39011552 | Create Study | Familial Recurrence of Autism: Updates From the Baby Siblings Research Consortium. | Pediatrics | Ozonoff, Sally; Young, Gregory S; Bradshaw, Jessica; Charman, Tony; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Iverson, Jana M; Klaiman, Cheryl; Landa, Rebecca J; McDonald, Nicole; Messinger, Daniel; Schmidt, Rebecca J; Wilkinson, Carol L; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie | August 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
38889222 | Create Study | Social Communication Delay in an Unbiased Sample of Preschoolers With the FMR1 Premutation. | Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR | Klusek, Jessica; Will, Elizabeth; Christensen, Thomas; Caravella, Kelly; Hogan, Abigail; Sun, Jennifer; Smith, Jenna; Fairchild, Amanda J; Roberts, Jane E | July 9, 2024 | Not Determined |
38456297 | Create Study | Developmental associations between motor and communication outcomes in Fragile X syndrome: Variation in the context of co-occurring autism. | Autism : the international journal of research and practice | Will, Elizabeth A; Hills, Kimberly J; Smith, Kayla; McQuillin, Samuel; Roberts, Jane E | September 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
38246961 | Create Study | Similar Gap-Overlap Profiles in Children with Fragile X Syndrome and IQ-Matched Autism. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Wall, Carla A; Shic, Frederick; Will, Elizabeth A; Wang, Quan; Roberts, Jane E | January 21, 2024 | Not Determined |
37961141 | Create Study | The Effect of Anxiety and Autism Symptom Severity on Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors Over Time in Children with Fragile X Syndrome. | Research square | Moskowitz, Lauren; Will, Elizabeth; Black, Conner; Roberts, Jane | November 2, 2023 | Not Determined |
37039980 | Create Study | Brief Report: Prevalence and Predictors of DSM-Specific and Distinct Anxiety in Cognitively Impaired Autistic Preschool Children. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Klein, Jordan; Kerns, Connor; Hills, Kimberly; Hogan, Abigail; Matherly, Sara; Roberts, Jane | April 11, 2023 | Not Determined |
37020738 | Create Study | Negative affect and respiratory sinus arrhythmia are differentially related to social anxiety and autism features in autistic preschoolers contrasted to fragile X syndrome. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Wall, Carla A; Roberts, Jane E | January 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36408848 | Create Study | Distinct social attention profiles in preschoolers with autism contrasted to fragile X syndrome. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Wall, Carla A; Shic, Frederick; Varanasi, Sreeja; Roberts, Jane E | February 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36082630 | Create Study | ADHD and ASD symptoms in young males with fragile X syndrome: associations with early trajectories of inhibitory control. | Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence | Hunt, Erin; Hogan, Abigail; Will, Elizabeth A; Roberts, Jane E | July 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
35046845 | Create Study | Cardiac Startle Response and Clinical Outcomes in Preschool Children With Fragile X Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Ezell, Jordan; Hogan, Abigail; Will, Elizabeth A; Smith, Kayla; Roberts, Jane | January 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
34700347 | Create Study | Motor Influences on Communication: Comparisons Between Down Syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome. | American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities | Will, Elizabeth A; Roberts, Jane E | November 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
34690833 | Create Study | Trajectories of Heart Activity Across Infancy to Early Childhood Differentially Predict Autism and Anxiety Symptoms in Fragile X Syndrome. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Hogan, Abigail; Hunt, Erin; Smith, Kayla; Black, Conner; Bangert, Katherine; Klusek, Jessica; Roberts, Jane | January 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
34674246 | Create Study | A single-session behavioral protocol for successful event-related potential recording in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. | Developmental psychobiology | Guy, Maggie W; Black, Conner J; Hogan, Abigail L; Coyle, Ramsey E; Richards, John E; Roberts, Jane E | November 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33911031 | Create Study | Emergence of Developmental Delay in Infants and Toddlers With an FMR1 Mutation. | Pediatrics | Wheeler, Anne C; Gwaltney, Angela; Raspa, Melissa; Okoniewski, Katherine C; Berry-Kravis, Elizabeth; Botteron, Kelly N; Budimirovic, Dejan; Hazlett, Heather Cody; Hessl, David; Losh, Molly; Martin, Gary E; Rivera, Susan M; Roberts, Jane E; Bailey Jr, Donald B | May 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33813684 | Create Study | Maternal Pragmatic Language Difficulties in the FMR1 Premutation and the Broad Autism Phenotype: Associations with Individual and Family Outcomes. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Klusek, Jessica; Thurman, Angela John; Abbeduto, Leonard | February 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
33743580 | Create Study | Early behavioral and physiological markers of social anxiety in infants with fragile X syndrome. | Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders | Black, Conner J; Hogan, Abigail L; Smith, Kayla D; Roberts, Jane E | March 20, 2021 | Not Determined |
