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1 Numbers reported are subjects by age
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Format should be in the following format: Activity Code, Institute Abbreviation, and Serial Number. Grant Type, Support Year, and Suffix should be excluded. For example, grant 1R01MH123456-01A1 should be entered R01MH123456

Please select an experiment type below

Collection - Use Existing Experiment
To associate an experiment to the current collection, just select an axperiment from the table below then click the associate experiment button to persist your changes (saving the collection is not required). Note that once an experiment has been associated to two or more collections, the experiment will not longer be editable.

The table search feature is case insensitive and targets the experiment id, experiment name and experiment type columns. The experiment id is searched only when the search term entered is a number, and filtered using a startsWith comparison. When the search term is not numeric the experiment name is used to filter the results.
SelectExperiment IdExperiment NameExperiment Type
Created On
475MB1-10 (CHOP)Omics06/07/2016
490Illumina Infinium PsychArray BeadChip AssayOmics07/07/2016
501PharmacoBOLD Resting StatefMRI07/27/2016
509ABC-CT Resting v2EEG08/18/2016
13Comparison of FI expression in Autistic and Neurotypical Homo SapiensOmics12/28/2010
18AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics01/06/2011
22Stitching PCR SequencingOmics02/14/2011
29Microarray family 03 (father, mother, sibling)Omics03/24/2011
37Standard paired-end sequencing of BCRsOmics04/19/2011
38Illumina Mate-Pair BCR sequencingOmics04/19/2011
39Custom Jumping LibrariesOmics04/19/2011
40Custom CapBPOmics04/19/2011
43Autism brain sample genotyping, IlluminaOmics05/16/2011
47ARRA Autism Sequencing Collaboration at Baylor. SOLiD 4 SystemOmics08/01/2011
53AGRE Omni1-quadOmics10/11/2011
59AGP genotypingOmics04/03/2012
60Ultradeep 454 sequencing of synaptic genes from postmortem cerebella of individuals with ASD and neurotypical controlsOmics06/23/2012
63Microemulsion PCR and Targeted Resequencing for Variant Detection in ASDOmics07/20/2012
76Whole Genome Sequencing in Autism FamiliesOmics01/03/2013
90Genotyped IAN SamplesOmics07/09/2013
91NJLAGS Axiom Genotyping ArrayOmics07/16/2013
93AGP genotyping (CNV)Omics09/06/2013
106Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 2EEG11/07/2013
107Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 3EEG11/07/2013
108Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 200EEG11/07/2013
105Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 1EEG11/07/2013
109Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 400EEG11/07/2013
116Gene Expression Analysis WG-6Omics01/07/2014
131Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Charlie Brown and Sesame Street - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
132Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Animacy - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
133Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Mom Stranger - Project 2Eye Tracking02/27/2014
134Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Face Emotion - Project 3Eye Tracking02/27/2014
151Candidate Gene Identification in familial AutismOmics06/09/2014
152NJLAGS Whole Genome SequencingOmics07/01/2014
154Math Autism Study - Vinod MenonfMRI07/15/2014
160syllable contrastEEG07/29/2014
167School-age naturalistic stimuliEye Tracking09/19/2014
44AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics06/27/2011
45Exome Sequencing of 20 Sporadic Cases of Autism Spectrum DisorderOmics07/15/2011
Collection - Add Experiment
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To add an existing Data Structure, enter its title in the search bar. If you need to request changes, select the indicator "No, it requires changes to meet research needs" after selecting the Structure, and upload the file with the request changes specific to the selected Data Structure. Your file should follow the Request Changes Procedure. If the Data Structure does not exist, select "Request New Data Structure" and upload the appropriate zip file.

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The Data Expected list for this Collection shows some raw data as missing. Contact the NDA Help Desk with any questions.

Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.

Collection Updated

Your Collection is now in Data Analysis phase and exempt from biannual submissions. Analyzed data is still expected prior to publication or no later than the project end date.

[CMS] Attention
[CMS] Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.
[CMS] Error


Unable to change collection phase where targeted enrollment is less than 90%

Delete Submission Exemption
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You have requested to move the sharing dates for the following assessments:
Data Expected Item Original Sharing Date New Sharing Date

Please provide a reason for this change, which will be sent to the Program Officers listed within this collection:

Explanation must be between 20 and 200 characters in length.

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Collection Summary Collection Charts
Collection Title Collection Investigators Collection Description
Adam Eggebrecht 
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The last decade of research in intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) has been notably characterized by rapid advances in understanding the nature and complexity of inherited susceptibilities to IDD, but genetic discovery has not yet fulfilled the promise of more effective intervention, even for monogenic IDD syndromes. It is the immediate priority of a next generation of research to capitalize upon knowledge about causation in IDD (both genetic and environmental) and translate it into higher-impact intervention for as many individuals and families affected as possible. In the second cycle of the IDDRC at Washington University in St. Louis (IDDRC@WUSTL), our strategy for contributing to this effort preserves our Center's original focus on characterization of white matter injury to the newborn brain, but extends the scope of Core activity to facilitate a comprehensive approach to understanding and preventing developmental disorders of neural connectivity at the respective levels of cell, synapse, circuit, and behavior, and brings on line major strengths of WUSTL in genomics, behavioral/cognitive neuroscience, and clinical-translational science. The overarching goals of our Center are as follows: (1) To facilitate high-caliber, translational research on the pathogenesis and treatment of IDDs by sustaining an innovative Core structure that attracts and supports qualified, collaborative investigators, and interacts synergistically with complementary Core facilities of other U.S. IDDRCs. We propose to support an Administrative Core, a Developmental Neuroimaging Core, a Model Systems Core (encompassing capacity and expertise for both animal and cellular models of IDD), and a Clinical Translational Core. (2) To cultivate nodes of interdisciplinary scientific activity in frotiers of IDD research which are critical for the derivation of higher-impact treatment and preventive intervention, across 4 major themes: (i) The prevention of prematurity and its neurodevelopmental consequences; (ii) The elucidation of robust intermediate DD phenotypes (as markers of pathogenic processes, targets of early intervention, and indices of response to treatment); (iii) In-depth characterization of the developing human brain, and (iv) Functional genomic approaches to elucidating convergent mechanisms of IDD pathogenesis. (3) To conduct a signature research project that represents a bold, critical step toward higher-impact intervention for IDD, capitalizes upon both the Core structure of our IDDRC and institutional strengths at WUSTL, and epitomizes the manner in which our IDDRC facilitates trans-disciplinary research. Our project is designed to elucidate mechanisms of sex-specific modulation-of-expression of inherited risk for autism spectrum disorders, at the respective levels of cell, brain, and behavior. A goal is to identify compensatory mechanisms underlying resilience among females in ASD-affected families, for the purpose of recapitulating those mechanisms in novel interventions which would be of major relevance to a large proportion of the population of individuals at risk or affected by familial autistic syndromes.
NIMH Data Archive
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NDA Help Center

Collection - General Tab

Fields available for edit on the top portion of the page include:

  • Collection Title
  • Investigators
  • Collection Description
  • Collection Phase
  • Funding Source
  • Clinical Trials

Collection Phase: The current status of a research project submitting data to an NDA Collection, based on the timing of the award and/or the data that have been submitted.

  • Pre-Enrollment: The default entry made when the NDA Collection is created.
  • Enrolling: Data have been submitted to the NDA Collection or the NDA Data Expected initial submission date has been reached for at least one data structure category in the NDA Collection.
  • Data Analysis: Subject level data collection for the research project is completed and has been submitted to the NDA Collection. The NDA Collection owner or the NDA Help Desk may set this phase when they’ve confirmed data submission is complete and submitted subject counts match at least 90% of the target enrollment numbers in the NDA Data Expected. Data submission reminders will be turned off for the NDA Collection.
  • Funding Completed: The NIH grant award (or awards) associated with the NDA Collection has reached its end date. NDA Collections in Funding Completed phase are assigned a subphase to indicate the status of data submission.
    • The Data Expected Subphase indicates that NDA expects more data will be submitted
    • The Closeout Subphase indicates the data submission is complete.
    • The Sharing Not Met Subphase indicates that data submission was not completed as expected.

Blinded Clinical Trial Status:

  • This status is set by a Collection Owner and indicates the research project is a double blinded clinical trial. When selected, the public view of Data Expected will show the Data Expected items and the Submission Dates, but the targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts will not be displayed.
  • Targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts are visible only to NDA Administrators and to the NDA Collection or as the NDA Collection Owner.
  • When an NDA Collection that is flagged Blinded Clinical Trial reaches the maximum data sharing date for that Data Repository (see https://nda.nih.gov/nda/sharing-regimen.html), the embargo on Data Expected information is released.

Funding Source

The organization(s) responsible for providing the funding is listed here.

Supporting Documentation

Users with Submission privileges, as well as Collection Owners, Program Officers, and those with Administrator privileges, may upload and attach supporting documentation. By default, supporting documentation is shared to the general public, however, the option is also available to limit this information to qualified researchers only.

Grant Information

Identifiable details are displayed about the Project of which the Collection was derived from. You may click in the Project Number to view a full report of the Project captured by the NIH.

Clinical Trials

Any data that is collected to support or further the research of clinical studies will be available here. Collection Owners and those with Administrator privileges may add new clinical trials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) determine which Permission Group data are submitted into?
    During Collection creation, NDA staff determine the appropriate Permission Group based on the type of data to be submitted, the type of access that will be available to data access users, and the information provided by the Program Officer during grant award.
  • How do I know when a NDA Collection has been created?
    When a Collection is created by NDA staff, an email notification will automatically be sent to the PI(s) of the grant(s) associated with the Collection to notify them.
  • Is a single grant number ever associated with more than one Collection?
    The NDA system does not allow for a single grant to be associated with more than one Collection; therefore, a single grant will not be listed in the Grant Information section of a Collection for more than one Collection.
  • Why is there sometimes more than one grant included in a Collection?
    In general, each Collection is associated with only one grant; however, multiple grants may be associated if the grant has multiple competing segments for the same grant number or if multiple different grants are all working on the same project and it makes sense to hold the data in one Collection (e.g., Cooperative Agreements).


  • Administrator Privilege
    A privilege provided to a user associated with an NDA Collection or NDA Study whereby that user can perform a full range of actions including providing privileges to other users.
  • Collection Owner
    Generally, the Collection Owner is the contact PI listed on a grant. Only one NDA user is listed as the Collection owner. Most automated emails are primarily sent to the Collection Owner.
  • Collection Phase
    The Collection Phase provides information on data submission as opposed to grant/project completion so while the Collection phase and grant/project phase may be closely related they are often different. Collection users with Administrative Privileges are encouraged to edit the Collection Phase. The Program Officer as listed in eRA (for NIH funded grants) may also edit this field. Changes must be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. This field is sortable alphabetically in ascending or descending order. Collection Phase options include:
    • Pre-Enrollment: A grant/project has started, but has not yet enrolled subjects.
    • Enrolling: A grant/project has begun enrolling subjects. Data submission is likely ongoing at this point.
    • Data Analysis: A grant/project has completed enrolling subjects and has completed all data submissions.
    • Funding Completed: A grant/project has reached the project end date.
  • Collection Title
    An editable field with the title of the Collection, which is often the title of the grant associated with the Collection.
  • Grant
    Provides the grant number(s) for the grant(s) associated with the Collection. The field is a hyperlink so clicking on the Grant number will direct the user to the grant information in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) page.
  • Supporting Documentation
    Various documents and materials to enable efficient use of the data by investigators unfamiliar with the project and may include the research protocol, questionnaires, and study manuals.
  • NIH Research Initiative
    NDA Collections may be organized by scientific similarity into NIH Research Initiatives, to facilitate query tool user experience. NIH Research Initiatives map to one or multiple Funding Opportunity Announcements.
  • Permission Group
    Access to shared record-level data in NDA is provisioned at the level of a Permission Group. NDA Permission Groups consist of one or multiple NDA Collections that contain data with the same subject consents.
  • Planned Enrollment
    Number of human subject participants to be enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in competing applications and annual progress reports.
  • Actual Enrollment
    Number of human subjects enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in annual progress reports.
  • NDA Collection
    A virtual container and organization structure for data and associated documentation from one grant or one large project/consortium. It contains tools for tracking data submission and allows investigators to define a wide array of other elements that provide context for the data, including all general information regarding the data and source project, experimental parameters used to collect any event-based data contained in the Collection, methods, and other supporting documentation. They also allow investigators to link underlying data to an NDA Study, defining populations and subpopulations specific to research aims.
  • Data Use Limitations
    Data Use Limitations (DULs) describe the appropriate secondary use of a dataset and are based on the original informed consent of a research participant. NDA only accepts consent-based data use limitations defined by the NIH Office of Science Policy.
  • Total Subjects Shared
    The total number of unique subjects for whom data have been shared and are available for users with permission to access data.
IDNameCreated DateStatusType
2490Point Light Display Task02/15/2024ApprovedfMRI
2577Resting_State_physio 03/07/2024ApprovedfMRI

NDA Help Center

Collection - Experiments

The number of Experiments included is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. You may download all experiments associated with the Collection via the Download button. You may view individual experiments by clicking the Experiment Name and add them to the Filter Cart via the Add to Cart button.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may create or edit an Experiment.

Please note: The creation of an NDA Experiment does not necessarily mean that data collected, according to the defined Experiment, has been submitted or shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can an Experiment be associated with more than one Collection?

    Yes -see the “Copy” button in the bottom left when viewing an experiment. There are two actions that can be performed via this button:

    1. Copy the experiment with intent for modifications.
    2. Associate the experiment to the collection. No modifications can be made to the experiment.


  • Experiment Status
    An Experiment must be Approved before data using the associated Experiment_ID may be uploaded.
  • Experiment ID
    The ID number automatically generated by NDA which must be included in the appropriate file when uploading data to link the Experiment Definition to the subject record.
Image Imaging 40

NDA Help Center

Collection - Shared Data

This tab provides a quick overview of the Data Structure title, Data Type, and Number of Subjects that are currently Shared for the Collection. The information presented in this tab is automatically generated by NDA and cannot be edited. If no information is visible on this tab, this would indicate the Collection does not have shared data or the data is private.

The shared data is available to other researchers who have permission to access data in the Collection's designated Permission Group(s). Use the Download button to get all shared data from the Collection to the Filter Cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if another researcher uses data that I shared through the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)?
    To see what data your project have submitted are being used by a study, simply go the Associated Studies tab of your collection. Alternatively, you may review an NDA Study Attribution Report available on the General tab.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a completed research project?
    Often it becomes more difficult to organize and format data electronically after the project has been completed and the information needed to create a GUID may not be available; however, you may still contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a research project that is still ongoing?
    Unlike completed projects where researchers may not have the information needed to create a GUID and/or where the effort needed to organize and format data becomes prohibitive, ongoing projects have more of an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Please contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.


  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Type
    A grouping of data by similar characteristics such as Clinical Assessments, Omics, or Neurosignal data.
  • Shared
    The term 'Shared' generally means available to others; however, there are some slightly different meanings based on what is Shared. A Shared NDA Study is viewable and searchable publicly regardless of the user's role or whether the user has an NDA account. A Shared NDA Study does not necessarily mean that data used in the NDA Study have been shared as this is independently determined. Data are shared according the schedule defined in a Collection's Data Expected Tab and/or in accordance with data sharing expectations in the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Additionally, Supporting Documentation uploaded to a Collection may be shared independent of whether data are shared.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:


Publications relevant to NDA data are listed below. Most displayed publications have been associated with the grant within Pubmed. Use the "+ New Publication" button to add new publications. Publications relevant/not relevant to data expected are categorized. Relevant publications are then linked to the underlying data by selecting the Create Study link. Study provides the ability to define cohorts, assign subjects, define outcome measures and lists the study type, data analysis and results. Analyzed data and results are expected in this way.

