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Data packaging, downloading, and miNDAR databases are now fully available. Thank you for your patience as we improved the NDA platform. 

1 Numbers reported are subjects by age
New Trial
New Project

Format should be in the following format: Activity Code, Institute Abbreviation, and Serial Number. Grant Type, Support Year, and Suffix should be excluded. For example, grant 1R01MH123456-01A1 should be entered R01MH123456

Please select an experiment type below

Collection - Use Existing Experiment
To associate an experiment to the current collection, just select an axperiment from the table below then click the associate experiment button to persist your changes (saving the collection is not required). Note that once an experiment has been associated to two or more collections, the experiment will not longer be editable.

The table search feature is case insensitive and targets the experiment id, experiment name and experiment type columns. The experiment id is searched only when the search term entered is a number, and filtered using a startsWith comparison. When the search term is not numeric the experiment name is used to filter the results.
SelectExperiment IdExperiment NameExperiment Type
Created On
475MB1-10 (CHOP)Omics06/07/2016
490Illumina Infinium PsychArray BeadChip AssayOmics07/07/2016
501PharmacoBOLD Resting StatefMRI07/27/2016
509ABC-CT Resting v2EEG08/18/2016
13Comparison of FI expression in Autistic and Neurotypical Homo SapiensOmics12/28/2010
18AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics01/06/2011
22Stitching PCR SequencingOmics02/14/2011
29Microarray family 03 (father, mother, sibling)Omics03/24/2011
37Standard paired-end sequencing of BCRsOmics04/19/2011
38Illumina Mate-Pair BCR sequencingOmics04/19/2011
39Custom Jumping LibrariesOmics04/19/2011
40Custom CapBPOmics04/19/2011
43Autism brain sample genotyping, IlluminaOmics05/16/2011
47ARRA Autism Sequencing Collaboration at Baylor. SOLiD 4 SystemOmics08/01/2011
53AGRE Omni1-quadOmics10/11/2011
59AGP genotypingOmics04/03/2012
60Ultradeep 454 sequencing of synaptic genes from postmortem cerebella of individuals with ASD and neurotypical controlsOmics06/23/2012
63Microemulsion PCR and Targeted Resequencing for Variant Detection in ASDOmics07/20/2012
76Whole Genome Sequencing in Autism FamiliesOmics01/03/2013
90Genotyped IAN SamplesOmics07/09/2013
91NJLAGS Axiom Genotyping ArrayOmics07/16/2013
93AGP genotyping (CNV)Omics09/06/2013
106Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 2EEG11/07/2013
107Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 3EEG11/07/2013
108Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 200EEG11/07/2013
105Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 1EEG11/07/2013
109Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 400EEG11/07/2013
116Gene Expression Analysis WG-6Omics01/07/2014
131Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Charlie Brown and Sesame Street - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
132Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Animacy - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
133Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Mom Stranger - Project 2Eye Tracking02/27/2014
134Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Face Emotion - Project 3Eye Tracking02/27/2014
151Candidate Gene Identification in familial AutismOmics06/09/2014
152NJLAGS Whole Genome SequencingOmics07/01/2014
154Math Autism Study - Vinod MenonfMRI07/15/2014
160syllable contrastEEG07/29/2014
167School-age naturalistic stimuliEye Tracking09/19/2014
44AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics06/27/2011
45Exome Sequencing of 20 Sporadic Cases of Autism Spectrum DisorderOmics07/15/2011
Collection - Add Experiment
Add Supporting Documentation
Select File

To add an existing Data Structure, enter its title in the search bar. If you need to request changes, select the indicator "No, it requires changes to meet research needs" after selecting the Structure, and upload the file with the request changes specific to the selected Data Structure. Your file should follow the Request Changes Procedure. If the Data Structure does not exist, select "Request New Data Structure" and upload the appropriate zip file.

Request Submission Exemption
Characters Remaining:
Not Eligible

The Data Expected list for this Collection shows some raw data as missing. Contact the NDA Help Desk with any questions.

Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.

