32579280 | Create Study | What next? A Bayesian hierarchical modeling re-examination of treatments for adolescents with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant depression. | Depression and anxiety | Suresh, Vikram; Mills, Jeffrey A; Croarkin, Paul E; Strawn, Jeffrey R | September 2020 | Not Determined |
24290459 | Create Study | Protecting adolescents from self-harm: a critical review of intervention studies. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Brent DA, McMakin DL, Kennard BD, Goldstein TR, Mayes TL, Douaihy AB | December 2013 | Not Determined |
24024532 | Create Study | The bidirectional relationship between body mass index and treatment outcome in adolescents with treatment-resistant depression. | Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology | Mansoor, Brandon; Rengasamy, Manivel; Hilton, Robert; Porta, Giovanna; He, Jiayan; Spirito, Anthony; Emslie, Graham J; Mayes, Taryn L; Clarke, Gregory; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Shamseddeen, Wael; Birmaher, Boris; Ryan, Neal; Brent, David | September 2013 | Not Determined |
23975354 | Create Study | Concurrent trajectories of change in adolescent and maternal depressive symptoms in the TORDIA study. | Journal of youth and adolescence | Perloe A, Esposito-Smythers C, Curby TW, Renshaw KD | April 2014 | Not Determined |
23622849 | Create Study | Impact of treatments for depression on comorbid anxiety, attentional, and behavioral symptoms in adolescents with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant depression. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Hilton RC, Rengasamy M, Mansoor B, He J, Mayes T, Emslie GJ, Porta G, Clarke GN, Wagner KD, Birmaher B, Keller MB, Ryan N, Shamseddeen W, Asarnow JR, Brent DA | May 2013 | Not Determined |
23582868 | Create Study | The bi-directional relationship between parent-child conflict and treatment outcome in treatment-resistant adolescent depression. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Rengasamy M, Mansoor BM, Hilton R, Porta G, He J, Emslie GJ, Mayes T, Clarke GN, Wagner KD, Keller MB, Ryan ND, Birmaher B, Shamseddeen W, Asarnow JR, Brent DA | April 2013 | Not Determined |
22449646 | Create Study | Anhedonia predicts poorer recovery among youth with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment-resistant depression. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | McMakin DL, Olino TM, Porta G, Dietz LJ, Emslie G, Clarke G, Wagner KD, Asarnow JR, Ryan ND, Birmaher B, Shamseddeen W, Mayes T, Kennard B, Spirito A, Keller M, Lynch FL, Dickerson JF, Brent DA | April 2012 | Not Determined |
22284022 | Create Study | Do sub-syndromal manic symptoms influence outcome in treatment resistant depression in adolescents? A latent class analysis from the TORDIA study. | Journal of affective disorders | Maalouf, Fadi T; Porta, Giovanna; Vitiello, Benedetto; Emslie, Graham; Mayes, Taryn; Clarke, Gregory; Wagner, Karen D; Asarnow, Joan Rosenbaum; Spirito, Anthony; Keller, Martin; Birmaher, Boris; Ryan, Neal; Shamseddeen, Wael; Iyengar, Satish; Brent, David | April 2012 | Not Determined |
22251024 | Create Study | Adjunctive sleep medications and depression outcome in the treatment of serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor resistant depression in adolescents study. | Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology | Shamseddeen W, Clarke G, Keller MB, Wagner KD, Birmaher B, Emslie GJ, Ryan N, Asarnow JR, Porta G, Brent DA | February 2012 | Not Determined |
22251022 | Create Study | Out of the black box: treatment of resistant depression in adolescents and the antidepressant controversy. | Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology | Wagner KD, Asarnow JR, Vitiello B, Clarke G, Keller M, Emslie GJ, Ryan N, Porta G, Iyengar S, Ritz L, Zelanzny J, Onorato M, Brent D | February 2012 | Not Determined |
