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1 Numbers reported are subjects by age
New Trial
New Project

Format should be in the following format: Activity Code, Institute Abbreviation, and Serial Number. Grant Type, Support Year, and Suffix should be excluded. For example, grant 1R01MH123456-01A1 should be entered R01MH123456

Please select an experiment type below

Collection - Use Existing Experiment
To associate an experiment to the current collection, just select an axperiment from the table below then click the associate experiment button to persist your changes (saving the collection is not required). Note that once an experiment has been associated to two or more collections, the experiment will not longer be editable.

The table search feature is case insensitive and targets the experiment id, experiment name and experiment type columns. The experiment id is searched only when the search term entered is a number, and filtered using a startsWith comparison. When the search term is not numeric the experiment name is used to filter the results.
SelectExperiment IdExperiment NameExperiment Type
Created On
475MB1-10 (CHOP)Omics06/07/2016
490Illumina Infinium PsychArray BeadChip AssayOmics07/07/2016
501PharmacoBOLD Resting StatefMRI07/27/2016
509ABC-CT Resting v2EEG08/18/2016
13Comparison of FI expression in Autistic and Neurotypical Homo SapiensOmics12/28/2010
18AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics01/06/2011
22Stitching PCR SequencingOmics02/14/2011
29Microarray family 03 (father, mother, sibling)Omics03/24/2011
37Standard paired-end sequencing of BCRsOmics04/19/2011
38Illumina Mate-Pair BCR sequencingOmics04/19/2011
39Custom Jumping LibrariesOmics04/19/2011
40Custom CapBPOmics04/19/2011
43Autism brain sample genotyping, IlluminaOmics05/16/2011
47ARRA Autism Sequencing Collaboration at Baylor. SOLiD 4 SystemOmics08/01/2011
53AGRE Omni1-quadOmics10/11/2011
59AGP genotypingOmics04/03/2012
60Ultradeep 454 sequencing of synaptic genes from postmortem cerebella of individuals with ASD and neurotypical controlsOmics06/23/2012
63Microemulsion PCR and Targeted Resequencing for Variant Detection in ASDOmics07/20/2012
76Whole Genome Sequencing in Autism FamiliesOmics01/03/2013
90Genotyped IAN SamplesOmics07/09/2013
91NJLAGS Axiom Genotyping ArrayOmics07/16/2013
93AGP genotyping (CNV)Omics09/06/2013
106Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 2EEG11/07/2013
107Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 3EEG11/07/2013
108Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 200EEG11/07/2013
105Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 1EEG11/07/2013
109Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 400EEG11/07/2013
116Gene Expression Analysis WG-6Omics01/07/2014
131Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Charlie Brown and Sesame Street - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
132Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Animacy - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
133Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Mom Stranger - Project 2Eye Tracking02/27/2014
134Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Face Emotion - Project 3Eye Tracking02/27/2014
151Candidate Gene Identification in familial AutismOmics06/09/2014
152NJLAGS Whole Genome SequencingOmics07/01/2014
154Math Autism Study - Vinod MenonfMRI07/15/2014
160syllable contrastEEG07/29/2014
167School-age naturalistic stimuliEye Tracking09/19/2014
44AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics06/27/2011
45Exome Sequencing of 20 Sporadic Cases of Autism Spectrum DisorderOmics07/15/2011
Collection - Add Experiment
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To add an existing Data Structure, enter its title in the search bar. If you need to request changes, select the indicator "No, it requires changes to meet research needs" after selecting the Structure, and upload the file with the request changes specific to the selected Data Structure. Your file should follow the Request Changes Procedure. If the Data Structure does not exist, select "Request New Data Structure" and upload the appropriate zip file.

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The Data Expected list for this Collection shows some raw data as missing. Contact the NDA Help Desk with any questions.

Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.

Collection Updated

Your Collection is now in Data Analysis phase and exempt from biannual submissions. Analyzed data is still expected prior to publication or no later than the project end date.

[CMS] Attention
[CMS] Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.
[CMS] Error


Unable to change collection phase where targeted enrollment is less than 90%

Delete Submission Exemption
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Explanation must be between 20 and 200 characters in length.

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Collection Summary Collection Charts
Collection Title Collection Investigators Collection Description
PsychENCODE Consortium
Zhiping Weng, Mark Gerstein 
Established in 2015 by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the PsychENCODE Consortium (PEC) is a multi-site investigation of the genomic basis of neuropsychiatric diseases. The aim is to create a resource of mechanistic insights to guide future therapeutic development. Genomic influences on neural function are remarkably complex, characterized by a highly polygenic risk architecture and often located in the non-coding parts of the genome. A key objective of PEC is to delineate an enhanced framework of regulatory genomic elements associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Multidisciplinary PEC teams are working to generate large-scale gene expression and regulatory data from human postmortem brains across several major psychiatric disorders. Brain tissue is characterized across multiple developmental stages and include bulk tissue, single cell, and sorted cell types. The goal is to map and functionally validate disease‐associated variants, regulatory elements, genes and cell types. Data from Phase I was presented in a collection of 11 papers published in Science, Science Translational Medicine, and Science Advances. This collection is summarized in the Science special issue "Revealing the brain's molecular architecture" . Phase II – which will enhance cellular and developmental resolution – is currently underway.
NIMH Data Archive
The use of this data is limited to Health/Medical/Biomedical purposes, and does not include the study of population origins or ancestry (HMB). Requestor agrees to make results of studies using the data available to the larger scientific community (PUB). The use of this data includes methods development research (e.g. development and testing of software or algorithms).
PsychENCODE Consortium
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NIH - Extramural None

U01MH103340-01 Genetic variants affect brain gene expression and risks of psychiatric disorders 06/10/2014 05/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO $2,464,072.00
U01MH103339-01 Transcriptional and Epigenetic Signatures of Human Brain Development and Autism 06/15/2014 05/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $3,387,402.00
U01MH103392-01 Cis-Regulatory Epigenome Mappings in Schizophrenia 06/15/2014 05/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $1,830,695.00
U01MH103365-01 Gene regulatory elements and transcriptome in iPSCs and embryonic human cortex 06/15/2014 05/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $1,462,340.00
U01MH103346-01 The USC PsychENCODE Project 06/15/2014 05/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA $1,462,501.00
R21MH102791-01 Establishing comprehensive and quantitative maps of DNA methylation in the develo 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported LIEBER INSTITUTE, INC. $595,750.00
P50MH106934-01 Functional Genomics of Human Brain Development 09/19/2014 07/31/2019 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $2,969,187.00
R01MH105472-01 Decoding schizophrenia-From GWAS to functional regulatory variants 09/19/2014 06/30/2018 Not Reported Not Reported DUKE UNIVERSITY $1,573,679.00
R21MH103877-01 GABA Epigenomes in Autism 09/26/2014 08/31/2017 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $447,115.00
R21MH105881-01 Long non-coding RNAs in gene regulatory networks underlying Autism 12/01/2014 11/30/2017 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $465,413.00
R01MH105898-01 RNA Sequencing of the Limbic System in Bipolar Disorder 09/01/2015 02/28/2021 300 Not Reported JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY $3,137,397.00
R21MH105853-01 Decomposing cell type-specific marks in post-mortem human brain studies 09/03/2015 08/31/2019 Not Reported Not Reported LIEBER INSTITUTE, INC. $508,750.00
R21MH109956-01 Characterizing the developing human brain transcriptome at single-base resolution 05/01/2016 04/30/2019 Not Reported Not Reported LIEBER INSTITUTE, INC. $502,150.00
R01MH110920-01 1/2 Measuring translational dynamics and the proteome to identify potential brain biomakers for psychiatric disease 07/08/2016 04/30/2021 Not Reported Not Reported UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY $2,049,505.00
R01MH110905-01 2/2-Measuring translational dynamics and the proteome to identify potential brain biomarkers for psychiatric disease 07/08/2016 04/30/2020 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO $1,092,180.00
R01MH110928-01 3/3 Integrative Genomic Analysis of Human Brain Development and Autism 07/21/2016 04/30/2020 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $1,294,456.00
R01MH110926-01 1/3 Integrative Genomic Analysis of Human Brain Development and Autism 07/21/2016 04/30/2021 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $3,204,238.00
R01MH109677-01 Risk genetic variants and cis regulation of gene expression in Bipolar Disorder 08/01/2016 05/31/2021 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $2,617,098.00
R01MH110927-01 2/3 Integrative Genomic Analysis of Human Brain Development and Autism 08/10/2016 04/30/2020 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES $2,073,628.00
R01MH110921-01 Molecular Profiling of Schizophrenia 09/01/2016 12/31/2020 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $5,122,345.00
R01MH111721-01 Integrative Genomics of the Corticolimbic Circuit in Major Depressive Disorder 09/06/2017 05/31/2024 400 Not Reported JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY $4,163,018.00
R01MH109715-01 Mapping the role of long noncoding RNAs in gene regulatory networks in schizophrenia 12/01/2017 11/30/2024 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $3,982,639.00
R01MH117406-01 The Spatiotemporal Landscape of the Human Brain Epitranscriptome 07/01/2018 03/31/2025 Not Reported Not Reported WEILL MEDICAL COLL OF CORNELL UNIV $3,311,487.00
U01MH116488-01 1/2 Cell Type and Region-Specific Regulatory Networks in Human Brain Development and Disorders 07/06/2018 03/31/2024 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $6,470,162.00
U01MH116492-01 1/2 Discovery and validation of neuronal enhancers associated with the development of psychiatric disorders 07/06/2018 03/31/2023 Not Reported Not Reported UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MED SCH WORCESTER $3,650,615.00
U01MH116438-01 Massively parallel characterization of psychiatric disease associated regulatory elements in defined cell types 07/06/2018 12/31/2023 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $3,339,852.00
R01MH117293-01 1/3 Understanding PTSD through Postmortem Targeted Brain Multi-omics 07/25/2018 04/30/2025 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN $2,848,179.00
R01MH117292-01 Site 3/3, Understanding PTSD through Postmortem Targeted Brain Multiomics 07/25/2018 04/30/2024 Not Reported Not Reported MCLEAN HOSPITAL $3,039,085.00
R01MH117291-01 2/3 Understanding PTSD through Postmortem Targeted Brain Multi-omics 07/25/2018 04/30/2024 Not Reported Not Reported LIEBER INSTITUTE, INC. $3,521,419.00
U01MH116441-01 Dynamic RNA Modifications in human brain development and autism 08/01/2018 04/30/2023 Not Reported Not Reported EMORY UNIVERSITY $4,939,503.00
R56MH114901-01 3/3 Chromatin regulation during brain development and in ASD 08/01/2018 07/31/2021 Not Reported Not Reported DUKE UNIVERSITY $355,941.00
R56MH114899-01 2/3 Chromatin regulation during brain development and in ASD 08/01/2018 07/31/2020 Not Reported Not Reported MAYO CLINIC ROCHESTER $129,927.00
R56MH114911-01 1/3 Chromatin regulation during brain development and in ASD 08/03/2018 07/31/2020 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $550,583.00
U01MH116487-01 2/2 - Cell Type and Region-Specific Regulatory Networks in Human Brain Development and Disorders 08/15/2018 05/31/2023 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $2,279,704.00
U01MH116489-01 2/2 Discovery and validation of neuronal enhancers associated with the development of psychiatric disorders 08/17/2018 04/30/2025 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES $4,523,653.00
U01MH116442-01 The 3D genome in transcriptional regulation across the postnatal life span, with implications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 09/01/2018 05/31/2024 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $5,895,770.00
U01DA048279-01 Functional genomic resource and integrative model of dopaminergic circuitry associated with psychiatric disease 05/01/2019 02/29/2024 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $2,181,466.00
R01MH116529-01 Integrated, cell type specific functional genomics analyses of regulatory sequence elements and their dynamic interaction networks in neuropsychiatric brain tissues 06/20/2019 03/31/2024 Not Reported Not Reported STANFORD UNIVERSITY $6,965,362.00
R01MH121521-01 Isoform-level probabilistic transcriptome-wide association to undercover neurogenetic mechanisms underlying complex psychiatric traits 01/03/2020 11/30/2025 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA $3,367,214.00
U01MH122590-01 2/3 High-resolution mapping of cell type-specific DNA (hydroxy)methylation in the human brain during postnatal development and in psychiatric disease 05/01/2020 02/28/2026 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $2,180,793.00
U01MH122592-01 3/3 High-resolution mapping of cell type-specific DNA (hydroxy)methylation in the human brain during postnatal development and in psychiatric disease 05/01/2020 02/28/2025 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO $656,659.00
U01MH122849-01 Spatial registration of gene expression in the human brain 05/01/2020 04/30/2024 Not Reported Not Reported LIEBER INSTITUTE, INC. $1,747,260.00
U01MH122591-01 1/3 High-resolution mapping of cell type-specific DNA (hydroxy)methylation in the human brain during postnatal development and in psychiatric disease. 05/01/2020 02/28/2026 Not Reported Not Reported UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY $789,640.00
U01MH122678-01 1/2 Identification and Validation of Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTLs) in discrete cell types across human brain development 02/01/2021 11/30/2025 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $3,537,034.00
U01MH122681-01 2/2 - Identification and Validation of Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTLs) in discrete cell types across human brain development 02/10/2021 05/31/2026 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD $2,100,937.00
R01MH126393-01 Laminar dissection of cortical human brain gene expression in neuropsychiatric disorders 06/23/2021 03/31/2026 Not Reported Not Reported LIEBER INSTITUTE, INC. $3,239,073.00
R01MH125516-01 Assessing Genomic, Regulatory and Transcriptional Variation at Single Nuclei Resolution in the Brains of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder 07/27/2021 05/31/2027 Not Reported Not Reported UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO $2,249,998.00
U01MH122509-01 Discovery and validation of genetic variation impacting the gene regulatory landscape during human cortical development 08/01/2021 04/30/2026 Not Reported Not Reported UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL $2,302,532.00
R01MH126459-01 Gene Expression Regulation in Brains of East Asian, African, and European Descent Explains Schizophrenia GWAS in Diverse Populations. 03/25/2022 01/31/2027 Not Reported Not Reported UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY $2,257,592.00
R01MH129301-01 Sex-specific trajectories in epigenomic regulation of brain patterning 04/15/2022 01/31/2027 Not Reported Not Reported YALE UNIVERSITY $3,599,068.00
R21MH129817-01 Mapping human brain cell type-specific isoform usage in ASD 05/11/2022 04/30/2025 Not Reported Not Reported ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $464,750.00


NDA Help Center

Collection - General Tab

Fields available for edit on the top portion of the page include:

  • Collection Title
  • Investigators
  • Collection Description
  • Collection Phase
  • Funding Source
  • Clinical Trials

Collection Phase: The current status of a research project submitting data to an NDA Collection, based on the timing of the award and/or the data that have been submitted.

  • Pre-Enrollment: The default entry made when the NDA Collection is created.
  • Enrolling: Data have been submitted to the NDA Collection or the NDA Data Expected initial submission date has been reached for at least one data structure category in the NDA Collection.
  • Data Analysis: Subject level data collection for the research project is completed and has been submitted to the NDA Collection. The NDA Collection owner or the NDA Help Desk may set this phase when they’ve confirmed data submission is complete and submitted subject counts match at least 90% of the target enrollment numbers in the NDA Data Expected. Data submission reminders will be turned off for the NDA Collection.
  • Funding Completed: The NIH grant award (or awards) associated with the NDA Collection has reached its end date. NDA Collections in Funding Completed phase are assigned a subphase to indicate the status of data submission.
    • The Data Expected Subphase indicates that NDA expects more data will be submitted
    • The Closeout Subphase indicates the data submission is complete.
    • The Sharing Not Met Subphase indicates that data submission was not completed as expected.

Blinded Clinical Trial Status:

  • This status is set by a Collection Owner and indicates the research project is a double blinded clinical trial. When selected, the public view of Data Expected will show the Data Expected items and the Submission Dates, but the targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts will not be displayed.
  • Targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts are visible only to NDA Administrators and to the NDA Collection or as the NDA Collection Owner.
  • When an NDA Collection that is flagged Blinded Clinical Trial reaches the maximum data sharing date for that Data Repository (see https://nda.nih.gov/nda/sharing-regimen.html), the embargo on Data Expected information is released.

Funding Source

The organization(s) responsible for providing the funding is listed here.

Supporting Documentation

Users with Submission privileges, as well as Collection Owners, Program Officers, and those with Administrator privileges, may upload and attach supporting documentation. By default, supporting documentation is shared to the general public, however, the option is also available to limit this information to qualified researchers only.

Grant Information

Identifiable details are displayed about the Project of which the Collection was derived from. You may click in the Project Number to view a full report of the Project captured by the NIH.

Clinical Trials

Any data that is collected to support or further the research of clinical studies will be available here. Collection Owners and those with Administrator privileges may add new clinical trials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) determine which Permission Group data are submitted into?
    During Collection creation, NDA staff determine the appropriate Permission Group based on the type of data to be submitted, the type of access that will be available to data access users, and the information provided by the Program Officer during grant award.
  • How do I know when a NDA Collection has been created?
    When a Collection is created by NDA staff, an email notification will automatically be sent to the PI(s) of the grant(s) associated with the Collection to notify them.
  • Is a single grant number ever associated with more than one Collection?
    The NDA system does not allow for a single grant to be associated with more than one Collection; therefore, a single grant will not be listed in the Grant Information section of a Collection for more than one Collection.
  • Why is there sometimes more than one grant included in a Collection?
    In general, each Collection is associated with only one grant; however, multiple grants may be associated if the grant has multiple competing segments for the same grant number or if multiple different grants are all working on the same project and it makes sense to hold the data in one Collection (e.g., Cooperative Agreements).


  • Administrator Privilege
    A privilege provided to a user associated with an NDA Collection or NDA Study whereby that user can perform a full range of actions including providing privileges to other users.
  • Collection Owner
    Generally, the Collection Owner is the contact PI listed on a grant. Only one NDA user is listed as the Collection owner. Most automated emails are primarily sent to the Collection Owner.
  • Collection Phase
    The Collection Phase provides information on data submission as opposed to grant/project completion so while the Collection phase and grant/project phase may be closely related they are often different. Collection users with Administrative Privileges are encouraged to edit the Collection Phase. The Program Officer as listed in eRA (for NIH funded grants) may also edit this field. Changes must be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. This field is sortable alphabetically in ascending or descending order. Collection Phase options include:
    • Pre-Enrollment: A grant/project has started, but has not yet enrolled subjects.
    • Enrolling: A grant/project has begun enrolling subjects. Data submission is likely ongoing at this point.
    • Data Analysis: A grant/project has completed enrolling subjects and has completed all data submissions.
    • Funding Completed: A grant/project has reached the project end date.
  • Collection Title
    An editable field with the title of the Collection, which is often the title of the grant associated with the Collection.
  • Grant
    Provides the grant number(s) for the grant(s) associated with the Collection. The field is a hyperlink so clicking on the Grant number will direct the user to the grant information in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) page.
  • Supporting Documentation
    Various documents and materials to enable efficient use of the data by investigators unfamiliar with the project and may include the research protocol, questionnaires, and study manuals.
  • NIH Research Initiative
    NDA Collections may be organized by scientific similarity into NIH Research Initiatives, to facilitate query tool user experience. NIH Research Initiatives map to one or multiple Funding Opportunity Announcements.
  • Permission Group
    Access to shared record-level data in NDA is provisioned at the level of a Permission Group. NDA Permission Groups consist of one or multiple NDA Collections that contain data with the same subject consents.
  • Planned Enrollment
    Number of human subject participants to be enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in competing applications and annual progress reports.
  • Actual Enrollment
    Number of human subjects enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in annual progress reports.
  • NDA Collection
    A virtual container and organization structure for data and associated documentation from one grant or one large project/consortium. It contains tools for tracking data submission and allows investigators to define a wide array of other elements that provide context for the data, including all general information regarding the data and source project, experimental parameters used to collect any event-based data contained in the Collection, methods, and other supporting documentation. They also allow investigators to link underlying data to an NDA Study, defining populations and subpopulations specific to research aims.
  • Data Use Limitations
    Data Use Limitations (DULs) describe the appropriate secondary use of a dataset and are based on the original informed consent of a research participant. NDA only accepts consent-based data use limitations defined by the NIH Office of Science Policy.
  • Total Subjects Shared
    The total number of unique subjects for whom data have been shared and are available for users with permission to access data.
IDNameCreated DateStatusType
2498Test Experiment: Please Disregard03/04/2024ApprovedOmics

NDA Help Center

Collection - Experiments

The number of Experiments included is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. You may download all experiments associated with the Collection via the Download button. You may view individual experiments by clicking the Experiment Name and add them to the Filter Cart via the Add to Cart button.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may create or edit an Experiment.

Please note: The creation of an NDA Experiment does not necessarily mean that data collected, according to the defined Experiment, has been submitted or shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can an Experiment be associated with more than one Collection?

    Yes -see the “Copy” button in the bottom left when viewing an experiment. There are two actions that can be performed via this button:

    1. Copy the experiment with intent for modifications.
    2. Associate the experiment to the collection. No modifications can be made to the experiment.


  • Experiment Status
    An Experiment must be Approved before data using the associated Experiment_ID may be uploaded.
  • Experiment ID
    The ID number automatically generated by NDA which must be included in the appropriate file when uploading data to link the Experiment Definition to the subject record.

NDA Help Center

Collection - Shared Data

This tab provides a quick overview of the Data Structure title, Data Type, and Number of Subjects that are currently Shared for the Collection. The information presented in this tab is automatically generated by NDA and cannot be edited. If no information is visible on this tab, this would indicate the Collection does not have shared data or the data is private.

The shared data is available to other researchers who have permission to access data in the Collection's designated Permission Group(s). Use the Download button to get all shared data from the Collection to the Filter Cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if another researcher uses data that I shared through the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)?
    To see what data your project have submitted are being used by a study, simply go the Associated Studies tab of your collection. Alternatively, you may review an NDA Study Attribution Report available on the General tab.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a completed research project?
    Often it becomes more difficult to organize and format data electronically after the project has been completed and the information needed to create a GUID may not be available; however, you may still contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a research project that is still ongoing?
    Unlike completed projects where researchers may not have the information needed to create a GUID and/or where the effort needed to organize and format data becomes prohibitive, ongoing projects have more of an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Please contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.


  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Type
    A grouping of data by similar characteristics such as Clinical Assessments, Omics, or Neurosignal data.
  • Shared
    The term 'Shared' generally means available to others; however, there are some slightly different meanings based on what is Shared. A Shared NDA Study is viewable and searchable publicly regardless of the user's role or whether the user has an NDA account. A Shared NDA Study does not necessarily mean that data used in the NDA Study have been shared as this is independently determined. Data are shared according the schedule defined in a Collection's Data Expected Tab and/or in accordance with data sharing expectations in the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Additionally, Supporting Documentation uploaded to a Collection may be shared independent of whether data are shared.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:


Publications relevant to NDA data are listed below. Most displayed publications have been associated with the grant within Pubmed. Use the "+ New Publication" button to add new publications. Publications relevant/not relevant to data expected are categorized. Relevant publications are then linked to the underlying data by selecting the Create Study link. Study provides the ability to define cohorts, assign subjects, define outcome measures and lists the study type, data analysis and results. Analyzed data and results are expected in this way.

