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ACE Family Medical History

7,247 Shared Subjects

ACE Family Medical History
Clinical Assessments
Med History
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ACE Family Medical History Form.pdf PDF file icon
Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data comment
Query relationship Integer Recommended Relationship of respondent to individual
1 = Biological mom; 2 = Biological dad; 3 = Grandparent; 4 = Special education (sped) teacher; 5 = General education teacher; 6 = Occupational therapist; 7 = Speech and language therapist; 8 = Behavioral therapist; 9 = Paraprofessional; 10 = Aide; 11 = Principal; 12 = Administrator; 14 = Content teacher; 15 = Parent center director; 16 = Self; 17 = Adoptive mother; 18 = Adoptive father; 19 = Foster mother; 20 = Foster father; 21 = Grandmother; 22 = Grandfather; 23 = Step-mother; 24 = Step-father; 25 = Aunt; 26 = Uncle; 28 = Both parents; 31 = Grandmother from mother side; 32 = Grandfather from mother side; 33 = Grandmother from father side; 34 = Grandfather from father side; 36 = Brother; 37 = Sister; 38 = Cousin; 39 = Female caregiver; 40 = Male caregiver; 41 = Female child; 42 = Male child; 43 = Spouse/Mate; 44 = Friend; 45 = Parent; 46 = Significant other; 47 = Sibling; 48 = Son/Daughter; 49 = Son-in-law/Daughter-in law; 50 = Other Relative; 51 = Paid caregiver; 52 = Friends; 53 = Roommate; 54 = Supervisor; 55 = Mother's boyfriend; 56 = Other parental figure; 57 = Summary; 58 = Counselor; 59 = Other female relative; 60 = Other male relative; 61 = Non-relative ; 62 = Maternal Aunt; 63 = Maternal Uncle; 64 = Maternal Cousin; 65 = Paternal Aunt; 66 = Paternal Uncle; 67 = Paternal Cousin; 68 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandmother; 69 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Grandmother; 70 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandmother and Foster Father; 71 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Foster Mother; 72 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Foster Mother; 73 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Biological/Adoptive Father; 74 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Biological/Adoptive Father; 75 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Other; 76 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Stepfather; 77 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepfather; 78 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandfather; 79 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Foster Father; 80 = Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother; 81 = Guardian, female; 82 = Other female; 83 = Guardian, male; 84 = Other male; 85 = Other/Grandparent/Nanny; 86 = Mother, Father, Guardian; 87 = Daughter, son, grandchild; 88 = Professional (e.g., social worker, nurse, therapist, psychiatrist, or group home staff); -999 = Missing; 89 = Biological parent; 90 = Other; 91 = Stepparent; 92 = Adoptive parent; 93 = Foster parent; 94 = Co-worker; 95 = Independent Evaluator
family_user_def_id String 25 Recommended Family Pedigree User-Defined ID
subjectkey_mother GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's biological mother NDAR*
src_mother_id String 100 Recommended site specific mother ID
Query ques_agebm Integer Recommended Age (or age at death) -Biological Mother(in months) 0 :: 1200; -999 -999 = Missing value ace_biomom_age, age_biomother
subjectkey_father GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's biological father NDAR*
src_father_id String 100 Recommended site specific father ID
Query ques_agebf Integer Recommended Age (or age at death) -Biological Father(in months) 0 :: 1200; -999 -999 = Missing value ace_biodad_age, age_biofather
subjectkey_sibling1 GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
src_sibling1_id String 100 Recommended site specific sibling1 ID
Query ques_age1 Integer Recommended Age -Sibling 1(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_sib1
Query sibling_type1 String 255 Recommended Type of Sibling
Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown
Query ques_gender1 String 50 Recommended Gender -Sibling 1
M = Male; F = Female; 1= Male; 2= Female; 3= Transgender sex_sib1
subjectkey_sibling2 GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
Query src_sibling2_id String 100 Recommended site specific sibling2 ID
Query ques_age2 Integer Recommended Age -Sibling 2(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_sib2
Query sibling_type2 String 255 Recommended sibling type
Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown
Query ques_gender2 String 50 Recommended Gender -Sibling 2
M = Male; F = Female; 1= Male; 2= Female; 3= Transgender sex_sib2
subjectkey_sibling3 GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
Query src_sibling3_id String 100 Recommended site specific sibling3 ID
Query ques_age3 Integer Recommended Age -Sibling 3(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_sib3
Query sibling_type3 String 255 Recommended sibling type
Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown
Query ques_gender3 String 50 Recommended Gender -Sibling 3
M = Male; F = Female; 1= Male; 2= Female; 3= Transgender sex_sib3
subjectkey_sibling4 GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
Query src_sibling4_id String 100 Recommended site specific sibling4 ID
Query ques_age4 Integer Recommended Age -Sibling 4(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_sib4
Query sibling_type4 String 255 Recommended sibling type
Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown
Query ques_gender4 String 50 Recommended Gender -Sibling 4
M = Male; F = Female; 1= Male; 2= Female; 3= Transgender sex_sib4
subjectkey_sibling5 GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
src_sibling5_id String 100 Recommended site specific sibling5 ID
Query ques_age5 Integer Recommended Age -Sibling 5(in months) 0 :: 1200 age_sib5
Query sibling_type5 String 255 Recommended sibling type Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS; Adopted Brother AB; Adopted Sister AS; Unknown sibling5
Query ques_gender5 String 50 Recommended Gender -Sibling 5
M = Male; F = Female; 1= Male; 2= Female; 3= Transgender sex_sib5
ques_gradalbm String 255 Recommended Last grade completed -Biological Mother ace_biomom_grade, lastgrade_mother_cmmt
ques_gradalbf String 255 Recommended Last grade completed -Biological Father ace_biodad_grade, lastgrade_father_cmmt
Query asd_moth String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_asd, asd_biologicalmother
Query asd_fath String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_asd, asd_biologicalfather
Query asd_sib1 String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_asd, asd_sibling1
Query asd_sib2 String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_asd, asd_sibling2
Query asd_sib3 String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_asd, asd_sibling3
Query asd_sib4 String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_asd, asd_sibling4
Query asd_sib5 String 10 Recommended Autism Spectrum Disorder, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_asd, asd_sibling5
Query ad_moth String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_aut, autisticdisorder_biologicalmother
Query ad_fath String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_aut, autisticdisorder_biologicalfather
Query ad_sib1 String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_aut, autisticdisorder_sibling1
Query ad_sib2 String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_aut, autisticdisorder_sibling2
Query ad_sib3 String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_aut, autisticdisorder_sibling3
Query ad_sib4 String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_aut, autisticdisorder_sibling4
Query ad_sib5 String 10 Recommended Autism Disorder, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_aut, autisticdisorder_sibling5
Query asp_moth String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_asperger, aspergersyndrome_biologicalmother
Query asp_fath String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_asperger, aspergersyndrome_biologicalfather
Query asp_sib1 String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_asperger, aspergersyndrome_sibling1
Query asp_sib2 String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_asperger, aspergersyndrome_sibling2
Query asp_sib3 String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_asperger, aspergersyndrome_sibling3
Query asp_sib4 String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_asperger, aspergersyndrome_sibling4
Query asp_sib5 String 10 Recommended Asperger Syndrome, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_asperger, aspergersyndrome_sibling5
Query rts_moth String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_rett, rettsyndrome_biologicalmother
Query rts_fath String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_rett, rettsyndrome_biologicalfather
Query rts_sib1 String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_rett, rettsyndrome_sibling1
Query rts_sib2 String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_rett, rettsyndrome_sibling2
Query rts_sib3 String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_rett, rettsyndrome_sibling3
Query rts_sib4 String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_rett, rettsyndrome_sibling4
Query rts_sib5 String 10 Recommended Rett Syndrome, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_rett, rettsyndrome_sibling5
Query pddn_moth String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_pdd, pdd_nos_biologicalmother
Query pddn_fath String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_pdd, pdd_nos_biologicalfather
Query pddn_sib1 String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_pdd, pdd_nos_sibling1
Query pddn_sib2 String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_pdd, pdd_nos_sibling2
Query pddn_sib3 String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_pdd, pdd_nos_sibling3
Query pddn_sib4 String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_pdd, pdd_nos_sibling4
Query pddn_sib5 String 10 Recommended PDD-NOS, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_pdd, pdd_nos_sibling5
Query mother_speechdelay String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have a Speech/Language Delay?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_speech, speech_langdelay_biologicalmother
Query father_speechdelay String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have a Speech/Language Delay?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_speech, speech_langdelay_biologicalfather
Query ques_langdelay1 String 50 Recommended Had or has a speech or language delay or impairment -Sibling 1
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib1_speech, speech_langdelay_sibling1
Query ques_langdelay2 String 50 Recommended Had or has a speech or language delay or impairment -Sibling 2
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib2_speech, speech_langdelay_sibling2
Query ques_langdelay3 String 50 Recommended Had or has a speech or language delay or impairment -Sibling 3