33651888 | Create Study | Attention Bias and Prodromal Anxiety Symptoms in Toddlers With Fragile X Syndrome and Down Syndrome. | American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities | Smith, Kayla; Hogan, Abigail L; Will, Elizabeth; Roberts, Jane E | March 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33161907 | Create Study | Emergence and rate of autism in fragile X syndrome across the first years of life. | Development and psychopathology | Roberts, Jane E; Bradshaw, Jessica; Will, Elizabeth; Hogan, Abigail L; McQuillin, Samuel; Hills, Kimberly | October 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32221748 | Create Study | Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Males and Females with Fragile X Syndrome: Developmental Trajectories in Toddlers Through Young Adults. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Moskowitz, Lauren J; Will, Elizabeth A; Black, Conner J; Roberts, Jane E | November 2020 | Not Determined |
32020687 | Create Study | Anxiety and threat-related attentional biases in adolescents with fragile X syndrome. | Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR | Kelleher, B L; Hogan, A L; Ezell, J; Caravella, K; Schmidt, J; Wang, Q; Roberts, J E | April 2020 | Not Determined |
31586494 | Create Study | Developmental divergence: motor trajectories in children with fragile X syndrome with and without co-occurring autism. | Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders | Will, Elizabeth A; Bishop, Somer L; Roberts, Jane E | October 2019 | Not Determined |
31519170 | Create Study | Early negative affect in males and females with fragile X syndrome: implications for anxiety and autism. | Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders | Wall CA, Hogan AL, Will EA, Mcquillin S, Kelleher BL, Roberts JE | September 2019 | Not Determined |
31418535 | Create Study | A novel eye-tracking paradigm for indexing social avoidance-related behavior in fragile X syndrome. | American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics | Klusek, Jessica; Moser, Carly; Schmidt, Joseph; Abbeduto, Leonard; Roberts, Jane E | January 2020 | Not Determined |
31165359 | Create Study | Social Avoidance Emerges in Infancy and Persists into Adulthood in Fragile X Syndrome. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Roberts J, Crawford H, Hogan AL, Fairchild A, Tonnsen B, Brewe A, O'Connor S, Roberts DA, Abbeduto L | September 2019 | Not Determined |
31133885 | Create Study | Infant Social Avoidance Predicts Autism but Not Anxiety in Fragile X Syndrome. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Roberts, Jane E; Crawford, Hayley; Will, Elizabeth A; Hogan, Abigail L; McQuillin, Samuel; Tonnsen, Bridgette L; O'Connor, Shannon; Roberts, Douglas A; Brewe, Alexis M | January 2019 | Not Determined |
30430320 | Create Study | Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety Disorders in Adolescent and Adult Males with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Ezell J, Hogan A, Fairchild A, Hills K, Klusek J, Abbeduto L, Roberts J | March 2019 | Not Determined |
30396281 | Create Study | Infant Temperament in the FMR1 Premutation and Fragile X Syndrome. | Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53 | Tonnsen, Bridgette L; Wheeler, Anne C; Hamrick, Lisa R; Roberts, Jane E | May 1, 2019 | Not Determined |
30382442 | Create Study | ASD Comorbidity in Fragile X Syndrome: Symptom Profile and Predictors of Symptom Severity in Adolescent and Young Adult Males. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Abbeduto L, Thurman AJ, Mcduffie A, Klusek J, Feigles RT, Ted Brown W, Harvey DJ, Adayev T, Lafauci G, Dobkins C, Roberts JE | March 2019 | Not Determined |
30307687 | Create Study | Biobehavioral composite of social aspects of anxiety in young adults with fragile X syndrome contrasted to autism spectrum disorder. | American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics | Roberts, Jane E; Ezell, Jordan E; Fairchild, Amanda J; Klusek, Jessica; Thurman, Angela J; McDuffie, Andrea; Abbeduto, Leonard | October 2018 | Not Determined |
29399949 | Create Study | Adaptive behavior in infants and toddlers with Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. | American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics | Will, Elizabeth A; Caravella, Kelly E; Hahn, Laura J; Fidler, Deborah J; Roberts, Jane E | April 2018 | Not Determined |
28895261 | Create Study | The effects of optimism, religion, and hope on mood and anxiety disorders in women with the FMR1 premutation. | Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR | Lowell, E P; Tonnsen, B L; Bailey, D B; Roberts, J E | October 2017 | Not Determined |
28856552 | Create Study | Behavioral Markers of Emergent Stranger Anxiety in Infants and Toddlers with Fragile X Syndrome. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Tonnsen, Bridgette; Scherr, Jessica; Reisinger, Debra; Roberts, Jane | November 2017 | Relevant |
28281129 | Create Study | Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms in Infants with Fragile X Syndrome: A Prospective Case Series. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Hogan, Abigail L; Caravella, Kelly E; Ezell, Jordan; Rague, Lisa; Hills, Kimberly; Roberts, Jane E | June 2017 | Not Determined |
28210826 | Create Study | Stranger Fear and Early Risk for Social Anxiety in Preschoolers with Fragile X Syndrome Contrasted to Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Scherr, Jessica F; Hogan, Abigail L; Hatton, Deborah; Roberts, Jane E | December 1, 2017 | Not Determined |