PubMed IDStudyTitleJournalAuthorsDateStatus
39867394Create StudyA genetically based computational drug repurposing framework for rapid identification of candidate compounds: application to COVID-19.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesVoloudakis, Georgios; Lee, Kyung Min; Vicari, James M; Zhang, Wen; Hoagland, Daisy; Venkatesh, Sanan; Bian, Jiantao; Anyfantakis, Marios; Wu, Zhenyi; Rahman, Samir; Gao, Lina; Cho, Kelly; Lee, Jennifer S; Iyengar, Sudha K; Luoh, Shiuh-Wen; Assimes, Themistocles L; Hoffman, Gabriel E; tenOever, Benjamin R; Fullard, John F; Lynch, Julie A; Roussos, PanosJanuary 14, 2025Not Determined
39809846Create StudyAltered tRNA expression profile associated with codon-specific proteomic changes in the suicide brain.Molecular psychiatryBlaze, J; Chen, S; Heissel, S; Alwaseem, H; Landinez Macias, M P; Peter, C; Molina, H; Storkebaum, E; Turecki, G; Goodarzi, H; Akbarian, SJanuary 14, 2025Not Determined
39763727Create StudyComprehensive profiling of small RNAs and their changes and linkages to mRNAs in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyNersisyan, Stepan; Loher, Phillipe; Nazeraj, Iliza; Shao, Zhiping; Fullard, John F; Voloudakis, Georgios; Girdhar, Kiran; Roussos, Panos; Rigoutsos, IsidoreDecember 25, 2024Not Determined
39719446Create StudyEndophenotype 2.0: updated definitions and criteria for endophenotypes of psychiatric disorders, incorporating new technologies and findings.Translational psychiatryLiu, Chunyu; Gershon, Elliot SDecember 24, 2024Not Determined
39713304Create StudyHigh-Complexity Barcoded Rabies Virus for Scalable Circuit Mapping Using Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus Sequencing.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyShin, David; Urbanek, Madeleine E; Larson, H Hanh; Moussa, Anthony J; Lee, Kevin Y; Baker, Donovan L; Standen-Bloom, Elio; Ramachandran, Sangeetha; Bogdanoff, Derek; Cadwell, Cathryn R; Nowakowski, Tomasz JDecember 11, 2024Not Determined
39696436Create StudyEpigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: a meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts.Genome medicineKatrinli, Seyma; Wani, Agaz H; Maihofer, Adam X; Ratanatharathorn, Andrew; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Montalvo-Ortiz, Janitza; Núñez-Ríos, Diana L; Zannas, Anthony S; Zhao, Xiang; Aiello, Allison E; Ashley-Koch, Allison E; Avetyan, Diana; Baker, Dewleen G; Beckham, Jean C; Boks, Marco P; Brick, Leslie A; Bromet, Evelyn; Champagne, Frances A; Chen, Chia-Yen; Dalvie, Shareefa; Dennis, Michelle F; Fatumo, Segun; Fortier, Catherine; Galea, Sandro; Garrett, Melanie E; Geuze, Elbert; Grant, Gerald; Hauser, Michael A; Hayes, Jasmeet P; Hemmings, Sian M J; Huber, Bertrand Russel; Jajoo, Aarti; Jansen, Stefan; Kessler, Ronald C; Kimbrel, Nathan A; King, Anthony P; Kleinman, Joel E; Koen, Nastassja; Koenen, Karestan C; Kuan, Pei-Fen; Liberzon, Israel; Linnstaedt, Sarah D; Lori, Adriana; Luft, Benjamin J; Luykx, Jurjen J; Marx, Christine E; McLean, Samuel A; Mehta, Divya; Milberg, William; Miller, Mark W; Mufford, Mary S; Musanabaganwa, Clarisse; Mutabaruka, Jean; Mutesa, Leon; Nemeroff, Charles B; Nugent, Nicole R; Orcutt, Holly K; Qin, Xue-Jun; Rauch, Sheila A M; Ressler, Kerry J; Risbrough, Victoria B; Rutembesa, Eugène; Rutten, Bart P F; Seedat, Soraya; Stein, Dan J; Stein, Murray B; Toikumo, Sylvanus; Ursano, Robert J; Uwineza, Annette; Verfaellie, Mieke H; Vermetten, Eric; Vinkers, Christiaan H; Ware, Erin B; Wildman, Derek E; Wolf, Erika J; Young, Ross McD; Zhao, Ying; van den Heuvel, Leigh L; PGC-PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup; PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project; Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group; Uddin, Monica; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Smith, Alicia K; Logue, Mark WDecember 18, 2024Not Determined
39677731Create StudyConvergence of autism proteins at the cilium.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyKostyanovskaya, Elina; Lasser, Micaela C; Wang, Belinda; Schmidt, James; Bader, Ethel; Buteo, Chad; Arbelaez, Juan; Sindledecker, Aria Rani; McCluskey, Kate E; Castillo, Octavio; Wang, Sheng; Dea, Jeanselle; Helde, Kathryn A; Graglia, J Michael; Brimble, Elise; Kastner, David B; Ehrlich, Aliza T; State, Matthew W; Willsey, A Jeremy; Willsey, Helen RankinJanuary 14, 2025Not Determined
39677452Create StudyGenetic Analysis of Psychosis Biotypes: Shared Ancestry-Adjusted Polygenic Risk and Unique Genomic Associations.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesXia, Cuihua; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Tamminga, Carol A; Keshavan, Matcheri S; Pearlson, Godfrey D; Keedy, Sarah K; Clementz, Brett; McDowell, Jennifer E; Parker, David; Lencer, Rebekka; Hill, S Kristian; Bishop, Jeffrey R; Ivleva, Elena I; Wen, Cindy; Dai, Rujia; Chen, Chao; Liu, Chunyu; Gershon, Elliot SDecember 8, 2024Not Determined
39658624Create StudyNeuropsychiatric polygenic scores are weak predictors of professional categories.Nature human behaviourVoloudakis, Georgios; Therrien, Karen; Tomasi, Simone; Rajagopal, Veera M; Choi, Shing Wan; Demontis, Ditte; Fullard, John F; Børglum, Anders D; O'Reilly, Paul F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, PanosDecember 10, 2024Not Determined
39627587Create StudyOpportunities and challenges of single-cell and spatially resolved genomics methods for neuroscience discovery.Nature neuroscienceBonev, Boyan; Castelo-Branco, Gonçalo; Chen, Fei; Codeluppi, Simone; Corces, M Ryan; Fan, Jean; Heiman, Myriam; Harris, Kenneth; Inoue, Fumitaka; Kellis, Manolis; Levine, Ariel; Lotfollahi, Mo; Luo, Chongyuan; Maynard, Kristen R; Nitzan, Mor; Ramani, Vijay; Satijia, Rahul; Schirmer, Lucas; Shen, Yin; Sun, Na; Green, Gilad S; Theis, Fabian; Wang, Xiao; Welch, Joshua D; Gokce, Ozgun; Konopka, Genevieve; Liddelow, Shane; Macosko, Evan; Ali Bayraktar, Omer; Habib, Naomi; Nowakowski, Tomasz JDecember 1, 2024Not Determined
39605704Create StudyCRISPRi-based screen of Autism Spectrum Disorder risk genes in microglia uncovers roles of ADNP in microglia endocytosis and synaptic pruning.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyTeter, Olivia M; McQuade, Amanda; Hagan, Venus; Liang, Weiwei; Dräger, Nina M; Sattler, Sydney M; Holmes, Brandon B; Castillo, Vincent Cele; Papakis, Vasileios; Leng, Kun; Boggess, Steven; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Wells, James; Kampmann, MartinNovember 17, 2024Not Determined
39578476Create StudyA multi-regional human brain atlas of chromatin accessibility and gene expression facilitates promoter-isoform resolution genetic fine-mapping.Nature communicationsDong, Pengfei; Song, Liting; Bendl, Jaroslav; Misir, Ruth; Shao, Zhiping; Edelstien, Jonathan; Davis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Scott, William K; Acker, Susanne; Lawless, Nathan; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosNovember 22, 2024Not Determined
39574747Create StudyAddressing the mean-variance relationship in spatially resolved transcriptomics data with spoon.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyShah, Kinnary; Guo, Boyi; Hicks, Stephanie CNovember 8, 2024Not Determined
39455547Create StudyHow Psychedelics Modulate Multiple Memory Mechanisms in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.DrugsDoss, Manoj K; DeMarco, AnnaMarie; Dunsmoor, Joseph E; Cisler, Josh M; Fonzo, Gregory A; Nemeroff, Charles BNovember 1, 2024Not Determined
39353437Create StudyDetection and analysis of complex structural variation in human genomes across populations and in brains of donors with psychiatric disorders.CellZhou, Bo; Arthur, Joseph G; Guo, Hanmin; Kim, Taeyoung; Huang, Yiling; Pattni, Reenal; Wang, Tao; Kundu, Soumya; Luo, Jay X J; Lee, HoJoon; Nachun, Daniel C; Purmann, Carolin; Monte, Emma M; Weimer, Annika K; Qu, Ping-Ping; Shi, Minyi; Jiang, Lixia; Yang, Xinqiong; Fullard, John F; Bendl, Jaroslav; Girdhar, Kiran; Kim, Minsu; Chen, Xi; PsychENCODE Consortium; Greenleaf, William J; Duncan, Laramie; Ji, Hanlee P; Zhu, Xiang; Song, Giltae; Montgomery, Stephen B; Palejev, Dean; Zu Dohna, Heinrich; Roussos, Panos; Kundaje, Anshul; Hallmayer, Joachim F; Snyder, Michael P; Wong, Wing H; Urban, Alexander ENovember 14, 2024Not Determined
39348415Create StudyPrioritizing disease-related rare variants by integrating gene expression data.PLoS geneticsGuo, Hanmin; Urban, Alexander Eckehart; Wong, Wing HungSeptember 1, 2024Not Determined
39329069Create StudyInfluence of Alzheimer''s disease related neuropathology on local microenvironment gene expression in the human inferior temporal cortex.GEN biotechnologyKwon, Sang Ho; Parthiban, Sowmya; Tippani, Madhavi; Divecha, Heena R; Eagles, Nicholas J; Lobana, Jashandeep S; Williams, Stephen R; Mak, Michelle; Bharadwaj, Rahul A; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Page, Stephanie C; Hicks, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Maynard, Kristen R; Collado-Torres, LeonardoOctober 1, 2023Not Determined
39312666Create StudyNr2f1 enhancers have distinct functions in controlling Nr2f1 expression during cortical development.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaLiu, Zhidong; Ypsilanti, Athéna R; Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Dickel, Diane E; Sanders, Stephan J; Dong, Shan; Pennacchio, Len A; Visel, Axel; Rubenstein, John LOctober 1, 2024Not Determined
39294132Create StudyMultiplex, single-cell CRISPRa screening for cell type specific regulatory elements.Nature communicationsChardon, Florence M; McDiarmid, Troy A; Page, Nicholas F; Daza, Riza M; Martin, Beth K; Domcke, Silvia; Regalado, Samuel G; Lalanne, Jean-Benoît; Calderon, Diego; Li, Xiaoyi; Starita, Lea M; Sanders, Stephan J; Ahituv, Nadav; Shendure, JaySeptember 18, 2024Not Determined
39282424Create StudyOxygen-induced stress reveals context-specific gene regulatory effects in human brain organoids.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyUmans, Benjamin D; Gilad, YoavSeptember 3, 2024Not Determined
39282389Create StudyCharacterization and bioinformatic filtering of ambient gRNAs in single-cell CRISPR screens using CLEANSER.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyLiu, Siyan; Hamilton, Marisa C; Cowart, Thomas; Barrera, Alejandro; Bounds, Lexi R; Nelson, Alexander C; Doty, Richard W; Allen, Andrew S; Crawford, Gregory E; Majoros, William H; Gersbach, Charles ASeptember 4, 2024Not Determined
39252912Create StudyBiological Insights from Schizophrenia-associated Loci in Ancestral Populations.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesBigdeli, Tim B; Chatzinakos, Chris; Bendl, Jaroslav; Barr, Peter B; Venkatesh, Sanan; Gorman, Bryan R; Clarence, Tereza; Genovese, Giulio; Iyegbe, Conrad O; Peterson, Roseann E; Kolokotronis, Sergios-Orestis; Burstein, David; Meyers, Jacquelyn L; Li, Yuli; Rajeevan, Nallakkandi; Sayward, Frederick; Cheung, Kei-Hoi; Project Among African-Americans to Explore Risks for Schizophrenia (PAARTNERS); Consortium on the Genomics of Schizophrenia (COGS); Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (GPC) Investigators; DeLisi, Lynn E; Kosten, Thomas R; Zhao, Hongyu; Achtyes, Eric; Buckley, Peter; Malaspina, Dolores; Lehrer, Douglas; Rapaport, Mark H; Braff, David L; Pato, Michele T; Fanous, Ayman H; Pato, Carlos N; PsychAD Consortium; Cooperative Studies Program (CSP) #572; Million Veteran Program (MVP); Huang, Grant D; Muralidhar, Sumitra; Michael Gaziano, J; Pyarajan, Saiju; Girdhar, Kiran; Lee, Donghoon; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Aslan, Mihaela; Fullard, John F; Voloudakis, Georgios; Harvey, Philip D; Roussos, PanosAugust 28, 2024Not Determined
39141354Create StudyGenetic mechanisms for impaired synaptic plasticity in schizophrenia revealed by computational modeling.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaMäki-Marttunen, Tuomo; Blackwell, Kim T; Akkouh, Ibrahim; Shadrin, Alexey; Valstad, Mathias; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Linne, Marja-Leena; Djurovic, Srdjan; Einevoll, Gaute T; Andreassen, Ole AAugust 20, 2024Not Determined
39131273Create StudyCiliary biology intersects autism and congenital heart disease.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyTeerikorpi, Nia; Lasser, Micaela C; Wang, Sheng; Kostyanovskaya, Elina; Bader, Ethel; Sun, Nawei; Dea, Jeanselle; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Willsey, A Jeremy; Willsey, Helen RankinJuly 31, 2024Not Determined
39130195Create StudyIntegrating spatially-resolved transcriptomics data across tissues and individuals: challenges and opportunities.ArXivGuo, Boyi; Ling, Wodan; Kwon, Sang Ho; Panwar, Pratibha; Ghazanfar, Shila; Martinowich, Keri; Hicks, Stephanie CAugust 1, 2024Not Determined
39072012Create StudyEpigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: A meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesKatrinli, Seyma; Wani, Agaz H; Maihofer, Adam X; Ratanatharathorn, Andrew; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Montalvo-Ortiz, Janitza; Núñez-Ríos, Diana L; Zannas, Anthony S; Zhao, Xiang; Aiello, Allison E; Ashley-Koch, Allison E; Avetyan, Diana; Baker, Dewleen G; Beckham, Jean C; Boks, Marco P; Brick, Leslie A; Bromet, Evelyn; Champagne, Frances A; Chen, Chia-Yen; Dalvie, Shareefa; Dennis, Michelle F; Fatumo, Segun; Fortier, Catherine; Galea, Sandro; Garrett, Melanie E; Geuze, Elbert; Grant, Gerald; Michael A Hauser; Hayes, Jasmeet P; Hemmings, Sian Mj; Huber, Bertrand Russel; Jajoo, Aarti; Jansen, Stefan; Kessler, Ronald C; Kimbrel, Nathan A; King, Anthony P; Kleinman, Joel E; Koen, Nastassja; Koenen, Karestan C; Kuan, Pei-Fen; Liberzon, Israel; Linnstaedt, Sarah D; Lori, Adriana; Luft, Benjamin J; Luykx, Jurjen J; Marx, Christine E; McLean, Samuel A; Mehta, Divya; Milberg, William; Miller, Mark W; Mufford, Mary S; Musanabaganwa, Clarisse; Mutabaruka, Jean; Mutesa, Leon; Nemeroff, Charles B; Nugent, Nicole R; Orcutt, Holly K; Qin, Xue-Jun; Rauch, Sheila A M; Ressler, Kerry J; Risbrough, Victoria B; Rutembesa, Eugène; Rutten, Bart P F; Seedat, Soraya; Stein, Dan J; Stein, Murray B; Toikumo, Sylvanus; Ursano, Robert J; Uwineza, Annette; Verfaellie, Mieke H; Vermetten, Eric; Vinkers, Christiaan H; Ware, Erin B; Wildman, Derek E; Wolf, Erika J; Young, Ross McD; Zhao, Ying; van den Heuvel, Leigh L; PGC-PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup, PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project, Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group; Uddin, Monica; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Smith, Alicia K; Logue, Mark WJuly 15, 2024Not Determined
39039045Create StudyProtective alleles and precision healthcare in crewed spaceflight.Nature communicationsRutter, Lindsay A; MacKay, Matthew J; Cope, Henry; Szewczyk, Nathaniel J; Kim, JangKeun; Overbey, Eliah; Tierney, Braden T; Muratani, Masafumi; Lamm, Ben; Bezdan, Daniela; Paul, Amber M; Schmidt, Michael A; Church, George M; Giacomello, Stefania; Mason, Christopher EJuly 22, 2024Not Determined
39026810Create StudyDynamic stress- and inflammatory-based regulation of psychiatric risk loci in human neurons.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyRetallick-Townsley, Kayla G; Lee, Seoyeon; Cartwright, Sam; Cohen, Sophie; Sen, Annabel; Jia, Meng; Young, Hannah; Dobbyn, Lee; Deans, Michael; Fernandez-Garcia, Meilin; Huckins, Laura M; Brennand, Kristen JJuly 9, 2024Not Determined
38979211Create StudyDynamic Human Gut Microbiome and Immune Shifts During an Immersive Psychosocial Therapeutic Program.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyZhou, Xin; Ganz, Ariel B; Rayner, Andre; Cheng, Tess Yan; Oba, Haley; Rolnik, Benjamin; Lancaster, Samuel; Lu, Xinrui; Li, Yizhou; Johnson, Jethro S; Hoyd, Rebecca; Spakowicz, Daniel J; Slavich, George M; Snyder, Michael PJune 27, 2024Not Determined
38951512Create StudyDistinct genetic liability profiles define clinically relevant patient strata across common diseases.Nature communicationsTrastulla, Lucia; Dolgalev, Georgii; Moser, Sylvain; Jiménez-Barrón, Laura T; Andlauer, Till F M; von Scheidt, Moritz; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Budde, Monika; Heilbronner, Urs; Papiol, Sergi; Teumer, Alexander; Homuth, Georg; Völzke, Henry; Dörr, Marcus; Falkai, Peter; Schulze, Thomas G; Gagneur, Julien; Iorio, Francesco; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Schunkert, Heribert; Ziller, Michael JJuly 1, 2024Not Determined
38925120Create StudyA transcriptomic atlas of the human brain reveals genetically determined aspects of neuropsychiatric health.American journal of human geneticsBledsoe, Xavier; Gamazon, Eric RAugust 8, 2024Not Determined
38915580Create StudyEarly Developmental Origins of Cortical Disorders Modeled in Human Neural Stem Cells.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyMato-Blanco, Xoel; Kim, Suel-Kee; Jourdon, Alexandre; Ma, Shaojie; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Liu, Fuchen; Duque, Alvaro; Vaccarino, Flora M; Sestan, Nenad; Colantuoni, Carlo; Rakic, Pasko; Santpere, Gabriel; Micali, NicolaJune 14, 2024Not Determined
38913688Create StudyThe Human Developing Cerebral Cortex Is Characterized by an Elevated De Novo Expression of Long Noncoding RNAs in Excitatory Neurons.Molecular biology and evolutionMorales-Vicente, David A; Tahira, Ana C; Woellner-Santos, Daisy; Amaral, Murilo S; Berzoti-Coelho, Maria G; Verjovski-Almeida, SergioJuly 3, 2024Not Determined
38895212Create StudySpotSweeper: spatially-aware quality control for spatial transcriptomics.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyTotty, Michael; Hicks, Stephanie C; Guo, BoyiJune 9, 2024Not Determined
38862827Create StudyTelomeric RNA (TERRA) increases in response to spaceflight and high-altitude climbing.Communications biologyAl-Turki, Taghreed M; Maranon, David G; Nelson, Christopher B; Lewis, Aidan M; Luxton, Jared J; Taylor, Lynn E; Altina, Noelia; Wu, Fei; Du, Huixun; Kim, JangKeun; Damle, Namita; Overbey, Eliah; Meydan, Cem; Grigorev, Kirill; Winer, Daniel A; Furman, David; Mason, Christopher E; Bailey, Susan MJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862781Create StudyTranscriptomics analysis reveals molecular alterations underpinning spaceflight dermatology.Communications medicineCope, Henry; Elsborg, Jonas; Demharter, Samuel; McDonald, J Tyson; Wernecke, Chiara; Parthasarathy, Hari; Unadkat, Hriday; Chatrathi, Mira; Claudio, Jennifer; Reinsch, Sigrid; Avci, Pinar; Zwart, Sara R; Smith, Scott M; Heer, Martina; Muratani, Masafumi; Meydan, Cem; Overbey, Eliah; Kim, Jangkeun; Chin, Christopher R; Park, Jiwoon; Schisler, Jonathan C; Mason, Christopher E; Szewczyk, Nathaniel J; Willis, Craig R G; Salam, Amr; Beheshti, AfshinJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862620Create StudySpaceflight induces changes in gene expression profiles linked to insulin and estrogen.Communications biologyMathyk, Begum Aydogan; Tabetah, Marshall; Karim, Rashid; Zaksas, Victoria; Kim, JangKeun; Anu, R I; Muratani, Masafumi; Tasoula, Alexia; Singh, Ruth Subhash; Chen, Yen-Kai; Overbey, Eliah; Park, Jiwoon; Cope, Henry; Fazelinia, Hossein; Povero, Davide; Borg, Joseph; Klotz, Remi V; Yu, Min; Young, Steven L; Mason, Christopher E; Szewczyk, Nathaniel; St Clair, Riley M; Karouia, Fathi; Beheshti, AfshinJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862604Create StudyLongitudinal multi-omics analysis of host microbiome architecture and immune responses during short-term spaceflight.Nature microbiologyTierney, Braden T; Kim, JangKeun; Overbey, Eliah G; Ryon, Krista A; Foox, Jonathan; Sierra, Maria A; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Damle, Namita; Najjar, Deena; Park, Jiwoon; Garcia Medina, J Sebastian; Houerbi, Nadia; Meydan, Cem; Wain Hirschberg, Jeremy; Qiu, Jake; Kleinman, Ashley S; Al-Ghalith, Gabriel A; MacKay, Matthew; Afshin, Evan E; Dhir, Raja; Borg, Joseph; Gatt, Christine; Brereton, Nicholas; Readhead, Benjamin P; Beyaz, Semir; Venkateswaran, Kasthuri J; Wiseman, Kelly; Moreno, Juan; Boddicker, Andrew M; Zhao, Junhua; Lajoie, Bryan R; Scott, Ryan T; Altomare, Andrew; Kruglyak, Semyon; Levy, Shawn; Church, George M; Mason, Christopher EJuly 1, 2024Not Determined
38862573Create StudyAging and putative frailty biomarkers are altered by spaceflight.Scientific reportsCamera, Andrea; Tabetah, Marshall; Castañeda, Veronica; Kim, JangKeun; Galsinh, Aman Singh; Haro-Vinueza, Alissen; Salinas, Ivonne; Seylani, Allen; Arif, Shehbeel; Das, Saswati; Mori, Marcelo A; Carano, Anthony; de Oliveira, Lorraine Christine; Muratani, Masafumi; Barker, Richard; Zaksas, Victoria; Goel, Chirag; Dimokidis, Eleni; Taylor, Deanne M; Jeong, Jisu; Overbey, Eliah; Meydan, Cem; Porterfield, D Marshall; Díaz, Juan Esteban; Caicedo, Andrés; Schisler, Jonathan C; Laiakis, Evagelia C; Mason, Christopher E; Kim, Man S; Karouia, Fathi; Szewczyk, Nathaniel J; Beheshti, AfshinJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862542Create StudySpace radiation damage rescued by inhibition of key spaceflight associated miRNAs.Nature communicationsMcDonald, J Tyson; Kim, JangKeun; Farmerie, Lily; Johnson, Meghan L; Trovao, Nidia S; Arif, Shehbeel; Siew, Keith; Tsoy, Sergey; Bram, Yaron; Park, Jiwoon; Overbey, Eliah; Ryon, Krista; Haltom, Jeffrey; Singh, Urminder; Enguita, Francisco J; Zaksas, Victoria; Guarnieri, Joseph W; Topper, Michael; Wallace, Douglas C; Meydan, Cem; Baylin, Stephen; Meller, Robert; Muratani, Masafumi; Porterfield, D Marshall; Kaufman, Brett; Mori, Marcelo A; Walsh, Stephen B; Sigaudo-Roussel, Dominique; Mebarek, Saida; Bottini, Massimo; Marquette, Christophe A; Wurtele, Eve Syrkin; Schwartz, Robert E; Galeano, Diego; Mason, Christopher E; Grabham, Peter; Beheshti, AfshinJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862516Create StudySingle-cell multi-ome and immune profiles of the Inspiration4 crew reveal conserved, cell-type, and sex-specific responses to spaceflight.Nature communicationsKim, JangKeun; Tierney, Braden T; Overbey, Eliah G; Dantas, Ezequiel; Fuentealba, Matias; Park, Jiwoon; Narayanan, S Anand; Wu, Fei; Najjar, Deena; Chin, Christopher R; Meydan, Cem; Loy, Conor; Mathyk, Begum; Klotz, Remi; Ortiz, Veronica; Nguyen, Khiem; Ryon, Krista A; Damle, Namita; Houerbi, Nadia; Patras, Laura I; Schanzer, Nathan; Hutchinson, Gwyneth A; Foox, Jonathan; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Mackay, Matthew; Afshin, Evan E; Hirschberg, Jeremy Wain; Kleinman, Ashley S; Schmidt, Julian C; Schmidt, Caleb M; Schmidt, Michael A; Beheshti, Afshin; Matei, Irina; Lyden, David; Mullane, Sean; Asadi, Amran; Lenz, Joan S; Mzava, Omary; Yu, Min; Ganesan, Saravanan; De Vlaminck, Iwijn; Melnick, Ari M; Barisic, Darko; Winer, Daniel A; Zwart, Sara R; Crucian, Brian E; Smith, Scott M; Mateus, Jaime; Furman, David; Mason, Christopher EJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862509Create StudyCollection of biospecimens from the inspiration4 mission establishes the standards for the space omics and medical atlas (SOMA).Nature communicationsOverbey, Eliah G; Ryon, Krista; Kim, JangKeun; Tierney, Braden T; Klotz, Remi; Ortiz, Veronica; Mullane, Sean; Schmidt, Julian C; MacKay, Matthew; Damle, Namita; Najjar, Deena; Matei, Irina; Patras, Laura; Garcia Medina, J Sebastian; Kleinman, Ashley S; Wain Hirschberg, Jeremy; Proszynski, Jacqueline; Narayanan, S Anand; Schmidt, Caleb M; Afshin, Evan E; Innes, Lucinda; Saldarriaga, Mateo Mejia; Schmidt, Michael A; Granstein, Richard D; Shirah, Bader; Yu, Min; Lyden, David; Mateus, Jaime; Mason, Christopher EJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862505Create StudyAstronaut omics and the impact of space on the human body at scale.Nature communicationsRutter, Lindsay A; Cope, Henry; MacKay, Matthew J; Herranz, Raúl; Das, Saswati; Ponomarev, Sergey A; Costes, Sylvain V; Paul, Amber M; Barker, Richard; Taylor, Deanne M; Bezdan, Daniela; Szewczyk, Nathaniel J; Muratani, Masafumi; Mason, Christopher E; Giacomello, StefaniaJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862496Create StudyDirect RNA sequencing of astronaut blood reveals spaceflight-associated m6A increases and hematopoietic transcriptional responses.Nature communicationsGrigorev, Kirill; Nelson, Theodore M; Overbey, Eliah G; Houerbi, Nadia; Kim, JangKeun; Najjar, Deena; Damle, Namita; Afshin, Evan E; Ryon, Krista A; Thierry-Mieg, Jean; Thierry-Mieg, Danielle; Melnick, Ari M; Mateus, Jaime; Mason, Christopher EJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862494Create StudySpatial multi-omics of human skin reveals KRAS and inflammatory responses to spaceflight.Nature communicationsPark, Jiwoon; Overbey, Eliah G; Narayanan, S Anand; Kim, JangKeun; Tierney, Braden T; Damle, Namita; Najjar, Deena; Ryon, Krista A; Proszynski, Jacqueline; Kleinman, Ashley; Hirschberg, Jeremy Wain; MacKay, Matthew; Afshin, Evan E; Granstein, Richard; Gurvitch, Justin; Hudson, Briana M; Rininger, Aric; Mullane, Sean; Church, Sarah E; Meydan, Cem; Church, George; Beheshti, Afshin; Mateus, Jaime; Mason, Christopher EJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862487Create StudySingle-cell analysis identifies conserved features of immune dysfunction in simulated microgravity and spaceflight.Nature communicationsWu, Fei; Du, Huixun; Overbey, Eliah; Kim, JangKeun; Makhijani, Priya; Martin, Nicolas; Lerner, Chad A; Nguyen, Khiem; Baechle, Jordan; Valentino, Taylor R; Fuentealba, Matias; Bartleson, Juliet M; Halaweh, Heather; Winer, Shawn; Meydan, Cem; Garrett-Bakelman, Francine; Sayed, Nazish; Melov, Simon; Muratani, Masafumi; Gerencser, Akos A; Kasler, Herbert G; Beheshti, Afshin; Mason, Christopher E; Furman, David; Winer, Daniel AJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862484Create StudyCosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction.Nature communicationsSiew, Keith; Nestler, Kevin A; Nelson, Charlotte; D'Ambrosio, Viola; Zhong, Chutong; Li, Zhongwang; Grillo, Alessandra; Wan, Elizabeth R; Patel, Vaksha; Overbey, Eliah; Kim, JangKeun; Yun, Sanghee; Vaughan, Michael B; Cheshire, Chris; Cubitt, Laura; Broni-Tabi, Jessica; Al-Jaber, Maneera Yousef; Boyko, Valery; Meydan, Cem; Barker, Peter; Arif, Shehbeel; Afsari, Fatemeh; Allen, Noah; Al-Maadheed, Mohammed; Altinok, Selin; Bah, Nourdine; Border, Samuel; Brown, Amanda L; Burling, Keith; Cheng-Campbell, Margareth; Colón, Lorianna M; Degoricija, Lovorka; Figg, Nichola; Finch, Rebecca; Foox, Jonathan; Faridi, Pouya; French, Alison; Gebre, Samrawit; Gordon, Peter; Houerbi, Nadia; Valipour Kahrood, Hossein; Kiffer, Frederico C; Klosinska, Aleksandra S; Kubik, Angela; Lee, Han-Chung; Li, Yinghui; Lucarelli, Nicholas; Marullo, Anthony L; Matei, Irina; McCann, Colleen M; Mimar, Sayat; Naglah, Ahmed; Nicod, Jérôme; O'Shaughnessy, Kevin M; Oliveira, Lorraine Christine De; Oswalt, Leah; Patras, Laura Ioana; Lai Polo, San-Huei; Rodríguez-Lopez, María; Roufosse, Candice; Sadeghi-Alavijeh, Omid; Sanchez-Hodge, Rebekah; Paul, Anindya S; Schittenhelm, Ralf Bernd; Schweickart, Annalise; Scott, Ryan T; Choy Lim Kam Sian, Terry Chin; da Silveira, Willian A; Slawinski, Hubert; Snell, Daniel; Sosa, Julio; Saravia-Butler, Amanda M; Tabetah, Marshall; Tanuwidjaya, Erwin; Walker-Samuel, Simon; Yang, Xiaoping; Yasmin; Zhang, Haijian; Godovac-Zimmermann, Jasminka; Sarder, Pinaki; Sanders, Lauren M; Costes, Sylvain V; Campbell, Robert A A; Karouia, Fathi; Mohamed-Alis, Vidya; Rodriques, Samuel; Lynham, Steven; Steele, Joel Ricky; Baranzini, Sergio; Fazelinia, Hossein; Dai, Zhongquan; Uruno, Akira; Shiba, Dai; Yamamoto, Masayuki; A C Almeida, Eduardo; Blaber, Elizabeth; Schisler, Jonathan C; Eisch, Amelia J; Muratani, Masafumi; Zwart, Sara R; Smith, Scott M; Galazka, Jonathan M; Mason, Christopher E; Beheshti, Afshin; Walsh, Stephen BJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862473Create StudyEthical considerations for the age of non-governmental space exploration.Nature communicationsSeylani, Allen; Galsinh, Aman Singh; Tasoula, Alexia; I, Anu R; Camera, Andrea; Calleja-Agius, Jean; Borg, Joseph; Goel, Chirag; Kim, JangKeun; Clark, Kevin B; Das, Saswati; Arif, Shehbeel; Boerrigter, Michael; Coffey, Caroline; Szewczyk, Nathaniel; Mason, Christopher E; Manoli, Maria; Karouia, Fathi; Schwertz, Hansjörg; Beheshti, Afshin; Tulodziecki, DanaJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862464Create StudySecretome profiling reveals acute changes in oxidative stress, brain homeostasis, and coagulation following short-duration spaceflight.Nature communicationsHouerbi, Nadia; Kim, JangKeun; Overbey, Eliah G; Batra, Richa; Schweickart, Annalise; Patras, Laura; Lucotti, Serena; Ryon, Krista A; Najjar, Deena; Meydan, Cem; Damle, Namita; Chin, Christopher; Narayanan, S Anand; Guarnieri, Joseph W; Widjaja, Gabrielle; Beheshti, Afshin; Tobias, Gabriel; Vatter, Fanny; Hirschberg, Jeremy Wain; Kleinman, Ashley; Afshin, Evan E; MacKay, Matthew; Chen, Qiuying; Miller, Dawson; Gajadhar, Aaron S; Williamson, Lucy; Tandel, Purvi; Yang, Qiu; Chu, Jessica; Benz, Ryan; Siddiqui, Asim; Hornburg, Daniel; Gross, Steven; Shirah, Bader; Krumsiek, Jan; Mateus, Jaime; Mao, Xiao; Matei, Irina; Mason, Christopher EJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38862028Create StudyThe Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) and international astronaut biobank.NatureOverbey, Eliah G; Kim, JangKeun; Tierney, Braden T; Park, Jiwoon; Houerbi, Nadia; Lucaci, Alexander G; Garcia Medina, Sebastian; Damle, Namita; Najjar, Deena; Grigorev, Kirill; Afshin, Evan E; Ryon, Krista A; Sienkiewicz, Karolina; Patras, Laura; Klotz, Remi; Ortiz, Veronica; MacKay, Matthew; Schweickart, Annalise; Chin, Christopher R; Sierra, Maria A; Valenzuela, Matias F; Dantas, Ezequiel; Nelson, Theodore M; Cekanaviciute, Egle; Deards, Gabriel; Foox, Jonathan; Narayanan, S Anand; Schmidt, Caleb M; Schmidt, Michael A; Schmidt, Julian C; Mullane, Sean; Tigchelaar, Seth Stravers; Levitte, Steven; Westover, Craig; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Lucotti, Serena; Wain Hirschberg, Jeremy; Proszynski, Jacqueline; Burke, Marissa; Kleinman, Ashley S; Butler, Daniel J; Loy, Conor; Mzava, Omary; Lenz, Joan; Paul, Doru; Mozsary, Christopher; Sanders, Lauren M; Taylor, Lynn E; Patel, Chintan O; Khan, Sharib A; Suhail Mohamad, Mir; Byhaqui, Syed Gufran Ahmad; Aslam, Burhan; Gajadhar, Aaron S; Williamson, Lucy; Tandel, Purvi; Yang, Qiu; Chu, Jessica; Benz, Ryan W; Siddiqui, Asim; Hornburg, Daniel; Blease, Kelly; Moreno, Juan; Boddicker, Andrew; Zhao, Junhua; Lajoie, Bryan; Scott, Ryan T; Gilbert, Rachel R; Lai Polo, San-Huei; Altomare, Andrew; Kruglyak, Semyon; Levy, Shawn; Ariyapala, Ishara; Beer, Joanne; Zhang, Bingqing; Hudson, Briana M; Rininger, Aric; Church, Sarah E; Beheshti, Afshin; Church, George M; Smith, Scott M; Crucian, Brian E; Zwart, Sara R; Matei, Irina; Lyden, David C; Garrett-Bakelman, Francine; Krumsiek, Jan; Chen, Qiuying; Miller, Dawson; Shuga, Joe; Williams, Stephen; Nemec, Corey; Trudel, Guy; Pelchat, Martin; Laneuville, Odette; De Vlaminck, Iwijn; Gross, Steven; Bolton, Kelly L; Bailey, Susan M; Granstein, Richard; Furman, David; Melnick, Ari M; Costes, Sylvain V; Shirah, Bader; Yu, Min; Menon, Anil S; Mateus, Jaime; Meydan, Cem; Mason, Christopher EAugust 1, 2024Not Determined
38862026Create StudyMolecular and physiological changes in the SpaceX Inspiration4 civilian crew.NatureJones, Christopher W; Overbey, Eliah G; Lacombe, Jerome; Ecker, Adrian J; Meydan, Cem; Ryon, Krista; Tierney, Braden; Damle, Namita; MacKay, Matthew; Afshin, Evan E; Foox, Jonathan; Park, Jiwoon; Nelson, Theodore M; Suhail Mohamad, Mir; Byhaqui, Syed Gufran Ahmad; Aslam, Burhan; Tali, Ummer Akbar; Nisa, Liaqun; Menon, Priya V; Patel, Chintan O; Khan, Sharib A; Ebert, Doug J; Everson, Aaron; Schubert, Michael C; Ali, Nabila N; Sarma, Mallika S; Kim, JangKeun; Houerbi, Nadia; Grigorev, Kirill; Garcia Medina, J Sebastian; Summers, Alexander J; Gu, Jian; Altin, John A; Fattahi, Ali; Hirzallah, Mohammad I; Wu, Jimmy H; Stahn, Alexander C; Beheshti, Afshin; Klotz, Remi; Ortiz, Veronica; Yu, Min; Patras, Laura; Matei, Irina; Lyden, David; Melnick, Ari; Banerjee, Neil; Mullane, Sean; Kleinman, Ashley S; Loesche, Michael; Menon, Anil S; Donoviel, Dorit B; Urquieta, Emmanuel; Mateus, Jaime; Sargsyan, Ashot E; Shelhamer, Mark; Zenhausern, Frederic; Bershad, Eric M; Basner, Mathias; Mason, Christopher EAugust 1, 2024Not Determined
38850535Create StudyFive autism-associated transcriptional regulators target shared loci proximal to brain-expressed genes.Cell reportsFazel Darbandi, Siavash; An, Joon-Yong; Lim, Kenneth; Page, Nicholas F; Liang, Lindsay; Young, David M; Ypsilanti, Athena R; State, Matthew W; Nord, Alex S; Sanders, Stephan J; Rubenstein, John L RJune 25, 2024Not Determined
38833935Create StudyThe role of recurrent trauma on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and substance use among trauma exposed youth.Psychiatry researchLeri, John; Cisler, Josh M; Dodd, Cody G; Clark, Shaunna L; Taylor, Leslie; Theodorou, Arrian; Belford, Anissa; Liberzon, Israel; Rathouz, Paul J; Newport, D Jeffrey; Devargas, Cecilia; Wagner, Karen; Nemeroff, Charles BAugust 1, 2024Not Determined
38798605Create StudyCellWalker2: multi-omic discovery of hierarchical cell type relationships and their associations with genomic annotations.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyHu, Zhirui; Przytycki, Pawel F; Pollard, Katherine SMay 17, 2024Not Determined
38781976Create StudyHaploinsufficiency underlies the neurodevelopmental consequences of SLC6A1 variants.American journal of human geneticsSilva, Dina Buitrago; Trinidad, Marena; Ljungdahl, Alicia; Revalde, Jezrael L; Berguig, Geoffrey Y; Wallace, William; Patrick, Cory S; Bomba, Lorenzo; Arkin, Michelle; Dong, Shan; Estrada, Karol; Hutchinson, Keino; LeBowitz, Jonathan H; Schlessinger, Avner; Johannesen, Katrine M; Møller, Rikke S; Giacomini, Kathleen M; Froelich, Steven; Sanders, Stephan J; Wuster, ArthurJune 6, 2024Not Determined
38781393Create StudySystems biology dissection of PTSD and MDD across brain regions, cell types, and blood.Science (New York, N.Y.)Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Iatrou, Artemis; Chatzinakos, Chris; Jajoo, Aarti; Snijders, Clara; Wylie, Dennis; DiPietro, Christopher P; Tsatsani, Ioulia; Chen, Chia-Yen; Pernia, Cameron D; Soliva-Estruch, Marina; Arasappan, Dhivya; Bharadwaj, Rahul A; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Wuchty, Stefan; Alvarez, Victor E; Dammer, Eric B; Deep-Soboslay, Amy; Duong, Duc M; Eagles, Nick; Huber, Bertrand R; Huuki, Louise; Holstein, Vincent L; Logue, Mark W; Lugenbühl, Justina F; Maihofer, Adam X; Miller, Mark W; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Pertea, Geo; Ross, Deanna; Sendi, Mohammad S E; Sun, Benjamin B; Tao, Ran; Tooke, James; Wolf, Erika J; Zeier, Zane; PTSD Working Group of Psychiatric Genomics Consortium**; Berretta, Sabina; Champagne, Frances A; Hyde, Thomas; Seyfried, Nicholas T; Shin, Joo Heon; Weinberger, Daniel R; Nemeroff, Charles B; Kleinman, Joel E; Ressler, Kerry J; PTSD Working Group of Psychiatric Genomics ConsortiumMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781390Create StudyMassively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex.Science (New York, N.Y.)Deng, Chengyu; Whalen, Sean; Steyert, Marilyn; Ziffra, Ryan; Przytycki, Pawel F; Inoue, Fumitaka; Pereira, Daniela A; Capauto, Davide; Norton, Scott; Vaccarino, Flora M; PsychENCODE Consortium‡; Pollen, Alex A; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Ahituv, Nadav; Pollard, Katherine S; PsychENCODE ConsortiumMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781388Create StudySingle-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome.Science (New York, N.Y.)Ruzicka, W Brad; Mohammadi, Shahin; Fullard, John F; Davila-Velderrain, Jose; Subburaju, Sivan; Tso, Daniel Reed; Hourihan, Makayla; Jiang, Shan; Lee, Hao-Chih; Bendl, Jaroslav; PsychENCODE Consortium§; Voloudakis, Georgios; Haroutunian, Vahram; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, Panos; Kellis, Manolis; PsychENCODE ConsortiumMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781370Create StudyA data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex.Science (New York, N.Y.)Huuki-Myers, Louise A; Spangler, Abby; Eagles, Nicholas J; Montgomery, Kelsey D; Kwon, Sang Ho; Guo, Boyi; Grant-Peters, Melissa; Divecha, Heena R; Tippani, Madhavi; Sriworarat, Chaichontat; Nguyen, Annie B; Ravichandran, Prashanthi; Tran, Matthew N; Seyedian, Arta; PsychENCODE Consortium†; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Battle, Alexis; Page, Stephanie C; Ryten, Mina; Hicks, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Maynard, Kristen R; PsychENCODE ConsortiumMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781369Create StudySingle-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains.Science (New York, N.Y.)Emani, Prashant S; Liu, Jason J; Clarke, Declan; Jensen, Matthew; Warrell, Jonathan; Gupta, Chirag; Meng, Ran; Lee, Che Yu; Xu, Siwei; Dursun, Cagatay; Lou, Shaoke; Chen, Yuhang; Chu, Zhiyuan; Galeev, Timur; Hwang, Ahyeon; Li, Yunyang; Ni, Pengyu; Zhou, Xiao; PsychENCODE Consortium‡; Bakken, Trygve E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Bicks, Lucy; Chatterjee, Tanima; Cheng, Lijun; Cheng, Yuyan; Dai, Yi; Duan, Ziheng; Flaherty, Mary; Fullard, John F; Gancz, Michael; Garrido-Martín, Diego; Gaynor-Gillett, Sophia; Grundman, Jennifer; Hawken, Natalie; Henry, Ella; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Huang, Ao; Jiang, Yunzhe; Jin, Ting; Jorstad, Nikolas L; Kawaguchi, Riki; Khullar, Saniya; Liu, Jianyin; Liu, Junhao; Liu, Shuang; Ma, Shaojie; Margolis, Michael; Mazariegos, Samantha; Moore, Jill; Moran, Jennifer R; Nguyen, Eric; Phalke, Nishigandha; Pjanic, Milos; Pratt, Henry; Quintero, Diana; Rajagopalan, Ananya S; Riesenmy, Tiernon R; Shedd, Nicole; Shi, Manman; Spector, Megan; Terwilliger, Rosemarie; Travaglini, Kyle J; Wamsley, Brie; Wang, Gaoyuan; Xia, Yan; Xiao, Shaohua; Yang, Andrew C; Zheng, Suchen; Gandal, Michael J; Lee, Donghoon; Lein, Ed S; Roussos, Panos; Sestan, Nenad; Weng, Zhiping; White, Kevin P; Won, Hyejung; Girgenti, Matthew J; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Daifeng; Geschwind, Daniel; Gerstein, Mark; PsychENCODE ConsortiumMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781368Create StudyCross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain.Science (New York, N.Y.)Wen, Cindy; Margolis, Michael; Dai, Rujia; Zhang, Pan; Przytycki, Pawel F; Vo, Daniel D; Bhattacharya, Arjun; Matoba, Nana; Tang, Miao; Jiao, Chuan; Kim, Minsoo; Tsai, Ellen; Hoh, Celine; Aygün, Nil; Walker, Rebecca L; Chatzinakos, Christos; Clarke, Declan; Pratt, Henry; PsychENCODE Consortium†; Peters, Mette A; Gerstein, Mark; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Weng, Zhiping; Jaffe, Andrew E; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Weinberger, Daniel R; Bray, Nicholas J; Sestan, Nenad; Geschwind, Daniel H; Roeder, Kathryn; Gusev, Alexander; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Stein, Jason L; Love, Michael I; Pollard, Katherine S; Liu, Chunyu; Gandal, Michael J; PsychENCODE ConsortiumMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781336Create StudyEvaluating performance and applications of sample-wise cell deconvolution methods on human brain transcriptomic data.Science advancesDai, Rujia; Chu, Tianyao; Zhang, Ming; Wang, Xuan; Jourdon, Alexandre; Wu, Feinan; Mariani, Jessica; Vaccarino, Flora M; Lee, Donghoon; Fullard, John F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, Panos; Wang, Yue; Wang, Xusheng; Pinto, Dalila; Wang, Sidney H; Zhang, Chunling; PsychENCODE consortium; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781333Create StudyBrain cell-type shifts in Alzheimer''s disease, autism, and schizophrenia interrogated using methylomics and genetics.Science advancesYap, Chloe X; Vo, Daniel D; Heffel, Matthew G; Bhattacharya, Arjun; Wen, Cindy; Yang, Yuanhao; Kemper, Kathryn E; Zeng, Jian; Zheng, Zhili; Zhu, Zhihong; Hannon, Eilis; Vellame, Dorothea Seiler; Franklin, Alice; Caggiano, Christa; Wamsley, Brie; Geschwind, Daniel H; Zaitlen, Noah; Gusev, Alexander; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Mill, Jonathan; Luo, Chongyuan; Gandal, Michael JMay 24, 2024Not Determined
38781321Create StudyTranscriptomic sex differences in postmortem brain samples from patients with psychiatric disorders.Science translational medicineXia, Yan; Xia, Cuihua; Jiang, Yi; Chen, Yu; Zhou, Jiaqi; Dai, Rujia; Han, Cong; Mao, Zhongzheng; PsychENCODE Consortium; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoMay 29, 2024Not Determined
38778015Create StudyIntegrating human endogenous retroviruses into transcriptome-wide association studies highlights novel risk factors for major psychiatric conditions.Nature communicationsDuarte, Rodrigo R R; Pain, Oliver; Bendall, Matthew L; de Mulder Rougvie, Miguel; Marston, Jez L; Selvackadunco, Sashika; Troakes, Claire; Leung, Szi Kay; Bamford, Rosemary A; Mill, Jonathan; O'Reilly, Paul F; Srivastava, Deepak P; Nixon, Douglas F; Powell, Timothy RMay 22, 2024Not Determined
38766095Create StudyPrioritizing disease-related rare variants by integrating gene expression data.Research squareGuo, Hanmin; Urban, Alexander Eckehart; Wong, Wing HungMay 10, 2024Not Determined
38759644Create StudyRigor and reproducibility in human brain organoid research: Where we are and where we need to go.Stem cell reportsSandoval, Soraya O; Cappuccio, Gerarda; Kruth, Karina; Osenberg, Sivan; Khalil, Saleh M; Méndez-Albelo, Natasha M; Padmanabhan, Krishnan; Wang, Daifeng; Niciu, Mark J; Bhattacharyya, Anita; Stein, Jason L; Sousa, André M M; Waxman, Elisa A; Buttermore, Elizabeth D; Whye, Dosh; Sirois, Carissa L; Cross-IDDRC Human Stem Cell Consortium; Williams, Aislinn; Maletic-Savatic, Mirjana; Zhao, XinyuJune 11, 2024Not Determined
38724566Create StudyGenetic regulation of human brain proteome reveals proteins implicated in psychiatric disorders.Molecular psychiatryLuo, Jie; Li, Ling; Niu, Mingming; Kong, Dehui; Jiang, Yi; Poudel, Suresh; Shieh, Annie W; Cheng, Lijun; Giase, Gina; Grennan, Kay; White, Kevin P; Chen, Chao; Wang, Sidney H; Pinto, Dalila; Wang, Yue; Liu, Chunyu; Peng, Junmin; Wang, XushengNovember 1, 2024Not Determined
38713721Create StudyCartography of teneurin and latrophilin expression reveals spatiotemporal axis heterogeneity in the mouse hippocampus during development.PLoS biologyLiakath-Ali, Kif; Refaee, Rebecca; Südhof, Thomas CMay 1, 2024Not Determined
38712228Create StudyMassively parallel reporter assays and mouse transgenic assays provide complementary information about neuronal enhancer activity.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyKosicki, Michael; Cintrón, Dianne Laboy; Page, Nicholas F; Georgakopoulos-Soares, Ilias; Akiyama, Jennifer A; Plajzer-Frick, Ingrid; Novak, Catherine S; Kato, Momoe; Hunter, Riana D; von Maydell, Kianna; Barton, Sarah; Godfrey, Patrick; Beckman, Erik; Sanders, Stephan J; Pennacchio, Len A; Ahituv, NadavApril 23, 2024Not Determined
38712198Create StudyAn integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics atlas reveals the molecular landscape of the human hippocampus.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyThompson, Jacqueline R; Nelson, Erik D; Tippani, Madhavi; Ramnauth, Anthony D; Divecha, Heena R; Miller, Ryan A; Eagles, Nicholas J; Pattie, Elizabeth A; Kwon, Sang Ho; Bach, Svitlana V; Kaipa, Uma M; Yao, Jianing; Hou, Christine; Kleinman, Joel E; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Han, Shizhong; Maynard, Kristen R; Hyde, Thomas M; Martinowich, Keri; Page, Stephanie C; Hicks, Stephanie CDecember 11, 2024Not Determined
38659857Create StudyPrecision and Accuracy of Single-Cell/Nuclei RNA Sequencing Data.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyDai, Rujia; Zhang, Ming; Chu, Tianyao; Kopp, Richard; Zhang, Chunling; Liu, Kefu; Wang, Yue; Wang, Xusheng; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuApril 15, 2024Not Determined
38658803Create StudyMultimodal joint deconvolution and integrative signature selection in proteomics.Communications biologyPan, Yue; Wang, Xusheng; Sun, Jiao; Liu, Chunyu; Peng, Junmin; Li, QianApril 24, 2024Not Determined
38645177Create StudySex differences in brain cell-type specific chromatin accessibility in schizophrenia.Research squareRoussos, Panos; Ma, Yixuan; Girdhar, Kiran; Hoffman, Gabriel; Fullard, John; Bendl, JaroslavApril 4, 2024Not Determined
38645094Create StudyDe novo variants in the non-coding spliceosomal snRNA gene RNU4-2 are a frequent cause of syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesChen, Yuyang; Dawes, Ruebena; Kim, Hyung Chul; Stenton, Sarah L; Walker, Susan; Ljungdahl, Alicia; Lord, Jenny; Ganesh, Vijay S; Ma, Jialan; Martin-Geary, Alexandra C; Lemire, Gabrielle; D'Souza, Elston N; Dong, Shan; Ellingford, Jamie M; Adams, David R; Allan, Kirsten; Bakshi, Madhura; Baldwin, Erin E; Berger, Seth I; Bernstein, Jonathan A; Brown, Natasha J; Burrage, Lindsay C; Chapman, Kimberly; Compton, Alison G; Cunningham, Chloe A; D'Souza, Precilla; Délot, Emmanuèle C; Dias, Kerith-Rae; Elias, Ellen R; Evans, Carey-Anne; Ewans, Lisa; Ezell, Kimberly; Fraser, Jamie L; Gallacher, Lyndon; Genetti, Casie A; Grant, Christina L; Haack, Tobias; Kuechler, Alma; Lalani, Seema R; Leitão, Elsa; Fevre, Anna Le; Leventer, Richard J; Liebelt, Jan E; Lockhart, Paul J; Ma, Alan S; Macnamara, Ellen F; Maurer, Taylor M; Mendez, Hector R; Montgomery, Stephen B; Nassogne, Marie-Cécile; Neumann, Serena; O'Leary, Melanie; Palmer, Elizabeth E; Phillips, John; Pitsava, Georgia; Pysar, Ryan; Rehm, Heidi L; Reuter, Chloe M; Revencu, Nicole; Riess, Angelika; Rius, Rocio; Rodan, Lance; Roscioli, Tony; Rosenfeld, Jill A; Sachdev, Rani; Simons, Cas; Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Snell, Penny; Clair, Laura; Stark, Zornitza; Tan, Tiong Yang; Tan, Natalie B; Temple, Suzanna El; Thorburn, David R; Tifft, Cynthia J; Uebergang, Eloise; VanNoy, Grace E; Vilain, Eric; Viskochil, David H; Wedd, Laura; Wheeler, Matthew T; White, Susan M; Wojcik, Monica; Wolfe, Lynne A; Wolfenson, Zoe; Xiao, Changrui; Zocche, David; Rubenstein, John L; Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Fica, Sebastian M; Baralle, Diana; Depienne, Christel; MacArthur, Daniel G; Howson, Joanna Mm; Sanders, Stephan J; O'Donnell-Luria, Anne; Whiffin, NicolaApril 9, 2024Not Determined
