Anders D; Walters, James T R; O'Donovan, Michael C; Sullivan, Patrick; Owen, Michael J; Devlin, Bernie; Sieberts, Solveig K; Cox, Nancy J; Im, Hae Kyung; Sklar, Pamela; Stahl, Eli AApril 2019Not Determined
29112194Create StudyGenome-wide association study identifies a novel locus for cannabis dependence.Molecular psychiatryAgrawal, A; Chou, Y-L; Carey, C E; Baranger, D A A; Zhang, B; Sherva, R; Wetherill, L; Kapoor, M; Wang, J-C; Bertelsen, S; Anokhin, A P; Hesselbrock, V; Kramer, J; Lynskey, M T; Meyers, J L; Nurnberger, J I; Rice, J P; Tischfield, J; Bierut, L J; Degenhardt, L; Farrer, L A; Gelernter, J; Hariri, A R; Heath, A C; Kranzler, H R; Madden, P A F; Martin, N G; Montgomery, G W; Porjesz, B; Wang, T; Whitfield, J B; Edenberg, H J; Foroud, T; Goate, A M; Bogdan, R; Nelson, E CMay 2018Not Determined
29100626Create StudyHeritable Variation, With Little or No Maternal Effect, Accounts for Recurrence Risk to Autism Spectrum Disorder in Sweden.Biological psychiatryYip, Benjamin Hon Kei; Bai, Dan; Mahjani, Behrang; Klei, Lambertus; Pawitan, Yudi; Hultman, Christina M; Grice, Dorothy E; Roeder, Kathryn; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Devlin, Bernie; Reichenberg, Abraham; Sandin, SvenApril 2018Not Determined
28569757Create StudyFetal and postnatal metal dysregulation in autism.Nature communicationsArora, Manish; Reichenberg, Abraham; Willfors, Charlotte; Austin, Christine; Gennings, Chris; Berggren, Steve; Lichtenstein, Paul; Anckarsäter, Henrik; Tammimies, Kristiina; Bölte, SvenJune 2017Relevant
28461698Create StudyGenetic risk for schizophrenia and psychosis in Alzheimer disease.Molecular psychiatryDeMichele-Sweet, M A A; Weamer, E A; Klei, L; Vrana, D T; Hollingshead, D J; Seltman, H J; Sims, R; Foroud, T; Hernandez, I; Moreno-Grau, S; Tárraga, L; Boada, M; Ruiz, A; Williams, J; Mayeux, R; Lopez, O L; Sibille, E L; Kamboh, M I; Devlin, B; Sweet, R AApril 2018Not Determined
28191890Create StudyRefining the role of de novo protein-truncating variants in neurodevelopmental disorders by using population reference samples.Nature geneticsKosmicki, Jack A; Samocha, Kaitlin E; Howrigan, Daniel P; Sanders, Stephan J; Slowikowski, Kamil; Lek, Monkol; Karczewski, Konrad J; Cutler, David J; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Neale, Benjamin M; MacArthur, Daniel G; Wall, Dennis P; Robinson, Elise B; Daly, Mark JApril 2017Not Determined
27087321Create StudyA Method to Exploit the Structure of Genetic Ancestry Space to Enhance Case-Control Studies.American journal of human geneticsBodea, Corneliu A; Neale, Benjamin M; Ripke, Stephan; International IBD Genetics Consortium; Daly, Mark J; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, KathrynMay 2016Not Determined
26834510Create StudyThe huge Package for High-dimensional Undirected Graph Estimation in R.Journal of machine learning research : JMLRZhao, Tuo; Liu, Han; Roeder, Kathryn; Lafferty, John; Wasserman, LarryApril 2012Not Relevant
26806987Create StudyLocalized Functional Principal Component Analysis.Journal of the American Statistical AssociationChen, Kehui; Lei, Jing2015Not Determined
26402605Create StudyInsights into Autism Spectrum Disorder Genomic Architecture and Biology from 71 Risk Loci.NeuronSanders, Stephan J; He, Xin; Willsey, A Jeremy; Ercan-Sencicek, A Gulhan; Samocha, Kaitlin E; Cicek, A Ercument; Murtha, Michael T; Bal, Vanessa H; Bishop, Somer L; Dong, Shan; Goldberg, Arthur P; Jinlu, Cai; Keaney 3rd, John F; Klei, Lambertus; Mandell, Jeffrey D; Moreno-De-Luca, Daniel; Poultney, Christopher S; Robinson, Elise B; Smith, Louw; Solli-Nowlan, Tor; Su, Mack Y; Teran, Nicole A; Walker, Michael F; Werling, Donna M; Beaudet, Arthur L; Cantor, Rita M; Fombonne, Eric; Geschwind, Daniel H; Grice, Dorothy E; Lord, Catherine; Lowe, Jennifer K; Mane, Shrikant M; Martin, Donna M; Morrow, Eric M; Talkowski, Michael E; Sutcliffe, James S; Walsh, Christopher A; Yu, Timothy W; Autism Sequencing Consortium; Ledbetter, David H; Martin, Christa Lese; Cook, Edwin H; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Daly, Mark J; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; State, Matthew WSeptember 23, 2015Not Determined
25843333Create StudyDSM-5 and psychiatric genetics - round hole, meet square peg.Biological psychiatryBuxbaum, Joseph DMay 1, 2015Not Relevant
25382957Create StudyPositive Semidefinite Rank-based Correlation Matrix Estimation with Application to Semiparametric Graph Estimation.Journal of computational and graphical statistics : a joint publication of American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Interface Foundation of North AmericaZhao, Tuo; Roeder, Kathryn; Liu, HanOctober 20, 2014Not Determined
25363760Create StudySynaptic, transcriptional and chromatin genes disrupted in autism.NatureDe Rubeis, Silvia; He, Xin; Goldberg, Arthur P; Poultney, Christopher S; Samocha, Kaitlin; Cicek, A Erucment; Kou, Yan; Liu, Li; Fromer, Menachem; Walker, Susan; Singh, Tarinder; Klei, Lambertus; Kosmicki, Jack; Shih-Chen, Fu; Aleksic, Branko; Biscaldi, Monica; Bolton, Patrick F; Brownfeld, Jessica M; Cai, Jinlu; Campbell, Nicholas G; Carracedo, Angel; Chahrour, Maria H; Chiocchetti, Andreas G; Coon, Hilary; Crawford, Emily L; Curran, Sarah R; Dawson, Geraldine; Duketis, Eftichia; Fernandez, Bridget A; Gallagher, Louise; Geller, Evan; Guter, Stephen J; Hill, R Sean; Ionita-Laza, Juliana; Jimenz Gonzalez, Patricia; Kilpinen, Helena; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Lee, Irene; Lei, Irene; Lei, Jing; Lehtimäki, Terho; Lin, Chiao-Feng; Ma'ayan, Avi; Marshall, Christian R; McInnes, Alison L; Neale, Benjamin; Owen, Michael J; Ozaki, Noriio; Parellada, Mara; Parr, Jeremy R; Purcell, Shaun; Puura, Kaija; Rajagopalan, Deepthi; Rehnström, Karola; Reichenberg, Abraham; Sabo, Aniko; Sachse, Michael; Sanders, Stephan J; Schafer, Chad; Schulte-Rüther, Martin; Skuse, David; Stevens, Christine; Szatmari, Peter; Tammimies, Kristiina; Valladares, Otto; Voran, Annette; Li-San, Wang; Weiss, Lauren A; Willsey, A Jeremy; Yu, Timothy W; Yuen, Ryan K C; DDD Study; Homozygosity Mapping Collaborative for Autism; UK10K Consortium; Cook, Edwin H; Freitag, Christine M; Gill, Michael; Hultman, Christina M; Lehner, Thomas; Palotie, Aaarno; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Sklar, Pamela; State, Matthew W; Sutcliffe, James S; Walsh, Christiopher A; Scherer, Stephen W; Zwick, Michael E; Barett, Jeffrey C; Cutler, David J; Roeder, Kathryn; Devlin, Bernie; Daly, Mark J; Buxbaum, Joseph DNovember 13, 2014Not Relevant
25284784Create StudyDe novo insertions and deletions of predominantly paternal origin are associated with autism spectrum disorder.Cell reportsDong, Shan; Walker, Michael F; Carriero, Nicholas J; DiCola, Michael; Willsey, A Jeremy; Ye, Adam Y; Waqar, Zainulabedin; Gonzalez, Luis E; Overton, John D; Frahm, Stephanie; Keaney 3rd, John F; Teran, Nicole A; Dea, Jeanselle; Mandell, Jeffrey D; Hus Bal, Vanessa; Sullivan, Catherine A; DiLullo, Nicholas M; Khalil, Rehab O; Gockley, Jake; Yuksel, Zafer; Sertel, Sinem M; Ercan-Sencicek, A Gulhan; Gupta, Abha R; Mane, Shrikant M; Sheldon, Michael; Brooks, Andrew I; Roeder, Kathryn; Devlin, Bernie; State, Matthew W; Wei, Liping; Sanders, Stephan JOctober 9, 2014Not Determined
25152607Create StudyStability Approach to Regularization Selection (StARS) for High Dimensional Graphical Models.Advances in neural information processing systemsLiu H, Roeder K, Wasserman LDecember 31, 2010Not Determined
25086666Create StudyA framework for the interpretation of de novo mutation in human disease.Nature geneticsSamocha, Kaitlin E; Robinson, Elise B; Sanders, Stephan J; Stevens, Christine; Sabo, Aniko; McGrath, Lauren M; Kosmicki, Jack A; Rehnström, Karola; Mallick, Swapan; Kirby, Andrew; Wall, Dennis P; MacArthur, Daniel G; Gabriel, Stacey B; DePristo, Mark; Purcell, Shaun M; Palotie, Aarno; Boerwinkle, Eric; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cook Jr, Edwin H; Gibbs, Richard A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Sutcliffe, James S; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Neale, Benjamin M; Daly, Mark JSeptember 2014Not Determined