Collection Updated

Your Collection is now in Data Analysis phase and exempt from biannual submissions. Analyzed data is still expected prior to publication or no later than the project end date.

[CMS] Attention
[CMS] Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.
[CMS] Error


Unable to change collection phase where targeted enrollment is less than 90%

Delete Submission Exemption
Are you sure you want to delete this submission exemption?
You have requested to move the sharing dates for the following assessments:
Data Expected Item Original Sharing Date New Sharing Date

Please provide a reason for this change, which will be sent to the Program Officers listed within this collection:

Explanation must be between 20 and 200 characters in length.

Please press Save or Cancel
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Collection Summary Collection Charts
Collection Title Collection Investigators Collection Description
Studies to Advance Autism Research and Treatment (STAART).
Aylward, Elizabeth; Buxbaum, Joseph; Dawson, Geraldine; Hollander, Eric; Landa, Rebecca; Rodier, Patricia; Sigman, Marian; Tager-Flusberg, Helen  
The STAART Network is comprised of eight centers across the country. Most of these centers are evaluating and treating patients, as well as enrolling them into clinical trials.
NIMH Data Archive
NIMH Repository & Genomics Resource (NRGR)
Funding Completed
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NIH - Extramural None

CPEA_STAART_data_release_10182010.pdf Methods Overview of the CPEA/STAART Data Organization Qualified Researchers
CPEA_STAART_DATA_DICTIONARY.xlsx Other Data Definition of CPEA STAART Data Warehouse Qualified Researchers
assessment_to_Version_variable_mapping.xlsx Other Assessment to Version Variable Mapping Qualified Researchers

U54MH068172-01 Social & Language Deficits in Autism-Biology & Treament 05/13/2003 04/30/2008 2766 475 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES $1,851,019.00
U54MH066397-01 Genotype and Phenotype of Response to Treatments of Autism 05/13/2003 04/30/2008 379 389 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER $1,538,082.00
U54MH066399-01 UW Autism Research Center of Excellence 05/13/2003 04/30/2008 240 223 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON $5,001,997.00
U54MH066673-01 Greater New York Autism Research Center of Excellence 05/13/2003 04/30/2008 806 496 ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI $1,747,195.00


NDA Help Center

Collection - General Tab

Fields available for edit on the top portion of the page include:

  • Collection Title
  • Investigators
  • Collection Description
  • Collection Phase
  • Funding Source
  • Clinical Trials

Collection Phase: The current status of a research project submitting data to an NDA Collection, based on the timing of the award and/or the data that have been submitted.

  • Pre-Enrollment: The default entry made when the NDA Collection is created.
  • Enrolling: Data have been submitted to the NDA Collection or the NDA Data Expected initial submission date has been reached for at least one data structure category in the NDA Collection.
  • Data Analysis: Subject level data collection for the research project is completed and has been submitted to the NDA Collection. The NDA Collection owner or the NDA Help Desk may set this phase when they’ve confirmed data submission is complete and submitted subject counts match at least 90% of the target enrollment numbers in the NDA Data Expected. Data submission reminders will be turned off for the NDA Collection.
  • Funding Completed: The NIH grant award (or awards) associated with the NDA Collection has reached its end date. NDA Collections in Funding Completed phase are assigned a subphase to indicate the status of data submission.
    • The Data Expected Subphase indicates that NDA expects more data will be submitted
    • The Closeout Subphase indicates the data submission is complete.
    • The Sharing Not Met Subphase indicates that data submission was not completed as expected.

Blinded Clinical Trial Status:

  • This status is set by a Collection Owner and indicates the research project is a double blinded clinical trial. When selected, the public view of Data Expected will show the Data Expected items and the Submission Dates, but the targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts will not be displayed.
  • Targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts are visible only to NDA Administrators and to the NDA Collection or as the NDA Collection Owner.
  • When an NDA Collection that is flagged Blinded Clinical Trial reaches the maximum data sharing date for that Data Repository (see https://nda.nih.gov/nda/sharing-regimen.html), the embargo on Data Expected information is released.