38634106Create StudyGenome and clonal hematopoiesis stability contrasts with immune, cfDNA, mitochondrial, and telomere length changes during short duration spaceflight.Precision clinical medicineGarcia-Medina, J Sebastian; Sienkiewicz, Karolina; Narayanan, S Anand; Overbey, Eliah G; Grigorev, Kirill; Ryon, Krista A; Burke, Marissa; Proszynski, Jacqueline; Tierney, Braden; Schmidt, Caleb M; Mencia-Trinchant, Nuria; Klotz, Remi; Ortiz, Veronica; Foox, Jonathan; Chin, Christopher; Najjar, Deena; Matei, Irina; Chan, Irenaeus; Cruchaga, Carlos; Kleinman, Ashley; Kim, JangKeun; Lucaci, Alexander; Loy, Conor; Mzava, Omary; De Vlaminck, Iwijn; Singaraju, Anvita; Taylor, Lynn E; Schmidt, Julian C; Schmidt, Michael A; Blease, Kelly; Moreno, Juan; Boddicker, Andrew; Zhao, Junhua; Lajoie, Bryan; Altomare, Andrew; Kruglyak, Semyon; Levy, Shawn; Yu, Min; Hassane, Duane C; Bailey, Susan M; Bolton, Kelly; Mateus, Jaime; Mason, Christopher EMarch 1, 2024Not Determined
38589365Create StudyThe broad impact of cell death genes on the human disease phenome.Cell death & diseaseRich, Abigail L; Lin, Phillip; Gamazon, Eric R; Zinkel, Sandra SApril 8, 2024Not Determined
38585978Create StudyImmediate-Early Genes as Influencers in Genetic Networks and their Role in Alzheimer''s Disease.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyZachariou, Margarita; Loizidou, Eleni M; Spyrou, George MMarch 29, 2024Not Determined
38570506Create StudyLoss of CREBBP and KMT2D cooperate to accelerate lymphomagenesis and shape the lymphoma immune microenvironment.Nature communicationsLi, Jie; Chin, Christopher R; Ying, Hsia-Yuan; Meydan, Cem; Teater, Matthew R; Xia, Min; Farinha, Pedro; Takata, Katsuyoshi; Chu, Chi-Shuen; Jiang, Yiyue; Eagles, Jenna; Passerini, Verena; Tang, Zhanyun; Rivas, Martin A; Weigert, Oliver; Pugh, Trevor J; Chadburn, Amy; Steidl, Christian; Scott, David W; Roeder, Robert G; Mason, Christopher E; Zappasodi, Roberta; Béguelin, Wendy; Melnick, Ari MApril 3, 2024Not Determined
38562832Create StudyValidation of Enhancer Regions in Primary Human Neural Progenitor Cells using Capture STARR-seq.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyGaynor-Gillett, Sophia C; Cheng, Lijun; Shi, Manman; Liu, Jason; Wang, Gaoyuan; Spector, Megan; Flaherty, Mary; Wall, Martha; Hwang, Ahyeon; Gu, Mengting; Chen, Zhanlin; Chen, Yuhang; Consortium, PsychENCODE; Moran, Jennifer R; Zhang, Jing; Lee, Donghoon; Gerstein, Mark; Geschwind, Daniel; White, Kevin PMarch 18, 2024Not Determined
38562822Create StudySingle-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyEmani, Prashant S; Liu, Jason J; Clarke, Declan; Jensen, Matthew; Warrell, Jonathan; Gupta, Chirag; Meng, Ran; Lee, Che Yu; Xu, Siwei; Dursun, Cagatay; Lou, Shaoke; Chen, Yuhang; Chu, Zhiyuan; Galeev, Timur; Hwang, Ahyeon; Li, Yunyang; Ni, Pengyu; Zhou, Xiao; PsychENCODE Consortium; Bakken, Trygve E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Bicks, Lucy; Chatterjee, Tanima; Cheng, Lijun; Cheng, Yuyan; Dai, Yi; Duan, Ziheng; Flaherty, Mary; Fullard, John F; Gancz, Michael; Garrido-Martín, Diego; Gaynor-Gillett, Sophia; Grundman, Jennifer; Hawken, Natalie; Henry, Ella; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Huang, Ao; Jiang, Yunzhe; Jin, Ting; Jorstad, Nikolas L; Kawaguchi, Riki; Khullar, Saniya; Liu, Jianyin; Liu, Junhao; Liu, Shuang; Ma, Shaojie; Margolis, Michael; Mazariegos, Samantha; Moore, Jill; Moran, Jennifer R; Nguyen, Eric; Phalke, Nishigandha; Pjanic, Milos; Pratt, Henry; Quintero, Diana; Rajagopalan, Ananya S; Riesenmy, Tiernon R; Shedd, Nicole; Shi, Manman; Spector, Megan; Terwilliger, Rosemarie; Travaglini, Kyle J; Wamsley, Brie; Wang, Gaoyuan; Xia, Yan; Xiao, Shaohua; Yang, Andrew C; Zheng, Suchen; Gandal, Michael J; Lee, Donghoon; Lein, Ed S; Roussos, Panos; Sestan, Nenad; Weng, Zhiping; White, Kevin P; Won, Hyejung; Girgenti, Matthew J; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Daifeng; Geschwind, Daniel; Gerstein, MarkMarch 30, 2024Not Determined
38562756Create StudyPrioritizing disease-related rare variants by integrating gene expression data.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyGuo, Hanmin; Urban, Alexander Eckehart; Wong, Wing HungMarch 21, 2024Not Determined
38562739Create StudyIdentifying associations of de novo noncoding variants with autism through integration of gene expression, sequence and sex information.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyLi, Runjia; Ernst, JasonMarch 21, 2024Not Determined
38559190Create StudyAn integrative systems-biology approach defines mechanisms of Alzheimer''s disease neurodegeneration.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyLeventhal, Matthew J; Zanella, Camila A; Kang, Byunguk; Peng, Jiajie; Gritsch, David; Liao, Zhixiang; Bukhari, Hassan; Wang, Tao; Pao, Ping-Chieh; Danquah, Serwah; Benetatos, Joseph; Nehme, Ralda; Farhi, Samouil; Tsai, Li-Huei; Dong, Xianjun; Scherzer, Clemens R; Feany, Mel B; Fraenkel, ErnestOctober 9, 2024Not Determined
38559085Create StudyFunctional associations of evolutionarily recent human genes exhibit sensitivity to the 3D genome landscape and disease.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyFleck, Katherine; Luria, Victor; Garag, Nitanta; Karger, Amir; Hunter, Trevor; Marten, Daniel; Phu, William; Nam, Kee-Myoung; Sestan, Nenad; O'Donnell-Luria, Anne H; Erceg, JelenaNovember 22, 2024Not Determined
38528004Create StudySKA2 regulated hyperactive secretory autophagy drives neuroinflammation-induced neurodegeneration.Nature communicationsHartmann, Jakob; Bajaj, Thomas; Otten, Joy; Klengel, Claudia; Ebert, Tim; Gellner, Anne-Kathrin; Junglas, Ellen; Hafner, Kathrin; Anderzhanova, Elmira A; Tang, Fiona; Missig, Galen; Rexrode, Lindsay; Trussell, Daniel T; Li, Katelyn X; Pöhlmann, Max L; Mackert, Sarah; Geiger, Thomas M; Heinz, Daniel E; Lardenoije, Roy; Dedic, Nina; McCullough, Kenneth M; Próchnicki, Tomasz; Rhomberg, Thomas; Martinelli, Silvia; Payton, Antony; Robinson, Andrew C; Stein, Valentin; Latz, Eicke; Carlezon Jr, William A; Hausch, Felix; Schmidt, Mathias V; Murgatroyd, Chris; Berretta, Sabina; Klengel, Torsten; Pantazopoulos, Harry; Ressler, Kerry J; Gassen, Nils CMarch 25, 2024Not Determined
38510173Create StudyVistoSeg: Processing utilities for high-resolution images for spatially resolved transcriptomics data.Biological imagingTippani, Madhavi; Divecha, Heena R; Catallini 2nd, Joseph L; Kwon, Sang H; Weber, Lukas M; Spangler, Abby; Jaffe, Andrew E; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Hicks, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Page, Stephanie C; Maynard, Kristen RJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
38487694Create StudyPerformant web-based interactive visualization tool for spatially-resolved transcriptomics experiments.Biological imagingSriworarat, Chaichontat; Nguyen, Annie; Eagles, Nicholas J; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Martinowich, Keri; Maynard, Kristen R; Hicks, Stephanie CJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
38458187Create StudyARID1A orchestrates SWI/SNF-mediated sequential binding of transcription factors with ARID1A loss driving pre-memory B cell fate and lymphomagenesis.Cancer cellBarisic, Darko; Chin, Christopher R; Meydan, Cem; Teater, Matt; Tsialta, Ioanna; Mlynarczyk, Coraline; Chadburn, Amy; Wang, Xuehai; Sarkozy, Margot; Xia, Min; Carson, Sandra E; Raggiri, Santo; Debek, Sonia; Pelzer, Benedikt; Durmaz, Ceyda; Deng, Qing; Lakra, Priya; Rivas, Martin; Steidl, Christian; Scott, David W; Weng, Andrew P; Mason, Christopher E; Green, Michael R; Melnick, AriApril 8, 2024Not Determined
38405973Create StudyBrain eQTLs of European, African American, and Asian ancestry improve interpretation of schizophrenia GWAS.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesChen, Yu; Liu, Sihan; Ren, Zongyao; Wang, Feiran; Jiang, Yi; Dai, Rujia; Duan, Fangyuan; Han, Cong; Ning, Zhilin; Xia, Yan; Li, Miao; Yuan, Kai; Qiu, Wenying; Yan, Xiao-Xin; Dai, Jiapei; Kopp, Richard F; Huang, Jufang; Xu, Shuhua; Tang, Beisha; Gamazon, Eric R; Bigdeli, Tim; Gershon, Elliot; Huang, Hailiang; Ma, Chao; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoFebruary 16, 2024Not Determined
38405805Create StudyBenchmark of cellular deconvolution methods using a multi-assay reference dataset from postmortem human prefrontal cortex.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyHuuki-Myers, Louise A; Montgomery, Kelsey D; Kwon, Sang Ho; Cinquemani, Sophia; Eagles, Nicholas J; Gonzalez-Padilla, Daianna; Maden, Sean K; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Hicks, Stephanie C; Maynard, Kristen R; Collado-Torres, LeonardoApril 7, 2024Not Determined
38395959Create StudyCoexpression network analysis of the adult brain sheds light on the pathogenic mechanism of DDR1 in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.Translational psychiatryAranda, Selena; Muntané, Gerard; Vilella, ElisabetFebruary 23, 2024Not Determined
38382530Create StudyThalamocortical organoids enable in vitro modeling of 22q11.2 microdeletion associated with neuropsychiatric disorders.Cell stem cellShin, David; Kim, Chang N; Ross, Jayden; Hennick, Kelsey M; Wu, Sih-Rong; Paranjape, Neha; Leonard, Rachel; Wang, Jerrick C; Keefe, Matthew G; Pavlovic, Bryan J; Donohue, Kevin C; Moreau, Clara; Wigdor, Emilie M; Larson, H Hanh; Allen, Denise E; Cadwell, Cathryn R; Bhaduri, Aparna; Popova, Galina; Bearden, Carrie E; Pollen, Alex A; Jacquemont, Sebastien; Sanders, Stephan J; Haussler, David; Wiita, Arun P; Frost, Nicholas A; Sohal, Vikaas S; Nowakowski, Tomasz JMarch 7, 2024Not Determined
38370821Create StudyFunctional 3''-UTR Variants Identify Regulatory Mechanisms Impacting Alcohol Use Disorder and Related Traits.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyChen, Andy B; Yu, Xuhong; Thapa, Kriti S; Gao, Hongyu; Reiter, Jill L; Xuei, Xiaoling; Tsai, Andy P; Landreth, Gary E; Lai, Dongbing; Wang, Yue; Foroud, Tatiana M; Tischfield, Jay A; Edenberg, Howard J; Liu, YunlongFebruary 5, 2024Not Determined
38365907Create StudyCharacterization of enhancer activity in early human neurodevelopment using Massively Parallel Reporter Assay (MPRA) and forebrain organoids.Scientific reportsCapauto, Davide; Wang, Yifan; Wu, Feinan; Norton, Scott; Mariani, Jessica; Inoue, Fumitaka; Crawford, Gregory E; Ahituv, Nadav; Abyzov, Alexej; Vaccarino, Flora MFebruary 16, 2024Not Determined
38352580Create StudySpatial domain detection using contrastive self-supervised learning for spatial multi-omics technologies.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyYao, Jianing; Yu, Jinglun; Caffo, Brian; Page, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Hicks, Stephanie CFebruary 4, 2024Not Determined
38321095Create StudyNetwork-based drug repurposing for schizophrenia.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyTruong, Trang T T; Liu, Zoe S J; Panizzutti, Bruna; Kim, Jee Hyun; Dean, Olivia M; Berk, Michael; Walder, KenMay 1, 2024Not Determined
38314955Create StudyTranscriptome-Wide Association Studies (TWAS): Methodologies, Applications, and Challenges.Current protocolsEvans, Patrick; Nagai, Taylor; Konkashbaev, Anuar; Zhou, Dan; Knapik, Ela W; Gamazon, Eric RFebruary 1, 2024Not Determined
38266073Create StudyThe gene expression landscape of the human locus coeruleus revealed by single-nucleus and spatially-resolved transcriptomics.eLifeWeber, Lukas M; Divecha, Heena R; Tran, Matthew N; Kwon, Sang Ho; Spangler, Abby; Montgomery, Kelsey D; Tippani, Madhavi; Bharadwaj, Rahul; Kleinman, Joel E; Page, Stephanie C; Hyde, Thomas M; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Maynard, Kristen R; Martinowich, Keri; Hicks, Stephanie CJanuary 24, 2024Not Determined
38260577Create StudyPolygenic risk for schizophrenia converges on alternative polyadenylation as molecular mechanism underlying synaptic impairment.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyRaabe, Florian J; Hausruckinger, Anna; Gagliardi, Miriam; Ahmad, Ruhel; Almeida, Valeria; Galinski, Sabrina; Hoffmann, Anke; Weigert, Liesa; Rummel, Christine K; Murek, Vanessa; Trastulla, Lucia; Jimenez-Barron, Laura; Atella, Alessia; Maidl, Susanne; Menegaz, Danusa; Hauger, Barbara; Wagner, Eva-Maria; Gabellini, Nadia; Kauschat, Beate; Riccardo, Sara; Cesana, Marcella; Papiol, Sergi; Sportelli, Vincenza; Rex-Haffner, Monika; Stolte, Sebastian J; Wehr, Michael C; Salcedo, Tatiana Oviedo; Papazova, Irina; Detera-Wadleigh, Sevilla; McMahon, Francis J; Schmitt, Andrea; Falkai, Peter; Hasan, Alkomiet; Cacchiarelli, Davide; Dannlowski, Udo; Nenadić, Igor; Kircher, Tilo; Scheuss, Volker; Eder, Matthias; Binder, Elisabeth B; Spengler, Dietmar; Rossner, Moritz J; Ziller, Michael JJanuary 13, 2024Not Determined
38254182Create StudyPICALO: principal interaction component analysis for the identification of discrete technical, cell-type, and environmental factors that mediate eQTLs.Genome biologyVochteloo, Martijn; Deelen, Patrick; Vink, Britt; BIOS Consortium; Tsai, Ellen A; Runz, Heiko; Andreu-Sánchez, Sergio; Fu, Jingyuan; Zhernakova, Alexandra; Westra, Harm-Jan; Franke, LudeJanuary 22, 2024Not Determined
38212163Create StudyLatent-state and model-based learning in PTSD.Trends in neurosciencesCisler, Josh M; Dunsmoor, Joseph E; Fonzo, Gregory A; Nemeroff, Charles BFebruary 1, 2024Not Determined
38145985Create StudyConvergence of the dysregulated regulome in schizophrenia with polygenic risk and evolutionarily constrained enhancers.Molecular psychiatryDong, Pengfei; Voloudakis, Georgios; Fullard, John F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, PanosMarch 1, 2024Not Determined
38107654Create StudyescheR: unified multi-dimensional visualizations with Gestalt principles.Bioinformatics advancesGuo, Boyi; Huuki-Myers, Louise A; Grant-Peters, Melissa; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Hicks, Stephanie CJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
38060137Create StudyThe Role of KDM2A and H3K36me2 Demethylation in Modulating MAPK Signaling During Neurodevelopment.Neuroscience bulletinRen, Zongyao; Tang, Haiyan; Zhang, Wendiao; Guo, Minghui; Cui, Jingjie; Wang, Hua; Xie, Bin; Yu, Jing; Chen, Yonghao; Zhang, Ming; Han, Cong; Chu, Tianyao; Liang, Qiuman; Zhao, Shunan; Huang, Yingjie; He, Xuelian; Liu, Kefu; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoAugust 1, 2024Not Determined
38055821Create StudyHuman-specific features and developmental dynamics of the brain N-glycome.Science advancesKlarić, Thomas S; Gudelj, Ivan; Santpere, Gabriel; Novokmet, Mislav; Vučković, Frano; Ma, Shaojie; Doll, Hannah M; Risgaard, Ryan; Bathla, Shveta; Karger, Amir; Nairn, Angus C; Luria, Victor; Bečeheli, Ivona; Sherwood, Chet C; Ely, John J; Hof, Patrick R; Sousa, André M M; Josić, Djuro; Lauc, Gordan; Sestan, NenadDecember 8, 2023Not Determined
38045413Create StudySpatiotemporal analysis of gene expression in the human dentate gyrus reveals age-associated changes in cellular maturation and neuroinflammation.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyRamnauth, Anthony D; Tippani, Madhavi; Divecha, Heena R; Papariello, Alexis R; Miller, Ryan A; Nelson, Erik D; Pattie, Elizabeth A; Kleinman, Joel E; Maynard, Kristen R; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Hyde, Thomas M; Martinowich, Keri; Hicks, Stephanie C; Page, Stephanie CMay 6, 2024Not Determined
38036788Create StudyIsoform-level transcriptome-wide association uncovers genetic risk mechanisms for neuropsychiatric disorders in the human brain.Nature geneticsBhattacharya, Arjun; Vo, Daniel D; Jops, Connor; Kim, Minsoo; Wen, Cindy; Hervoso, Jonatan L; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Gandal, Michael JDecember 1, 2023Not Determined
37985822Create StudyMulti-ancestry genome-wide association study of cannabis use disorder yields insight into disease biology and public health implications.Nature geneticsLevey, Daniel F; Galimberti, Marco; Deak, Joseph D; Wendt, Frank R; Bhattacharya, Arjun; Koller, Dora; Harrington, Kelly M; Quaden, Rachel; Johnson, Emma C; Gupta, Priya; Biradar, Mahantesh; Lam, Max; Cooke, Megan; Rajagopal, Veera M; Empke, Stefany L L; Zhou, Hang; Nunez, Yaira Z; Kranzler, Henry R; Edenberg, Howard J; Agrawal, Arpana; Smoller, Jordan W; Lencz, Todd; Hougaard, David M; Børglum, Anders D; Demontis, Ditte; Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program; Gaziano, J Michael; Gandal, Michael J; Polimanti, Renato; Stein, Murray B; Gelernter, JoelDecember 1, 2023Not Determined
37961453Create StudyMapping the landscape of lineage-specific dynamic regulation of gene expression using single-cell transcriptomics and application to genetics of complex disease.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesAbe, Hanna; Lin, Phillip; Zhou, Dan; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Gamazon, Eric RDecember 14, 2023Not Determined
37961354Create StudyAlphaMissense is better correlated with functional assays of missense impact than earlier prediction algorithms.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyLjungdahl, Alicia; Kohani, Sayeh; Page, Nicholas F; Wells, Eloise S; Wigdor, Emilie M; Dong, Shan; Sanders, Stephan JOctober 27, 2023Not Determined
37949069Create StudyFMRP phosphorylation modulates neuronal translation through YTHDF1.Molecular cellZou, Zhongyu; Wei, Jiangbo; Chen, Yantao; Kang, Yunhee; Shi, Hailing; Yang, Fan; Shi, Zhuoyue; Chen, Shijie; Zhou, Ying; Sepich-Poore, Caraline; Zhuang, Xiaoxi; Zhou, Xiaoming; Jiang, Hualiang; Wen, Zhexing; Jin, Peng; Luo, Cheng; He, ChuanDecember 7, 2023Not Determined
37932283Create StudyPhylogenomics, phenotypic, and functional traits of five novel (Earth-derived) bacterial species isolated from the International Space Station and their prevalence in metagenomes.Scientific reportsSimpson, Anna C; Sengupta, Pratyay; Zhang, Flora; Hameed, Asif; Parker, Ceth W; Singh, Nitin K; Miliotis, Georgios; Rekha, Punchappady D; Raman, Karthik; Mason, Christopher E; Venkateswaran, KasthuriNovember 6, 2023Not Determined
37904203Create StudyDeepGAMI: deep biologically guided auxiliary learning for multimodal integration and imputation to improve genotype-phenotype prediction.Genome medicineChandrashekar, Pramod Bharadwaj; Alatkar, Sayali; Wang, Jiebiao; Hoffman, Gabriel E; He, Chenfeng; Jin, Ting; Khullar, Saniya; Bendl, Jaroslav; Fullard, John F; Roussos, Panos; Wang, DaifengOctober 31, 2023Not Determined
37886514Create StudyThe neuronal chromatin landscape in adult schizophrenia brains is linked to early fetal development.Research squareGirdhar, Kiran; Bendl, Jaroslav; Baumgartner, Andrew; Therrien, Karen; Venkatesh, Sanan; Mathur, Deepika; Dong, Pengfei; Rahman, Samir; Kleopoulos, Steven P; Misir, Ruth; Reach, Sarah M; Auluck, Pavan K; Marenco, Stefano; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Funk, Cory; Voloudakis, Georgios; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosOctober 2, 2023Not Determined
37886447Create StudyViral activation and ecological restructuring characterize a microbiome axis of spaceflight-associated immune activation.Research squareTierney, Braden T; Kim, JangKeun; Overbey, Eliah G; Ryon, Krista A; Foox, Jonathan; Sierra, Maria; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Damle, Namita; Najjar, Deena; Park, Jiwoon; Garcia Medina, Sebastian; Houerbi, Nadia; Meydan, Cem; Wain Hershberg, Jeremy; Qiu, Jake; Kleinman, Ashley; Al Ghalith, Gabe; MacKay, Matthew; Afshin, Evan E; Dhir, Raja; Borg, Joseph; Gatt, Christine; Brereton, Nicholas; Readhead, Ben; Beyaz, Semir; Venkateswaran, Kasthuri J; Blease, Kelly; Moreno, Juan; Boddicker, Andrew; Zhao, Junhua; Lajoie, Bryan; Scott, Ryan T; Altomare, Andrew; Kruglyak, Semyon; Levy, Shawn; Church, George; Mason, Christopher EOctober 10, 2023Not Determined
37873320Create StudyThe neuronal chromatin landscape in adult schizophrenia brains is linked to early fetal development.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesGirdhar, Kiran; Bendl, Jaroslav; Baumgartner, Andrew; Therrien, Karen; Venkatesh, Sanan; Mathur, Deepika; Dong, Pengfei; Rahman, Samir; Kleopoulos, Steven P; Misir, Ruth; Reach, Sarah M; Auluck, Pavan K; Marenco, Stefano; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Funk, Cory; Voloudakis, Georgios; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosOctober 3, 2023Not Determined
37873195Create StudyThe impact of common variants on gene expression in the human brain: from RNA to protein to schizophrenia risk.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyLiang, Qiuman; Jiang, Yi; Shieh, Annie W; Zhou, Dan; Chen, Rui; Wang, Feiran; Xu, Meng; Niu, Mingming; Wang, Xusheng; Pinto, Dalila; Wang, Yue; Cheng, Lijun; Vadukapuram, Ramu; Zhang, Chunling; Grennan, Kay; Giase, Gina; PsychENCODE Consortium; White, Kevin P; Peng, Junming; Li, Bingshan; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, Chao; Wang, Sidney HNovember 10, 2023Not Determined
37858340Create StudyAbl2 repairs microtubules and phase separates with tubulin to promote microtubule nucleation.Current biology : CBDuan, Daisy; Lyu, Wanqing; Chai, Pengxin; Ma, Shaojie; Wu, Kuanlin; Wu, Chunxiang; Xiong, Yong; Sestan, Nenad; Zhang, Kai; Koleske, Anthony JNovember 6, 2023Not Determined
37848091Create StudyEvaluating traumatic event scoring schemas for their predictive value to concurrent diagnostic profiles: Texas Childhood Trauma Research Network.Journal of affective disordersAksan, Nazan; Guzick, Andrew G; Taylor, Leslie; Richmond, Robyn; Liberzon, Israel; Cross, Jeremyra; Garza, Cynthia; Rousseau, Justin; Shahidullah, Jeffrey D; Clark, Shaunna L; Rathouz, Paul J; Dodd, Cody G; Cisler, Josh; Newport, D Jeffrey; Wagner, Karen D; Nemeroff, Charles BJanuary 15, 2024Not Determined
37831723Create StudyInvestigating trait variability of gene co-expression network architecture in brain by controlling for genomic risk of schizophrenia.PLoS geneticsRadulescu, Eugenia; Chen, Qiang; Pergola, Giulio; Di Carlo, Pasquale; Han, Shizhong; Shin, Joo Heon; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel ROctober 1, 2023Not Determined
37824652Create StudyMolecular programs of regional specification and neural stem cell fate progression in macaque telencephalon.Science (New York, N.Y.)Micali, Nicola; Ma, Shaojie; Li, Mingfeng; Kim, Suel-Kee; Mato-Blanco, Xoel; Sindhu, Suvimal Kumar; Arellano, Jon I; Gao, Tianliuyun; Shibata, Mikihito; Gobeske, Kevin T; Duque, Alvaro; Santpere, Gabriel; Sestan, Nenad; Rakic, PaskoOctober 13, 2023Not Determined
37824614Create StudyMulti-omic profiling of the developing human cerebral cortex at the single-cell level.Science advancesZhu, Kaiyi; Bendl, Jaroslav; Rahman, Samir; Vicari, James M; Coleman, Claire; Clarence, Tereza; Latouche, Ovaun; Tsankova, Nadejda M; Li, Aiqun; Brennand, Kristen J; Lee, Donghoon; Yuan, Guo-Cheng; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosOctober 13, 2023Not Determined
37820724Create StudySpecies-specific FMRP regulation of RACK1 is critical for prenatal cortical development.NeuronShen, Minjie; Sirois, Carissa L; Guo, Yu; Li, Meng; Dong, Qiping; Méndez-Albelo, Natasha M; Gao, Yu; Khullar, Saniya; Kissel, Lee; Sandoval, Soraya O; Wolkoff, Natalie E; Huang, Sabrina X; Xu, Zhiyan; Bryan, Jonathan E; Contractor, Amaya M; Korabelnikov, Tomer; Glass, Ian A; Doherty, Dan; Birth Defects Research Laboratory; Levine, Jon E; Sousa, André M M; Chang, Qiang; Bhattacharyya, Anita; Wang, Daifeng; Werling, Donna M; Zhao, XinyuDecember 20, 2023Not Determined
37811875Create StudyLineage specific 3D genome structure in the adult human brain and neurodevelopmental changes in the chromatin interactome.Nucleic acids researchRahman, Samir; Dong, Pengfei; Apontes, Pasha; Fernando, Michael B; Kosoy, Roman; Townsley, Kayla G; Girdhar, Kiran; Bendl, Jaroslav; Shao, Zhiping; Misir, Ruth; Tsankova, Nadia; Kleopoulos, Steven P; Brennand, Kristen J; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosNovember 10, 2023Not Determined
37777856Create StudyGWAS Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks for Specific Health Factors.The American journal of psychiatryDocherty, Anna R; Mullins, Niamh; Ashley-Koch, Allison E; Qin, Xuejun; Coleman, Jonathan R I; Shabalin, Andrey; Kang, JooEun; Murnyak, Balasz; Wendt, Frank; Adams, Mark; Campos, Adrian I; DiBlasi, Emily; Fullerton, Janice M; Kranzler, Henry R; Bakian, Amanda V; Monson, Eric T; Rentería, Miguel E; Walss-Bass, Consuelo; Andreassen, Ole A; Behera, Chittaranjan; Bulik, Cynthia M; Edenberg, Howard J; Kessler, Ronald C; Mann, J John; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Pistis, Giorgio; Streit, Fabian; Ursano, Robert J; Polimanti, Renato; Dennis, Michelle; Garrett, Melanie; Hair, Lauren; Harvey, Philip; Hauser, Elizabeth R; Hauser, Michael A; Huffman, Jennifer; Jacobson, Daniel; Madduri, Ravi; McMahon, Benjamin; Oslin, David W; Trafton, Jodie; Awasthi, Swapnil; Berrettini, Wade H; Bohus, Martin; Chang, Xiao; Chen, Hsi-Chung; Chen, Wei J; Christensen, Erik D; Crow, Scott; Duriez, Philibert; Edwards, Alexis C; Fernández-Aranda, Fernando; Galfalvy, Hanga; Gandal, Michael; Gorwood, Philip; Guo, Yiran; Hafferty, Jonathan D; Hakonarson, Hakon; Halmi, Katherine A; Hishimoto, Akitoyo; Jain, Sonia; Jamain, Stéphane; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Johnson, Craig; Kaplan, Allan S; Kaye, Walter H; Keel, Pamela K; Kennedy, James L; Kim, Minsoo; Klump, Kelly L; Levey, Daniel F; Li, Dong; Liao, Shih-Cheng; Lieb, Klaus; Lilenfeld, Lisa; Marshall, Christian R; Mitchell, James E; Okazaki, Satoshi; Otsuka, Ikuo; Pinto, Dalila; Powers, Abigail; Ramoz, Nicolas; Ripke, Stephan; Roepke, Stefan; Rozanov, Vsevolod; Scherer, Stephen W; Schmahl, Christian; Sokolowski, Marcus; Starnawska, Anna; Strober, Michael; Su, Mei-Hsin; Thornton, Laura M; Treasure, Janet; Ware, Erin B; Watson, Hunna J; Witt, Stephanie H; Woodside, D Blake; Yilmaz, Zeynep; Zillich, Lea; Adolfsson, Rolf; Agartz, Ingrid; Alda, Martin; Alfredsson, Lars; Appadurai, Vivek; Artigas, María Soler; Van der Auwera, Sandra; Azevedo, M Helena; Bass, Nicholas; Bau, Claiton H D; Baune, Bernhard T; Bellivier, Frank; Berger, Klaus; Biernacka, Joanna M; Bigdeli, Tim B; Binder, Elisabeth B; Boehnke, Michael; Boks, Marco P; Braff, David L; Bryant, Richard; Budde, Monika; Byrne, Enda M; Cahn, Wiepke; Castelao, Enrique; Cervilla, Jorge A; Chaumette, Boris; Corvin, Aiden; Craddock, Nicholas; Djurovic, Srdjan; Foo, Jerome C; Forstner, Andreas J; Frye, Mark; Gatt, Justine M; Giegling, Ina; Grabe, Hans J; Green, Melissa J; Grevet, Eugenio H; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria; Gutierrez, Blanca; Guzman-Parra, Jose; Hamshere, Marian L; Hartmann, Annette M; Hauser, Joanna; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie; Hoffmann, Per; Ising, Marcus; Jones, Ian; Jones, Lisa A; Jonsson, Lina; Kahn, René S; Kelsoe, John R; Kendler, Kenneth S; Kloiber, Stefan; Koenen, Karestan C; Kogevinas, Manolis; Krebs, Marie-Odile; Landén, Mikael; Leboyer, Marion; Lee, Phil H; Levinson, Douglas F; Liao, Calwing; Lissowska, Jolanta; Mayoral, Fermin; McElroy, Susan L; McGrath, Patrick; McGuffin, Peter; McQuillin, Andrew; Mehta, Divya; Melle, Ingrid; Mitchell, Philip B; Molina, Esther; Morken, Gunnar; Nievergelt, Caroline; Nöthen, Markus M; O'Donovan, Michael C; Ophoff, Roel A; Owen, Michael J; Pato, Carlos; Pato, Michele T; Penninx, Brenda W J H; Potash, James B; Power, Robert A; Preisig, Martin; Quested, Digby; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Reif, Andreas; Ribasés, Marta; Richarte, Vanesa; Rietschel, Marcella; Rivera, Margarita; Roberts, Andrea; Roberts, Gloria; Rouleau, Guy A; Rovaris, Diego L; Sanders, Alan R; Schofield, Peter R; Schulze, Thomas G; Scott, Laura J; Serretti, Alessandro; Shi, Jianxin; Sirignano, Lea; Sklar, Pamela; Smeland, Olav B; Smoller, Jordan W; Sonuga-Barke, Edmund (see original citation for additional authors)October 1, 2023Not Determined
37771758Create StudyHypergraph factorization for multi-tissue gene expression imputation.Nature machine intelligenceViñas, Ramon; Joshi, Chaitanya K; Georgiev, Dobrik; Lin, Phillip; Dumitrascu, Bianca; Gamazon, Eric R; Liò, PietroJuly 1, 2023Not Determined
37745891Create StudyDimensional clinical phenotyping using post-mortem brain donor medical records: post-mortem RDoC profiling is associated with Alzheimer''s disease neuropathology.Alzheimer''s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Vogelgsang, Jonathan; Dan, Shu; Lally, Anna P; Chatigny, Michael; Vempati, Sangeetha; Abston, Joshua; Durning, Peter T; Oakley, Derek H; McCoy, Thomas H; Klengel, Torsten; Berretta, SabinaJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
37745552Create StudySystematic identification of disease-causing promoter and untranslated region variants in 8,040 undiagnosed individuals with rare disease.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesMartin-Geary, Alexandra C; Blakes, Alexander J M; Dawes, Ruebena; Findlay, Scott D; Lord, Jenny; Walker, Susan; Talbot-Martin, Jonathan; Wieder, Nechama; D'Souza, Elston N; Fernandes, Maria; Hilton, Sarah; Lahiri, Nayana; Campbell, Christopher; Jenkinson, Sarah; DeGoede, Christian G E L; Anderson, Emily R; Burge, Christopher B; Sanders, Stephan J; Ellingford, Jamie; Baralle, Diana; Banka, Siddharth; Whiffin, NicolaSeptember 12, 2023Not Determined
37715107Create StudyDecreased CNNM2 expression in prefrontal cortex affects sensorimotor gating function, cognition, dendritic spine morphogenesis and risk of schizophrenia.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyZhou, Dan-Yang; Su, Xi; Wu, Yong; Yang, Yongfeng; Zhang, Luwen; Cheng, Shumin; Shao, Minglong; Li, Wenqiang; Zhang, Zhaohui; Wang, Lu; Lv, Luxian; Li, Ming; Song, MengJanuary 1, 2024Not Determined
37714849Create StudyDivergent single cell transcriptome and epigenome alterations in ALS and FTD patients with C9orf72 mutation.Nature communicationsLi, Junhao; Jaiswal, Manoj K; Chien, Jo-Fan; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Jung, Jinyoung; Zhou, Ping; Gardashli, Mahammad; Pregent, Luc J; Engelberg-Cook, Erica; Dickson, Dennis W; Belzil, Veronique V; Mukamel, Eran A; Dracheva, StellaSeptember 15, 2023Not Determined
37714797Create StudyNeuropsychiatric biomarker discovery: go big or go home.Trends in molecular medicineLjungdahl, Alicia; Sanders, Stephan JNovember 1, 2023Not Determined
37712493Create StudyNovel method of isolating nuclei of human oligodendrocyte precursor cells reveals substantial developmental changes in gene expression and H3K27ac histone modification.GliaKozlenkov, Alexey; Vadukapuram, Ramu; Zhou, Ping; Fam, Peter; Wegner, Michael; Dracheva, StellaJanuary 1, 2024Not Determined
37696874Create StudyA higher dysregulation burden of brain DNA methylation in female patients implicated in the sex bias of Schizophrenia.Molecular psychiatryZhou, Jiaqi; Xia, Yan; Li, Miao; Chen, Yu; Dai, Jiacheng; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoNovember 1, 2023Not Determined
37645832Create StudyCharacterization of enhancer activity in early human neurodevelopment using Massively parallel reporter assay (MPRA) and forebrain organoids.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyCapauto, Davide; Wang, Yifan; Wu, Feinan; Norton, Scott; Mariani, Jessica; Inoue, Fumitaka; Crawford, Gregory E; PsychENCODE Consortium; Ahituv, Nadav; Abyzov, Alexej; Vaccarino, Flora MAugust 14, 2023Not Determined
37620341Create StudyHuman forebrain organoid-based multi-omics analyses of PCCB as a schizophrenia associated gene linked to GABAergic pathways.Nature communicationsZhang, Wendiao; Zhang, Ming; Xu, Zhenhong; Yan, Hongye; Wang, Huimin; Jiang, Jiamei; Wan, Juan; Tang, Beisha; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, Chao; Meng, QingtuanAugust 24, 2023Not Determined
37592024Create StudyGenetic insights into human cortical organization and development through genome-wide analyses of 2,347 neuroimaging phenotypes.Nature geneticsWarrier, Varun; Stauffer, Eva-Maria; Huang, Qin Qin; Wigdor, Emilie M; Slob, Eric A W; Seidlitz, Jakob; Ronan, Lisa; Valk, Sofie L; Mallard, Travis T; Grotzinger, Andrew D; Romero-Garcia, Rafael; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Geschwind, Daniel H; Lancaster, Madeline A; Murray, Graham K; Gandal, Michael J; Alexander-Bloch, Aaron; Won, Hyejung; Martin, Hilary C; Bullmore, Edward T; Bethlehem, Richard A ISeptember 1, 2023Not Determined
37580460Create StudyUnraveling the cell-type-specific molecular pathways of PTSD: integrating GWAS with brain genomic profiling and in vitro modeling.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyIatrou, Artemis; Daskalakis, Nikolaos PJanuary 1, 2024Not Determined
37550530Create StudyGenome-wide analysis of a model-derived binge eating disorder phenotype identifies risk loci and implicates iron metabolism.Nature geneticsBurstein, David; Griffen, Trevor C; Therrien, Karen; Bendl, Jaroslav; Venkatesh, Sanan; Dong, Pengfei; Modabbernia, Amirhossein; Zeng, Biao; Mathur, Deepika; Hoffman, Gabriel; Sysko, Robyn; Hildebrandt, Tom; Voloudakis, Georgios; Roussos, PanosSeptember 1, 2023Not Determined
37546856Create StudyDopaminoceptive D1 and D2 neurons in ventral hippocampus arbitrate approach and avoidance in anxiety.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyGodino, Arthur; Salery, Marine; Minier-Toribio, Angelica M; Patel, Vishwendra; Fullard, John F; Parise, Eric M; Martinez-Rivera, Freddyson J; Morel, Carole; Roussos, Panos; Blitzer, Robert D; Nestler, Eric JJuly 28, 2023Not Determined
37546804Create StudyMicroRNA-Mediated Obstruction of Stem-loop Alternative Splicing (MIMOSAS): a global mechanism for the regulation of alternative splicing.Research squareZhai, Rong; Ruan, Kai; Perez, German Farinas; Kubat, Miroslav; Liu, Jiaqi; Hofacker, Ivo; Wuchty, StefanJuly 28, 2023Not Determined
37515770Create StudyThe stability of the myelinating oligodendrocyte transcriptome is regulated by the nuclear lamina.Cell reportsPruvost, Mathilde; Patzig, Julia; Yattah, Camila; Selcen, Ipek; Hernandez, Marylens; Park, Hye-Jin; Moyon, Sarah; Liu, Shibo; Morioka, Malia S; Shopland, Lindsay; Al-Dalahmah, Osama; Bendl, Jaroslav; Fullard, John F; Roussos, Panos; Goldman, James; He, Ye; Dupree, Jeffrey L; Casaccia, PatriziaAugust 29, 2023Not Determined
37503149Create StudyR-loop landscapes in the developing human brain are linked to neural differentiation and cell-type specific transcription.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyLaMarca, Elizabeth A; Saito, Atsushi; Plaza-Jennings, Amara; Espeso-Gil, Sergio; Hellmich, Allyse; Fernando, Michael B; Javidfar, Behnam; Liao, Will; Estill, Molly; Townsley, Kayla; Florio, Anna; Ethridge, James E; Do, Catherine; Tycko, Benjamin; Shen, Li; Kamiya, Atsushi; Tsankova, Nadejda M; Brennand, Kristen J; Akbarian, SchahramJuly 18, 2023Not Determined
37502907Create StudySchizophrenia Risk Mapping and Functional Engineering of the 3D Genome in Three Neuronal Subtypes.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyPowell, Samuel K; Liao, Will; O'Shea, Callan; Kammourh, Sarah; Ghorbani, Sadaf; Rigat, Raymond; Elahi, Rahat; Deans, Pj Michael; Le, Derek J; Agarwal, Poonam; Seow, Wei Qiang; Wang, Kevin C; Akbarian, Schahram; Brennand, Kristen JJuly 19, 2023Not Determined
37491937Create StudySingle-Nucleus Transcriptome Profiling of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Mechanistic Roles for Neuronal Gene Expression, Including the 17q21.31 Locus, in PTSD Stress Response.The American journal of psychiatryChatzinakos, Chris; Pernia, Cameron D; Morrison, Filomene G; Iatrou, Artemis; McCullough, Kenneth M; Schuler, Heike; Snijders, Clara; Bajaj, Thomas; DiPietro, Christopher P; Soliva Estruch, Marina; Gassen, Nils C; Anastasopoulos, Constantin; Bharadwaj, Rahul A; Bowlby, Benjamin C; Hartmann, Jakob; Maihofer, Adam X; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Ressler, Nicholas M; Wolf, Erika J; Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group; PTSD BrainOmics Project of the PsychENCODE Consortium; PTSD Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Carlezon Jr, William A; Krystal, John H; Kleinman, Joel E; Girgenti, Matthew J; Huber, Bertrand R; Kellis, Manolis; Logue, Mark W; Miller, Mark W; Ressler, Kerry J; Daskalakis, Nikolaos POctober 1, 2023Not Determined
37464041Create StudyDepression pathophysiology, risk prediction of recurrence and comorbid psychiatric disorders using genome-wide analyses.Nature medicineAls, Thomas D; Kurki, Mitja I; Grove, Jakob; Voloudakis, Georgios; Therrien, Karen; Tasanko, Elisa; Nielsen, Trine Tollerup; Naamanka, Joonas; Veerapen, Kumar; Levey, Daniel F; Bendl, Jaroslav; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Zeng, Biao; Demontis, Ditte; Rosengren, Anders; Athanasiadis, Georgios; Bækved-Hansen, Marie; Qvist, Per; Bragi Walters, G; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir; Stefánsson, Hreinn; Musliner, Katherine L; Rajagopal, Veera M; Farajzadeh, Leila; Thirstrup, Janne; Vilhjálmsson, Bjarni J; McGrath, John J; Mattheisen, Manuel; Meier, Sandra; Agerbo, Esben; Stefánsson, Kári; Nordentoft, Merete; Werge, Thomas; Hougaard, David M; Mortensen, Preben B; Stein, Murray B; Gelernter, Joel; Hovatta, Iiris; Roussos, Panos; Daly, Mark J; Mors, Ole; Palotie, Aarno; Børglum, Anders DJuly 1, 2023Not Determined
37461605Create StudyPhylogenetic affiliations and genomic characterization of novel bacterial species and their abundance in the International Space Station.Research squareSimpson, Anna C; Sengupta, Pratyay; Zhang, Flora; Hameed, Asif; Parker, Ceth W; Singh, Nitin K; Miliotis, Georgios; Rekha, Punchappady D; Raman, Karthik; Mason, Christopher E; Venkateswaran, KasthuriJuly 6, 2023Not Determined
37454787Create StudyActivity-Dependent Transcriptional Program in NGN2+ Neurons Enriched for Genetic Risk for Brain-Related Disorders.Biological psychiatryMa, Yixuan; Bendl, Jaroslav; Hartley, Brigham J; Fullard, John F; Abdelaal, Rawan; Ho, Seok-Man; Kosoy, Roman; Gochman, Peter; Rapoport, Judith; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Brennand, Kristen J; Roussos, PanosJanuary 15, 2024Not Determined
37451263Create StudyImprovement of sensory deficits in fragile X mice by increasing cortical interneuron activity after the critical period.NeuronKourdougli, Nazim; Suresh, Anand; Liu, Benjamin; Juarez, Pablo; Lin, Ashley; Chung, David T; Graven Sams, Anette; Gandal, Michael J; Martínez-Cerdeño, Verónica; Buonomano, Dean V; Hall, Benjamin J; Mombereau, Cédric; Portera-Cailliau, CarlosSeptember 20, 2023Not Determined
37429865Create StudynnSVG for the scalable identification of spatially variable genes using nearest-neighbor Gaussian processes.Nature communicationsWeber, Lukas M; Saha, Arkajyoti; Datta, Abhirup; Hansen, Kasper D; Hicks, Stephanie CJuly 10, 2023Not Determined
37425902Create StudyCell type and condition specific functional annotation of schizophrenia associated non-coding genetic variants.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyRummel, Christine K; Gagliardi, Miriam; Herholt, Alexander; Ahmad, Ruhel; Murek, Vanessa; Weigert, Liesa; Hausruckinger, Anna; Maidl, Susanne; Jimenez-Barron, Laura; Trastulla, Lucia; Eder, Mathias; Rossner, Moritz; Ziller, Michael JJune 27, 2023Not Determined
37398182Create StudyThe broad impact of cell death genes on the human disease phenome.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesRich, Abigail; Lin, Phillip; Gamazon, Eric; Zinkel, SandraJune 12, 2023Not Determined
37398170Create StudyMinimum entropy framework identifies a novel class of genomic functional elements and reveals regulatory mechanisms at human disease loci.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyBetti, Michael J; Aldrich, Melinda C; Gamazon, Eric RDecember 12, 2023Not Determined
37398070Create StudyGenetic mechanisms for impaired synaptic plasticity in schizophrenia revealed by computational modelling.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyMäki-Marttunen, Tuomo; Blackwell, Kim T; Akkouh, Ibrahim; Shadrin, Alexey; Valstad, Mathias; Elvsåshagen, Tobjørn; Linne, Marja-Leena; Djurovic, Srdjan; Einevoll, Gaute T; Andreassen, Ole AJune 14, 2023Not Determined
37396358Create StudyComparative genomic analysis of Cohnella hashimotonis sp. nov. isolated from the International Space Station.Frontiers in microbiologySimpson, Anna C; Eedara, V V Ramprasad; Singh, Nitin K; Damle, Namita; Parker, Ceth W; Karouia, Fathi; Mason, Christopher E; Venkateswaran, KasthuriJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
37366052Create StudyPleiotropy of autism-associated chromatin regulators.Development (Cambridge, England)Lasser, Micaela; Sun, Nawei; Xu, Yuxiao; Wang, Sheng; Drake, Sam; Law, Karen; Gonzalez, Silvano; Wang, Belinda; Drury, Vanessa; Castillo, Octavio; Zaltsman, Yefim; Dea, Jeanselle; Bader, Ethel; McCluskey, Kate E; State, Matthew W; Willsey, A Jeremy; Willsey, Helen RankinJuly 15, 2023Not Determined
37365192Create StudyElevated levels of FMRP-target MAP1B impair human and mouse neuronal development and mouse social behaviors via autophagy pathway.Nature communicationsGuo, Yu; Shen, Minjie; Dong, Qiping; Méndez-Albelo, Natasha M; Huang, Sabrina X; Sirois, Carissa L; Le, Jonathan; Li, Meng; Jarzembowski, Ezra D; Schoeller, Keegan A; Stockton, Michael E; Horner, Vanessa L; Sousa, André M M; Gao, Yu; Birth Defects Research Laboratory; Levine, Jon E; Wang, Daifeng; Chang, Qiang; Zhao, XinyuJune 26, 2023Not Determined
37270547Create StudyBalanced SET levels favor the correct enhancer repertoire during cell fate acquisition.Nature communicationsZaghi, Mattia; Banfi, Federica; Massimino, Luca; Volpin, Monica; Bellini, Edoardo; Brusco, Simone; Merelli, Ivan; Barone, Cristiana; Bruni, Michela; Bossini, Linda; Lamparelli, Luigi Antonio; Pintado, Laura; D'Aliberti, Deborah; Spinelli, Silvia; Mologni, Luca; Colasante, Gaia; Ungaro, Federica; Cioni, Jean-Michel; Azzoni, Emanuele; Piazza, Rocco; Montini, Eugenio; Broccoli, Vania; Sessa, AlessandroJune 3, 2023Not Determined
37214898Create StudyDistinct genetic liability profiles define clinically relevant patient strata across common diseases.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesTrastulla, Lucia; Moser, Sylvain; Jiménez-Barrón, Laura T; Andlauer, Till F M; von Scheidt, Moritz; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Budde, Monika; Heilbronner, Urs; Papiol, Sergi; Teumer, Alexander; Homuth, Georg; Falkai, Peter; Völzke, Henry; Dörr, Marcus; Schulze, Thomas G; Gagneur, Julien; Iorio, Francesco; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Schunkert, Heribert; Ziller, Michael JMay 11, 2023Not Determined
37205403Create StudyCollection of Biospecimens from the Inspiration4 Mission Establishes the Standards for the Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA).bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyOverbey, Eliah G; Ryon, Krista; Kim, JangKeun; Tierney, Braden; Klotz, Remi; Ortiz, Veronica; Mullane, Sean; Schmidt, Julian C; MacKay, Matthew; Damle, Namita; Najjar, Deena; Matei, Irina; Patras, Laura; Medina, J Sebastian Garcia; Kleinman, Ashley; Hirschberg, Jeremy Wain; Proszynski, Jacqueline; Narayanan, S Anand; Schmidt, Caleb M; Afshin, Evan E; Innes, Lucinda; Saldarriaga, Mateo Mejia; Schmidt, Michael A; Granstein, Richard D; Shirah, Bader; Yu, Min; Lyden, David; Mateus, Jaime; Mason, Christopher EMay 2, 2023Not Determined
37205394Create StudyZBTB7A regulates MDD-specific chromatin signatures and astrocyte-mediated stress vulnerability in orbitofrontal cortex.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyFulton, Sasha L; Bendl, Jaroslav; Gameiro-Ros, Isabel; Fullard, John F; Al-Kachak, Amni; Lepack, Ashley E; Stewart, Andrew F; Singh, Sumnima; Poller, Wolfram C; Bastle, Ryan M; Hauberg, Mads E; Fakira, Amanda K; Chen, Min; Cuttoli, Romain Durand-de; Cathomas, Flurin; Ramakrishnan, Aarthi; Gleason, Kelly; Shen, Li; Tamminga, Carol A; Milosevic, Ana; Russo, Scott J; Swirski, Filip; Blitzer, Robert D; Slesinger, Paul A; Roussos, Panos; Maze, IanMay 4, 2023Not Determined
37197740Create StudyGradient-based sparse principal component analysis with extensions to online learning.BiometrikaQiu, Yixuan; Lei, Jing; Roeder, KathrynJune 1, 2023Not Determined
37188697Create StudyPrioritization of potential causative genes for schizophrenia in placenta.Nature communicationsUrsini, Gianluca; Di Carlo, Pasquale; Mukherjee, Sreya; Chen, Qiang; Han, Shizhong; Kim, Jiyoung; Deyssenroth, Maya; Marsit, Carmen J; Chen, Jia; Hao, Ke; Punzi, Giovanna; Weinberger, Daniel RMay 15, 2023Not Determined
37104612Create StudyLeveraging base-pair mammalian constraint to understand genetic variation and human disease.Science (New York, N.Y.)Sullivan, Patrick F; Meadows, Jennifer R S; Gazal, Steven; Phan, BaDoi N; Li, Xue; Genereux, Diane P; Dong, Michael X; Bianchi, Matteo; Andrews, Gregory; Sakthikumar, Sharadha; Nordin, Jessika; Roy, Ananya; Christmas, Matthew J; Marinescu, Voichita D; Wang, Chao; Wallerman, Ola; Xue, James; Yao, Shuyang; Sun, Quan; Szatkiewicz, Jin; Wen, Jia; Huckins, Laura M; Lawler, Alyssa; Keough, Kathleen C; Zheng, Zhili; Zeng, Jian; Wray, Naomi R; Li, Yun; Johnson, Jessica; Chen, Jiawen; Zoonomia Consortium§; Paten, Benedict; Reilly, Steven K; Hughes, Graham M; Weng, Zhiping; Pollard, Katherine S; Pfenning, Andreas R; Forsberg-Nilsson, Karin; Karlsson, Elinor K; Lindblad-Toh, KerstinApril 28, 2023Not Determined
37104607Create StudyThree-dimensional genome rewiring in loci with human accelerated regions.Science (New York, N.Y.)Keough, Kathleen C; Whalen, Sean; Inoue, Fumitaka; Przytycki, Pawel F; Fair, Tyler; Deng, Chengyu; Steyert, Marilyn; Ryu, Hane; Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin; Karlsson, Elinor; Zoonomia Consortium§; Nowakowski, Tomasz; Ahituv, Nadav; Pollen, Alex; Pollard, Katherine SApril 28, 2023Not Determined
37090548Create StudyGenetic regulation of cell-type specific chromatin accessibility shapes the etiology of brain diseases.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyZeng, Biao; Bendl, Jaroslav; Deng, Chengyu; Lee, Donghoon; Misir, Ruth; Reach, Sarah M; Kleopoulos, Steven P; Auluck, Pavan; Marenco, Stefano; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Ahituv, Nadav; Fullard, John F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, PanosMarch 2, 2023Not Determined