25038753Study (346)Most genetic risk for autism resides with common variation.Nature geneticsGaugler, Trent; Klei, Lambertus; Sanders, Stephan J; Bodea, Corneliu A; Goldberg, Arthur P; Lee, Ann B; Mahajan, Milind; Manaa, Dina; Pawitan, Yudi; Reichert, Jennifer; Ripke, Stephan; Sandin, Sven; Sklar, Pamela; Svantesson, Oscar; Reichenberg, Abraham; Hultman, Christina M; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Buxbaum, Joseph DAugust 2014Relevant
24796725Create StudyThe increasing prevalence of reported diagnoses of childhood psychiatric disorders: a descriptive multinational comparison.European child & adolescent psychiatryAtladottir, Hjordis O; Gyllenberg, David; Langridge, Amanda; Sandin, Sven; Hansen, Stefan N; Leonard, Helen; Gissler, Mika; Reichenberg, Abraham; Schendel, Diana E; Bourke, Jenny; Hultman, Christina M; Grice, Dorothy E; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Parner, Erik TFebruary 2015Not Relevant
24794370Create StudyThe familial risk of autism.JAMASandin, Sven; Lichtenstein, Paul; Kuja-Halkola, Ralf; Larsson, Henrik; Hultman, Christina M; Reichenberg, AbrahamMay 7, 2014Not Determined
24587841Create StudyREFINING GENETICALLY INFERRED RELATIONSHIPS USING TREELET COVARIANCE SMOOTHING.The annals of applied statisticsCrossett, Andrew; Lee, Ann B; Klei, Lambertus; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, KathrynJune 27, 2013Not Determined
24094742Create StudyIdentification of small exonic CNV from whole-exome sequence data and application to autism spectrum disorder.American journal of human geneticsPoultney, Christopher S; Goldberg, Arthur P; Drapeau, Elodie; Kou, Yan; Harony-Nicolas, Hala; Kajiwara, Yuji; De Rubeis, Silvia; Durand, Simon; Stevens, Christine; Rehnström, Karola; Palotie, Aarno; Daly, Mark J; Ma'ayan, Avi; Fromer, Menachem; Buxbaum, Joseph DOctober 3, 2013Not Determined
23966865Create StudyIntegrated model of de novo and inherited genetic variants yields greater power to identify risk genes.PLoS geneticsHe, Xin; Sanders, Stephan J; Liu, Li; De Rubeis, Silvia; Lim, Elaine T; Sutcliffe, James S; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Gibbs, Richard A; Daly, Mark J; Buxbaum, Joseph D; State, Matthew W; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn2013Not Determined
23743231Create StudyWhole exome sequencing reveals minimal differences between cell line and whole blood derived DNA.GenomicsSchafer CM, Campbell NG, Cai G, Yu F, Makarov V, Yoon S, Daly MJ, Gibbs RA, Schellenberg GD, Devlin B, Sutcliffe JS, Buxbaum JD, Roeder KOctober 2013Not Determined
23593035Create StudyAnalysis of rare, exonic variation amongst subjects with autism spectrum disorders and population controls.PLoS geneticsLiu, Li; Sabo, Aniko; Neale, Benjamin M; Nagaswamy, Uma; Stevens, Christine; Lim, Elaine; Bodea, Corneliu A; Muzny, Donna; Reid, Jeffrey G; Banks, Eric; Coon, Hillary; Depristo, Mark; Dinh, Huyen; Fennel, Tim; Flannick, Jason; Gabriel, Stacey; Garimella, Kiran; Gross, Shannon; Hawes, Alicia; Lewis, Lora; Makarov, Vladimir; Maguire, Jared; Newsham, Irene; Poplin, Ryan; Ripke, Stephan; Shakir, Khalid; Samocha, Kaitlin E; Wu, Yuanqing; Boerwinkle, Eric; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cook Jr, Edwin H; Devlin, Bernie; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Sutcliffe, James S; Daly, Mark J; Gibbs, Richard A; Roeder, KathrynApril 2013Not Determined
23555798Create StudyClustering and alignment of polymorphic sequences for HLA-DRB1 genotyping.PloS oneRingquist, Steven; Bellone, Gaia; Lu, Ying; Roeder, Kathryn; Trucco, Massimo2013Not Determined
23352160Create StudyRare complete knockouts in humans: population distribution and significant role in autism spectrum disorders.NeuronLim ET, Raychaudhuri S, Sanders SJ, Stevens C, Sabo A, MacArthur DG, Neale BM, Kirby A, Ruderfer DM, Fromer M, Lek M, Liu L, Flannick J, Ripke S, Nagaswamy U, Muzny D, Reid JG, Hawes A, Newsham I, Wu Y, Lewis L, Dinh H, Gross S, Wang LS, Lin CF, et al.January 23, 2013Not Determined
23143602Create StudyCommon genetic variants in the CLDN2 and PRSS1-PRSS2 loci alter risk for alcohol-related and sporadic pancreatitis.Nature geneticsWhitcomb, David C; LaRusch, Jessica; Krasinskas, Alyssa M; Klei, Lambertus; Smith, Jill P; Brand, Randall E; Neoptolemos, John P; Lerch, Markus M; Tector, Matt; Sandhu, Bimaljit S; Guda, Nalini M; Orlichenko, Lidiya; Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium; Alkaade, Samer; Amann, Stephen T; Anderson, Michelle A; Baillie, John; Banks, Peter A; Conwell, Darwin; Coté, Gregory A; Cotton, Peter B; DiSario, James; Farrer, Lindsay A; Forsmark, Chris E; Johnstone, Marianne; Gardner, Timothy B; Gelrud, Andres; Greenhalf, William; Haines, Jonathan L; Hartman, Douglas J; Hawes, Robert A; Lawrence, Christopher; Lewis, Michele; Mayerle, Julia; Mayeux, Richard; Melhem, Nadine M; Money, Mary E; Muniraj, Thiruvengadam; Papachristou, Georgios I; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Romagnuolo, Joseph; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Sherman, Stuart; Simon, Peter; Singh, Vijay P; Slivka, Adam; Stolz, Donna; Sutton, Robert; Weiss, Frank Ulrich; Wilcox, C Mel; Zarnescu, Narcis Octavian; Wisniewski, Stephen R; O'Connell, Michael R; Kienholz, Michelle L; Roeder, Kathryn; Barmada, M Michael; Yadav, Dhiraj; Devlin, BernieDecember 2012Not Determined
22843504Create StudyIndividual common variants exert weak effects on the risk for autism spectrum disorders.Human molecular geneticsAnney, Richard; Klei, Lambertus; Pinto, Dalila; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Baird, Gillian; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bölte, Sven; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Brian, Jessica; Casey, Jillian; Conroy, Judith; Correia, Catarina; Corsello, Christina; Crawford, Emily L; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Fombonne, Eric; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Green, Andrew; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Heron, Elizabeth A; Holt, Richard; Howe, Jennifer L; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Jacob, Suma; Kenny, Graham P; Kim, Cecilia; Kolevzon, Alexander; Kustanovich, Vlad; Lajonchere, Clara M; Lamb, Janine A; Law-Smith, Miriam; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Lombard, Frances; Lord, Catherine; Lotspeich, Linda; Lund, Sabata C; Magalhaes, Tiago R; Mantoulan, Carine; McDougle, Christopher J; Melhem, Nadine M; Merikangas, Alison; Minshew, Nancy J; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Noakes, Carolyn; Nygren, Gudrun; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Parrini, Barbara; Paton, Tara; Pickles, Andrew; Posey, David J; Poustka, Fritz; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Regan, Regina; Roberts, Wendy; Roeder, Kathryn; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Schlitt, Sabine; Shah, Naisha; Sheffield, Val C; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Stoppioni, Vera; Sykes, Nuala; Tancredi, Raffaella; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tryfon, Ana; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Vorstman, J A S; Wallace, Simon; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Wood, Shawn; Zurawiecki, Danielle; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Bailey, Anthony J; Battaglia, Agatino; Cantor, Rita M; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Dawson, Geraldine; Ennis, Sean; Freitag, Christine M; Geschwind, Daniel H; Haines, Jonathan L; Klauck, Sabine M; McMahon, William M; Maestrini, Elena; Miller, Judith; Monaco, Anthony P; Nelson, Stanley F; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Oliveira, Guiomar; Parr, Jeremy R; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Piven, Joseph; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Vicente, Astrid M; Wassink, Thomas H; Wijsman, Ellen M; Betancur, Catalina; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cook, Edwin H; Gallagher, Louise; Gill, Michael; Hallmayer, Joachim; Paterson, Andrew D; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Vieland, Veronica J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Devlin, BernieNovember 1, 2012Not Determined