Funding Source

The organization(s) responsible for providing the funding is listed here.

Supporting Documentation

Users with Submission privileges, as well as Collection Owners, Program Officers, and those with Administrator privileges, may upload and attach supporting documentation. By default, supporting documentation is shared to the general public, however, the option is also available to limit this information to qualified researchers only.

Grant Information

Identifiable details are displayed about the Project of which the Collection was derived from. You may click in the Project Number to view a full report of the Project captured by the NIH.

Clinical Trials

Any data that is collected to support or further the research of clinical studies will be available here. Collection Owners and those with Administrator privileges may add new clinical trials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) determine which Permission Group data are submitted into?
    During Collection creation, NDA staff determine the appropriate Permission Group based on the type of data to be submitted, the type of access that will be available to data access users, and the information provided by the Program Officer during grant award.
  • How do I know when a NDA Collection has been created?
    When a Collection is created by NDA staff, an email notification will automatically be sent to the PI(s) of the grant(s) associated with the Collection to notify them.
  • Is a single grant number ever associated with more than one Collection?
    The NDA system does not allow for a single grant to be associated with more than one Collection; therefore, a single grant will not be listed in the Grant Information section of a Collection for more than one Collection.
  • Why is there sometimes more than one grant included in a Collection?
    In general, each Collection is associated with only one grant; however, multiple grants may be associated if the grant has multiple competing segments for the same grant number or if multiple different grants are all working on the same project and it makes sense to hold the data in one Collection (e.g., Cooperative Agreements).


  • Administrator Privilege
    A privilege provided to a user associated with an NDA Collection or NDA Study whereby that user can perform a full range of actions including providing privileges to other users.
  • Collection Owner
    Generally, the Collection Owner is the contact PI listed on a grant. Only one NDA user is listed as the Collection owner. Most automated emails are primarily sent to the Collection Owner.
  • Collection Phase
    The Collection Phase provides information on data submission as opposed to grant/project completion so while the Collection phase and grant/project phase may be closely related they are often different. Collection users with Administrative Privileges are encouraged to edit the Collection Phase. The Program Officer as listed in eRA (for NIH funded grants) may also edit this field. Changes must be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. This field is sortable alphabetically in ascending or descending order. Collection Phase options include:
    • Pre-Enrollment: A grant/project has started, but has not yet enrolled subjects.
    • Enrolling: A grant/project has begun enrolling subjects. Data submission is likely ongoing at this point.
    • Data Analysis: A grant/project has completed enrolling subjects and has completed all data submissions.
    • Funding Completed: A grant/project has reached the project end date.
  • Collection Title
    An editable field with the title of the Collection, which is often the title of the grant associated with the Collection.
  • Grant
    Provides the grant number(s) for the grant(s) associated with the Collection. The field is a hyperlink so clicking on the Grant number will direct the user to the grant information in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) page.
  • Supporting Documentation
    Various documents and materials to enable efficient use of the data by investigators unfamiliar with the project and may include the research protocol, questionnaires, and study manuals.
  • NIH Research Initiative
    NDA Collections may be organized by scientific similarity into NIH Research Initiatives, to facilitate query tool user experience. NIH Research Initiatives map to one or multiple Funding Opportunity Announcements.
  • Permission Group
    Access to shared record-level data in NDA is provisioned at the level of a Permission Group. NDA Permission Groups consist of one or multiple NDA Collections that contain data with the same subject consents.
  • Planned Enrollment
    Number of human subject participants to be enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in competing applications and annual progress reports.
  • Actual Enrollment
    Number of human subjects enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in annual progress reports.
  • NDA Collection
    A virtual container and organization structure for data and associated documentation from one grant or one large project/consortium. It contains tools for tracking data submission and allows investigators to define a wide array of other elements that provide context for the data, including all general information regarding the data and source project, experimental parameters used to collect any event-based data contained in the Collection, methods, and other supporting documentation. They also allow investigators to link underlying data to an NDA Study, defining populations and subpopulations specific to research aims.
  • Data Use Limitations
    Data Use Limitations (DULs) describe the appropriate secondary use of a dataset and are based on the original informed consent of a research participant. NDA only accepts consent-based data use limitations defined by the NIH Office of Science Policy.
  • Total Subjects Shared
    The total number of unique subjects for whom data have been shared and are available for users with permission to access data.
IDNameCreated DateStatusType
No records found.