37058565Create StudyConsensus molecular environment of schizophrenia risk genes in coexpression networks shifting across age and brain regions.Science advancesPergola, Giulio; Parihar, Madhur; Sportelli, Leonardo; Bharadwaj, Rahul; Borcuk, Christopher; Radulescu, Eugenia; Bellantuono, Loredana; Blasi, Giuseppe; Chen, Qiang; Kleinman, Joel E; Wang, Yanhong; Sripathy, Srinidhi Rao; Maher, Brady J; Monaco, Alfonso; Rossi, Fabiana; Shin, Joo Heon; Hyde, Thomas M; Bertolino, Alessandro; Weinberger, Daniel RApril 14, 2023Not Determined
37034773Create StudyHuman forebrain organoids-based multi-omics analyses reveal PCCB''s regulation on GABAergic system contributing to schizophrenia.Research squareZhang, Wendiao; Zhang, Ming; Xu, Zhenhong; Yan, Hongye; Wang, Huimin; Jiang, Jiamei; Wan, Juan; Tang, Beisha; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, Chao; Meng, QingtuanMarch 29, 2023Not Determined
37034704Create StudyMultiplex, single-cell CRISPRa screening for cell type specific regulatory elements.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyChardon, Florence M; McDiarmid, Troy A; Page, Nicholas F; Daza, Riza M; Martin, Beth; Domcke, Silvia; Regalado, Samuel G; Lalanne, Jean-Benoît; Calderon, Diego; Li, Xiaoyi; Starita, Lea M; Sanders, Stephan J; Ahituv, Nadav; Shendure, JayApril 30, 2024Not Determined
36993743Create StudyEvaluating performance and applications of sample-wise cell deconvolution methods on human brain transcriptomic data.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyDai, Rujia; Chu, Tianyao; Zhang, Ming; Wang, Xuan; Jourdon, Alexandre; Wu, Feinan; Mariani, Jessica; Vaccarino, Flora M; Lee, Donghoon; Fullard, John F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, Panos; Wang, Yue; Wang, Xusheng; Pinto, Dalila; Wang, Sidney H; Zhang, Chunling; PsychENCODE consortium; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuMarch 15, 2023Not Determined
36993732Create StudyescheR: Unified multi-dimensional visualizations with Gestalt principles.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyGuo, Boyi; Huuki-Myers, Louise A; Grant-Peters, Melissa; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Hicks, Stephanie CJune 8, 2023Not Determined
36993726Create StudyDevelopmental isoform diversity in the human neocortex informs neuropsychiatric risk mechanisms.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyPatowary, Ashok; Zhang, Pan; Jops, Connor; Vuong, Celine K; Ge, Xinzhu; Hou, Kangcheng; Kim, Minsoo; Gong, Naihua; Margolis, Michael; Vo, Daniel; Wang, Xusheng; Liu, Chunyu; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Li, Jingyi Jessica; Gandal, Michael J; de la Torre-Ubieta, LuisOctober 11, 2023Not Determined
36993704Create StudyEfficient differential expression analysis of large-scale single cell transcriptomics data using dreamlet.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyHoffman, Gabriel E; Lee, Donghoon; Bendl, Jaroslav; Prashant, N M; Hong, Aram; Casey, Clara; Alvia, Marcela; Shao, Zhiping; Argyriou, Stathis; Therrien, Karen; Venkatesh, Sanan; Voloudakis, Georgios; Haroutunian, Vahram; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosNovember 20, 2024Not Determined
36993467Create StudyA Transcriptomic Atlas of the Human Brain Reveals Genetically Determined Aspects of Neuropsychiatric Health.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesBledsoe, Xavier; Gamazon, Eric RJune 4, 2023Not Determined
36991491Create StudyHolobiont Urbanism: sampling urban beehives reveals cities'' metagenomes.Environmental microbiomeHénaff, Elizabeth; Najjar, Devora; Perez, Miguel; Flores, Regina; Woebken, Christopher; Mason, Christopher E; Slavin, KevinMarch 30, 2023Not Determined
36945630Create StudyCross-ancestry, cell-type-informed atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesWen, Cindy; Margolis, Michael; Dai, Rujia; Zhang, Pan; Przytycki, Pawel F; Vo, Daniel D; Bhattacharya, Arjun; Matoba, Nana; Jiao, Chuan; Kim, Minsoo; Tsai, Ellen; Hoh, Celine; Aygün, Nil; Walker, Rebecca L; Chatzinakos, Christos; Clarke, Declan; Pratt, Henry; Consortium, PsychENCODE; Peters, Mette A; Gerstein, Mark; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Weng, Zhiping; Jaffe, Andrew E; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Weinberger, Daniel R; Bray, Nicholas J; Sestan, Nenad; Geschwind, Daniel H; Roeder, Kathryn; Gusev, Alexander; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Stein, Jason L; Love, Michael I; Pollard, Katherine S; Liu, Chunyu; Gandal, Michael JMarch 6, 2023Not Determined
36945512Create StudyLeveraging Base Pair Mammalian Constraint to Understand Genetic Variation and Human Disease.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologySullivan, Patrick F; Meadows, Jennifer R S; Gazal, Steven; Phan, BaDoi N; Li, Xue; Genereux, Diane P; Dong, Michael X; Bianchi, Matteo; Andrews, Gregory; Sakthikumar, Sharadha; Nordin, Jessika; Roy, Ananya; Christmas, Matthew J; Marinescu, Voichita D; Wallerman, Ola; Xue, James R; Li, Yun; Yao, Shuyang; Sun, Quan; Szatkiewicz, Jin; Wen, Jia; Huckins, Laura M; Lawler, Alyssa J; Keough, Kathleen C; Zheng, Zhili; Zeng, Jian; Wray, Naomi R; Johnson, Jessica; Chen, Jiawen; Zoonomia Consortium; Paten, Benedict; Reilly, Steven K; Hughes, Graham M; Weng, Zhiping; Pollard, Katherine S; Pfenning, Andreas R; Forsberg-Nilsson, Karin; Karlsson, Elinor K; Lindblad-Toh, KerstinMarch 10, 2023Not Determined
36936070Create StudyBOMA, a machine-learning framework for comparative gene expression analysis across brains and organoids.Cell reports methodsHe, Chenfeng; Kalafut, Noah Cohen; Sandoval, Soraya O; Risgaard, Ryan; Sirois, Carissa L; Yang, Chen; Khullar, Saniya; Suzuki, Marin; Huang, Xiang; Chang, Qiang; Zhao, Xinyu; Sousa, Andre M M; Wang, DaifengFebruary 27, 2023Not Determined
36932057Create StudyAntipsychotic drug use complicates assessment of gene expression changes associated with schizophrenia.Translational psychiatrySchulmann, Anton; Marenco, Stefano; Vawter, Marquis P; Akula, Nirmala; Limon, Agenor; Mandal, Ajeet; Auluck, Pavan K; Patel, Yash; Lipska, Barbara K; McMahon, Francis JMarch 17, 2023Not Determined
36882872Create StudyMulti-ancestry phenome-wide association of complement component 4 variation with psychiatric and brain phenotypes in youth.Genome biologyHernandez, Leanna M; Kim, Minsoo; Zhang, Pan; Bethlehem, Richard A I; Hoftman, Gil; Loughnan, Robert; Smith, Diana; Bookheimer, Susan Y; Fan, Chun Chieh; Bearden, Carrie E; Thompson, Wesley K; Gandal, Michael JMarch 7, 2023Not Determined
36873728Create StudyGenetics and epigenetics of stress: New avenues for an old concept.Neurobiology of stressSoliva-Estruch, Marina; Tamashiro, Kellie L; Daskalakis, Nikolaos PMarch 1, 2023Not Determined
36862688Create StudyNeuron-specific transcriptomic signatures indicate neuroinflammation and altered neuronal activity in ASD temporal cortex.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaZhang, Pan; Omanska, Alicja; Ander, Bradley P; Gandal, Michael J; Stamova, Boryana; Schumann, Cynthia MMarch 7, 2023Not Determined
36857101Create StudyNo Increased Detection of Nucleic Acids of CNS-related Viruses in the Brains of Patients with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.Schizophrenia bulletinMin, Shishi; Gandal, Michael J; Kopp, Richard F; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoMay 3, 2023Not Determined
36834916Create StudyCharacterization of De Novo Promoter Variants in Autism Spectrum Disorder with Massively Parallel Reporter Assays.International journal of molecular sciencesKoesterich, Justin; An, Joon-Yong; Inoue, Fumitaka; Sohota, Ajuni; Ahituv, Nadav; Sanders, Stephan J; Kreimer, AnatFebruary 9, 2023Not Determined
36824961Create StudyIntegrated single cell and unsupervised spatial transcriptomic analysis defines molecular anatomy of the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyHuuki-Myers, Louise; Spangler, Abby; Eagles, Nick; Montgomery, Kelsey D; Kwon, Sang Ho; Guo, Boyi; Grant-Peters, Melissa; Divecha, Heena R; Tippani, Madhavi; Sriworarat, Chaichontat; Nguyen, Annie B; Ravichandran, Prashanthi; Tran, Matthew N; Seyedian, Arta; PsychENCODE consortium; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Battle, Alexis; Page, Stephanie C; Ryten, Mina; Hicks, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Maynard, Kristen RFebruary 15, 2023Not Determined
36824845Create StudyMassively parallel characterization of psychiatric disorder-associated and cell-type-specific regulatory elements in the developing human cortex.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyDeng, Chengyu; Whalen, Sean; Steyert, Marilyn; Ziffra, Ryan; Przytycki, Pawel F; Inoue, Fumitaka; Pereira, Daniela A; Capauto, Davide; Norton, Scott; Vaccarino, Flora M; Pollen, Alex; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Ahituv, Nadav; Pollard, Katherine SFebruary 16, 2023Not Determined
36798347Create StudyMore than a Feeling: Dermatological Changes Impacted by Spaceflight.Research squareCope, Henry; Elsborg, Jonas; Demharter, Samuel; Mcdonald, J Tyson; Wernecke, Chiara; Parthasarathy, Hari; Unadkat, Hriday; Chatrathi, Mira; Claudio, Jennifer; Reinsch, Sigrid; Zwart, Sara; Smith, Scott; Heer, Martina; Muratani, Masafumi; Meydan, Cem; Overbey, Eliah; Kim, JangKeun; Park, Jiwoon; Schisler, Jonathan; Mason, Christopher; Szewczyk, Nathaniel; Willis, Craig; Salam, Amr; Beheshti, AfshinFebruary 10, 2023Not Determined
36790927Create StudyGenomic profiling of HIV-1 integration in microglia cells links viral integration to the topologically associated domains.Cell reportsRheinberger, Mona; Costa, Ana Luisa; Kampmann, Martin; Glavas, Dunja; Shytaj, Iart Luca; Sreeram, Sheetal; Penzo, Carlotta; Tibroni, Nadine; Garcia-Mesa, Yoelvis; Leskov, Konstantin; Fackler, Oliver T; Vlahovicek, Kristian; Karn, Jonathan; Lucic, Bojana; Herrmann, Carl; Lusic, MarinaFebruary 28, 2023Not Determined
36778507Create StudyA Higher Dysregulation Burden of Brain DNA Methylation in Female Patients Implicated in the Sex Bias of Schizophrenia.Research squareChen, Chao; Zhou, Jiaqi; Xia, Yan; Li, Miao; Chen, Yu; Dai, Jiacheng; Liu, ChunyuJanuary 30, 2023Not Determined
36747726Create StudyPerformant web-based interactive visualization tool for spatially-resolved transcriptomics experiments.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologySriworarat, Chaichontat; Nguyen, Annie; Eagles, Nicholas J; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Martinowich, Keri; Maynard, Kristen R; Hicks, Stephanie CFebruary 23, 2023Not Determined
36711948Create StudyDetecting and Adjusting for Hidden Biases due to Phenotype Misclassification in Genome-Wide Association Studies.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesBurstein, David; Hoffman, Gabriel; Mathur, Deepika; Venkatesh, Sanan; Therrien, Karen; Fanous, Ayman H; Bigdeli, Tim B; Harvey, Philip D; Roussos, Panos; Voloudakis, GeorgiosJanuary 18, 2023Not Determined
36711601Create StudypTDP-43 levels correlate with cell type specific molecular alterations in the prefrontal cortex of C9orf72 ALS/FTD patients.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyWang, Hsiao-Lin V; Xiang, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Chenyang; Veire, Austin M; Gendron, Tania F; Murray, Melissa E; Tansey, Malú G; Hu, Jian; Gearing, Marla; Glass, Jonathan D; Jin, Peng; Corces, Victor G; McEachin, Zachary TJune 13, 2024Not Determined
36702997Create StudyGenome-wide analyses of ADHD identify 27 risk loci, refine the genetic architecture and implicate several cognitive domains.Nature geneticsDemontis, Ditte; Walters, G Bragi; Athanasiadis, Georgios; Walters, Raymond; Therrien, Karen; Nielsen, Trine Tollerup; Farajzadeh, Leila; Voloudakis, Georgios; Bendl, Jaroslav; Zeng, Biau; Zhang, Wen; Grove, Jakob; Als, Thomas D; Duan, Jinjie; Satterstrom, F Kyle; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Bækved-Hansen, Marie; Gudmundsson, Olafur O; Magnusson, Sigurdur H; Baldursson, Gisli; Davidsdottir, Katrin; Haraldsdottir, Gyda S; Agerbo, Esben; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Dalsgaard, Søren; Martin, Joanna; Ribasés, Marta; Boomsma, Dorret I; Soler Artigas, Maria; Roth Mota, Nina; Howrigan, Daniel; Medland, Sarah E; Zayats, Tetyana; Rajagopal, Veera M; ADHD Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; iPSYCH-Broad Consortium; Nordentoft, Merete; Mors, Ole; Hougaard, David M; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Daly, Mark J; Faraone, Stephen V; Stefansson, Hreinn; Roussos, Panos; Franke, Barbara; Werge, Thomas; Neale, Benjamin M; Stefansson, Kari; Børglum, Anders DFebruary 1, 2023Not Determined
36672826Create StudyOzone Disinfection for Elimination of Bacteria and Degradation of SARS-CoV2 RNA for Medical Environments.GenesWestover, Craig; Rahmatulloev, Savlatjon; Danko, David; Afshin, Evan E; O'Hara, Niamh B; Ounit, Rachid; Bezdan, Daniela; Mason, Christopher EDecember 28, 2022Not Determined
36652379Create StudyThe relationship between case-control differential gene expression from brain tissue and genetic associations in schizophrenia.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsClifton, Nicholas E; Schulmann, Anton; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Holmans, Peter A; O'Donovan, Michael C; Vawter, Marquis PJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36648426Create StudyPredicting brain-regional gene regulatory networks from multi-omics for Alzheimer''s disease phenotypes and Covid-19 severity.Human molecular geneticsKhullar, Saniya; Wang, DaifengMay 18, 2023Not Determined
36640767Create StudyMachine learning dissection of human accelerated regions in primate neurodevelopment.NeuronWhalen, Sean; Inoue, Fumitaka; Ryu, Hane; Fair, Tyler; Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Keough, Kathleen; Kircher, Martin; Martin, Beth; Alvarado, Beatriz; Elor, Orry; Laboy Cintron, Dianne; Williams, Alex; Hassan Samee, Md Abul; Thomas, Sean; Krencik, Robert; Ullian, Erik M; Kriegstein, Arnold; Rubenstein, John L; Shendure, Jay; Pollen, Alex A; Ahituv, Nadav; Pollard, Katherine SMarch 15, 2023Not Determined
36624241Create StudyGenome-wide association study of school grades identifies genetic overlap between language ability, psychopathology and creativity.Scientific reportsRajagopal, Veera M; Ganna, Andrea; Coleman, Jonathan R I; Allegrini, Andrea; Voloudakis, Georgios; Grove, Jakob; Als, Thomas D; Horsdal, Henriette T; Petersen, Liselotte; Appadurai, Vivek; Schork, Andrew; Buil, Alfonso; Bulik, Cynthia M; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Bækvad-Hansen, Marie; Hougaard, David M; Mors, Ole; Nordentoft, Merete; Werge, Thomas; iPSYCH-Broad Consortium; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Breen, Gerome; Roussos, Panos; Plomin, Robert; Agerbo, Esben; Børglum, Anders D; Demontis, DitteJanuary 9, 2023Not Determined
36514162Create StudySpatial omics technologies at multimodal and single cell/subcellular level.Genome biologyPark, Jiwoon; Kim, Junbum; Lewy, Tyler; Rice, Charles M; Elemento, Olivier; Rendeiro, André F; Mason, Christopher EDecember 13, 2022Not Determined
36504281Create StudyThe genetic regulation of protein expression in cerebrospinal fluid.EMBO molecular medicineHansson, Oskar; Kumar, Atul; Janelidze, Shorena; Stomrud, Erik; Insel, Philip S; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Fauman, Eric; Hedman, Åsa K; Nagle, Michael W; Whelan, Christopher D; Baird, Denis; Mälarstig, Anders; Mattsson-Carlgren, NiklasJanuary 11, 2023Not Determined
36495218Create StudyGeneticsMakie.jl: a versatile and scalable toolkit for visualizing locus-level genetic and genomic data.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Kim, Minsoo; Vo, Daniel D; Kumagai, Michi E; Jops, Connor T; Gandal, Michael JJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36477833Create StudyInsights from incorporating quantum computing into drug design workflows.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Lau, Bayo; Emani, Prashant S; Chapman, Jackson; Yao, Lijing; Lam, Tarsus; Merrill, Paul; Warrell, Jonathan; Gerstein, Mark B; Lam, Hugo Y KJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36474001Create StudyMicroglia-containing human brain organoids for the study of brain development and pathology.Molecular psychiatryZhang, Wendiao; Jiang, Jiamei; Xu, Zhenhong; Yan, Hongye; Tang, Beisha; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, Chao; Meng, QingtuanJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36424644Create StudyIlluminating links between cis-regulators and trans-acting variants in the human prefrontal cortex.Genome medicineLiu, Shuang; Won, Hyejung; Clarke, Declan; Matoba, Nana; Khullar, Saniya; Mu, Yudi; Wang, Daifeng; Gerstein, MarkNovember 24, 2022Not Determined
36424395Create StudyNeuroimmune transcriptome changes in patient brains of psychiatric and neurological disorders.Molecular psychiatryChen, Yu; Dai, Jiacheng; Tang, Longfei; Mikhailova, Tatiana; Liang, Qiuman; Li, Miao; Zhou, Jiaqi; Kopp, Richard F; Weickert, Cynthia; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuFebruary 1, 2023Not Determined
36413071Create StudyIMMerge: merging imputation data at scale.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Zhu, Wanying; Chen, Hung-Hsin; Petty, Alexander S; Petty, Lauren E; Polikowsky, Hannah G; Gamazon, Eric R; Below, Jennifer E; Highland, Heather MJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36386965Create StudyDifferential H3K9me2 heterochromatin levels and concordant mRNA expression in postmortem brain tissue of individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar, and controls.Frontiers in psychiatryRizavi, Hooriyah S; Chase, Kayla A; Liu, Chunyu; Gavin, Hannah; Rosen, Cherise; Xia, Cuihua; Guidotti, Alessandro; Sharma, Rajiv PJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
36380236Create StudyRare tandem repeat expansions associate with genes involved in synaptic and neuronal signaling functions in schizophrenia.Molecular psychiatryWen, Jia; Trost, Brett; Engchuan, Worrawat; Halvorsen, Matthew; Pallotto, Linda M; Mitina, Aleksandra; Ancalade, NaEshia; Farrell, Martilias; Backstrom, Ian; Guo, Keyi; Pellecchia, Giovanna; Thiruvahindrapuram, Bhooma; Giusti-Rodriguez, Paola; Rosen, Jonathan David; Li, Yun; Won, Hyejung; Magnusson, Patrik K E; Gyllensten, Ulf; Bassett, Anne S; Hultman, Christina M; Sullivan, Patrick F; Yuen, Ryan K C; Szatkiewicz, Jin PJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36370000Create StudyGALC variants affect galactosylceramidase enzymatic activity and risk of Parkinson''s disease.Brain : a journal of neurologySenkevich, Konstantin; Zorca, Cornelia E; Dworkind, Aliza; Rudakou, Uladzislau; Somerville, Emma; Yu, Eric; Ermolaev, Alexey; Nikanorova, Daria; Ahmad, Jamil; Ruskey, Jennifer A; Asayesh, Farnaz; Spiegelman, Dan; Fahn, Stanley; Waters, Cheryl; Monchi, Oury; Dauvilliers, Yves; Dupré, Nicolas; Greenbaum, Lior; Hassin-Baer, Sharon; Grenn, Francis P; Chiang, Ming Sum Ruby; Sardi, S Pablo; Vanderperre, Benoît; Blauwendraat, Cornelis; Trempe, Jean-François; Fon, Edward A; Durcan, Thomas M; Alcalay, Roy N; Gan-Or, ZivMay 2, 2023Not Determined
36341024Create StudyBest practices for multi-ancestry, meta-analytic transcriptome-wide association studies: Lessons from the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative.Cell genomicsBhattacharya, Arjun; Hirbo, Jibril B; Zhou, Dan; Zhou, Wei; Zheng, Jie; Kanai, Masahiro; Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Gamazon, Eric R; Cox, Nancy JOctober 12, 2022Not Determined
36323788Create StudyBroad transcriptomic dysregulation occurs across the cerebral cortex in ASD.NatureGandal, Michael J; Haney, Jillian R; Wamsley, Brie; Yap, Chloe X; Parhami, Sepideh; Emani, Prashant S; Chang, Nathan; Chen, George T; Hoftman, Gil D; de Alba, Diego; Ramaswami, Gokul; Hartl, Christopher L; Bhattacharya, Arjun; Luo, Chongyuan; Jin, Ting; Wang, Daifeng; Kawaguchi, Riki; Quintero, Diana; Ou, Jing; Wu, Ye Emily; Parikshak, Neelroop N; Swarup, Vivek; Belgard, T Grant; Gerstein, Mark; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Geschwind, Daniel HNovember 1, 2022Not Determined
36323256Create StudySpatiotemporal and genetic regulation of A-to-I editing throughout human brain development.Cell reportsCuddleston, Winston H; Fan, Xuanjia; Sloofman, Laura; Liang, Lindsay; Mossotto, Enrico; Moore, Kendall; Zipkowitz, Sarah; Wang, Minghui; Zhang, Bin; Wang, Jiebiao; Sestan, Nenad; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Sanders, Stephan J; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Breen, Michael SNovember 1, 2022Not Determined
36289406Create StudyAnnotating genetic variants to target genes using H-MAGMA.Nature protocolsSey, Nancy Y A; Pratt, Brandon M; Won, HyejungJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36264161Create StudyAn Aged/Autoimmune B-cell Program Defines the Early Transformation of Extranodal Lymphomas.Cancer discoveryVenturutti, Leandro; Rivas, Martin A; Pelzer, Benedikt W; Flümann, Ruth; Hansen, Julia; Karagiannidis, Ioannis; Xia, Min; McNally, Dylan R; Isshiki, Yusuke; Lytle, Andrew; Teater, Matt; Chin, Christopher R; Meydan, Cem; Knittel, Gero; Ricker, Edd; Mason, Christopher E; Ye, Xiaofei; Pan-Hammarström, Qiang; Steidl, Christian; Scott, David W; Reinhardt, Hans Christian; Pernis, Alessandra B; Béguelin, Wendy; Melnick, Ari MJanuary 9, 2023Not Determined
36183905Create StudyChallenges and opportunities for precision medicine in neurodevelopmental disorders.Advanced drug delivery reviewsChen, George T; Geschwind, Daniel HDecember 1, 2022Not Determined
36179695Create StudyTGFβ superfamily signaling regulates the state of human stem cell pluripotency and capacity to create well-structured telencephalic organoids.Stem cell reportsWatanabe, Momoko; Buth, Jessie E; Haney, Jillian R; Vishlaghi, Neda; Turcios, Felix; Elahi, Lubayna S; Gu, Wen; Pearson, Caroline A; Kurdian, Arinnae; Baliaouri, Natella V; Collier, Amanda J; Miranda, Osvaldo A; Dunn, Natassia; Chen, Di; Sabri, Shan; Torre-Ubieta, Luis de la; Clark, Amander T; Plath, Kathrin; Christofk, Heather R; Kornblum, Harley I; Gandal, Michael J; Novitch, Bennett GOctober 11, 2022Not Determined
36163279Create StudyPopulation-level variation in enhancer expression identifies disease mechanisms in the human brain.Nature geneticsDong, Pengfei; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Apontes, Pasha; Bendl, Jaroslav; Rahman, Samir; Fernando, Michael B; Zeng, Biao; Vicari, James M; Zhang, Wen; Girdhar, Kiran; Townsley, Kayla G; Misir, Ruth; CommonMind Consortium; Brennand, Kristen J; Haroutunian, Vahram; Voloudakis, Georgios; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
36163277Create StudyIdentification of shared and differentiating genetic architecture for autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and case subgroups.Nature geneticsMattheisen, Manuel; Grove, Jakob; Als, Thomas D; Martin, Joanna; Voloudakis, Georgios; Meier, Sandra; Demontis, Ditte; Bendl, Jaroslav; Walters, Raymond; Carey, Caitlin E; Rosengren, Anders; Strom, Nora I; Hauberg, Mads Engel; Zeng, Biao; Hoffman, Gabriel; Zhang, Wen; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Bækvad-Hansen, Marie; Agerbo, Esben; Cormand, Bru; Nordentoft, Merete; Werge, Thomas; Mors, Ole; Hougaard, David M; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Faraone, Stephen V; Franke, Barbara; Dalsgaard, Søren; Mortensen, Preben B; Robinson, Elise B; Roussos, Panos; Neale, Benjamin M; Daly, Mark J; Børglum, Anders DOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
36124823Create StudySpecific Associations Between Type of Childhood Abuse and Elevated C-Reactive Protein in Young Adult Psychiatric Rehabilitation Participants.The international journal of neuropsychopharmacologyJabbi, Mbemba M; Harvey, Philip D; Kotwicki, Raymond J; Nemeroff, Charles BNovember 17, 2022Not Determined
36123423Create StudyComment on: What genes are differentially expressed in individuals with schizophrenia? A systematic review.Molecular psychiatryHoffman, Gabriel E; Jaffe, Andrew E; Gandal, Michael J; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Sieberts, Solveig K; Devlin, Bernie; Geschwind, Daniel H; Weinberger, Daniel R; Roussos, PanosFebruary 1, 2023Not Determined
36094096Create StudyIntegrating multi-omics summary data using a Mendelian randomization framework.Briefings in bioinformaticsJin, Chong; Lee, Brian; Shen, Li; Long, Qi; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics ConsortiumNovember 19, 2022Not Determined
36085003Create StudyFocus on your locus with a massively parallel reporter assay.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersMcAfee, Jessica C; Bell, Jessica L; Krupa, Oleh; Matoba, Nana; Stein, Jason L; Won, HyejungSeptember 9, 2022Not Determined
36083269Create StudyBuilding integrative functional maps of gene regulation.Human molecular geneticsXu, Jinrui; Pratt, Henry E; Moore, Jill E; Gerstein, Mark B; Weng, ZhipingOctober 20, 2022Not Determined
36070559Create StudyEnhancer Function and Evolutionary Roles of Human Accelerated Regions.Annual review of geneticsWhalen, Sean; Pollard, Katherine SNovember 30, 2022Not Determined
36064543Create StudyA translational genomics approach identifies IL10RB as the top candidate gene target for COVID-19 susceptibility.NPJ genomic medicineVoloudakis, Georgios; Vicari, James M; Venkatesh, Sanan; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Dobrindt, Kristina; Zhang, Wen; Beckmann, Noam D; Higgins, Christina A; Argyriou, Stathis; Jiang, Shan; Hoagland, Daisy; Gao, Lina; Corvelo, André; Cho, Kelly; Lee, Kyung Min; Bian, Jiantao; Lee, Jennifer S; Iyengar, Sudha K; Luoh, Shiuh-Wen; Akbarian, Schahram; Striker, Robert; Assimes, Themistocles L; Schadt, Eric E; Lynch, Julie A; Merad, Miriam; tenOever, Benjamin R; Charney, Alexander W; Mount Sinai COVID-19 Biobank; VA Million Veteran Program COVID-19 Science Initiative; Brennand, Kristen J; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosSeptember 5, 2022Not Determined
36057282Create StudyMultiplexed functional genomic assays to decipher the noncoding genome.Human molecular geneticsCooper, Yonatan A; Guo, Qiuyu; Geschwind, Daniel HOctober 20, 2022Not Determined
36050550Create StudyPolygenic enrichment distinguishes disease associations of individual cells in single-cell RNA-seq data.Nature geneticsZhang, Martin Jinye; Hou, Kangcheng; Dey, Kushal K; Sakaue, Saori; Jagadeesh, Karthik A; Weinand, Kathryn; Taychameekiatchai, Aris; Rao, Poorvi; Pisco, Angela Oliveira; Zou, James; Wang, Bruce; Gandal, Michael; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Price, Alkes LOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
36007006Create StudyMolecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.Science (New York, N.Y.)Ma, Shaojie; Skarica, Mario; Li, Qian; Xu, Chuan; Risgaard, Ryan D; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Mato-Blanco, Xoel; Kovner, Rothem; Krsnik, Željka; de Martin, Xabier; Luria, Victor; Martí-Pérez, Xavier; Liang, Dan; Karger, Amir; Schmidt, Danielle K; Gomez-Sanchez, Zachary; Qi, Cai; Gobeske, Kevin T; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Debnath, Ashwin; Hottman, Cade J; Spurrier, Joshua; Teo, Leon; Boghdadi, Anthony G; Homman-Ludiye, Jihane; Ely, John J; Daadi, Etienne W; Mi, Da; Daadi, Marcel; Marín, Oscar; Hof, Patrick R; Rasin, Mladen-Roko; Bourne, James; Sherwood, Chet C; Santpere, Gabriel; Girgenti, Matthew J; Strittmatter, Stephen M; Sousa, André M M; Sestan, NenadSeptember 30, 2022Not Determined
35915230Create StudySingle-cell transcriptional profiling in brain reward structures.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyDay, Jeremy J; Martinowich, KeriJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
35851062Create StudyHigh-throughput techniques enable advances in the roles of DNA and RNA secondary structures in transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation.Genome biologyGeorgakopoulos-Soares, Ilias; Chan, Candace S Y; Ahituv, Nadav; Hemberg, MartinJuly 18, 2022Not Determined
35849618Create StudySingle-cell network biology characterizes cell type gene regulation for drug repurposing and phenotype prediction in Alzheimer''s disease.PLoS computational biologyGupta, Chirag; Xu, Jielin; Jin, Ting; Khullar, Saniya; Liu, Xiaoyu; Alatkar, Sayali; Cheng, Feixiong; Wang, DaifengJuly 1, 2022Not Determined
35844224Create StudyDistinct Phenotypes of Inflammation Associated Macrophages and Microglia in the Prefrontal Cortex Schizophrenia Compared to Controls.Frontiers in neuroscienceZhu, Yunting; Webster, Maree J; Murphy, Caitlin E; Middleton, Frank A; Massa, Paul T; Liu, Chunyu; Dai, Rujia; Weickert, Cyndi ShannonJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
35767289Create StudyConvergence and Divergence of Rare Genetic Disorders on Brain Phenotypes: A Review.JAMA psychiatryRaznahan, Armin; Won, Hyejung; Glahn, David C; Jacquemont, SébastienAugust 1, 2022Not Determined
35750513Create StudyThe Neuroepigenome: Implications of Chemical and Physical Modifications of Genomic DNA in Schizophrenia.Biological psychiatryGirdhar, Kiran; Rahman, Samir; Dong, Pengfei; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosSeptember 15, 2022Not Determined
35689177Create StudyspatialLIBD: an R/Bioconductor package to visualize spatially-resolved transcriptomics data.BMC genomicsPardo, Brenda; Spangler, Abby; Weber, Lukas M; Page, Stephanie C; Hicks, Stephanie C; Jaffe, Andrew E; Martinowich, Keri; Maynard, Kristen R; Collado-Torres, LeonardoJune 10, 2022Not Determined
35680911Create StudyAssociation between resting-state functional brain connectivity and gene expression is altered in autism spectrum disorder.Nature communicationsBerto, Stefano; Treacher, Alex H; Caglayan, Emre; Luo, Danni; Haney, Jillian R; Gandal, Michael J; Geschwind, Daniel H; Montillo, Albert A; Konopka, GenevieveJune 9, 2022Not Determined
35588487Create StudyRevisiting the Need for a PTSD Brain Bank; Commentary on Friedman.PsychiatryVermetten, Eric; Snijders, Clara; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Rutten, Bart P FJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
35573091Create StudyHigh-throughput characterization of the role of non-B DNA motifs on promoter function.Cell genomicsGeorgakopoulos-Soares, Ilias; Victorino, Jesus; Parada, Guillermo E; Agarwal, Vikram; Zhao, Jingjing; Wong, Hei Yuen; Umar, Mubarak Ishaq; Elor, Orry; Muhwezi, Allan; An, Joon-Yong; Sanders, Stephan J; Kwok, Chun Kit; Inoue, Fumitaka; Hemberg, Martin; Ahituv, NadavApril 13, 2022Not Determined
35552371Create StudySex differences in the genetic architecture of cognitive resilience to Alzheimer''s disease.Brain : a journal of neurologyEissman, Jaclyn M; Dumitrescu, Logan; Mahoney, Emily R; Smith, Alexandra N; Mukherjee, Shubhabrata; Lee, Michael L; Scollard, Phoebe; Choi, Seo Eun; Bush, William S; Engelman, Corinne D; Lu, Qiongshi; Fardo, David W; Trittschuh, Emily H; Mez, Jesse; Kaczorowski, Catherine C; Hernandez Saucedo, Hector; Widaman, Keith F; Buckley, Rachel F; Properzi, Michael J; Mormino, Elizabeth C; Yang, Hyun Sik; Harrison, Theresa M; Hedden, Trey; Nho, Kwangsik; Andrews, Shea J; Tommet, Douglas; Hadad, Niran; Sanders, R Elizabeth; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Gifford, Katherine A; Zhong, Xiaoyuan; Raghavan, Neha S; Vardarajan, Badri N; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI); Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC); A4 Study Team; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Farrer, Lindsay A; Wang, Li San; Cruchaga, Carlos; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Cox, Nancy J; Haines, Jonathan L; Keene, C Dirk; Saykin, Andrew J; Larson, Eric B; Sperling, Reisa A; Mayeux, Richard; Cuccaro, Michael L; Bennett, David A; Schneider, Julie A; Crane, Paul K; Jefferson, Angela L; Hohman, Timothy JJuly 29, 2022Not Determined
35549943Create StudySustained correction of hippocampal neurogenic and cognitive deficits after a brief treatment by Nutlin-3 in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome.BMC medicineJavadi, Sahar; Li, Yue; Sheng, Jie; Zhao, Lucy; Fu, Yao; Wang, Daifeng; Zhao, XinyuMay 13, 2022Not Determined
35482478Create StudySpatialExperiment: infrastructure for spatially-resolved transcriptomics data in R using Bioconductor.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Righelli, Dario; Weber, Lukas M; Crowell, Helena L; Pardo, Brenda; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Ghazanfar, Shila; Lun, Aaron T L; Hicks, Stephanie C; Risso, DavideMay 26, 2022Not Determined
35480297Create StudyA deep manifold-regularized learning model for improving phenotype prediction from multi-modal data.Nature computational scienceNguyen, Nam D; Huang, Jiawei; Wang, DaifengJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
35474104Create StudyEpitranscriptomic dynamics in brain development and disease.Molecular psychiatryShafik, Andrew M; Allen, Emily G; Jin, PengSeptember 1, 2022Not Determined
35440779Create StudyGenomics, convergent neuroscience and progress in understanding autism spectrum disorder.Nature reviews. NeuroscienceWillsey, Helen Rankin; Willsey, A Jeremy; Wang, Belinda; State, Matthew WJune 1, 2022Not Determined
35422469Create StudyChromatin architecture in addiction circuitry identifies risk genes and potential biological mechanisms underlying cigarette smoking and alcohol use traits.Molecular psychiatrySey, Nancy Y A; Hu, Benxia; Iskhakova, Marina; Lee, Sool; Sun, Huaigu; Shokrian, Neda; Ben Hutta, Gabriella; Marks, Jesse A; Quach, Bryan C; Johnson, Eric O; Hancock, Dana B; Akbarian, Schahram; Won, HyejungJuly 1, 2022Not Determined
35379910Create StudyThe impact of educational attainment, intelligence and intellectual disability on schizophrenia: a Swedish population-based register and genetic study.Molecular psychiatrySong, Jie; Yao, Shuyang; Kowalec, Kaarina; Lu, Yi; Sariaslan, Amir; Szatkiewicz, Jin P; Larsson, Henrik; Lichtenstein, Paul; Hultman, Christina M; Sullivan, Patrick FMay 1, 2022Not Determined
35351869Create StudyHuman forebrain organoids reveal connections between valproic acid exposure and autism risk.Translational psychiatryMeng, Qingtuan; Zhang, Wendiao; Wang, Xuan; Jiao, Chuan; Xu, Sheng; Liu, Chunyu; Tang, Beisha; Chen, ChaoMarch 29, 2022Not Determined
35332326Create StudyChromatin domain alterations linked to 3D genome organization in a large cohort of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder brains.Nature neuroscienceGirdhar, Kiran; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Rahman, Samir; Dong, Pengfei; Liao, Will; Hauberg, Mads E; Sloofman, Laura; Brown, Leanne; Devillers, Olivia; Kassim, Bibi S; Wiseman, Jennifer R; Park, Royce; Zharovsky, Elizabeth; Jacobov, Rivky; Flatow, Elie; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Gilgenast, Thomas; Johnson, Jessica S; Couto, Lizette; Peters, Mette A; Phillips-Cremins, Jennifer E; Hahn, Chang-Gyu; Gur, Raquel E; Tamminga, Carol A; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; PsychENCODE Consortium; Dracheva, Stella; Lipska, Barbara K; Marenco, Stefano; Kundakovic, Marija; Fullard, John F; Jiang, Yan; Roussos, Panos; Akbarian, SchahramApril 1, 2022Not Determined
35315433Create StudyMassively parallel reporter perturbation assays uncover temporal regulatory architecture during neural differentiation.Nature communicationsKreimer, Anat; Ashuach, Tal; Inoue, Fumitaka; Khodaverdian, Alex; Deng, Chengyu; Yosef, Nir; Ahituv, NadavMarch 21, 2022Not Determined
35274675Create StudyCellWalkR: an R package for integrating and visualizing single-cell and bulk data to resolve regulatory elements.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Przytycki, Pawel F; Pollard, Katherine SApril 28, 2022Not Determined
35272348Create StudyLRcell: detecting the source of differential expression at the sub-cell-type level from bulk RNA-seq data.Briefings in bioinformaticsMa, Wenjing; Sharma, Sumeet; Jin, Peng; Gourley, Shannon L; Qin, Zhaohui SMay 13, 2022Not Determined
35260864Create StudyAmygdala and anterior cingulate transcriptomes from individuals with bipolar disorder reveal downregulated neuroimmune and synaptic pathways.Nature neuroscienceZandi, Peter P; Jaffe, Andrew E; Goes, Fernando S; Burke, Emily E; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Huuki-Myers, Louise; Seyedian, Arta; Lin, Yian; Seifuddin, Fayaz; Pirooznia, Mehdi; Ross, Christopher A; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel R; Hyde, Thomas MMarch 1, 2022Not Determined
35236118Create StudyGenetics and Brain Transcriptomics of Completed Suicide.The American journal of psychiatryPunzi, Giovanna; Ursini, Gianluca; Chen, Qiang; Radulescu, Eugenia; Tao, Ran; Huuki, Louise A; Di Carlo, Pasquale; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Shin, Joo Heon; Catanesi, Roberto; Jaffe, Andrew E; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Mackay, Trudy F C; Weinberger, Daniel RMarch 1, 2022Not Determined
35233546Create StudySystem-wide transcriptome damage and tissue identity loss in COVID-19 patients.Cell reports. MedicinePark, Jiwoon; Foox, Jonathan; Hether, Tyler; Danko, David C; Warren, Sarah; Kim, Youngmi; Reeves, Jason; Butler, Daniel J; Mozsary, Christopher; Rosiene, Joel; Shaiber, Alon; Afshin, Evan E; MacKay, Matthew; Rendeiro, André F; Bram, Yaron; Chandar, Vasuretha; Geiger, Heather; Craney, Arryn; Velu, Priya; Melnick, Ari M; Hajirasouliha, Iman; Beheshti, Afshin; Taylor, Deanne; Saravia-Butler, Amanda; Singh, Urminder; Wurtele, Eve Syrkin; Schisler, Jonathan; Fennessey, Samantha; Corvelo, André; Zody, Michael C; Germer, Soren; Salvatore, Steven; Levy, Shawn; Wu, Shixiu; Tatonetti, Nicholas P; Shapira, Sagi; Salvatore, Mirella; Westblade, Lars F; Cushing, Melissa; Rennert, Hanna; Kriegel, Alison J; Elemento, Olivier; Imielinski, Marcin; Rice, Charles M; Borczuk, Alain C; Meydan, Cem; Schwartz, Robert E; Mason, Christopher EFebruary 15, 2022Not Determined
35170363Create StudyEvaluating the challenges and reproducibility of studies investigating DNA methylation signatures of psychological stress.EpigenomicsZhang, Yun; Liu, ChunyuApril 1, 2022Not Determined
35136070Create StudySMAP is a pipeline for sample matching in proteogenomics.Nature communicationsLi, Ling; Niu, Mingming; Erickson, Alyssa; Luo, Jie; Rowbotham, Kincaid; Guo, Kai; Huang, He; Li, Yuxin; Jiang, Yi; Hur, Junguk; Liu, Chunyu; Peng, Junmin; Wang, XushengFebruary 8, 2022Not Determined
35132260Create StudyCurated variation benchmarks for challenging medically relevant autosomal genes.Nature biotechnologyWagner, Justin; Olson, Nathan D; Harris, Lindsay; McDaniel, Jennifer; Cheng, Haoyu; Fungtammasan, Arkarachai; Hwang, Yih-Chii; Gupta, Richa; Wenger, Aaron M; Rowell, William J; Khan, Ziad M; Farek, Jesse; Zhu, Yiming; Pisupati, Aishwarya; Mahmoud, Medhat; Xiao, Chunlin; Yoo, Byunggil; Sahraeian, Sayed Mohammad Ebrahim; Miller, Danny E; Jáspez, David; Lorenzo-Salazar, José M; Muñoz-Barrera, Adrián; Rubio-Rodríguez, Luis A; Flores, Carlos; Narzisi, Giuseppe; Evani, Uday Shanker; Clarke, Wayne E; Lee, Joyce; Mason, Christopher E; Lincoln, Stephen E; Miga, Karen H; Ebbert, Mark T W; Shumate, Alaina; Li, Heng; Chin, Chen-Shan; Zook, Justin M; Sedlazeck, Fritz JMay 1, 2022Not Determined
35115012Create StudyComparison of confound adjustment methods in the construction of gene co-expression networks.Genome biologyCote, Alanna C; Young, Hannah E; Huckins, Laura MFebruary 3, 2022Not Determined
35084939Create StudyA single-cell atlas of the normal and malformed human brain vasculature.Science (New York, N.Y.)Winkler, Ethan A; Kim, Chang N; Ross, Jayden M; Garcia, Joseph H; Gil, Eugene; Oh, Irene; Chen, Lindsay Q; Wu, David; Catapano, Joshua S; Raygor, Kunal; Narsinh, Kazim; Kim, Helen; Weinsheimer, Shantel; Cooke, Daniel L; Walcott, Brian P; Lawton, Michael T; Gupta, Nalin; Zlokovic, Berislav V; Chang, Edward F; Abla, Adib A; Lim, Daniel A; Nowakowski, Tomasz JMarch 4, 2022Not Determined
35074468Create StudyBetacoronavirus-specific alternate splicing.GenomicsKarlebach, Guy; Aronow, Bruce; Baylin, Stephen B; Butler, Daniel; Foox, Jonathan; Levy, Shawn; Meydan, Cem; Mozsary, Christopher; Saravia-Butler, Amanda M; Taylor, Deanne M; Wurtele, Eve; Mason, Christopher E; Beheshti, Afshin; Robinson, Peter NMarch 1, 2022Not Determined
35058635Create StudyMulti-ancestry eQTL meta-analysis of human brain identifies candidate causal variants for brain-related traits.Nature geneticsZeng, Biao; Bendl, Jaroslav; Kosoy, Roman; Fullard, John F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, PanosFebruary 1, 2022Not Determined
35045295Create StudyA bidirectional competitive interaction between circHomer1 and Homer1b within the orbitofrontal cortex regulates reversal learning.Cell reportsHafez, Alexander K; Zimmerman, Amber J; Papageorgiou, Grigorios; Chandrasekaran, Jayapriya; Amoah, Stephen K; Lin, Rixing; Lozano, Evelyn; Pierotti, Caroline; Dell'Orco, Michela; Hartley, Brigham J; Alural, Begüm; Lalonde, Jasmin; Esposito, John Matthew; Berretta, Sabina; Squassina, Alessio; Chillotti, Caterina; Voloudakis, Georgios; Shao, Zhiping; Fullard, John F; Brennand, Kristen J; Turecki, Gustavo; Roussos, Panos; Perlis, Roy H; Haggarty, Stephen J; Perrone-Bizzozero, Nora; Brigman, Jonathan L; Mellios, NikolaosJanuary 18, 2022Not Determined
34912114Create StudyIndividual human cortical progenitors can produce excitatory and inhibitory neurons.NatureDelgado, Ryan N; Allen, Denise E; Keefe, Matthew G; Mancia Leon, Walter R; Ziffra, Ryan S; Crouch, Elizabeth E; Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo; Nowakowski, Tomasz JJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
34888418Create StudyChildren and Adolescents'' Psychological Well-Being Became Worse in Heavily Hit Chinese Provinces during the COVID-19 Epidemic.Journal of psychiatry and brain scienceMa, Jing; Ding, Jun; Hu, Jiawen; Wang, Kai; Xiao, Shuaijun; Luo, Ting; Yu, Shuxiang; Liu, Chuntao; Xu, Yunxuan; Liu, Yingxian; Wang, Changhong; Guo, Suqin; Yang, Xiaohua; Song, Haidong; Geng, Yaoguo; Jin, Yu; Chen, Huayun; Liu, ChunyuOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34872606Create StudyThe SEQC2 epigenomics quality control (EpiQC) study.Genome biologyFoox, Jonathan; Nordlund, Jessica; Lalancette, Claudia; Gong, Ting; Lacey, Michelle; Lent, Samantha; Langhorst, Bradley W; Ponnaluri, V K Chaithanya; Williams, Louise; Padmanabhan, Karthik Ramaswamy; Cavalcante, Raymond; Lundmark, Anders; Butler, Daniel; Mozsary, Christopher; Gurvitch, Justin; Greally, John M; Suzuki, Masako; Menor, Mark; Nasu, Masaki; Alonso, Alicia; Sheridan, Caroline; Scherer, Andreas; Bruinsma, Stephen; Golda, Gosia; Muszynska, Agata; Łabaj, Paweł P; Campbell, Matthew A; Wos, Frank; Raine, Amanda; Liljedahl, Ulrika; Axelsson, Tomas; Wang, Charles; Chen, Zhong; Yang, Zhaowei; Li, Jing; Yang, Xiaopeng; Wang, Hongwei; Melnick, Ari; Guo, Shang; Blume, Alexander; Franke, Vedran; Ibanez de Caceres, Inmaculada; Rodriguez-Antolin, Carlos; Rosas, Rocio; Davis, Justin Wade; Ishii, Jennifer; Megherbi, Dalila B; Xiao, Wenming; Liao, Will; Xu, Joshua; Hong, Huixiao; Ning, Baitang; Tong, Weida; Akalin, Altuna; Wang, Yunliang; Deng, Youping; Mason, Christopher EDecember 6, 2021Not Determined
34822785Create StudyFundamental Biological Features of Spaceflight: Advancing the Field to Enable Deep-Space Exploration.CellAfshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Scott, Ryan T; MacKay, Matthew J; Pariset, Eloise; Cekanaviciute, Egle; Barker, Richard; Gilroy, Simon; Hassane, Duane; Smith, Scott M; Zwart, Sara R; Nelman-Gonzalez, Mayra; Crucian, Brian E; Ponomarev, Sergey A; Orlov, Oleg I; Shiba, Dai; Muratani, Masafumi; Yamamoto, Masayuki; Richards, Stephanie E; Vaishampayan, Parag A; Meydan, Cem; Foox, Jonathan; Myrrhe, Jacqueline; Istasse, Eric; Singh, Nitin; Venkateswaran, Kasthuri; Keune, Jessica A; Ray, Hami E; Basner, Mathias; Miller, Jack; Vitaterna, Martha Hotz; Taylor, Deanne M; Wallace, Douglas; Rubins, Kathleen; Bailey, Susan M; Grabham, Peter; Costes, Sylvain V; Mason, Christopher E; Beheshti, AfshinNovember 24, 2021Not Determined
34819502Create StudyLSD1 inhibition sustains T cell invigoration with a durable response to PD-1 blockade.Nature communicationsLiu, Yi; Debo, Brian; Li, Mingfeng; Shi, Zhennan; Sheng, Wanqiang; Shi, YangNovember 24, 2021Not Determined
34799674Create StudyManifold learning analysis suggests strategies to align single-cell multimodal data of neuronal electrophysiology and transcriptomics.Communications biologyHuang, Jiawei; Sheng, Jie; Wang, DaifengNovember 19, 2021Not Determined
34798047Create StudyTranscriptomic taxonomy and neurogenic trajectories of adult human, macaque, and pig hippocampal and entorhinal cells.NeuronFranjic, Daniel; Skarica, Mario; Ma, Shaojie; Arellano, Jon I; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Choi, Jinmyung; Xu, Chuan; Li, Qian; Morozov, Yury M; Andrijevic, David; Vrselja, Zvonimir; Spajic, Ana; Santpere, Gabriel; Li, Mingfeng; Zhang, Shupei; Liu, Yang; Spurrier, Joshua; Zhang, Le; Gudelj, Ivan; Rapan, Lucija; Takahashi, Hideyuki; Huttner, Anita; Fan, Rong; Strittmatter, Stephen M; Sousa, Andre M M; Rakic, Pasko; Sestan, NenadFebruary 2, 2022Not Determined
34788620Create StudyFull-length transcript sequencing of human and mouse cerebral cortex identifies widespread isoform diversity and alternative splicing.Cell reportsLeung, Szi Kay; Jeffries, Aaron R; Castanho, Isabel; Jordan, Ben T; Moore, Karen; Davies, Jonathan P; Dempster, Emma L; Bray, Nicholas J; O'Neill, Paul; Tseng, Elizabeth; Ahmed, Zeshan; Collier, David A; Jeffery, Erin D; Prabhakar, Shyam; Schalkwyk, Leonard; Jops, Connor; Gandal, Michael J; Sheynkman, Gloria M; Hannon, Eilis; Mill, JonathanNovember 16, 2021Not Determined
34758195Create StudyEngagement of vascular early response genes typifies mild cognitive impairment.Alzheimer''s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer''s AssociationKatsel, Pavel; Fam, Peter; Tan, Weilun; Khan, Sonia; Gama-Sosa, Miguel; De Gasperi, Rita; Roussos, Panos; Robinson, Ari; Cooper, Itzik; Schnaider-Beeri, Michal; Haroutunian, VahramJuly 1, 2022Not Determined
34749795Create StudyThe Sequencing Quality Control 2 study: establishing community standards for sequencing in precision medicine.Genome biologyMercer, Tim R; Xu, Joshua; Mason, Christopher E; Tong, Weida; MAQC/SEQC2 ConsortiumNovember 8, 2021Not Determined