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib3_speech, speech_langdelay_sibling3
Query ques_langdelay4 String 50 Recommended Had or has a speech or language delay or impairment -Sibling 4
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib4_speech, speech_langdelay_sibling4
Query ques_langdelay5 String 50 Recommended Had or has a speech or language delay or impairment -Sibling 5
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib5_speech, speech_langdelay_sibling5
Query mother_devdelay String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have a Developmental Delay?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biomom_dd, developmentaldelay_biologicalmother
Query father_devdelay String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have a Developmental Delay?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biodad_dd, developmentaldelay_biologicalfather
Query ques_devdelay1 String 50 Recommended Had or has a developmental delay -Sibling 1
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib1_dd, developmentaldelay_sibling1
Query ques_devdelay2 String 50 Recommended Had or has a developmental delay -Sibling 2
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib2_dd, developmentaldelay_sibling2
Query ques_devdelay3 String 50 Recommended Had or has a developmental delay -Sibling 3
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib3_dd, developmentaldelay_sibling3
Query ques_devdelay4 String 50 Recommended Had or has a developmental delay -Sibling 4
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib4_dd, developmentaldelay_sibling4
Query ques_devdelay5 String 50 Recommended Had or has a developmental delay -Sibling 5
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib5_dd, developmentaldelay_sibling5
Query mother_learndis String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have a Learning Disability?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biomom_ld, learningdisability_biologicalmother
Query father_learndis String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have a Learning Disability?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biodad_ld, learningdisability_biologicalfather
Query ques_learndis1 String 50 Recommended Had or has a learning disability -Sibling 1
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib1_ld, learningdisability_sibling1
Query ques_learndis2 String 50 Recommended Had or has a learning disability -Sibling 2
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib2_ld, learningdisability_sibling2
Query ques_learndis3 String 50 Recommended Had or has a learning disability -Sibling 3
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib3_ld, learningdisability_sibling3
Query ques_learndis4 String 50 Recommended Had or has a learning disability -Sibling 4
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib4_ld, learningdisability_sibling4
Query ques_learndis5 String 50 Recommended Had or has a learning disability -Sibling 5
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = Not answered ace_sib5_ld, learningdisability_sibling5
Query seiz_moth String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_biologicalmother
Query seiz_fath String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_biologicalfather
Query seiz_sib1 String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_sibling1
Query seiz_sib2 String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_sibling2
Query seiz_sib3 String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_sibling3
Query seiz_sib4 String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_sibling4
Query seiz_sib5 String 10 Recommended Seizure disorder/Epilepsy, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_epil, seizuredisepilepsy_sibling5
Query cerpal_moth String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_cp, cerebralpalsy_biologicalmother
Query cerpal_fath String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_cp, cerebralpalsy_biologicalfather
Query cerpal_sib1 String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_cp, cerebralpalsy_sibling1
Query cerpal_sib2 String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_cp, cerebralpalsy_sibling2
Query cerpal_sib3 String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_cp, cerebralpalsy_sibling3
Query cerpal_sib4 String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_cp, cerebralpalsy_sibling4
Query cerpal_sib5 String 10 Recommended Cerebral Palsy, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_cp, cerebralpalsy_sibling5
Query downs_moth String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_ds, downsyndrome_biologicalmother
Query downs_fath String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_ds, downsyndrome_biologicalfather
Query downs_sib1 String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_ds, downsyndrome_sibling1
Query downs_sib2 String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_ds, downsyndrome_sibling2
Query downs_sib3 String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_ds, downsyndrome_sibling3
Query downs_sib4 String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_ds, downsyndrome_sibling4
Query downs_sib5 String 10 Recommended Down Syndrome, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_ds, downsyndrome_sibling5
Query idmr_moth String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_id, intellectualdis_biologicalmother
Query idmr_fath String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_id, intellectualdis_biologicalfather
Query idmr_sib1 String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_id, intellectualdis_sibling1