22511880Create StudyWhole-exome sequencing and homozygosity analysis implicate depolarization-regulated neuronal genes in autism.PLoS geneticsChahrour, Maria H; Yu, Timothy W; Lim, Elaine T; Ataman, Bulent; Coulter, Michael E; Hill, R Sean; Stevens, Christine R; Schubert, Christian R; ARRA Autism Sequencing Collaboration; Greenberg, Michael E; Gabriel, Stacey B; Walsh, Christopher A2012Not Determined
22499558Create StudyNetwork- and attribute-based classifiers can prioritize genes and pathways for autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical geneticsKou, Yan; Betancur, Catalina; Xu, Huilei; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Ma'ayan, AviMay 15, 2012Not Determined
22495311Create StudyPatterns and rates of exonic de novo mutations in autism spectrum disorders.NatureNeale, Benjamin M; Kou, Yan; Liu, Li; Ma'ayan, Avi; Samocha, Kaitlin E; Sabo, Aniko; Lin, Chiao-Feng; Stevens, Christine; Wang, Li-San; Makarov, Vladimir; Polak, Paz; Yoon, Seungtai; Maguire, Jared; Crawford, Emily L; Campbell, Nicholas G; Geller, Evan T; Valladares, Otto; Schafer, Chad; Liu, Han; Zhao, Tuo; Cai, Guiqing; Lihm, Jayon; Dannenfelser, Ruth; Jabado, Omar; Peralta, Zuleyma; Nagaswamy, Uma; Muzny, Donna; Reid, Jeffrey G; Newsham, Irene; Wu, Yuanqing; Lewis, Lora; Han, Yi; Voight, Benjamin F; Lim, Elaine; Rossin, Elizabeth; Kirby, Andrew; Flannick, Jason; Fromer, Menachem; Shakir, Khalid; Fennell, Tim; Garimella, Kiran; Banks, Eric; Poplin, Ryan; Gabriel, Stacey; DePristo, Mark; Wimbish, Jack R; Boone, Braden E; Levy, Shawn E; Betancur, Catalina; Sunyaev, Shamil; Boerwinkle, Eric; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cook Jr, Edwin H; Devlin, Bernie; Gibbs, Richard A; Roeder, Kathryn; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Sutcliffe, James S; Daly, Mark JApril 4, 2012Not Determined
22463983Create StudyGenetic architecture in autism spectrum disorder.Current opinion in genetics & developmentDevlin B, Scherer SWJune 2012Not Determined
22170232Create StudyAmino acid position 11 of HLA-DRβ1 is a major determinant of chromosome 6p association with ulcerative colitis.Genes and immunityAchkar JP, Klei L, de Bakker PI, Bellone G, Rebert N, Scott R, Lu Y, Regueiro M, Brzezinski A, Kamboh MI, Fiocchi C, Devlin B, Trucco M, Ringquist S, Roeder K, Duerr RHApril 2012Not Determined
22005930Create StudyGenome-wide association study of Alzheimer''s disease with psychotic symptoms.Molecular psychiatryHollingworth, P; Sweet, R; Sims, R; Harold, D; Russo, G; Abraham, R; Stretton, A; Jones, N; Gerrish, A; Chapman, J; Ivanov, D; Moskvina, V; Lovestone, S; Priotsi, P; Lupton, M; Brayne, C; Gill, M; Lawlor, B; Lynch, A; Craig, D; McGuinness, B; Johnston, J; Holmes, C; Livingston, G; Bass, N J; Gurling, H; McQuillin, A; GERAD Consortium; National Institute on Aging Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Family Study Group; Holmans, P; Jones, L; Devlin, B; Klei, L; Barmada, M M; Demirci, F Y; DeKosky, S T; Lopez, O L; Passmore, P; Owen, M J; O'Donovan, M C; Mayeux, R; Kamboh, M I; Williams, JDecember 2012Not Determined
21996756Create StudyA novel approach of homozygous haplotype sharing identifies candidate genes in autism spectrum disorder.Human geneticsCasey, Jillian P; Magalhaes, Tiago; Conroy, Judith M; Regan, Regina; Shah, Naisha; Anney, Richard; Shields, Denis C; Abrahams, Brett S; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Bailey, Anthony J; Baird, Gillian; Battaglia, Agatino; Berney, Tom; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Cali, Phil; Correia, Catarina; Corsello, Christina; Coutanche, Marc; Dawson, Geraldine; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Foley, Suzanne; Fombonne, Eric; Freitag, Christine M; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Holt, Richard; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Kim, Cecilia; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Lamb, Janine A; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Lord, Catherine; Lund, Sabata C; Maestrini, Elena; Mantoulan, Carine; Marshall, Christian R; McConachie, Helen; McDougle, Christopher J; McGrath, Jane; McMahon, William M; Merikangas, Alison; Miller, Judith; Minopoli, Fiorella; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Nelson, Stanley F; Nygren, Gudrun; Oliveira, Guiomar; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Parr, Jeremy R; Parrini, Barbara; Pickles, Andrew; Pinto, Dalila; Piven, Joseph; Posey, David J; Poustka, Annemarie; Poustka, Fritz; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Sequeira, Ana F; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Sykes, Nuala; Stoppioni, Vera; Tancredi, Raffaella; Tauber, Maïté; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Vorstman, Jacob A S; Wallace, Simon; Wang, Kai; Wassink, Thomas H; White, Kathy; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Yaspan, Brian L; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Betancur, Catalina; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cantor, Rita M; Cook, Edwin H; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Geschwind, Daniel H; Haines, Jonathan L; Hallmayer, Joachim; Monaco, Anthony P; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Vieland, Veronica J; Wijsman, Ellen M; Green, Andrew; Gill, Michael; Gallagher, Louise; Vicente, Astrid; Ennis, SeanApril 2012Not Determined
21982423Create StudyCopy number variants for schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders in Oceanic Palau: risk and transmission in extended pedigrees.Biological psychiatryMelhem, Nadine; Middleton, Frank; McFadden, Kathryn; Klei, Lambertus; Faraone, Stephen V; Vinogradov, Sophia; Tiobech, Josepha; Yano, Victor; Kuartei, Stevenson; Roeder, Kathryn; Byerley, William; Devlin, Bernie; Myles-Worsley, MarinaDecember 15, 2011Not Determined
21892380Create StudySTRUCTURED, SPARSE REGRESSION WITH APPLICATION TO HIV DRUG RESISTANCE.The annals of applied statisticsPercival, Daniel; Roeder, Kathryn; Rosenfeld, Roni; Wasserman, LarryJune 1, 2011Not Determined
21703496Create StudyIdentification of genetic loci underlying the phenotypic constructs of autism spectrum disorders.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryLiu, Xiao-Qing; Georgiades, Stelios; Duku, Eric; Thompson, Ann; Devlin, Bernie; Cook, Edwin H; Wijsman, Ellen M; Paterson, Andrew D; Szatmari, PeterJuly 2011Not Determined
21685912Create StudyIdentification of common variants influencing risk of the tauopathy progressive supranuclear palsy.Nature geneticsHöglinger, Günter U; Melhem, Nadine M; Dickson, Dennis W; Sleiman, Patrick M A; Wang, Li-San; Klei, Lambertus; Rademakers, Rosa; de Silva, Rohan; Litvan, Irene; Riley, David E; van Swieten, John C; Heutink, Peter; Wszolek, Zbigniew K; Uitti, Ryan J; Vandrovcova, Jana; Hurtig, Howard I; Gross, Rachel G; Maetzler, Walter; Goldwurm, Stefano; Tolosa, Eduardo; Borroni, Barbara; Pastor, Pau; PSP Genetics Study Group; Cantwell, Laura B; Han, Mi Ryung; Dillman, Allissa; van der Brug, Marcel P; Gibbs, J Raphael; Cookson, Mark R; Hernandez, Dena G; Singleton, Andrew B; Farrer, Matthew J; Yu, Chang-En; Golbe, Lawrence I; Revesz, Tamas; Hardy, John; Lees, Andrew J; Devlin, Bernie; Hakonarson, Hakon; Müller, Ulrich; Schellenberg, Gerard DJune 2011Not Determined