PubMed IDStudyTitleJournalAuthorsDateStatus
39604269Create StudyCorrelating clinical course with baseline subcortical shape in provisional tic disorder.CNS spectrumsChe, Tiffanie; Kim, Soyoung; Greene, Deanna J; Heywood, Ashley; Ding, Jimin; Hershey, Tamara; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Black, Kevin J; Wang, LeiNovember 28, 2024Not Determined
39578645Create StudySpatial and single-nucleus transcriptomic analysis of genetic and sporadic forms of Alzheimer''s disease.Nature geneticsMiyoshi, Emily; Morabito, Samuel; Henningfield, Caden M; Das, Sudeshna; Rahimzadeh, Negin; Shabestari, Sepideh Kiani; Michael, Neethu; Emerson, Nora; Reese, Fairlie; Shi, Zechuan; Cao, Zhenkun; Srinivasan, Shushrruth Sai; Scarfone, Vanessa M; Arreola, Miguel A; Lu, Jackie; Wright, Sierra; Silva, Justine; Leavy, Kelsey; Lott, Ira T; Doran, Eric; Yong, William H; Shahin, Saba; Perez-Rosendahl, Mari; Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium–Down Syndrome (ABC–DS); Head, Elizabeth; Green, Kim N; Swarup, VivekDecember 1, 2024Not Determined
39403075Create StudyCerebrovascular disease is associated with Alzheimer''s plasma biomarker concentrations in adults with Down syndrome.Brain communicationsEdwards, Natalie C; Lao, Patrick J; Alshikho, Mohamad J; Ericsson, Olivia M; Rizvi, Batool; Petersen, Melissa E; O'Bryant, Sid; Aguilar, Lisi Flores; Simoes, Sabrina; Mapstone, Mark; Tudorascu, Dana L; Janelidze, Shorena; Hansson, Oskar; Handen, Benjamin L; Christian, Bradley T; Lee, Joseph H; Lai, Florence; Rosas, H Diana; Zaman, Shahid; Lott, Ira T; Yassa, Michael A; Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium–Down Syndrome (ABC-DS) Investigators ; Gutierrez, José; Wilcock, Donna M; Head, Elizabeth; Brickman, Adam MJanuary 1, 2024Not Determined
39014500Create StudyMate selection and current trends in the prevalence of autism.Molecular autismForsen, Elizabeth; Marrus, Natasha; Joyce, Jacqueline; Zhang, Yi; Constantino, John NJuly 16, 2024Not Determined
38941871Create StudyWe''ve all been wrong about provisional tic disorder.Comprehensive psychiatryGrossen, Sarah C; Arbuckle, Amanda L; Bihun, Emily C; Koller, Jonathan M; Song, David Y; Reiersen, Angela M; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Greene, Deanna J; Black, Kevin JOctober 1, 2024Not Determined
38940611Create StudyAssessing amyloid PET positivity and cognitive function in Down syndrome to guide clinical trials targeting amyloid.Alzheimer''s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer''s AssociationKrasny, Sophia; Yan, Cynthia; Hartley, Sigan L; Handen, Ben L; Wisch, Julie K; Boehrwinkle, Anna H; Ances, Beau M; Rafii, Michael S; ABC‐DS consortiumAugust 1, 2024Not Determined
38811657Create StudyCerebrovascular disease emerges with age and Alzheimer''s disease in adults with Down syndrome.Scientific reportsLao, Patrick; Edwards, Natalie; Flores-Aguilar, Lisi; Alshikho, Mohamad; Rizvi, Batool; Tudorascu, Dana; Rosas, H Diana; Yassa, Michael; Christian, Bradley T; Mapstone, Mark; Handen, Benjamin; Zimmerman, Molly E; Gutierrez, Jose; Wilcock, Donna; Head, Elizabeth; Brickman, Adam MMay 29, 2024Not Determined
38623384Create StudyCognitive and functional performance and plasma biomarkers of early Alzheimer''s disease in Down syndrome.Alzheimer''s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Schworer, Emily K; Handen, Benjamin L; Petersen, Melissa; O'Bryant, Sid; Peven, Jamie C; Tudorascu, Dana L; Lee, Laisze; Krinsky-McHale, Sharon J; Hom, Christy L; Clare, Isabel C H; Christian, Bradley T; Schupf, Nicole; Lee, Joseph H; Head, Elizabeth; Mapstone, Mark; Lott, Ira; Ances, Beau M; Zaman, Shahid; Brickman, Adam M; Lai, Florence; Rosas, H Diana; Hartley, Sigan L; Alzheimer Biomarker Consortium‐Down SyndromeJanuary 1, 2024Not Determined
38492414Create StudyRelationships between preterm medical factors and feeding behaviors at term-equivalent age.Early human developmentIbrahim, Carolyn; Grabill, Molly; Smith, Joan; Pineda, RobertaApril 1, 2024Not Determined
38380866Create StudyWhole genome-wide sequence analysis of long-lived families (Long-Life Family Study) identifies MTUS2 gene associated with late-onset Alzheimer''s disease.Alzheimer''s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer''s AssociationXicota, Laura; Cosentino, Stephanie; Vardarajan, Badri; Mayeux, Richard; Perls, Thomas T; Andersen, Stacy L; Zmuda, Joseph M; Thyagarajan, Bharat; Yashin, Anatoli; Wojczynski, Mary K; Krinsky-McHale, Sharon; Handen, Benjamin L; Christian, Bradley T; Head, Elizabeth; Mapstone, Mark E; Schupf, Nicole; Lee, Joseph H; Barral, Sandra; Long‐Life Family Study (LLFS); Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Consortium (ADGC); Alzheimer's Biomarkers Consortium‐Down Syndrome (ABC‐DS)April 1, 2024Not Determined
38076904Create StudyCerebrovascular disease drives Alzheimer plasma biomarker concentrations in adults with Down syndrome.medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciencesEdwards, Natalie C; Lao, Patrick J; Alshikho, Mohamad J; Ericsson, Olivia M; Rizvi, Batool; Petersen, Melissa E; O'Bryant, Sid; Flores-Aguilar, Lisi; Simoes, Sabrina; Mapstone, Mark; Tudorascu, Dana L; Janelidze, Shorena; Hansson, Oskar; Handen, Benjamin L; Christian, Bradley T; Lee, Joseph H; Lai, Florence; Rosas, H Diana; Zaman, Shahid; Lott, Ira T; Yassa, Michael A; Gutierrez, José; Wilcock, Donna M; Head, Elizabeth; Brickman, Adam MNovember 30, 2023Not Determined
37981785Create StudyItem-Level Psychometrics of the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment in Orally Feeding Infants.OTJR : occupation, participation and healthMulrenin, Brooke; Pineda, Roberta; Dodds, Cynthia; Velozo, Craig AOctober 1, 2024Not Determined
37855447Create StudyAlzheimer''s polygenic risk scores are associated with cognitive phenotypes in Down syndrome.Alzheimer''s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer''s AssociationGorijala, Priyanka; Aslam, M Muaaz; Dang, Lam-Ha T; Xicota, L; Fernandez, Maria V; Sung, Yun Ju; Fan, Kang-Hsien; Feingold, Eleanor; Surace, Ezequiel I; Chhatwal, Jasmeer P; Hom, Christy L; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN), the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI); NIA-LOAD family study, for the Alzheimer's Biomarkers Consortium-Down Syndrome (ABC-DS) Investigators; Hartley, Sigan L; Hassenstab, Jason; Perrin, Richard J; Mapstone, Mark; Zaman, Shahid H; Ances, Beau M; Kamboh, M Ilyas; Lee, Joseph H; Cruchaga, CarlosFebruary 1, 2024Not Determined
37706347Create StudyBehavioral and Cognitive Outcomes of Rhesus Macaques Following Neonatal Exposure to Antiseizure Medications.Annals of neurologyColman, Ricki; Pierre, Peter; Adriansjach, Julie; Crosno, Kristin; Noguchi, Kevin K; Ikonomidou, ChrysanthySeptember 14, 2023Not Determined
37695507Create StudyCognitive deficits and altered functional brain network organization in pediatric brain tumor patients.Brain imaging and behaviorSeitzman, Benjamin A; Anandarajah, Hari; Dworetsky, Ally; McMichael, Alana; Coalson, Rebecca S; Agamah, A Miriam; Jiang, Catherine; Gu, Hongjie; Barbour, Dennis L; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Limbrick, David D; Rubin, Joshua B; Shimony, Joshua S; Perkins, Stephanie MDecember 1, 2023Not Determined
37669054Create StudyDevelopment and Replication of Objective Measurements of Social Visual Engagement to Aid in Early Diagnosis and Assessment of Autism.JAMA network openJones, Warren; Klaiman, Cheryl; Richardson, Shana; Lambha, Meena; Reid, Morganne; Hamner, Taralee; Beacham, Chloe; Lewis, Peter; Paredes, Jose; Edwards, Laura; Marrus, Natasha; Constantino, John N; Shultz, Sarah; Klin, AmiSeptember 5, 2023Not Determined
37641577Create StudyCharacterizing the emergence of amyloid and tau burden in Down syndrome.Alzheimer''s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer''s AssociationZammit, Matthew D; Betthauser, Tobey J; McVea, Andrew K; Laymon, Charles M; Tudorascu, Dana L; Johnson, Sterling C; Hartley, Sigan L; Converse, Alexander K; Minhas, Davneet S; Zaman, Shahid H; Ances, Beau M; Stone, Charles K; Mathis, Chester A; Cohen, Annie D; Klunk, William E; Handen, Benjamin L; Christian, Bradley T; Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium - Down SyndromeJanuary 1, 2024Not Determined
37438872Create StudyPlasma NT1-tau and Aβ42 correlate with age and cognitive function in two large Down syndrome cohorts.Alzheimer''s & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer''s AssociationStern, Andrew M; Van Pelt, Kathryn L; Liu, Lei; Anderson, Amirah K; Ostaszewski, Beth; Mapstone, Mark; O'Bryant, Sid; Petersen, Melissa E; Christian, Bradley T; Handen, Benjamin L; Selkoe, Dennis J; Schmitt, Frederick; Head, Elizabeth; Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium-Down Syndrome (ABC-DS) investigatorsDecember 1, 2023Not Determined
37396616Create StudyReliability of energy landscape analysis of resting-state functional MRI data.ArXivKhanra, Pitambar; Nakuci, Johan; Muldoon, Sarah; Watanabe, Takamitsu; Masuda, NaokiAugust 20, 2024Not Determined
37224324Create StudyFunctional tic-like presentations differ strikingly from Provisional Tic Disorder.F1000ResearchArbuckle, Amanda L; Bihun, Emily C; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Black, Kevin JJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
37029165Create StudyNICU sensory experiences associated with positive outcomes: an integrative review of evidence from 2015-2020.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationPineda, Roberta; Kellner, Polly; Guth, Rebecca; Gronemeyer, Audrey; Smith, JoanJuly 1, 2023Not Determined
36736882Create StudyThe Role of Extra-motor Networks in Upper Limb Motor Performance Post-stroke.NeuroscienceMattos, Daniela J S; Rutlin, Jerrel; Hong, Xin; Zinn, Kristina; Shimony, Joshua S; Carter, Alexandre RMarch 15, 2023Not Determined
36517753Create StudySocial attention during object engagement: toward a cross-species measure of preferential social orienting.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersWeichselbaum, Claire; Hendrix, Nicole; Albright, Jordan; Dougherty, Joseph D; Botteron, Kelly N; Constantino, John N; Marrus, NatashaDecember 14, 2022Not Determined
36222317Create StudyQuantifying latent social motivation and its associations with joint attention and language in infants at high and low likelihood for autism spectrum disorder.Developmental scienceStallworthy, Isabella C; Berry, Daniel; Davis, Savannah; Wolff, Jason J; Burrows, Catherine A; Swanson, Meghan R; Grzadzinski, Rebecca L; Botteron, Kelly; Dager, Stephen R; Estes, Annette M; Schultz, Robert T; Piven, Joseph; Elison, Jed T; Pruett Jr, John R; Marrus, Natasha; IBIS NetworkMay 1, 2023Not Determined
36212742Create StudyA modified Cued Recall Test for detecting prodromal AD in adults with Down syndrome.Alzheimer''s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Krinsky-McHale, Sharon J; Hartley, Sigan; Hom, Christy; Pulsifer, Margaret; Clare, Isabel C H; Handen, Benjamin L; Lott, Ira T; Schupf, Nicole; Silverman, Wayne; Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium—Down Syndrome (ABC‐DS) InvestigatorsJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
36189644Create StudySocial motivation in infancy is associated with familial recurrence of ASD.Development and psychopathologyMarrus, Natasha; Botteron, Kelly N; Hawks, Zoë; Pruett Jr, John R; Elison, Jed T; Jackson, Joshua J; Markson, Lori; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Burrows, Catherine A; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Dager, Stephen R; Estes, Annette M; Hazlett, Heather Cody; Schultz, Robert T; Piven, Joseph; Constantino, John NFebruary 1, 2024Not Determined
36063216Create StudyMaternal emotional intelligence and negative parenting affect are independently associated with callous-unemotional traits in preschoolers.European child & adolescent psychiatryBrady, Rebecca G; Donohue, Meghan Rose; Waller, Rebecca; Tillman, Rebecca; Gilbert, Kirsten E; Whalen, Diana J; Rogers, Cynthia E; Barch, Deanna M; Luby, Joan LNovember 1, 2023Not Determined
35976135Create StudyTrajectories of Maternal and Paternal Psychological Distress After Fetal Diagnosis of Moderate-Severe Congenital Heart Disease.Journal of pediatric psychologyMangin-Heimos, Kathryn S; Strube, Michael; Taylor, Kaylin; Galbraith, Kymberli; O'Brien, Erin; Rogers, Cynthia; Lee, Caroline K; Ortinau, CynthiaApril 20, 2023Not Determined
35850251Create StudyLongitudinal Changes in Vision and Retinal Morphology in Wolfram Syndrome.American journal of ophthalmologyO'Bryhim, Bliss E; Samara, Amjad; Chen, Ling; Hershey, Tamara; Tychsen, Lawrence; Hoekel, JamesNovember 1, 2022Not Determined
35840709Create StudyParental ADHD and ASD symptoms and contributions of psychosocial risk to childhood ADHD and ASD symptoms in children born very preterm.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationLiljenwall, Helen; Lean, Rachel E; Smyser, Tara A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EApril 1, 2023Not Determined
35817217Create StudyMild hypothermia fails to protect infant macaques from brain injury caused by prolonged exposure to Antiseizure drugs.Neurobiology of diseaseIkonomidou, Chrysanthy; Wang, Sophie H; Fuhler, Nicole A; Larson, Shreya; Capuano 3rd, Saverio; Brunner, Kevin R; Crosno, Kristin; Simmons, Heather A; Mejia, Andres F; Noguchi, Kevin KSeptember 1, 2022Not Determined
35717460Create StudyNeurobehavior in very preterm infants with low medical risk and full-term infants.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationPineda, Roberta; Liszka, Lara; Tran, Pido; Kwon, Jenny; Inder, TerrieOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
35339687Create StudyAccuracy and reliability of diffusion imaging models.NeuroImageSeider, Nicole A; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Miller, Ryland; Newbold, Dillan J; Hampton, Jacqueline M; Scheidter, Kristen M; Rutlin, Jerrel; Laumann, Timothy O; Roland, Jarod L; Montez, David F; Van, Andrew N; Zheng, Annie; Marek, Scott; Kay, Benjamin P; Bretthorst, G Larry; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Greene, Deanna J; Wang, Yong; Petersen, Steven E; Barch, Deanna M; Gordon, Evan M; Snyder, Abraham Z; Shimony, Joshua S; Dosenbach, Nico U FJuly 1, 2022Not Determined
35137611Create StudySIRT1 mediates hypoxic postconditioning- and resveratrol-induced protection against functional connectivity deficits after subarachnoid hemorrhage.Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismClarke, Julian V; Brier, Lindsey M; Rahn, Rachel M; Diwan, Deepti; Yuan, Jane Y; Bice, Annie R; Imai, Shin-Ichiro; Vellimana, Ananth K; Culver, Joseph P; Zipfel, Gregory JJuly 1, 2022Not Determined
34988455Create StudyHomotopic functional connectivity disruptions in glioma patients are associated with tumor malignancy and overall survival.Neuro-oncology advancesDaniel, Andy G S; Hacker, Carl D; Lee, John J; Dierker, Donna; Humphries, Joseph B; Shimony, Joshua S; Leuthardt, Eric CJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
34732576Create StudyCognitive deficits and impaired hippocampal long-term potentiation in KATP-induced DEND syndrome.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaYahil, Shaul; Wozniak, David F; Yan, Zihan; Mennerick, Steven; Remedi, Maria SNovember 9, 2021Not Determined
34725016Create StudySocioeconomic disadvantage and parental mood/affective problems links negative parenting and executive dysfunction in children born very preterm.Development and psychopathologyLean, Rachel E; Gerstein, Emily D; Smyser, Tara A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EAugust 1, 2023Not Determined
34653990Create StudyDoes ventricle size contribute to cognitive outcomes in posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus? Role of early definitive intervention.Journal of neurosurgery. PediatricsPaturu, Mounica; Triplett, Regina L; Thukral, Siddhant; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Smyser, Christopher D; Limbrick, David D; Strahle, Jennifer MJanuary 1, 2022Not Determined
34404728Create StudyParallel hippocampal-parietal circuits for self- and goal-oriented processing.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaZheng, Annie; Montez, David F; Marek, Scott; Gilmore, Adrian W; Newbold, Dillan J; Laumann, Timothy O; Kay, Benjamin P; Seider, Nicole A; Van, Andrew N; Hampton, Jacqueline M; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Sylvester, Chad M; Greene, Deanna J; Shimony, Joshua S; Nelson, Steven M; Wig, Gagan S; Gratton, Caterina; McDermott, Kathleen B; Raichle, Marcus E; Gordon, Evan M; Dosenbach, Nico U FAugust 24, 2021Not Determined
34320968Create StudyAltered neuronal physiology, development, and function associated with a common chromosome 15 duplication involving CHRNA7.BMC biologyMeganathan, Kesavan; Prakasam, Ramachandran; Baldridge, Dustin; Gontarz, Paul; Zhang, Bo; Urano, Fumihiko; Bonni, Azad; Maloney, Susan E; Turner, Tychele N; Huettner, James E; Constantino, John N; Kroll, Kristen LJuly 28, 2021Not Determined
34126348Create StudyWhite matter integrity of contralesional and transcallosal tracts may predict response to upper limb task-specific training in chronic stroke.NeuroImage. ClinicalMattos, Daniela J S; Rutlin, Jerrel; Hong, Xin; Zinn, Kristina; Shimony, Joshua S; Carter, Alexandre RJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33965519Create StudyVariability in Responding to Joint Attention Cues in the First Year is Associated With Autism Outcome.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryStallworthy, Isabella C; Lasch, Carolyn; Berry, Daniel; Wolff, Jason J; Pruett Jr, John R; Marrus, Natasha; Swanson, Meghan R; Botteron, Kelly N; Dager, Stephen R; Estes, Annette M; Hazlett, Heather C; Schultz, Robert T; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Piven, Joseph; Elison, Jed T; IBIS NetworkMarch 1, 2022Not Determined
33915225Create StudyEpigenetic regulation during human cortical development: Seq-ing answers from the brain to the organoid.Neurochemistry internationalLewis, Emily M A; Kaushik, Komal; Sandoval, Luke A; Antony, Irene; Dietmann, Sabine; Kroll, Kristen LJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
33900811Create StudyNeonatal Brain Response to Deviant Auditory Stimuli and Relation to Maternal Trait Anxiety.The American journal of psychiatrySylvester, Chad M; Myers, Michael J; Perino, Michael T; Kaplan, Sydney; Kenley, Jeanette K; Smyser, Tara A; Warner, Barbara B; Barch, Deanna M; Pine, Daniel S; Luby, Joan L; Rogers, Cynthia E; Smyser, Christopher DAugust 1, 2021Not Determined
33894211Create StudyEndothelial ether lipids link the vasculature to blood pressure, behavior, and neurodegeneration.Journal of lipid researchSpears, Larry D; Adak, Sangeeta; Dong, Guifang; Wei, Xiaochao; Spyropoulos, George; Zhang, Qiang; Yin, Li; Feng, Chu; Hu, Donghua; Lodhi, Irfan J; Hsu, Fong-Fu; Rajagopal, Rithwick; Noguchi, Kevin K; Halabi, Carmen M; Brier, Lindsey; Bice, Annie R; Lananna, Brian V; Musiek, Erik S; Avraham, Oshri; Cavalli, Valeria; Holth, Jerrah K; Holtzman, David M; Wozniak, David F; Culver, Joseph P; Semenkovich, Clay FJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
33861989Create StudyBalancing serendipity and reproducibility: Pluripotent stem cells as experimental systems for intellectual and developmental disorders.Stem cell reportsAnderson, Nickesha C; Chen, Pin-Fang; Meganathan, Kesavan; Afshar Saber, Wardiya; Petersen, Andrew J; Bhattacharyya, Anita; Kroll, Kristen L; Sahin, Mustafa; Cross-IDDRC Human Stem Cell Working GroupJune 8, 2021Not Determined
33826159Create StudyDiagnostic shifts in autism spectrum disorder can be linked to the fuzzy nature of the diagnostic boundary: a data-driven approach.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesTunç, Birkan; Pandey, Juhi; St John, Tanya; Meera, Shoba S; Maldarelli, Jennifer E; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Hazlett, Heather C; Dager, Stephen R; Botteron, Kelly N; Girault, Jessica B; McKinstry, Robert C; Verma, Ragini; Elison, Jed T; Pruett Jr, John R; Piven, Joseph; Estes, Annette M; Schultz, Robert T; IBIS NetworkOctober 1, 2021Not Determined
33568403Create StudyImpact of Type 1 Diabetes in the Developing Brain in Children: A Longitudinal Study.Diabetes careMauras, Nelly; Buckingham, Bruce; White, Neil H; Tsalikian, Eva; Weinzimer, Stuart A; Jo, Booil; Cato, Allison; Fox, Larry A; Aye, Tandy; Arbelaez, Ana Maria; Hershey, Tamara; Tansey, Michael; Tamborlane, William; Foland-Ross, Lara C; Shen, Hanyang; Englert, Kimberly; Mazaika, Paul; Marzelli, Matthew; Reiss, Allan L; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet)April 1, 2021Not Determined
33450335Create StudyAcute kidney injury after in-hospital cardiac arrest.ResuscitationMah, Kenneth E; Alten, Jeffrey A; Cornell, Timothy T; Selewski, David T; Askenazi, David; Fitzgerald, Julie C; Topjian, Alexis; Page, Kent; Holubkov, Richard; Slomine, Beth S; Christensen, James R; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank WMarch 1, 2021Not Determined
33385515Create StudyBrain pathology caused in the neonatal macaque by short and prolonged exposures to anticonvulsant drugs.Neurobiology of diseaseNoguchi, Kevin K; Fuhler, Nicole A; Wang, Sophie H; Capuano 3rd, Saverio; Brunner, Kevin R; Larson, Shreya; Crosno, Kristin; Simmons, Heather A; Mejia, Andres F; Martin, Lauren D; Dissen, Gregory A; Brambrink, Ansgar; Ikonomidou, ChrysanthyFebruary 1, 2021Not Determined
33313928Create StudyOccipital-Cervical Fusion and Ventral Decompression in the Surgical Management of Chiari-1 Malformation and Syringomyelia: Analysis of Data From the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium.NeurosurgeryCreveCoeur, Travis S; Yahanda, Alexander T; Maher, Cormac O; Johnson, Gabrielle W; Ackerman, Laurie L; Adelson, P David; Ahmed, Raheel; Albert, Gregory W; Aldana, Phillipp R; Alden, Tord D; Anderson, Richard C E; Baird, Lissa; Bauer, David F; Bierbrauer, Karin S; Brockmeyer, Douglas L; Chern, Joshua J; Couture, Daniel E; Daniels, David J; Dauser, Robert C; Durham, Susan R; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Eskandari, Ramin; Fuchs, Herbert E; George, Timothy M; Grant, Gerald A; Graupman, Patrick C; Greene, Stephanie; Greenfield, Jeffrey P; Gross, Naina L; Guillaume, Daniel J; Haller, Gabe; Hankinson, Todd C; Heuer, Gregory G; Iantosca, Mark; Iskandar, Bermans J; Jackson, Eric M; Jea, Andrew H; Johnston, James M; Keating, Robert F; Kelly, Michael P; Khan, Nickalus; Krieger, Mark D; Leonard, Jeffrey R; Mangano, Francesco T; Mapstone, Timothy B; McComb, J Gordon; Menezes, Arnold H; Muhlbauer, Michael; Oakes, W Jerry; Olavarria, Greg; O'Neill, Brent R; Park, Tae Sung; Ragheb, John; Selden, Nathan R; Shah, Manish N; Shannon, Chevis; Shimony, Joshua S; Smith, Jodi; Smyth, Matthew D; Stone, Scellig S D; Strahle, Jennifer M; Tamber, Mandeep S; Torner, James C; Tuite, Gerald F; Wait, Scott D; Wellons, John C; Whitehead, William E; Limbrick, David DJanuary 13, 2021Not Determined
33313901Create StudyTract-Specific Relationships Between Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers and Periventricular White Matter in Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus of Prematurity.NeurosurgeryMorales, Diego M; Smyser, Christopher D; Han, Rowland H; Kenley, Jeanette K; Shimony, Joshua S; Smyser, Tara A; Strahle, Jennifer M; Inder, Terrie E; Limbrick, David DFebruary 16, 2021Not Determined
33268780Create StudyAstrocyte deletion of α2-Na/K ATPase triggers episodic motor paralysis in mice via a metabolic pathway.Nature communicationsSmith, Sarah E; Chen, Xiaoying; Brier, Lindsey M; Bumstead, Jonathan R; Rensing, Nicholas R; Ringel, Alison E; Shin, Haewon; Oldenborg, Anna; Crowley, Jan R; Bice, Annie R; Dikranian, Krikor; Ippolito, Joseph E; Haigis, Marcia C; Papouin, Thomas; Zhao, Guoyan; Wong, Michael; Culver, Joseph P; Bonni, AzadDecember 2, 2020Not Determined
33192249Create StudyHuman iPSC-Derived Neuronal Cells From CTBP1-Mutated Patients Reveal Altered Expression of Neurodevelopmental Gene Networks.Frontiers in neuroscienceVijayalingam, S; Ezekiel, Uthayashanker R; Xu, Fenglian; Subramanian, T; Geerling, Elizabeth; Hoelscher, Brittany; San, KayKay; Ganapathy, Aravinda; Pemberton, Kyle; Tycksen, Eric; Pinto, Amelia K; Brien, James D; Beck, David B; Chung, Wendy K; Gurnett, Christina A; Chinnadurai, GJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
