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View Cohort

        NDA Help Center

        NDA Study - View Cohort

        The View Cohort shows the Study cohort characteristics which will includes the name, type, sex and age in months range criteria. Note that age and sex restrict the data that can be added to the cohort. Medical criteria and phenotype are also included. Of particular importance on this page are any comments related to included subjects, which may be different than published results, often attributed to data sharing consent.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        • How do I know the characteristics of the cohort?
          The appropriate Medical Criteria, Phenotype, and Sub Type defined by the Study Owner are highlighted. The option trees are automatically expanded so the highlighted options are immediately viewable.


        • Age Range
          Age is expressed in months from 0 (birth) to 1200 (100 years old).
        • Medical Criteria
          NDA defines Medical Criteria as a diagnostically based determination of an individual's disease or condition.
        • Phenotype
          NDA defines Phenotype as any physical, morphologic, or biochemical characteristics that are observable in an individual.
        • Sub Types
          NDA defines Sub Type as a subordinate condition or disease that further characterizes an individual.
        • Cohort Name
          A user defined name for the cohort with a 200 character limit.
        • Cohort Type
          Cohort Type options include Baseline, Control, and Test.
        • Cohort Comments
          Comments further characterize the cohort beyond the options provided in the interface to define the cohort.
        • Cohort Subjects
          The Cohort Subjects provides the number of unique subjects for whom data have been associated with the cohort.
        • Cohort
          Summarizes the characteristics of a group of research subjects. The subject count is noted in parentheses.
        Add URL
        Add File
        Select File
        Study DOI
        Study DOI Status Info
        • DOI: 10.15154/0z1c-1d37
        • DataCite Status: Findable
        • NDAR Status: Registered
        • DOI Registered with DataCite
        • Public URL Resolves at DOI
        Edit Subjects Dialog
        Select Subjects
        No records found.
        Michael Lombardo ml5893@gmail.com Analysis Shared
        Click for more info Michael Lombardo; Mandelli V; Landi I; Busuoli EM; Courchesne E; Pierce K; Lombardo MV
        A major goal of precision medicine is to predict prognosis based on individualized information at the earliest possible points in development. Using early snapshots of adaptive functioning and unsupervised data- driven discovery methods, we uncover highly stable early autism subtypes that yield information relevant to later prognosis. Data from the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive (NDA) (n = 1,098) was used to uncover three early subtypes (<72 months) that generalize with 96% accuracy. Outcome data from NDA (n = 2,561; mean age, 13 years) also reproducibly clusters into three subtypes with 99% generalization accuracy. Early snapshot subtypes predict developmental trajectories in non-verbal cognitive, language and motor domains and are predictive of membership in different adaptive functioning outcome subtypes. Robust and prognosis- relevant subtyping of autism based on early snapshots of adaptive functioning may aid future research work via prediction of these subtypes with our reproducible stratification model.
        Click for more info Secondary Analysis
        Click for more info
        IDCollectionPermission GroupSubjects
        2288 The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials NIMH Data Archive265
        2035 Autism Genetics, Phase II: Increasing Representation of Human Diversity NIMH Data Archive214
        2004 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3: Sequencing Autism Spectrum Disorder Extended Pedigrees NIMH Data Archive202
        1 UIC ACE: Translational Studies of Insistence on Sameness in Autism NIMH Data Archive178
        6 Biological and Information Processing Mechanisms Underlying Autism NIMH Data Archive176