NDA Help Center

Collection - Experiments

The number of Experiments included is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. You may download all experiments associated with the Collection via the Download button. You may view individual experiments by clicking the Experiment Name and add them to the Filter Cart via the Add to Cart button.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may create or edit an Experiment.

Please note: The creation of an NDA Experiment does not necessarily mean that data collected, according to the defined Experiment, has been submitted or shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can an Experiment be associated with more than one Collection?

    Yes -see the “Copy” button in the bottom left when viewing an experiment. There are two actions that can be performed via this button:

    1. Copy the experiment with intent for modifications.
    2. Associate the experiment to the collection. No modifications can be made to the experiment.


  • Experiment Status
    An Experiment must be Approved before data using the associated Experiment_ID may be uploaded.
  • Experiment ID
    The ID number automatically generated by NDA which must be included in the appropriate file when uploading data to link the Experiment Definition to the subject record.
Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R) Clinical Assessments 31
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)- Module 1 Clinical Assessments 35
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)- Module 2 Clinical Assessments 16
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)- Module 3 Clinical Assessments 13
CPEA STAART ABC 1994 Clinical Assessments 180
CPEA STAART ADI 1991 Toddler Clinical Assessments 62
CPEA STAART ADI 2003 Clinical Assessments 816
CPEA STAART ADI-R 1995 Short Clinical Assessments 2
CPEA STAART ADI-R 1998 Long Clinical Assessments 155
CPEA STAART ADI-R 1999 Short Clinical Assessments 71
CPEA STAART ADOS G Module 1 Clinical Assessments 60
CPEA STAART ADOS G Module 2 Clinical Assessments 36
CPEA STAART ADOS G Module 3 Clinical Assessments 66
CPEA STAART ADOS G Module 4 Clinical Assessments 10
CPEA STAART ADOS WPS Module 1 Clinical Assessments 697
CPEA STAART ADOS WPS Module 2 Clinical Assessments 181
CPEA STAART ADOS WPS Module 3 Clinical Assessments 308
CPEA STAART ADOS WPS Module 4 Clinical Assessments 180
CPEA STAART CBCL 1.5 to 5 Clinical Assessments 141
CPEA STAART CBCL 6 to 18 Clinical Assessments 138
CPEA STAART CTOPP Ages 5 to 6 Clinical Assessments 13
CPEA STAART CTOPP Ages 7 to 24 Clinical Assessments 321
CPEA STAART CYBOCS 1999 Clinical Assessments 164
CPEA STAART EVT Clinical Assessments 27
CPEA STAART Expressive One Word Pic Vocab Test Clinical Assessments 272
CPEA STAART General Variables Clinical Assessments 2053
CPEA STAART Leiter Scales Clinical Assessments 139
CPEA STAART MacArthur-Bates Words and Gestures Clinical Assessments 171
CPEA STAART MacArthur-Bates Words and Sentences Clinical Assessments 101
CPEA STAART Mullen Clinical Assessments 757
CPEA STAART P-DAS Clinical Assessments 5
CPEA STAART PDDBI Clinical Assessments 19
CPEA STAART PLS_4 Clinical Assessments 90
CPEA STAART PPVT SUMMARY 2004 Clinical Assessments 55
CPEA STAART PPVT Version 3 Clinical Assessments 494
CPEA STAART Reynell Clinical Assessments 53
CPEA STAART S-DAS Clinical Assessments 5
CPEA STAART SRS Clinical Assessments 19
CPEA STAART Sensory Profile 3 to 10 Years Clinical Assessments 239
CPEA STAART Sensory Profile 7 - 36 Months Clinical Assessments 41
CPEA STAART Stanford Binet 4th Edition Clinical Assessments 1
CPEA STAART Stanford Binet 5th Edition Clinical Assessments 63
CPEA STAART Vineland I Clinical Assessments 1322
CPEA STAART WAIS 3 Clinical Assessments 55
CPEA STAART WASI Clinical Assessments 258
CPEA STAART WISC 3 Clinical Assessments 40
CPEA STAART WISC 4 Clinical Assessments 206
CPEA STAART WPPSI 2y6m to 3y11m Clinical Assessments 16
DAS-II: Differential Ability Scales 2nd Ed. School Age Clinical Assessments 16
DAS-II:Differential Ability Scales 2nd Ed. Early Years Clinical Assessments 4
Mullen Scales of Early Learning Clinical Assessments 33
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) - Current Form Clinical Assessments 1
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) - Lifetime Clinical Assessments 7