33161906Create StudyGenetic architecture of reciprocal social behavior in toddlers: Implications for heterogeneity in the early origins of autism spectrum disorder.Development and psychopathologyMarrus, Natasha; Grant, Julia D; Harris-Olenak, Brooke; Albright, Jordan; Bolster, Drew; Haber, Jon Randolph; Jacob, Theodore; Zhang, Yi; Heath, Andrew C; Agrawal, Arpana; Constantino, John N; Elison, Jed T; Glowinski, Anne LOctober 1, 2020Not Determined
33161344Create StudyNeonatal feeding performance is related to feeding outcomes in childhood.Early human developmentKwon, Jenny; Kellner, Polly; Wallendorf, Michael; Smith, Joan; Pineda, RobertaDecember 1, 2020Not Determined
33122205Create StudyLongitudinal Assessment of Neuroradiologic Features in Wolfram Syndrome.AJNR. American journal of neuroradiologySamara, A; Lugar, H M; Hershey, T; Shimony, J SDecember 1, 2020Not Determined
33081838Create StudyBrain function distinguishes female carriers and non-carriers of familial risk for autism.Molecular autismEggebrecht, Adam T; Dworetsky, Ally; Hawks, Zoë; Coalson, Rebecca; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Davis, Savannah; Gray, Daniel; McMichael, Alana; Petersen, Steven E; Constantino, John N; Pruett Jr, John ROctober 20, 2020Relevant
33067997Create StudyFunctional Connectivity Network Disruption Underlies Domain-Specific Impairments in Attention for Children Born Very Preterm.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Wheelock, M D; Lean, R E; Bora, S; Melzer, T R; Eggebrecht, A T; Smyser, C D; Woodward, L JJanuary 5, 2021Not Determined
33016623Create StudyMYH3-associated distal arthrogryposis zebrafish model is normalized with para-aminoblebbistatin.EMBO molecular medicineWhittle, Julia; Antunes, Lilian; Harris, Mya; Upshaw, Zachary; Sepich, Diane S; Johnson, Aaron N; Mokalled, Mayssa; Solnica-Krezel, Lilianna; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina ANovember 6, 2020Not Determined
32983918Create StudySemi-automated segmentation of the lateral periventricular regions using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging.MethodsXIsaacs, Albert M; Han, Rowland H; Smyser, Christopher D; Limbrick Jr, David D; Shimony, Joshua SJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
32887689Create StudyHigh-throughput single-cell functional elucidation of neurodevelopmental disease-associated genes reveals convergent mechanisms altering neuronal differentiation.Genome researchLalli, Matthew A; Avey, Denis; Dougherty, Joseph D; Milbrandt, Jeffrey; Mitra, Robi DSeptember 1, 2020Not Determined
32869335Create StudyFunctional Connectivity Decreases with Metabolic Stress in Sickle Cell Disease.Annals of neurologyFields, Melanie E; Mirro, Amy E; Guilliams, Kristin P; Binkley, Michael M; Gil Diaz, Luisa; Tan, Jessica; Fellah, Slim; Eldeniz, Cihat; Chen, Yasheng; Ford, Andria L; Shimony, Joshua S; King, Allison A; An, Hongyu; Smyser, Christopher D; Lee, Jin-MooNovember 1, 2020Not Determined
32839243Create StudyTiming of the Diagnosis of Autism in African American Children.PediatricsConstantino, John N; Abbacchi, Anna M; Saulnier, Celine; Klaiman, Cheryl; Mandell, David S; Zhang, Yi; Hawks, Zoe; Bates, Julianna; Klin, Ami; Shattuck, Paul; Molholm, Sophie; Fitzgerald, Robert; Roux, Anne; Lowe, Jennifer K; Geschwind, Daniel HSeptember 1, 2020Not Determined
32828528Create StudyMicrostructure of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulum Bundle in Very Preterm Neonates Predicts the Preterm Behavioral Phenotype at 5 Years of Age.Biological psychiatryBrenner, Rebecca G; Smyser, Christopher D; Lean, Rachel E; Kenley, Jeanette K; Smyser, Tara A; Cyr, Peppar E P; Shimony, Joshua S; Barch, Deanna M; Rogers, Cynthia EMarch 1, 2021Not Determined
32823180Create StudyBrain connectivity and socioeconomic status at birth and externalizing symptoms at age 2 years.Developmental cognitive neuroscienceRamphal, Bruce; Whalen, Diana J; Kenley, Jeanette K; Yu, Qiongru; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia E; Sylvester, Chad MOctober 1, 2020Not Determined
32807767Create StudyDevelopmental exposure to near roadway pollution produces behavioral phenotypes relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders in juvenile rats.Translational psychiatryBerg, Elizabeth L; Pedersen, Lauren R; Pride, Michael C; Petkova, Stela P; Patten, Kelley T; Valenzuela, Anthony E; Wallis, Christopher; Bein, Keith J; Wexler, Anthony; Lein, Pamela J; Silverman, Jill LAugust 17, 2020Not Determined
32789494Create StudyFunctional connectivity within glioblastoma impacts overall survival.Neuro-oncologyDaniel, Andy G S; Park, Ki Yun; Roland, Jarod L; Dierker, Donna; Gross, James; Humphries, Joseph B; Hacker, Carl D; Snyder, Abraham Z; Shimony, Joshua S; Leuthardt, Eric CMarch 25, 2021Not Determined
32775597Create StudyThe Alzheimer''s Biomarker Consortium-Down Syndrome: Rationale and methodology.Alzheimer''s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Handen, Benjamin L; Lott, Ira T; Christian, Bradley T; Schupf, Nicole; OBryant, Sid; Mapstone, Mark; Fagan, Anne M; Lee, Joseph H; Tudorascu, Dana; Wang, Mei-Cheng; Head, Elizabeth; Klunk, William; Ances, Beau; Lai, Florence; Zaman, Shahid; Krinsky-McHale, Sharon; Brickman, Adam M; Rosas, H Diana; Cohen, Annie; Andrews, Howard; Hartley, Sigan; Silverman, Wayne; Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium‐Down Syndrome (ABC‐DS)January 1, 2020Not Determined
32648643Create StudyGlobal motion detection and censoring in high-density diffuse optical tomography.Human brain mappingSherafati, Arefeh; Snyder, Abraham Z; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Bergonzi, Karla M; Burns-Yocum, Tracy M; Lugar, Heather M; Ferradal, Silvina L; Robichaux-Viehoever, Amy; Smyser, Christopher D; Palanca, Ben J; Hershey, Tamara; Culver, Joseph POctober 1, 2020Not Determined
32587895Create StudyThe New Tics study: A Novel Approach to Pathophysiology and Cause of Tic Disorders.Journal of psychiatry and brain scienceBlack, Kevin J; Kim, Soyoung; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Greene, Deanna JJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
32575110Create StudySurgery requiring general anesthesia in preterm infants is associated with altered brain volumes at term equivalent age and neurodevelopmental impairment.Pediatric researchWalsh, Brian H; Paul, Rachel A; Inder, Terrie E; Shimony, Joshua S; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EApril 1, 2021Not Determined
32518174Create StudyRare and de novo duplications containing SHOX in clubfoot.Journal of medical geneticsSadler, Brooke; Haller, Gabe; Antunes, Lilian; Nikolov, Momchil; Amarillo, Ina; Coe, Bradley; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina ADecember 1, 2020Not Determined
32503289Create StudyHippocampal Volume in Provisional Tic Disorder Predicts Tic Severity at 12-Month Follow-up.Journal of clinical medicineKim, Soyoung; Greene, Deanna J; D'Andrea, Carolina Badke; Bihun, Emily C; Koller, Jonathan M; O'Reilly, Bridget; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Black, Kevin JJune 3, 2020Not Determined
32483143Create StudyEffects of early life exposure to traffic-related air pollution on brain development in juvenile Sprague-Dawley rats.Translational psychiatryPatten, Kelley T; González, Eduardo A; Valenzuela, Anthony; Berg, Elizabeth; Wallis, Christopher; Garbow, Joel R; Silverman, Jill L; Bein, Keith J; Wexler, Anthony S; Lein, Pamela JMay 27, 2020Not Determined
32475715Create StudyOptimization of Ultrasound Backscatter Spectroscopy to Assess Neurotoxic Effects of Anesthesia in the Newborn Non-human Primate Brain.Ultrasound in medicine & biologyCastañeda-Martinez, Laura; Noguchi, Kevin K; Ikonomidou, Chrysanthy; Zagzebski, James A; Hall, Timothy J; Rosado-Mendez, Ivan MAugust 1, 2020Not Determined
32471809Create StudyBrain Function Differences in Children With Type 1 Diabetes: A Functional MRI Study of Working Memory.DiabetesFoland-Ross, Lara C; Tong, Gabby; Mauras, Nelly; Cato, Allison; Aye, Tandy; Tansey, Michael; White, Neil H; Weinzimer, Stuart A; Englert, Kimberly; Shen, Hanyang; Mazaika, Paul K; Reiss, Allan L; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet)August 1, 2020Not Determined
32434985Create StudyIn utero exposure to transient ischemia-hypoxemia promotes long-term neurodevelopmental abnormalities in male rat offspring.JCI insightPalanisamy, Arvind; Giri, Tusar; Jiang, Jia; Bice, Annie; Quirk, James D; Conyers, Sara B; Maloney, Susan E; Raghuraman, Nandini; Bauer, Adam Q; Garbow, Joel R; Wozniak, David FMay 21, 2020Not Determined
32430199Create StudyInherited Risk for Autism Through Maternal and Paternal Lineage.Biological psychiatryBai, Dan; Marrus, Natasha; Yip, Benjamin Hon Kei; Reichenberg, Abraham; Constantino, John N; Sandin, SvenSeptember 15, 2020Not Determined
32359473Create StudyInsufficient Evidence for "Autism-Specific" Genes.American journal of human geneticsMyers, Scott M; Challman, Thomas D; Bernier, Raphael; Bourgeron, Thomas; Chung, Wendy K; Constantino, John N; Eichler, Evan E; Jacquemont, Sebastien; Miller, David T; Mitchell, Kevin J; Zoghbi, Huda Y; Martin, Christa Lese; Ledbetter, David HMay 7, 2020Not Determined
32341146Create StudyNeonatal CSF vasopressin concentration predicts later medical record diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaOztan, Ozge; Garner, Joseph P; Constantino, John N; Parker, Karen JMay 12, 2020Not Determined
32300008Create StudyA viral toolkit for recording transcription factor-DNA interactions in live mouse tissues.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaCammack, Alexander J; Moudgil, Arnav; Chen, Jiayang; Vasek, Michael J; Shabsovich, Mark; McCullough, Katherine; Yen, Allen; Lagunas, Tomas; Maloney, Susan E; He, June; Chen, Xuhua; Hooda, Misha; Wilkinson, Michael N; Miller, Timothy M; Mitra, Robi D; Dougherty, Joseph DMay 5, 2020Not Determined
32276247Create StudyObex position is associated with syringomyelia and use of posterior fossa decompression among patients with Chiari I malformation.Journal of neurosurgery. PediatricsHaller, Gabe; Sadler, Brooke; Kuensting, Timothy; Lakshman, Nivan; Greenberg, Jacob K; Strahle, Jennifer M; Park, Tae Sung; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina A; Limbrick, David DJuly 1, 2020Not Determined
32274803Create StudyEarly developmental electroencephalography abnormalities, neonatal seizures, and induced spasms in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex.EpilepsiaRensing, Nicholas; Johnson, Kevin J; Foutz, Thomas J; Friedman, Joseph L; Galindo, Rafael; Wong, MichaelMay 1, 2020Not Determined
32267091Create StudyMYT1L: A systematic review of genetic variation encompassing schizophrenia and autism.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsMansfield, Patricia; Constantino, John N; Baldridge, DustinJune 1, 2020Not Determined
32239502Create StudyExpediting clinician assessment in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.Developmental medicine and child neurologySanchez, Matthew J; Constantino, John NJuly 1, 2020Not Determined
32204783Create StudyInterrater Reliability and Concurrent Validity of the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment.The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy AssociationPineda, Roberta; Liszka, Lara; Kwon, Jenny; Wallendorf, MichaelMarch 1, 2020Not Determined
32151905Create StudyA pilot study demonstrating the impact of the supporting and enhancing NICU sensory experiences (SENSE) program on the mother and infant.Early human developmentPineda, Roberta; Wallendorf, Michael; Smith, JoanMay 1, 2020Not Determined
32113729Create StudyPrevalence and Impact of Underlying Diagnosis and Comorbidities on Chiari 1 Malformation.Pediatric neurologySadler, Brooke; Kuensting, Timothy; Strahle, Jennifer; Park, Tae Sung; Smyth, Matthew; Limbrick, David D; Dobbs, Matthew B; Haller, Gabe; Gurnett, Christina AMay 1, 2020Not Determined
32107137Create StudyThe Congenital Heart Disease Brain: Prenatal Considerations for Perioperative Neurocritical Care.Pediatric neurologyOrtinau, Cynthia M; Shimony, Joshua SJuly 1, 2020Not Determined
32066844Create StudyPreterm infant feeding performance at term equivalent age differs from that of full-term infants.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationPineda, Roberta; Prince, Danielle; Reynolds, Jenny; Grabill, Molly; Smith, JoanApril 1, 2020Not Determined
32017237Create StudyAuditory exposure of high-risk infants discharged from the NICU and the impact of social factors.Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)Liszka, Lara; Heiny, Elizabeth; Smith, Joan; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Mathur, Amit; Pineda, RobertaOctober 1, 2020Not Determined
32015137Create StudyIndividual-specific functional connectivity of the amygdala: A substrate for precision psychiatry.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaSylvester, Chad M; Yu, Qiongru; Srivastava, A Benjamin; Marek, Scott; Zheng, Annie; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Smyser, Christopher D; Shimony, Joshua S; Ortega, Mario; Dierker, Donna L; Patel, Gaurav H; Nelson, Steven M; Gilmore, Adrian W; McDermott, Kathleen B; Berg, Jeffrey J; Drysdale, Andrew T; Perino, Michael T; Snyder, Abraham Z; Raut, Ryan V; Laumann, Timothy O; Gordon, Evan M; Barch, Deanna M; Rogers, Cynthia E; Greene, Deanna J; Raichle, Marcus E; Dosenbach, Nico U FFebruary 18, 2020Not Determined
31992978Create StudyNeuroinflammation and White Matter Alterations in Obesity Assessed by Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging.Frontiers in human neuroscienceSamara, Amjad; Murphy, Tatianna; Strain, Jeremy; Rutlin, Jerrel; Sun, Peng; Neyman, Olga; Sreevalsan, Nitya; Shimony, Joshua S; Ances, Beau M; Song, Sheng-Kwei; Hershey, Tamara; Eisenstein, Sarah AJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
31964163Create StudyHuman Brain Functional Network Organization Is Disrupted After Whole-Brain Radiation Therapy.Brain connectivityMitchell, Timothy J; Seitzman, Benjamin A; Ballard, Nicholas; Petersen, Steven E; Shimony, Joshua S; Leuthardt, Eric CFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
31930154Create StudySeparability of calcium slow waves and functional connectivity during wake, sleep, and anesthesia.NeurophotonicsBrier, Lindsey M; Landsness, Eric C; Snyder, Abraham Z; Wright, Patrick W; Baxter, Grant A; Bauer, Adam Q; Lee, Jin-Moo; Culver, Joseph PJuly 1, 2019Not Determined
31856140Create StudyOn the Continuity Between Autistic and Schizoid Personality Disorder Trait Burden: A Prospective Study in Adolescence.The Journal of nervous and mental diseaseCook, Michal Lauren; Zhang, Yi; Constantino, John NFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
31853901Create StudyOn the Nature of Monozygotic Twin Concordance and Discordance for Autistic Trait Severity: A Quantitative Analysis.Behavior geneticsCastelbaum, Lauren; Sylvester, Chad M; Zhang, Yi; Yu, Qiongru; Constantino, John NJuly 1, 2020Not Determined
31843753Create StudyMaternal Fluoxetine Exposure Alters Cortical Hemodynamic and Calcium Response of Offspring to Somatosensory Stimuli.eNeuroRahn, Rachel M; Maloney, Susan E; Brier, Lindsey M; Dougherty, Joseph D; Culver, Joseph PNovember 1, 2019Not Determined
31838997Create StudyThe role of glia in epilepsy, intellectual disability, and other neurodevelopmental disorders in tuberous sclerosis complex.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersWong, MichaelDecember 16, 2019Not Determined
31836659Create StudyZika Virus Infection in the Developing Mouse Produces Dramatically Different Neuropathology Dependent on Viral Strain.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceNoguchi, Kevin K; Swiney, Brant S; Williams, Sasha L; Huffman, Jacob N; Lucas, Katherine; Wang, Sophie H; Kapral, Kayla M; Li, Amber; Dikranian, Krikor TJanuary 29, 2020Not Determined
31836587Create Study22q11.2 duplication: a review of neuropsychiatric correlates and a newly observed case of prototypic sociopathy.Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studiesVyas, Sonam; Constantino, John N; Baldridge, DustinDecember 1, 2019Not Determined
31836321Create StudyIntegrative and Network-Specific Connectivity of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus Defined in Individuals.NeuronGreene, Deanna J; Marek, Scott; Gordon, Evan M; Siegel, Joshua S; Gratton, Caterina; Laumann, Timothy O; Gilmore, Adrian W; Berg, Jeffrey J; Nguyen, Annie L; Dierker, Donna; Van, Andrew N; Ortega, Mario; Newbold, Dillan J; Hampton, Jacqueline M; Nielsen, Ashley N; McDermott, Kathleen B; Roland, Jarod L; Norris, Scott A; Nelson, Steven M; Snyder, Abraham Z; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Petersen, Steven E; Dosenbach, Nico U FFebruary 19, 2020Not Determined
31815939Create StudyExecutive task-based brain function in children with type 1 diabetes: An observational study.PLoS medicineFoland-Ross, Lara C; Buckingam, Bruce; Mauras, Nelly; Arbelaez, Ana Maria; Tamborlane, William V; Tsalikian, Eva; Cato, Allison; Tong, Gabby; Englert, Kimberly; Mazaika, Paul K; Reiss, Allan L; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet)December 1, 2019Not Determined
31796109Create StudyDevelopmental hypomyelination in Wolfram syndrome: new insights from neuroimaging and gene expression analyses.Orphanet journal of rare diseasesSamara, Amjad; Rahn, Rachel; Neyman, Olga; Park, Ki Yun; Samara, Ahmad; Marshall, Bess; Dougherty, Joseph; Hershey, TamaraDecember 3, 2019Not Determined
31795043Create StudyMR diffusion changes in the perimeter of the lateral ventricles demonstrate periventricular injury in post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus of prematurity.NeuroImage. ClinicalIsaacs, Albert M; Smyser, Christopher D; Lean, Rachel E; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Han, Rowland H; Neil, Jeffrey J; Zimbalist, Sophia A; Rogers, Cynthia E; Yan, Yan; Shimony, Joshua S; Limbrick Jr, David DJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
31783278Create StudyUsing accelerometry for measurement of motor behavior in children: Relationship of real-world movement to standardized evaluation.Research in developmental disabilitiesHoyt, Catherine R; Brown, Shelby K; Sherman, Sarah K; Wood-Smith, Melanie; Van, Andrew N; Ortega, Mario; Nguyen, Annie L; Lang, Catherine E; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Dosenbach, Nico U FJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
31712706Create StudyMild chronic perturbation of inhibition severely alters hippocampal function.Scientific reportsSun, Min-Yu; Ziolkowski, Luke; Lambert, Peter; Shu, Hong-Jin; Keiser, Micah; Rensing, Nicholas; Warikoo, Natasha; Martinek, Monika; Platnick, Carson; Benz, Ann; Bracamontes, John; Akk, Gustav; Steinbach, Joe Henry; Zorumski, Charles F; Wong, Michael; Mennerick, StevenNovember 11, 2019Not Determined
31694884Create StudyAdipose tissue NAD+ biosynthesis is required for regulating adaptive thermogenesis and whole-body energy homeostasis in mice.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaYamaguchi, Shintaro; Franczyk, Michael P; Chondronikola, Maria; Qi, Nathan; Gunawardana, Subhadra C; Stromsdorfer, Kelly L; Porter, Lane C; Wozniak, David F; Sasaki, Yo; Rensing, Nicholas; Wong, Michael; Piston, David W; Klein, Samuel; Yoshino, JunNovember 19, 2019Not Determined
31609579Create StudyLocation and Cell-Type-Specific Bias of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor, mGlu5, Negative Allosteric Modulators.ACS chemical neuroscienceJong, Yuh-Jiin Ivy; Harmon, Steven K; O'Malley, Karen LNovember 20, 2019Not Determined
31605778Create StudyHypothalamic orexin and mechanistic target of rapamycin activation mediate sleep dysfunction in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex.Neurobiology of diseaseZhang, Bo; Guo, Dongjun; Han, Lirong; Rensing, Nicholas; Satoh, Akiko; Wong, MichaelFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
31575858Create StudyABCC9-related Intellectual disability Myopathy Syndrome is a KATP channelopathy with loss-of-function mutations in ABCC9.Nature communicationsSmeland, Marie F; McClenaghan, Conor; Roessler, Helen I; Savelberg, Sanne; Hansen, Geir Åsmund Myge; Hjellnes, Helene; Arntzen, Kjell Arne; Müller, Kai Ivar; Dybesland, Andreas Rosenberger; Harter, Theresa; Sala-Rabanal, Monica; Emfinger, Chris H; Huang, Yan; Singareddy, Soma S; Gunn, Jamie; Wozniak, David F; Kovacs, Attila; Massink, Maarten; Tessadori, Federico; Kamel, Sarah M; Bakkers, Jeroen; Remedi, Maria S; Van Ghelue, Marijke; Nichols, Colin G; van Haaften, GijsOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31535342Create StudyAccelerating Motor Skill Acquisition for Bicycle Riding in Children with ASD: A Pilot Study.Journal of autism and developmental disordersHawks, Zoë; Constantino, John N; Weichselbaum, Claire; Marrus, NatashaJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
31527255Create StudyGenetic ablation of acid ceramidase in Krabbe disease confirms the psychosine hypothesis and identifies a new therapeutic target.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaLi, Yedda; Xu, Yue; Benitez, Bruno A; Nagree, Murtaza S; Dearborn, Joshua T; Jiang, Xuntian; Guzman, Miguel A; Woloszynek, Josh C; Giaramita, Alex; Yip, Bryan K; Elsbernd, Joseph; Babcock, Michael C; Lo, Melanie; Fowler, Stephen C; Wozniak, David F; Vogler, Carole A; Medin, Jeffrey A; Crawford, Brett E; Sands, Mark SOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31491833Create StudyWhite and gray matter brain development in children and young adults with phenylketonuria.NeuroImage. ClinicalHawks, Zoë; Hood, Anna M; Lerman-Sinkoff, Dov B; Shimony, Joshua S; Rutlin, Jerrel; Lagoni, Daniel; Grange, Dorothy K; White, Desirée AJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
31472979Create StudyAtypical Functional Connectivity in Tourette Syndrome Differs Between Children and Adults.Biological psychiatryNielsen, Ashley N; Gratton, Caterina; Church, Jessica A; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Black, Kevin J; Petersen, Steven E; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Greene, Deanna JJanuary 15, 2020Not Determined
31463865Create StudyBrief Screening Measures Identify Risk for Psychological Difficulties Among Children with Sickle Cell Disease.Journal of clinical psychology in medical settingsHood, Anna M; Reife, Ilana; King, Allison A; White, Desiree ADecember 1, 2020Not Determined
31449335Create StudyMaternal and family factors differentiate profiles of psychiatric impairments in very preterm children at age 5-years.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesLean, Rachel E; Lessov-Shlaggar, Christina N; Gerstein, Emily D; Smyser, Tara A; Paul, Rachel A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
31439834Create StudyBehavioral predictors of autism recurrence are genetically independent and influence social reciprocity: evidence that polygenic ASD risk is mediated by separable elements of developmental liability.Translational psychiatryPohl, Alexa; Jones, Warren R; Marrus, Natasha; Zhang, Yi; Klin, Ami; Constantino, John NAugust 22, 2019Not Determined
31433809Create StudyMaternal pomegranate juice intake and brain structure and function in infants with intrauterine growth restriction: A randomized controlled pilot study.PloS oneMatthews, Lillian G; Smyser, Christopher D; Cherkerzian, Sara; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Kenley, Jeanette; Tuuli, Methodius G; Nelson, D Michael; Inder, Terrie EJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
31344460Create StudyNeuropsychiatric "Comorbidity" as Causal Influence in Autism.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryHawks, Zoë W; Constantino, John NFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
