39802702 | Create Study | Infant action understanding: the roles of active training and motor development. | Frontiers in developmental psychology | Chung, Haerin; Filippi, Courtney A; Woodward, Amanda L | January 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
38607475 | Create Study | Resting Frontal Gamma Power is Associated with Both Expressive Language and Non-verbal Cognitive Abilities in Young Autistic Children. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Mukerji, Cora E; Wilson 3rd, John S; Wilkinson, Carol L; Krol, Manon A; Nelson, Charles A; Tager-Flusberg, Helen | April 12, 2024 | Not Determined |
37833066 | Create Study | Bursting with Potential: How Sensorimotor Beta Bursts Develop from Infancy to Adulthood. | The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience | Rayson, Holly; Szul, Maciej J; El-Khoueiry, Perla; Debnath, Ranjan; Gautier-Martins, Marine; Ferrari, Pier F; Fox, Nathan; Bonaiuto, James J | December 6, 2023 | Not Determined |
37574499 | Create Study | Similarities and differences in the functional architecture of mother- infant communication in rhesus macaque and British mother-infant dyads. | Scientific reports | Sclafani, V; De Pascalis, L; Bozicevic, L; Sepe, A; Ferrari, P F; Murray, L | August 13, 2023 | Not Determined |
37382060 | Create Study | Bayesian multilevel hidden Markov models identify stable state dynamics in longitudinal recordings from macaque primary motor cortex. | The European journal of neuroscience | Kirchherr, Sebastien; Mildiner Moraga, Sebastian; Coudé, Gino; Bimbi, Marco; Ferrari, Pier F; Aarts, Emmeke; Bonaiuto, James J | August 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
37040804 | Create Study | Longitudinal effects of early psychosocial deprivation on macaque executive function: Evidence from computational modelling. | Proceedings. Biological sciences | Massera, Alice; Bonaiuto, James J; Gautier-Martins, Marine; Costa, Sara; Rayson, Holly; Ferrari, Pier Francesco | April 12, 2023 | Not Determined |
36480360 | Create Study | Experience with pointing gestures facilitates infant vocabulary growth through enhancement of sensorimotor brain activity. | Developmental psychology | Salo, Virginia C; Debnath, Ranjan; Rowe, Meredith L; Fox, Nathan A | April 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36367081 | Create Study | Action experience in infancy predicts visual-motor functional connectivity during action anticipation. | Developmental science | Colomer, Marc; Chung, Haerin; Meyer, Marlene; Debnath, Ranjan; Morales, Santiago; Fox, Nathan A; Woodward, Amanda | May 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36312073 | Create Study | Children''s social networks in developmental psychology: A network approach to capture and describe early social environments. | Frontiers in psychology | Burke, Nicole; Brezack, Natalie; Woodward, Amanda | January 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
35339810 | Create Study | Neural correlates of familiar and unfamiliar action in infancy. | Journal of experimental child psychology | Chung, Haerin; Meyer, Marlene; Debnath, Ranjan; Fox, Nathan A; Woodward, Amanda | August 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
35283699 | Create Study | Reflections on the differential organization of mirror neuron systems for hand and mouth and their role in the evolution of communication in primates. | Interaction studies | Coudé, Gino; Ferrari, Pier Francesco | January 1, 2018 | Not Determined |
35114447 | Create Study | Detection and analysis of cortical beta bursts in developmental EEG data. | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Rayson, Holly; Debnath, Ranjan; Alavizadeh, Sanaz; Fox, Nathan; Ferrari, Pier F; Bonaiuto, James J | April 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
34737307 | Create Study | Early social adversity modulates the relation between attention biases and socioemotional behaviour in juvenile macaques. | Scientific reports | Rayson, Holly; Massera, Alice; Belluardo, Mauro; Ben Hamed, Suliann; Ferrari, Pier Francesco | November 4, 2021 | Not Determined |