NDA Help Center

Collection - Shared Data

This tab provides a quick overview of the Data Structure title, Data Type, and Number of Subjects that are currently Shared for the Collection. The information presented in this tab is automatically generated by NDA and cannot be edited. If no information is visible on this tab, this would indicate the Collection does not have shared data or the data is private.

The shared data is available to other researchers who have permission to access data in the Collection's designated Permission Group(s). Use the Download button to get all shared data from the Collection to the Filter Cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if another researcher uses data that I shared through the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)?
    To see what data your project have submitted are being used by a study, simply go the Associated Studies tab of your collection. Alternatively, you may review an NDA Study Attribution Report available on the General tab.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a completed research project?
    Often it becomes more difficult to organize and format data electronically after the project has been completed and the information needed to create a GUID may not be available; however, you may still contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a research project that is still ongoing?
    Unlike completed projects where researchers may not have the information needed to create a GUID and/or where the effort needed to organize and format data becomes prohibitive, ongoing projects have more of an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Please contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.


  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Type
    A grouping of data by similar characteristics such as Clinical Assessments, Omics, or Neurosignal data.
  • Shared
    The term 'Shared' generally means available to others; however, there are some slightly different meanings based on what is Shared. A Shared NDA Study is viewable and searchable publicly regardless of the user's role or whether the user has an NDA account. A Shared NDA Study does not necessarily mean that data used in the NDA Study have been shared as this is independently determined. Data are shared according the schedule defined in a Collection's Data Expected Tab and/or in accordance with data sharing expectations in the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Additionally, Supporting Documentation uploaded to a Collection may be shared independent of whether data are shared.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:


Publications relevant to NDA data are listed below. Most displayed publications have been associated with the grant within Pubmed. Use the "+ New Publication" button to add new publications. Publications relevant/not relevant to data expected are categorized. Relevant publications are then linked to the underlying data by selecting the Create Study link. Study provides the ability to define cohorts, assign subjects, define outcome measures and lists the study type, data analysis and results. Analyzed data and results are expected in this way.