31323624Create StudyFeasibility of fast brain diffusion MRI to quantify white matter injury in pediatric hydrocephalus.Journal of neurosurgery. PediatricsIsaacs, Albert M; Shimony, Joshua S; Morales, Diego M; Castaneyra-Ruiz, Leandro; Hartman, Alexis; Cook, Madison; Smyser, Christopher D; Strahle, Jennifer; Smyth, Matthew D; Yan, Yan; McAllister, James P; McKinstry, Robert C; Limbrick, David DOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31299550Create StudyDifferences in early auditory exposure across neonatal environments.Early human developmentLiszka, Lara; Smith, Joan; Mathur, Amit; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Colditz, Graham; Pineda, RobertaSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
31267645Create StudyHigher executive abilities following a blood transfusion in children and young adults with sickle cell disease.Pediatric blood & cancerHood, Anna M; King, Allison A; Fields, Melanie E; Ford, Andria L; Guilliams, Kristin P; Hulbert, Monica L; Lee, Jin-Moo; White, Desiree AOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31241402Create StudyTic Suppression in Children With Recent-Onset Tics Predicts 1-Year Tic Outcome.Journal of child neurologyKim, Soyoung; Greene, Deanna J; Robichaux-Viehoever, Amy; Bihun, Emily C; Koller, Jonathan M; Acevedo, Haley; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Black, Kevin JOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31215739Create StudyLoss of CELF6 RNA binding protein impairs cocaine conditioned place preference and contextual fear conditioning.Genes, brain, and behaviorMaloney, Susan E; Rieger, Michael A; Al-Hasani, Ream; Bruchas, Michael R; Wozniak, David F; Dougherty, Joseph DSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
31212303Create StudyAltered neonatal white and gray matter microstructure is associated with neurodevelopmental impairments in very preterm infants with high-grade brain injury.Pediatric researchLean, Rachel E; Han, Rowland H; Smyser, Tara A; Kenley, Jeanette K; Shimony, Joshua S; Rogers, Cynthia E; Limbrick Jr, David D; Smyser, Christopher DSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
31204283Create StudyExtracellular Vesicle-Contained eNAMPT Delays Aging and Extends Lifespan in Mice.Cell metabolismYoshida, Mitsukuni; Satoh, Akiko; Lin, Jonathan B; Mills, Kathryn F; Sasaki, Yo; Rensing, Nicholas; Wong, Michael; Apte, Rajendra S; Imai, Shin-IchiroAugust 6, 2019Not Determined
31175984Create StudyMild hypothermia ameliorates anesthesia toxicity in the neonatal macaque brain.Neurobiology of diseaseIkonomidou, Chrysanthy; Kirvassilis, George; Swiney, Brant S; Wang, Sophie H; Huffman, Jacob N; Williams, Sasha L; Masuoka, Kobe; Capuano 3rd, Saverio; Brunner, Kevin R; Crosno, Kristin; Simmons, Heather S; Mejia, Andres F; Turski, Christopher A; Brambrink, Ansgar; Noguchi, Kevin KOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31175969Create StudyHigh-fidelity mapping of repetition-related changes in the parietal memory network.NeuroImageGilmore, Adrian W; Nelson, Steven M; Laumann, Timothy O; Gordon, Evan M; Berg, Jeffrey J; Greene, Deanna J; Gratton, Caterina; Nguyen, Annie L; Ortega, Mario; Hoyt, Catherine R; Coalson, Rebecca S; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Petersen, Steven E; Dosenbach, Nico U F; McDermott, Kathleen BOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
31175965Create StudyThe association of early post-resuscitation hypotension with discharge survival following targeted temperature management for pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest.ResuscitationTopjian, Alexis A; Telford, Russell; Holubkov, Richard; Nadkarni, Vinay M; Berg, Robert A; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank W; Therapeutic Hypothermia after Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (THAPCA) Trial InvestigatorsAugust 1, 2019Not Determined
31077983Create StudyA comparison of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging to invasive electrocortical stimulation for sensorimotor mapping in pediatric patients.NeuroImage. ClinicalRoland, Jarod L; Hacker, Carl D; Snyder, Abraham Z; Shimony, Joshua S; Zempel, John M; Limbrick, David D; Smyth, Matthew D; Leuthardt, Eric CJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30991622Create StudyImpaired hippocampal development and outcomes in very preterm infants with perinatal brain injury.NeuroImage. ClinicalStrahle, Jennifer M; Triplett, Regina L; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Smyser, Tara A; Rogers, Cynthia E; Limbrick Jr, David D; Smyser, Christopher DJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30979932Create StudyEvidence for altered neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration in Wolfram syndrome using longitudinal morphometry.Scientific reportsLugar, Heather M; Koller, Jonathan M; Rutlin, Jerrel; Eisenstein, Sarah A; Neyman, Olga; Narayanan, Anagha; Chen, Ling; Shimony, Joshua S; Hershey, TamaraApril 12, 2019Not Determined
30951850Create StudyQuantitative ultrasound and apoptotic death in the neonatal primate brain.Neurobiology of diseaseRosado-Mendez, Ivan M; Noguchi, Kevin K; Castañeda-Martinez, Laura; Kirvassilis, George; Wang, Sophie H; Manzella, Francesca; Swiney, Brant S; Masuoka, Kobe; Capuano III2, Saverio; Brunner, Kevin G; Crosno, Kristin; Guerrero, Quinton W; Whitson, Hayley; Brambrink, Ansgar; Simmons, Heather S; Mejia, Andres F; Zagzebski, James A; Hall, Timothy J; Ikonomidou, ChrysanthyJuly 1, 2019Not Determined
30927366Create StudyChildren Use Regions in the Visual Processing and Executive Function Networks during a Subsequent Memory Reading Task.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Farah, Rola; Coalson, Rebecca S; Petersen, Steven E; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Horowitz-Kraus, TzipiDecember 17, 2019Not Determined
30922934Create StudyRelationships between three and twelve month outcomes in children enrolled in the therapeutic hypothermia after pediatric cardiac arrest trials.ResuscitationSlomine, Beth S; Silverstein, Faye S; Page, Kent; Holubkov, Richard; Christensen, James R; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank W; Therapeutic Hypothermia after Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (THAPCA) Trial InvestigatorsJune 1, 2019Not Determined
30867488Create StudyConditional knockout of UBC13 produces disturbances in gait and spontaneous locomotion and exploration in mice.Scientific reportsWozniak, David F; Valnegri, Pamela; Dearborn, Joshua T; Fowler, Stephen C; Bonni, AzadMarch 13, 2019Not Determined
30858231Create StudyHydroxyurea reduces cerebral metabolic stress in patients with sickle cell anemia.BloodFields, Melanie E; Guilliams, Kristin P; Ragan, Dustin; Binkley, Michael M; Mirro, Amy; Fellah, Slim; Hulbert, Monica L; Blinder, Morey; Eldeniz, Cihat; Vo, Katie; Shimony, Joshua S; Chen, Yasheng; McKinstry, Robert C; An, Hongyu; Lee, Jin-Moo; Ford, Andria LMay 30, 2019Not Determined
30850688Create StudyProvisional Tic Disorder is not so transient.Scientific reportsKim, Soyoung; Greene, Deanna J; Bihun, Emily C; Koller, Jonathan M; Hampton, Jacqueline M; Acevedo, Haley; Reiersen, Angela M; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Black, Kevin JMarch 8, 2019Not Determined
30818016Create StudyOne-year cognitive and neurologic outcomes in survivors of paediatric extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation.ResuscitationMeert, Kathleen; Slomine, Beth S; Silverstein, Faye S; Christensen, James; Ichord, Rebecca; Telford, Russell; Holubkov, Richard; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank W; Therapeutic Hypothermia after Paediatric Cardiac Arrest (THAPCA) Trial InvestigatorssJune 1, 2019Not Determined
30808927Create StudyRepeated neonatal isoflurane exposures in the mouse induce apoptotic degenerative changes in the brain and relatively mild long-term behavioral deficits.Scientific reportsMaloney, Susan E; Yuede, Carla M; Creeley, Catherine E; Williams, Sasha L; Huffman, Jacob N; Taylor, George T; Noguchi, Kevin N; Wozniak, David FFebruary 26, 2019Not Determined
30803986Create StudyDistal chromosome 16p11.2 duplications containing SH2B1 in patients with scoliosis.Journal of medical geneticsSadler, Brooke; Haller, Gabe; Antunes, Lilian; Bledsoe, Xavier; Morcuende, Jose; Giampietro, Philip; Raggio, Cathleen; Miller, Nancy; Kidane, Yared; Wise, Carol A; Amarillo, Ina; Walton, Nephi; Seeley, Mark; Johnson, Darren; Jenkins, Conner; Jenkins, Troy; Oetjens, Matthew; Tong, R Spencer; Druley, Todd E; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina AJuly 1, 2019Not Determined
30768416Create StudyMaternal Depression and Stress in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Associations With Mother-Child Interactions at Age 5 Years.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryGerstein, Emily D; Njoroge, Wanjiku F M; Paul, Rachel A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EMarch 1, 2019Not Determined
30739909Create StudyVariants in TCF20 in neurodevelopmental disability: description of 27 new patients and review of literature.Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical GeneticsTorti, Erin; Keren, Boris; Palmer, Elizabeth E; Zhu, Zehua; Afenjar, Alexandra; Anderson, Ilse J; Andrews, Marisa V; Atkinson, Celia; Au, Margaret; Berry, Susan A; Bowling, Kevin M; Boyle, Jackie; Buratti, Julien; Cathey, Sara S; Charles, Perrine; Cogne, Benjamin; Courtin, Thomas; Escobar, Luis F; Finley, Sabra Ledare; Graham Jr, John M; Grange, Dorothy K; Heron, Delphine; Hewson, Stacy; Hiatt, Susan M; Hibbs, Kathleen A; Jayakar, Parul; Kalsner, Louisa; Larcher, Lise; Lesca, Gaetan; Mark, Paul R; Miller, Kathryn; Nava, Caroline; Nizon, Mathilde; Pai, G Shashidhar; Pappas, John; Parsons, Gretchen; Payne, Katelyn; Putoux, Audrey; Rabin, Rachel; Sabatier, Isabelle; Shinawi, Marwan; Shur, Natasha; Skinner, Steven A; Valence, Stephanie; Warren, Hannah; Whalen, Sandra; Crunk, Amy; Douglas, Ganka; Monaghan, Kristin G; Person, Richard E; Willaert, Rebecca; Solomon, Benjamin D; Juusola, JaneSeptember 1, 2019Not Determined
30723792Create StudyThe Differences in Local Translatome across Distinct Neuron Types Is Mediated by Both Baseline Cellular Differences and Post-transcriptional Mechanisms.eNeuroOuwenga, Rebecca; Lake, Allison M; Aryal, Shivani; Lagunas Jr, Tomas; Dougherty, Joseph DJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
30679813Create StudyDe novo variants in FBXO11 cause a syndromic form of intellectual disability with behavioral problems and dysmorphisms.European journal of human genetics : EJHGJansen, Sandra; van der Werf, Ilse M; Innes, A Micheil; Afenjar, Alexandra; Agrawal, Pankaj B; Anderson, Ilse J; Atwal, Paldeep S; van Binsbergen, Ellen; van den Boogaard, Marie-José; Castiglia, Lucia; Coban-Akdemir, Zeynep H; van Dijck, Anke; Doummar, Diane; van Eerde, Albertien M; van Essen, Anthonie J; van Gassen, Koen L; Guillen Sacoto, Maria J; van Haelst, Mieke M; Iossifov, Ivan; Jackson, Jessica L; Judd, Elizabeth; Kaiwar, Charu; Keren, Boris; Klee, Eric W; Klein Wassink-Ruiter, Jolien S; Meuwissen, Marije E; Monaghan, Kristin G; de Munnik, Sonja A; Nava, Caroline; Ockeloen, Charlotte W; Pettinato, Rosa; Racher, Hilary; Rinne, Tuula; Romano, Corrado; Sanders, Victoria R; Schnur, Rhonda E; Smeets, Eric J; Stegmann, Alexander P A; Stray-Pedersen, Asbjørg; Sweetser, David A; Terhal, Paulien A; Tveten, Kristian; VanNoy, Grace E; de Vries, Petra F; Waxler, Jessica L; Willing, Marcia; Pfundt, Rolph; Veltman, Joris A; Kooy, R Frank; Vissers, Lisenka E L M; de Vries, Bert B AMay 1, 2019Not Determined
30655513Create StudyInterferon lambda protects the female reproductive tract against Zika virus infection.Nature communicationsCaine, Elizabeth A; Scheaffer, Suzanne M; Arora, Nitin; Zaitsev, Konstantin; Artyomov, Maxim N; Coyne, Carolyn B; Moley, Kelle H; Diamond, Michael SJanuary 17, 2019Not Determined
30650354Create StudyCell-Type-Specific Profiling of Alternative Translation Identifies Regulated Protein Isoform Variation in the Mouse Brain.Cell reportsSapkota, Darshan; Lake, Allison M; Yang, Wei; Yang, Chengran; Wesseling, Hendrik; Guise, Amanda; Uncu, Ceren; Dalal, Jasbir S; Kraft, Andrew W; Lee, Jin-Moo; Sands, Mark S; Steen, Judith A; Dougherty, Joseph DJanuary 15, 2019Not Determined
30628810Create StudyEarly childhood depression, emotion regulation, episodic memory, and hippocampal development.Journal of abnormal psychologyBarch, Deanna M; Harms, Michael P; Tillman, Rebecca; Hawkey, Elizabeth; Luby, Joan LJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30609083Create StudyNeurofibromatosis type 1 (Nf1)-mutant mice exhibit increased sleep fragmentation.Journal of sleep researchAnastasaki, Corina; Rensing, Nicholas; Johnson, Kevin J; Wong, Michael; Gutmann, David HAugust 1, 2019Not Determined
30583852Create StudyNeural Indicators of Anhedonia: Predictors and Mechanisms of Treatment Change in a Randomized Clinical Trial in Early Childhood Depression.Biological psychiatryBarch, Deanna M; Whalen, Diana; Gilbert, Kirsten; Kelly, Danielle; Kappenman, Emily S; Hajcak, Greg; Luby, Joan LMay 15, 2019Not Determined
30577927Create StudyClinical and Psychosocial Characteristics of Young Children With Suicidal Ideation, Behaviors, and Nonsuicidal Self-Injurious Behaviors.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryLuby, Joan L; Whalen, Diana; Tillman, Rebecca; Barch, Deanna MJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30577058Create StudyHealth Care Professionals'' Perceptions about Sensory-Based Interventions in the NICU.American journal of perinatologyPineda, Roberta; Roussin, Jessica; Heiny, Elizabeth; Smith, JoanOctober 1, 2019Not Determined
30559488Create StudyNeurodevelopmental disease genes implicated by de novo mutation and copy number variation morbidity.Nature geneticsCoe, Bradley P; Stessman, Holly A F; Sulovari, Arvis; Geisheker, Madeleine R; Bakken, Trygve E; Lake, Allison M; Dougherty, Joseph D; Lein, Ed S; Hormozdiari, Fereydoun; Bernier, Raphael A; Eichler, Evan EJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30541449Create StudyAberrant structural and functional connectivity and neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm children.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersRogers, Cynthia E; Lean, Rachel E; Wheelock, Muriah D; Smyser, Christopher DDecember 13, 2018Not Determined
30522743Create StudyPhysical and Psychosocial Impact of a University-Based, Volunteer Student-Led Running Program for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryMarggraff, Annie; Constantino, John NDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30475797Create StudyMutations in Kinesin family member 6 reveal specific role in ependymal cell ciliogenesis and human neurological development.PLoS geneticsKonjikusic, Mia J; Yeetong, Patra; Boswell, Curtis W; Lee, Chanjae; Roberson, Elle C; Ittiwut, Rungnapa; Suphapeetiporn, Kanya; Ciruna, Brian; Gurnett, Christina A; Wallingford, John B; Shotelersuk, Vorasuk; Gray, Ryan SNovember 1, 2018Not Determined
30473014Create StudySpatial and Temporal Organization of the Individual Human Cerebellum.NeuronMarek, Scott; Siegel, Joshua S; Gordon, Evan M; Raut, Ryan V; Gratton, Caterina; Newbold, Dillan J; Ortega, Mario; Laumann, Timothy O; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Miller, Derek B; Zheng, Annie; Lopez, Katherine C; Berg, Jeffrey J; Coalson, Rebecca S; Nguyen, Annie L; Dierker, Donna; Van, Andrew N; Hoyt, Catherine R; McDermott, Kathleen B; Norris, Scott A; Shimony, Joshua S; Snyder, Abraham Z; Nelson, Steven M; Barch, Deanna M; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Raichle, Marcus E; Petersen, Steven E; Greene, Deanna J; Dosenbach, Nico U FNovember 21, 2018Not Determined
30446435Create StudyRestricted and Repetitive Behavior and Brain Functional Connectivity in Infants at Risk for Developing Autism Spectrum Disorder.Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimagingMcKinnon, Claire J; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Todorov, Alexandre; Wolff, Jason J; Elison, Jed T; Adams, Chloe M; Snyder, Abraham Z; Estes, Annette M; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Botteron, Kelly N; McKinstry, Robert C; Marrus, Natasha; Evans, Alan; Hazlett, Heather C; Dager, Stephen R; Paterson, Sarah J; Pandey, Juhi; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin A; Gerig, Guido; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Petersen, Steven E; Piven, Joseph; Pruett Jr, John R; IBIS NetworkJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30439868Create StudyPrevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2012.Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries (Washington, D.C. : 2002)Christensen, Deborah L; Braun, Kim Van Naarden; Baio, Jon; Bilder, Deborah; Charles, Jane; Constantino, John N; Daniels, Julie; Durkin, Maureen S; Fitzgerald, Robert T; Kurzius-Spencer, Margaret; Lee, Li-Ching; Pettygrove, Sydney; Robinson, Cordelia; Schulz, Eldon; Wells, Chris; Wingate, Martha S; Zahorodny, Walter; Yeargin-Allsopp, MarshalynNovember 16, 2018Not Determined
30415196Create StudyPsychiatry and developmental psychopathology: Unifying themes and future directions.Comprehensive psychiatryBeauchaine, Theodore P; Constantino, John N; Hayden, Elizabeth PNovember 1, 2018Not Determined
30403997Create StudyCharacterization of a Mouse Model of Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome.Cell reportsCheng, Cheng; Deng, Pan-Yue; Ikeuchi, Yoshiho; Yuede, Carla; Li, Daofeng; Rensing, Nicholas; Huang, Ju; Baldridge, Dustin; Maloney, Susan E; Dougherty, Joseph D; Constantino, John; Jahani-Asl, Arezu; Wong, Michael; Wozniak, David F; Wang, Ting; Klyachko, Vitaly A; Bonni, AzadNovember 6, 2018Not Determined
30399187Create StudyLongitudinal analysis of developmental changes in electroencephalography patterns and sleep-wake states of the neonatal mouse.PloS oneRensing, Nicholas; Moy, Brianna; Friedman, Joseph L; Galindo, Rafael; Wong, MichaelJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
30398527Create StudyAlcohol, Cigarette, and Cannabis Use Between 2002 and 2016 in Pregnant Women From a Nationally Representative Sample.JAMA pediatricsAgrawal, Arpana; Rogers, Cynthia E; Lessov-Schlaggar, Christina N; Carter, Ebony B; Lenze, Shannon N; Grucza, Richard AJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30398470Create StudyEnabling precision medicine in neonatology, an integrated repository for preterm birth research.Scientific dataSirota, Marina; Thomas, Cristel G; Liu, Rebecca; Zuhl, Maya; Banerjee, Payal; Wong, Ronald J; Quaintance, Cecele C; Leite, Rita; Chubiz, Jessica; Anderson, Rebecca; Chappell, Joanne; Kim, Mara; Grobman, William; Zhang, Ge; Rokas, Antonis; England, Sarah K; Parry, Samuel; Shaw, Gary M; Simpson, Joe Leigh; Thomson, Elizabeth; Butte, Atul J; March of Dimes Prematurity Research CentersNovember 6, 2018Not Determined
30395268Create StudyGenome-wide meta-analysis and replication studies in multiple ethnicities identify novel adolescent idiopathic scoliosis susceptibility loci.Human molecular geneticsKhanshour, Anas M; Kou, Ikuyo; Fan, Yanhui; Einarsdottir, Elisabet; Makki, Nadja; Kidane, Yared H; Kere, Juha; Grauers, Anna; Johnson, Todd A; Paria, Nandina; Patel, Chandreshkumar; Singhania, Richa; Kamiya, Nobuhiro; Takeda, Kazuki; Otomo, Nao; Watanabe, Kota; Luk, Keith D K; Cheung, Kenneth M C; Herring, John A; Rios, Jonathan J; Ahituv, Nadav; Gerdhem, Paul; Gurnett, Christina A; Song, You-Qiang; Ikegawa, Shiro; Wise, Carol ANovember 15, 2018Not Determined
30361434Create StudyHemodynamic Impairment Measured by Positron-Emission Tomography Is Regionally Associated with Decreased Cortical Thickness in Moyamoya Phenomenon.AJNR. American journal of neuroradiologyLee, J J; Shimony, J S; Jafri, H; Zazulia, A R; Dacey Jr, R G; Zipfel, G R; Derdeyn, C PNovember 1, 2018Not Determined
30357341Create StudyAltered social behavior in mice carrying a cortical Foxp2 deletion.Human molecular geneticsMedvedeva, Vera P; Rieger, Michael A; Vieth, Beate; Mombereau, Cédric; Ziegenhain, Christoph; Ghosh, Tanay; Cressant, Arnaud; Enard, Wolfgang; Granon, Sylvie; Dougherty, Joseph D; Groszer, MatthiasMarch 1, 2019Not Determined
30356093Create StudyEarly behavioral indices of inherited liability to autism.Pediatric researchConstantino, John NJanuary 1, 2019Not Determined
30348077Create StudyLanguage delay aggregates in toddler siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersMarrus, N; Hall, L P; Paterson, S J; Elison, J T; Wolff, J J; Swanson, M R; Parish-Morris, J; Eggebrecht, A T; Pruett Jr, J R; Hazlett, H C; Zwaigenbaum, L; Dager, S; Estes, A M; Schultz, R T; Botteron, K N; Piven, J; Constantino, J N; IBIS NetworkOctober 22, 2018Not Determined
30346626Create StudyAutism-Related Variation in Reciprocal Social Behavior: A Longitudinal Study.Child developmentWagner, Rachael E; Zhang, Yi; Gray, Teddi; Abbacchi, Anna; Cormier, Deporres; Todorov, Alexandre; Constantino, John NMarch 1, 2019Not Determined
30334672Create StudyAltered hemodynamics contribute to local but not remote functional connectivity disruption due to glioma growth.Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismOrukari, Inema E; Siegel, Joshua S; Warrington, Nicole M; Baxter, Grant A; Bauer, Adam Q; Shimony, Joshua S; Rubin, Joshua B; Culver, Joseph PJanuary 1, 2020Not Determined
30320552Create StudyMyosin V functions as a vesicle tether at the plasma membrane to control neurotransmitter release in central synapses.eLifeMaschi, Dario; Gramlich, Michael W; Klyachko, Vitaly AOctober 15, 2018Not Determined
30308377Create StudyPrenatal to postnatal trajectory of brain growth in complex congenital heart disease.NeuroImage. ClinicalOrtinau, Cynthia M; Mangin-Heimos, Kathryn; Moen, Joseph; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Inder, Terrie E; Gholipour, Ali; Shimony, Joshua S; Eghtesady, Pirooz; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Smyser, Christopher DJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
30301978Create StudyA missense variant in SLC39A8 is associated with severe idiopathic scoliosis.Nature communicationsHaller, Gabe; McCall, Kevin; Jenkitkasemwong, Supak; Sadler, Brooke; Antunes, Lilian; Nikolov, Momchil; Whittle, Julia; Upshaw, Zachary; Shin, Jimann; Baschal, Erin; Cruchaga, Carlos; Harms, Matthew; Raggio, Cathleen; Morcuende, Jose A; Giampietro, Philip; Miller, Nancy H; Wise, Carol; Gray, Ryan S; Solnica-Krezel, Lila; Knutson, Mitchell; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina AOctober 9, 2018Not Determined
30291883Create StudyTherapeutic hypothermia after paediatric cardiac arrest: Pooled randomized controlled trials.ResuscitationScholefield, Barnaby R; Silverstein, Faye S; Telford, Russell; Holubkov, Richard; Slomine, Beth S; Meert, Kathleen L; Christensen, James R; Nadkarni, Vinay M; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank WDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30272144Create StudyEarly-Emerging Sulcal Patterns Are Atypical in Fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Ortinau, Cynthia M; Rollins, Caitlin K; Gholipour, Ali; Yun, Hyuk Jin; Marshall, Mackenzie; Gagoski, Borjan; Afacan, Onur; Friedman, Kevin; Tworetzky, Wayne; Warfield, Simon K; Newburger, Jane W; Inder, Terrie E; Grant, P Ellen; Im, KihoJuly 22, 2019Not Determined
30257220Create StudySingle-Cell RNA-Seq Uncovers a Robust Transcriptional Response to Morphine by Glia.Cell reportsAvey, Denis; Sankararaman, Sumithra; Yim, Aldrin K Y; Barve, Ruteja; Milbrandt, Jeffrey; Mitra, Robi DSeptember 25, 2018Not Determined
30250390Create StudyThe frontoparietal network: function, electrophysiology, and importance of individual precision mapping.Dialogues in clinical neuroscienceMarek, Scott; Dosenbach, Nico U FJune 1, 2018Not Determined
