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ACE Subject Physical Exam

2,059 Shared Subjects

ACE Subject Physical Exam Form
Clinical Assessments
Phys Exam
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ACE Subject Physical Exam Form.pdf PDF file icon
Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR* GUID
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data comments
Query height_met String 50 Recommended Height - Metric Unit 999 = Missing; -999 = No Data height_cm
Query weight_met Float Recommended Weight - Metric Unit 999 = Missing; -999 = No Data weight_kg
Query head_circum Float Recommended Head Circumference (in cm) -1 = Not known; -999 = No Data head_circumference_cm
Query head_faciala String 50 Recommended Facial Asymmetry
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_head_faciala, is_there_any_facial_asymmetry
Query facial_dysmorp String 10 Recommended Are there dysmorphic facial features (e.g. eyes too closely or widely spaced, ears lowset)?
NK = Not known there_dysmorphic_facial_featur
Query child_visionimp String 50 Recommended Does the Child have a vision impairment?
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known vision_abnormal
Query eye_correct Integer Recommended If yes, is there any correction/what kind? 1::3 1=Glasses or Corrective lens; 2=Surgery; 3=Both vision_correction
Query child_hearingimp String 50 Recommended Does the Child have a hearing impairment?
Yes;No; NK
NK = Not known hearing_abnormal
Query hear_corr_type Integer Recommended If yes, is there any correction/what kind 1;2 1 = Hearing aids; 2 = Cochlear implants hearing_correction
Query eye_mov String 10 Recommended Are the eye movements full and symmetric?
Query eyes_strabismus String 50 Recommended Strabismus Yes; No; NK (not known/not examined) there_strabismus
Query eyes_nystagmus String 50 Recommended Nystagmus
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_eyes_nystagmus, there_nystagmus
Query eyes_ptosis String 50 Recommended Ptosis
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_eyes_ptosis, there_ptosis
Query medprob_ear String 50 Recommended Ears: Is there any known abnormality in this area?
NK = Not known do_ears_appear_abnormal
Query ear_ab_type String 100 Recommended If yes, how do they appear? Cupped; Prominent; Lowset; Tags
Query jaw_ab String 10 Recommended Does the jaw appear abnormal?
NK = Not known does_jaw_appear_abnormal
Query rev_mouthcleftlip String 50 Recommended Is there a cleft lip and/or cleft palate?
NK = Not known there_cleft_lip_or_cleft_palat
Query neck_webbed String 50 Recommended Is the neck short and/or webbed?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_neck_webbed, neck_short_or_webbed
Query neck_pect String 10 Recommended Is there a pectus deformity (breastbone scooped in or prominent)?
NK = Not known there_pectus_deformity_breastb
Query neck_scoliosis String 50 Recommended Is there scoliosis (curvature of the spine)?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_neck_scoliosis, there_scoliosis_curvature_of_s
Query cardio_murmur String 50 Recommended Is there a heart murmur or abnormal heart examination?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_cardio_murmur, there_heart_murmur_or_abnormal
Query abdomen_hepatom String 50 Recommended Is there evidence of hepato(spleno)megaly (large liver or spleen)?
NK = Not known is_there_evidence_of_hepato_sp
Query genit_exam String 10 Recommended Is the genital exam abnormal?
NK = Not known is_the_genital_exam_abnormal
Query genit_exam_spec Integer Recommended If yes, what findings? 1::6 1 = Hypospadias; 2 = Cryptorchidism; 3 = Enlarged testicles; 4 = Micropenis; 5 = Hypoplastic labia; 6=other
Query limb_abnor String 10 Recommended Are there any digital abnormalities (extra or missing fingers or toes)?
NK = Not known there_any_digital_abnormalitie
Query limb_abnor_det Integer Recommended If yes, what findings? 1::5 1 = Extra fingers; 2 = Missing fingers; 3= Extra toes; 4 = Missing toes; 5 = Fused digits
Query limb_joint_loos String 10 Recommended Are joints excessively loose?
NK = Not known joints_excessively_loose
Query limb_jointlimitations String 50 Recommended Are there joint contractures?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_limb_jointlimitations, there_joint_contractures
Query skin_hypopigmen String 50 Recommended Are there areas of hypopigmentation (ash-leaf spots)?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_skin_hypopigmen, there_areas_of_hypopigmentatio
Query skin_hyperpig String 50 Recommended Are there areas of hyperpigmentation (cafe-au-lait spots)?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_skin_hyperpig, there_areas_of_hyperpigmentati