34421393 | Create Study | Three-year-olds'' Perspective-taking in Social Interactions: Relations with Socio-cognitive Skills. | Journal of cognition and development : official journal of the Cognitive Development Society | Brezack, Natalie; Meyer, Marlene; Woodward, Amanda L | January 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
34390926 | Create Study | Social context shapes neural processing of others'' actions in 9-month-old infants. | Journal of experimental child psychology | Meyer, Marlene; Chung, Haerin; Debnath, Ranjan; Fox, Nathan; Woodward, Amanda L | January 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
33831822 | Create Study | Oxytocin promotes prosocial behavior and related neural responses in infant macaques at-risk for compromised social development. | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Festante, Fabrizia; Rayson, Holly; Paukner, Annika; Kaburu, Stefano S K; Toschi, Giulia; Fox, Nathan A; Ferrari, Pier Francesco | April 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33277794 | Create Study | Neighborhood racial demographics predict infants'' neural responses to people of different races. | Developmental science | Hwang, Hyesung G; Debnath, Ranjan; Meyer, Marlene; Salo, Virginia C; Fox, Nathan A; Woodward, Amanda | July 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
32909382 | Create Study | Eliciting Language Samples for Analysis (ELSA): A New Protocol for Assessing Expressive Language and Communication in Autism. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Barokova, Mihaela D; La Valle, Chelsea; Hassan, Sommer; Lee, Collin; Xu, Mengyuan; McKechnie, Riley; Johnston, Emily; Krol, Manon A; Leano, Jennifer; Tager-Flusberg, Helen | January 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
32620887 | Create Study | Brain correlates of motor complexity during observed and executed actions. | Scientific reports | Li, Xinge; Krol, Manon A; Jahani, Sahar; Boas, David A; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Yücel, Meryem A | July 2020 | Not Determined |
32607062 | Create Study | Human Actions Support Infant Memory. | Journal of cognition and development : official journal of the Cognitive Development Society | Howard, Lauren H; Woodward, Amanda L | January 2019 | Not Determined |
32424813 | Create Study | Human and monkey infant attention to dynamic social and nonsocial stimuli. | Developmental psychobiology | Maylott, Sarah E; Paukner, Annika; Ahn, Yeojin A; Simpson, Elizabeth A | September 2020 | Not Determined |
32325310 | Create Study | Let''s get it together: Infants generate visual predictions based on collaborative goals. | Infant behavior & development | Krogh-Jespersen, Sheila; Henderson, Annette M E; Woodward, Amanda L | May 2020 | Not Determined |
32293719 | Create Study | The Maryland analysis of developmental EEG (MADE) pipeline. | Psychophysiology | Debnath, Ranjan; Buzzell, George A; Morales, Santiago; Bowers, Maureen E; Leach, Stephanie C; Fox, Nathan A | June 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32185818 | Create Study | Adjusting ADJUST: Optimizing the ADJUST algorithm for pediatric data using geodesic nets. | Psychophysiology | Leach, Stephanie C; Morales, Santiago; Bowers, Maureen E; Buzzell, George A; Debnath, Ranjan; Beall, Daniel; Fox, Nathan A | August 2020 | Not Determined |
31630052 | Create Study | Intranasal oxytocin enhances EEG mu rhythm desynchronization during execution and observation of social action: An exploratory study. | Psychoneuroendocrinology | Festante, Fabrizia; Ferrari, Pier Francesco; Thorpe, Samuel G; Buchanan, Robert W; Fox, Nathan A | January 2020 | Not Determined |
31521911 | Create Study | Social touch alters newborn monkey behavior. | Infant behavior & development | Simpson, Elizabeth A; Maylott, Sarah E; Lazo, Roberto J; Leonard, Kyla A; Kaburu, Stefano S K; Suomi, Stephen J; Paukner, Annika; Ferrari, Pier F | November 2019 | Not Determined |