21658581Create StudyMultiple recurrent de novo CNVs, including duplications of the 7q11.23 Williams syndrome region, are strongly associated with autism.NeuronSanders, Stephan J; Ercan-Sencicek, A Gulhan; Hus, Vanessa; Luo, Rui; Murtha, Michael T; Moreno-De-Luca, Daniel; Chu, Su H; Moreau, Michael P; Gupta, Abha R; Thomson, Susanne A; Mason, Christopher E; Bilguvar, Kaya; Celestino-Soper, Patricia B S; Choi, Murim; Crawford, Emily L; Davis, Lea; Wright, Nicole R Davis; Dhodapkar, Rahul M; DiCola, Michael; DiLullo, Nicholas M; Fernandez, Thomas V; Fielding-Singh, Vikram; Fishman, Daniel O; Frahm, Stephanie; Garagaloyan, Rouben; Goh, Gerald S; Kammela, Sindhuja; Klei, Lambertus; Lowe, Jennifer K; Lund, Sabata C; McGrew, Anna D; Meyer, Kyle A; Moffat, William J; Murdoch, John D; O'Roak, Brian J; Ober, Gordon T; Pottenger, Rebecca S; Raubeson, Melanie J; Song, Youeun; Wang, Qi; Yaspan, Brian L; Yu, Timothy W; Yurkiewicz, Ilana R; Beaudet, Arthur L; Cantor, Rita M; Curland, Martin; Grice, Dorothy E; Günel, Murat; Lifton, Richard P; Mane, Shrikant M; Martin, Donna M; Shaw, Chad A; Sheldon, Michael; Tischfield, Jay A; Walsh, Christopher A; Morrow, Eric M; Ledbetter, David H; Fombonne, Eric; Lord, Catherine; Martin, Christa Lese; Brooks, Andrew I; Sutcliffe, James S; Cook Jr, Edwin H; Geschwind, Daniel; Roeder, Kathryn; Devlin, Bernie; State, Matthew WJune 9, 2011Not Determined
21480485Create StudyUsing linkage information to weight a genome-wide association of bipolar disorder.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsHowrigan, D P; Laird, N M; Smoller, J W; Devlin, B; McQueen, M BJune 2011Not Determined
21408211Create StudyTesting for an unusual distribution of rare variants.PLoS geneticsNeale BM, Rivas MA, Voight BF, Altshuler D, Devlin B, Orho-Melander M, Kathiresan S, Purcell SM, Roeder K, Daly MJMarch 2011Not Determined
21078308Create StudyDo common variants play a role in risk for autism? Evidence and theoretical musings.Brain researchDevlin B, Melhem N, Roeder KMarch 22, 2011Not Determined
21067556Create StudyShedding new light on genetic dark matter.Genome medicineMelhem N, Devlin B2010Not Determined
20862653Create StudyUsing ancestry matching to combine family-based and unrelated samples for genome-wide association studies.Statistics in medicineCrossett A, Kent BP, Klei L, Ringquist S, Trucco M, Roeder K, Devlin BDecember 10, 2010Not Determined
20711421Create StudyGenome-Wide Significance Levels and Weighted Hypothesis Testing.Statistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical StatisticsRoeder K, Wasserman LNovember 2009Not Determined
20689656Create StudyA SPECTRAL GRAPH APPROACH TO DISCOVERING GENETIC ANCESTRY.The annals of applied statisticsLee, Ann B; Luca, Diana; Roeder, Kathryn2010Not Determined
20663923Create StudyA genome-wide scan for common alleles affecting risk for autism.Human molecular geneticsAnney, Richard; Klei, Lambertus; Pinto, Dalila; Regan, Regina; Conroy, Judith; Magalhaes, Tiago R; Correia, Catarina; Abrahams, Brett S; Sykes, Nuala; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Bailey, Anthony J; Baird, Gillian; Battaglia, Agatino; Berney, Tom; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bölte, Sven; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Brian, Jessica; Carson, Andrew R; Casallo, Guillermo; Casey, Jillian; Chu, Su H; Cochrane, Lynne; Corsello, Christina; Crawford, Emily L; Crossett, Andrew; Dawson, Geraldine; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Drmic, Irene; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Fombonne, Eric; Freitag, Christine M; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Goldberg, Jeremy; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Heron, Elizabeth A; Hill, Matthew; Holt, Richard; Howe, Jennifer L; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Kim, Cecilia; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Korvatska, Olena; Kustanovich, Vlad; Lajonchere, Clara M; Lamb, Janine A; Laskawiec, Magdalena; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Lionel, Anath C; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Lord, Catherine; Lotspeich, Linda; Lund, Sabata C; Maestrini, Elena; Mahoney, William; Mantoulan, Carine; Marshall, Christian R; McConachie, Helen; McDougle, Christopher J; McGrath, Jane; McMahon, William M; Melhem, Nadine M; Merikangas, Alison; Migita, Ohsuke; Minshew, Nancy J; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Nelson, Stanley F; Noakes, Carolyn; Noor, Abdul; Nygren, Gudrun; Oliveira, Guiomar; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Parr, Jeremy R; Parrini, Barbara; Paton, Tara; Pickles, Andrew; Piven, Joseph; Posey, David J; Poustka, Annemarie; Poustka, Fritz; Prasad, Aparna; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Renshaw, Katy; Rickaby, Jessica; Roberts, Wendy; Roeder, Kathryn; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Bierut, Laura J; Rice, John P; Salt, Jeff; Sansom, Katherine; Sato, Daisuke; Segurado, Ricardo; Senman, Lili; Shah, Naisha; Sheffield, Val C; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Stoppioni, Vera; Strawbridge, Christina; Tancredi, Raffaella; Tansey, Katherine; Thiruvahindrapduram, Bhooma; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tryfon, Ana; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Wallace, Simon; Wang, Kai; Wang, Zhouzhi; Wassink, Thomas H; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Wood, Shawn; Yaspan, Brian L; Zurawiecki, Danielle; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Betancur, Catalina; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cantor, Rita M; Cook, Edwin H; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Gallagher, Louise; Geschwind, Daniel H; Gill, Michael; Haines, Jonathan L; Miller, Judith; Monaco, Anthony P; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Paterson, Andrew D; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Vicente, Astrid M; Vieland, Veronica J; Wijsman, Ellen M; Devlin, Bernie; Ennis, Sean; Hallmayer, JoachimOctober 15, 2010Not Determined
20531469Create StudyFunctional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders.NaturePinto, Dalila; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Klei, Lambertus; Anney, Richard; Merico, Daniele; Regan, Regina; Conroy, Judith; Magalhaes, Tiago R; Correia, Catarina; Abrahams, Brett S; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Bader, Gary D; Bailey, Anthony J; Baird, Gillian; Battaglia, Agatino; Berney, Tom; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bölte, Sven; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Brian, Jessica; Bryson, Susan E; Carson, Andrew R; Casallo, Guillermo; Casey, Jillian; Chung, Brian H Y; Cochrane, Lynne; Corsello, Christina; Crawford, Emily L; Crossett, Andrew; Cytrynbaum, Cheryl; Dawson, Geraldine; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Drmic, Irene; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Fombonne, Eric; Freitag, Christine M; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Goldberg, Jeremy; Green, Andrew; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Heron, Elizabeth A; Hill, Matthew; Holt, Richard; Howe, Jennifer L; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Kim, Cecilia; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Korvatska, Olena; Kustanovich, Vlad; Lajonchere, Clara M; Lamb, Janine A; Laskawiec, Magdalena; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Lionel, Anath C; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Lord, Catherine; Lotspeich, Linda; Lund, Sabata C; Maestrini, Elena; Mahoney, William; Mantoulan, Carine; Marshall, Christian R; McConachie, Helen; McDougle, Christopher J; McGrath, Jane; McMahon, William M; Merikangas, Alison; Migita, Ohsuke; Minshew, Nancy J; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Nelson, Stanley