39289477 | Create Study | A randomized proof-of-mechanism trial of TNF antagonism for motivational deficits and related corticostriatal circuitry in depressed patients with high inflammation. | Molecular psychiatry | Treadway, Michael T; Etuk, Sarah M; Cooper, Jessica A; Hossein, Shabnam; Hahn, Evan; Betters, Samantha A; Liu, Shiyin; Arulpragasam, Amanda R; DeVries, Brittany A M; Irfan, Nadia; Nuutinen, Makiah R; Wommack, Evanthia C; Woolwine, Bobbi J; Bekhbat, Mandakh; Kragel, Philip A; Felger, Jennifer C; Haroon, Ebrahim; Miller, Andrew H | September 17, 2024 | Not Determined |
38496406 | Create Study | A randomized proof-of-mechanism trial of TNF antagonism for motivational anhedonia and related corticostriatal circuitry in depressed patients with high inflammation. | Research square | Treadway, Michael; Etuk, Sarah; Cooper, Jessica; Hossein, Shabnam; Hahn, Emma; Betters, Samantha; Liu, Shiyin; Arulpragasam, Amanda; DeVries, Brittany; Irfan, Nadia; Nuutinen, Makiah; Wommack, Evanthia; Woolwine, Bobbi; Bekhbat, Mandakh; Kragel, Philip; Felger, Jennifer; Haroon, Ebrahim; Miller, Andrew | March 5, 2024 | Not Determined |
37076616 | Create Study | Effects of acute stress and depression on functional connectivity between prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. | Molecular psychiatry | Hossein, Shabnam; Cooper, Jessica A; DeVries, Brittany A M; Nuutinen, Makiah R; Hahn, Emma C; Kragel, Philip A; Treadway, Michael T | November 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
35927580 | Create Study | Functional connectivity in reward circuitry and symptoms of anhedonia as therapeutic targets in depression with high inflammation: evidence from a dopamine challenge study. | Molecular psychiatry | Bekhbat, Mandakh; Li, Zhihao; Mehta, Namrataa D; Treadway, Michael T; Lucido, Michael J; Woolwine, Bobbi J; Haroon, Ebrahim; Miller, Andrew H; Felger, Jennifer C | October 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
34285088 | Create Study | Aiding and Abetting Anhedonia: Impact of Inflammation on the Brain and Pharmacological Implications. | Pharmacological reviews | Lucido, Michael J; Bekhbat, Mandy; Goldsmith, David R; Treadway, Michael T; Haroon, Ebrahim; Felger, Jennifer C; Miller, Andrew H | July 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
34039978 | Create Study | Reduced adaptation of glutamatergic stress response is associated with pessimistic expectations in depression. | Nature communications | Cooper, Jessica A; Nuutinen, Makiah R; Lawlor, Victoria M; DeVries, Brittany A M; Barrick, Elyssa M; Hossein, Shabnam; Cole, Daniel J; Leonard, Chelsea V; Hahn, Evan C; Teer, Andrew P; Shields, Grant S; Slavich, George M; Ongur, Dost; Jensen, J Eric; Du, Fei; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Treadway, Michael T | May 26, 2021 | Not Determined |
33230282 | Create Study | Distinct regions of the striatum underlying effort, movement initiation and effort discounting. | Nature human behaviour | Suzuki, Shosuke; Lawlor, Victoria M; Cooper, Jessica A; Arulpragasam, Amanda R; Treadway, Michael T | March 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
32722661 | Create Study | Dose-response effects of d-amphetamine on effort-based decision-making and reinforcement learning. | Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology | Soder, Heather E; Cooper, Jessica A; Lopez-Gamundi, Paula; Hoots, Jennifer K; Nunez, Cecilia; Lawlor, Victoria M; Lane, Scott D; Treadway, Michael T; Wardle, Margaret C | May 2021 | Not Determined |
32579757 | Create Study | Neurocognitive predictors of self-reported reward responsivity and approach motivation in depression: A data-driven approach. | Depression and anxiety | Hsu, Kean J; McNamara, Mary E; Shumake, Jason; Stewart, Rochelle A; Labrada, Jocelyn; Alario, Alexandra; Gonzalez, Guadalupe D S; Schnyer, David M; Beevers, Christopher G | July 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32198016 | Create Study | Gene signatures in peripheral blood immune cells related to insulin resistance and low tyrosine metabolism define a sub-type of depression with high CRP and anhedonia. | Brain, behavior, and immunity | Bekhbat, Mandakh; Treadway, Michael T; Goldsmith, David R; Woolwine, Bobbi J; Haroon, Ebrahim; Miller, Andrew H; Felger, Jennifer C | August 2020 | Not Determined |