31400001 | Create Study | Learning From Others: The Effects of Agency on Event Memory in Young Children. | Child development | Howard, Lauren H; Riggins, Tracy; Woodward, Amanda L | July 2020 | Not Determined |
31162859 | Create Study | Neural correlates of infant action processing relate to theory of mind in early childhood. | Developmental science | Filippi, Courtney; Choi, Yeo Bi; Fox, Nathan A; Woodward, Amanda L | March 2020 | Not Determined |
31138910 | Create Study | Using second-person neuroscience to elucidate the mechanisms of social interaction. | Nature reviews. Neuroscience | Redcay, Elizabeth; Schilbach, Leonhard | August 2019 | Not Determined |
31128266 | Create Study | The Heterogeneity of Anxious Phenotypes: Neural Responses to Errors in Treatment-Seeking Anxious and Behaviorally Inhibited Youths. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Smith, Ashley R; White, Lauren K; Leibenluft, Ellen; McGlade, Anastasia L; Heckelman, Adina C; Haller, Simone P; Buzzell, George A; Fox, Nathan A; Pine, Daniel S | June 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
31102960 | Create Study | An fMRI study of action observation and action execution in childhood. | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Morales, Santiago; Bowman, Lindsay C; Velnoskey, Kayla R; Fox, Nathan A; Redcay, Elizabeth | June 2019 | Not Determined |
31100431 | Create Study | Adolescent cognitive control, theta oscillations, and social observation. | NeuroImage | Buzzell, George A; Barker, Tyson V; Troller-Renfree, Sonya V; Bernat, Edward M; Bowers, Maureen E; Morales, Santiago; Bowman, Lindsay C; Henderson, Heather A; Pine, Daniel S; Fox, Nathan A | September 1, 2019 | Not Determined |
30768398 | Create Study | Consequences of Not Planning Ahead: Reduced Proactive Control Moderates Longitudinal Relations Between Behavioral Inhibition and Anxiety. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Troller-Renfree SV, Buzzell GA, Pine DS, Henderson HA, Fox NA | August 2019 | Not Determined |
30407134 | Create Study | Grasping Neurons in the Ventral Premotor Cortex of Macaques Are Modulated by Social Goals. | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | Coudé, Gino; Toschi, Giulia; Festante, Fabrizia; Bimbi, Marco; Bonaiuto, James; Ferrari, Pier Francesco | February 2019 | Not Determined |
30378109 | Create Study | Visual preferences for direct-gaze faces in infant macaques (Macaca mulatta) with limited face exposure. | Developmental psychobiology | Simpson, Elizabeth A; Paukner, Annika; Pedersen, Eric J; Ferrari, Pier F; Parr, Lisa A | March 2019 | Not Determined |
30315570 | Create Study | The role of the motor system in action understanding and communication: Evidence from human infants and non-human primates. | Developmental psychobiology | Salo, Virginia C; Ferrari, Pier F; Fox, Nathan A | April 2019 | Not Determined |
30248457 | Create Study | Mu rhythm desynchronization is specific to action execution and observation: Evidence from time-frequency and connectivity analysis. | NeuroImage | Debnath R, Salo VC, Buzzell GA, Yoo KH, Fox NA | January 2019 | Not Determined |
30234335 | Create Study | Actions speak louder than gestures when you are 2 years old. | Developmental psychology | Novack, Miriam A; Filippi, Courtney A; Goldin-Meadow, Susan; Woodward, Amanda L | October 2018 | Not Determined |
30112814 | Create Study | Time-frequency approaches to investigating changes in feedback processing during childhood and adolescence. | Psychophysiology | Bowers, M E; Buzzell, G A; Bernat, E M; Fox, N A; Barker, T V | October 2018 | Not Determined |
29571717 | Create Study | Simultaneous scalp recorded EEG and local field potentials from monkey ventral premotor cortex during action observation and execution reveals the contribution of mirror and motor neurons to the mu-rhythm. | NeuroImage | Bimbi M, Festante F, Coudé G, Vanderwert RE, Fox NA, Ferrari PF | July 2018 | Not Determined |