F; Noakes, Carolyn; Noor, Abdul; Nygren, Gudrun; Oliveira, Guiomar; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Parr, Jeremy R; Parrini, Barbara; Paton, Tara; Pickles, Andrew; Pilorge, Marion; Piven, Joseph; Ponting, Chris P; Posey, David J; Poustka, Annemarie; Poustka, Fritz; Prasad, Aparna; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Renshaw, Katy; Rickaby, Jessica; Roberts, Wendy; Roeder, Kathryn; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Bierut, Laura J; Rice, John P; Salt, Jeff; Sansom, Katherine; Sato, Daisuke; Segurado, Ricardo; Sequeira, Ana F; Senman, Lili; Shah, Naisha; Sheffield, Val C; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Stein, Olaf; Sykes, Nuala; Stoppioni, Vera; Strawbridge, Christina; Tancredi, Raffaella; Tansey, Katherine; Thiruvahindrapduram, Bhooma; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tryfon, Ana; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Wallace, Simon; Wang, Kai; Wang, Zhouzhi; Wassink, Thomas H; Webber, Caleb; Weksberg, Rosanna; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Wood, Shawn; Wu, Jing; Yaspan, Brian L; Zurawiecki, Danielle; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cantor, Rita M; Cook, Edwin H; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Devlin, Bernie; Ennis, Sean; Gallagher, Louise; Geschwind, Daniel H; Gill, Michael; Haines, Jonathan L; Hallmayer, Joachim; Miller, Judith; Monaco, Anthony P; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Paterson, Andrew D; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Szatmari, Peter; Vicente, Astrid M; Vieland, Veronica J; Wijsman, Ellen M; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Betancur, CatalinaJuly 15, 2010Not Determined
20435442Create StudyConsanguinity and increased risk for schizophrenia in Egypt.Schizophrenia researchMansour, Hader; Fathi, Warda; Klei, Lambertus; Wood, Joel; Chowdari, Kodavali; Watson, Annie; Eissa, Ahmed; Elassy, Mai; Ali, Ibtihal; Salah, Hala; Yassin, Amal; Tobar, Salwa; El-Boraie, Hala; Gaafar, Hanan; Ibrahim, Nahed E; Kandil, Kareem; El-Bahaei, Wafaa; El-Boraie, Osama; Alatrouny, Mohamed; El-Chennawi, Farha; Devlin, Bernie; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit LJuly 2010Not Determined
20088021Create StudyScreen and clean: a tool for identifying interactions in genome-wide association studies.Genetic epidemiologyWu J, Devlin B, Ringquist S, Trucco M, Roeder KApril 2010Not Determined
19784398Create StudyHIGH DIMENSIONAL VARIABLE SELECTION.Annals of statisticsWasserman, Larry; Roeder, KathrynJanuary 1, 2009Not Determined
19625980Create StudyNeural correlates of symptom dimensions in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryGilbert AR, Akkal D, Almeida JR, Mataix-Cols D, Kalas C, Devlin B, Birmaher B, Phillips MLSeptember 2009Not Determined
19513023Create StudyPhenotypic and genotypic characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease in French Canadians: comparison with a large North American repository.The American journal of gastroenterologyBhat M, Nguyen GC, Pare P, Lahaie R, Deslandres C, Bernard EJ, Aumais G, Jobin G, Wild G, Cohen A, Langelier D, Brant S, Dassopoulos T, McGovern D, Torres E, Duerr R, Regueiro M, Silverberg MS, Steinhart H, Griffiths AM, Elkadri A, Cho J, Proctor D, Goyette P, Rioux J, et al.September 2009Not Determined
19455578Create StudyDiscovering genetic ancestry using spectral graph theory.Genetic epidemiologyLee AB, Luca D, Klei L, Devlin B, Roeder KJanuary 2010Not Determined
19404257Create StudyAutism genome-wide copy number variation reveals ubiquitin and neuronal genes.NatureGlessner, Joseph T; Wang, Kai; Cai, Guiqing; Korvatska, Olena; Kim, Cecilia E; Wood, Shawn; Zhang, Haitao; Estes, Annette; Brune, Camille W; Bradfield, Jonathan P; Imielinski, Marcin; Frackelton, Edward C; Reichert, Jennifer; Crawford, Emily L; Munson, Jeffrey; Sleiman, Patrick M A; Chiavacci, Rosetta; Annaiah, Kiran; Thomas, Kelly; Hou, Cuiping; Glaberson, Wendy; Flory, James; Otieno, Frederick; Garris, Maria; Soorya, Latha; Klei, Lambertus; Piven, Joseph; Meyer, Kacie J; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Sakurai, Takeshi; Game, Rachel M; Rudd, Danielle S; Zurawiecki, Danielle; McDougle, Christopher J; Davis, Lea K; Miller, Judith; Posey, David J; Michaels, Shana; Kolevzon, Alexander; Silverman, Jeremy M; Bernier, Raphael; Levy, Susan E; Schultz, Robert T; Dawson, Geraldine; Owley, Thomas; McMahon, William M; Wassink, Thomas H; Sweeney, John A; Nurnberger, John I; Coon, Hilary; Sutcliffe, James S; Minshew, Nancy J; Grant, Struan F A; Bucan, Maja; Cook, Edwin H; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Devlin, Bernie; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Hakonarson, HakonMay 28, 2009Not Determined
19278733Create StudyReplicable differences in preferred circadian phase between bipolar disorder patients and control individuals.Psychiatry researchWood, Joel; Birmaher, Boris; Axelson, David; Ehmann, Mary; Kalas, Catherine; Monk, Kelly; Turkin, Scott; Kupfer, David J; Brent, David; Monk, Timothy H; Nimgainkar, Vishwajit LApril 30, 2009Not Determined
19152378Create StudyConsanguinity associated with increased risk for bipolar I disorder in Egypt.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsMansour, Hader; Klei, Lambertus; Wood, Joel; Talkowski, Michael; Chowdari, Kodavali; Fathi, Warda; Eissa, Ahmed; Yassin, Amal; Salah, Hala; Tobar, Salwa; El-Boraie, Hala; Gaafar, Hanan; Elassy, Mai; Ibrahim, Nahed E; El-Bahaei, Wafaa; Elsayed, Mohamed; Shahda, Mohamed; El Sheshtawy, Eman; El-Boraie, Osama; El-Chennawi, Farha; Devlin, Bernie; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit LSeptember 5, 2009Not Determined
19122664Create StudyUlcerative colitis-risk loci on chromosomes 1p36 and 12q15 found by genome-wide association study.Nature geneticsSilverberg MS, Cho JH, Rioux JD, McGovern DP, Wu J, Annese V, Achkar JP, Goyette P, Scott R, Xu W, Barmada MM, Klei L, Daly MJ, Abraham C, Bayless TM, Bossa F, Griffiths AM, Ippoliti AF, Lahaie RG, Latiano A, Paré P, Proctor DD, Regueiro MD, Steinhart AH, Targan SR, et al.February 2009Not Determined
18519160Create StudySearching for disease susceptibility variants in structured populations.GenomicsRoeder K, Luca DJanuary 2009Not Determined
18252225Create StudyOn the use of general control samples for genome-wide association studies: genetic matching highlights causal variants.American journal of human geneticsLuca, Diana; Ringquist, Steven; Klei, Lambertus; Lee, Ann B; Gieger, Christian; Wichmann, H-Erich; Schreiber, Stefan; Krawczak, Michael; Lu, Ying; Styche, Alexis; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Trucco, MassimoFebruary 2008Not Determined
17922480Create StudyPleiotropy and principal components of heritability combine to increase power for association analysis.Genetic epidemiologyKlei L, Luca D, Devlin B, Roeder KJanuary 2008Not Determined
17561376Create StudyPolymorphisms in MICB are associated with human herpes virus seropositivity and schizophrenia risk.Schizophrenia researchShirts BH, Kim JJ, Reich S, Dickerson FB, Yolken RH, Devlin B, Nimgaonkar VLAugust 2007Not Determined
17549760Create StudyImproving power in genome-wide association studies: weights tip the scale.Genetic epidemiologyRoeder K, Devlin B, Wasserman LNovember 2007Not Determined
17453677Create StudyAre exposure to cytomegalovirus and genetic variation on chromosome 6p joint risk factors for schizophrenia?Annals of medicineKim JJ, Shirts BH, Dayal M, Bacanu SA, Wood J, Xie W, Zhang X, Chowdari KV, Yolken R, Devlin B, Nimgaonkar VL2007Not Determined
17436020Create StudyGenetic liability to schizophrenia in Oceanic Palau: a search in the affected and maternal generation.Human geneticsDevlin, Bernie; Klei, Lambertus; Myles-Worsley, Marina; Tiobech, Josepha; Otto, Caleb; Byerley, William; Roeder, KathrynJuly 2007Not Determined