        14 Early Pharmacotherapy Guided by Biomarkers in Autism NIMH Data Archive158
        1600 Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation (EARLI) Network NIMH Data Archive148
        2021 Multimodal Developmental Neurogenetics of Females with ASD NIMH Data Archive132
        2020 Adaptive Interventions for Minimally Verbal Children with ASD in the Community NIMH Data Archive131
        2064 The CCS: A Treatment Outcome Measure for Individuals with Severe ID NIMH Data Archive127
        2025 Minimally Verbal ASD: From Basic Mechanisms to Innovative Interventions NIMH Data Archive123
        2251 Developmental Synaptopathies Associated with TSC, PTEN and SHANK3 Mutations NIMH Data Archive121
        2666 Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive109
        2368 Clinical and Immunological Investigations of Subtypes of Autism NIMH Data Archive106
        2976 Autism Genetics Phase II: Increasing representation of human diversity NIMH Data Archive102
        2253 Neurophenotypic Trajectories and Behavioral Outcomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive84
        2262 Comparing Behavioral Assessments Using Telehealth for Children with Autism NIMH Data Archive83
        2030 Electrophysiological Response to Executive Control Training in Autism NIMH Data Archive81
        2179 Neural markers of shared gaze during simulated social interactions in ASD \-Modal Automated Assessment of Behavior during Social Interactions in Children with ASD NIMH Data Archive77
        2400 Atypical Late Neurodevelopment in Autism: A Longitudinal Clinical Phenotype and Multimodal Brain Imaging Study NIMH Data Archive76
        2026 Biomarkers of Developmental Trajectories and Treatment in ASD NIMH Data Archive70
        3121 Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth with Autism through Parent Advocacy Training: A Multi-State Randomized Controlled Trial NIMH Data Archive65
        1906 Atypical Late Neurodevelopment in Autism NIMH Data Archive64
        2108 Neural Phenotypes of Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive49
        1985 Evaluating the Time-Dependent Unfolding of Social Interactions in Children with Autism NIMH Data Archive48
        2072 Intrinsic Brain Architecture of Young Children with Autism While Awake and Asleep NIMH Data Archive44
        2557 Environmental Influence on Infant Microbiome Development and ASD Symptoms NIMH Data Archive44
        2120 Adapting a Parent Advocacy Program to Improve Transition for Youth With Autism NIMH Data Archive42
        2761 Charting the trajectory of executive control in autism in order to optimize delivery of intervention NIMH Data Archive40
        2292 Molecular Mechanisms of Atypical Habituation in Autism Spectrum Disorders NIMH Data Archive37
        2900 Functional Connectivity in Developmental Delay: Shared Etiology and Differential Outcomes NIMH Data Archive37
        1900 Neurobehavioral Research on Infants at Risk for SLI and Autism NIMH Data Archive29
        2828 Sensory consequences of action in children with autism spectrum disorders NIMH Data Archive28
        2845 Attentional, temperamental, and physiological process underlying anxiety in preschoolers with ASD NIMH Data Archive28
        3183 Pilot RCT of a Daily Living Skills Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Last 2 Years of High School NIMH Data Archive28
        3471 Surviving and Thriving in the Real World: A Daily Living Skills Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive27
        2009 Study of Oxytocin in Autism to Improve Reciprocal Social Behaviors (SOARS-B) NIMH Data Archive26
        2281 Predictors of Cognitive Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive26
        1358 Biological Signatures of Autism NIMH Data Archive25
        1904 Functional Neuroimaging of Attention in Autism NIMH Data Archive24
        2293 Components of Emotional Processing in Toddlers with ASD NIMH Data Archive23
        1946 Autism Risk, Prenatal Environmental Exposures, and Pathophysiologic Markers NIMH Data Archive22
        2066 The CHARGE Study: Childhood Autism Risks From Genetics and the Environment NIMH Data Archive22