34737457Create StudyRecognizing the importance of childhood maltreatment as a critical factor in psychiatric diagnoses, treatment, research, prevention, and education.Molecular psychiatryTeicher, Martin H; Gordon, Jeoffry B; Nemeroff, Charles BMarch 1, 2022Not Determined
34728797Create StudyAmygdala DCX and blood Cdk14 are implicated as cross-species indicators of individual differences in fear, extinction, and resilience to trauma exposure.Molecular psychiatryMaheu, M E; Sharma, S; King, G; Maddox, S A; Wingo, A; Lori, A; Michopoulos, V; Richardson, R; Ressler, K JFebruary 1, 2022Not Determined
34680927Create StudyEvaluation of Genotype-Based Gene Expression Model Performance: A Cross-Framework and Cross-Dataset Study.GenesTavares, Vânia; Monteiro, Joana; Vassos, Evangelos; Coleman, Jonathan; Prata, DianaSeptember 28, 2021Not Determined
34674833Create StudyMultiple Comparisons and Inappropriate Statistical Testing Lead to Spurious Sex Differences in Gene Expression.Biological psychiatryMukamel, Eran AJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
34668925Create StudyUse of the PsycheMERGE Network to Investigate the Association Between Depression Polygenic Scores and White Blood Cell Count.JAMA psychiatrySealock, Julia M; Lee, Younga H; Moscati, Arden; Venkatesh, Sanan; Voloudakis, Georgios; Straub, Peter; Singh, Kritika; Feng, Yen-Chen A; Ge, Tian; Roussos, Panos; Smoller, Jordan W; Chen, Guanhua; Davis, Lea KDecember 1, 2021Not Determined
34663447Create StudyComprehensive multi-omics integration identifies differentially active enhancers during human brain development with clinical relevance.Genome medicineYousefi, Soheil; Deng, Ruizhi; Lanko, Kristina; Salsench, Eva Medico; Nikoncuk, Anita; van der Linde, Herma C; Perenthaler, Elena; van Ham, Tjakko J; Mulugeta, Eskeatnaf; Barakat, Tahsin StefanOctober 19, 2021Not Determined
34663425Create StudyDNA methylation-calling tools for Oxford Nanopore sequencing: a survey and human epigenome-wide evaluation.Genome biologyLiu, Yang; Rosikiewicz, Wojciech; Pan, Ziwei; Jillette, Nathaniel; Wang, Ping; Taghbalout, Aziz; Foox, Jonathan; Mason, Christopher; Carroll, Martin; Cheng, Albert; Li, ShengOctober 18, 2021Not Determined
34652256Create StudySpatiotemporal specificity of correlated DNA methylation and gene expression pairs across different human tissues and stages of brain development.EpigeneticsWang, Kangli; Dai, Rujia; Xia, Yan; Tian, Jianghua; Jiao, Chuan; Mikhailova, Tatiana; Zhang, Chunling; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
34646915Create StudyGene expression in the dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortices implicates immune-related gene networks in PTSD.Neurobiology of stressLogue, Mark W; Zhou, Zhenwei; Morrison, Filomene G; Wolf, Erika J; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Chatzinakos, Christos; Georgiadis, Foivos; Labadorf, Adam T; Girgenti, Matthew J; Young, Keith A; Williamson, Douglas E; Zhao, Xiang; Grenier, Jaclyn Garza; Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group; Huber, Bertrand Russell; Miller, Mark WNovember 1, 2021Not Determined
34632689Create StudySites of active gene regulation in the prenatal frontal cortex and their role in neuropsychiatric disorders.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsKouakou, Manuela R; Cameron, Darren; Hannon, Eilis; Dempster, Emma L; Mill, Jonathan; Hill, Matthew J; Bray, Nicholas JSeptember 1, 2021Not Determined
34616060Create StudySingle-cell epigenomics reveals mechanisms of human cortical development.NatureZiffra, Ryan S; Kim, Chang N; Ross, Jayden M; Wilfert, Amy; Turner, Tychele N; Haeussler, Maximilian; Casella, Alex M; Przytycki, Pawel F; Keough, Kathleen C; Shin, David; Bogdanoff, Derek; Kreimer, Anat; Pollard, Katherine S; Ament, Seth A; Eichler, Evan E; Ahituv, Nadav; Nowakowski, Tomasz JOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34599306Create StudyHominini-specific regulation of CBLN2 increases prefrontal spinogenesis.NatureShibata, Mikihito; Pattabiraman, Kartik; Muchnik, Sydney K; Kaur, Navjot; Morozov, Yury M; Cheng, Xiaoyang; Waxman, Stephen G; Sestan, NenadOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34599305Create StudyRegulation of prefrontal patterning and connectivity by retinoic acid.NatureShibata, Mikihito; Pattabiraman, Kartik; Lorente-Galdos, Belen; Andrijevic, David; Kim, Suel-Kee; Kaur, Navjot; Muchnik, Sydney K; Xing, Xiaojun; Santpere, Gabriel; Sousa, Andre M M; Sestan, NenadOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34584908Create StudyFrom genetics to systems biology of stress-related mental disorders.Neurobiology of stressDalvie, Shareefa; Chatzinakos, Chris; Al Zoubi, Obada; Georgiadis, Foivos; PGC-PTSD Systems Biology workgroup; Lancashire, Lee; Daskalakis, Nikolaos PNovember 1, 2021Not Determined
34545196Create StudyPrefrontal cortex, amygdala, and threat processing: implications for PTSD.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyAlexandra Kredlow, M; Fenster, Robert J; Laurent, Emma S; Ressler, Kerry J; Phelps, Elizabeth AJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
34536354Create StudyHuman microglia states are conserved across experimental models and regulate neural stem cell responses in chimeric organoids.Cell stem cellPopova, Galina; Soliman, Sarah S; Kim, Chang N; Keefe, Matthew G; Hennick, Kelsey M; Jain, Samhita; Li, Tao; Tejera, Dario; Shin, David; Chhun, Bryant B; McGinnis, Christopher S; Speir, Matthew; Gartner, Zev J; Mehta, Shalin B; Haeussler, Maximilian; Hengen, Keith B; Ransohoff, Richard R; Piao, Xianhua; Nowakowski, Tomasz JDecember 2, 2021Not Determined
34508786Create StudyMultiomic biological approaches to the study of child abuse and neglect.Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behaviorLayfield, Savannah Dee; Duffy, Lucie Anne; Phillips, Karlye Allison; Lardenoije, Roy; Klengel, Torsten; Ressler, Kerry JNovember 1, 2021Not Determined
34504351Create StudyPerformance assessment of DNA sequencing platforms in the ABRF Next-Generation Sequencing Study.Nature biotechnologyFoox, Jonathan; Tighe, Scott W; Nicolet, Charles M; Zook, Justin M; Byrska-Bishop, Marta; Clarke, Wayne E; Khayat, Michael M; Mahmoud, Medhat; Laaguiby, Phoebe K; Herbert, Zachary T; Warner, Derek; Grills, George S; Jen, Jin; Levy, Shawn; Xiang, Jenny; Alonso, Alicia; Zhao, Xia; Zhang, Wenwei; Teng, Fei; Zhao, Yonggang; Lu, Haorong; Schroth, Gary P; Narzisi, Giuseppe; Farmerie, William; Sedlazeck, Fritz J; Baldwin, Don A; Mason, Christopher ESeptember 1, 2021Not Determined
34497263Create StudyCharacterising the shared genetic determinants of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and risk-taking.Translational psychiatryHindley, Guy; Bahrami, Shahram; Steen, Nils Eiel; O'Connell, Kevin S; Frei, Oleksandr; Shadrin, Alexey; Bettella, Francesco; Rødevand, Linn; Fan, Chun C; Dale, Anders M; Djurovic, Srdjan; Smeland, Olav B; Andreassen, Ole ASeptember 8, 2021Not Determined
34493831Create StudyInduction of dopaminergic neurons for neuronal subtype-specific modeling of psychiatric disease risk.Molecular psychiatryPowell, Samuel K; O'Shea, Callan; Townsley, Kayla; Prytkova, Iya; Dobrindt, Kristina; Elahi, Rahat; Iskhakova, Marina; Lambert, Tova; Valada, Aditi; Liao, Will; Ho, Seok-Man; Slesinger, Paul A; Huckins, Laura M; Akbarian, Schahram; Brennand, Kristen JMay 1, 2023Not Determined
34489590Create StudyAn updated guide for the perplexed: cytometry in the high-dimensional era.Nature immunologyLiechti, Thomas; Weber, Lukas M; Ashhurst, Thomas M; Stanley, Natalie; Prlic, Martin; Van Gassen, Sofie; Mair, FlorianOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34483043Create StudyAdvances in profiling chromatin architecture shed light on the regulatory dynamics underlying brain disorders.Seminars in cell & developmental biologyPratt, Brandon M; Won, HyejungJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
34478631Create StudyRewiring of human neurodevelopmental gene regulatory programs by human accelerated regions.NeuronGirskis, Kelly M; Stergachis, Andrew B; DeGennaro, Ellen M; Doan, Ryan N; Qian, Xuyu; Johnson, Matthew B; Wang, Peter P; Sejourne, Gabrielle M; Nagy, M Aurel; Pollina, Elizabeth A; Sousa, André M M; Shin, Taehwan; Kenny, Connor J; Scotellaro, Julia L; Debo, Brian M; Gonzalez, Dilenny M; Rento, Lariza M; Yeh, Rebecca C; Song, Janet H T; Beaudin, Marc; Fan, Jean; Kharchenko, Peter V; Sestan, Nenad; Greenberg, Michael E; Walsh, Christopher AOctober 20, 2021Not Determined
34469739Create StudyFull-length isoform transcriptome of the developing human brain provides further insights into autism.Cell reportsChau, Kevin K; Zhang, Pan; Urresti, Jorge; Amar, Megha; Pramod, Akula Bala; Chen, Jiaye; Thomas, Amy; Corominas, Roser; Lin, Guan Ning; Iakoucheva, Lilia MAugust 31, 2021Not Determined
34446734Create StudyEpigenetic inactivation of the autophagy-lysosomal system in appendix in Parkinson''s disease.Nature communicationsGordevicius, Juozas; Li, Peipei; Marshall, Lee L; Killinger, Bryan A; Lang, Sean; Ensink, Elizabeth; Kuhn, Nathan C; Cui, Wei; Maroof, Nazia; Lauria, Roberta; Rueb, Christina; Siebourg-Polster, Juliane; Maliver, Pierre; Lamp, Jared; Vega, Irving; Manfredsson, Fredric P; Britschgi, Markus; Labrie, VivianeAugust 26, 2021Not Determined
34433407Create StudyA pipeline for RNA-seq based eQTL analysis with automated quality control procedures.BMC bioinformaticsWang, Tao; Liu, Yongzhuang; Ruan, Junpeng; Dong, Xianjun; Wang, Yadong; Peng, JiajieAugust 25, 2021Not Determined
34426698Create StudyIdentification of neural oscillations and epileptiform changes in human brain organoids.Nature neuroscienceSamarasinghe, Ranmal A; Miranda, Osvaldo A; Buth, Jessie E; Mitchell, Simon; Ferando, Isabella; Watanabe, Momoko; Allison, Thomas F; Kurdian, Arinnae; Fotion, Namie N; Gandal, Michael J; Golshani, Peyman; Plath, Kathrin; Lowry, William E; Parent, Jack M; Mody, Istvan; Novitch, Bennett GOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34425903Create StudyDevelopmental dynamics of voltage-gated sodium channel isoform expression in the human and mouse brain.Genome medicineLiang, Lindsay; Fazel Darbandi, Siavash; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Gulden, Forrest O; Gilson, Michael C; Sheppard, Brooke K; Sahagun, Atehsa; An, Joon-Yong; Werling, Donna M; Rubenstein, John L R; Sestan, Nenad; Bender, Kevin J; Sanders, Stephan JAugust 23, 2021Not Determined
34416157Create StudyBrain-trait-associated variants impact cell-type-specific gene regulation during neurogenesis.American journal of human geneticsAygün, Nil; Elwell, Angela L; Liang, Dan; Lafferty, Michael J; Cheek, Kerry E; Courtney, Kenan P; Mory, Jessica; Hadden-Ford, Ellie; Krupa, Oleh; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Geschwind, Daniel H; Love, Michael I; Stein, Jason LSeptember 2, 2021Not Determined
34413513Create StudyA human forebrain organoid model of fragile X syndrome exhibits altered neurogenesis and highlights new treatment strategies.Nature neuroscienceKang, Yunhee; Zhou, Ying; Li, Yujing; Han, Yanfei; Xu, Jie; Niu, Weibo; Li, Ziyi; Liu, Shiying; Feng, Hao; Huang, Wen; Duan, Ranhui; Xu, Tianmin; Raj, Nisha; Zhang, Feiran; Dou, Juan; Xu, Chongchong; Wu, Hao; Bassell, Gary J; Warren, Stephen T; Allen, Emily G; Jin, Peng; Wen, ZhexingOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
34411509Create StudyA convergent molecular network underlying autism and congenital heart disease.Cell systemsRosenthal, Sara Brin; Willsey, Helen Rankin; Xu, Yuxiao; Mei, Yuan; Dea, Jeanselle; Wang, Sheng; Curtis, Charlotte; Sempou, Emily; Khokha, Mustafa K; Chi, Neil C; Willsey, Arthur Jeremy; Fisch, Kathleen M; Ideker, TreyNovember 17, 2021Not Determined
34332145Create StudyDirect reprogramming induces vascular regeneration post muscle ischemic injury.Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene TherapyKaur, Keerat; Hadas, Yoav; Kurian, Ann Anu; Żak, Magdalena M; Yoo, Jimeen; Mahmood, Asharee; Girard, Hanna; Komargodski, Rinat; Io, Toshiro; Santini, Maria Paola; Sultana, Nishat; Sharkar, Mohammad Tofael Kabir; Magadum, Ajit; Fargnoli, Anthony; Yoon, Seonghun; Chepurko, Elena; Chepurko, Vadim; Eliyahu, Efrat; Pinto, Dalila; Lebeche, Djamel; Kovacic, Jason C; Hajjar, Roger J; Rafii, Shahin; Zangi, LiorOctober 6, 2021Not Determined
34323598Create StudyDNA methylation differences in cortical grey and white matter in schizophrenia.EpigenomicsBerdenis van Berlekom, Amber; Notman, Nina; Sneeboer, Marjolein Am; Snijders, Gijsje Jlj; Houtepen, Lotte C; Nispeling, Danny M; He, Yujie; Dracheva, Stella; Hol, Elly M; Kahn, René S; de Witte, Lot D; Boks, Marco P; Psychiatric Donor Program of the Netherlands Brain Bank (NBB-PSY)August 1, 2021Not Determined
34294919Create StudyCoexpression network architecture reveals the brain-wide and multiregional basis of disease susceptibility.Nature neuroscienceHartl, Christopher L; Ramaswami, Gokul; Pembroke, William G; Muller, Sandrine; Pintacuda, Greta; Saha, Ashis; Parsana, Princy; Battle, Alexis; Lage, Kasper; Geschwind, Daniel HSeptember 1, 2021Not Determined
34230929Create StudyBetacoronavirus-specific alternate splicing.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyKarlebach, Guy; Aronow, Bruce; Baylin, Stephen B; Butler, Daniel; Foox, Jonathan; Levy, Shawn; Meydan, Cem; Mozsary, Christopher; Saravia-Butler, Amanda M; Taylor, Deanne M; Wurtele, Eve; Mason, Christopher E; Beheshti, Afshin; Robinson, Peter NJuly 2, 2021Not Determined
34188182Create StudyTranscriptome-wide association study of post-trauma symptom trajectories identified GRIN3B as a potential biomarker for PTSD development.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyLori, Adriana; Schultebraucks, Katharina; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Katrinli, Seyma; Smith, Alicia K; Myers, Amanda J; Richholt, Ryan; Huentelman, Matthew; Guffanti, Guia; Wuchty, Stefan; Gould, Felicia; Harvey, Philip D; Nemeroff, Charles B; Jovanovic, Tanja; Gerasimov, Ekaterina S; Maples-Keller, Jessica L; Stevens, Jennifer S; Michopoulos, Vasiliki; Rothbaum, Barbara O; Wingo, Aliza P; Ressler, Kerry JSeptember 1, 2021Not Determined
34172755Create StudyNeuronal and glial 3D chromatin architecture informs the cellular etiology of brain disorders.Nature communicationsHu, Benxia; Won, Hyejung; Mah, Won; Park, Royce B; Kassim, Bibi; Spiess, Keeley; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Crowley, Cheynna A; Pochareddy, Sirisha; PsychENCODE Consortium; Li, Yun; Dracheva, Stella; Sestan, Nenad; Akbarian, Schahram; Geschwind, Daniel HJune 25, 2021Not Determined
34162698Create StudyHaplotype diversity and sequence heterogeneity of human telomeres.Genome researchGrigorev, Kirill; Foox, Jonathan; Bezdan, Daniela; Butler, Daniel; Luxton, Jared J; Reed, Jake; McKenna, Miles J; Taylor, Lynn; George, Kerry A; Meydan, Cem; Bailey, Susan M; Mason, Christopher EJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
34161768Create StudyTranscriptional repression by FEZF2 restricts alternative identities of cortical projection neurons.Cell reportsTsyporin, Jeremiah; Tastad, David; Ma, Xiaokuang; Nehme, Antoine; Finn, Thomas; Huebner, Liora; Liu, Guoping; Gallardo, Daisy; Makhamreh, Amr; Roberts, Jacqueline M; Katzman, Solomon; Sestan, Nenad; McConnell, Susan K; Yang, Zhengang; Qiu, Shenfeng; Chen, BinJune 22, 2021Not Determined
34154796Create StudySex Differences in the Human Brain Transcriptome of Cases With Schizophrenia.Biological psychiatryHoffman, Gabriel E; Ma, Yixuan; Montgomery, Kelsey S; Bendl, Jaroslav; Jaiswal, Manoj Kumar; Kozlenkov, Alex; Peters, Mette A; Dracheva, Stella; Fullard, John F; Chess, Andrew; Devlin, Bernie; Sieberts, Solveig K; Roussos, PanosJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
34140698Create StudySpatial and cell type transcriptional landscape of human cerebellar development.Nature neuroscienceAldinger, Kimberly A; Thomson, Zachary; Phelps, Ian G; Haldipur, Parthiv; Deng, Mei; Timms, Andrew E; Hirano, Matthew; Santpere, Gabriel; Roco, Charles; Rosenberg, Alexander B; Lorente-Galdos, Belen; Gulden, Forrest O; O'Day, Diana; Overman, Lynne M; Lisgo, Steven N; Alexandre, Paula; Sestan, Nenad; Doherty, Dan; Dobyns, William B; Seelig, Georg; Glass, Ian A; Millen, Kathleen JAugust 1, 2021Not Determined
34140357Create StudyCommon genetic variation influencing human white matter microstructure.Science (New York, N.Y.)Zhao, Bingxin; Li, Tengfei; Yang, Yue; Wang, Xifeng; Luo, Tianyou; Shan, Yue; Zhu, Ziliang; Xiong, Di; Hauberg, Mads E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Fullard, John F; Roussos, Panagiotis; Li, Yun; Stein, Jason L; Zhu, HongtuJune 18, 2021Not Determined
34125905Create StudyCell type hierarchy reconstruction via reconciliation of multi-resolution cluster tree.Nucleic acids researchPeng, Minshi; Wamsley, Brie; Elkins, Andrew G; Geschwind, Daniel H; Wei, Yuting; Roeder, KathrynSeptember 20, 2021Not Determined
34100031Create StudyIL10RB as a key regulator of COVID-19 host susceptibility and severity.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesVoloudakis, Georgios; Hoffman, Gabriel; Venkatesh, Sanan; Lee, Kyung Min; Dobrindt, Kristina; Vicari, James M; Zhang, Wen; Beckmann, Noam D; Jiang, Shan; Hoagland, Daisy; Bian, Jiantao; Gao, Lina; Corvelo, André; Cho, Kelly; Lee, Jennifer S; Iyengar, Sudha K; Luoh, Shiuh-Wen; Akbarian, Schahram; Striker, Robert; Assimes, Themistocles L; Schadt, Eric E; Merad, Miriam; tenOever, Benjamin R; Charney, Alexander W; Mount Sinai COVID-19 Biobank; VA Million Veteran Program COVID-19 Science Initiative; Brennand, Kristen J; Lynch, Julie A; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosJune 2, 2021Not Determined
34077736Create StudyMineralocorticoid receptors dampen glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity to stress via regulation of FKBP5.Cell reportsHartmann, Jakob; Bajaj, Thomas; Klengel, Claudia; Chatzinakos, Chris; Ebert, Tim; Dedic, Nina; McCullough, Kenneth M; Lardenoije, Roy; Joëls, Marian; Meijer, Onno C; McCann, Katharine E; Dudek, Serena M; Sarabdjitsingh, R Angela; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Klengel, Torsten; Gassen, Nils C; Schmidt, Mathias V; Ressler, Kerry JJune 1, 2021Not Determined
34054421Create StudyDrug Response-Related DNA Methylation Changes in Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder.Frontiers in neuroscienceZhou, Jiaqi; Li, Miao; Wang, Xueying; He, Yuwen; Xia, Yan; Sweeney, John A; Kopp, Richard F; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
34044854Create StudyscGRNom: a computational pipeline of integrative multi-omics analyses for predicting cell-type disease genes and regulatory networks.Genome medicineJin, Ting; Rehani, Peter; Ying, Mufang; Huang, Jiawei; Liu, Shuang; Roussos, Panagiotis; Wang, DaifengMay 27, 2021Not Determined
34039416Create StudyCharacterization of the public transit air microbiome and resistome reveals geographical specificity.MicrobiomeLeung, M H Y; Tong, X; Bøifot, K O; Bezdan, D; Butler, D J; Danko, D C; Gohli, J; Green, D C; Hernandez, M T; Kelly, F J; Levy, S; Mason-Buck, G; Nieto-Caballero, M; Syndercombe-Court, D; Udekwu, K; Young, B G; Mason, C E; Dybwad, M; Lee, P K HMay 26, 2021Not Determined
34035472Create StudyIdentifying nootropic drug targets via large-scale cognitive GWAS and transcriptomics.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyLam, Max; Chen, Chia-Yen; Ge, Tian; Xia, Yan; Hill, David W; Trampush, Joey W; Yu, Jin; Knowles, Emma; Davies, Gail; Stahl, Eli A; Huckins, Laura; Liewald, David C; Djurovic, Srdjan; Melle, Ingrid; Christoforou, Andrea; Reinvang, Ivar; DeRosse, Pamela; Lundervold, Astri J; Steen, Vidar M; Espeseth, Thomas; Räikkönen, Katri; Widen, Elisabeth; Palotie, Aarno; Eriksson, Johan G; Giegling, Ina; Konte, Bettina; Hartmann, Annette M; Roussos, Panos; Giakoumaki, Stella; Burdick, Katherine E; Payton, Antony; Ollier, William; Chiba-Falek, Ornit; Koltai, Deborah C; Need, Anna C; Cirulli, Elizabeth T; Voineskos, Aristotle N; Stefanis, Nikos C; Avramopoulos, Dimitrios; Hatzimanolis, Alex; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Bilder, Robert M; Freimer, Nelson B; Cannon, Tyrone D; London, Edythe; Poldrack, Russell A; Sabb, Fred W; Congdon, Eliza; Conley, Emily Drabant; Scult, Matthew A; Dickinson, Dwight; Straub, Richard E; Donohoe, Gary; Morris, Derek; Corvin, Aiden; Gill, Michael; Hariri, Ahmad R; Weinberger, Daniel R; Pendleton, Neil; Bitsios, Panos; Rujescu, Dan; Lahti, Jari; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Keller, Matthew C; Andreassen, Ole A; Deary, Ian J; Glahn, David C; Huang, Hailiang; Liu, Chunyu; Malhotra, Anil K; Lencz, ToddSeptember 1, 2021Not Determined
34019542Create StudyLeveraging eQTLs to identify individual-level tissue of interest for a complex trait.PLoS computational biologyMajumdar, Arunabha; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Cai, Na; Haldar, Tanushree; Schwarz, Tommer; Gandal, Michael; Flint, Jonathan; Pasaniuc, BogdanMay 1, 2021Not Determined
34017130Create StudyCell-type-specific effects of genetic variation on chromatin accessibility during human neuronal differentiation.Nature neuroscienceLiang, Dan; Elwell, Angela L; Aygün, Nil; Krupa, Oleh; Wolter, Justin M; Kyere, Felix A; Lafferty, Michael J; Cheek, Kerry E; Courtney, Kenan P; Yusupova, Marianna; Garrett, Melanie E; Ashley-Koch, Allison; Crawford, Gregory E; Love, Michael I; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Geschwind, Daniel H; Stein, Jason LJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
33997155Create StudyGenomic factors underlying sex differences in trauma-related disorders.Neurobiology of stressPonomareva, Olga Y; Ressler, Kerry JMay 1, 2021Not Determined
33969380Create StudyReview of multi-omics data resources and integrative analysis for human brain disorders.Briefings in functional genomicsDong, Xianjun; Liu, Chunyu; Dozmorov, MikhailJuly 17, 2021Not Determined
33958802Create StudyBrain gene co-expression networks link complement signaling with convergent synaptic pathology in schizophrenia.Nature neuroscienceKim, Minsoo; Haney, Jillian R; Zhang, Pan; Hernandez, Leanna M; Wang, Lee-Kai; Perez-Cano, Laura; Loohuis, Loes M Olde; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Gandal, Michael JJune 1, 2021Not Determined
33947435Create StudyGenome-wide histone acetylation analysis reveals altered transcriptional regulation in the Parkinson''s disease brain.Molecular neurodegenerationToker, Lilah; Tran, Gia T; Sundaresan, Janani; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido; Haugarvoll, Kristoffer; Nido, Gonzalo S; Dölle, Christian; Tzoulis, CharalamposMay 5, 2021Not Determined
33934884Create StudySex Differences in Molecular Rhythms in the Human Cortex.Biological psychiatryLogan, Ryan W; Xue, Xiangning; Ketchesin, Kyle D; Hoffman, Gabriel; Roussos, Panos; Tseng, George; McClung, Colleen A; Seney, Marianne LJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
33909211Create StudyCase Report: Association of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders and Sigmoid Prolapse with de novo POGZ Mutation.Journal of autism and developmental disordersWright, Cary M; Guter, Stephen J; Cook, Edwin HMarch 1, 2022Not Determined
33904573Create StudyIdentification of cell-type-specific marker genes from co-expression patterns in tissue samples.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Qiu, Yixuan; Wang, Jiebiao; Lei, Jing; Roeder, KathrynOctober 11, 2021Not Determined
33902714Create StudyPerformance evaluation of high-volume electret filter air samplers in aerosol microbiome research.Environmental microbiomeBøifot, Kari Oline; Gohli, Jostein; Skogan, Gunnar; Dybwad, MariusJuly 28, 2020Not Determined
33893716Create StudyIntegration of evidence across human and model organism studies: A meeting report.Genes, brain, and behaviorPalmer, Rohan H C; Johnson, Emma C; Won, Hyejung; Polimanti, Renato; Kapoor, Manav; Chitre, Apurva; Bogue, Molly A; Benca-Bachman, Chelsie E; Parker, Clarissa C; Verma, Anurag; Reynolds, Timothy; Ernst, Jason; Bray, Michael; Kwon, Soo Bin; Lai, Dongbing; Quach, Bryan C; Gaddis, Nathan C; Saba, Laura; Chen, Hao; Hawrylycz, Michael; Zhang, Shan; Zhou, Yuan; Mahaffey, Spencer; Fischer, Christian; Sanchez-Roige, Sandra; Bandrowski, Anita; Lu, Qing; Shen, Li; Philip, Vivek; Gelernter, Joel; Bierut, Laura J; Hancock, Dana B; Edenberg, Howard J; Johnson, Eric O; Nestler, Eric J; Barr, Peter B; Prins, Pjotr; Smith, Desmond J; Akbarian, Schahram; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir; Walton, Dave; Baker, Erich; Jacobson, Daniel; Palmer, Abraham A; Miles, Michael; Chesler, Elissa J; Emerson, Jake; Agrawal, Arpana; Martone, Maryann; Williams, Robert WApril 23, 2021Not Determined
33885362Create StudyThe cis-regulatory effects of modern human-specific variants.eLifeWeiss, Carly V; Harshman, Lana; Inoue, Fumitaka; Fraser, Hunter B; Petrov, Dmitri A; Ahituv, Nadav; Gokhman, DavidApril 22, 2021Not Determined
33863995Create StudyFXR1 regulation of parvalbumin interneurons in the prefrontal cortex is critical for schizophrenia-like behaviors.Molecular psychiatryShen, Minjie; Guo, Yu; Dong, Qiping; Gao, Yu; Stockton, Michael E; Li, Meng; Kannan, Sudharsan; Korabelnikov, Tomer; Schoeller, Keegan A; Sirois, Carissa L; Zhou, Chen; Le, Jonathan; Wang, Daifeng; Chang, Qiang; Sun, Qian-Quan; Zhao, XinyuNovember 1, 2021Not Determined
33846625Create StudyBrain proteome-wide association study implicates novel proteins in depression pathogenesis.Nature neuroscienceWingo, Thomas S; Liu, Yue; Gerasimov, Ekaterina S; Gockley, Jake; Logsdon, Benjamin A; Duong, Duc M; Dammer, Eric B; Lori, Adriana; Kim, Paul J; Ressler, Kerry J; Beach, Thomas G; Reiman, Eric M; Epstein, Michael P; De Jager, Philip L; Lah, James J; Bennett, David A; Seyfried, Nicholas T; Levey, Allan I; Wingo, Aliza PJune 1, 2021Not Determined
33833052Create StudyA model and test for coordinated polygenic epistasis in complex traits.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaSheppard, Brooke; Rappoport, Nadav; Loh, Po-Ru; Sanders, Stephan J; Zaitlen, Noah; Dahl, AndyApril 13, 2021Not Determined
33795001Create StudyA comprehensive metagenomics framework to characterize organisms relevant for planetary protection.MicrobiomeDanko, David C; Sierra, Maria A; Benardini, James N; Guan, Lisa; Wood, Jason M; Singh, Nitin; Seuylemezian, Arman; Butler, Daniel J; Ryon, Krista; Kuchin, Katerina; Meleshko, Dmitry; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Venkateswaran, Kasthuri J; Mason, Christopher EApril 1, 2021Not Determined
33767611Create StudyThe Perils of Navigating Activity-Dependent Alternative Splicing of Neurexins.Frontiers in molecular neuroscienceLiakath-Ali, Kif; Südhof, Thomas CJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33712587Create StudyShotgun transcriptome, spatial omics, and isothermal profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals unique host responses, viral diversification, and drug interactions.Nature communicationsButler, Daniel; Mozsary, Christopher; Meydan, Cem; Foox, Jonathan; Rosiene, Joel; Shaiber, Alon; Danko, David; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; MacKay, Matthew; Sedlazeck, Fritz J; Ivanov, Nikolay A; Sierra, Maria; Pohle, Diana; Zietz, Michael; Gisladottir, Undina; Ramlall, Vijendra; Sholle, Evan T; Schenck, Edward J; Westover, Craig D; Hassan, Ciaran; Ryon, Krista; Young, Benjamin; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Ng, Dianna L; Granados, Andrea C; Santos, Yale A; Servellita, Venice; Federman, Scot; Ruggiero, Phyllis; Fungtammasan, Arkarachai; Chin, Chen-Shan; Pearson, Nathaniel M; Langhorst, Bradley W; Tanner, Nathan A; Kim, Youngmi; Reeves, Jason W; Hether, Tyler D; Warren, Sarah E; Bailey, Michael; Gawrys, Justyna; Meleshko, Dmitry; Xu, Dong; Couto-Rodriguez, Mara; Nagy-Szakal, Dorottya; Barrows, Joseph; Wells, Heather; O'Hara, Niamh B; Rosenfeld, Jeffrey A; Chen, Ying; Steel, Peter A D; Shemesh, Amos J; Xiang, Jenny; Thierry-Mieg, Jean; Thierry-Mieg, Danielle; Iftner, Angelika; Bezdan, Daniela; Sanchez, Elizabeth; Campion Jr, Thomas R; Sipley, John; Cong, Lin; Craney, Arryn; Velu, Priya; Melnick, Ari M; Shapira, Sagi; Hajirasouliha, Iman; Borczuk, Alain; Iftner, Thomas; Salvatore, Mirella; Loda, Massimo; Westblade, Lars F; Cushing, Melissa; Wu, Shixiu; Levy, Shawn; Chiu, Charles; Schwartz, Robert E; Tatonetti, Nicholas; Rennert, Hanna; Imielinski, Marcin; Mason, Christopher EMarch 12, 2021Not Determined
33684137Create StudyMOSTWAS: Multi-Omic Strategies for Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies.PLoS geneticsBhattacharya, Arjun; Li, Yun; Love, Michael IMarch 1, 2021Not Determined
33658382Create StudyIntegration and transfer learning of single-cell transcriptomes via cFIT.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaPeng, Minshi; Li, Yue; Wamsley, Brie; Wei, Yuting; Roeder, KathrynMarch 9, 2021Not Determined
33657363Create StudyPost-transcriptional regulation of antiviral gene expression by N6-methyladenosine.Cell reportsMcFadden, Michael J; McIntyre, Alexa B R; Mourelatos, Haralambos; Abell, Nathan S; Gokhale, Nandan S; Ipas, Hélène; Xhemalçe, Blerta; Mason, Christopher E; Horner, Stacy MMarch 2, 2021Not Determined
33636110Create StudyCommon Genetic Variation in Humans Impacts In Vitro Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection.Stem cell reportsDobrindt, Kristina; Hoagland, Daisy A; Seah, Carina; Kassim, Bibi; O'Shea, Callan P; Murphy, Aleta; Iskhakova, Marina; Fernando, Michael B; Powell, Samuel K; Deans, P J Michael; Javidfar, Ben; Peter, Cyril; Møller, Rasmus; Uhl, Skyler A; Garcia, Meilin Fernandez; Kimura, Masaki; Iwasawa, Kentaro; Crary, John F; Kotton, Darrell N; Takebe, Takanori; Huckins, Laura M; tenOever, Benjamin R; Akbarian, Schahram; Brennand, Kristen JMarch 9, 2021Not Determined
33628435Create StudynetDx: Software for building interpretable patient classifiers by multi-''omic data integration using patient similarity networks.F1000ResearchPai, Shraddha; Weber, Philipp; Isserlin, Ruth; Kaka, Hussam; Hui, Shirley; Shah, Muhammad Ahmad; Giudice, Luca; Giugno, Rosalba; Nøhr, Anne Krogh; Baumbach, Jan; Bader, Gary DJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
33603232Create StudyPublisher Correction: Transcriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.Nature neuroscienceMaynard, Kristen R; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Weber, Lukas M; Uytingco, Cedric; Barry, Brianna K; Williams, Stephen R; Catallini 2nd, Joseph L; Tran, Matthew N; Besich, Zachary; Tippani, Madhavi; Chew, Jennifer; Yin, Yifeng; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Rao, Nikhil; Hicks, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Jaffe, Andrew EApril 1, 2021Not Determined
33583425Create StudyCellWalker integrates single-cell and bulk data to resolve regulatory elements across cell types in complex tissues.Genome biologyPrzytycki, Pawel F; Pollard, Katherine SFebruary 14, 2021Not Determined
33576176Create StudyIncreasing the resolution and precision of psychiatric genome-wide association studies by re-imputing summary statistics using a large, diverse reference panel.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsChatzinakos, Chris; Lee, Donghyung; Cai, Na; Vladimirov, Vladimir I; Webb, Bradley T; Riley, Brien P; Flint, Jonathan; Kendler, Kenneth S; Ressler, Kerry J; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Bacanu, Silviu-AlinJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33570495Create StudyConstructing and optimizing 3D atlases from 2D data with application to the developing mouse brain.eLifeYoung, David M; Fazel Darbandi, Siavash; Schwartz, Grace; Bonzell, Zachary; Yuruk, Deniz; Nojima, Mai; Gole, Laurent C; Rubenstein, John Lr; Yu, Weimiao; Sanders, Stephan JFebruary 11, 2021Not Determined
33558695Create StudyTranscriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.Nature neuroscienceMaynard, Kristen R; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Weber, Lukas M; Uytingco, Cedric; Barry, Brianna K; Williams, Stephen R; Catallini 2nd, Joseph L; Tran, Matthew N; Besich, Zachary; Tippani, Madhavi; Chew, Jennifer; Yin, Yifeng; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Rao, Nikhil; Hicks, Stephanie C; Martinowich, Keri; Jaffe, Andrew EMarch 1, 2021Not Determined
33521749Create StudyCell-free DNA tissues of origin by methylation profiling reveals significant cell, tissue, and organ-specific injury related to COVID-19 severity.Med (New York, N.Y.)Cheng, Alexandre Pellan; Cheng, Matthew Pellan; Gu, Wei; Sesing Lenz, Joan; Hsu, Elaine; Schurr, Erwin; Bourque, Guillaume; Bourgey, Mathieu; Ritz, Jerome; Marty, Francisco M; Chiu, Charles Y; Vinh, Donald C; De Vlaminck, IwijnApril 9, 2021Not Determined
33513360Create StudyCell-to-Cell Adhesion and Neurogenesis in Human Cortical Development: A Study Comparing 2D Monolayers with 3D Organoid Cultures.Stem cell reportsScuderi, Soraya; Altobelli, Giovanna G; Cimini, Vincenzo; Coppola, Gianfilippo; Vaccarino, Flora MFebruary 9, 2021Not Determined
33471102Create StudySCAN-ATAC-Sim: a scalable and efficient method for simulating single-cell ATAC-seq data from bulk-tissue experiments.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Chen, Zhanlin; Zhang, Jing; Liu, Jason; Zhang, Zixuan; Zhu, Jiangqi; Lee, Donghoon; Xu, Min; Gerstein, MarkJuly 19, 2021Not Determined
33422639Create StudyMaternal autoimmunity and inflammation are associated with childhood tics and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Transcriptomic data show common enriched innate immune pathways.Brain, behavior, and immunityJones, Hannah F; Han, Velda X; Patel, Shrujna; Gloss, Brian S; Soler, Nicolette; Ho, Alvin; Sharma, Suvasini; Kothur, Kavitha; Nosadini, Margherita; Wienholt, Louise; Hardwick, Chris; Barnes, Elizabeth H; Lim, Jacqueline R; Alshammery, Sarah; Nielsen, Timothy C; Wong, Melanie; Hofer, Markus J; Nassar, Natasha; Gold, Wendy; Brilot, Fabienne; Mohammad, Shekeeb S; Dale, Russell CMay 1, 2021Not Determined
33402207Create StudyN6-methyladenosine dynamics in neurodevelopment and aging, and its potential role in Alzheimer''s disease.Genome biologyShafik, Andrew M; Zhang, Feiran; Guo, Zhenxing; Dai, Qing; Pajdzik, Kinga; Li, Yangping; Kang, Yunhee; Yao, Bing; Wu, Hao; He, Chuan; Allen, Emily G; Duan, Ranhui; Jin, PengJanuary 5, 2021Not Determined
33398186Create StudyQuantum computing at the frontiers of biological sciences.Nature methodsEmani, Prashant S; Warrell, Jonathan; Anticevic, Alan; Bekiranov, Stefan; Gandal, Michael; McConnell, Michael J; Sapiro, Guillermo; Aspuru-Guzik, Alán; Baker, Justin T; Bastiani, Matteo; Murray, John D; Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N; Taylor, Jacob; Senthil, Geetha; Lehner, Thomas; Gerstein, Mark B; Harrow, Aram WJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
33384012Create StudyAutism Spectrum Disorder Genetics and the Search for Pathological Mechanisms.The American journal of psychiatryManoli, Devanand S; State, Matthew WJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33376973Create StudyCell-free DNA (cfDNA) and Exosome Profiling from a Year-Long Human Spaceflight Reveals Circulating Biomarkers.iScienceBezdan, Daniela; Grigorev, Kirill; Meydan, Cem; Pelissier Vatter, Fanny A; Cioffi, Michele; Rao, Varsha; MacKay, Matthew; Nakahira, Kiichi; Burnham, Philip; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Westover, Craig; Butler, Daniel; Mozsary, Chris; Donahoe, Timothy; Foox, Jonathan; Mishra, Tejaswini; Lucotti, Serena; Rana, Brinda K; Melnick, Ari M; Zhang, Haiying; Matei, Irina; Kelsen, David; Yu, Kenneth; Lyden, David C; Taylor, Lynn; Bailey, Susan M; Snyder, Michael P; Garrett-Bakelman, Francine E; Ossowski, Stephan; De Vlaminck, Iwijn; Mason, Christopher EDecember 18, 2020Not Determined
33336201Create StudyA New Era for Space Life Science: International Standards for Space Omics Processing.Patterns (New York, N.Y.)Rutter, Lindsay; Barker, Richard; Bezdan, Daniela; Cope, Henry; Costes, Sylvain V; Degoricija, Lovorka; Fisch, Kathleen M; Gabitto, Mariano I; Gebre, Samrawit; Giacomello, Stefania; Gilroy, Simon; Green, Stefan J; Mason, Christopher E; Reinsch, Sigrid S; Szewczyk, Nathaniel J; Taylor, Deanne M; Galazka, Jonathan M; Herranz, Raul; Muratani, MasafumiDecember 11, 2020Not Determined
33319166Create StudyTranscriptional response modules characterize IL-1β and IL-6 activity in COVID-19.iScienceBell, Lucy C K; Meydan, Cem; Kim, Jacob; Foox, Jonathan; Butler, Daniel; Mason, Christopher E; Shapira, Sagi D; Noursadeghi, Mahdad; Pollara, GabrieleJanuary 22, 2021Not Determined
33305308Create StudyECMarker: interpretable machine learning model identifies gene expression biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes and reveals molecular mechanisms of human disease in early stages.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Jin, Ting; Nguyen, Nam D; Talos, Flaminia; Wang, DaifengMay 23, 2021Not Determined
33299992Create StudyTranscriptional response modules characterise IL-1β and IL-6 activity in COVID-19.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyBell, Lucy Ck; Meydan, Cem; Kim, Jacob; Foox, Jonathan; Butler, Daniel; Mason, Christopher E; Shapira, Sagi D; Noursadeghi, Mahdad; Pollara, GabrieleDecember 3, 2020Not Determined
33272361Create StudyPolygenicity in Psychiatry-Like It or Not, We Have to Understand It.Biological psychiatryGandal, Michael J; Geschwind, Daniel HJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33246552Create StudyFunctional Genomics Identify a Regulatory Risk Variation rs4420550 in the 16p11.2 Schizophrenia-Associated Locus.Biological psychiatryChang, Hong; Cai, Xin; Li, Hui-Juan; Liu, Wei-Peng; Zhao, Li-Juan; Zhang, Chu-Yi; Wang, Jun-Yang; Liu, Jie-Wei; Ma, Xiao-Lei; Wang, Lu; Yao, Yong-Gang; Luo, Xiong-Jian; Li, Ming; Xiao, XiaoFebruary 1, 2021Not Determined
33242417Create StudyComprehensive Multi-omics Analysis Reveals Mitochondrial Stress as a Central Biological Hub for Spaceflight Impact.Cellda Silveira, Willian A; Fazelinia, Hossein; Rosenthal, Sara Brin; Laiakis, Evagelia C; Kim, Man S; Meydan, Cem; Kidane, Yared; Rathi, Komal S; Smith, Scott M; Stear, Benjamin; Ying, Yue; Zhang, Yuanchao; Foox, Jonathan; Zanello, Susana; Crucian, Brian; Wang, Dong; Nugent, Adrienne; Costa, Helio A; Zwart, Sara R; Schrepfer, Sonja; Elworth, R A Leo; Sapoval, Nicolae; Treangen, Todd; MacKay, Matthew; Gokhale, Nandan S; Horner, Stacy M; Singh, Larry N; Wallace, Douglas C; Willey, Jeffrey S; Schisler, Jonathan C; Meller, Robert; McDonald, J Tyson; Fisch, Kathleen M; Hardiman, Gary; Taylor, Deanne; Mason, Christopher E; Costes, Sylvain V; Beheshti, AfshinNovember 25, 2020Not Determined
33242416Create StudyFundamental Biological Features of Spaceflight: Advancing the Field to Enable Deep-Space Exploration.CellAfshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Scott, Ryan T; MacKay, Matthew J; Pariset, Eloise; Cekanaviciute, Egle; Barker, Richard; Gilroy, Simon; Hassane, Duane; Smith, Scott M; Zwart, Sara R; Nelman-Gonzalez, Mayra; Crucian, Brian E; Ponomarev, Sergey A; Orlov, Oleg I; Shiba, Dai; Muratani, Masafumi; Yamamoto, Masayuki; Richards, Stephanie E; Vaishampayan, Parag A; Meydan, Cem; Foox, Jonathan; Myrrhe, Jacqueline; Istasse, Eric; Singh, Nitin; Venkateswaran, Kasthuri; Keune, Jessica A; Ray, Hami E; Basner, Mathias; Miller, Jack; Vitaterna, Martha Hotz; Taylor, Deanne M; Wallace, Douglas; Rubins, Kathleen; Bailey, Susan M; Grabham, Peter; Costes, Sylvain V; Mason, Christopher E; Beheshti, AfshinNovember 25, 2020Not Determined
33242410Create StudyCirculating miRNA Spaceflight Signature Reveals Targets for Countermeasure Development.Cell reportsMalkani, Sherina; Chin, Christopher R; Cekanaviciute, Egle; Mortreux, Marie; Okinula, Hazeem; Tarbier, Marcel; Schreurs, Ann-Sofie; Shirazi-Fard, Yasaman; Tahimic, Candice G T; Rodriguez, Deyra N; Sexton, Brittany S; Butler, Daniel; Verma, Akanksha; Bezdan, Daniela; Durmaz, Ceyda; MacKay, Matthew; Melnick, Ari; Meydan, Cem; Li, Sheng; Garrett-Bakelman, Francine; Fromm, Bastian; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Langhorst, Brad W; Dimalanta, Eileen T; Cheng-Campbell, Margareth; Blaber, Elizabeth; Schisler, Jonathan C; Vanderburg, Charles; Friedländer, Marc R; McDonald, J Tyson; Costes, Sylvain V; Rutkove, Seward; Grabham, Peter; Mason, Christopher E; Beheshti, AfshinDecember 8, 2020Not Determined
33242408Create StudyMulti-omic, Single-Cell, and Biochemical Profiles of Astronauts Guide Pharmacological Strategies for Returning to Gravity.Cell reportsGertz, Monica L; Chin, Christopher R; Tomoiaga, Delia; MacKay, Matthew; Chang, Christina; Butler, Daniel; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Bezdan, Daniela; Schmidt, Michael A; Mozsary, Christopher; Melnick, Ari; Garrett-Bakelman, Francine; Crucian, Brian; Lee, Stuart M C; Zwart, Sara R; Smith, Scott M; Meydan, Cem; Mason, Christopher EDecember 8, 2020Not Determined
33158872Create StudyTranscriptional priming as a conserved mechanism of lineage diversification in the developing mouse and human neocortex.Science advancesLi, Zhen; Tyler, William A; Zeldich, Ella; Santpere Baró, Gabriel; Okamoto, Mayumi; Gao, Tianliuyun; Li, Mingfeng; Sestan, Nenad; Haydar, Tarik FNovember 1, 2020Not Determined
33149216Create StudyCommon schizophrenia risk variants are enriched in open chromatin regions of human glutamatergic neurons.Nature communicationsHauberg, Mads E; Creus-Muncunill, Jordi; Bendl, Jaroslav; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Zeng, Biao; Corwin, Chuhyon; Chowdhury, Sarah; Kranz, Harald; Hurd, Yasmin L; Wegner, Michael; Børglum, Anders D; Dracheva, Stella; Ehrlich, Michelle E; Fullard, John F; Roussos, PanosNovember 4, 2020Not Determined
33135072Create StudyComplete deconvolution of DNA methylation signals from complex tissues: a geometric approach.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Zhang, Weiwei; Wu, Hao; Li, ZiyiMay 23, 2021Not Determined
33131715Create StudyParsing the Functional Impact of Noncoding Genetic Variants in the Brain Epigenome.Biological psychiatryPowell, Samuel K; O'Shea, Callan; Brennand, Kristen J; Akbarian, SchahramJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33109720Create StudyEvolution of regulatory signatures in primate cortical neurons at cell-type resolution.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaKozlenkov, Alexey; Vermunt, Marit W; Apontes, Pasha; Li, Junhao; Hao, Ke; Sherwood, Chet C; Hof, Patrick R; Ely, John J; Wegner, Michael; Mukamel, Eran A; Creyghton, Menno P; Koonin, Eugene V; Dracheva, StellaNovember 10, 2020Not Determined
33057013Create StudyGenome-wide translational profiling of amygdala Crh-expressing neurons reveals role for CREB in fear extinction learning.Nature communicationsMcCullough, Kenneth M; Chatzinakos, Chris; Hartmann, Jakob; Missig, Galen; Neve, Rachael L; Fenster, Robert J; Carlezon Jr, William A; Daskalakis, Nikolaos P; Ressler, Kerry JOctober 14, 2020Not Determined
33046894Create StudyA systematic evaluation of the design and context dependencies of massively parallel reporter assays.Nature methodsKlein, Jason C; Agarwal, Vikram; Inoue, Fumitaka; Keith, Aidan; Martin, Beth; Kircher, Martin; Ahituv, Nadav; Shendure, JayNovember 1, 2020Not Determined
33046718Create StudyLarge eQTL meta-analysis reveals differing patterns between cerebral cortical and cerebellar brain regions.Scientific dataSieberts, Solveig K; Perumal, Thanneer M; Carrasquillo, Minerva M; Allen, Mariet; Reddy, Joseph S; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Dang, Kristen K; Calley, John; Ebert, Philip J; Eddy, James; Wang, Xue; Greenwood, Anna K; Mostafavi, Sara; CommonMind Consortium (CMC); The AMP-AD Consortium; Omberg, Larsson; Peters, Mette A; Logsdon, Benjamin A; De Jager, Philip L; Ertekin-Taner, Nilüfer; Mangravite, Lara MOctober 12, 2020Not Determined
33031552Create StudyVarmole: a biologically drop-connect deep neural network model for prioritizing disease risk variants and genes.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Nguyen, Nam D; Jin, Ting; Wang, DaifengJuly 19, 2021Not Determined
33020666Create StudyA unified framework for joint-tissue transcriptome-wide association and Mendelian randomization analysis.Nature geneticsZhou, Dan; Jiang, Yi; Zhong, Xue; Cox, Nancy J; Liu, Chunyu; Gamazon, Eric RNovember 1, 2020Not Determined
33012681Create StudyAcute Posttraumatic Symptoms Are Associated With Multimodal Neuroimaging Structural Covariance Patterns: A Possible Role for the Neural Substrates of Visual Processing in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimagingHarnett, Nathaniel G; Stevens, Jennifer S; Fani, Negar; van Rooij, Sanne J H; Ely, Timothy D; Michopoulos, Vasiliki; Hudak, Lauren; Rothbaum, Alex O; Hinrichs, Rebecca; Winters, Sterling J; Jovanovic, Tanja; Rothbaum, Barbara O; Nickerson, Lisa D; Ressler, Kerry JFebruary 1, 2022Not Determined
32998684Create StudyEmbedding covariate adjustments in tree-based automated machine learning for biomedical big data analyses.BMC bioinformaticsManduchi, Elisabetta; Fu, Weixuan; Romano, Joseph D; Ruberto, Stefano; Moore, Jason HOctober 1, 2020Not Determined
32995783Create StudyCommon genetic variation in humans impacts in vitro susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyDobrindt, Kristina; Hoagland, Daisy A; Seah, Carina; Kassim, Bibi; O'Shea, Callan P; Iskhakova, Marina; Fernando, Michael B; Deans, P J Michael; Powell, Samuel K; Javidfar, Ben; Murphy, Aleta; Peter, Cyril; Møeller, Rasmus; Garcia, Meilin Fernandez; Kimura, Masaki; Iwasawa, Kentaro; Crary, John; Kotton, Darrell N; Takebe, Takanori; Huckins, Laura M; tenOever, Benjamin R; Akbarian, Schahram; Brennand, Kristen JSeptember 21, 2020Not Determined
32981139Create StudyWhole-Brain Image Analysis and Anatomical Atlas 3D Generation Using MagellanMapper.Current protocols in neuroscienceYoung, David M; Duhn, Clif; Gilson, Michael; Nojima, Mai; Yuruk, Deniz; Kumar, Aparna; Yu, Weimiao; Sanders, Stephan JDecember 1, 2020Not Determined
32978376Create StudyIntegrative genomics identifies a convergent molecular subtype that links epigenomic with transcriptomic differences in autism.Nature communicationsRamaswami, Gokul; Won, Hyejung; Gandal, Michael J; Haney, Jillian; Wang, Jerry C; Wong, Chloe C Y; Sun, Wenjie; Prabhakar, Shyam; Mill, Jonathan; Geschwind, Daniel HSeptember 25, 2020Not Determined