29524845 | Create Study | EEG beta desynchronization during hand goal-directed action observation in newborn monkeys and its relation to the emergence of hand motor skills. | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Festante, Fabrizia; Vanderwert, Ross E; Sclafani, Valentina; Paukner, Annika; Simpson, Elizabeth A; Suomi, Stephen J; Fox, Nathan A; Ferrari, Pier Francesco | April 2018 | Not Determined |
29499431 | Create Study | Reaching the goal: Active experience facilitates 8-month-old infants' prospective analysis of goal-based actions. | Journal of experimental child psychology | Krogh-Jespersen S, Woodward AL | July 2018 | Not Determined |
29405645 | Create Study | Goal prediction in 2-year-old children with and without autism spectrum disorder: An eye-tracking study. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Krogh-Jespersen, Sheila; Kaldy, Zsuzsa; Valadez, Annalisa Groth; Carter, Alice S; Woodward, Amanda L | June 2018 | Not Determined |
29173744 | Create Study | A Neurobehavioral Mechanism Linking Behaviorally Inhibited Temperament and Later Adolescent Social Anxiety. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Buzzell, George A; Troller-Renfree, Sonya V; Barker, Tyson V; Bowman, Lindsay C; Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea; Henderson, Heather A; Kagan, Jerome; Pine, Daniel S; Fox, Nathan A | December 2017 | Not Determined |
29078292 | Create Study | Early rearing history influences oxytocin receptor epigenetic regulation in rhesus macaques. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Baker M, Lindell SG, Driscoll CA, Zhou Z, Yuan Q, Schwandt ML, Miller-Crews I, Simpson EA, Paukner A, Ferrari PF, Sindhu RK, Razaqyar M, Sommer WH, Lopez JF, Thompson RC, Goldman D, Heilig M, Higley JD, Suomi SJ, Barr CS | October 2017 | Not Determined |
28844729 | Create Study | Handling newborn monkeys alters later exploratory, cognitive, and social behaviors. | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Simpson, Elizabeth A; Sclafani, Valentina; Paukner, Annika; Kaburu, Stefano S K; Suomi, Stephen J; Ferrari, Pier F | February 2019 | Not Determined |
28687313 | Create Study | Two different mirror neuron networks: The sensorimotor (hand) and limbic (face) pathways. | Neuroscience | Ferrari PF, Gerbella M, Coudé G, Rozzi S | September 2017 | Not Determined |
28406237 | Create Study | Preference for facial averageness: Evidence for a common mechanism in human and macaque infants. | Scientific reports | Damon, Fabrice; Méary, David; Quinn, Paul C; Lee, Kang; Simpson, Elizabeth A; Paukner, Annika; Suomi, Stephen J; Pascalis, Olivier | April 2017 | Not Determined |
28106098 | Create Study | Social Models Enhance Apes' Memory for Novel Events. | Scientific reports | Howard LH, Wagner KE, Woodward AL, Ross SR, Hopper LM | January 2017 | Not Determined |
27862868 | Create Study | Mirror neurons in the tree of life: mosaic evolution, plasticity and exaptation of sensorimotor matching responses. | Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | Tramacere, Antonella; Pievani, Telmo; Ferrari, Pier F | August 2017 | Not Relevant |
27837331 | Create Study | Acute oxytocin improves memory and gaze following in male but not female nursery-reared infant macaques. | Psychopharmacology | Simpson EA, Paukner A, Sclafani V, Kaburu SS, Suomi SJ, Ferrari PF | February 2017 | Not Relevant |
27725768 | Create Study | Neonatal imitation predicts infant rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) social and anxiety-related behaviours at one year. | Scientific reports | Kaburu SS, Paukner A, Simpson EA, Suomi SJ, Ferrari PF | October 2016 | Not Relevant |
27573916 | Create Study | Action mechanisms for social cognition: behavioral and neural correlates of developing Theory of Mind. | Developmental science | Bowman, Lindsay C; Thorpe, Samuel G; Cannon, Erin N; Fox, Nathan A | September 1, 2017 | Not Determined |
27223687 | Create Study | Face Detection and the Development of Own-Species Bias in Infant Macaques. | Child development | Simpson, Elizabeth A; Jakobsen, Krisztina V; Damon, Fabrice; Suomi, Stephen J; Ferrari, Pier F; Paukner, Annika | January 1, 2017 | Not Determined |