17434289Create StudyComprehensive analysis of APOE and selected proximate markers for late-onset Alzheimer's disease: patterns of linkage disequilibrium and disease/marker association.GenomicsYu CE, Seltman H, Peskind ER, Galloway N, Zhou PX, Rosenthal E, Wijsman EM, Tsuang DW, Devlin B, Schellenberg GDJune 2007Not Determined
17342507Create StudyTesting for association based on excess allele sharing in a sample of related cases and controls.Human geneticsKlei, Lambertus; Roeder, KathyrnJune 2007Not Determined
17322880Create StudyMapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements.Nature geneticsAutism Genome Project Consortium; Szatmari, Peter; Paterson, Andrew D; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Roberts, Wendy; Brian, Jessica; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Vincent, John B; Skaug, Jennifer L; Thompson, Ann P; Senman, Lili; Feuk, Lars; Qian, Cheng; Bryson, Susan E; Jones, Marshall B; Marshall, Christian R; Scherer, Stephen W; Vieland, Veronica J; Bartlett, Christopher; Mangin, La Vonne; Goedken, Rhinda; Segre, Alberto; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Cuccaro, Michael L; Gilbert, John R; Wright, Harry H; Abramson, Ruth K; Betancur, Catalina; Bourgeron, Thomas; Gillberg, Christopher; Leboyer, Marion; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Davis, Kenneth L; Hollander, Eric; Silverman, Jeremy M; Hallmayer, Joachim; Lotspeich, Linda; Sutcliffe, James S; Haines, Jonathan L; Folstein, Susan E; Piven, Joseph; Wassink, Thomas H; Sheffield, Val; Geschwind, Daniel H; Bucan, Maja; Brown, W Ted; Cantor, Rita M; Constantino, John N; Gilliam, T Conrad; Herbert, Martha; Lajonchere, Clara; Ledbetter, David H; Lese-Martin, Christa; Miller, Janet; Nelson, Stan; Samango-Sprouse, Carol A; Spence, Sarah; State, Matthew; Tanzi, Rudolph E; Coon, Hilary; Dawson, Geraldine; Devlin, Bernie; Estes, Annette; Flodman, Pamela; Klei, Lambertus; McMahon, William M; Minshew, Nancy; Munson, Jeff; Korvatska, Elena; Rodier, Patricia M; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Smith, Moyra; Spence, M Anne; Stodgell, Chris; Tepper, Ping Guo; Wijsman, Ellen M; Yu, Chang-En; Rogé, Bernadette; Mantoulan, Carine; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Poustka, Annemarie; Felder, Bärbel; Klauck, Sabine M; Schuster, Claudia; Poustka, Fritz; Bölte, Sven; Feineis-Matthews, Sabine; Herbrecht, Evelyn; Schmötzer, Gabi; Tsiantis, John; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Maestrini, Elena; Bacchelli, Elena; Blasi, Francesca; Carone, Simona; Toma, Claudio; Van Engeland, Herman; de Jonge, Maretha; Kemner, Chantal; Koop, Frederieke; Koop, Frederike; Langemeijer, Marjolein; Langemeijer, Marjolijn; Hijmans, Channa; Hijimans, Channa; Staal, Wouter G; Baird, Gillian; Bolton, Patrick F; Rutter, Michael L; Weisblatt, Emma; Green, Jonathan; Aldred, Catherine; Wilkinson, Julie-Anne; Pickles, Andrew; Le Couteur, Ann; Berney, Tom; McConachie, Helen; Bailey, Anthony J; Francis, Kostas; Honeyman, Gemma; Hutchinson, Aislinn; Parr, Jeremy R; Wallace, Simon; Monaco, Anthony P; Barnby, Gabrielle; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Lamb, Janine A; Sousa, Ines; Sykes, Nuala; Cook, Edwin H; Guter, Stephen J; Leventhal, Bennett L; Salt, Jeff; Lord, Catherine; Corsello, Christina; Hus, Vanessa; Weeks, Daniel E; Volkmar, Fred; Tauber, Maïté; Fombonne, Eric; Shih, Andy; Meyer, Kacie JMarch 2007Not Determined
16893532Create StudyNovel, replicated associations between dopamine D3 receptor gene polymorphisms and schizophrenia in two independent samples.Biological psychiatryTalkowski ME, Mansour H, Chowdari KV, Wood J, Butler A, Varma PG, Prasad S, Semwal P, Bhatia T, Deshpande S, Devlin B, Thelma BK, Nimgaonkar VLSeptember 15, 2006Not Determined
16631129Create StudyEvaluation of a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia: genotype based meta-analysis of RGS4 polymorphisms from thirteen independent samples.Biological psychiatryTalkowski, Michael E; Seltman, Howard; Bassett, Anne S; Brzustowicz, Linda M; Chen, Xiangning; Chowdari, Kodavali V; Collier, David A; Cordeiro, Quirino; Corvin, Aiden P; Deshpande, Smita N; Egan, Michael F; Gill, Michael; Kendler, Kenneth S; Kirov, George; Heston, Leonard L; Levitt, Pat; Lewis, David A; Li, Tao; Mirnics, Karoly; Morris, Derek W; Norton, Nadine; O'Donovan, Michael C; Owen, Michael J; Richard, Christian; Semwal, Prachi; Sobell, Janet L; St Clair, David; Straub, Richard E; Thelma, B K; Vallada, Homero; Weinberger, Daniel R; Williams, Nigel M; Wood, Joel; Zhang, Feng; Devlin, Bernie; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit LJuly 15, 2006Not Determined
16507006Create StudyAssociation study of eight circadian genes with bipolar I disorder, schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia.Genes, brain, and behaviorMansour HA, Wood J, Logue T, Chowdari KV, Dayal M, Kupfer DJ, Monk TH, Devlin B, Nimgaonkar VLMarch 2006Not Determined
16400608Create StudyUsing linkage genome scans to improve power of association in genome scans.American journal of human geneticsRoeder, Kathryn; Bacanu, Silvi-Alin; Wasserman, Larry; Devlin, BFebruary 2006Not Determined
16152575Create StudySelection of eating-disorder phenotypes for linkage analysis.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsBulik, Cynthia M; Bacanu, Silviu-Alin; Klump, Kelly L; Fichter, Manfred M; Halmi, Katherine A; Keel, Pamela; Kaplan, Allan S; Mitchell, James E; Rotondo, Alessandro; Strober, Michael; Treasure, Janet; Woodside, D Blake; Sonpar, Vibhor A; Xie, Weiting; Bergen, Andrew W; Berrettini, Wade H; Kaye, Walter H; Devlin, BernieNovember 5, 2005Not Determined
16152574Create StudyLinkage analysis of anorexia and bulimia nervosa cohorts using selected behavioral phenotypes as quantitative traits or covariates.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsBacanu, Silviu-Alin; Bulik, Cynthia M; Klump, Kelly L; Fichter, Manfred M; Halmi, Katherine A; Keel, Pamela; Kaplan, Allan S; Mitchell, James E; Rotondo, Alessandro; Strober, Michael; Treasure, Janet; Woodside, D Blake; Sonpar, Vibhor A; Xie, Weiting; Bergen, Andrew W; Berrettini, Wade H; Kaye, Walter H; Devlin, BernieNovember 5, 2005Not Determined
16103890Create StudyAutism and the serotonin transporter: the long and short of it.Molecular psychiatryDevlin B, Cook EH, Coon H, Dawson G, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Minshew N, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Rodier PM, Stodgell C, Schellenberg GD, CPEA Genetics NetworkDecember 2005Not Determined
16094613Create StudyMultipoint linkage analysis for a very dense set of markers.Genetic epidemiologyBacanu SANovember 2005Not Determined
16076655Create StudyCircadian phase variation in bipolar I disorder.Chronobiology internationalMansour HA, Wood J, Chowdari KV, Dayal M, Thase ME, Kupfer DJ, Monk TH, Devlin B, Nimgaonkar VL2005Not Determined
16027741Create StudyCatechol-O-methyltransferase haplotypes are associated with psychosis in Alzheimer disease.Molecular psychiatrySweet RA, Devlin B, Pollock BG, Sukonick DL, Kastango KB, Bacanu SA, Chowdari KV, DeKosky ST, Ferrell RENovember 2005Not Determined
16009739Create StudyHeritability of psychosis in Alzheimer disease.The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric PsychiatryBacanu, Silviu-Alin; Devlin, Bernie; Chowdari, Kodavali V; DeKosky, Steven T; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit L; Sweet, Robert AJuly 2005Not Determined
15920508Create StudyAssociation of multiple DRD2 polymorphisms with anorexia nervosa.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyBergen AW, Yeager M, Welch RA, Haque K, Ganjei JK, van den Bree MB, Mazzanti C, Nardi I, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Kaplan AS, Strober M, Treasure J, Woodside DB, Bulik CM, Bacanu SA, Devlin B, Berrettini WH, Goldman D, Kaye WHSeptember 2005Not Determined