31282687 | Create Study | Effortful goal-directed behavior in schizophrenia: Computational subtypes and associations with cognition. | Journal of abnormal psychology | Cooper, Jessica A; Barch, Deanna M; Reddy, L Felice; Horan, William P; Green, Michael F; Treadway, Michael T | October 2019 | Not Determined |
31175504 | Create Study | Rates of Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Mosner MG, Kinard JL, Shah JS, Mcweeny S, Greene RK, Lowery SC, Mazefsky CA, Dichter GS | September 2019 | Not Determined |
30948204 | Create Study | Can''t or Won''t? Immunometabolic Constraints on Dopaminergic Drive. | Trends in cognitive sciences | Treadway, Michael T; Cooper, Jessica A; Miller, Andrew H | May 2019 | Not Determined |
30470559 | Create Study | The Impact of Stress and Major Depressive Disorder on Hippocampal and Medial Prefrontal Cortex Morphology. | Biological psychiatry | Belleau, Emily L; Treadway, Michael T; Pizzagalli, Diego A | March 2019 | Not Relevant |
29760060 | Create Study | Corticoinsular circuits encode subjective value expectation and violation for effortful goal-directed behavior. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Arulpragasam AR, Cooper JA, Nuutinen MR, Treadway MT | May 2018 | Not Relevant |
29503842 | Create Study | Anhedonia in depression: biological mechanisms and computational models. | Current opinion in behavioral sciences | Cooper, Jessica A; Arulpragasam, Amanda R; Treadway, Michael T | August 2018 | Not Relevant |
28699053 | Create Study | Vicarious Effort-Based Decision-Making in Autism Spectrum Disorders. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Mosner, Maya G; Kinard, Jessica L; McWeeny, Sean; Shah, Jasmine S; Markiewitz, Nathan D; Damiano-Goodwin, Cara R; Burchinal, Margaret R; Rutherford, Helena J V; Greene, Rachel K; Treadway, Michael T; Dichter, Gabriel S | October 2017 | Relevant |
28506437 | Create Study | Association Between Interleukin-6 and Striatal Prediction-Error Signals Following Acute Stress in Healthy Female Participants. | Biological psychiatry | Treadway, Michael T; Admon, Roee; Arulpragasam, Amanda R; Mehta, Malavika; Douglas, Samuel; Vitaliano, Gordana; Olson, David P; Cooper, Jessica A; Pizzagalli, Diego A | October 15, 2017 | Not Relevant |
28301764 | Create Study | Reward Processing, Neuroeconomics, and Psychopathology. | Annual review of clinical psychology | Zald DH, Treadway MT | May 2017 | Not Relevant |
27623748 | Create Study | Network analysis of depression and anxiety symptom relationships in a psychiatric sample. | Psychological medicine | Beard, C; Millner, A J; Forgeard, M J C; Fried, E I; Hsu, K J; Treadway, M T; Leonard, C V; Kertz, S J; Björgvinsson, T | December 2016 | Not Relevant |
27620550 | Create Study | Lipopolysaccharide Alters Motivated Behavior in a Monetary Reward Task: a Randomized Trial. | Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology | Lasselin J, Treadway MT, Lacourt TE, Soop A, Olsson MJ, Karshikoff B, Paues-Göranson S, Axelsson J, Dantzer R, Lekander M | October 2016 | Not Relevant |
27480574 | Create Study | Inflammation Effects on Motivation and Motor Activity: Role of Dopamine. | Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology | Felger, Jennifer C; Treadway, Michael T | January 2017 | Not Relevant |
27040122 | Create Study | Inflammatory markers are associated with decreased psychomotor speed in patients with major depressive disorder. | Brain, behavior, and immunity | Goldsmith DR, Haroon E, Woolwine BJ, Jung MY, Wommack EC, Harvey PD, Treadway MT, Felger JC, Miller AH | August 2016 | Not Determined |