30244986Create StudySocial Adversity and Cognitive, Language, and Motor Development of Very Preterm Children from 2 to 5 Years of Age.The Journal of pediatricsLean, Rachel E; Paul, Rachel A; Smyser, Tara A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30242322Create StudyNeuropsychological Outcomes of Children 1 Year After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Secondary Analysis of 2 Randomized Clinical Trials.JAMA neurologySlomine, Beth S; Silverstein, Faye S; Christensen, James R; Page, Kent; Holubkov, Richard; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank WDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30183721Create StudyValidation of diffusion tensor imaging measures of nigrostriatal neurons in macaques.PloS oneShimony, Joshua S; Rutlin, Jerrel; Karimi, Morvarid; Tian, Linlin; Snyder, Abraham Z; Loftin, Susan K; Norris, Scott A; Perlmutter, Joel SJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
30144569Create StudyAltered functional network connectivity relates to motor development in children born very preterm.NeuroImageWheelock, M D; Austin, N C; Bora, S; Eggebrecht, A T; Melzer, T R; Woodward, L J; Smyser, C DDecember 1, 2018Not Determined
30140579Create StudyIncreased prevalence of brain tumors classified as T2 hyperintensities in neurofibromatosis 1.Neurology. Clinical practiceGriffith, Jennifer L; Morris, Stephanie M; Mahdi, Jasia; Goyal, Manu S; Hershey, Tamara; Gutmann, David HAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
30138409Create StudyStronger prediction of motor recovery and outcome post-stroke by cortico-spinal tract integrity than functional connectivity.PloS oneLin, Leanne Y; Ramsey, Lenny; Metcalf, Nicholas V; Rengachary, Jennifer; Shulman, Gordon L; Shimony, Joshua S; Corbetta, MaurizioJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
30137925Create StudyLightweight sCMOS-based high-density diffuse optical tomography.NeurophotonicsBergonzi, Karla M; Burns-Yocum, Tracy M; Bumstead, Jonathan R; Buckley, Elise M; Mannion, Patrick C; Tracy, Christopher H; Mennerick, Eli; Ferradal, Silvina L; Dehghani, Hamid; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Culver, Joseph PJuly 1, 2018Not Determined
30110625Create StudyThree Distinct Sets of Connector Hubs Integrate Human Brain Function.Cell reportsGordon, Evan M; Lynch, Charles J; Gratton, Caterina; Laumann, Timothy O; Gilmore, Adrian W; Greene, Deanna J; Ortega, Mario; Nguyen, Annie L; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Petersen, Steven E; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Nelson, Steven MAugust 14, 2018Not Determined
30081403Create StudyNon-Nutritive Sucking in the Preterm Infant.American journal of perinatologyPineda, Roberta; Dewey, Kelsey; Jacobsen, Amy; Smith, JoanFebruary 1, 2019Not Determined
30079598Create StudyThe specificity and role of microglia in epileptogenesis in mouse models of tuberous sclerosis complex.EpilepsiaZhang, Bo; Zou, Jia; Han, Lirong; Beeler, Brennan; Friedman, Joseph L; Griffin, Elizabeth; Piao, Yue-Shan; Rensing, Nicholas R; Wong, MichaelSeptember 1, 2018Not Determined
30073191Create StudyExamining the Reversibility of Long-Term Behavioral Disruptions in Progeny of Maternal SSRI Exposure.eNeuroMaloney, Susan E; Akula, Shyam; Rieger, Michael A; McCullough, Katherine B; Chandler, Krystal; Corbett, Adrian M; McGowin, Audrey E; Dougherty, Joseph DJuly 1, 2018Not Determined
30059733Create StudyNeonatal brain injury and aberrant connectivity.NeuroImageSmyser, Christopher D; Wheelock, Muriah D; Limbrick Jr, David D; Neil, Jeffrey JJanuary 15, 2019Not Determined
30057029Create StudyDe Novo Variants in the F-Box Protein FBXO11 in 20 Individuals with a Variable Neurodevelopmental Disorder.American journal of human geneticsGregor, Anne; Sadleir, Lynette G; Asadollahi, Reza; Azzarello-Burri, Silvia; Battaglia, Agatino; Ousager, Lilian Bomme; Boonsawat, Paranchai; Bruel, Ange-Line; Buchert, Rebecca; Calpena, Eduardo; Cogné, Benjamin; Dallapiccola, Bruno; Distelmaier, Felix; Elmslie, Frances; Faivre, Laurence; Haack, Tobias B; Harrison, Victoria; Henderson, Alex; Hunt, David; Isidor, Bertrand; Joset, Pascal; Kumada, Satoko; Lachmeijer, Augusta M A; Lees, Melissa; Lynch, Sally Ann; Martinez, Francisco; Matsumoto, Naomichi; McDougall, Carey; Mefford, Heather C; Miyake, Noriko; Myers, Candace T; Moutton, Sébastien; Nesbitt, Addie; Novelli, Antonio; Orellana, Carmen; Rauch, Anita; Rosello, Monica; Saida, Ken; Santani, Avni B; Sarkar, Ajoy; Scheffer, Ingrid E; Shinawi, Marwan; Steindl, Katharina; Symonds, Joseph D; Zackai, Elaine H; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics; DDD Study; Reis, André; Sticht, Heinrich; Zweier, ChristianeAugust 2, 2018Not Determined
30002804Create StudyEvent-related potential (ERP) correlates of face processing in verbal children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their first-degree relatives: a family study.Molecular autismSysoeva, Olga V; Constantino, John N; Anokhin, Andrey PJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29987373Create StudyPredictors of mortality for preterm infants with intraventricular hemorrhage: a population-based study.Child''s nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric NeurosurgeryHan, Rowland H; McKinnon, Andrew; CreveCoeur, Travis S; Baksh, Brandon S; Mathur, Amit M; Smyser, Christopher D; Strahle, Jennifer M; Olsen, Margaret A; Limbrick Jr, David DNovember 1, 2018Not Determined
29967526Create StudyFunctional characterization of biallelic RTTN variants identified in an infant with microcephaly, simplified gyral pattern, pontocerebellar hypoplasia, and seizures.Pediatric researchWambach, Jennifer A; Wegner, Daniel J; Yang, Ping; Shinawi, Marwan; Baldridge, Dustin; Betleja, Ewelina; Shimony, Joshua S; Spencer, David; Hackett, Brian P; Andrews, Marisa V; Ferkol, Thomas; Dutcher, Susan K; Mahjoub, Moe R; Cole, F SessionsSeptember 1, 2018Not Determined
29933375Create StudyIntegration of resting state functional MRI into clinical practice - A large single institution experience.PloS oneLeuthardt, Eric C; Guzman, Gloria; Bandt, S Kathleen; Hacker, Carl; Vellimana, Ananth K; Limbrick, David; Milchenko, Mikhail; Lamontagne, Pamela; Speidel, Benjamin; Roland, Jarod; Miller-Thomas, Michelle; Snyder, Abraham Z; Marcus, Daniel; Shimony, Joshua; Benzinger, Tammie L SJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29928181Create StudyDeSanto-Shinawi Syndrome: First Case in South America.Molecular syndromologyVanegas, Sara; Ramirez-Montaño, Diana; Candelo, Estephania; Shinawi, Marwan; Pachajoa, HarryMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29894905Create StudyRecent advances in the use of MRI to assess early human cortical development.Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997)Neil, Jeffrey J; Smyser, Christopher DAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
29850877Create StudyEvaluating the Prediction of Brain Maturity From Functional Connectivity After Motion Artifact Denoising.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Nielsen, Ashley N; Greene, Deanna J; Gratton, Caterina; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Petersen, Steven E; Schlaggar, Bradley LJune 1, 2019Not Determined
29791834Create StudyMolecular and Functional Sex Differences of Noradrenergic Neurons in the Mouse Locus Coeruleus.Cell reportsMulvey, Bernard; Bhatti, Dionnet L; Gyawali, Sandeep; Lake, Allison M; Kriaucionis, Skirmantas; Ford, Christopher P; Bruchas, Michael R; Heintz, Nathaniel; Dougherty, Joseph DMay 22, 2018Not Determined
29733339Create StudyMouse models of preterm birth: suggested assessment and reporting guidelines.Biology of reproductionMcCarthy, Ronald; Martin-Fairey, Carmel; Sojka, Dorothy K; Herzog, Erik D; Jungheim, Emily S; Stout, Molly J; Fay, Justin C; Mahendroo, Mala; Reese, Jeff; Herington, Jennifer L; Plosa, Erin J; Shelton, Elaine L; England, Sarah KNovember 1, 2018Not Determined
29701730Create StudyPrevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2014.Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries (Washington, D.C. : 2002)Baio, Jon; Wiggins, Lisa; Christensen, Deborah L; Maenner, Matthew J; Daniels, Julie; Warren, Zachary; Kurzius-Spencer, Margaret; Zahorodny, Walter; Robinson Rosenberg, Cordelia; White, Tiffany; Durkin, Maureen S; Imm, Pamela; Nikolaou, Loizos; Yeargin-Allsopp, Marshalyn; Lee, Li-Ching; Harrington, Rebecca; Lopez, Maya; Fitzgerald, Robert T; Hewitt, Amy; Pettygrove, Sydney; Constantino, John N; Vehorn, Alison; Shenouda, Josephine; Hall-Lande, Jennifer; Van Naarden Braun, Kim; Dowling, Nicole FApril 27, 2018Not Determined
29675980Create StudyLongitudinal assessment of hippocampus structure in children with type 1 diabetes.Pediatric diabetesFoland-Ross, Lara C; Reiss, Allan L; Mazaika, Paul K; Mauras, Nelly; Weinzimer, Stuart A; Aye, Tandy; Tansey, Michael J; White, Neil H; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet)April 19, 2018Not Determined
29673485Create StudyFunctional Brain Networks Are Dominated by Stable Group and Individual Factors, Not Cognitive or Daily Variation.NeuronGratton, Caterina; Laumann, Timothy O; Nielsen, Ashley N; Greene, Deanna J; Gordon, Evan M; Gilmore, Adrian W; Nelson, Steven M; Coalson, Rebecca S; Snyder, Abraham Z; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Petersen, Steven EApril 18, 2018Not Determined
29630990Create StudyThe KASH-containing isoform of Nesprin1 giant associates with ciliary rootlets of ependymal cells.Neurobiology of diseasePotter, C; Razafsky, D; Wozniak, D; Casey, M; Penrose, S; Ge, X; Mahjoub, M R; Hodzic, DJuly 1, 2018Not Determined
29625369Create StudyMaternal mental health during the neonatal period: Relationships to the occupation of parenting.Early human developmentHarris, Rachel; Gibbs, Deanna; Mangin-Heimos, Kathryn; Pineda, RobertaMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29608153Create StudyUse of a Video Scoring Anchor for Rapid Serial Assessment of Social Communication in Toddlers.Journal of visualized experiments : JoVEMarrus, Natasha; Kennon-McGill, Stefanie; Harris, Brooke; Zhang, Yi; Glowinski, Anne L; Constantino, John NMarch 14, 2018Not Determined
29601846Create StudyBurden of caregiving after a child''s in-hospital cardiac arrest.ResuscitationMeert, Kathleen; Slomine, Beth S; Christensen, James R; Telford, Russell; Holubkov, Richard; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank WJune 1, 2018Not Determined
29593226Create StudyCaffeine Augments Anesthesia Neurotoxicity in the Fetal Macaque Brain.Scientific reportsNoguchi, Kevin K; Johnson, Stephen A; Manzella, Francesca M; Masuoka, Kobe L; Williams, Sasha L; Martin, Lauren D; Dissen, Gregory A; Ikonomidou, Chrysanthy; Schenning, Katie J; Olney, John W; Brambrink, Ansgar MMarch 28, 2018Not Determined
29584714Create StudyClemastine effects in rat models of a myelination disorder.Pediatric researchTurski, Christopher A; Turski, Gabrielle N; Chen, Bingming; Wang, Hauhui; Heidari, Moones; Li, Lingjun; Noguchi, Kevin K; Westmark, Cara; Duncan, Ian; Ikonomidou, ChrysanthyJune 1, 2018Not Determined
29579560Create StudyTerm-equivalent functional brain maturational measures predict neurodevelopmental outcomes in premature infants.Early human developmentEl Ters, Nathalie M; Vesoulis, Zachary A; Liao, Steve M; Smyser, Christopher D; Mathur, Amit MApril 1, 2018Not Determined
29550366Create StudyUsing animal models to evaluate the functional consequences of anesthesia during early neurodevelopment.Neurobiology of learning and memoryMaloney, Susan E; Creeley, Catherine E; Hartman, Richard E; Yuede, Carla M; Zorumski, Charles F; Jevtovic-Todorovic, Vesna; Dikranian, Krikor; Noguchi, Kevin K; Farber, Nuri B; Wozniak, David FNovember 1, 2019Not Determined
29546561Create StudyEarly Origins of Autism Comorbidity: Neuropsychiatric Traits Correlated in Childhood Are Independent in Infancy.Journal of abnormal child psychologyHawks, Zoë W; Marrus, Natasha; Glowinski, Anne L; Constantino, John NFebruary 1, 2019Not Determined
29511809Create StudyResting state signal latency predicts laterality in pediatric medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy.Child''s nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric NeurosurgeryShah, Manish N; Mitra, Anish; Goyal, Manu S; Snyder, Abraham Z; Zhang, Jing; Shimony, Joshua S; Limbrick, David D; Raichle, Marcus E; Smyth, Matthew DMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29507201Create StudyDynamic patterns of cortical expansion during folding of the preterm human brain.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaGarcia, Kara E; Robinson, Emma C; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Dierker, Donna L; Glasser, Matthew F; Coalson, Timothy S; Ortinau, Cynthia M; Rueckert, Daniel; Taber, Larry A; Van Essen, David C; Rogers, Cynthia E; Smyser, Christopher D; Bayly, Philip VMarch 20, 2018Not Determined
29500287Create StudyRegional oxygen extraction predicts border zone vulnerability to stroke in sickle cell disease.NeurologyFields, Melanie E; Guilliams, Kristin P; Ragan, Dustin K; Binkley, Michael M; Eldeniz, Cihat; Chen, Yasheng; Hulbert, Monica L; McKinstry, Robert C; Shimony, Joshua S; Vo, Katie D; Doctor, Allan; An, Hongyu; Ford, Andria L; Lee, Jin-MooMarch 27, 2018Not Determined
29498298Create StudyDeconstructing autism: from unitary syndrome to contributory developmental endophenotypes.International review of psychiatry (Abingdon, England)Constantino, John NFebruary 1, 2018Not Determined
29496127Create StudyEarly Childhood Adverse Experiences, Inferior Frontal Gyrus Connectivity, and the Trajectory of Externalizing Psychopathology.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryBarch, Deanna M; Belden, Andy C; Tillman, Rebecca; Whalen, Diana; Luby, Joan LMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
29432026Create StudyDevelopmental Trajectories of Executive and Verbal Processes in Children with Phenylketonuria.Developmental neuropsychologyHawks, Zoë W; Strube, Michael J; Johnson, Neco X; Grange, Dorothy K; White, Desirée AJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29420701Create StudyCerebellar Functional Connectivity in Term- and Very Preterm-Born Infants.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Herzmann, Charlotte S; Snyder, Abraham Z; Kenley, Jeanette K; Rogers, Cynthia E; Shimony, Joshua S; Smyser, Christopher DMarch 1, 2019Not Determined
29397573Create StudyMutations in the PH Domain of DNM1 are associated with a nonepileptic phenotype characterized by developmental delay and neurobehavioral abnormalities.Molecular genetics & genomic medicineBrereton, Emily; Fassi, Emily; Araujo, Gabriel C; Dodd, Jonathan; Telegrafi, Aida; Pathak, Sheel J; Shinawi, MarwanMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
29385281Create StudyPacifier use in newborns: related to socioeconomic status but not to early feeding performance.Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)Pineda, Roberta; Luong, Anhthi; Ryckman, Justin; Smith, JoanMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29367450Create StudyA genotype-phenotype correlation for quantitative autistic trait burden in neurofibromatosis 1.NeurologyMorris, Stephanie M; Gutmann, David HFebruary 20, 2018Not Determined
29354680Create StudyDifferential Rates of Perinatal Maturation of Human Primary and Nonprimary Auditory Cortex.eNeuroMonson, Brian B; Eaton-Rosen, Zach; Kapur, Kush; Liebenthal, Einat; Brownell, Abraham; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia E; Inder, Terrie E; Warfield, Simon K; Neil, Jeffrey JJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29337280Create StudyBehavioral interventions for reducing head motion during MRI scans in children.NeuroImageGreene, Deanna J; Koller, Jonathan M; Hampton, Jacqueline M; Wesevich, Victoria; Van, Andrew N; Nguyen, Annie L; Hoyt, Catherine R; McIntyre, Lindsey; Earl, Eric A; Klein, Rachel L; Shimony, Joshua S; Petersen, Steven E; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Fair, Damien A; Dosenbach, Nico U FMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29326565Create StudyGroup and Individual Variability in Mouse Pup Isolation Calls Recorded on the Same Day Show Stability.Frontiers in behavioral neuroscienceBarnes, Terra D; Rieger, Michael A; Dougherty, Joseph D; Holy, Timothy EJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
29325427Create StudyA Randomized Trial of Home Visitation for CPS-Involved Families: The Moderating Impact of Maternal Depression and CPS History.Child maltreatmentJonson-Reid, Melissa; Drake, Brett; Constantino, John N; Tandon, Mini; Pons, Laura; Kohl, Patricia; Roesch, Scott; Wideman, Ellie; Dunnigan, Allison; Auslander, WendyAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
29320484Create StudyBrain growth in the NICU: critical periods of tissue-specific expansion.Pediatric researchMatthews, Lillian G; Walsh, Brian H; Knutsen, Clare; Neil, Jeffrey J; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia E; Inder, Terrie EMay 1, 2018Not Determined
29317348Create StudyPaediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest: Factors associated with survival and neurobehavioural outcome one year later.ResuscitationMeert, Kathleen; Telford, Russell; Holubkov, Richard; Slomine, Beth S; Christensen, James R; Berger, John; Ofori-Amanfo, George; Newth, Christopher J L; Dean, J Michael; Moler, Frank WMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
29275070Create StudyParent participation in the neonatal intensive care unit: Predictors and relationships to neurobehavior and developmental outcomes.Early human developmentPineda, Roberta; Bender, Joy; Hall, Bailey; Shabosky, Lisa; Annecca, Anna; Smith, JoanFebruary 1, 2018Not Determined
29255068Create StudyRed cell exchange transfusions lower cerebral blood flow and oxygen extraction fraction in pediatric sickle cell anemia.BloodGuilliams, Kristin P; Fields, Melanie E; Ragan, Dustin K; Eldeniz, Cihat; Binkley, Michael M; Chen, Yasheng; Comiskey, Liam S; Doctor, Allan; Hulbert, Monica L; Shimony, Joshua S; Vo, Katie D; McKinstry, Robert C; An, Hongyu; Lee, Jin-Moo; Ford, Andria LMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
29246093Create StudyTargeting the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin for Epileptic Encephalopathies and Malformations of Cortical Development.Journal of child neurologyJeong, Anna; Wong, MichaelJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29237735Create StudyThe Expanding Toolkit of Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceDougherty, Joseph DDecember 13, 2017Not Determined
29234490Create StudyGeminin deficiency enhances survival in a murine medulloblastoma model by inducing apoptosis of preneoplastic granule neuron precursors.Genes & cancerSankar, Savita; Patterson, Ethan; Lewis, Emily M; Waller, Laura E; Tong, Caili; Dearborn, Joshua; Wozniak, David; Rubin, Joshua B; Kroll, Kristen LSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
29210924Create StudyIntraventricular Hemorrhage in Moderate to Severe Congenital Heart Disease.Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care SocietiesOrtinau, Cynthia M; Anadkat, Jagruti S; Smyser, Christopher D; Eghtesady, PiroozJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29186388Create StudyWalking, Gross Motor Development, and Brain Functional Connectivity in Infants and Toddlers.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Marrus, Natasha; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Todorov, Alexandre; Elison, Jed T; Wolff, Jason J; Cole, Lyndsey; Gao, Wei; Pandey, Juhi; Shen, Mark D; Swanson, Meghan R; Emerson, Robert W; Klohr, Cheryl L; Adams, Chloe M; Estes, Annette M; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Botteron, Kelly N; McKinstry, Robert C; Constantino, John N; Evans, Alan C; Hazlett, Heather C; Dager, Stephen R; Paterson, Sarah J; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin A; Gerig, Guido; IBIS Network; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Piven, Joseph; Pruett Jr, John RFebruary 1, 2018Not Determined
29183973Create StudyOn the role of the corpus callosum in interhemispheric functional connectivity in humans.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaRoland, Jarod L; Snyder, Abraham Z; Hacker, Carl D; Mitra, Anish; Shimony, Joshua S; Limbrick, David D; Raichle, Marcus E; Smyth, Matthew D; Leuthardt, Eric CDecember 12, 2017Not Determined
29149191Create StudyResting-state fMRI in sleeping infants more closely resembles adult sleep than adult wakefulness.PloS oneMitra, Anish; Snyder, Abraham Z; Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Laufs, Helmut; Elison, Jed; Emerson, Robert W; Shen, Mark D; Wolff, Jason J; Botteron, Kelly N; Dager, Stephen; Estes, Annette M; Evans, Alan; Gerig, Guido; Hazlett, Heather C; Paterson, Sarah J; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin A; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; IBIS Network; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Piven, Joseph; Pruett Jr, John R; Raichle, MarcusJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
29133437Create StudyAbnormal Microglia and Enhanced Inflammation-Related Gene Transcription in Mice with Conditional Deletion of Ctcf in Camk2a-Cre-Expressing Neurons.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceMcGill, Bryan E; Barve, Ruteja A; Maloney, Susan E; Strickland, Amy; Rensing, Nicholas; Wang, Peter L; Wong, Michael; Head, Richard; Wozniak, David F; Milbrandt, JeffreyJanuary 3, 2018Not Determined
29097665Create StudyRNF8/UBC13 ubiquitin signaling suppresses synapse formation in the mammalian brain.Nature communicationsValnegri, Pamela; Huang, Ju; Yamada, Tomoko; Yang, Yue; Mejia, Luis A; Cho, Ha Y; Oldenborg, Anna; Bonni, AzadNovember 2, 2017Not Determined
29059481Create StudyNeonatal Eating Outcome Assessment: tool development and inter-rater reliability.Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)Pineda, Roberta; Harris, Rachel; Foci, Felicia; Roussin, Jessica; Wallendorf, MichaelMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
29049297Create StudyFunctional connectivity structure of cortical calcium dynamics in anesthetized and awake mice.PloS oneWright, Patrick W; Brier, Lindsey M; Bauer, Adam Q; Baxter, Grant A; Kraft, Andrew W; Reisman, Matthew D; Bice, Annie R; Snyder, Abraham Z; Lee, Jin-Moo; Culver, Joseph PJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
29023667Create StudyPostnatal reduction of tuberous sclerosis complex 1 expression in astrocytes and neurons causes seizures in an age-dependent manner.EpilepsiaZou, Jia; Zhang, Bo; Gutmann, David H; Wong, MichaelDecember 1, 2017Not Determined
28985933Create StudyResting-state Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Presurgical Functional Mapping: Sensorimotor Localization.Neuroimaging clinics of North AmericaDierker, Donna; Roland, Jarod L; Kamran, Mudassar; Rutlin, Jerrel; Hacker, Carl D; Marcus, Daniel S; Milchenko, Mikhail; Miller-Thomas, Michelle M; Benzinger, Tammie L; Snyder, Abraham Z; Leuthardt, Eric C; Shimony, Joshua SNovember 1, 2017Not Determined
28970283Create StudyDissociation Between Hormonal Counterregulatory Responses and Cerebral Glucose Metabolism During Hypoglycemia.DiabetesLee, John J; Khoury, Nadia; Shackleford, Angela M; Nelson, Suzanne; Herrera, Hector; Antenor-Dorsey, Jo Ann; Semenkovich, Katherine; Shimony, Joshua S; Powers, William J; Cryer, Philip E; Arbeláez, Ana MaríaDecember 1, 2017Not Determined
28969320Create StudyIsoflurane exposure for three hours triggers apoptotic cell death in neonatal macaque brain.British journal of anaesthesiaNoguchi, K K; Johnson, S A; Dissen, G A; Martin, L D; Manzella, F M; Schenning, K J; Olney, J W; Brambrink, A MSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
28960172Create StudyResting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging for surgical planning in pediatric patients: a preliminary experience.Journal of neurosurgery. PediatricsRoland, Jarod L; Griffin, Natalie; Hacker, Carl D; Vellimana, Ananth K; Akbari, S Hassan; Shimony, Joshua S; Smyth, Matthew D; Leuthardt, Eric C; Limbrick, David DDecember 1, 2017Not Determined
28925538Create StudyMaternal intelligence quotient (IQ) predicts IQ and language in very preterm children at age 5 years.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesLean, Rachel E; Paul, Rachel A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia EFebruary 1, 2018Not Determined
28891303Create StudyRedefining the endophenotype concept to accommodate transdiagnostic vulnerabilities and etiological complexity.Biomarkers in medicineBeauchaine, Theodore P; Constantino, John NSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