15915326Create StudyLinkage analysis of a completely ascertained sample of familial schizophrenics and bipolars from Palau, Micronesia.Human geneticsKlei, Lambertus; Bacanu, Silviu-Alin; Myles-Worsley, Marina; Galke, Brandi; Xie, Weiting; Tiobech, Josepha; Otto, Caleb; Roeder, Kathyrn; Devlin, Bernie; Byerley, WilliamAugust 2005Not Determined
15637716Create StudyCharacterization of multilocus linkage disequilibrium.Genetic epidemiologyRinaldo A, Bacanu SA, Devlin B, Sonpar V, Wasserman L, Roeder KApril 2005Not Determined
15637715Create StudyAnalysis of single-locus tests to detect gene/disease associations.Genetic epidemiologyRoeder K, Bacanu SA, Sonpar V, Zhang X, Devlin BApril 2005Not Determined
15601530Create StudyIntegration of association statistics over genomic regions using Bayesian adaptive regression splines.Human genomicsZhang X, Roeder K, Wallstrom G, Devlin BNovember 2003Not Determined
15514657Create StudyGenomic Control to the extreme.Nature geneticsDevlin B, Bacanu SA, Roeder KNovember 2004Not Determined
15498468Create StudyADLAPH: A molecular haplotyping method based on allele-discriminating long-range PCR.GenomicsYu CE, Devlin B, Galloway N, Loomis E, Schellenberg GDSeptember 2004Not Determined
15372617Create StudyRobust estimation of critical values for genome scans to detect linkage.Genetic epidemiologyBacanu SAJanuary 2005Not Determined
15048647Create StudyAlleles of a reelin CGG repeat do not convey liability to autism in a sample from the CPEA network.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsDevlin, Bernie; Bennett, Pamela; Dawson, Geraldine; Figlewicz, Denise A; Grigorenko, Elena L; McMahon, William; Minshew, Nancy; Pauls, David; Smith, Moyra; Spence, M Anne; Rodier, Patricia M; Stodgell, Chris; Schellenberg, Gerard D; CPEA Genetics NetworkApril 1, 2004Not Determined
14755456Create StudyHaplotypes of the monoamine oxidase genes and the risk for substance use disorders.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsVanyukov, Michael M; Maher, Brion S; Devlin, Bernie; Tarter, Ralph E; Kirillova, Galina P; Yu, Ling-Mei; Ferrell, Robert EFebruary 15, 2004Not Determined
14571259Create StudyFalse discovery or missed discovery?HeredityDevlin B, Roeder K, Wasserman LDecember 2003Not Determined
12933562Create StudyGenomic control for association studies: a semiparametric test to detect excess-haplotype sharing.Biostatistics (Oxford, England)Devlin B, Roeder K, Wasserman LDecember 2000Not Relevant
12813726Create StudyEvolutionary-based association analysis using haplotype data.Genetic epidemiologySeltman H, Roeder K, Devlin BJuly 2003Not Determined
12813725Create StudyAnalysis of multilocus models of association.Genetic epidemiologyDevlin B, Roeder K, Wasserman LJuly 2003Not Determined
12675687Create StudyCladistic analysis of human apolipoprotein a4 polymorphisms in relation to quantitative plasma lipid risk factors of coronary heart disease.Annals of human geneticsWang, G Q; DiPietro, M; Roeder, K; Heng, C-K; Bunker, C H; Hamman, R F; Kamboh, M IMarch 2003Not Determined
12610778Create StudyOn the identification of disease mutations by the analysis of haplotype similarity and goodness of fit.American journal of human geneticsTzeng, Jung-Ying; Devlin, B; Wasserman, Larry; Roeder, KathrynApril 2003Not Determined
12476400Create StudySignificant linkage on chromosome 10p in families with bulimia nervosa.American journal of human geneticsBulik, Cynthia M; Devlin, B; Bacanu, Silviu-Alin; Thornton, Laura; Klump, Kelly L; Fichter, Manfred M; Halmi, Katherine A; Kaplan, Allan S; Strober, Michael; Woodside, D Blake; Bergen, Andrew W; Ganjei, J Kelly; Crow, Scott; Mitchell, James; Rotondo, Alessandro; Mauri, Mauro; Cassano, Giovanni; Keel, Pamela; Berrettini, Wade H; Kaye, Walter HJanuary 2003Not Determined
12210285Create StudyNo evidence for linkage of liability to autism to HOXA1 in a sample from the CPEA network.American journal of medical geneticsDevlin B, Bennett P, Cook EH, Dawson G, Gonen D, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Schellenberg GD, Collaborative Programs of Excellence in Autism (CPEA) Genetics NetworkAugust 8, 2002Not Determined
12192612Create StudyGenome-wide multipoint linkage analyses of multiplex schizophrenia pedigrees from the oceanic nation of Palau.Molecular psychiatryDevlin B, Bacanu SA, Roeder K, Reimherr F, Wender P, Galke B, Novasad D, Chu A, TCuenco K, Tiobek S, Otto C, Byerley W2002Not Determined
12105318Create StudyLinkage analysis of Alzheimer disease with psychosis.NeurologyBacanu, S A; Devlin, B; Chowdari, K V; DeKosky, S T; Nimgaonkar, V L; Sweet, R AJuly 9, 2002Not Determined
12023979Create StudyAssociation and linkage analyses of RGS4 polymorphisms in schizophrenia.Human molecular geneticsChowdari, Kodavali V; Mirnics, Karoly; Semwal, Prachi; Wood, Joel; Lawrence, Elizabeth; Bhatia, Triptish; Deshpande, Smita N; B K, Thelma; Ferrell, Robert E; Middleton, Frank A; Devlin, Bernie; Levitt, Pat; Lewis, David A; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit LJune 1, 2002Not Determined
11914406Create StudyIncreased familial risk of the psychotic phenotype of Alzheimer disease.NeurologySweet, R A; Nimgaonkar, V L; Devlin, B; Lopez, O L; DeKosky, S TMarch 26, 2002Not Determined
11912184Create StudyLinkage analysis of anorexia nervosa incorporating behavioral covariates.Human molecular geneticsDevlin, Bernie; Bacanu, Silviu-Alin; Klump, Kelly L; Bulik, Cynthia M; Fichter, Manfred M; Halmi, Katherine A; Kaplan, Allan S; Strober, Michael; Treasure, Janet; Woodside, D Blake; Berrettini, Wade H; Kaye, Walter HMarch 15, 2002Not Determined
11855950Create StudyGenomic control, a new approach to genetic-based association studies.Theoretical population biologyDevlin, B; Roeder, K; Wasserman, LNovember 2001Not Determined
11754475Create StudyAssociation studies for quantitative traits in structured populations.Genetic epidemiologyBacanu SA, Devlin B, Roeder KJanuary 2002Not Determined
11754473Create StudyMixture models for linkage analysis of affected sibling pairs and covariates.Genetic epidemiologyDevlin B, Jones BL, Bacanu SA, Roeder KJanuary 2002Not Determined
11754464Create StudyUnbiased methods for population-based association studies.Genetic epidemiologyDevlin, B; Roeder, K; Bacanu, S ADecember 2001Not Determined
11499679Create StudyGenome-wide distribution of linkage disequilibrium in the population of Palau and its implications for gene flow in Remote Oceania.Human geneticsDevlin, B; Roeder, K; Otto, C; Tiobech, S; Byerley, WJune 2001Not Determined
11318178Create StudyFlexible parametric measurement error models.BiometricsCarroll RJ, Roeder K, Wasserman LMarch 1999Not Determined
11315092Create StudyGenomic control for association studies.BiometricsDevlin, B; Roeder, KDecember 1999Not Relevant
11309689Create StudyTransmission/disequilibrium test meets measured haplotype analysis: family-based association analysis guided by evolution of haplotypes.American journal of human geneticsSeltman, H; Roeder, K; Devlin, BMay 2001Not Determined
11119294Create StudyA Bayesian hierarchical model for allele frequencies.Genetic epidemiologyLockwood JR, Roeder K, Devlin BJanuary 2001Not Determined
10801388Create StudyThe power of genomic control.American journal of human geneticsBacanu, S A; Devlin, B; Roeder, KJune 2000Not Relevant
10677324Create StudyHaplotype fine mapping by evolutionary trees.American journal of human geneticsLam, J C; Roeder, K; Devlin, BFebruary 2000Not Relevant
10657297Create StudyMutations in SDHD, a mitochondrial complex II gene, in hereditary paraganglioma.Science (New York, N.Y.)Baysal, B E; Ferrell, R E; Willett-Brozick, J E; Lawrence, E C; Myssiorek, D; Bosch, A; van der Mey, A; Taschner, P E; Rubinstein, W S; Myers, E N; Richard 3rd, C W; Cornelisse, C J; Devilee, P; Devlin, BFebruary 4, 2000Not Determined