Query idmr_sib2 String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_id, intellectualdis_sibling2
Query idmr_sib3 String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_id, intellectualdis_sibling3
Query idmr_sib4 String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_id, intellectualdis_sibling4
Query idmr_sib5 String 10 Recommended Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_id, intellectualdis_sibling5
Query mother_tuberscl String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Tuberous Sclerosis?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biomom_tsc, tuberousscler_biologicalmother
Query father_tuberscl String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Tuberous Sclerosis?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biodad_tsc, tuberousscler_biologicalfather
Query tuberscl_sib1 String 10 Recommended Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_tsc, tuberousscler_sibling1
Query tuberscl_sib2 String 10 Recommended Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_tsc, tuberousscler_sibling2
Query tuberscl_sib3 String 10 Recommended Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_tsc, tuberousscler_sibling3
Query tuberscl_sib4 String 10 Recommended Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_tsc, tuberousscler_sibling4
Query tuberscl_sib5 String 10 Recommended Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_tsc, tuberousscler_sibling5
Query mother_fragilex String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Fragile X?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_frax, fragilex_biologicalmother
Query father_fragilex String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Fragile X?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_frax, fragilex_biologicalfather
Query fx_sib1 String 10 Recommended Fragile X, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_frax, fragilex_sibling1
Query fx_sib2 String 10 Recommended Fragile X, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_frax, fragilex_sibling2
Query fx_sib3 String 10 Recommended Fragile X, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_frax, fragilex_sibling3
Query fx_sib4 String 10 Recommended Fragile X, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_frax, fragilex_sibling4
Query fx_sib5 String 10 Recommended Fragile X, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_frax, fragilex_sibling5
Query nfi_moth String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_biologicalmother
Query nfi_fath String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_biologicalfather
Query nfi_sib1 String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_sibling1
Query nfi_sib2 String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_sibling2
Query nfi_sib3 String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_sibling3
Query nfi_sib4 String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_sibling4
Query nfi_sib5 String 10 Recommended Neurofibromatosis I, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_neuro, neurofibromatosisi_sibling5
Query cblind_moth String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_cb, congenitalblindness_biologicalmother
Query cblind_fath String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_cb, congenitalblindness_biologicalfather
Query cblind_sib1 String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_cb, congenitalblindness_sibling1
Query cblind_sib2 String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_cb, congenitalblindness_sibling2
Query cblind_sib3 String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_cb, congenitalblindness_sibling3
Query cblind_sib4 String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_cb, congenitalblindness_sibling4
Query cblind_sib5 String 10 Recommended Congenital Blindness, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_cb, congenitalblindness_sibling5
Query heard_moth String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_deaf, deaf_biologicalmother
Query heard_fath String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_deaf, deaf_biologicalfather
Query heard_sib1 String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_deaf, deaf_sibling1
Query heard_sib2 String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_deaf, deaf_sibling2
Query heard_sib3 String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_deaf, deaf_sibling3
Query heard_sib4 String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_deaf, deaf_sibling4
Query heard_sib5 String 10 Recommended Hearing impairment/deafness, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_deaf, deaf_sibling5
Query hearcor_moth String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_hearaid, hearingaids_biologicalmother
Query hearcor_fath String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_hearaid, hearingaids_biologicalfather
Query hearcor_sib1 String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_hearaid, hearingaids_sibling1
Query hearcor_sib2 String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_hearaid, hearingaids_sibling2
Query hearcor_sib3 String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_hearaid, hearingaids_sibling3
Query hearcor_sib4 String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_hearaid, hearingaids_sibling4
Query hearcor_sib5 String 10 Recommended Hearing corrected with hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant?, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_hearaid, hearingaids_sibling5
Query mother_bipolar String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have a Bipolar Disorder?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_bipolar, bipolar_biologicalmother