32929213Create StudyTranscription factor POU3F2 regulates TRIM8 expression contributing to cellular functions implicated in schizophrenia.Molecular psychiatryDing, Chaodong; Zhang, Chunling; Kopp, Richard; Kuney, Liz; Meng, Qingtuan; Wang, Le; Xia, Yan; Jiang, Yi; Dai, Rujia; Min, Shishi; Yao, Wei-Dong; Wong, Ma-Li; Ruan, Hongyu; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
32929078Create StudyChromatin accessibility mapping of the striatum identifies tyrosine kinase FYN as a therapeutic target for heroin use disorder.Nature communicationsEgervari, Gabor; Akpoyibo, Diana; Rahman, Tanni; Fullard, John F; Callens, James E; Landry, Joseph A; Ly, Annie; Zhou, Xianxiao; Warren, Noël; Hauberg, Mads E; Hoffman, Gabriel; Ellis, Randy; Ferland, Jacqueline-Marie N; Miller, Michael L; Keller, Eva; Zhang, Bin; Roussos, Panos; Hurd, Yasmin LSeptember 14, 2020Not Determined
32917675Create StudyIncomplete annotation has a disproportionate impact on our understanding of Mendelian and complex neurogenetic disorders.Science advancesZhang, David; Guelfi, Sebastian; Garcia-Ruiz, Sonia; Costa, Beatrice; Reynolds, Regina H; D'Sa, Karishma; Liu, Wenfei; Courtin, Thomas; Peterson, Amy; Jaffe, Andrew E; Hardy, John; Botía, Juan A; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Ryten, MinaJune 1, 2020Not Determined
32914678Create StudyKEOPS complex expression in the frontal cortex in major depression and schizophrenia.The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological PsychiatryAbel, Mackenzie E; Zhang, Xiaolu; Asah, Sophie M; Wolfinger, Alyssa; McCullumsmith, Robert E; O'Donovan, Sinead MJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
32864809Create StudyThe Parkinson''s Disease Genome-Wide Association Study Locus Browser.Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder SocietyGrenn, Francis P; Kim, Jonggeol J; Makarious, Mary B; Iwaki, Hirotaka; Illarionova, Anastasia; Brolin, Kajsa; Kluss, Jillian H; Schumacher-Schuh, Artur F; Leonard, Hampton; Faghri, Faraz; Billingsley, Kimberley; Krohn, Lynne; Hall, Ashley; Diez-Fairen, Monica; Periñán, Maria Teresa; Foo, Jia Nee; Sandor, Cynthia; Webber, Caleb; Fiske, Brian K; Gibbs, J Raphael; Nalls, Mike A; Singleton, Andrew B; Bandres-Ciga, Sara; Reed, Xylena; Blauwendraat, Cornelis; International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC)November 1, 2020Not Determined
32844198Create StudyGenetic variants and functional pathways associated with resilience to Alzheimer''s disease.Brain : a journal of neurologyDumitrescu, Logan; Mahoney, Emily R; Mukherjee, Shubhabrata; Lee, Michael L; Bush, William S; Engelman, Corinne D; Lu, Qiongshi; Fardo, David W; Trittschuh, Emily H; Mez, Jesse; Kaczorowski, Catherine; Hernandez Saucedo, Hector; Widaman, Keith F; Buckley, Rachel; Properzi, Michael; Mormino, Elizabeth; Yang, Hyun-Sik; Harrison, Tessa; Hedden, Trey; Nho, Kwangsik; Andrews, Shea J; Tommet, Doug; Hadad, Niran; Sanders, R Elizabeth; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Gifford, Katherine A; Moore, Annah M; Cambronero, Francis; Zhong, Xiaoyuan; Raghavan, Neha S; Vardarajan, Badri; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI); Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), A4 Study Team; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Farrer, Lindsay A; Wang, Li-San; Cruchaga, Carlos; Schellenberg, Gerard; Cox, Nancy J; Haines, Jonathan L; Keene, C Dirk; Saykin, Andrew J; Larson, Eric B; Sperling, Reisa A; Mayeux, Richard; Bennett, David A; Schneider, Julie A; Crane, Paul K; Jefferson, Angela L; Hohman, Timothy JAugust 1, 2020Not Determined
32826963Create StudyIntegrative analyses prioritize GNL3 as a risk gene for bipolar disorder.Molecular psychiatryMeng, Qingtuan; Wang, Le; Dai, Rujia; Wang, Jiawen; Ren, Zongyao; Liu, Sihan; Xia, Yan; Jiang, Yi; Duan, Fangyuan; Wang, Kangli; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoNovember 1, 2020Not Determined
32820257Create StudyThe COVID-19 XPRIZE and the need for scalable, fast, and widespread testing.Nature biotechnologyMacKay, Matthew J; Hooker, Anna C; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Salit, Marc; Kelly, Jason; Feldstein, Jonathan V; Haft, Nick; Schenkel, Doug; Nambi, Subhalaxmi; Cai, Yizhi; Zhang, Feng; Church, George; Dai, Junbiao; Wang, Cliff L; Levy, Shawn; Huber, Jeff; Ji, Hanlee P; Kriegel, Alison; Wyllie, Anne L; Mason, Christopher ESeptember 1, 2020Not Determined
32792264Create StudyTranscriptomic Insight Into the Polygenic Mechanisms Underlying Psychiatric Disorders.Biological psychiatryHernandez, Leanna M; Kim, Minsoo; Hoftman, Gil D; Haney, Jillian R; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Gandal, Michael JJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32791513Create StudyIndependent replications and integrative analyses confirm TRANK1 as a susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyLi, Wenqiang; Cai, Xin; Li, Hui-Juan; Song, Meng; Zhang, Chu-Yi; Yang, Yongfeng; Zhang, Luwen; Zhao, Lijuan; Liu, Weipeng; Wang, Lu; Shao, Minglong; Zhang, Yan; Zhang, Chen; Cai, Jun; Zhou, Dong-Sheng; Li, Xingxing; Hui, Li; Jia, Qiu-Fang; Qu, Na; Zhong, Bao-Liang; Zhang, Shu-Fang; Chen, Jing; Xia, Bin; Li, Yi; Song, Xueqin; Fan, Weixing; Tang, Wei; Tang, Wenxin; Tang, Jinsong; Chen, Xiaogang; Yue, Weihua; Zhang, Dai; Fang, Yiru; Xiao, Xiao; Li, Ming; Lv, Luxian; Chang, HongMay 1, 2021Not Determined
32755589Create StudyRGS6 Mediates Effects of Voluntary Running on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis.Cell reportsGao, Yu; Shen, Minjie; Gonzalez, Jose Carlos; Dong, Qiping; Kannan, Sudharsan; Hoang, Johnson T; Eisinger, Brian E; Pandey, Jyotsna; Javadi, Sahar; Chang, Qiang; Wang, Daifeng; Overstreet-Wadiche, Linda; Zhao, XinyuAugust 4, 2020Not Determined
32747830Create StudyImmune complement and coagulation dysfunction in adverse outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection.Nature medicineRamlall, Vijendra; Thangaraj, Phyllis M; Meydan, Cem; Foox, Jonathan; Butler, Daniel; Kim, Jacob; May, Ben; De Freitas, Jessica K; Glicksberg, Benjamin S; Mason, Christopher E; Tatonetti, Nicholas P; Shapira, Sagi DOctober 1, 2020Not Determined
32730587Create StudyDream: powerful differential expression analysis for repeated measures designs.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, PanosApril 19, 2021Not Determined
32727537Create StudyRADAR: annotation and prioritization of variants in the post-transcriptional regulome of RNA-binding proteins.Genome biologyZhang, Jing; Liu, Jason; Lee, Donghoon; Feng, Jo-Jo; Lochovsky, Lucas; Lou, Shaoke; Rutenberg-Schoenberg, Michael; Gerstein, MarkJuly 30, 2020Not Determined
32723400Create StudyIntegrative omics analysis identifies differential biological pathways that are associated with regional grey matter volume changes in major depressive disorder.Psychological medicineSha, Zhiqiang; Banihashemi, LaylaApril 1, 2022Not Determined
32714365Create StudyImpute.me: An Open-Source, Non-profit Tool for Using Data From Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing to Calculate and Interpret Polygenic Risk Scores.Frontiers in geneticsFolkersen, Lasse; Pain, Oliver; Ingason, Andrés; Werge, Thomas; Lewis, Cathryn M; Austin, JehannineJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
32707082Create StudyNeural Stem Cells Direct Axon Guidance via Their Radial Fiber Scaffold.NeuronKaur, Navjot; Han, Wenqi; Li, Zhuo; Madrigal, M Pilar; Shim, Sungbo; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Gulden, Forrest O; Li, Mingfeng; Xu, Xuming; Xing, Xiaojun; Takeo, Yutaka; Li, Zhen; Lu, Kangrong; Imamura Kawasawa, Yuka; Ballester-Lurbe, Begoña; Moreno-Bravo, Juan Antonio; Chédotal, Alain; Terrado, José; Pérez-Roger, Ignacio; Koleske, Anthony J; Sestan, NenadSeptember 23, 2020Not Determined
32679108Create StudyTumor Microenvironment-Derived NRG1 Promotes Antiandrogen Resistance in Prostate Cancer.Cancer cellZhang, Zeda; Karthaus, Wouter R; Lee, Young Sun; Gao, Vianne R; Wu, Chao; Russo, Joshua W; Liu, Menghan; Mota, Jose Mauricio; Abida, Wassim; Linton, Eliot; Lee, Eugine; Barnes, Spencer D; Chen, Hsuan-An; Mao, Ninghui; Wongvipat, John; Choi, Danielle; Chen, Xiaoping; Zhao, Huiyong; Manova-Todorova, Katia; de Stanchina, Elisa; Taplin, Mary-Ellen; Balk, Steven P; Rathkopf, Dana E; Gopalan, Anuradha; Carver, Brett S; Mu, Ping; Jiang, Xuejun; Watson, Philip A; Sawyers, Charles LAugust 10, 2020Not Determined
32668441Create StudyLeveraging large genomic datasets to illuminate the pathobiology of autism spectrum disorders.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologySearles Quick, Veronica B; Wang, Belinda; State, Matthew WJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32659782Create StudyPsychENCODE and beyond: transcriptomics and epigenomics of brain development and organoids.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyJourdon, Alexandre; Scuderi, Soraya; Capauto, Davide; Abyzov, Alexej; Vaccarino, Flora MJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32641802Create StudylentiMPRA and MPRAflow for high-throughput functional characterization of gene regulatory elements.Nature protocolsGordon, M Grace; Inoue, Fumitaka; Martin, Beth; Schubach, Max; Agarwal, Vikram; Whalen, Sean; Feng, Shiyun; Zhao, Jingjing; Ashuach, Tal; Ziffra, Ryan; Kreimer, Anat; Georgakopoulos-Soares, Ilias; Yosef, Nir; Ye, Chun Jimmie; Pollard, Katherine S; Shendure, Jay; Kircher, Martin; Ahituv, NadavAugust 1, 2020Not Determined
32640236Create StudyIntegrated Transcriptome and Network Analysis Reveals Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Calvarial Suturogenesis.Cell reportsHolmes, Greg; Gonzalez-Reiche, Ana S; Lu, Na; Zhou, Xianxiao; Rivera, Joshua; Kriti, Divya; Sebra, Robert; Williams, Anthony A; Donovan, Michael J; Potter, S Steven; Pinto, Dalila; Zhang, Bin; van Bakel, Harm; Jabs, Ethylin WangJuly 7, 2020Not Determined
32634676Create StudyFunctional genomics links genetic origins to pathophysiology in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease.Current opinion in genetics & developmentWamsley, Brie; Geschwind, Daniel HDecember 1, 2020Not Determined
32632206Create StudyOlder molecular brain age in severe mental illness.Molecular psychiatryLin, Chien-Wei; Chang, Lun-Ching; Ma, Tianzhou; Oh, Hyunjung; French, Beverly; Puralewski, Rachel; Mathews, Fasil; Fang, Yusi; Lewis, David A; Kennedy, James L; Mueller, Daniel; Marshe, Victoria S; Jaffe, Andrew; Chen, Qiang; Ursini, Gianluca; Weinberger, Daniel; Newman, Anne B; Lenze, Eric J; Nikolova, Yuliya S; Tseng, George C; Sibille, EtienneJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
32619508Create StudyOne for All: A Pooled Approach to Classify Functional Impacts of Multiple Mutations.Cell stem cellJourdon, Alexandre; Vaccarino, Flora MJuly 2, 2020Not Determined
32610082Create StudyA Chromatin Accessibility Atlas of the Developing Human Telencephalon.CellMarkenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Whalen, Sean; Przytycki, Pawel; Thomas, Reuben; Binyameen, Fadya; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Kriegstein, Arnold R; Sanders, Stephan J; State, Matthew W; Pollard, Katherine S; Rubenstein, John LAugust 6, 2020Not Determined
32609087Create StudyHomeostatic plasticity fails at the intersection of autism-gene mutations and a novel class of common genetic modifiers.eLifeGenç, Özgür; An, Joon-Yong; Fetter, Richard D; Kulik, Yelena; Zunino, Giulia; Sanders, Stephan J; Davis, Graeme WJuly 1, 2020Not Determined
32602773Create StudyCharacterizing the dynamic and functional DNA methylation landscape in the developing human cortex.EpigeneticsPerzel Mandell, Kira A; Price, Amanda J; Wilton, Richard; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Tao, Ran; Eagles, Nicholas J; Szalay, Alexander S; Hyde, Thomas M; Weinberger, Daniel R; Kleinman, Joel E; Jaffe, Andrew EJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32578147Create StudyInvestigation of Schizophrenia with Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.Advances in neurobiologyPowell, Samuel K; O'Shea, Callan P; Shannon, Sara Rose; Akbarian, Schahram; Brennand, Kristen JJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
32561500Create StudyIdentification of Radioresponsive Genes in Esophageal Cancer from Longitudinal and Single Cell Exome Sequencing.International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physicsYang, Ling; Zhang, Xiaoyan; MacKay, Matthew; Foox, Jonathan; Hou, Qiang; Zheng, Xiaoli; Zhou, Rongjing; Huang, Ming; Jing, Zhao; Mason, Christopher E; Wu, ShixiuNovember 15, 2020Not Determined
32553197Create StudyThe Bidirectional Relationship of Depression and Inflammation: Double Trouble.NeuronBeurel, Eléonore; Toups, Marisa; Nemeroff, Charles BJuly 22, 2020Not Determined
32533064Create StudyFunctional annotation of rare structural variation in the human brain.Nature communicationsHan, Lide; Zhao, Xuefang; Benton, Mary Lauren; Perumal, Thaneer; Collins, Ryan L; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Johnson, Jessica S; Sloofman, Laura; Wang, Harold Z; Stone, Matthew R; CommonMind Consortium; Brennand, Kristen J; Brand, Harrison; Sieberts, Solveig K; Marenco, Stefano; Peters, Mette A; Lipska, Barbara K; Roussos, Panos; Capra, John A; Talkowski, Michael; Ruderfer, Douglas MJune 12, 2020Not Determined
32511494Create StudyIdentification of Immune complement function as a determinant of adverse SARS-CoV-2 infection outcome.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesRamlall, Vijendra; Thangaraj, Phyllis M; Meydan, Cem; Foox, Jonathan; Butler, Daniel; May, Ben; De Freitas, Jessica K; Glicksberg, Benjamin S; Mason, Christopher E; Tatonetti, Nicholas P; Shapira, Sagi DJune 6, 2020Not Determined
32511352Create StudyShotgun Transcriptome and Isothermal Profiling of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Reveals Unique Host Responses, Viral Diversification, and Drug Interactions.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biologyButler, Daniel J; Mozsary, Christopher; Meydan, Cem; Danko, David; Foox, Jonathan; Rosiene, Joel; Shaiber, Alon; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; MacKay, Matthew; Sedlazeck, Fritz J; Ivanov, Nikolay A; Sierra, Maria; Pohle, Diana; Zietz, Michael; Gisladottir, Undina; Ramlall, Vijendra; Westover, Craig D; Ryon, Krista; Young, Benjamin; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Ruggiero, Phyllis; Langhorst, Bradley W; Tanner, Nathan; Gawrys, Justyna; Meleshko, Dmitry; Xu, Dong; Steel, Peter A D; Shemesh, Amos J; Xiang, Jenny; Thierry-Mieg, Jean; Thierry-Mieg, Danielle; Schwartz, Robert E; Iftner, Angelika; Bezdan, Daniela; Sipley, John; Cong, Lin; Craney, Arryn; Velu, Priya; Melnick, Ari M; Hajirasouliha, Iman; Horner, Stacy M; Iftner, Thomas; Salvatore, Mirella; Loda, Massimo; Westblade, Lars F; Cushing, Melissa; Levy, Shawn; Wu, Shixiu; Tatonetti, Nicholas; Imielinski, Marcin; Rennert, Hanna; Mason, Christopher EMay 1, 2020Not Determined
32492425Create StudyAnalysis of Genetically Regulated Gene Expression Identifies a Prefrontal PTSD Gene, SNRNP35, Specific to Military Cohorts.Cell reportsHuckins, Laura M; Chatzinakos, Chris; Breen, Michael S; Hartmann, Jakob; Klengel, Torsten; da Silva Almeida, Ana C; Dobbyn, Amanda; Girdhar, Kiran; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Klengel, Claudia; Logue, Mark W; Lori, Adriana; Maihofer, Adam X; Morrison, Filomene G; Nguyen, Hoang T; Park, Yongjin; Ruderfer, Douglas; Sloofman, Laura G; van Rooij, Sanne J H; PTSD Working Group of Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Baker, Dewleen G; Chen, Chia-Yen; Cox, Nancy; Duncan, Laramie E; Geyer, Mark A; Glatt, Stephen J; Im, Hae Kyung; Risbrough, Victoria B; Smoller, Jordan W; Stein, Dan J; Yehuda, Rachel; Liberzon, Israel; Koenen, Karestan C; Jovanovic, Tanja; Kellis, Manolis; Miller, Mark W; Bacanu, Silviu-Alin; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Sklar, Pamela; Ressler, Kerry J; Stahl, Eli A; Daskalakis, Nikolaos PJune 2, 2020Not Determined
32424284Create StudyShared proteomic effects of cerebral atherosclerosis and Alzheimer''s disease on the human brain.Nature neuroscienceWingo, Aliza P; Fan, Wen; Duong, Duc M; Gerasimov, Ekaterina S; Dammer, Eric B; Liu, Yue; Harerimana, Nadia V; White, Bartholomew; Thambisetty, Madhav; Troncoso, Juan C; Kim, Namhee; Schneider, Julie A; Hajjar, Ihab M; Lah, James J; Bennett, David A; Seyfried, Nicholas T; Levey, Allan I; Wingo, Thomas SJune 1, 2020Not Determined
32404946Create StudyCortical cellular diversity and development in schizophrenia.Molecular psychiatryPrice, Amanda J; Jaffe, Andrew E; Weinberger, Daniel RJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32375154Create StudyThe NASA Twins Study: The Effect of One Year in Space on Long-Chain Fatty Acid Desaturases and Elongases.Lifestyle genomicsSchmidt, Michael A; Meydan, Cem; Schmidt, Caleb M; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Mason, Christopher EJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
32375049Create StudyVariation of Human Neural Stem Cells Generating Organizer States In Vitro before Committing to Cortical Excitatory or Inhibitory Neuronal Fates.Cell reportsMicali, Nicola; Kim, Suel-Kee; Diaz-Bustamante, Marcelo; Stein-O'Brien, Genevieve; Seo, Seungmae; Shin, Joo-Heon; Rash, Brian G; Ma, Shaojie; Wang, Yanhong; Olivares, Nicolas A; Arellano, Jon I; Maynard, Kristen R; Fertig, Elana J; Cross, Alan J; Bürli, Roland W; Brandon, Nicholas J; Weinberger, Daniel R; Chenoweth, Joshua G; Hoeppner, Daniel J; Sestan, Nenad; Rakic, Pasko; Colantuoni, Carlo; McKay, Ronald DMay 5, 2020Not Determined
32317787Create StudyA framework for an evidence-based gene list relevant to autism spectrum disorder.Nature reviews. GeneticsSchaaf, Christian P; Betancur, Catalina; Yuen, Ryan K C; Parr, Jeremy R; Skuse, David H; Gallagher, Louise; Bernier, Raphael A; Buchanan, Janet A; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Chen, Chun-An; Dies, Kira A; Elsabbagh, Mayada; Firth, Helen V; Frazier, Thomas; Hoang, Ny; Howe, Jennifer; Marshall, Christian R; Michaud, Jacques L; Rennie, Olivia; Szatmari, Peter; Chung, Wendy K; Bolton, Patrick F; Cook, Edwin H; Scherer, Stephen W; Vorstman, Jacob A SJune 1, 2020Not Determined
32313079Create StudyLimits in the detection of m6A changes using MeRIP/m6A-seq.Scientific reportsMcIntyre, Alexa B R; Gokhale, Nandan S; Cerchietti, Leandro; Jaffrey, Samie R; Horner, Stacy M; Mason, Christopher EApril 20, 2020Not Determined
32299488Create StudyHuman in vitro models for understanding mechanisms of autism spectrum disorder.Molecular autismGordon, Aaron; Geschwind, Daniel HApril 16, 2020Not Determined
32282793Create StudyDRAMS: A tool to detect and re-align mixed-up samples for integrative studies of multi-omics data.PLoS computational biologyJiang, Yi; Giase, Gina; Grennan, Kay; Shieh, Annie W; Xia, Yan; Han, Lide; Wang, Quan; Wei, Qiang; Chen, Rui; Liu, Sihan; White, Kevin P; Chen, Chao; Li, Bingshan; Liu, ChunyuApril 1, 2020Not Determined
32268104Create StudyWhole-Genome and RNA Sequencing Reveal Variation and Transcriptomic Coordination in the Developing Human Prefrontal Cortex.Cell reportsWerling, Donna M; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Choi, Jinmyung; An, Joon-Yong; Sheppard, Brooke; Peng, Minshi; Li, Zhen; Dastmalchi, Claudia; Santpere, Gabriel; Sousa, André M M; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Kaur, Navjot; Gulden, Forrest O; Breen, Michael S; Liang, Lindsay; Gilson, Michael C; Zhao, Xuefang; Dong, Shan; Klei, Lambertus; Cicek, A Ercument; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Adle-Biassette, Homa; Thomas, Jean-Leon; Aldinger, Kimberly A; O'Day, Diana R; Glass, Ian A; Zaitlen, Noah A; Talkowski, Michael E; Roeder, Kathryn; State, Matthew W; Devlin, Bernie; Sanders, Stephan J; Sestan, NenadApril 7, 2020Not Determined
32240163Create StudyMultiview learning for understanding functional multiomics.PLoS computational biologyNguyen, Nam D; Wang, DaifengApril 1, 2020Not Determined
32220301Create StudyLoss of CHD1 Promotes Heterogeneous Mechanisms of Resistance to AR-Targeted Therapy via Chromatin Dysregulation.Cancer cellZhang, Zeda; Zhou, Chuanli; Li, Xiaoling; Barnes, Spencer D; Deng, Su; Hoover, Elizabeth; Chen, Chi-Chao; Lee, Young Sun; Zhang, Yanxiao; Wang, Choushi; Metang, Lauren A; Wu, Chao; Tirado, Carla Rodriguez; Johnson, Nickolas A; Wongvipat, John; Navrazhina, Kristina; Cao, Zhen; Choi, Danielle; Huang, Chun-Hao; Linton, Eliot; Chen, Xiaoping; Liang, Yupu; Mason, Christopher E; de Stanchina, Elisa; Abida, Wassim; Lujambio, Amaia; Li, Sheng; Lowe, Scott W; Mendell, Joshua T; Malladi, Venkat S; Sawyers, Charles L; Mu, PingApril 13, 2020Not Determined
32184385Create StudyFurther confirmation of netrin 1 receptor (DCC) as a depression risk gene via integrations of multi-omics data.Translational psychiatryLi, Hui-Juan; Qu, Na; Hui, Li; Cai, Xin; Zhang, Chu-Yi; Zhong, Bao-Liang; Zhang, Shu-Fang; Chen, Jing; Xia, Bin; Wang, Lu; Jia, Qiu-Fang; Li, Wei; Chang, Hong; Xiao, Xiao; Li, Ming; Li, YiMarch 17, 2020Not Determined
32167531Create StudyRobust partial reference-free cell composition estimation from tissue expression.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Li, Ziyi; Guo, Zhenxing; Cheng, Ying; Jin, Peng; Wu, HaoJune 1, 2020Not Determined
32143829Create StudyGene Expression in Patient-Derived Neural Progenitors Implicates WNT5A Signaling in the Etiology of Schizophrenia.Biological psychiatryEvgrafov, Oleg V; Armoskus, Chris; Wrobel, Bozena B; Spitsyna, Valeria N; Souaiaia, Tade; Herstein, Jennifer S; Walker, Christopher P; Nguyen, Joseph D; Camarena, Adrian; Weitz, Jonathan R; Kim, Jae Mun Hugo; Lopez Duarte, Edder; Wang, Kai; Simpson, George M; Sobell, Janet L; Medeiros, Helena; Pato, Michele T; Pato, Carlos N; Knowles, James AAugust 1, 2020Not Determined
32114783Create StudyTranslating Across Circuits and Genetics Toward Progress in Fear- and Anxiety-Related Disorders.The American journal of psychiatryRessler, Kerry JMarch 1, 2020Not Determined
32081027Create StudyDynamic N6-methyladenosine RNA methylation in brain and diseases.EpigenomicsShafik, Andrew M; Allen, Emily G; Jin, PengFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
32079618Create StudyRecounting the FANTOM CAGE-Associated Transcriptome.Genome researchImada, Eddie Luidy; Sanchez, Diego Fernando; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Wilks, Christopher; Matam, Tejasvi; Dinalankara, Wikum; Stupnikov, Aleksey; Lobo-Pereira, Francisco; Yip, Chi-Wai; Yasuzawa, Kayoko; Kondo, Naoto; Itoh, Masayoshi; Suzuki, Harukazu; Kasukawa, Takeya; Hon, Chung-Chau; de Hoon, Michiel J L; Shin, Jay W; Carninci, Piero; Jaffe, Andrew E; Leek, Jeffrey T; Favorov, Alexander; Franco, Gloria R; Langmead, Ben; Marchionni, LuigiJuly 1, 2020Not Determined
32075678Create StudyA chromosomal connectome for psychiatric and metabolic risk variants in adult dopaminergic neurons.Genome medicineEspeso-Gil, Sergio; Halene, Tobias; Bendl, Jaroslav; Kassim, Bibi; Ben Hutta, Gabriella; Iskhakova, Marina; Shokrian, Neda; Auluck, Pavan; Javidfar, Behnam; Rajarajan, Prashanth; Chandrasekaran, Sandhya; Peter, Cyril J; Cote, Alanna; Birnbaum, Rebecca; Liao, Will; Borrman, Tyler; Wiseman, Jennifer; Bell, Aaron; Bannon, Michael J; Roussos, Panagiotis; Crary, John F; Weng, Zhiping; Marenco, Stefano; Lipska, Barbara; Tsankova, Nadejda M; Huckins, Laura; Jiang, Yan; Akbarian, SchahramFebruary 19, 2020Not Determined
32033924Create StudyNervous and Endocrine System Dysfunction in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Overview and Consideration of Sex as a Biological Variable.Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimagingSeligowski, Antonia V; Harnett, Nathaniel G; Merker, Julia B; Ressler, Kerry JApril 1, 2020Not Determined
32003784Create Studydecorate: differential epigenetic correlation test.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Hoffman, Gabriel E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Girdhar, Kiran; Roussos, PanosMay 1, 2020Not Determined
31981491Create StudyLarge-Scale Exome Sequencing Study Implicates Both Developmental and Functional Changes in the Neurobiology of Autism.CellSatterstrom, F Kyle; Kosmicki, Jack A; Wang, Jiebiao; Breen, Michael S; De Rubeis, Silvia; An, Joon-Yong; Peng, Minshi; Collins, Ryan; Grove, Jakob; Klei, Lambertus; Stevens, Christine; Reichert, Jennifer; Mulhern, Maureen S; Artomov, Mykyta; Gerges, Sherif; Sheppard, Brooke; Xu, Xinyi; Bhaduri, Aparna; Norman, Utku; Brand, Harrison; Schwartz, Grace; Nguyen, Rachel; Guerrero, Elizabeth E; Dias, Caroline; Autism Sequencing Consortium; iPSYCH-Broad Consortium; Betancur, Catalina; Cook, Edwin H; Gallagher, Louise; Gill, Michael; Sutcliffe, James S; Thurm, Audrey; Zwick, Michael E; Børglum, Anders D; State, Matthew W; Cicek, A Ercument; Talkowski, Michael E; Cutler, David J; Devlin, Bernie; Sanders, Stephan J; Roeder, Kathryn; Daly, Mark J; Buxbaum, Joseph DFebruary 6, 2020Not Determined
31949163Create StudyAutism spectrum disorder.Nature reviews. Disease primersLord, Catherine; Brugha, Traolach S; Charman, Tony; Cusack, James; Dumas, Guillaume; Frazier, Thomas; Jones, Emily J H; Jones, Rebecca M; Pickles, Andrew; State, Matthew W; Taylor, Julie Lounds; Veenstra-VanderWeele, JeremyJanuary 16, 2020Not Determined
31907405Create StudyThe therapeutic landscape for cells engineered with chimeric antigen receptors.Nature biotechnologyMacKay, Matthew; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Rub, Jonathan; Hassan, Ciaran; Khunte, Mihir; Baskaran, Nithyashri; Owens, Bryan; Liu, Lauren; Roboz, Gail J; Guzman, Monica L; Melnick, Ari M; Wu, Shixiu; Mason, Christopher EFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
31886035Create StudyTranslating current biomedical therapies for long duration, deep space missions.Precision clinical medicineIosim, Sonia; MacKay, Matthew; Westover, Craig; Mason, Christopher EDecember 1, 2019Not Determined
31857689Create StudyAltered white matter microstructural organization in posttraumatic stress disorder across 3047 adults: results from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD consortium.Molecular psychiatryDennis, Emily L; Disner, Seth G; Fani, Negar; Salminen, Lauren E; Logue, Mark; Clarke, Emily K; Haswell, Courtney C; Averill, Christopher L; Baugh, Lee A; Bomyea, Jessica; Bruce, Steven E; Cha, Jiook; Choi, Kyle; Davenport, Nicholas D; Densmore, Maria; du Plessis, Stefan; Forster, Gina L; Frijling, Jessie L; Gonenc, Atilla; Gruber, Staci; Grupe, Daniel W; Guenette, Jeffrey P; Hayes, Jasmeet; Hofmann, David; Ipser, Jonathan; Jovanovic, Tanja; Kelly, Sinead; Kennis, Mitzy; Kinzel, Philipp; Koch, Saskia B J; Koerte, Inga; Koopowitz, Sheri; Korgaonkar, Mayuresh; Krystal, John; Lebois, Lauren A M; Li, Gen; Magnotta, Vincent A; Manthey, Antje; May, Geoff J; Menefee, Deleene S; Nawijn, Laura; Nelson, Steven M; Neufeld, Richard W J; Nitschke, Jack B; O'Doherty, Daniel; Peverill, Matthew; Ressler, Kerry J; Roos, Annerine; Sheridan, Margaret A; Sierk, Anika; Simmons, Alan; Simons, Raluca M; Simons, Jeffrey S; Stevens, Jennifer; Suarez-Jimenez, Benjamin; Sullivan, Danielle R; Théberge, Jean; Tran, Jana K; van den Heuvel, Leigh; van der Werff, Steven J A; van Rooij, Sanne J H; van Zuiden, Mirjam; Velez, Carmen; Verfaellie, Mieke; Vermeiren, Robert R J M; Wade, Benjamin S C; Wager, Tor; Walter, Henrik; Winternitz, Sherry; Wolff, Jonathan; York, Gerald; Zhu, Ye; Zhu, Xi; Abdallah, Chadi G; Bryant, Richard; Daniels, Judith K; Davidson, Richard J; Fercho, Kelene A; Franz, Carol; Geuze, Elbert; Gordon, Evan M; Kaufman, Milissa L; Kremen, William S; Lagopoulos, Jim; Lanius, Ruth A; Lyons, Michael J; McCauley, Stephen R; McGlinchey, Regina; McLaughlin, Katie A; Milberg, William; Neria, Yuval; Olff, Miranda; Seedat, Soraya; Shenton, Martha; Sponheim, Scott R; Stein, Dan J; Stein, Murray B; Straube, Thomas; Tate, David F; van der Wee, Nic J A; Veltman, Dick J; Wang, Li; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Thompson, Paul M; Kochunov, Peter; Jahanshad, Neda; Morey, Rajendra AAugust 1, 2021Not Determined
31852722Create StudyCharacterizing the nuclear and cytoplasmic transcriptomes in developing and mature human cortex uncovers new insight into psychiatric disease gene regulation.Genome researchPrice, Amanda J; Hwang, Taeyoung; Tao, Ran; Burke, Emily E; Rajpurohit, Anandita; Shin, Joo Heon; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Jaffe, Andrew E; Weinberger, Daniel RJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
31819045Create StudyThe depression GWAS risk allele predicts smaller cerebellar gray matter volume and reduced SIRT1 mRNA expression in Chinese population.Translational psychiatryLiu, Weipeng; Yan, Hao; Zhou, Danyang; Cai, Xin; Zhang, Yuyanan; Li, Shiyi; Li, Huijuan; Li, Shiwu; Zhou, Dong-Sheng; Li, Xingxing; Zhang, Chen; Sun, Yan; Dai, Jia-Pei; Zhong, Jingmei; Yao, Yong-Gang; Luo, Xiong-Jian; Fang, Yiru; Zhang, Dai; Ma, Yina; Yue, Weihua; Li, Ming; Xiao, XiaoDecember 9, 2019Not Determined
31810760Create StudyAltered m6A Modification of Specific Cellular Transcripts Affects Flaviviridae Infection.Molecular cellGokhale, Nandan S; McIntyre, Alexa B R; Mattocks, Melissa D; Holley, Christopher L; Lazear, Helen M; Mason, Christopher E; Horner, Stacy MFebruary 6, 2020Not Determined
31788036Create StudyAlu insertion polymorphisms shared by Papio baboons and Theropithecus gelada reveal an intertwined common ancestry.Mobile DNAWalker, Jerilyn A; Jordan, Vallmer E; Storer, Jessica M; Steely, Cody J; Gonzalez-Quiroga, Paulina; Beckstrom, Thomas O; Rewerts, Lydia C; St Romain, Corey P; Rockwell, Catherine E; Rogers, Jeffrey; Jolly, Clifford J; Konkel, Miriam K; Baboon Genome Analysis Consortium; Batzer, Mark AJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
31778651Create StudyModeling the Evolution of Human Brain Development Using Organoids.CellMuchnik, Sydney Keaton; Lorente-Galdos, Belen; Santpere, Gabriel; Sestan, NenadNovember 27, 2019Not Determined
31776463Create StudyDe novo variation in bipolar disorder.Molecular psychiatryGoes, Fernando S; Pirooznia, Mehdi; Tehan, Martin; Zandi, Peter P; McGrath, John; Wolyniec, Paula; Nestadt, Gerald; Pulver, Ann EAugust 1, 2021Not Determined
31631012Create StudyIdentification and Massively Parallel Characterization of Regulatory Elements Driving Neural Induction.Cell stem cellInoue, Fumitaka; Kreimer, Anat; Ashuach, Tal; Ahituv, Nadav; Yosef, NirNovember 7, 2019Not Determined
31626773Create StudyGenetic Control of Expression and Splicing in Developing Human Brain Informs Disease Mechanisms.CellWalker, Rebecca L; Ramaswami, Gokul; Hartl, Christopher; Mancuso, Nicholas; Gandal, Michael J; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Stein, Jason L; Geschwind, Daniel HOctober 17, 2019Not Determined
31608310Create StudyPsychiatric Genetics, Epigenetics, and Cellular Models in Coming Years.Journal of psychiatry and brain scienceLiu, Chunyu; Faraone, Stephen V; Glatt, Stephen JJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
31599933Create StudyEvaluating Chromatin Accessibility Differences Across Multiple Primate Species Using a Joint Modeling Approach.Genome biology and evolutionEdsall, Lee E; Berrio, Alejandro; Majoros, William H; Swain-Lenz, Devjanee; Morrow, Shauna; Shibata, Yoichiro; Safi, Alexias; Wray, Gregory A; Crawford, Gregory E; Allen, Andrew SOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31563948Create StudyMelanin Concentrating Hormone Signaling Deficits in Schizophrenia: Association With Memory and Social Impairments and Abnormal Sensorimotor Gating.The international journal of neuropsychopharmacologyVawter, Marquis P; Schulmann, Anton; Alhassen, Lamees; Alhassen, Wedad; Hamzeh, Abdul Rezzak; Sakr, Jasmine; Pauluk, Lucas; Yoshimura, Ryan; Wang, Xuejie; Dai, Qi; Sanathara, Nayna; Civelli, Olivier; Alachkar, AmalMarch 10, 2020Not Determined
31554518Create StudyDivergent neuronal DNA methylation patterns across human cortical development reveal critical periods and a unique role of CpH methylation.Genome biologyPrice, Amanda J; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Ivanov, Nikolay A; Xia, Wei; Burke, Emily E; Shin, Joo Heon; Tao, Ran; Ma, Liang; Jia, Yankai; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel R; Jaffe, Andrew ESeptember 26, 2019Not Determined
31551426Create StudyCommonMind Consortium provides transcriptomic and epigenomic data for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.Scientific dataHoffman, Gabriel E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Voloudakis, Georgios; Montgomery, Kelsey S; Sloofman, Laura; Wang, Ying-Chih; Shah, Hardik R; Hauberg, Mads E; Johnson, Jessica S; Girdhar, Kiran; Song, Lingyun; Fullard, John F; Kramer, Robin; Hahn, Chang-Gyu; Gur, Raquel; Marenco, Stefano; Lipska, Barbara K; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Hemby, Scott; Sullivan, Patrick; Akbarian, Schahram; Chess, Andrew; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Crawford, Greg E; Domenici, Enrico; Devlin, Bernie; Sieberts, Solveig K; Peters, Mette A; Roussos, PanosSeptember 24, 2019Not Determined
31544924Create StudyFunctional interpretation of genetic variants using deep learning predicts impact on chromatin accessibility and histone modification.Nucleic acids researchHoffman, Gabriel E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Girdhar, Kiran; Schadt, Eric E; Roussos, PanosNovember 18, 2019Not Determined
31537091Create StudyThe Devastating Clinical Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect: Increased Disease Vulnerability and Poor Treatment Response in Mood Disorders.The American journal of psychiatryLippard, Elizabeth T C; Nemeroff, Charles BJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
31534116Create StudyInflammation-related biomarkers in major psychiatric disorders: a cross-disorder assessment of reproducibility and specificity in 43 meta-analyses.Translational psychiatryYuan, Ning; Chen, Yu; Xia, Yan; Dai, Jiacheng; Liu, ChunyuSeptember 18, 2019Not Determined
31519912Create StudyPre- and peri-implantation Zika virus infection impairs fetal development by targeting trophectoderm cells.Nature communicationsTan, Lei; Lacko, Lauretta A; Zhou, Ting; Tomoiaga, Delia; Hurtado, Romulo; Zhang, Tuo; Sevilla, Ana; Zhong, Aaron; Mason, Christopher E; Noggle, Scott; Evans, Todd; Stuhlmann, Heidi; Schwartz, Robert E; Chen, ShuibingSeptember 13, 2019Not Determined
31501426Create StudyAccurate detection of m6A RNA modifications in native RNA sequences.Nature communicationsLiu, Huanle; Begik, Oguzhan; Lucas, Morghan C; Ramirez, Jose Miguel; Mason, Christopher E; Wiener, David; Schwartz, Schraga; Mattick, John S; Smith, Martin A; Novoa, Eva MariaSeptember 9, 2019Not Determined
31484546Create StudyTOAST: improving reference-free cell composition estimation by cross-cell type differential analysis.Genome biologyLi, Ziyi; Wu, HaoSeptember 4, 2019Not Determined
31455887Create StudyGlobal landscape and genetic regulation of RNA editing in cortical samples from individuals with schizophrenia.Nature neuroscienceBreen, Michael S; Dobbyn, Amanda; Li, Qin; Roussos, Panos; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Stahl, Eli; Chess, Andrew; Sklar, Pamela; Li, Jin Billy; Devlin, Bernie; Buxbaum, Joseph D; CommonMind ConsortiumSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
31455884Create StudyProfiling allele-specific gene expression in brains from individuals with autism spectrum disorder reveals preferential minor allele usage.Nature neuroscienceLee, Changhoon; Kang, Eun Yong; Gandal, Michael J; Eskin, Eleazar; Geschwind, Daniel HSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
31444360Create StudyIntegrative transcriptome imputation reveals tissue-specific and shared biological mechanisms mediating susceptibility to complex traits.Nature communicationsZhang, Wen; Voloudakis, Georgios; Rajagopal, Veera M; Readhead, Ben; Dudley, Joel T; Schadt, Eric E; Björkegren, Johan L M; Kim, Yungil; Fullard, John F; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, PanosAugust 23, 2019Not Determined
31424545Create StudyComparative Genomic Characterization of the Multimammate Mouse Mastomys coucha.Molecular biology and evolutionHardin, Aaron; Nevonen, Kimberly A; Eckalbar, Walter L; Carbone, Lucia; Ahituv, NadavDecember 1, 2019Not Determined
31399567Create StudyDiurnal rhythms in gene expression in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia.Nature communicationsSeney, Marianne L; Cahill, Kelly; Enwright 3rd, John F; Logan, Ryan W; Huo, Zhiguang; Zong, Wei; Tseng, George; McClung, Colleen AAugust 9, 2019Not Determined
31395865Create StudySaturation mutagenesis of twenty disease-associated regulatory elements at single base-pair resolution.Nature communicationsKircher, Martin; Xiong, Chenling; Martin, Beth; Schubach, Max; Inoue, Fumitaka; Bell, Robert J A; Costello, Joseph F; Shendure, Jay; Ahituv, NadavAugust 8, 2019Not Determined
31348493Create StudyDiverse and dynamic DNA modifications in brain and diseases.Human molecular geneticsArmstrong, Matthew J; Jin, Yulin; Allen, Emily G; Jin, PengNovember 21, 2019Not Determined
31303374Create StudyA Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Human Neocortical Development during Mid-gestation.NeuronPolioudakis, Damon; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Langerman, Justin; Elkins, Andrew G; Shi, Xu; Stein, Jason L; Vuong, Celine K; Nichterwitz, Susanne; Gevorgian, Melinda; Opland, Carli K; Lu, Daning; Connell, William; Ruzzo, Elizabeth K; Lowe, Jennifer K; Hadzic, Tarik; Hinz, Flora I; Sabri, Shan; Lowry, William E; Gerstein, Mark B; Plath, Kathrin; Geschwind, Daniel HSeptember 4, 2019Not Determined
31283446Create StudyRegulation of Viral Infection by the RNA Modification N6-Methyladenosine.Annual review of virologyWilliams, Graham D; Gokhale, Nandan S; Horner, Stacy MSeptember 29, 2019Not Determined
31279629Create StudyBuilding a Hybrid Physical-Statistical Classifier for Predicting the Effect of Variants Related to Protein-Drug Interactions.Structure (London, England : 1993)Wang, Bo; Yan, Chengfei; Lou, Shaoke; Emani, Prashant; Li, Bian; Xu, Min; Kong, Xiangmeng; Meyerson, William; Yang, Yucheng T; Lee, Donghoon; Gerstein, MarkSeptember 3, 2019Not Determined
31230762Create StudyThe Autism-Associated Gene Scn2a Contributes to Dendritic Excitability and Synaptic Function in the Prefrontal Cortex.NeuronSpratt, Perry W E; Ben-Shalom, Roy; Keeshen, Caroline M; Burke Jr, Kenneth J; Clarkson, Rebecca L; Sanders, Stephan J; Bender, Kevin JAugust 21, 2019Not Determined
31174959Create StudyRegional Heterogeneity in Gene Expression, Regulation, and Coherence in the Frontal Cortex and Hippocampus across Development and Schizophrenia.NeuronCollado-Torres, Leonardo; Burke, Emily E; Peterson, Amy; Shin, JooHeon; Straub, Richard E; Rajpurohit, Anandita; Semick, Stephen A; Ulrich, William S; BrainSeq Consortium; Price, Amanda J; Valencia, Cristian; Tao, Ran; Deep-Soboslay, Amy; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel R; Jaffe, Andrew EJuly 17, 2019Not Determined
31173711Create StudyBreakthrough Moments: Yoshiki Sasai''s Discoveries in the Third Dimension.Cell stem cellMariani, Jessica; Vaccarino, Flora MJune 6, 2019Not Determined
31160561Create StudyHuman evolved regulatory elements modulate genes involved in cortical expansion and neurodevelopmental disease susceptibility.Nature communicationsWon, Hyejung; Huang, Jerry; Opland, Carli K; Hartl, Chris L; Geschwind, Daniel HJune 3, 2019Not Determined
31131957Create StudyMeta-analysis of massively parallel reporter assays enables prediction of regulatory function across cell types.Human mutationKreimer, Anat; Yan, Zhongxia; Ahituv, Nadav; Yosef, NirSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
31083650Create StudyRapid antigen diversification through mitotic recombination in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.PLoS biologyZhang, Xu; Alexander, Noah; Leonardi, Irina; Mason, Christopher; Kirkman, Laura A; Deitsch, Kirk WMay 1, 2019Not Determined
31056284Create StudySelenium Drives a Transcriptional Adaptive Program to Block Ferroptosis and Treat Stroke.CellAlim, Ishraq; Caulfield, Joseph T; Chen, Yingxin; Swarup, Vivek; Geschwind, Daniel H; Ivanova, Elena; Seravalli, Javier; Ai, Youxi; Sansing, Lauren H; Ste Marie, Emma J; Hondal, Robert J; Mukherjee, Sushmita; Cave, John W; Sagdullaev, Botir T; Karuppagounder, Saravanan S; Ratan, Rajiv RMay 16, 2019Not Determined
31048727Create StudyThe critical importance of basic animal research for neuropsychiatric disorders.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyBale, Tracy L; Abel, Ted; Akil, Huda; Carlezon Jr, William A; Moghaddam, Bita; Nestler, Eric J; Ressler, Kerry J; Thompson, Scott MJuly 1, 2019Not Determined
30988527Create StudyA Bayesian framework that integrates multi-omics data and gene networks predicts risk genes from schizophrenia GWAS data.Nature neuroscienceWang, Quan; Chen, Rui; Cheng, Feixiong; Wei, Qiang; Ji, Ying; Yang, Hai; Zhong, Xue; Tao, Ran; Wen, Zhexing; Sutcliffe, James S; Liu, Chunyu; Cook, Edwin H; Cox, Nancy J; Li, BingshanMay 1, 2019Not Determined
30976116Create StudyGene Expression Profiles Associated with Brain Aging are Altered in Schizophrenia.Scientific reportsSabunciyan, SarvenApril 11, 2019Not Determined
30976086Create StudySex-differential DNA methylation and associated regulation networks in human brain implicated in the sex-biased risks of psychiatric disorders.Molecular psychiatryXia, Yan; Dai, Rujia; Wang, Kangli; Jiao, Chuan; Zhang, Chunling; Xu, Yuchen; Li, Honglei; Jing, Xi; Chen, Yu; Jiang, Yi; Kopp, Richard F; Giase, Gina; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuMarch 1, 2021Not Determined
30946827Create StudyDeconstructing the Gestalt: Mechanisms of Fear, Threat, and Trauma Memory Encoding.NeuronMaddox, Stephanie A; Hartmann, Jakob; Ross, Rachel A; Ressler, Kerry JApril 3, 2019Not Determined
30903684Create StudyDissecting differential signals in high-throughput data from complex tissues.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Li, Ziyi; Wu, Zhijin; Jin, Peng; Wu, HaoOctober 15, 2019Not Determined
30901538Create StudyDefining the Genetic, Genomic, Cellular, and Diagnostic Architectures of Psychiatric Disorders.CellSullivan, Patrick F; Geschwind, Daniel HMarch 21, 2019Not Determined
30881380Create StudyEpigenetic Modifications in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Prognosis, Treatment, and Heterogeneity.Frontiers in geneticsGoldman, Samantha L; Hassan, Ciaran; Khunte, Mihir; Soldatenko, Arielle; Jong, Yunji; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Mason, Christopher EJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30881372Create StudyThe Impact of Heterogeneity on Single-Cell Sequencing.Frontiers in geneticsGoldman, Samantha L; MacKay, Matthew; Afshinnekoo, Ebrahim; Melnick, Ari M; Wu, Shuxiu; Mason, Christopher EJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30773596Create StudyChromatin organization modulates the origin of heritable structural variations in human genome.Nucleic acids researchRoychowdhury, Tanmoy; Abyzov, AlexejApril 8, 2019Not Determined
30718479Create StudySingle-molecule sequencing detection of N6-methyladenine in microbial reference materials.Nature communicationsMcIntyre, Alexa B R; Alexander, Noah; Grigorev, Kirill; Bezdan, Daniela; Sichtig, Heike; Chiu, Charles Y; Mason, Christopher EFebruary 4, 2019Not Determined
30692689Create StudyA genome-wide association study of shared risk across psychiatric disorders implicates gene regulation during fetal neurodevelopment.Nature neuroscienceSchork, Andrew J; Won, Hyejung; Appadurai, Vivek; Nudel, Ron; Gandal, Mike; Delaneau, Olivier; Revsbech Christiansen, Malene; Hougaard, David M; Bækved-Hansen, Marie; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Giørtz Pedersen, Marianne; Agerbo, Esben; Bøcker Pedersen, Carsten; Neale, Benjamin M; Daly, Mark J; Wray, Naomi R; Nordentoft, Merete; Mors, Ole; Børglum, Anders D; Bo Mortensen, Preben; Buil, Alfonso; Thompson, Wesley K; Geschwind, Daniel H; Werge, ThomasMarch 1, 2019Not Determined
30677551Create StudyShared and derived features of cellular diversity in the human cerebral cortex.Current opinion in neurobiologyMiller, Daniel J; Bhaduri, Aparna; Sestan, Nenad; Kriegstein, ArnoldJune 1, 2019Not Determined
30655504Create StudyAssessment of somatic single-nucleotide variation in brain tissue of cases with schizophrenia.Translational psychiatryFullard, John F; Charney, Alexander W; Voloudakis, Georgios; Uzilov, Andrew V; Haroutunian, Vahram; Roussos, PanosJanuary 17, 2019Not Determined
30591030Create StudyiMEGES: integrated mental-disorder GEnome score by deep neural network for prioritizing the susceptibility genes for mental disorders in personal genomes.BMC bioinformaticsKhan, Atlas; Liu, Qian; Wang, KaiDecember 28, 2018Not Determined
30555922Create StudyUsing 3D epigenomic maps of primary olfactory neuronal cells from living individuals to understand gene regulation.Science advancesRhie, Suhn K; Schreiner, Shannon; Witt, Heather; Armoskus, Chris; Lay, Fides D; Camarena, Adrian; Spitsyna, Valeria N; Guo, Yu; Berman, Benjamin P; Evgrafov, Oleg V; Knowles, James A; Farnham, Peggy JDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30545965Create StudyThe DGCR5 long noncoding RNA may regulate expression of several schizophrenia-related genes.Science translational medicineMeng, Qingtuan; Wang, Kangli; Brunetti, Tonya; Xia, Yan; Jiao, Chuan; Dai, Rujia; Fitzgerald, Dominic; Thomas, Amber; Jay, Lindsey; Eckart, Heather; Grennan, Kay; Imamura-Kawasawa, Yuka; Li, Mingfeng; Sestan, Nenad; White, Kevin P; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuDecember 19, 2018Not Determined
30545964Create StudyThe transcription factor POU3F2 regulates a gene coexpression network in brain tissue from patients with psychiatric disorders.Science translational medicineChen, Chao; Meng, Qingtuan; Xia, Yan; Ding, Chaodong; Wang, Le; Dai, Rujia; Cheng, Lijun; Gunaratne, Preethi; Gibbs, Richard A; Min, Shishi; Coarfa, Cristian; Reid, Jeffrey G; Zhang, Chunling; Jiao, Chuan; Jiang, Yi; Giase, Gina; Thomas, Amber; Fitzgerald, Dominic; Brunetti, Tonya; Shieh, Annie; Xia, Cuihua; Wang, Yongjun; Wang, Yunpeng; Badner, Judith A; Gershon, Elliot S; White, Kevin P; Liu, ChunyuDecember 19, 2018Not Determined