22024002 | Create Study | Treatment-resistant depressed youth show a higher response rate if treatment ends during summer school break. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Shamseddeen, Wael; Clarke, Gregory; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Ryan, Neal D; Birmaher, Boris; Emslie, Graham; Asarnow, Joan Rosenbaum; Porta, Giovanna; Mayes, Taryn; Keller, Martin B; Brent, David A | November 2011 | Not Determined |
21784297 | Create Study | Suicide attempts and nonsuicidal self-injury in the treatment of resistant depression in adolescents: findings from the TORDIA study. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Asarnow JR, Porta G, Spirito A, Emslie G, Clarke G, Wagner KD, Vitiello B, Keller M, Birmaher B, McCracken J, Mayes T, Berk M, Brent DA | August 2011 | Not Determined |
21515198 | Create Study | Pharmacokinetically and clinician-determined adherence to an antidepressant regimen and clinical outcome in the TORDIA trial. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Woldu H, Porta G, Goldstein T, Sakolsky D, Perel J, Emslie G, Mayes T, Clarke G, Ryan ND, Birmaher B, Wagner KD, Asarnow JR, Keller MB, Brent D | May 2011 | Not Determined |
21383263 | Create Study | Incremental cost-effectiveness of combined therapy vs medication only for youth with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant depression: treatment of SSRI-resistant depression in adolescents trial findings. | Archives of general psychiatry | Lynch FL, Dickerson JF, Clarke G, Vitiello B, Porta G, Wagner KD, Emslie G, Asarnow JR, Keller MB, Birmaher B, Ryan ND, Kennard B, Mayes T, DeBar L, McCracken JT, Strober M, Suddath RL, Spirito A, Onorato M, Zelazny J, Iyengar S, Brent D | March 2011 | Not Determined |
21334569 | Create Study | Impact of physical and sexual abuse on treatment response in the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescent Study (TORDIA). | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Shamseddeen, Wael; Asarnow, Joan Rosenbaum; Clarke, Gregory; Vitiello, Benedetto; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Birmaher, Boris; Keller, Martin B; Emslie, Graham; Iyengar, Satish; Ryan, Neal D; McCracken, James T; Porta, Giovanna; Mayes, Taryn; Brent, David A | March 2011 | Not Determined |
21208583 | Create Study | Long-term outcome of adolescent depression initially resistant to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment: a follow-up study of the TORDIA sample. | The Journal of clinical psychiatry | Vitiello B, Emslie G, Clarke G, Wagner KD, Asarnow JR, Keller MB, Birmaher B, Ryan ND, Kennard B, Mayes TL, DeBar L, Lynch F, Dickerson J, Strober M, Suddath R, McCracken JT, Spirito A, Onorato M, Zelazny J, Porta G, Iyengar S, Brent DA | March 2011 | Not Determined |
21192150 | Create Study | Antidepressant exposure as a predictor of clinical outcomes in the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA) study. | Journal of clinical psychopharmacology | Sakolsky DJ, Perel JM, Emslie GJ, Clarke GN, Wagner KD, Vitiello B, Keller MB, Birmaher B, Asarnow JR, Ryan ND, McCracken JT, Strober MJ, Iyengar S, Porta G, Brent DA | February 2011 | Not Determined |
20504254 | Create Study | Pharmacogenomics of suicidal events. | Pharmacogenomics | Brent D, Melhem N, Turecki G | June 2010 | Not Determined |
20478877 | Create Study | Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA): week 24 outcomes. | The American journal of psychiatry | Emslie GJ, Mayes T, Porta G, Vitiello B, Clarke G, Wagner KD, Asarnow JR, Spirito A, Birmaher B, Ryan N, Kennard B, DeBar L, McCracken J, Strober M, Onorato M, Zelazny J, Keller M, Iyengar S, Brent D | July 2010 | Not Determined |