Query father_bipolar String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have a Bipolar Disorder?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_bipolar, bipolar_biologicalfather
Query bipd_sib1 String 10 Recommended Bipolar disorder (Manic/depression), sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_bipolar, bipolar_sibling1
Query bipd_sib2 String 10 Recommended Bipolar disorder (Manic/depression), sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_bipolar, bipolar_sibling2
Query bipd_sib3 String 10 Recommended Bipolar disorder (Manic/depression), sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_bipolar, bipolar_sibling3
Query bipd_sib4 String 10 Recommended Bipolar disorder (Manic/depression), sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_bipolar, bipolar_sibling4
Query bipd_sib5 String 10 Recommended Bipolar disorder (Manic/depression), sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_bipolar, bipolar_sibling5
Query mother_depression String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Depression?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_depress, depression_biologicalmother
Query father_depression String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Depression?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_depress, depression_biologicalfather
Query depr_sib1 String 10 Recommended Depression, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_depress, depression_sibling1
Query depr_sib2 String 10 Recommended Depression, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_depress, depression_sibling2
Query depr_sib3 String 10 Recommended Depression, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_depress, depression_sibling3
Query depr_sib4 String 10 Recommended Depression, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_depress, depression_sibling4
Query depr_sib5 String 10 Recommended Depression, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_depress, depression_sibling5
Query mother_anxiety String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have an Anxiety Disorder?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_anxiety, anxietydisorder_biologicalmother
Query father_anxiety String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have an Anxiety Disorder?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_anxiety, anxietydisorder_biologicalfather
Query anx_sib1 String 10 Recommended Anxiety disorder, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_anxiety, anxietydisorder_sibling1
Query anx_sib2 String 10 Recommended Anxiety disorder, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_anxiety, anxietydisorder_sibling2
Query anx_sib3 String 10 Recommended Anxiety disorder, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_anxiety, anxietydisorder_sibling3
Query anx_sib4 String 10 Recommended Anxiety disorder, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_anxiety, anxietydisorder_sibling4
Query anx_sib5 String 10 Recommended Anxiety disorder, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_anxiety, anxietydisorder_sibling5
Query mother_ocd String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biomom_ocd, ocd_biologicalmother
Query father_ocd String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biodad_ocd, ocd_biologicalfather
Query ocd_sib1 String 10 Recommended Obsessive compulsive disorder, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_ocd, ocd_sibling1
Query ocd_sib2 String 10 Recommended Obsessive compulsive disorder, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_ocd, ocd_sibling2
Query ocd_sib3 String 10 Recommended Obsessive compulsive disorder, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_ocd, ocd_sibling3
Query ocd_sib4 String 10 Recommended Obsessive compulsive disorder, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_ocd, ocd_sibling4
Query ocd_sib5 String 10 Recommended Obsessive compulsive disorder, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_ocd, ocd_sibling5
Query mother_schizophrenia String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Schizophrenia?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_schizo, schizophrenia_biologicalmother
Query father_schizophrenia String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Schizophrenia?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_schizo, schizophrenia_biologicalfather
Query schiz_sib1 String 10 Recommended Schizophrenia, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_schizo, schizophrenia_sibling1
Query schiz_sib2 String 10 Recommended Schizophrenia, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_schizo, schizophrenia_sibling2
Query schiz_sib3 String 10 Recommended Schizophrenia, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_schizo, schizophrenia_sibling3
Query schiz_sib4 String 10 Recommended Schizophrenia, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_schizo, schizophrenia_sibling4
Query schiz_sib5 String 10 Recommended Schizophrenia, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_schizo, schizophrenia_sibling5
Query mother_selfinj String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Self-Injuring Behavior?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biomom_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_biologicalmother
Query father_selfinj String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Self-Injuring Behavior?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biodad_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_biologicalfather