28884229Create StudyTime-to-event analysis of surgically treated posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus in preterm infants: a single-institution retrospective study.Child''s nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric NeurosurgeryHan, Rowland H; Berger, Daniel; Gabir, Mohamed; Baksh, Brandon S; Morales, Diego M; Mathur, Amit M; Smyser, Christopher D; Strahle, Jennifer M; Limbrick Jr, David DNovember 1, 2017Not Determined
28870164Create StudyAttention and motor deficits index non-specific background liabilities that predict autism recurrence in siblings.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersMous, Sabine E; Jiang, Allan; Agrawal, Arpana; Constantino, John NSeptember 5, 2017Not Determined
28866611Create StudyMissense variants in the chromatin remodeler CHD1 are associated with neurodevelopmental disability.Journal of medical geneticsPilarowski, Genay O; Vernon, Hilary J; Applegate, Carolyn D; Boukas, Leandros; Cho, Megan T; Gurnett, Christina A; Benke, Paul J; Beaver, Erin; Heeley, Jennifer M; Medne, Livija; Krantz, Ian D; Azage, Meron; Niyazov, Dmitriy; Henderson, Lindsay B; Wentzensen, Ingrid M; Baskin, Berivan; Sacoto, Maria J Guillen; Bowman, Gregory D; Bjornsson, Hans TAugust 1, 2018Not Determined
28842941Create StudyCharacterization of early communicative behavior in mouse models of neurofibromatosis type 1.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchMaloney, Susan E; Chandler, Krystal C; Anastasaki, Corina; Rieger, Michael A; Gutmann, David H; Dougherty, Joseph DJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
28821669Create StudyTranscriptomic Analysis of Ribosome-Bound mRNA in Cortical Neurites In Vivo.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceOuwenga, Rebecca; Lake, Allison M; O'Brien, David; Mogha, Amit; Dani, Adish; Dougherty, Joseph DSeptember 6, 2017Not Determined
28808330Create StudyGeneration and characterization of a mouse line for monitoring translation in dopaminergic neurons.Scientific reportsDougherty, Joseph DAugust 14, 2017Not Determined
28803940Create StudyReal-time motion analytics during brain MRI improve data quality and reduce costs.NeuroImageDosenbach, Nico U F; Koller, Jonathan M; Earl, Eric A; Miranda-Dominguez, Oscar; Klein, Rachel L; Van, Andrew N; Snyder, Abraham Z; Nagel, Bonnie J; Nigg, Joel T; Nguyen, Annie L; Wesevich, Victoria; Greene, Deanna J; Fair, Damien ANovember 1, 2017Not Determined
28803710Create StudyIntrathecal 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin decreases neurological disease progression in Niemann-Pick disease, type C1: a non-randomised, open-label, phase 1-2 trial.Lancet (London, England)Ory, Daniel S; Ottinger, Elizabeth A; Farhat, Nicole Yanjanin; King, Kelly A; Jiang, Xuntian; Weissfeld, Lisa; Berry-Kravis, Elizabeth; Davidson, Cristin D; Bianconi, Simona; Keener, Lee Ann; Rao, Ravichandran; Soldatos, Ariane; Sidhu, Rohini; Walters, Kimberly A; Xu, Xin; Thurm, Audrey; Solomon, Beth; Pavan, William J; Machielse, Bernardus N; Kao, Mark; Silber, Steven A; McKew, John C; Brewer, Carmen C; Vite, Charles H; Walkley, Steven U; Austin, Christopher P; Porter, Forbes DOctober 14, 2017Not Determined
28777161Create StudyLack of joint hypermobility increases the risk of surgery in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part BHaller, Gabe; Zabriskie, Hannah; Spehar, Shelby; Kuensting, Timothy; Bledsoe, Xavier; Syed, Ali; Gurnett, Christina A; Dobbs, Matthew BMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
28774192Create StudyCortical Functional Connectivity Evident After Birth and Behavioral Inhibition at Age 2.The American journal of psychiatrySylvester, Chad M; Smyser, Christopher D; Smyser, Tara; Kenley, Jeanette; Ackerman Jr, Joseph J; Shimony, Joshua S; Petersen, Steve E; Rogers, Cynthia EFebruary 1, 2018Not Determined
28757305Create StudyPrecision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains.NeuronGordon, Evan M; Laumann, Timothy O; Gilmore, Adrian W; Newbold, Dillan J; Greene, Deanna J; Berg, Jeffrey J; Ortega, Mario; Hoyt-Drazen, Catherine; Gratton, Caterina; Sun, Haoxin; Hampton, Jacqueline M; Coalson, Rebecca S; Nguyen, Annie L; McDermott, Kathleen B; Shimony, Joshua S; Snyder, Abraham Z; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Petersen, Steven E; Nelson, Steven M; Dosenbach, Nico U FAugust 16, 2017Not Determined
28744475Create StudyMapping effective connectivity within cortical networks with diffuse optical tomography.NeurophotonicsHassanpour, Mahlega S; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Peelle, Jonathan E; Culver, Joseph POctober 1, 2017Not Determined
28726266Create StudySurvival among children with "Lethal" congenital contracture syndrome 11 caused by novel mutations in the gliomedin gene (GLDN).Human mutationWambach, Jennifer A; Stettner, Georg M; Haack, Tobias B; Writzl, Karin; Škofljanec, Andreja; Maver, Aleš; Munell, Francina; Ossowski, Stephan; Bosio, Mattia; Wegner, Daniel J; Shinawi, Marwan; Baldridge, Dustin; Alhaddad, Bader; Strom, Tim M; Grange, Dorothy K; Wilichowski, Ekkehard; Troxell, Robin; Collins, James; Warner, Barbara B; Schmidt, Robert E; Pestronk, Alan; Cole, F Sessions; Steinfeld, RobertNovember 1, 2017Not Determined
28711561Create StudySensory processing disorder in preterm infants during early childhood and relationships to early neurobehavior.Early human developmentRyckman, Justin; Hilton, Claudia; Rogers, Cynthia; Pineda, RobertaOctober 1, 2017Not Determined
28708997Create StudyVaccine Mediated Protection Against Zika Virus-Induced Congenital Disease.CellRichner, Justin M; Jagger, Brett W; Shan, Chao; Fontes, Camila R; Dowd, Kimberly A; Cao, Bin; Himansu, Sunny; Caine, Elizabeth A; Nunes, Bruno T D; Medeiros, Daniele B A; Muruato, Antonio E; Foreman, Bryant M; Luo, Huanle; Wang, Tian; Barrett, Alan D; Weaver, Scott C; Vasconcelos, Pedro F C; Rossi, Shannan L; Ciaramella, Giuseppe; Mysorekar, Indira U; Pierson, Theodore C; Shi, Pei-Yong; Diamond, Michael SJuly 13, 2017Not Determined
28700580Create StudyInfant viewing of social scenes is under genetic control and is atypical in autism.NatureConstantino, John N; Kennon-McGill, Stefanie; Weichselbaum, Claire; Marrus, Natasha; Haider, Alyzeh; Glowinski, Anne L; Gillespie, Scott; Klaiman, Cheryl; Klin, Ami; Jones, WarrenJuly 20, 2017Not Determined
28634707Create StudyParent Support of Preschool Peer Relationships in Younger Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersEstes, Annette; Munson, Jeffrey; John, Tanya St; Dager, Stephen R; Rodda, Amy; Botteron, Kelly; Hazlett, Heather; Schultz, Robert T; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Piven, Joseph; Guralnick, Michael J; IBIS networkApril 1, 2018Not Determined
28628580Create StudyScoliosis severity does not impact the risk of scoliosis in family members.Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part BRudnick, Samuel B; Zabriskie, Hannah; Ho, Justin; Gurnett, Christina A; Dobbs, Matthew BMarch 1, 2018Not Determined
28623417Create StudyA validated clinical MRI injury scoring system in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.Pediatric radiologyTrivedi, Shamik B; Vesoulis, Zachary A; Rao, Rakesh; Liao, Steve M; Shimony, Joshua S; McKinstry, Robert C; Mathur, Amit MOctober 1, 2017Not Determined
28595452Create StudyTaking stock of critical clues to understanding sex differences in the prevalence and recurrence of autism.Autism : the international journal of research and practiceConstantino, John NAugust 1, 2017Not Determined
28592562Create StudyFunctional neuroimaging of high-risk 6-month-old infants predicts a diagnosis of autism at 24 months of age.Science translational medicineEmerson, Robert W; Adams, Chloe; Nishino, Tomoyuki; Hazlett, Heather Cody; Wolff, Jason J; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Constantino, John N; Shen, Mark D; Swanson, Meghan R; Elison, Jed T; Kandala, Sridhar; Estes, Annette M; Botteron, Kelly N; Collins, Louis; Dager, Stephen R; Evans, Alan C; Gerig, Guido; Gu, Hongbin; McKinstry, Robert C; Paterson, Sarah; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin; IBIS Network; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Pruett Jr, John R; Piven, JosephJune 7, 2017Not Determined
28588256Create StudyRapamycin Attenuates Acute Seizure-induced Astrocyte Injury in Mice in Vivo.Scientific reportsGuo, Dongjun; Zou, Jia; Wong, MichaelJune 6, 2017Not Determined
28577608Create StudyIntellectual Disability and Language Disorder.Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North AmericaMarrus, Natasha; Hall, LaceyJuly 1, 2017Not Determined
28577601Create StudyAssessment: The Newborn.Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North AmericaLean, Rachel E; Smyser, Chris D; Rogers, Cynthia EJuly 1, 2017Not Determined
28549981Create StudyEarly pregnancy vaginal microbiome trends and preterm birth.American journal of obstetrics and gynecologyStout, Molly J; Zhou, Yanjiao; Wylie, Kristine M; Tarr, Phillip I; Macones, George A; Tuuli, Methodius GSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
28492522Create StudyImpact of brain injury on functional measures of amplitude-integrated EEG at term equivalent age in premature infants.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationEl Ters, N M; Vesoulis, Z A; Liao, S M; Smyser, C D; Mathur, A MAugust 1, 2017Not Determined
28460842Create StudyThe Emergence of Network Inefficiencies in Infants With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Biological psychiatryLewis, John D; Evans, Alan C; Pruett Jr, John R; Botteron, Kelly N; McKinstry, Robert C; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Estes, Annette M; Collins, D Louis; Kostopoulos, Penelope; Gerig, Guido; Dager, Stephen R; Paterson, Sarah; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin A; Hazlett, Heather C; Piven, Joseph; Infant Brain Imaging Study NetworkAugust 1, 2017Not Determined
28439016Create StudyAstrocytes locally translate transcripts in their peripheral processes.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaSakers, Kristina; Lake, Allison M; Khazanchi, Rohan; Ouwenga, Rebecca; Vasek, Michael J; Dani, Adish; Dougherty, Joseph DMay 9, 2017Not Determined
28428252Create StudyLow-frequency blood pressure oscillations and inotrope treatment failure in premature infants.Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)Vesoulis, Zachary A; Hao, Jessica; McPherson, Christopher; El Ters, Nathalie M; Mathur, Amit MJuly 1, 2017Not Determined
28425563Create StudyDifferences in interregional brain connectivity in children with unilateral hearing loss.The LaryngoscopeJung, Matthew E; Colletta, Miranda; Coalson, Rebecca; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Lieu, Judith E CNovember 1, 2017Not Determined
28424147Create StudyTreatment of Leukoencephalopathy With Calcifications and Cysts With Bevacizumab.Pediatric neurologyFay, Alex J; King, Allison A; Shimony, Joshua S; Crow, Yanick J; Brunstrom-Hernandez, Jan EJune 1, 2017Not Determined
28384484Create StudyOccupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language pathology in the neonatal intensive care unit: Patterns of therapy usage in a level IV NICU.Research in developmental disabilitiesRoss, Katherine; Heiny, Elizabeth; Conner, Sandra; Spener, Patricia; Pineda, RobertaMay 1, 2017Not Determined
28383534Create StudyThe effect of therapeutic hypothermia on heart rate variability.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationVesoulis, Z A; Rao, R; Trivedi, S B; Mathur, A MJune 1, 2017Not Determined
28372510Create StudyDelayed cord clamping and inotrope use in preterm infants.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal ObstetriciansVesoulis, Zachary A; Rhoades, Janine; Muniyandi, Pournika; Conner, Shayna; Cahill, Alison G; Mathur, Amit MMay 1, 2018Not Determined
28369037Create StudyThe impact of structural variation on human gene expression.Nature geneticsChiang, Colby; Scott, Alexandra J; Davis, Joe R; Tsang, Emily K; Li, Xin; Kim, Yungil; Hadzic, Tarik; Damani, Farhan N; Ganel, Liron; GTEx Consortium; Montgomery, Stephen B; Battle, Alexis; Conrad, Donald F; Hall, Ira MMay 1, 2017Not Determined
28362667Create StudyImplementation strategies in pediatric neurocritical care.Current opinion in pediatricsMarkham, Christopher; Proctor, Enola K; Pineda, Jose AJune 1, 2017Not Determined
28335882Create StudyIn Reply.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryHavdahl, Karoline Alexandra; Hus Bal, Vanessa; Lord, Catherine; Pickles, Andrew; Bishop, Somer LApril 1, 2017Not Determined
28335881Create StudyMeasurement of Autism Symptomatology in Children With Neurodevelopmental Impairment.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryConstantino, John NApril 1, 2017Not Determined
28316772Create StudyNeural circuitry at age 6 months associated with later repetitive behavior and sensory responsiveness in autism.Molecular autismWolff, Jason J; Swanson, Meghan R; Elison, Jed T; Gerig, Guido; Pruett Jr, John R; Styner, Martin A; Vachet, Clement; Botteron, Kelly N; Dager, Stephen R; Estes, Annette M; Hazlett, Heather C; Schultz, Robert T; Shen, Mark D; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Piven, Joseph; IBIS NetworkJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
28271047Create StudyPretreatment cognitive and neural differences between sapropterin dihydrochloride responders and non-responders with phenylketonuria.Molecular genetics and metabolism reportsHawks, Zoë; Shimony, Joshua; Rutlin, Jerrel; Grange, Dorothy K; Christ, Shawn E; White, Desirée ASeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
28252636Create StudyThe Exome Clinic and the role of medical genetics expertise in the interpretation of exome sequencing results.Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical GeneticsBaldridge, Dustin; Heeley, Jennifer; Vineyard, Marisa; Manwaring, Linda; Toler, Tomi L; Fassi, Emily; Fiala, Elise; Brown, Sarah; Goss, Charles W; Willing, Marcia; Grange, Dorothy K; Kozel, Beth A; Shinawi, MarwanSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
28236079Create StudyThe 2017 ABJS Nicolas Andry Award: Advancing Personalized Medicine for Clubfoot Through Translational Research.Clinical orthopaedics and related researchDobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina AJune 1, 2017Not Determined
28220358Create StudyPotential Risk Factors for the Development of Self-Injurious Behavior among Infants at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersDimian, Adele F; Botteron, Kelly N; Dager, Stephen R; Elison, Jed T; Estes, Annette M; Pruett Jr, John R; Schultz, Robert T; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Piven, Joseph; Wolff, Jason J; IBIS NetworkMay 1, 2017Not Determined
28202961Create StudyEarly brain development in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder.NatureHazlett, Heather Cody; Gu, Hongbin; Munsell, Brent C; Kim, Sun Hyung; Styner, Martin; Wolff, Jason J; Elison, Jed T; Swanson, Meghan R; Zhu, Hongtu; Botteron, Kelly N; Collins, D Louis; Constantino, John N; Dager, Stephen R; Estes, Annette M; Evans, Alan C; Fonov, Vladimir S; Gerig, Guido; Kostopoulos, Penelope; McKinstry, Robert C; Pandey, Juhi; Paterson, Sarah; Pruett, John R; Schultz, Robert T; Shaw, Dennis W; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Piven, Joseph; IBIS Network; Clinical Sites; Data Coordinating Center; Image Processing Core; Statistical AnalysisFebruary 15, 2017Not Determined
28189301Create StudyAuditory Exposure in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Room Type and Other Predictors.The Journal of pediatricsPineda, Roberta; Durant, Polly; Mathur, Amit; Inder, Terrie; Wallendorf, Michael; Schlaggar, Bradley LApril 1, 2017Not Determined
28159432Create StudyLarge-Vessel Vasculopathy in Children With Sickle Cell Disease: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Infarct Topography and Focal Atrophy.Pediatric neurologyGuilliams, Kristin P; Fields, Melanie E; Ragan, Dustin K; Chen, Yasheng; Eldeniz, Cihat; Hulbert, Monica L; Binkley, Michael M; Rhodes, James N; Shimony, Joshua S; McKinstry, Robert C; Vo, Katie D; An, Hongyu; Lee, Jin-Moo; Ford, Andria LApril 1, 2017Not Determined
28118559Create StudyTherapeutic Hypothermia after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Children.The New England journal of medicineMoler, Frank W; Silverstein, Faye S; Holubkov, Richard; Slomine, Beth S; Christensen, James R; Nadkarni, Vinay M; Meert, Kathleen L; Browning, Brittan; Pemberton, Victoria L; Page, Kent; Gildea, Marianne R; Scholefield, Barnaby R; Shankaran, Seetha; Hutchison, Jamie S; Berger, John T; Ofori-Amanfo, George; Newth, Christopher J L; Topjian, Alexis; Bennett, Kimberly S; Koch, Joshua D; Pham, Nga; Chanani, Nikhil K; Pineda, Jose A; Harrison, Rick; Dalton, Heidi J; Alten, Jeffrey; Schleien, Charles L; Goodman, Denise M; Zimmerman, Jerry J; Bhalala, Utpal S; Schwarz, Adam J; Porter, Melissa B; Shah, Samir; Fink, Ericka L; McQuillen, Patrick; Wu, Theodore; Skellett, Sophie; Thomas, Neal J; Nowak, Jeffrey E; Baines, Paul B; Pappachan, John; Mathur, Mudit; Lloyd, Eric; van der Jagt, Elise W; Dobyns, Emily L; Meyer, Michael T; Sanders Jr, Ronald C; Clark, Amy E; Dean, J Michael; THAPCA Trial InvestigatorsJanuary 26, 2017Not Determined
28117062Create StudyNeonatal Amygdala Functional Connectivity at Rest in Healthy and Preterm Infants and Early Internalizing Symptoms.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryRogers, Cynthia E; Sylvester, Chad M; Mintz, Carrie; Kenley, Jeanette K; Shimony, Joshua S; Barch, Deanna M; Smyser, Christopher DFebruary 1, 2017Not Determined
28062515Create StudyJoint Attention and Brain Functional Connectivity in Infants and Toddlers.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Eggebrecht, Adam T; Elison, Jed T; Feczko, Eric; Todorov, Alexandre; Wolff, Jason J; Kandala, Sridhar; Adams, Chloe M; Snyder, Abraham Z; Lewis, John D; Estes, Annette M; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Botteron, Kelly N; McKinstry, Robert C; Constantino, John N; Evans, Alan; Hazlett, Heather C; Dager, Stephen; Paterson, Sarah J; Schultz, Robert T; Styner, Martin A; Gerig, Guido; Das, Samir; Kostopoulos, Penelope; IBIS Network†; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Petersen, Steven E; Piven, Joseph; Pruett Jr, John RMarch 1, 2017Not Determined
27967287Create StudyEarly Therapy Services Following Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Discharge.Physical & occupational therapy in pediatricsNwabara, Odochi; Rogers, Cynthia; Inder, Terrie; Pineda, RobertaNovember 1, 2017Not Determined
27926973Create StudyNeurologic Injury in Acidemic Term Infants.American journal of perinatologyCahill, Alison G; Mathur, Amit M; Smyser, Christopher D; Mckinstry, Robert C; Roehl, Kimberly A; López, Julia D; Inder, Terrie E; Macones, George AJune 1, 2017Not Determined
27924651Create StudyCaffeine combined with sedative/anesthetic drugs triggers widespread neuroapoptosis in a mouse model of prematurity.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal ObstetriciansCabrera, Omar Hoseá; O'Connor, Shawn David; Swiney, Brant Stephen; Salinas-Contreras, Patricia; Manzella, Francesca Maria; Taylor, George Townsend; Noguchi, Kevin KiyoshiNovember 1, 2017Not Determined
27911497Create StudyNeural plasticity across the lifespan.Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Developmental biologyPower, Jonathan D; Schlaggar, Bradley LJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
27876652Create StudyIsoflurane exposure leads to apoptosis of neurons and oligodendrocytes in 20- and 40-day old rhesus macaques.Neurotoxicology and teratologySchenning, Katie J; Noguchi, Kevin K; Martin, Lauren Drew; Manzella, Francesca M; Cabrera, Omar H; Dissen, Gregory A; Brambrink, Ansgar MJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
27870408Create StudySex-specific effects of the Huntington gene on normal neurodevelopment.Journal of neuroscience researchLee, Jessica K; Ding, Yue; Conrad, Amy L; Cattaneo, Elena; Epping, Eric; Mathews, Kathy; Gonzalez-Alegre, Pedro; Cahill, Larry; Magnotta, Vincent; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Perlmutter, Joel S; Kim, Regina E Y; Dawson, Jeffrey D; Nopoulos, PegJanuary 2, 2017Not Determined
27788532Create StudyUmbilical Artery Lactate Correlates with Brain Lactate in Term Infants.American journal of perinatologyCahill, Alison G; Macones, George A; Smyser, Christopher D; López, Julia D; Inder, Terrie E; Mathur, Amit MMay 1, 2017Not Determined
27777415Create StudyBrain structure in pediatric Tourette syndrome.Molecular psychiatryGreene, D J; Williams Iii, A C; Koller, J M; Schlaggar, B L; Black, K J; The Tourette Association of America Neuroimaging ConsortiumJuly 1, 2017Not Determined
27776118Create StudyGenome-wide significance testing of variation from single case exomes.Nature geneticsWilfert, Amy B; Chao, Katherine R; Kaushal, Madhurima; Jain, Sanjay; Zöllner, Sebastian; Adams, David R; Conrad, Donald FDecember 1, 2016Not Determined
27763631Create StudyEnhancing sensory experiences for very preterm infants in the NICU: an integrative review.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationPineda, R; Guth, R; Herring, A; Reynolds, L; Oberle, S; Smith, JApril 1, 2017Not Determined
27760236Create StudyDisease Burden and Symptom Structure of Autism in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Study of the International NF1-ASD Consortium Team (INFACT).JAMA psychiatryMorris, Stephanie M; Acosta, Maria T; Garg, Shruti; Green, Jonathan; Huson, Susan; Legius, Eric; North, Kathryn N; Payne, Jonathan M; Plasschaert, Ellen; Frazier, Thomas W; Weiss, Lauren A; Zhang, Yi; Gutmann, David H; Constantino, John NDecember 1, 2016Not Determined
27722087Create StudyLeft hemisphere structural connectivity abnormality in pediatric hydrocephalus patients following surgery.NeuroImage. ClinicalYuan, Weihong; Meller, Artur; Shimony, Joshua S; Nash, Tiffany; Jones, Blaise V; Holland, Scott K; Altaye, Mekibib; Barnard, Holly; Phillips, Jannel; Powell, Stephanie; McKinstry, Robert C; Limbrick, David D; Rajagopal, Akila; Mangano, Francesco TJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27704293Create StudySensory Responsiveness in Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersHilton, Claudia L; Babb-Keeble, Alison; Westover, Erin Eitzmann; Zhang, Yi; Adams, Claire; Collins, Diane M; Karmarkar, Amol; Reistetter, Timothy A; Constantino, John NDecember 1, 2016Not Determined
27694911Create StudyMassively parallel single-nucleotide mutagenesis using reversibly terminated inosine.Nature methodsHaller, Gabe; Alvarado, David; McCall, Kevin; Mitra, Robi D; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina ANovember 1, 2016Not Determined
27677376Create StudyDexmedetomidine protects against glucocorticoid induced progenitor cell apoptosis in neonatal mouse cerebellum.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal ObstetriciansO'Connor, Shawn David; Cabrera, Omar Hoseá; Dougherty, Joseph D; Singh, Sukrit; Swiney, Brant Stephen; Salinas-Contreras, Patricia; Farber, Nuri Bradford; Noguchi, Kevin KiyoshiSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
27653682Create StudyIncreased Persistent Sodium Current Causes Neuronal Hyperexcitability in the Entorhinal Cortex of Fmr1 Knockout Mice.Cell reportsDeng, Pan-Yue; Klyachko, Vitaly ASeptember 20, 2016Not Determined
27640749Create StudyIndividual-specific features of brain systems identified with resting state functional correlations.NeuroImageGordon, Evan M; Laumann, Timothy O; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Gilmore, Adrian W; Nelson, Steven M; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Petersen, Steven EFebruary 1, 2017Not Determined
27612415Create StudyZika Virus Infection in Mice Causes Panuveitis with Shedding of Virus in Tears.Cell reportsMiner, Jonathan J; Sene, Abdoulaye; Richner, Justin M; Smith, Amber M; Santeford, Andrea; Ban, Norimitsu; Weger-Lucarelli, James; Manzella, Francesca; Rückert, Claudia; Govero, Jennifer; Noguchi, Kevin K; Ebel, Gregory D; Diamond, Michael S; Apte, Rajendra SSeptember 20, 2016Not Determined