Query skin_freck String 10 Recommended Are there freckles under the arms and/or groin area?
NK = Not known there_freckles_under_arms_or_g
Query skin_neurofib String 50 Recommended Are there neurofibromas (bumps under the skin, sometimes with a bluish tinge)?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_skin_neurofib, there_neurofibromas
Query skin_abnorm String 10 Recommended Any other skin abnormalities?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_skin_comments, any_other_skin_abnormalities
Query hypotonia Integer Recommended Does (did) the Child have Hypotonia (low muscle tone)?
0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Not known there_any_evidence_of_hypotoni
Query hypertonia Integer Recommended Does (did) the Child have Hypertonia (tight muscle tone)?
0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Not known there_any_evidence_of_hyperton
Query muscle_streng String 10 Recommended Is muscle strength abnormal?
NK = Not known muscle_strength_abnormal
Query muscle_streng_det Integer Recommended If yes, what findings 1::3 1 = Generalized weakness; 2 = Focal weakness; 3 = Both muscle_strength_findings
Query gait_atax String 10 Recommended Is there evidence of poor coordination or gait ataxia (difficulty walking straight)?
NK = Not known there_evidence_of_poor_coordin
Query neuro_involunmove String 50 Recommended Are there any involuntary movements?
NK = Not known Charge_physicalexam_neuro_involunmove, there_any_involuntary_movement
Query cran_nerv String 10 Required Are the cranial nerves normal (do face, tongue and palate move normally)?
NK = Not known cranial_nerves_normal
Query sens_exam String 10 Recommended Is sensory exam normal?
NK = Not known sensory_exam_normal
Query neuro_dtrbicright Integer Recommended DTR Biceps - Right 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_biceps_r
Query neuro_dtrbicleft Integer Recommended DTR Biceps - Left 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_biceps_l
Query neuro_dtrtricright Integer Recommended DTR Triceps - Right 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_triceps_r
Query neuro_dtrtricleft Integer Recommended DTR Triceps - Left 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_triceps_l
Query neuro_dtrpatright Integer Recommended DTR Patella - Right 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_patella_r
Query neuro_dtrpatleft Integer Recommended DTR Patella - Left 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_patella_l
Query neuro_dtrankleright Integer Recommended DTR Ankle - Right 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_ankles_r
Query neuro_dtrankleleft Integer Recommended DTR Ankle - Left 0;1;2;3;4 0 = Reflex absent; 1 = Reflex small, less than normal; includes a trace response, or a response brought out only by reinforcement; 2 = Reflex in lower half of normal range; 3 = Reflex in upper half of normal range; 4 = Reflex enhanced, more than normal; includes clonus if present, which optionally can be noted in an added verbal description of the reflex dtr_ankles_l
Query neuro_dtrstrru Integer Recommended Strength RU 1::5 1=Abnormally Low; 5=Full Strength strength_ru
Query neuro_dtrstrlu Integer Recommended Strength LU 1::5 1=Abnormally Low; 5=Full Strength strength_lu
Query neuro_dtrstrrl Integer Recommended Strength RL 1::5 1=Abnormally Low; 5=Full Strength strength_rl
Query neuro_dtrstrll Integer Recommended Strength LL 1::5 1=Abnormally Low; 5=Full Strength strength_ll
neuro_extraocmove String 50 Recommended Extraocular Movements
NE = Not examined extramov
neuro_extraocmovedesc String 255 Recommended Extraocular Movements - Describe extramov_descr
neuro_smile String 50 Recommended Symmetry of Smile
NE = Not examined symmsmile
neuro_smiledescribe String 255 Recommended Symmetry of Smile - Describe symmsmile_descr
neuro_gait String 50 Recommended Gait
NE = Not examined gait
neuro_gaitdescribe String 255 Recommended Gait - Describe gait_descr
custom_src_id String 30 Recommended Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project (used for source IDs that change depending on timepoint/visit/etc.)
Data Structure

This page displays the data structure defined for the measure identified in the title and structure short name. The table below displays a list of data elements in this structure (also called variables) and the following information:

  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

At the top of this page you can also:

  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
  • Download a copy of this definition in CSV format
  • Download a blank CSV submission template prepopulated with the correct structure header rows ready to fill with subject records and upload

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