30545881Create StudyRevealing the brain''s molecular architecture.Science (New York, N.Y.)PsychENCODE ConsortiumDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545857Create StudyComprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain.Science (New York, N.Y.)Wang, Daifeng; Liu, Shuang; Warrell, Jonathan; Won, Hyejung; Shi, Xu; Navarro, Fabio C P; Clarke, Declan; Gu, Mengting; Emani, Prashant; Yang, Yucheng T; Xu, Min; Gandal, Michael J; Lou, Shaoke; Zhang, Jing; Park, Jonathan J; Yan, Chengfei; Rhie, Suhn Kyong; Manakongtreecheep, Kasidet; Zhou, Holly; Nathan, Aparna; Peters, Mette; Mattei, Eugenio; Fitzgerald, Dominic; Brunetti, Tonya; Moore, Jill; Jiang, Yan; Girdhar, Kiran; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Kalayci, Selim; Gümüş, Zeynep H; Crawford, Gregory E; PsychENCODE Consortium; Roussos, Panos; Akbarian, Schahram; Jaffe, Andrew E; White, Kevin P; Weng, Zhiping; Sestan, Nenad; Geschwind, Daniel H; Knowles, James A; Gerstein, Mark BDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545856Create StudyTranscriptome-wide isoform-level dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.Science (New York, N.Y.)Gandal, Michael J; Zhang, Pan; Hadjimichael, Evi; Walker, Rebecca L; Chen, Chao; Liu, Shuang; Won, Hyejung; van Bakel, Harm; Varghese, Merina; Wang, Yongjun; Shieh, Annie W; Haney, Jillian; Parhami, Sepideh; Belmont, Judson; Kim, Minsoo; Moran Losada, Patricia; Khan, Zenab; Mleczko, Justyna; Xia, Yan; Dai, Rujia; Wang, Daifeng; Yang, Yucheng T; Xu, Min; Fish, Kenneth; Hof, Patrick R; Warrell, Jonathan; Fitzgerald, Dominic; White, Kevin; Jaffe, Andrew E; PsychENCODE Consortium; Peters, Mette A; Gerstein, Mark; Liu, Chunyu; Iakoucheva, Lilia M; Pinto, Dalila; Geschwind, Daniel HDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545855Create StudySpatiotemporal transcriptomic divergence across human and macaque brain development.Science (New York, N.Y.)Zhu, Ying; Sousa, André M M; Gao, Tianliuyun; Skarica, Mario; Li, Mingfeng; Santpere, Gabriel; Esteller-Cucala, Paula; Juan, David; Ferrández-Peral, Luis; Gulden, Forrest O; Yang, Mo; Miller, Daniel J; Marques-Bonet, Tomas; Imamura Kawasawa, Yuka; Zhao, Hongyu; Sestan, NenadDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545854Create StudyIntegrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks.Science (New York, N.Y.)Li, Mingfeng; Santpere, Gabriel; Imamura Kawasawa, Yuka; Evgrafov, Oleg V; Gulden, Forrest O; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Sunkin, Susan M; Li, Zhen; Shin, Yurae; Zhu, Ying; Sousa, André M M; Werling, Donna M; Kitchen, Robert R; Kang, Hyo Jung; Pletikos, Mihovil; Choi, Jinmyung; Muchnik, Sydney; Xu, Xuming; Wang, Daifeng; Lorente-Galdos, Belen; Liu, Shuang; Giusti-Rodríguez, Paola; Won, Hyejung; de Leeuw, Christiaan A; Pardiñas, Antonio F; BrainSpan Consortium; PsychENCODE Consortium; PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup; Hu, Ming; Jin, Fulai; Li, Yun; Owen, Michael J; O'Donovan, Michael C; Walters, James T R; Posthuma, Danielle; Reimers, Mark A; Levitt, Pat; Weinberger, Daniel R; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Geschwind, Daniel H; Hawrylycz, Michael J; State, Matthew W; Sanders, Stephan J; Sullivan, Patrick F; Gerstein, Mark B; Lein, Ed S; Knowles, James A; Sestan, NenadDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545853Create StudyTranscriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in organoids.Science (New York, N.Y.)Amiri, Anahita; Coppola, Gianfilippo; Scuderi, Soraya; Wu, Feinan; Roychowdhury, Tanmoy; Liu, Fuchen; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Shin, Yurae; Safi, Alexias; Song, Lingyun; Zhu, Ying; Sousa, André M M; PsychENCODE Consortium; Gerstein, Mark; Crawford, Gregory E; Sestan, Nenad; Abyzov, Alexej; Vaccarino, Flora MDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545852Create StudyGenome-wide de novo risk score implicates promoter variation in autism spectrum disorder.Science (New York, N.Y.)An, Joon-Yong; Lin, Kevin; Zhu, Lingxue; Werling, Donna M; Dong, Shan; Brand, Harrison; Wang, Harold Z; Zhao, Xuefang; Schwartz, Grace B; Collins, Ryan L; Currall, Benjamin B; Dastmalchi, Claudia; Dea, Jeanselle; Duhn, Clif; Gilson, Michael C; Klei, Lambertus; Liang, Lindsay; Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Ahituv, Nadav; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Coon, Hilary; Daly, Mark J; Kim, Young Shin; Marth, Gabor T; Neale, Benjamin M; Quinlan, Aaron R; Rubenstein, John L; Sestan, Nenad; State, Matthew W; Willsey, A Jeremy; Talkowski, Michael E; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Sanders, Stephan JDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30545851Create StudyNeuron-specific signatures in the chromosomal connectome associated with schizophrenia risk.Science (New York, N.Y.)Rajarajan, Prashanth; Borrman, Tyler; Liao, Will; Schrode, Nadine; Flaherty, Erin; Casiño, Charlize; Powell, Samuel; Yashaswini, Chittampalli; LaMarca, Elizabeth A; Kassim, Bibi; Javidfar, Behnam; Espeso-Gil, Sergio; Li, Aiqun; Won, Hyejung; Geschwind, Daniel H; Ho, Seok-Man; MacDonald, Matthew; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, Panos; Zhang, Bin; Hahn, Chang-Gyu; Weng, Zhiping; Brennand, Kristen J; Akbarian, SchahramDecember 14, 2018Not Determined
30420340Create StudyNext-Generation Sequencing in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicineSanders, Stephan JAugust 1, 2019Not Determined
30359605Create StudyLost in Translation: Traversing the Complex Path from Genomics to Therapeutics in Autism Spectrum Disorder.NeuronSestan, Nenad; State, Matthew WOctober 24, 2018Not Determined
30318146Create StudyThe 7q11.23 Protein DNAJC30 Interacts with ATP Synthase and Links Mitochondria to Brain Development.CellTebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Varela, Luis; Choi, Jinmyung; Paredes, Miguel I; Giani, Alice M; Song, Jae Eun; Sestan-Pesa, Matija; Franjic, Daniel; Sousa, André M M; Liu, Zhong-Wu; Li, Mingfeng; Bichsel, Candace; Koch, Marco; Szigeti-Buck, Klara; Liu, Fuchen; Li, Zhuo; Kawasawa, Yuka I; Paspalas, Constantinos D; Mineur, Yann S; Prontera, Paolo; Merla, Giuseppe; Picciotto, Marina R; Arnsten, Amy F T; Horvath, Tamas L; Sestan, NenadNovember 1, 2018Not Determined
30283037Create StudyAdolescent exposure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol alters the transcriptional trajectory and dendritic architecture of prefrontal pyramidal neurons.Molecular psychiatryMiller, Michael L; Chadwick, Benjamin; Dickstein, Dara L; Purushothaman, Immanuel; Egervari, Gabor; Rahman, Tanni; Tessereau, Chloe; Hof, Patrick R; Roussos, Panos; Shen, Li; Baxter, Mark G; Hurd, Yasmin LApril 1, 2019Not Determined
30263963Create StudyA unique role for DNA (hydroxy)methylation in epigenetic regulation of human inhibitory neurons.Science advancesKozlenkov, Alexey; Li, Junhao; Apontes, Pasha; Hurd, Yasmin L; Byne, William M; Koonin, Eugene V; Wegner, Michael; Mukamel, Eran A; Dracheva, StellaSeptember 1, 2018Not Determined
30224808Create StudyEnhancers active in dopamine neurons are a primary link between genetic variation and neuropsychiatric disease.Nature neuroscienceDong, Xianjun; Liao, Zhixiang; Gritsch, David; Hadzhiev, Yavor; Bai, Yunfei; Locascio, Joseph J; Guennewig, Boris; Liu, Ganqiang; Blauwendraat, Cornelis; Wang, Tao; Adler, Charles H; Hedreen, John C; Faull, Richard L M; Frosch, Matthew P; Nelson, Peter T; Rizzu, Patrizia; Cooper, Antony A; Heutink, Peter; Beach, Thomas G; Mattick, John S; Müller, Ferenc; Scherzer, Clemens ROctober 1, 2018Not Determined
30177255Create StudyTranscriptomic Evidence for Alterations in Astrocytes and Parvalbumin Interneurons in Subjects With Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia.Biological psychiatryToker, Lilah; Mancarci, Burak Ogan; Tripathy, Shreejoy; Pavlidis, PaulDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30125121Create StudyIsoform-Level Interpretation of High-Throughput Proteomics Data Enabled by Deep Integration with RNA-seq.Journal of proteome researchCarlyle, Becky C; Kitchen, Robert R; Zhang, Jing; Wilson, Rashaun S; Lam, Tukiet T; Rozowsky, Joel S; Williams, Kenneth R; Sestan, Nenad; Gerstein, Mark B; Nairn, Angus COctober 5, 2018Not Determined
30104368Create StudyN6-methyladenosine modification of hepatitis B virus RNA differentially regulates the viral life cycle.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaImam, Hasan; Khan, Mohsin; Gokhale, Nandan S; McIntyre, Alexa B R; Kim, Geon-Woo; Jang, Jae Young; Kim, Seong-Jun; Mason, Christopher E; Horner, Stacy M; Siddiqui, AleemAugust 28, 2018Not Determined
30087329Create StudyEvaluation of chromatin accessibility in prefrontal cortex of individuals with schizophrenia.Nature communicationsBryois, Julien; Garrett, Melanie E; Song, Lingyun; Safi, Alexias; Giusti-Rodriguez, Paola; Johnson, Graham D; Shieh, Annie W; Buil, Alfonso; Fullard, John F; Roussos, Panos; Sklar, Pamela; Akbarian, Schahram; Haroutunian, Vahram; Stockmeier, Craig A; Wray, Gregory A; White, Kevin P; Liu, Chunyu; Reddy, Timothy E; Ashley-Koch, Allison; Sullivan, Patrick F; Crawford, Gregory EAugust 7, 2018Not Determined
30054570Create StudyBrain circuit dysfunction in post-traumatic stress disorder: from mouse to man.Nature reviews. NeuroscienceFenster, Robert J; Lebois, Lauren A M; Ressler, Kerry J; Suh, JunghyupSeptember 1, 2018Not Determined
30053424Create StudyThe Psychiatric Cell Map Initiative: A Convergent Systems Biological Approach to Illuminating Key Molecular Pathways in Neuropsychiatric Disorders.CellWillsey, A Jeremy; Morris, Montana T; Wang, Sheng; Willsey, Helen R; Sun, Nawei; Teerikorpi, Nia; Baum, Tierney B; Cagney, Gerard; Bender, Kevin J; Desai, Tejal A; Srivastava, Deepak; Davis, Graeme W; Doudna, Jennifer; Chang, Edward; Sohal, Vikaas; Lowenstein, Daniel H; Li, Hao; Agard, David; Keiser, Michael J; Shoichet, Brian; von Zastrow, Mark; Mucke, Lennart; Finkbeiner, Steven; Gan, Li; Sestan, Nenad; Ward, Michael E; Huttenhain, Ruth; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Bellen, Hugo J; Frank, Loren M; Khokha, Mustafa K; Lifton, Richard P; Kampmann, Martin; Ideker, Trey; State, Matthew W; Krogan, Nevan JJuly 26, 2018Not Determined
30050107Create StudyDevelopmental and genetic regulation of the human cortex transcriptome illuminate schizophrenia pathogenesis.Nature neuroscienceJaffe, Andrew E; Straub, Richard E; Shin, Joo Heon; Tao, Ran; Gao, Yuan; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Kam-Thong, Tony; Xi, Hualin S; Quan, Jie; Chen, Qiang; Colantuoni, Carlo; Ulrich, William S; Maher, Brady J; Deep-Soboslay, Amy; BrainSeq Consortium; Cross, Alan J; Brandon, Nicholas J; Leek, Jeffrey T; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel RAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
30038276Create StudyCell-specific histone modification maps in the human frontal lobe link schizophrenia risk to the neuronal epigenome.Nature neuroscienceGirdhar, Kiran; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Jiang, Yan; Brown, Leanne; Kundakovic, Marija; Hauberg, Mads E; Francoeur, Nancy J; Wang, Ying-Chih; Shah, Hardik; Kavanagh, David H; Zharovsky, Elizabeth; Jacobov, Rivka; Wiseman, Jennifer R; Park, Royce; Johnson, Jessica S; Kassim, Bibi S; Sloofman, Laura; Mattei, Eugenio; Weng, Zhiping; Sieberts, Solveig K; Peters, Mette A; Harris, Brent T; Lipska, Barbara K; Sklar, Pamela; Roussos, Panos; Akbarian, SchahramAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
29985970Create StudyBrainEXP: a database featuring with spatiotemporal expression variations and co-expression organizations in human brains.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Jiao, Chuan; Yan, Pengpeng; Xia, Cuihua; Shen, Zhaoming; Tan, Zexi; Tan, Yanyan; Wang, Kangli; Jiang, Yi; Huang, Lingling; Dai, Rujia; Wei, Yu; Xia, Yan; Meng, Qingtuan; Ouyang, Yanmei; Yi, Liu; Duan, Fangyuan; Dai, Jiacheng; Zhao, Shunan; Liu, Chunyu; Chen, ChaoJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
29955163Create StudyMolecular windows into the human brain for psychiatric disorders.Molecular psychiatryEgervari, Gabor; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Dracheva, Stella; Hurd, Yasmin LMay 1, 2019Not Determined
29945882Create StudyAn atlas of chromatin accessibility in the adult human brain.Genome researchFullard, John F; Hauberg, Mads E; Bendl, Jaroslav; Egervari, Gabor; Cirnaru, Maria-Daniela; Reach, Sarah M; Motl, Jan; Ehrlich, Michelle E; Hurd, Yasmin L; Roussos, PanosAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
29942042Create StudyA decade in psychiatric GWAS research.Molecular psychiatryHorwitz, Tanya; Lam, Katie; Chen, Yu; Xia, Yan; Liu, ChunyuMarch 1, 2019Not Determined
29892006Create StudyBrain Cell Type Specific Gene Expression and Co-expression Network Architectures.Scientific reportsMcKenzie, Andrew T; Wang, Minghui; Hauberg, Mads E; Fullard, John F; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Keenan, Alexandra; Hurd, Yasmin L; Dracheva, Stella; Casaccia, Patrizia; Roussos, Panos; Zhang, BinJune 11, 2018Not Determined
29740122Create StudyDifferential activity of transcribed enhancers in the prefrontal cortex of 537 cases with schizophrenia and controls.Molecular psychiatryHauberg, Mads E; Fullard, John F; Zhu, Lingxue; Cohain, Ariella T; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Misir, Ruth; Reach, Sarah; Johnson, Jessica S; Wang, Minghui; Mattheisen, Manuel; Børglum, Anders Dupont; Zhang, Bin; Sieberts, Solveig K; Peters, Mette A; Domenici, Enrico; Schadt, Eric E; Devlin, Bernie; Sklar, Pamela; Roeder, Kathryn; Roussos, Panos; CommonMind ConsortiumNovember 1, 2019Not Determined
29700473Create StudyAn analytical framework for whole-genome sequence association studies and its implications for autism spectrum disorder.Nature geneticsWerling, Donna M; Brand, Harrison; An, Joon-Yong; Stone, Matthew R; Zhu, Lingxue; Glessner, Joseph T; Collins, Ryan L; Dong, Shan; Layer, Ryan M; Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Farrell, Andrew; Schwartz, Grace B; Wang, Harold Z; Currall, Benjamin B; Zhao, Xuefang; Dea, Jeanselle; Duhn, Clif; Erdman, Carolyn A; Gilson, Michael C; Yadav, Rachita; Handsaker, Robert E; Kashin, Seva; Klei, Lambertus; Mandell, Jeffrey D; Nowakowski, Tomasz J; Liu, Yuwen; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Smith, Louw; Walker, Michael F; Waterman, Matthew J; He, Xin; Kriegstein, Arnold R; Rubenstein, John L; Sestan, Nenad; McCarroll, Steven A; Neale, Benjamin M; Coon, Hilary; Willsey, A Jeremy; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Daly, Mark J; State, Matthew W; Quinlan, Aaron R; Marth, Gabor T; Roeder, Kathryn; Devlin, Bernie; Talkowski, Michael E; Sanders, Stephan JApril 26, 2018Not Determined
29691375Create StudyTHC exposure of human iPSC neurons impacts genes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders.Translational psychiatryGuennewig, Boris; Bitar, Maina; Obiorah, Ifeanyi; Hanks, James; O'Brien, Elizabeth A; Kaczorowski, Dominik C; Hurd, Yasmin L; Roussos, Panos; Brennand, Kristen J; Barry, GuyApril 25, 2018Not Determined
29632383Create StudyTranscriptome-wide association study of schizophrenia and chromatin activity yields mechanistic disease insights.Nature geneticsGusev, Alexander; Mancuso, Nicholas; Won, Hyejung; Kousi, Maria; Finucane, Hilary K; Reshef, Yakir; Song, Lingyun; Safi, Alexias; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; McCarroll, Steven; Neale, Benjamin M; Ophoff, Roel A; O'Donovan, Michael C; Crawford, Gregory E; Geschwind, Daniel H; Katsanis, Nicholas; Sullivan, Patrick F; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Price, Alkes LApril 1, 2018Not Determined
29632380Create StudyHeritability enrichment of specifically expressed genes identifies disease-relevant tissues and cell types.Nature geneticsFinucane, Hilary K; Reshef, Yakir A; Anttila, Verneri; Slowikowski, Kamil; Gusev, Alexander; Byrnes, Andrea; Gazal, Steven; Loh, Po-Ru; Lareau, Caleb; Shoresh, Noam; Genovese, Giulio; Saunders, Arpiar; Macosko, Evan; Pollack, Samuela; Brainstorm Consortium; Perry, John R B; Buenrostro, Jason D; Bernstein, Bradley E; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; McCarroll, Steven; Neale, Benjamin M; Price, Alkes LApril 1, 2018Not Determined
29605855Create StudyDefining Regulatory Elements in the Human Genome Using Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome Sequencing (NOMe-Seq).Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)Rhie, Suhn Kyong; Schreiner, Shannon; Farnham, Peggy JJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29579179Create StudyA Bayesian framework for multiple trait colocalization from summary association statistics.Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Giambartolomei, Claudia; Zhenli Liu, Jimmy; Zhang, Wen; Hauberg, Mads; Shi, Huwenbo; Boocock, James; Pickrell, Joe; Jaffe, Andrew E; CommonMind Consortium; Pasaniuc, Bogdan; Roussos, PanosAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
29562236Create StudyDe novo mutations in regulatory elements in neurodevelopmental disorders.NatureShort, Patrick J; McRae, Jeremy F; Gallone, Giuseppe; Sifrim, Alejandro; Won, Hyejung; Geschwind, Daniel H; Wright, Caroline F; Firth, Helen V; FitzPatrick, David R; Barrett, Jeffrey C; Hurles, Matthew EMarch 29, 2018Not Determined
29483656Create StudyCommon schizophrenia alleles are enriched in mutation-intolerant genes and in regions under strong background selection.Nature geneticsPardiñas, Antonio F; Holmans, Peter; Pocklington, Andrew J; Escott-Price, Valentina; Ripke, Stephan; Carrera, Noa; Legge, Sophie E; Bishop, Sophie; Cameron, Darren; Hamshere, Marian L; Han, Jun; Hubbard, Leon; Lynham, Amy; Mantripragada, Kiran; Rees, Elliott; MacCabe, James H; McCarroll, Steven A; Baune, Bernhard T; Breen, Gerome; Byrne, Enda M; Dannlowski, Udo; Eley, Thalia C; Hayward, Caroline; Martin, Nicholas G; McIntosh, Andrew M; Plomin, Robert; Porteous, David J; Wray, Naomi R; Caballero, Armando; Geschwind, Daniel H; Huckins, Laura M; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Santiago, Enrique; Sklar, Pamela; Stahl, Eli A; Won, Hyejung; Agerbo, Esben; Als, Thomas D; Andreassen, Ole A; Bækvad-Hansen, Marie; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Børglum, Anders D; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Djurovic, Srdjan; Durmishi, Naser; Pedersen, Marianne Giørtz; Golimbet, Vera; Grove, Jakob; Hougaard, David M; Mattheisen, Manuel; Molden, Espen; Mors, Ole; Nordentoft, Merete; Pejovic-Milovancevic, Milica; Sigurdsson, Engilbert; Silagadze, Teimuraz; Hansen, Christine Søholm; Stefansson, Kari; Stefansson, Hreinn; Steinberg, Stacy; Tosato, Sarah; Werge, Thomas; GERAD1 Consortium; CRESTAR Consortium; Collier, David A; Rujescu, Dan; Kirov, George; Owen, Michael J; O'Donovan, Michael C; Walters, James T RMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
29472441Create StudyEarly emergence of cortical interneuron diversity in the mouse embryo.Science (New York, N.Y.)Mi, Da; Li, Zhen; Lim, Lynette; Li, Mingfeng; Moissidis, Monika; Yang, Yifei; Gao, Tianliuyun; Hu, Tim Xiaoming; Pratt, Thomas; Price, David J; Sestan, Nenad; Marín, OscarApril 6, 2018Not Determined
29469594Create StudyPositional effects revealed in Illumina methylation array and the impact on analysis.EpigenomicsJiao, Chuan; Zhang, Chunling; Dai, Rujia; Xia, Yan; Wang, Kangli; Giase, Gina; Chen, Chao; Liu, ChunyuMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29439242Create StudyShared molecular neuropathology across major psychiatric disorders parallels polygenic overlap.Science (New York, N.Y.)Gandal, Michael J; Haney, Jillian R; Parikshak, Neelroop N; Leppa, Virpi; Ramaswami, Gokul; Hartl, Chris; Schork, Andrew J; Appadurai, Vivek; Buil, Alfonso; Werge, Thomas M; Liu, Chunyu; White, Kevin P; CommonMind Consortium; PsychENCODE Consortium; iPSYCH-BROAD Working Group; Horvath, Steve; Geschwind, Daniel HFebruary 9, 2018Not Determined
29351917Create StudyA Novel Method for Rapid Molecular Subgrouping of Medulloblastoma.Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer ResearchGómez, Soledad; Garrido-Garcia, Alícia; Garcia-Gerique, Laura; Lemos, Isadora; Suñol, Mariona; de Torres, Carmen; Kulis, Marta; Pérez-Jaume, Sara; Carcaboso, Ángel M; Luu, Betty; Kieran, Mark W; Jabado, Nada; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Dracheva, Stella; Ramaswamy, Vijay; Hovestadt, Volker; Johann, Pascal; Jones, David T W; Pfister, Stefan M; Morales La Madrid, Andrés; Cruz, Ofelia; Taylor, Michael D; Martin-Subero, Jose-Ignacio; Mora, Jaume; Lavarino, CinziaMarch 15, 2018Not Determined
29307494Create StudyThe Dynamic Landscape of Open Chromatin during Human Cortical Neurogenesis.Cellde la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Stein, Jason L; Won, Hyejung; Opland, Carli K; Liang, Dan; Lu, Daning; Geschwind, Daniel HJanuary 11, 2018Not Determined
29217587Create StudyDifferent mutational rates and mechanisms in human cells at pregastrulation and neurogenesis.Science (New York, N.Y.)Bae, Taejeong; Tomasini, Livia; Mariani, Jessica; Zhou, Bo; Roychowdhury, Tanmoy; Franjic, Daniel; Pletikos, Mihovil; Pattni, Reenal; Chen, Bo-Juen; Venturini, Elisa; Riley-Gillis, Bridget; Sestan, Nenad; Urban, Alexander E; Abyzov, Alexej; Vaccarino, Flora MFebruary 2, 2018Not Determined
29184206Create StudyA multiregional proteomic survey of the postnatal human brain.Nature neuroscienceCarlyle, Becky C; Kitchen, Robert R; Kanyo, Jean E; Voss, Edward Z; Pletikos, Mihovil; Sousa, André M M; Lam, TuKiet T; Gerstein, Mark B; Sestan, Nenad; Nairn, Angus CDecember 1, 2017Not Determined
29170230Create StudyMolecular and cellular reorganization of neural circuits in the human lineage.Science (New York, N.Y.)Sousa, André M M; Zhu, Ying; Raghanti, Mary Ann; Kitchen, Robert R; Onorati, Marco; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Stutz, Bernardo; Meyer, Kyle A; Li, Mingfeng; Kawasawa, Yuka Imamura; Liu, Fuchen; Perez, Raquel Garcia; Mele, Marta; Carvalho, Tiago; Skarica, Mario; Gulden, Forrest O; Pletikos, Mihovil; Shibata, Akemi; Stephenson, Alexa R; Edler, Melissa K; Ely, John J; Elsworth, John D; Horvath, Tamas L; Hof, Patrick R; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel R; Reimers, Mark; Lifton, Richard P; Mane, Shrikant M; Noonan, James P; State, Matthew W; Lein, Ed S; Knowles, James A; Marques-Bonet, Tomas; Sherwood, Chet C; Gerstein, Mark B; Sestan, NenadNovember 24, 2017Not Determined
29117547Create StudyA Prostate Cancer Risk Element Functions as a Repressive Loop that Regulates HOXA13.Cell reportsLuo, Zhifei; Rhie, Suhn Kyong; Lay, Fides D; Farnham, Peggy JNovember 7, 2017Not Determined
29098072Create StudyMolecular underpinnings of neurodegenerative disorders: striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase signaling and synaptic plasticity.F1000ResearchLombroso, Paul J; Ogren, Marilee; Kurup, Pradeep; Nairn, Angus CJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
29043067Create Studyrecount workflow: Accessing over 70,000 human RNA-seq samples with Bioconductor.F1000ResearchCollado-Torres, Leonardo; Nellore, Abhinav; Jaffe, Andrew EJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
29020636Create StudySelf-Organized Cerebral Organoids with Human-Specific Features Predict Effective Drugs to Combat Zika Virus Infection.Cell reportsWatanabe, Momoko; Buth, Jessie E; Vishlaghi, Neda; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Taxidis, Jiannis; Khakh, Baljit S; Coppola, Giovanni; Pearson, Caroline A; Yamauchi, Ken; Gong, Danyang; Dai, Xinghong; Damoiseaux, Robert; Aliyari, Roghiyh; Liebscher, Simone; Schenke-Layland, Katja; Caneda, Christine; Huang, Eric J; Zhang, Ye; Cheng, Genhong; Geschwind, Daniel H; Golshani, Peyman; Sun, Ren; Novitch, Bennett GOctober 10, 2017Not Determined
28794184Create StudyPost-transcriptional regulation of mouse neurogenesis by Pumilio proteins.Genes & developmentZhang, Meng; Chen, Dong; Xia, Jing; Han, Wenqi; Cui, Xiekui; Neuenkirchen, Nils; Hermes, Gretchen; Sestan, Nenad; Lin, HaifanJuly 1, 2017Not Determined
28783139Create StudyAntipsychotic-induced Hdac2 transcription via NF-κB leads to synaptic and cognitive side effects.Nature neuroscienceIbi, Daisuke; de la Fuente Revenga, Mario; Kezunovic, Nebojsa; Muguruza, Carolina; Saunders, Justin M; Gaitonde, Supriya A; Moreno, José L; Ijaz, Maryum K; Santosh, Vishaka; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Holloway, Terrell; Seto, Jeremy; García-Bea, Aintzane; Kurita, Mitsumasa; Mosley, Grace E; Jiang, Yan; Christoffel, Daniel J; Callado, Luis F; Russo, Scott J; Dracheva, Stella; López-Giménez, Juan F; Ge, Yongchao; Escalante, Carlos R; Meana, J Javier; Akbarian, Schahram; Huntley, George W; González-Maeso, JavierSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
28751609Create StudyControl of species-dependent cortico-motoneuronal connections underlying manual dexterity.Science (New York, N.Y.)Gu, Zirong; Kalambogias, John; Yoshioka, Shin; Han, Wenqi; Li, Zhuo; Kawasawa, Yuka Imamura; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Li, Zhen; Liu, Fuchen; Xu, Xuming; Wijeratne, H. R. Sagara; Ueno, Masaki; Blatz, Emily; Salomone, Joseph; Kumanogoh, Atsushi; Rasin, Mladen-Roko; Gebelein, Brian; Weirauch, Matthew T; Sestan, Nenad; Martin, John H; Yoshida, YutakaJuly 28, 2017Not Determined
28708995Create StudyEvolution of the Human Nervous System Function, Structure, and Development.CellSousa, André M M; Meyer, Kyle A; Santpere, Gabriel; Gulden, Forrest O; Sestan, NenadJuly 13, 2017Not Determined
28686855Create StudyLarge-Scale Identification of Common Trait and Disease Variants Affecting Gene Expression.American journal of human geneticsHauberg, Mads Engel; Zhang, Wen; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Franzén, Oscar; Morris, David L; Vyse, Timothy J; Ruusalepp, Arno; CommonMind Consortium; Sklar, Pamela; Schadt, Eric E; Björkegren, Johan L M; Roussos, PanosJuly 6, 2017Not Determined
28671686Create StudyThe methyltransferase SETDB1 regulates a large neuron-specific topological chromatin domain.Nature geneticsJiang, Yan; Loh, Yong-Hwee Eddie; Rajarajan, Prashanth; Hirayama, Teruyoshi; Liao, Will; Kassim, Bibi S; Javidfar, Behnam; Hartley, Brigham J; Kleofas, Lisa; Park, Royce B; Labonte, Benoit; Ho, Seok-Man; Chandrasekaran, Sandhya; Do, Catherine; Ramirez, Brianna R; Peter, Cyril J; C W, Julia T; Safaie, Brian M; Morishita, Hirofumi; Roussos, Panos; Nestler, Eric J; Schaefer, Anne; Tycko, Benjamin; Brennand, Kristen J; Yagi, Takeshi; Shen, Li; Akbarian, SchahramAugust 1, 2017Not Determined
28634288Create StudyqSVA framework for RNA quality correction in differential expression analysis.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaJaffe, Andrew E; Tao, Ran; Norris, Alexis L; Kealhofer, Marc; Nellore, Abhinav; Shin, Joo Heon; Kim, Dewey; Jia, Yankai; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Straub, Richard E; Leek, Jeffrey T; Weinberger, Daniel RJuly 3, 2017Not Determined
28552197Create StudyLarge-Scale Identification of Common Trait and Disease Variants Affecting Gene Expression.American journal of human geneticsHauberg, Mads Engel; Zhang, Wen; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Franzén, Oscar; Morris, David L; Vyse, Timothy J; Ruusalepp, Arno; CommonMind Consortium; Sklar, Pamela; Schadt, Eric E; Björkegren, Johan L M; Roussos, PanosJune 1, 2017Not Determined
28533516Create StudyASD restricted and repetitive behaviors associated at 17q21.33: genes prioritized by expression in fetal brains.Molecular psychiatryCantor, R M; Navarro, L; Won, H; Walker, R L; Lowe, J K; Geschwind, D HApril 1, 2018Not Determined
28431175Create Studyminepath.org: a free interactive pathway analysis web server.Nucleic acids researchKoumakis, Lefteris; Roussos, Panos; Potamias, GeorgeJuly 3, 2017Not Determined
28398307Create StudyReproducible RNA-seq analysis using recount2.Nature biotechnologyCollado-Torres, Leonardo; Nellore, Abhinav; Kammers, Kai; Ellis, Shannon E; Taub, Margaret A; Hansen, Kasper D; Jaffe, Andrew E; Langmead, Ben; Leek, Jeffrey TApril 11, 2017Not Determined
28335009Create StudyOpen chromatin profiling of human postmortem brain infers functional roles for non-coding schizophrenia loci.Human molecular geneticsFullard, John F; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Hauberg, Mads E; Xu, Ke; Voloudakis, Georgios; Shao, Zhiping; Bare, Christopher; Dudley, Joel T; Mattheisen, Manuel; Robakis, Nikolaos K; Haroutunian, Vahram; Roussos, PanosMay 15, 2017Not Determined
28334242Create StudyReciprocal Connections Between Cortex and Thalamus Contribute to Retinal Axon Targeting to Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Diao, Yupu; Cui, Liyuan; Chen, Yuqing; Burbridge, Timothy J; Han, Wenqi; Wirth, Brunhilde; Sestan, Nenad; Crair, Michael C; Zhang, JiayiApril 1, 2018Not Determined
28256214Create StudyOpposing Effects on NaV1.2 Function Underlie Differences Between SCN2A Variants Observed in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Infantile Seizures.Biological psychiatryBen-Shalom, Roy; Keeshen, Caroline M; Berrios, Kiara N; An, Joon Y; Sanders, Stephan J; Bender, Kevin JAugust 1, 2017Not Determined
28253736Create StudyIdentification of Developmental and Behavioral Markers Associated With Genetic Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder.The American journal of psychiatryBishop, Somer L; Farmer, Cristan; Bal, Vanessa; Robinson, Elise B; Willsey, A Jeremy; Werling, Donna M; Havdahl, Karoline Alexandra; Sanders, Stephan J; Thurm, AudreyJune 1, 2017Not Determined
28252112Create StudyParallel changes in serum proteins and diffusion tensor imaging in methamphetamine-associated psychosis.Scientific reportsBreen, Michael S; Uhlmann, Anne; Ozcan, Sureyya; Chan, Man; Pinto, Dalila; Bahn, Sabine; Stein, Dan JMarch 2, 2017Not Determined
28204568Create StudyDifferential Gene Expression in the Human Brain Is Associated with Conserved, but Not Accelerated, Noncoding Sequences.Molecular biology and evolutionMeyer, Kyle A; Marques-Bonet, Tomas; Sestan, NenadMay 1, 2017Not Determined
28082376Create StudyAxonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains.Human molecular geneticsAkins, Michael R; Berk-Rauch, Hanna E; Kwan, Kenneth Y; Mitchell, Molly E; Shepard, Katherine A; Korsak, Lulu I T; Stackpole, Emily E; Warner-Schmidt, Jennifer L; Sestan, Nenad; Cameron, Heather A; Fallon, Justin RJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
27930330Create StudySimultaneous dimension reduction and adjustment for confounding variation.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaLin, Zhixiang; Yang, Can; Zhu, Ying; Duchi, John; Fu, Yao; Wang, Yong; Jiang, Bai; Zamanighomi, Mahdi; Xu, Xuming; Li, Mingfeng; Sestan, Nenad; Zhao, Hongyu; Wong, Wing HungDecember 20, 2016Not Determined
27891212Create StudyThe role of sex-differential biology in risk for autism spectrum disorder.Biology of sex differencesWerling, Donna MJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27863698Create StudyStriatal H3K27 Acetylation Linked to Glutamatergic Gene Dysregulation in Human Heroin Abusers Holds Promise as Therapeutic Target.Biological psychiatryEgervari, Gabor; Landry, Joseph; Callens, James; Fullard, John F; Roussos, Panos; Keller, Eva; Hurd, Yasmin LApril 1, 2017Not Determined
27814521Create StudyThe Central Nervous System and the Gut Microbiome.CellSharon, Gil; Sampson, Timothy R; Geschwind, Daniel H; Mazmanian, Sarkis KNovember 3, 2016Not Determined
27760116Create StudyChromosome conformation elucidates regulatory relationships in developing human brain.NatureWon, Hyejung; de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis; Stein, Jason L; Parikshak, Neelroop N; Huang, Jerry; Opland, Carli K; Gandal, Michael J; Sutton, Gavin J; Hormozdiari, Farhad; Lu, Daning; Lee, Changhoon; Eskin, Eleazar; Voineagu, Irina; Ernst, Jason; Geschwind, Daniel HOctober 27, 2016Not Determined
27732689Create StudyActivity-Dependent Changes in Gene Expression in Schizophrenia Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Neurons.JAMA psychiatryRoussos, Panos; Guennewig, Boris; Kaczorowski, Dominik C; Barry, Guy; Brennand, Kristen JNovember 1, 2016Not Determined
27694310Create StudyFlexible expressed region analysis for RNA-seq with derfinder.Nucleic acids researchCollado-Torres, Leonardo; Nellore, Abhinav; Frazee, Alyssa C; Wilks, Christopher; Love, Michael I; Langmead, Ben; Irizarry, Rafael A; Leek, Jeffrey T; Jaffe, Andrew EJanuary 25, 2017Not Determined
27668656Create StudyTSHZ3 deletion causes an autism syndrome and defects in cortical projection neurons.Nature geneticsCaubit, Xavier; Gubellini, Paolo; Andrieux, Joris; Roubertoux, Pierre L; Metwaly, Mehdi; Jacq, Bernard; Fatmi, Ahmed; Had-Aissouni, Laurence; Kwan, Kenneth Y; Salin, Pascal; Carlier, Michèle; Liedén, Agne; Rudd, Eva; Shinawi, Marwan; Vincent-Delorme, Catherine; Cuisset, Jean-Marie; Lemaitre, Marie-Pierre; Abderrehamane, Fatimetou; Duban, Bénédicte; Lemaitre, Jean-François; Woolf, Adrian S; Bockenhauer, Detlef; Severac, Dany; Dubois, Emeric; Zhu, Ying; Sestan, Nenad; Garratt, Alistair N; Lydia Kerkerian-Le, Goff; Fasano, LaurentNovember 1, 2016Not Determined
27668389Create StudyGene expression elucidates functional impact of polygenic risk for schizophrenia.Nature neuroscienceFromer, Menachem; Roussos, Panos; Sieberts, Solveig K; Johnson, Jessica S; Kavanagh, David H; Perumal, Thanneer M; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Oh, Edwin C; Topol, Aaron; Shah, Hardik R; Klei, Lambertus L; Kramer, Robin; Pinto, Dalila; Gümüş, Zeynep H; Cicek, A Ercument; Dang, Kristen K; Browne, Andrew; Lu, Cong; Xie, Lu; Readhead, Ben; Stahl, Eli A; Xiao, Jianqiu; Parvizi, Mahsa; Hamamsy, Tymor; Fullard, John F; Wang, Ying-Chih; Mahajan, Milind C; Derry, Jonathan M J; Dudley, Joel T; Hemby, Scott E; Logsdon, Benjamin A; Talbot, Konrad; Raj, Towfique; Bennett, David A; De Jager, Philip L; Zhu, Jun; Zhang, Bin; Sullivan, Patrick F; Chess, Andrew; Purcell, Shaun M; Shinobu, Leslie A; Mangravite, Lara M; Toyoshiba, Hiroyoshi; Gur, Raquel E; Hahn, Chang-Gyu; Lewis, David A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Peters, Mette A; Lipska, Barbara K; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Schadt, Eric E; Hirai, Keisuke; Roeder, Kathryn; Brennand, Kristen J; Katsanis, Nicholas; Domenici, Enrico; Devlin, Bernie; Sklar, PamelaNovember 1, 2016Not Determined
27568284Create StudyZika Virus Disrupts Phospho-TBK1 Localization and Mitosis in Human Neuroepithelial Stem Cells and Radial Glia.Cell reportsOnorati, Marco; Li, Zhen; Liu, Fuchen; Sousa, André M M; Nakagawa, Naoki; Li, Mingfeng; Dell'Anno, Maria Teresa; Gulden, Forrest O; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Tebbenkamp, Andrew T N; Han, Wenqi; Pletikos, Mihovil; Gao, Tianliuyun; Zhu, Ying; Bichsel, Candace; Varela, Luis; Szigeti-Buck, Klara; Lisgo, Steven; Zhang, Yalan; Testen, Anze; Gao, Xiao-Bing; Mlakar, Jernej; Popovic, Mara; Flamand, Marie; Strittmatter, Stephen M; Kaczmarek, Leonard K; Anton, E S; Horvath, Tamas L; Lindenbach, Brett D; Sestan, NenadSeptember 6, 2016Not Determined
27113501Create StudyPractical Guidelines for High-Resolution Epigenomic Profiling of Nucleosomal Histones in Postmortem Human Brain Tissue.Biological psychiatryKundakovic, Marija; Jiang, Yan; Kavanagh, David H; Dincer, Aslihan; Brown, Leanne; Pothula, Venu; Zharovsky, Elizabeth; Park, Royce; Jacobov, Rivka; Magro, Isabelle; Kassim, Bibi; Wiseman, Jennifer; Dang, Kristen; Sieberts, Solveig K; Roussos, Panos; Fromer, Menachem; Harris, Brent; Lipska, Barbara K; Peters, Mette A; Sklar, Pamela; Akbarian, SchahramJanuary 15, 2017Not Determined
27073125Create StudyRNA-seq analysis of developing olfactory bulb projection neurons.Molecular and cellular neurosciencesKawasawa, Yuka Imamura; Salzberg, Anna C; Li, Mingfeng; Šestan, Nenad; Greer, Charles A; Imamura, FumiakiJuly 1, 2016Not Determined
26926866Create StudyA Markov random field-based approach for joint estimation of differentially expressed genes in mouse transcriptome data.Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biologyLin, Zhixiang; Li, Mingfeng; Sestan, Nenad; Zhao, HongyuApril 1, 2016Not Determined
26924435Create StudyDown Syndrome Developmental Brain Transcriptome Reveals Defective Oligodendrocyte Differentiation and Myelination.NeuronOlmos-Serrano, Jose Luis; Kang, Hyo Jung; Tyler, William A; Silbereis, John C; Cheng, Feng; Zhu, Ying; Pletikos, Mihovil; Jankovic-Rapan, Lucija; Cramer, Nathan P; Galdzicki, Zygmunt; Goodliffe, Joseph; Peters, Alan; Sethares, Claire; Delalle, Ivana; Golden, Jeffrey A; Haydar, Tarik F; Sestan, NenadMarch 16, 2016Not Determined
26827128Create StudyUnderstanding the genetic liability to schizophrenia through the neuroepigenome.Schizophrenia researchFullard, John F; Halene, Tobias B; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Haroutunian, Vahram; Akbarian, Schahram; Roussos, PanosNovember 1, 2016Not Determined
26796689Create StudyThe Cellular and Molecular Landscapes of the Developing Human Central Nervous System.NeuronSilbereis, John C; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Zhu, Ying; Li, Mingfeng; Sestan, NenadJanuary 20, 2016Not Determined
26776227Create StudyNeuN+ neuronal nuclei in non-human primate prefrontal cortex and subcortical white matter after clozapine exposure.Schizophrenia researchHalene, Tobias B; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Jiang, Yan; Mitchell, Amanda C; Javidfar, Behnam; Dincer, Aslihan; Park, Royce; Wiseman, Jennifer; Croxson, Paula L; Giannaris, Eustathia Lela; Hof, Patrick R; Roussos, Panos; Dracheva, Stella; Hemby, Scott E; Akbarian, SchahramFebruary 1, 2016Not Determined
26685806Create StudyPostmortem human brain genomics in neuropsychiatric disorders--how far can we go?Current opinion in neurobiologyJaffe, Andrew EFebruary 1, 2016Not Determined
26637798Create StudyTargeted DNA Sequencing from Autism Spectrum Disorder Brains Implicates Multiple Genetic Mechanisms.NeuronD'Gama, Alissa M; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Li, Mingfeng; Jamuar, Saumya S; Reiff, Rachel E; Lam, Anh-Thu N; Sestan, Nenad; Walsh, Christopher ADecember 2, 2015Not Determined
26619358Create StudyMapping DNA methylation across development, genotype and schizophrenia in the human frontal cortex.Nature neuroscienceJaffe, Andrew E; Gao, Yuan; Deep-Soboslay, Amy; Tao, Ran; Hyde, Thomas M; Weinberger, Daniel R; Kleinman, Joel EJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26612861Create StudySubstantial DNA methylation differences between two major neuronal subtypes in human brain.Nucleic acids researchKozlenkov, Alexey; Wang, Minghui; Roussos, Panos; Rudchenko, Sergei; Barbu, Mihaela; Bibikova, Marina; Klotzle, Brandy; Dwork, Andrew J; Zhang, Bin; Hurd, Yasmin L; Koonin, Eugene V; Wegner, Michael; Dracheva, StellaApril 7, 2016Not Determined
26610635Create StudyCreating Patient-Specific Neural Cells for the In Vitro Study of Brain Disorders.Stem cell reportsBrennand, Kristen J; Marchetto, M Carol; Benvenisty, Nissim; Brüstle, Oliver; Ebert, Allison; Izpisua Belmonte, Juan Carlos; Kaykas, Ajamete; Lancaster, Madeline A; Livesey, Frederick J; McConnell, Michael J; McKay, Ronald D; Morrow, Eric M; Muotri, Alysson R; Panchision, David M; Rubin, Lee L; Sawa, Akira; Soldner, Frank; Song, Hongjun; Studer, Lorenz; Temple, Sally; Vaccarino, Flora M; Wu, Jun; Vanderhaeghen, Pierre; Gage, Fred H; Jaenisch, RudolfDecember 8, 2015Not Determined
26605881Create StudyThe PsychENCODE project.Nature neurosciencePsychENCODE Consortium; Akbarian, Schahram; Liu, Chunyu; Knowles, James A; Vaccarino, Flora M; Farnham, Peggy J; Crawford, Gregory E; Jaffe, Andrew E; Pinto, Dalila; Dracheva, Stella; Geschwind, Daniel H; Mill, Jonathan; Nairn, Angus C; Abyzov, Alexej; Pochareddy, Sirisha; Prabhakar, Shyam; Weissman, Sherman; Sullivan, Patrick F; State, Matthew W; Weng, Zhiping; Peters, Mette A; White, Kevin P; Gerstein, Mark B; Amiri, Anahita; Armoskus, Chris; Ashley-Koch, Allison E; Bae, Taejeong; Beckel-Mitchener, Andrea; Berman, Benjamin P; Coetzee, Gerhard A; Coppola, Gianfilippo; Francoeur, Nancy; Fromer, Menachem; Gao, Robert; Grennan, Kay; Herstein, Jennifer; Kavanagh, David H; Ivanov, Nikolay A; Jiang, Yan; Kitchen, Robert R; Kozlenkov, Alexey; Kundakovic, Marija; Li, Mingfeng; Li, Zhen; Liu, Shuang; Mangravite, Lara M; Mattei, Eugenio; Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Eirene; Navarro, Fábio C P; North, Nicole; Omberg, Larsson; Panchision, David; Parikshak, Neelroop; Poschmann, Jeremie; Price, Amanda J; Purcaro, Michael; Reddy, Timothy E; Roussos, Panos; Schreiner, Shannon; Scuderi, Soraya; Sebra, Robert; Shibata, Mikihito; Shieh, Annie W; Skarica, Mario; Sun, Wenjie; Swarup, Vivek; Thomas, Amber; Tsuji, Junko; van Bakel, Harm; Wang, Daifeng; Wang, Yongjun; Wang, Kai; Werling, Donna M; Willsey, A Jeremy; Witt, Heather; Won, Hyejung; Wong, Chloe C Y; Wray, Gregory A; Wu, Emily Y; Xu, Xuming; Yao, Lijing; Senthil, Geetha; Lehner, Thomas; Sklar, Pamela; Sestan, NenadDecember 1, 2015Not Determined
26575220Create StudyDeciphering H3K4me3 broad domains associated with gene-regulatory networks and conserved epigenomic landscapes in the human brain.Translational psychiatryDincer, A; Gavin, D P; Xu, K; Zhang, B; Dudley, J T; Schadt, E E; Akbarian, SNovember 17, 2015Not Determined
26481319Create StudyPsychiatric genetics in China: achievements and challenges.Molecular psychiatryLiu, Chunyu; Saffen, David; Schulze, Thomas G; Burmeister, Margit; Sham, Pak Chung; Yao, Yong-Gang; Kuo, Po-Hsiu; Chen, Chao; An, Yu; Dai, Jiapei; Yue, Weihua; Li, Miao Xin; Xue, Hong; Su, Bing; Chen, Li; Shi, Yongyong; Qiao, Mingqi; Liu, Tiebang; Xia, Kun; Chan, Raymond C KJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26446758Create StudyDemystifying the secret mission of enhancers: linking distal regulatory elements to target genes.Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biologyYao, Lijing; Berman, Benjamin P; Farnham, Peggy JJanuary 1, 2015Not Determined
26338991Create StudyImpact of a cis-associated gene expression SNP on chromosome 20q11.22 on bipolar disorder susceptibility, hippocampal structure and cognitive performance.The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental scienceLi, Ming; Luo, Xiong-jian; Landén, Mikael; Bergen, Sarah E; Hultman, Christina M; Li, Xiao; Zhang, Wen; Yao, Yong-Gang; Zhang, Chen; Liu, Jiewei; Mattheisen, Manuel; Cichon, Sven; Mühleisen, Thomas W; Degenhardt, Franziska A; Nöthen, Markus M; Schulze, Thomas G; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria; Li, Hao; Fuller, Chris K; Chen, Chunhui; Dong, Qi; Chen, Chuansheng; Jamain, Stéphane; Leboyer, Marion; Bellivier, Frank; Etain, Bruno; Kahn, Jean-Pierre; Henry, Chantal; Preisig, Martin; Kutalik, Zoltán; Castelao, Enrique; Wright, Adam; Mitchell, Philip B; Fullerton, Janice M; Schofield, Peter R; Montgomery, Grant W; Medland, Sarah E; Gordon, Scott D; Martin, Nicholas G; MooDS Consortium; Swedish Bipolar Study Group; Rietschel, Marcella; Liu, Chunyu; Kleinman, Joel E; Hyde, Thomas M; Weinberger, Daniel R; Su, BingFebruary 1, 2016Not Determined
25884877Create StudyLoregic: a method to characterize the cooperative logic of regulatory factors.PLoS computational biologyWang, Daifeng; Yan, Koon-Kiu; Sisu, Cristina; Cheng, Chao; Rozowsky, Joel; Meyerson, William; Gerstein, Mark BApril 1, 2015Not Determined
25849321Create StudyGenes with de novo mutations are shared by four neuropsychiatric disorders discovered from NPdenovo database.Molecular psychiatryLi, Jinchen; Cai, Tao; Jiang, Yi; Chen, Huiqian; He, Xin; Chen, Chao; Li, Xianfeng; Shao, Qianzhi; Ran, Xia; Li, Zhongshan; Xia, Kun; Liu, Chunyu; Sun, Zhong Sheng; Wu, JinyuFebruary 1, 2016Not Determined
25810521Create StudySpatially heterogeneous choroid plexus transcriptomes encode positional identity and contribute to regional CSF production.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceLun, Melody P; Johnson, Matthew B; Broadbelt, Kevin G; Watanabe, Momoko; Kang, Young-Jin; Chau, Kevin F; Springel, Mark W; Malesz, Alexandra; Sousa, André M M; Pletikos, Mihovil; Adelita, Tais; Calicchio, Monica L; Zhang, Yong; Holtzman, Michael J; Lidov, Hart G W; Sestan, Nenad; Steen, Hanno; Monuki, Edwin S; Lehtinen, Maria KMarch 25, 2015Not Determined
25745370Create StudyThe use of stem cells to study autism spectrum disorder.The Yale journal of biology and medicineArdhanareeswaran, Karthikeyan; Coppola, Gianfilippo; Vaccarino, FloraMarch 1, 2015Not Determined
25652815Create StudyGenetics and epigenetics of circadian rhythms and their potential roles in neuropsychiatric disorders.Neuroscience bulletinLiu, Chunyu; Chung, MichaelFebruary 1, 2015Not Determined
25624274Create StudyFrom trans to cis: transcriptional regulatory networks in neocortical development.Trends in genetics : TIGShibata, Mikihito; Gulden, Forrest O; Sestan, NenadFebruary 1, 2015Not Determined
25501035Create StudyDevelopmental regulation of human cortex transcription and its clinical relevance at single base resolution.Nature neuroscienceJaffe, Andrew E; Shin, Jooheon; Collado-Torres, Leonardo; Leek, Jeffrey T; Tao, Ran; Li, Chao; Gao, Yuan; Jia, Yankai; Maher, Brady J; Hyde, Thomas M; Kleinman, Joel E; Weinberger, Daniel RJanuary 1, 2015Not Determined
25464374Create StudyAutism spectrum disorders: from genes to neurobiology.Current opinion in neurobiologyWillsey, A Jeremy; State, Matthew WFebruary 1, 2015Not Determined
25453756Create StudyA role for noncoding variation in schizophrenia.Cell reportsRoussos, Panos; Mitchell, Amanda C; Voloudakis, Georgios; Fullard, John F; Pothula, Venu M; Tsang, Jonathan; Stahl, Eli A; Georgakopoulos, Anastasios; Ruderfer, Douglas M; Charney, Alexander; Okada, Yukinori; Siminovitch, Katherine A; Worthington, Jane; Padyukov, Leonid; Klareskog, Lars; Gregersen, Peter K; Plenge, Robert M; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; Fromer, Menachem; Purcell, Shaun M; Brennand, Kristen J; Robakis, Nikolaos K; Schadt, Eric E; Akbarian, Schahram; Sklar, PamelaNovember 20, 2014Not Determined
25243493Create StudyCorrelation between DNA methylation and gene expression in the brains of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.Bipolar disordersChen, Chao; Zhang, Chunling; Cheng, Lijun; Reilly, James L; Bishop, Jeffrey R; Sweeney, John A; Chen, Hua-Yun; Gershon, Elliot S; Liu, ChunyuDecember 1, 2014Not Determined