Query sinjb_sib1 String 10 Recommended Self-injuring behavior, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_sibling1
Query sinjb_sib2 String 10 Recommended Self-injuring behavior, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_sibling2
Query sinjb_sib3 String 10 Recommended Self-injuring behavior, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_sibling3
Query sinjb_sib4 String 10 Recommended Self-injuring behavior, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_sibling4
Query sinjb_sib5 String 10 Recommended Self-injuring behavior, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_selfinj, self_injuringbehavior_sibling5
Query mother_adhd String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_adhd, adhd_biologicalmother
Query father_adhd String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_adhd, adhd_biologicalfather
Query adhd_sib1 String 10 Recommended Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_adhd, adhd_sibling1
Query adhd_sib2 String 10 Recommended Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_adhd, adhd_sibling2
Query adhd_sib3 String 10 Recommended Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_adhd, adhd_sibling3
Query adhd_sib4 String 10 Recommended Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_adhd, adhd_sibling4
Query adhd_sib5 String 10 Recommended Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_adhd, adhd_sibling5
Query mother_eatingdis String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Mother have an Eating Disorder?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biomom_eatdis, eatingdis_biologicalmother
Query father_eatingdis String 50 Recommended Does (did) the Child's Father have an Eating Disorder?
Yes; No; -999
ace_biodad_eatdis, eatingdis_biologicalfather
Query eatd_sib1 String 10 Recommended Eating disorder: Bulimia, Anorexia, or other., sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_eatdis, eatingdis_sibling1
Query eatd_sib2 String 10 Recommended Eating disorder: Bulimia, Anorexia, or other., sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_eatdis, eatingdis_sibling2
Query eatd_sib3 String 10 Recommended Eating disorder: Bulimia, Anorexia, or other., sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_eatdis, eatingdis_sibling3
Query eatd_sib4 String 10 Recommended Eating disorder: Bulimia, Anorexia, or other., sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_eatdis, eatingdis_sibling4
Query eatd_sib5 String 10 Recommended Eating disorder: Bulimia, Anorexia, or other., sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_eatdis, eatingdis_sibling5
Query dsp_moth String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_sleep, disruptedsleep_biologicalmother
Query dsp_fath String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_sleep, disruptedsleep_biologicalfather
Query dsp_sib1 String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_sleep, disruptedsleep_sibling1
Query dsp_sib2 String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_sleep, disruptedsleep_sibling2
Query dsp_sib3 String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_sleep, disruptedsleep_sibling3
Query dsp_sib4 String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_sleep, disruptedsleep_sibling4
Query dsp_sib5 String 10 Recommended Disrupted sleep patterns, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_sleep, disruptedsleep_sibling5
Query tours_moth String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, mother
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biomom_tourette, tourette_biologicalmother
Query tours_fath String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, father
Yes; No; 77; 99; -999
77=N/A; 99= DK; -999 =missing ace_biodad_tourette, tourette_biologicalfather
Query tours_sib1 String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, sibling 1
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib1_tourette, tourette_sibling1
Query tours_sib2 String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, sibling 2
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib2_tourette, tourette_sibling2
Query tours_sib3 String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, sibling 3
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib3_tourette, tourette_sibling3
Query tours_sib4 String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, sibling 4
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib4_tourette, tourette_sibling4
Query tours_sib5 String 10 Recommended Tourette Syndrome, sibling 5
Yes; No; -999
ace_sib5_tourette, tourette_sibling5
ques_therapygradebm String 50 Recommended What grade -Biological Mother lastgrade_mother
ques_therapygradebf String 50 Recommended What grade -Biological Father lastgrade_father
custom_src_id String 30 Recommended Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project (used for source IDs that change depending on timepoint/visit/etc.)
Data Structure

This page displays the data structure defined for the measure identified in the title and structure short name. The table below displays a list of data elements in this structure (also called variables) and the following information:

  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

At the top of this page you can also:

  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
  • Download a copy of this definition in CSV format
  • Download a blank CSV submission template prepopulated with the correct structure header rows ready to fill with subject records and upload

Please email the The NDA Help Desk with any questions.