        3088 Brainstem Contributions to Sensorimotor and Core Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive21
        2460 Emergence, Stability and Predictors of Anxiety in Fragile X Syndrome NIMH Data Archive19
        2510 Kansas Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center NIMH Data Archive19
        2116 Improving Transition Outcomes in ASD using COMPASS NIMH Data Archive18
        3119 Predicting Autism and Social Functioning from Computer Vision Analyses of Motor Synchrony During Dyadic Interactions NIMH Data Archive17
        10 UCLA Sigman/Bookheimer ACE and ARRA NIMH Data Archive16
        2036 Intervention effects of intensity and delivery style for toddlers with ASD NIMH Data Archive15
        1952 School-Age Children with Autism with Limited Expressive Language Intervention NIMH Data Archive13
        2181 Sex Differences in the Neural Mechanisms of Treatment Response NIMH Data Archive13
        2778 Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Biological Mechanisms, Trajectories, and Treatment Response NIMH Data Archive11
        2777 Center for the Development of Phenotype-Based Treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive11
        2442 Emergence and Stability of Autism in Fragile X Syndrome NIMH Data Archive11
        16 Intensive Intervention for Toddlers With Autism (EARLY STEPS) NIMH Data Archive10
        1880 Computer Adaptive Testing of Adaptive Behavior of Children and Youth with Autism NIMH Data Archive9
        2192 Piloting Treatment with Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome NIMH Data Archive9
        2077 Gaze Modification Strategies for Toddlers with ASD NIMH Data Archive9
        2599 A Multimedia Screening System for Early ASD Identification in Diverse Populations NIMH Data Archive8
        1856 Early Language Development within the Autism Spectrum NIMH Data Archive7
        2776 Co-occurring ADHD in young children with ASD: Precursors, detection, neural signatures, and early treatment NIMH Data Archive7
        1865 Development of a Brief Screener for Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders NIMH Data Archive7
        1866 1/2 Development of a Screening Interview for Research Studies of ASD NIMH Data Archive7
        2559 Neural Mechanisms of CBT for Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive6
        3022 Electrophysiological Markers for Interventions in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome and Idiopathic Autism NIMH Data Archive5
        2424 Neurobiology of Autism With Macrocephaly NIMH Data Archive5
        2043 Autism Spectrum Disorder - Inflammatory Subtype: Molecular Characterization NIMH Data Archive3
        8 Yale Autism Center of Excellence: Mechanisms of Social Engagement in the Autism Spectrum Disorders NIMH Data Archive3
        1654 UW ACE Extended Family Study NIMH Data Archive3
        1501 Neural and Behavioral Outcomes of Social Skills Groups in Children with ASD NIMH Data Archive3
        15 Measuring QALYs in Children with ASDs NIMH Data Archive2
        1886 PDN Screening Data NIMH Data Archive2
        2821 Cellular, molecular, and functional imaging approaches to understanding early neurodevelopment in autism NIMH Data Archive2
        2338 Multimodal Imaging of Early Neural Signature in Autism Spectrum Disorder NIMH Data Archive2
        2070 Eyeblink conditioning in school-aged children with ASD NIMH Data Archive2
        19 Longitudinal MRI Study of Infants at Risk for Autism NIMH Data Archive1
        2114 Early identification and service linkage for urban children with autism NIMH Data Archive1
        2115 Detection of ASD at the 1st birthday as standard of care: The Get SET Early Model NIMH Data Archive1
        1551 Neural Dissection of Hyperactivity/Inattention in Autism NIMH Data Archive1
        2656 Developmental trajectory of anxiety, avoidance, and arousal in girls with the FMR1 full mutation NIMH Data Archive1
        1919 Next Generation Gene Discovery in Familial Autism NIMH Data Archive1
        2260 Effects of Social Gaze Training on Brain and Behavior in Fragile X Syndrome NIMH Data Archive1
        3850 Neural mechanisms of sensory reactivity and regulation in autism across development NIMH Data Archive1
        Age: 0 to 1,260 months
        Sex: Both