NDA Help Center

Collection - Publications

The number of Publications is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. Clicking on any of the Publication Titles will open the Publication in a new internet browsing tab.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may mark a publication as either Relevant or Not Relevant in the Status column.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I determine if a publication is relevant?
    Publications are considered relevant to a collection when the data shared is directly related to the project or collection.
  • Where does the NDA get the publications?
    PubMed, an online library containing journals, articles, and medical research. Sponsored by NiH and National Library of Medicine (NLM).


  • Create Study
    A link to the Create an NDA Study page that can be clicked to start creating an NDA Study with information such as the title, journal and authors automatically populated.
  • Not Determined Publication
    Indicates that the publication has not yet been reviewed and/or marked as Relevant or Not Relevant so it has not been determined whether an NDA Study is expected.
  • Not Relevant Publication
    A publication that is not based on data related to the aims of the grant/project associated with the Collection or not based on any data such as a review article and, therefore, an NDA Study is not expected to be created.
  • PubMed
    PubMed provides citation information for biomedical and life sciences publications and is managed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine.
  • PubMed ID
    The PUBMed ID is the unique ID number for the publication as recorded in the PubMed database.
  • Relevant Publication
    A publication that is based on data related to the aims of the grant/project associated with the Collection and, therefore, an NDA Study is expected to be created.
Data Expected List: Mandatory Data Structures

These data structures are mandatory for your NDA Collection. Please update the Targeted Enrollment number to accurately represent the number of subjects you expect to submit for the entire study.

For NIMH HIV-related research that involves human research participants: Select the dictionary or dictionaries most appropriate for your research. If your research does not require all three data dictionaries, just ignore the ones you do not need. There is no need to delete extra data dictionaries from your NDA Collection. You can adjust the Targeted Enrollment column in the Data Expected tab to “0” for those unnecessary data dictionaries. At least one of the three data dictionaries must have a non-zero value.

Data ExpectedTargeted EnrollmentInitial SubmissionSubjects SharedStatus
Research Subject and Pedigree info icon
To create your project's Data Expected list, use the "+New Data Expected" to add or request existing structures and to request new Data Structures that are not in the NDA Data Dictionary.

If the Structure you need already exists, locate it and specify your dates and enrollment when adding it to your Data Expected list. If you require changes to the Structure you need, select the indicator stating "No, it requires changes to meet research needs," and upload a file containing your requested changes.

If the structure you need is not yet defined in the Data Dictionary, you can select "Upload Definition" and attach the necessary materials to request its creation.

When selecting the expected dates for your data, make sure to follow the standard Data Sharing Regimen and choose dates within the date ranges that correspond to your project start and end dates.

Please visit the Completing Your Data Expected Tutorial for more information.
Data Expected List: Data Structures per Research Aims

These data structures are specific to your research aims and should list all data structures in which data will be collected and submitted for this NDA Collection. Please update the Targeted Enrollment number to accurately represent the number of subjects you expect to submit for the entire study.

Data ExpectedTargeted EnrollmentInitial SubmissionSubjects SharedStatus
Genomics/omics info icon
Summary info icon
Hi-C info icon
Bisulfite Sequencing info icon
ChIP Sequencing info icon
SNP Array info icon
RNA Sequencing info icon
Whole Genome Sequencing info icon
ATAC Sequencing info icon
Proteomics samples info icon
PsychENCODE/Common Mind Summary info icon
Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome Sequencing info icon
PsychENCODE NOMe Sequencing info icon
Requested New
Structure not yet defined
No Status history for this Data Expected has been recorded yet

NDA Help Center

Collection - Data Expected

The Data Expected tab displays the list of all data that NDA expects to receive in association with the Collection as defined by the contributing researcher, as well as the dates for the expected initial upload of the data, and when it is first expected to be shared, or with the research community. Above the primary table of Data Expected, any publications determined to be relevant to the data within the Collection are also displayed - members of the contributing research group can use these to define NDA Studies, connecting those papers to underlying data in NDA.

The tab is used both as a reference for those accessing shared data, providing information on what is expected and when it will be shared, and as the primary tracking mechanism for contributing projects. It is used by both contributing primary researchers, secondary researchers, and NIH Program and Grants Management staff.

Researchers who are starting their project need to update their Data Expected list to include all the Data Structures they are collecting under their grant and set their initial submission and sharing schedule according to the NDA Data Sharing Regimen.

To add existing Data Structures from the Data Dictionary, to request new Data Structure that are not in the Dictionary, or to request changes to existing Data Structures, click "+New Data Expected".

For step-by-step instructions on how to add existing Data Structures, request changes to an existing Structure, or request a new Data Structure, please visit the Completing Your Data Expected Tutorial.

If you are a contributing researcher creating this list for the first time, or making changes to the list as your project progress, please note the following:

  • Although items you add to the list and changes you make are displayed, they are not committed to the system until you Save the entire page using the "Save" button at the bottom of your screen. Please Save after every change to ensure none of your work is lost.
  • If you attempt to add a new structure, the title you provide must be unique - if another structure exists with the same name your change will fail.
  • Adding a new structure to this list is the only way to request the creation of a new Data Dictionary definition.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an NDA Data Structure?
    An NDA Data Structure is comprised of multiple Data Elements to make up an electronic definition of an assessment, measure, questionnaire, etc will have a corresponding Data Structure.
  • What is the NDA Data Dictionary?
    The NDA Data Dictionary is comprised of electronic definitions known as Data Structures.


  • Analyzed Data
    Data specific to the primary aims of the research being conducted (e.g. outcome measures, other dependent variables, observations, laboratory results, analyzed images, volumetric data, etc.) including processed images.
  • Data Item
    Items listed on the Data Expected list in the Collection which may be an individual and discrete Data Structure, Data Structure Category, or Data Structure Group.
  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Structure Category
    An NDA term describing the affiliation of a Data Structure to a Category, which may be disease/disorder or diagnosis related (Depression, ADHD, Psychosis), specific to data type (MRI, eye tracking, omics), or type of data (physical exam, IQ).
  • Data Structure Group
    A Data Item listed on the Data Expected tab of a Collection that indicates a group of Data Structures (e.g., ADOS or SCID) for which data may be submitted instead of a specific Data Structure identified by version, module, edition, etc. For example, the ADOS Data Structure Category includes every ADOS Data Structure such as ADOS Module 1, ADOS Module 2, ADOS Module 1 - 2nd Edition, etc. The SCID Data Structure Group includes every SCID Data Structure such as SCID Mania, SCID V Mania, SCID PTSD, SCID-V Diagnosis, and more.
  • Evaluated Data
    A new Data Structure category, Evaluated Data is analyzed data resulting from the use of computational pipelines in the Cloud and can be uploaded directly back to a miNDAR database. Evaluated Data is expected to be listed as a Data Item in the Collection's Data Expected Tab.
  • Imaging Data
    Imaging+ is an NDA term which encompasses all imaging related data including, but not limited to, images (DTI, MRI, PET, Structural, Spectroscopy, etc.) as well as neurosignal data (EEG, fMRI, MEG, EGG, eye tracking, etc.) and Evaluated Data.
  • Initial Share Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data will be shared with authorized users upon publication (via an NDA Study) or 1-2 years after the grant end date specified on the first Notice of Award, as defined in the applicable Data Sharing Terms and Conditions.
  • Initial Submission Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to these NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data for all subjects is not expected on the Initial Submission Date and modifications may be made as necessary based on the project's conduct.
  • Research Subject and Pedigree
    An NDA created Data Structure used to convey basic information about the subject such as demographics, pedigree (links family GUIDs), diagnosis/phenotype, and sample location that are critical to allow for easier querying of shared data.
  • Submission Cycle
    The NDA has two Submission Cycles per year - January 15 and July 15.
  • Submission Exemption
    An interface to notify NDA that data may not be submitted during the upcoming/current submission cycle.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:

Associated Studies

Studies that have been defined using data from a Collection are important criteria to determine the value of data shared. The number of subjects column displays the counts from this Collection that are included in a Study, out of the total number of subjects in that study. The Data Use column represents whether or not the study is a primary analysis of the data or a secondary analysis. State indicates whether the study is private or shared with the research community.

Study NameAbstractCollection/Study SubjectsData UsageState
Cross-ancestry, cell-type-informed atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain.Genomic regulatory elements active in the developing human brain are notably enriched in genetic risk for neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. However, prioritizing the specific risk genes and candidate molecular mechanisms underlying these genetic enrichments has been hindered by the lack of a single unified large-scale gene regulatory atlas of human brain development. Here, we uniformly process and systematically characterize gene, isoform, and splicing quantitative trait loci (xQTLs) in 672 fetal brain samples from unique subjects across multiple ancestral populations. We identify 15,752 genes harboring a significant xQTL and map 3,739 eQTLs to a specific cellular context. We observe a striking drop in gene expression and splicing heritability as the human brain develops. Isoform-level regulation, particularly in the second trimester, mediates the greatest proportion of heritability across multiple psychiatric GWAS, compared with eQTLs. Via colocalization and TWAS, we prioritize biological mechanisms for ~60% of GWAS loci across five neuropsychiatric disorders, nearly two-fold that observed in the adult brain. Finally, we build a comprehensive set of developmentally regulated gene and isoform co-expression networks capturing unique genetic enrichments across disorders. Together, this work provides a comprehensive view of genetic regulation across human brain development as well as the stage-and cell type-informed mechanistic underpinnings of neuropsychiatric disorders.158/158Primary AnalysisShared
* Data not on individual level

NDA Help Center

Collection - Associated Studies

Clicking on the Study Title will open the study details in a new internet browser tab. The Abstract is available for viewing, providing the background explanation of the study, as provided by the Collection Owner.

Primary v. Secondary Analysis: The Data Usage column will have one of these two choices. An associated study that is listed as being used for Primary Analysis indicates at least some and potentially all of the data used was originally collected by the creator of the NDA Study. Secondary Analysis indicates the Study owner was not involved in the collection of data, and may be used as supporting data.

Private v. Shared State: Studies that remain private indicate the associated study is only available to users who are able to access the collection. A shared study is accessible to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I associate a study to my collection?
    Studies are associated to the Collection automatically when the data is defined in the Study.


  • Associated Studies Tab
    A tab in a Collection that lists the NDA Studies that have been created using data from that Collection including both Primary and Secondary Analysis NDA Studies.