20008943 | Create Study | Association of FKBP5 polymorphisms with suicidal events in the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA) study. | The American journal of psychiatry | Brent, David; Melhem, Nadine; Ferrell, Robert; Emslie, Graham; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Ryan, Neal; Vitiello, Benedetto; Birmaher, Boris; Mayes, Taryn; Zelazny, Jamie; Onorato, Matthew; Devlin, Bernie; Clarke, Greg; DeBar, Lynn; Keller, Marty | February 2010 | Not Determined |
19858762 | Create Study | Substance use and the treatment of resistant depression in adolescents. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Goldstein, Benjamin I; Shamseddeen, Wael; Spirito, Anthony; Emslie, Graham; Clarke, Greg; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Asarnow, Joan Rosenbaum; Vitiello, Benedetto; Ryan, Neal; Birmaher, Boris; Mayes, Taryn; Onorato, Matthew; Zelazny, Jamie; Brent, David A | December 2009 | Not Determined |
19798756 | Create Study | The treatment of SSRI-resistant depression in adolescents (TORDIA): in search of the best next step. | Depression and anxiety | Brent DA | 2009 | Not Determined |
19485586 | Create Study | Sources of site differences in the efficacy of a multisite clinical trial: the Treatment of SSRI-Resistant Depression in Adolescents. | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology | Spirito A, Abebe KZ, Iyengar S, Brent D, Vitiello B, Clarke G, Wagner KD, Asarnow J, Emslie G, Keller M | June 2009 | Not Determined |
19223438 | Create Study | Predictors of spontaneous and systematically assessed suicidal adverse events in the treatment of SSRI-resistant depression in adolescents (TORDIA) study. | The American journal of psychiatry | Brent DA, Emslie GJ, Clarke GN, Asarnow J, Spirito A, Ritz L, Vitiello B, Iyengar S, Birmaher B, Ryan ND, Zelazny J, Onorato M, Kennard B, Mayes TL, Debar LL, McCracken JT, Strober M, Suddath R, Leonard H, Porta G, Keller MB | April 2009 | Not Determined |
19220597 | Create Study | Pediatric depression: is there evidence to improve evidence-based treatments? | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines | Brent DA, Maalouf FT | January 2009 | Not Determined |
19182688 | Create Study | Treatment of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant depression in adolescents: predictors and moderators of treatment response. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Asarnow, Joan Rosenbaum; Emslie, Graham; Clarke, Greg; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Spirito, Anthony; Vitiello, Benedetto; Iyengar, Satish; Shamseddeen, Wael; Ritz, Louise; Birmaher, Boris; Ryan, Neal; Kennard, Betsy; Mayes, Taryn; DeBar, Lynn; McCracken, James; Strober, Michael; Suddath, Robert; Leonard, Henrietta; Porta, Giovanna; Keller, Martin; Brent, David | March 2009 | Not Determined |
18314433 | Create Study | Switching to another SSRI or to venlafaxine with or without cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with SSRI-resistant depression: the TORDIA randomized controlled trial. | JAMA | Brent, David; Emslie, Graham; Clarke, Greg; Wagner, Karen Dineen; Asarnow, Joan Rosenbaum; Keller, Marty; Vitiello, Benedetto; Ritz, Louise; Iyengar, Satish; Abebe, Kaleab; Birmaher, Boris; Ryan, Neal; Kennard, Betsy; Hughes, Carroll; DeBar, Lynn; McCracken, James; Strober, Michael; Suddath, Robert; Spirito, Anthony; Leonard, Henrietta; Melhem, Nadine; Porta, Giovanna; Onorato, Matthew; Zelazny, Jamie | February 27, 2008 | Not Determined |
16952773 | Create Study | Treatment-resistant depression in adolescents: recognition and management. | Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America | Brent DA, Birmaher B | October 2006 | Not Determined |
16952763 | Create Study | Depressive disorders in childhood and adolescence: an overview: epidemiology, clinical manifestation and risk factors. | Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America | Zalsman G, Brent DA, Weersing VR | October 2006 | Not Determined |