27606047Create StudyQuantitative autistic trait measurements index background genetic risk for ASD in Hispanic families.Molecular autismPage, Joshua; Constantino, John Nicholas; Zambrana, Katherine; Martin, Eden; Tunc, Ilker; Zhang, Yi; Abbacchi, Anna; Messinger, DanielJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27604989Create StudyThe social responsiveness scale in relation to DSM IV and DSM5 ASD in Korean children.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchCheon, Keun-Ah; Park, Jee-In; Koh, Yun-Joo; Song, Jungeun; Hong, Hyun-Joo; Kim, Young-Kee; Lim, Eun-Chung; Kwon, Hojang; Ha, Mina; Lim, Myung-Ho; Paik, Ki-Chung; Constantino, John N; Leventhal, Bennett; Kim, Young ShinSeptember 1, 2016Not Determined
27591147Create StudyOn the Stability of BOLD fMRI Correlations.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Laumann, Timothy O; Snyder, Abraham Z; Mitra, Anish; Gordon, Evan M; Gratton, Caterina; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Gilmore, Adrian W; Nelson, Steven M; Berg, Jeff J; Greene, Deanna J; McCarthy, John E; Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Laufs, Helmut; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Petersen, Steven EOctober 1, 2017Not Determined
27571524Create StudyLumbar Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus of Prematurity: Amyloid Precursor Protein, Soluble Amyloid Precursor Protein α, and L1 Cell Adhesion Molecule.NeurosurgeryMorales, Diego M; Silver, Shawgi A; Morgan, Clinton D; Mercer, Deanna; Inder, Terri E; Holtzman, David M; Wallendorf, Michael J; Rao, Rakesh; McAllister, James P; Limbrick Jr, David DJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
27559717Create StudyEarly hyperoxia burden detected by cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy is superior to pulse oximetry for prediction of severe retinopathy of prematurity.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationVesoulis, Z A; Lust, C E; Liao, S M; Trivedi, S B; Mathur, A MNovember 1, 2016Not Determined
27550863Create StudyData Quality Influences Observed Links Between Functional Connectivity and Behavior.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Siegel, Joshua S; Mitra, Anish; Laumann, Timothy O; Seitzman, Benjamin A; Raichle, Marcus; Corbetta, Maurizio; Snyder, Abraham ZSeptember 1, 2017Not Determined
27514643Create StudyMechanisms Associated with Activation of Intracellular Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor, mGluR5.Neurochemical researchJong, Yuh-Jiin I; O'Malley, Karen LJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
27509845Create StudyA pilot study of parent education intervention improves early childhood development among toddlers with sickle cell disease.Pediatric blood & cancerFields, Melanie E; Hoyt-Drazen, Catherine; Abel, Regina; Rodeghier, Mark J; Yarboi, Janet M; Compas, Bruce E; King, Allison ADecember 1, 2016Not Determined
27488913Create StudySeverity of clinical presentation in youth with type 1 diabetes is associated with differences in brain structure.Pediatric diabetesSiller, Alejandro F; Lugar, Heather; Rutlin, Jerrel; Koller, Jonathan M; Semenkovich, Katherine; White, Neil H; Arbelaez, Ana Maria; Shimony, Joshua; Hershey, TamaraDecember 1, 2017Not Determined
27450369Create StudyBrain White Matter Integrity Mediates the Relationship Between Phenylalanine Control and Executive Abilities in Children with Phenylketonuria.JIMD reportsHood, Anna; Rutlin, Jerrel; Shimony, Joshua S; Grange, Dorothy K; White, Desiree AJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
27449501Create StudyThe Feasibility of Using Metacognitive Strategy Training to Improve Cognitive Performance and Neural Connectivity in Women with Chemotherapy-Induced Cognitive Impairment.OncologyWolf, Timothy J; Doherty, Meghan; Kallogjeri, Dorina; Coalson, Rebecca S; Nicklaus, Joyce; Ma, Cynthia X; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Piccirillo, JayJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27438376Create StudyChanges of White Matter Diffusion Anisotropy in Response to a 6-Week iPad Application-Based Occupational Therapy Intervention in Children with Surgically Treated Hydrocephalus: A Pilot Study.NeuropediatricsYuan, Weihong; Harpster, Karen; Jones, Blaise V; Shimony, Joshua S; McKinstry, Robert C; Weckherlin, Nicole; Powell, Stephanie S; Barnard, Holly; Engsberg, Jack; Kadis, Darren S; Dodd, Jonathan; Altaye, Mekibib; Limbrick, David D; Holland, Scott K; Simpson, Sarah M; Bidwell, Sarah; Mangano, Francesco TOctober 1, 2016Not Determined
27424142Create StudyPaternal smoking and germ cell death: A mechanistic link to the effects of cigarette smoke on spermatogenesis and possible long-term sequelae in offspring.Molecular and cellular endocrinologyEsakky, Prabagaran; Moley, Kelle HNovember 5, 2016Not Determined
27375425Create StudyThe Fallacy of Univariate Solutions to Complex Systems Problems.Frontiers in neuroscienceLessov-Schlaggar, Christina N; Rubin, Joshua B; Schlaggar, Bradley LJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27358720Create StudyData from the Baby Siblings Research Consortium confirm and specify the nature of the female protective effect in autism: A commentary on Messinger et al.Molecular autismConstantino, John NJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27303449Create StudyComplexities of X chromosome inactivation status in female human induced pluripotent stem cells-a brief review and scientific update for autism research.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersDandulakis, Mary G; Meganathan, Kesavan; Kroll, Kristen L; Bonni, Azad; Constantino, John NJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27255706Create StudyDiffusion Tensor Tractography of the Cerebellar Peduncles in Prematurely Born 7-Year-Old Children.Cerebellum (London, England)Shany, Eilon; Inder, Terrie E; Goshen, Sharon; Lee, Iris; Neil, Jeffrey J; Smyser, Christopher D; Doyle, Lex W; Anderson, Peter J; Shimony, Joshua SApril 1, 2017Not Determined
27245189Create StudyTwo-Generation Psychiatric Intervention in the Prevention of Early Childhood Maltreatment Recidivism.The American journal of psychiatryConstantino, John Nicholas; Ben-David, Vered; Navsaria, Neha; Spiegel, T Eric; Glowinski, Anne L; Rogers, Cynthia E; Jonson-Reid, MelissaJune 1, 2016Not Determined
27203134Create StudyDiffusion tensor imaging study of pediatric patients with congenital hydrocephalus: 1-year postsurgical outcomes.Journal of neurosurgery. PediatricsMangano, Francesco T; Altaye, Mekibib; McKinstry, Robert C; Shimony, Joshua S; Powell, Stephanie K; Phillips, Jannel M; Barnard, Holly; Limbrick Jr, David D; Holland, Scott K; Jones, Blaise V; Dodd, Jonathan; Simpson, Sarah; Mercer, Deanna; Rajagopal, Akila; Bidwell, Sarah; Yuan, WeihongSeptember 1, 2016Not Determined
27180225Create StudyZika Virus Infection during Pregnancy in Mice Causes Placental Damage and Fetal Demise.CellMiner, Jonathan J; Cao, Bin; Govero, Jennifer; Smith, Amber M; Fernandez, Estefania; Cabrera, Omar H; Garber, Charise; Noll, Michelle; Klein, Robyn S; Noguchi, Kevin K; Mysorekar, Indira U; Diamond, Michael SMay 19, 2016Not Determined
27179605Create StudyPrediction of brain maturity in infants using machine-learning algorithms.NeuroImageSmyser, Christopher D; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Smyser, Tara A; Snyder, Abraham Z; Rogers, Cynthia E; Inder, Terrie E; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Neil, Jeffrey JAugust 1, 2016Not Determined
27164193Create StudyA neural window on the emergence of cognition.Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesCusack, Rhodri; Ball, Gareth; Smyser, Christopher D; Dehaene-Lambertz, GhislaineApril 1, 2016Not Determined
27158458Create StudyProvisional Tic Disorder: What to tell parents when their child first starts ticcing.F1000ResearchBlack, Kevin J; Black, Elizabeth Rose; Greene, Deanna J; Schlaggar, Bradley LJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27151663Create StudyA Mutation Associated with Stuttering Alters Mouse Pup Ultrasonic Vocalizations.Current biology : CBBarnes, Terra D; Wozniak, David F; Gutierrez, Joanne; Han, Tae-Un; Drayna, Dennis; Holy, Timothy EApril 13, 2016Not Determined
27150231Create StudyDevelopment of cortical shape in the human brain from 6 to 24months of age via a novel measure of shape complexity.NeuroImageKim, Sun Hyung; Lyu, Ilwoo; Fonov, Vladimir S; Vachet, Clement; Hazlett, Heather C; Smith, Rachel G; Piven, Joseph; Dager, Stephen R; Mckinstry, Robert C; Pruett Jr, John R; Evans, Alan C; Collins, D Louis; Botteron, Kelly N; Schultz, Robert T; Gerig, Guido; Styner, Martin A; IBIS NetworkJuly 15, 2016Not Determined
27147587Create StudyDevelopment of a bile acid-based newborn screen for Niemann-Pick disease type C.Science translational medicineJiang, Xuntian; Sidhu, Rohini; Mydock-McGrane, Laurel; Hsu, Fong-Fu; Covey, Douglas F; Scherrer, David E; Earley, Brian; Gale, Sarah E; Farhat, Nicole Y; Porter, Forbes D; Dietzen, Dennis J; Orsini, Joseph J; Berry-Kravis, Elizabeth; Zhang, Xiaokui; Reunert, Janice; Marquardt, Thorsten; Runz, Heiko; Giugliani, Roberto; Schaffer, Jean E; Ory, Daniel SMay 4, 2016Not Determined
27114916Create StudyRelationship between age and white matter integrity in children with phenylketonuria.Molecular genetics and metabolism reportsWesonga, Erika; Shimony, Joshua S; Rutlin, Jerrel; Grange, Dorothy K; White, Desiree AJune 1, 2016Not Determined
27065840Create StudyNeonatal Brain Tissue Classification with Morphological Adaptation and Unified Segmentation.Frontiers in neuroinformaticsBeare, Richard J; Chen, Jian; Kelly, Claire E; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia E; Loh, Wai Y; Matthews, Lillian G; Cheong, Jeanie L Y; Spittle, Alicia J; Anderson, Peter J; Doyle, Lex W; Inder, Terrie E; Seal, Marc L; Thompson, Deanne KJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
27064959Create StudyDefining the nature and implications of head turn preference in the preterm infant.Early human developmentDunsirn, Sonya; Smyser, Christopher; Liao, Steve; Inder, Terrie; Pineda, RobertaMay 1, 2016Not Determined
26973730Create StudyDe novo development of gliomas in a child with neurofibromatosis type 1, fragile X and previously normal brain magnetic resonance imaging.Radiology case reportsZafar, Rabia; Hsiao, Esther Y; Botteron, Kelly N; McKinstry, Robert C; Gutmann, David HMarch 1, 2016Not Determined
26972753Create StudyPreparatory Engagement of Cognitive Control Networks Increases Late in Childhood.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Church, Jessica A; Bunge, Silvia A; Petersen, Steven E; Schlaggar, Bradley LMarch 1, 2017Not Determined
26951756Create StudyLithium Protects Against Anaesthesia Neurotoxicity In The Infant Primate Brain.Scientific reportsNoguchi, Kevin K; Johnson, Stephen A; Kristich, Lauren E; Martin, Lauren D; Dissen, Gregory A; Olsen, Emily A; Olney, John W; Brambrink, Ansgar MMarch 8, 2016Not Determined
26903402Create StudyCommon Measures for National Institute of Mental Health Funded Research.Biological psychiatryBarch, Deanna M; Gotlib, Ian H; Bilder, Robert M; Pine, Daniel S; Smoller, Jordan W; Brown, C Hendricks; Huggins, Wayne; Hamilton, Carol; Haim, Adam; Farber, Gregory KJune 15, 2016Not Determined
26900585Create StudyBaseline results of the NeuroNEXT spinal muscular atrophy infant biomarker study.Annals of clinical and translational neurologyKolb, Stephen J; Coffey, Christopher S; Yankey, Jon W; Krosschell, Kristin; Arnold, W David; Rutkove, Seward B; Swoboda, Kathryn J; Reyna, Sandra P; Sakonju, Ai; Darras, Basil T; Shell, Richard; Kuntz, Nancy; Castro, Diana; Iannaccone, Susan T; Parsons, Julie; Connolly, Anne M; Chiriboga, Claudia A; McDonald, Craig; Burnette, W Bryan; Werner, Klaus; Thangarajh, Mathula; Shieh, Perry B; Finanger, Erika; Cudkowicz, Merit E; McGovern, Michelle M; McNeil, D Elizabeth; Finkel, Richard; Kaye, Edward; Kingsley, Allison; Renusch, Samantha R; McGovern, Vicki L; Wang, Xueqian; Zaworski, Phillip G; Prior, Thomas W; Burghes, Arthur H M; Bartlett, Amy; Kissel, John T; NeuroNEXT Clinical Trial Network and on behalf of the NN101 SMA Biomarker InvestigatorsFebruary 1, 2016Not Determined
26888576Create StudyNeuroimaging evidence of deficient axon myelination in Wolfram syndrome.Scientific reportsLugar, Heather M; Koller, Jonathan M; Rutlin, Jerrel; Marshall, Bess A; Kanekura, Kohsuke; Urano, Fumihiko; Bischoff, Allison N; Shimony, Joshua S; Hershey, Tamara; Washington University Wolfram Syndrome Research Study GroupFebruary 18, 2016Not Determined
26874299Create StudyUniversal cervical length screening: implementation and outcomes.American journal of obstetrics and gynecologyTemming, Lorene A; Durst, Jennifer K; Tuuli, Methodius G; Stout, Molly J; Dicke, Jeffrey M; Macones, George A; Cahill, Alison GApril 1, 2016Not Determined
26868180Create StudyCerebral functional connectivity and Mayer waves in mice: Phenomena and separability.Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismBumstead, Jonathan R; Bauer, Adam Q; Wright, Patrick W; Culver, Joseph PFebruary 1, 2017Not Determined
26837579Create StudyIntracellular mGluR5 plays a critical role in neuropathic pain.Nature communicationsVincent, Kathleen; Cornea, Virginia M; Jong, Yuh-Jiin I; Laferrière, André; Kumar, Naresh; Mickeviciute, Aiste; Fung, Jollee S T; Bandegi, Pouya; Ribeiro-da-Silva, Alfredo; O'Malley, Karen L; Coderre, Terence JFebruary 3, 2016Not Determined
26834084Create StudyMultivariate pattern classification of pediatric Tourette syndrome using functional connectivity MRI.Developmental scienceGreene, Deanna J; Church, Jessica A; Dosenbach, Nico U F; Nielsen, Ashley N; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Nardos, Binyam; Petersen, Steven E; Black, Kevin J; Schlaggar, Bradley LJuly 1, 2016Not Determined
26780113Create StudyAmygdala reactivity to sad faces in preschool children: An early neural marker of persistent negative affect.Developmental cognitive neuroscienceGaffrey, Michael S; Barch, Deanna M; Luby, Joan LFebruary 1, 2016Not Determined
26757162Create StudyFentanyl and Midazolam Are Ineffective in Reducing Episodic Intracranial Hypertension in Severe Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.Critical care medicineWelch, Timothy P; Wallendorf, Michael J; Kharasch, Evan D; Leonard, Jeffrey R; Doctor, Allan; Pineda, Jose AApril 1, 2016Not Determined
26754461Create StudyConsiderations for MRI study design and implementation in pediatric and clinical populations.Developmental cognitive neuroscienceGreene, Deanna J; Black, Kevin J; Schlaggar, Bradley LApril 1, 2016Not Determined
26743133Create StudyYoung Children''s Knowledge of the Symbolic Nature of Writing.Child developmentTreiman, Rebecca; Hompluem, Lana; Gordon, Jessica; Decker, Kristina; Markson, LoriJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26731103Create StudyThe Macaque Social Responsiveness Scale (mSRS): A Rapid Screening Tool for Assessing Variability in the Social Responsiveness of Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta).PloS oneFeczko, Eric J; Bliss-Moreau, Eliza; Walum, Hasse; Pruett Jr, John R; Parr, Lisa AJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26729820Create StudyDeletions of 5'' HOXC genes are associated with lower extremity malformations, including clubfoot and vertical talus.Journal of medical geneticsAlvarado, David M; McCall, Kevin; Hecht, Jacqueline T; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina AApril 1, 2016Not Determined
26709421Create StudyHead Lag in Infancy: What Is It Telling Us?The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy AssociationPineda, Roberta G; Reynolds, Lauren C; Seefeldt, Kristin; Hilton, Claudia L; Rogers, Cynthia L; Inder, Terrie EJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26700938Create StudyThe effects of voluntary exercise on oocyte quality in a diet-induced obese murine model.Reproduction (Cambridge, England)Boudoures, Anna L; Chi, Maggie; Thompson, Alysha; Zhang, Wendy; Moley, Kelle HMarch 1, 2016Not Determined
26656726Create StudyThe Lag Structure of Intrinsic Activity is Focally Altered in High Functioning Adults with Autism.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Mitra, Anish; Snyder, Abraham Z; Constantino, John N; Raichle, Marcus EFebruary 1, 2017Not Determined
26633144Create StudyEmpirical estimation of the normative blood pressure in infants <28 weeks gestation using a massive data approach.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal AssociationVesoulis, Z A; El Ters, N M; Wallendorf, M; Mathur, A MApril 1, 2016Not Determined
26601019Create StudyFast and efficient image reconstruction for high density diffuse optical imaging of the human brain.Biomedical optics expressWu, Xue; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Ferradal, Silvina L; Culver, Joseph P; Dehghani, HamidNovember 1, 2015Not Determined
26571222Create StudyA novel method for assessing cerebral autoregulation in preterm infants using transfer function analysis.Pediatric researchVesoulis, Zachary A; Liao, Steve M; Trivedi, Shamik B; Ters, Nathalie El; Mathur, Amit MMarch 1, 2016Not Determined
26566670Create StudyA polygenic burden of rare variants across extracellular matrix genes among individuals with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Human molecular geneticsHaller, Gabe; Alvarado, David; Mccall, Kevin; Yang, Ping; Cruchaga, Carlos; Harms, Matthew; Goate, Alison; Willing, Marcia; Morcuende, Jose A; Baschal, Erin; Miller, Nancy H; Wise, Carol; Dobbs, Matthew B; Gurnett, Christina AJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26550941Create StudyComparison of cortical folding measures for evaluation of developing human brain.NeuroImageShimony, Joshua S; Smyser, Christopher D; Wideman, Graham; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Hill, Jason; Harwell, John; Dierker, Donna; Van Essen, David C; Inder, Terrie E; Neil, Jeffrey JJanuary 15, 2016Not Determined
26543796Create StudyNeuroimaging in Tourette Syndrome: Research Highlights From 2014-2015.Current developmental disorders reportsGreene, Deanna J; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Black, Kevin JDecember 1, 2015Not Determined
26490257Create StudySplenium development and early spoken language in human infants.Developmental scienceSwanson, Meghan R; Wolff, Jason J; Elison, Jed T; Gu, Hongbin; Hazlett, Heather C; Botteron, Kelly; Styner, Martin; Paterson, Sarah; Gerig, Guido; Constantino, John; Dager, Stephen; Estes, Annette; Vachet, Clement; Piven, Joseph; IBIS NetworkMarch 1, 2017Not Determined
26490123Create StudyNeurodevelopmental Profile, Growth, and Psychosocial Environment of Preterm Infants with Difficult Feeding Behavior at Age 2 Years.The Journal of pediatricsCrapnell, Tara L; Woodward, Lianne J; Rogers, Cynthia E; Inder, Terrie E; Pineda, Roberta GDecember 1, 2015Not Determined
26481044Create StudyNampt is required for long-term depression and the function of GluN2B subunit-containing NMDA receptors.Brain research bulletinStein, Liana Roberts; Zorumski, Charles F; Imai, Shin-Ichiro; Izumi, YukitoshiOctober 1, 2015Not Determined
26447582Create StudyBrain Networks and Cognitive Architectures.NeuronPetersen, Steven E; Sporns, OlafOctober 7, 2015Not Determined
26439514Create StudyThe Washington University Central Neuroimaging Data Archive.NeuroImageGurney, Jenny; Olsen, Timothy; Flavin, John; Ramaratnam, Mohana; Archie, Kevin; Ransford, James; Herrick, Rick; Wallace, Lauren; Cline, Jeanette; Horton, Will; Marcus, Daniel SJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
26431805Create StudyA testosterone-related structural brain phenotype predicts aggressive behavior from childhood to adulthood.PsychoneuroendocrinologyNguyen, Tuong-Vi; McCracken, James T; Albaugh, Matthew D; Botteron, Kelly N; Hudziak, James J; Ducharme, SimonJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26427907Create StudyGenetic upregulation of BK channel activity normalizes multiple synaptic and circuit defects in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome.The Journal of physiologyDeng, Pan-Yue; Klyachko, Vitaly AJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26402404Create StudyDose and timing in neurorehabilitation: prescribing motor therapy after stroke.Current opinion in neurologyLang, Catherine E; Lohse, Keith R; Birkenmeier, Rebecca LDecember 1, 2015Not Determined
26372513Create StudyRegional white matter development in very preterm infants: perinatal predictors and early developmental outcomes.Pediatric researchRogers, Cynthia E; Smyser, Tara; Smyser, Christopher D; Shimony, Joshua; Inder, Terrie E; Neil, Jeffrey JJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
26369570Create StudyBrain Injury and Development in Preterm Infants Exposed to Fentanyl.The Annals of pharmacotherapyMcPherson, Christopher; Haslam, Matthew; Pineda, Roberta; Rogers, Cynthia; Neil, Jeffrey J; Inder, Terrie EDecember 1, 2015Not Determined
26319366Create StudyHedgehog regulates cerebellar progenitor cell and medulloblastoma apoptosis.Neurobiology of diseaseNoguchi, Kevin Kiyoshi; Cabrera, Omar Hoseá; Swiney, Brant S; Salinas-Contreras, Patricia; Smith, Julie Kathryn; Farber, Nuri BNovember 1, 2015Not Determined
26308883Create StudyShared Predisposition in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Subcortical Brain Structure.JAMA psychiatryPagliaccio, David; Barch, Deanna M; Bogdan, Ryan; Wood, Phillip K; Lynskey, Michael T; Heath, Andrew C; Agrawal, ArpanaOctober 1, 2015Not Determined
26209848Create StudyCortical Gray and Adjacent White Matter Demonstrate Synchronous Maturation in Very Preterm Infants.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Smyser, Tara A; Smyser, Christopher D; Rogers, Cynthia E; Gillespie, Sarah K; Inder, Terrie E; Neil, Jeffrey JAugust 1, 2016Not Determined
26208872Create StudyPartial covariance based functional connectivity computation using Ledoit-Wolf covariance regularization.NeuroImageBrier, Matthew R; Mitra, Anish; McCarthy, John E; Ances, Beau M; Snyder, Abraham ZNovember 1, 2015Not Determined
26134120Create StudySodium leak channel, non-selective contributes to the leak current in human myometrial smooth muscle cells from pregnant women.Molecular human reproductionReinl, Erin L; Cabeza, Rafael; Gregory, Ismail A; Cahill, Alison G; England, Sarah KOctober 1, 2015Not Determined
26049083Create StudyImpaired Activation in Cognitive Control Regions Predicts Reversal Learning in Schizophrenia.Schizophrenia bulletinCulbreth, Adam J; Gold, James M; Cools, Roshan; Barch, Deanna MMarch 1, 2016Not Determined
26036937Create StudyA method for reducing the effects of motion contamination in arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging.Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismTanenbaum, Aaron B; Snyder, Abraham Z; Brier, Matthew R; Ances, Beau MOctober 1, 2015Not Determined
25595183Create StudyFunctional Imaging of the Developing Brain at the Bedside Using Diffuse Optical Tomography.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Ferradal, Silvina L; Liao, Steve M; Eggebrecht, Adam T; Shimony, Joshua S; Inder, Terrie E; Culver, Joseph P; Smyser, Christopher DApril 1, 2016Not Determined
25385710Create StudyOxygen Level and LFP in Task-Positive and Task-Negative Areas: Bridging BOLD fMRI and Electrophysiology.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Bentley, William J; Li, Jingfeng M; Snyder, Abraham Z; Raichle, Marcus E; Snyder, Lawrence HJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
25331596Create StudyResting-State Network Complexity and Magnitude Are Reduced in Prematurely Born Infants.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Smyser, Christopher D; Snyder, Abraham Z; Shimony, Joshua S; Mitra, Anish; Inder, Terrie E; Neil, Jeffrey JJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined
25316338Create StudyGeneration and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Gordon, Evan M; Laumann, Timothy O; Adeyemo, Babatunde; Huckins, Jeremy F; Kelley, William M; Petersen, Steven EJanuary 1, 2016Not Determined