NDA Help Center

Collection - Publications

The number of Publications is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. Clicking on any of the Publication Titles will open the Publication in a new internet browsing tab.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may mark a publication as either Relevant or Not Relevant in the Status column.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I determine if a publication is relevant?
    Publications are considered relevant to a collection when the data shared is directly related to the project or collection.
  • Where does the NDA get the publications?
    PubMed, an online library containing journals, articles, and medical research. Sponsored by NiH and National Library of Medicine (NLM).


  • Create Study
    A link to the Create an NDA Study page that can be clicked to start creating an NDA Study with information such as the title, journal and authors automatically populated.
  • Not Determined Publication
    Indicates that the publication has not yet been reviewed and/or marked as Relevant or Not Relevant so it has not been determined whether an NDA Study is expected.
  • Not Relevant Publication
    A publication that is not based on data related to the aims of the grant/project associated with the Collection or not based on any data such as a review article and, therefore, an NDA Study is not expected to be created.
  • PubMed
    PubMed provides citation information for biomedical and life sciences publications and is managed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine.
  • PubMed ID
    The PUBMed ID is the unique ID number for the publication as recorded in the PubMed database.
  • Relevant Publication
    A publication that is based on data related to the aims of the grant/project associated with the Collection and, therefore, an NDA Study is expected to be created.
Data Expected List: Mandatory Data Structures

These data structures are mandatory for your NDA Collection. Please update the Targeted Enrollment number to accurately represent the number of subjects you expect to submit for the entire study.

For NIMH HIV-related research that involves human research participants: Select the dictionary or dictionaries most appropriate for your research. If your research does not require all three data dictionaries, just ignore the ones you do not need. There is no need to delete extra data dictionaries from your NDA Collection. You can adjust the Targeted Enrollment column in the Data Expected tab to “0” for those unnecessary data dictionaries. At least one of the three data dictionaries must have a non-zero value.

Data ExpectedTargeted EnrollmentInitial SubmissionSubjects SharedStatus
No Mandatory Data Expected
To create your project's Data Expected list, use the "+New Data Expected" to add or request existing structures and to request new Data Structures that are not in the NDA Data Dictionary.

If the Structure you need already exists, locate it and specify your dates and enrollment when adding it to your Data Expected list. If you require changes to the Structure you need, select the indicator stating "No, it requires changes to meet research needs," and upload a file containing your requested changes.

If the structure you need is not yet defined in the Data Dictionary, you can select "Upload Definition" and attach the necessary materials to request its creation.

When selecting the expected dates for your data, make sure to follow the standard Data Sharing Regimen and choose dates within the date ranges that correspond to your project start and end dates.

Please visit the Completing Your Data Expected Tutorial for more information.
Data Expected List: Data Structures per Research Aims

These data structures are specific to your research aims and should list all data structures in which data will be collected and submitted for this NDA Collection. Please update the Targeted Enrollment number to accurately represent the number of subjects you expect to submit for the entire study.

Data ExpectedTargeted EnrollmentInitial SubmissionSubjects SharedStatus
Genomics/omics info icon
Structure not yet defined
No Status history for this Data Expected has been recorded yet

NDA Help Center

Collection - Data Expected

The Data Expected tab displays the list of all data that NDA expects to receive in association with the Collection as defined by the contributing researcher, as well as the dates for the expected initial upload of the data, and when it is first expected to be shared, or with the research community. Above the primary table of Data Expected, any publications determined to be relevant to the data within the Collection are also displayed - members of the contributing research group can use these to define NDA Studies, connecting those papers to underlying data in NDA.

The tab is used both as a reference for those accessing shared data, providing information on what is expected and when it will be shared, and as the primary tracking mechanism for contributing projects. It is used by both contributing primary researchers, secondary researchers, and NIH Program and Grants Management staff.

Researchers who are starting their project need to update their Data Expected list to include all the Data Structures they are collecting under their grant and set their initial submission and sharing schedule according to the NDA Data Sharing Regimen.

To add existing Data Structures from the Data Dictionary, to request new Data Structure that are not in the Dictionary, or to request changes to existing Data Structures, click "+New Data Expected".

For step-by-step instructions on how to add existing Data Structures, request changes to an existing Structure, or request a new Data Structure, please visit the Completing Your Data Expected Tutorial.

If you are a contributing researcher creating this list for the first time, or making changes to the list as your project progress, please note the following:

  • Although items you add to the list and changes you make are displayed, they are not committed to the system until you Save the entire page using the "Save" button at the bottom of your screen. Please Save after every change to ensure none of your work is lost.
  • If you attempt to add a new structure, the title you provide must be unique - if another structure exists with the same name your change will fail.
  • Adding a new structure to this list is the only way to request the creation of a new Data Dictionary definition.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an NDA Data Structure?
    An NDA Data Structure is comprised of multiple Data Elements to make up an electronic definition of an assessment, measure, questionnaire, etc will have a corresponding Data Structure.
  • What is the NDA Data Dictionary?
    The NDA Data Dictionary is comprised of electronic definitions known as Data Structures.


  • Analyzed Data
    Data specific to the primary aims of the research being conducted (e.g. outcome measures, other dependent variables, observations, laboratory results, analyzed images, volumetric data, etc.) including processed images.
  • Data Item
    Items listed on the Data Expected list in the Collection which may be an individual and discrete Data Structure, Data Structure Category, or Data Structure Group.
  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Structure Category
    An NDA term describing the affiliation of a Data Structure to a Category, which may be disease/disorder or diagnosis related (Depression, ADHD, Psychosis), specific to data type (MRI, eye tracking, omics), or type of data (physical exam, IQ).
  • Data Structure Group
    A Data Item listed on the Data Expected tab of a Collection that indicates a group of Data Structures (e.g., ADOS or SCID) for which data may be submitted instead of a specific Data Structure identified by version, module, edition, etc. For example, the ADOS Data Structure Category includes every ADOS Data Structure such as ADOS Module 1, ADOS Module 2, ADOS Module 1 - 2nd Edition, etc. The SCID Data Structure Group includes every SCID Data Structure such as SCID Mania, SCID V Mania, SCID PTSD, SCID-V Diagnosis, and more.
  • Evaluated Data
    A new Data Structure category, Evaluated Data is analyzed data resulting from the use of computational pipelines in the Cloud and can be uploaded directly back to a miNDAR database. Evaluated Data is expected to be listed as a Data Item in the Collection's Data Expected Tab.
  • Imaging Data
    Imaging+ is an NDA term which encompasses all imaging related data including, but not limited to, images (DTI, MRI, PET, Structural, Spectroscopy, etc.) as well as neurosignal data (EEG, fMRI, MEG, EGG, eye tracking, etc.) and Evaluated Data.
  • Initial Share Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data will be shared with authorized users upon publication (via an NDA Study) or 1-2 years after the grant end date specified on the first Notice of Award, as defined in the applicable Data Sharing Terms and Conditions.
  • Initial Submission Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to these NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data for all subjects is not expected on the Initial Submission Date and modifications may be made as necessary based on the project's conduct.
  • Research Subject and Pedigree
    An NDA created Data Structure used to convey basic information about the subject such as demographics, pedigree (links family GUIDs), diagnosis/phenotype, and sample location that are critical to allow for easier querying of shared data.
  • Submission Cycle
    The NDA has two Submission Cycles per year - January 15 and July 15.
  • Submission Exemption
    An interface to notify NDA that data may not be submitted during the upcoming/current submission cycle.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:

Associated Studies

Studies that have been defined using data from a Collection are important criteria to determine the value of data shared. The number of subjects column displays the counts from this Collection that are included in a Study, out of the total number of subjects in that study. The Data Use column represents whether or not the study is a primary analysis of the data or a secondary analysis. State indicates whether the study is private or shared with the research community.

Study NameAbstractCollection/Study SubjectsData UsageState
Genotypes of Swedish subjects used in "Most genetic risk for autism resides with common variation" studyA key component of genetic architecture is the allelic spectrum influencing trait variability. For autism spectrum disorder (herein termed autism), the nature of the allelic spectrum is uncertain. Individual risk-associated genes have been identified from rare variation, especially de novo mutations. From this evidence, one might conclude that rare variation dominates the allelic spectrum in autism, yet recent studies show that common variation, individually of small effect, has substantial impact en masse. At issue is how much of an impact relative to rare variation this common variation has. Using a unique epidemiological sample from Sweden, new methods that distinguish total narrow-sense heritability from that due to common variation and synthesis of results from other studies, we reach several conclusions about autism's genetic architecture: its narrow-sense heritability is ~52.4%, with most due to common variation, and rare de novo mutations contribute substantially to individual liability, yet their contribution to variance in liability, 2.6%, is modest compared to that for heritable variation.548/548Primary AnalysisShared
* Data not on individual level

NDA Help Center

Collection - Associated Studies

Clicking on the Study Title will open the study details in a new internet browser tab. The Abstract is available for viewing, providing the background explanation of the study, as provided by the Collection Owner.

Primary v. Secondary Analysis: The Data Usage column will have one of these two choices. An associated study that is listed as being used for Primary Analysis indicates at least some and potentially all of the data used was originally collected by the creator of the NDA Study. Secondary Analysis indicates the Study owner was not involved in the collection of data, and may be used as supporting data.

Private v. Shared State: Studies that remain private indicate the associated study is only available to users who are able to access the collection. A shared study is accessible to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I associate a study to my collection?
    Studies are associated to the Collection automatically when the data is defined in the Study.


  • Associated Studies Tab
    A tab in a Collection that lists the NDA Studies that have been created using data from that Collection including both Primary and Secondary Analysis NDA Studies.