        NDA Help Center

        NDA Study - Summary Tab

        An NDA Study describes an analysis, pipeline result, or curated data release - including the cohorts, measures, and methods - referencing the underlying source data in the NDA. Once the data is referenced and the study is shared, the underlying data will not change. It will be immutable allowing others to access those data without change into near perpetuity. Only the assessments (i.e. typically rows in a database) and outcome measures (i.e. columns in a database) included in the study are shared. By sharing data this way (e.g. specific outcome measures by subject/timepoint) an ongoing project's other unpublished data - typically other research aims - will remain embargoed according to a project's established data sharing schedule (see collection).

        When a study is created, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is reserved by the NDA, but will not be active. Once the study is shared, the DOI will then be issued and if associated with a publication, the NDA DOI will be linked to the publication's DOI.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        • How can I get access to an NDA Study if I am involved in creating/modifying the NDA Study?
          The individual listed as an Investigator on the General tab of the NDA Collection and any individuals defined as administrators can be provided this privilege. When the study is shared, all of those that have approved access to the data are given read-only access.


        • Abstract
          The Abstract of the publication or other public disclosure of analysis results. The publication abstract is automatically imported when creating a new NDA Study from a Create Study link associated with a Publication listed in a Collection. The field is editable.
        • Documents
          Provides links to additional documentation to help explain the NDA Study.
        • Cohort
          Summarizes the characteristics of a group of research subjects. The subject count is noted in parentheses.
        • Data Analysis
          Summarizes the Data Analysis methods used.
        • Data Usage
          Identifies the NDA Study as a Primary Analysis or Secondary Analysis.
        • Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
          A persistent and unique identifier that is issued for each NDA Study that may increase the visibility of a researcher's work. Authors are expected to reference the location of data in the publication using the DOI.
        • Download Button
          Adds all data from the current Collection or NDA Study to the Filter Cart.
        • Investigators
          The authors of the publication or other public disclosure of analysis results. The publication's authors are automatically imported when creating a new NDA Study from a Create Study link associated with a Publication listed in a Collection. The field is editable and uses a last name, first name format with multiple names separated by semicolons.
        • Primary Analysis
          Primary Analysis is one of the Data Use types NDA recognizes for NDA Studies. It indicates that the NDA Study's creator was involved in the collection of the data (in whole or in part) used in the NDA Study. In other words, at least some and potentially all of the data used was originally collected by the creator of the NDA Study. A Primary Analysis Study.
        • NDA Study Owner
          The NDA user, who does not necessarily have to be one of the Investigators listed in the NDA Study, primarily involved in creating the NDA Study who is serving as the point of contact. The NDA user who creates the NDA Study is automatically assigned as the Study Owner.
        • Private
          The term 'Private' generally means not available to others; however, there are some slightly different meanings based on what is Private. The default state for an NDA Collection, NDA Study, Supporting Documentation, and data is Private and, therefore, accessible only to those users with appropriate Privileges so it will not be viewable and searchable publicly. A Collection may be Shared while the data and Supporting Documentation remain Private.
        • Results
          Provides a link to the publication or other public disclosure of analysis results defined in the NDA Study.
        • Secondary Analysis
          Secondary Analysis is one of the Data Use types NDA recognizes for NDA Studies. It indicates that the NDA Study's creator was not involved in the collection of the data (in whole or in part) used in the NDA Study, but was involved in the analysis of those data. In other words, none of the data used was originally collected by the creator of the NDA Study. A Secondary Analysis Study will provide an Attribution Report listing the Collections and the researchers responsible for collecting and depositing the original data.
        • Study Type
          The NDA Study Type can be either Analysis (i.e. often associated with a computational pipeline), Clinical Trial, Finding (i.e. a result associated with a publication, or Release (i.e. a dataset release, often annually) to indicate the type of work defined in the NDA Study. Studies, once shared do not change.
        • Analysis Study Type
          The Analysis Study Type is primarily used to share a pipeline; however, it could be used to share a statistical analysis or method.
        • Release Study Type
          A static, curated data set.
        • Finding Study Type
          The Finding Study Type associates data to a publication or some type of result.
        • Clinical Trial Study Type
          A Clinical Trial Study is a finding specific to a clinical trial.
        • Study ID Number
          The Study ID number is a unique three digit number routinely expressed as S### that is assigned by the NDA.
        • Study State
          The Study State indicates whether the Study is viewable, searchable, and if the associated data can be accessed by users with appropriate data access Permissions. The default Study State is Private, which means that only the Collection Owner and users with Read Only Privileges. Only the Study Owner can Share the Study.
        • Study Title
          The Study Title is generally the title of the publication or other public disclosure of analysis results. The publication title is automatically imported when creating a new NDA Study from a Create Study link associated with a Publication listed in a Collection. The field is editable.
        • Edit Button
          The Edit Button allows a user to modify or add information once authenticated and if the user has appropriate permissions.
        • Return Button (Study)
          The Return Button brings the user back to the Data from Papers page.
        • Sex
          Sex is defined at birth and can only be Male or Female. In some places in the NDA, we incorrectly used the data_element name of Gender. Users are encouraged to review definitions and not make assumptions based upon a data element name.
        • Data Use Limitations
          Data Use Limitations (DULs) describe the appropriate secondary use of a dataset and are based on the original informed consent of a research participant. NDA only accepts consent-based data use limitations defined by the NIH Office of Science Policy.
        • Permission Group
          Access to shared record-level data in NDA is provisioned at the level of a Permission Group. NDA Permission Groups consist of one or multiple NDA Collections that contain data with the same subject consents.