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NDA Help Center

Collection - Data Expected

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  • Analyzed Data
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    A Data Item listed on the Data Expected tab of a Collection that indicates a group of Data Structures (e.g., ADOS or SCID) for which data may be submitted instead of a specific Data Structure identified by version, module, edition, etc. For example, the ADOS Data Structure Category includes every ADOS Data Structure such as ADOS Module 1, ADOS Module 2, ADOS Module 1 - 2nd Edition, etc. The SCID Data Structure Group includes every SCID Data Structure such as SCID Mania, SCID V Mania, SCID PTSD, SCID-V Diagnosis, and more.
  • Evaluated Data
    A new Data Structure category, Evaluated Data is analyzed data resulting from the use of computational pipelines in the Cloud and can be uploaded directly back to a miNDAR database. Evaluated Data is expected to be listed as a Data Item in the Collection's Data Expected Tab.
  • Imaging Data
    Imaging+ is an NDA term which encompasses all imaging related data including, but not limited to, images (DTI, MRI, PET, Structural, Spectroscopy, etc.) as well as neurosignal data (EEG, fMRI, MEG, EGG, eye tracking, etc.) and Evaluated Data.
  • Initial Share Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data will be shared with authorized users upon publication (via an NDA Study) or 1-2 years after the grant end date specified on the first Notice of Award, as defined in the applicable Data Sharing Terms and Conditions.
  • Initial Submission Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to these NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data for all subjects is not expected on the Initial Submission Date and modifications may be made as necessary based on the project's conduct.
  • Research Subject and Pedigree
    An NDA created Data Structure used to convey basic information about the subject such as demographics, pedigree (links family GUIDs), diagnosis/phenotype, and sample location that are critical to allow for easier querying of shared data.
  • Submission Cycle
    The NDA has two Submission Cycles per year - January 15 and July 15.
  • Submission Exemption
    An interface to notify NDA that data may not be submitted during the upcoming/current submission cycle.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:

Associated Studies

Studies that have been defined using data from a Collection are important criteria to determine the value of data shared. The number of subjects column displays the counts from this Collection that are included in a Study, out of the total number of subjects in that study. The Data Use column represents whether or not the study is a primary analysis of the data or a secondary analysis. State indicates whether the study is private or shared with the research community.

Study NameAbstractCollection/Study SubjectsData UsageState
No records found.

NDA Help Center

Collection - Associated Studies

Clicking on the Study Title will open the study details in a new internet browser tab. The Abstract is available for viewing, providing the background explanation of the study, as provided by the Collection Owner.

Primary v. Secondary Analysis: The Data Usage column will have one of these two choices. An associated study that is listed as being used for Primary Analysis indicates at least some and potentially all of the data used was originally collected by the creator of the NDA Study. Secondary Analysis indicates the Study owner was not involved in the collection of data, and may be used as supporting data.

Private v. Shared State: Studies that remain private indicate the associated study is only available to users who are able to access the collection. A shared study is accessible to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I associate a study to my collection?
    Studies are associated to the Collection automatically when the data is defined in the Study.


  • Associated Studies Tab
    A tab in a Collection that lists the NDA Studies that have been created using data from that Collection including both Primary and Secondary Analysis NDA Studies.