PubMed IDStudyTitleJournalAuthorsDateStatus
37805500Create StudyEEG functional connectivity in infants at elevated familial likelihood for autism spectrum disorder.Molecular autismO'Reilly, Christian; Huberty, Scott; van Noordt, Stefon; Desjardins, James; Wright, Nicky; Scorah, Julie; Webb, Sara Jane; Elsabbagh, Mayada; BASIS teamOctober 7, 2023Not Determined
37292600Create StudyEEG functional connectivity in infants at elevated familial risk for autism spectrum disorder.Research squareO'Reilly, Christian; Huberty, Scott; van Noordt, Stefon; Desjardins, James; Wright, Nicky; Scorah, Julie; Webb, Sara Jane; BASIS team; Elsabbagh, MayadaMay 15, 2023Not Determined
36970398Create StudyComparing a Practice-Based Model with a Research-Based Model of social skills interventions for children with autism in schools.Research in autism spectrum disordersLocke, Jill; Rotheram-Fuller, Erin; Harker, Colleen; Kasari, Connie; Mandell, David SJune 1, 2019Not Determined
36943905Create StudyNeural mechanisms of language development in infancy.Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant StudiesHuberty, Scott; O'Reilly, Christian; Carter Leno, Virginia; Steiman, Mandy; Webb, Sara; Elsabbagh, Mayada; BASIS TeamJanuary 1, 2023Not Determined
36443015Create StudyRelationship of Impairments in Associative Learning With Intellectual Disability and Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Autistic Children.NeurologyWelsh, John P; Munson, Jeffrey; St John, Tanya; Meehan, Christina N; Tran Abraham, Elise; Reitz, Frederick B; Begay, K Kawena; Dager, Stephen R; Estes, Annette MFebruary 7, 2023Not Determined
34504056Create StudySterol and lipid analyses identifies hypolipidemia and apolipoprotein disorders in autism associated with adaptive functioning deficits.Translational psychiatryTierney, Elaine; Remaley, Alan T; Thurm, Audrey; Jager, Leah R; Wassif, Christopher A; Kratz, Lisa E; Bailey-Wilson, Joan E; Bukelis, Irena; Sarphare, Geeta; Jung, Eun Sol; Brand, Boudewien; Noah, Kelly K; Porter, Forbes DSeptember 9, 2021Not Determined
34309743Create StudyThe Early Start Denver Model Intervention and Mu Rhythm Attenuation in Autism Spectrum Disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersAaronson, Benjamin; Estes, Annette; Rogers, Sally J; Dawson, Geraldine; Bernier, RaphaelJuly 1, 2022Not Determined
32333300Create StudyBrief Report: Performance-Based Executive Functioning Abilities are Associated with Caregiver Report of Adaptive Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersUdhnani, Manisha D; Kenworthy, Lauren; Wallace, Gregory L; Yerys, Benjamin EDecember 2020Not Determined
32140983Create StudySleep Problems and Trajectories of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.Journal of autism and developmental disordersMacDuffie, Katherine E; Munson, Jeffrey; Greenson, Jessica; Ward, Teresa M; Rogers, Sally J; Dawson, Geraldine; Estes, AnnetteNovember 1, 2020Not Determined
30628809Create StudyEarly motor abilities in infants at heightened versus low risk for ASD: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC) study.Journal of abnormal psychologyIverson, Jana M; Shic, Frederick; Wall, Carla A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Curtin, Suzanne; Estes, Annette; Gardner, Judith M; Hutman, Ted; Landa, Rebecca J; Levin, April R; Libertus, Klaus; Messinger, Daniel S; Nelson, Charles A; Ozonoff, Sally; Sacrey, Lori-Ann R; Sheperd, Kelly; Stone, Wendy L; Tager-Flusberg, Helen B; Wolff, Jason J; Yirmiya, Nurit; Young, Gregory SJanuary 2019Not Determined
30506566Create StudyThe dysregulation profile in preschoolers with and without a family history of autism spectrum disorder.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesMiller, Meghan; Iosif, Ana-Maria; Young, Gregory S; Bell, Laura J; Schwichtenberg, A J; Hutman, Ted; Ozonoff, SallyMay 2019Not Determined
28970862Create StudyUtility of the CBCL DSM-Oriented Scales in Assessing Emotional Disorders in Youth with Autism.Research in autism spectrum disordersMagyar, Caroline I; Pandolfi, VincentMay 2017Not Determined
28889315Create StudyBrief Report: Executive Function as a Predictor of Academic Achievement in School-Aged Children with ASD.Journal of autism and developmental disordersSt John, Tanya; Dawson, Geraldine; Estes, AnnetteJanuary 2018Not Determined
28838582Create StudyCost Offset Associated With Early Start Denver Model for Children With Autism.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryCidav Z, Munson J, Estes A, Dawson G, Rogers S, Mandell DSeptember 2017Not Determined
28371492Create StudyI tawt i taw a puddy tat: Gestures in canary row narrations by high-functioning youth with autism spectrum disorder.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchSilverman, Laura B; Eigsti, Inge-Marie; Bennetto, LoisaAugust 2017Not Determined
27940149Create StudyClose genetic relationships between a spousal pair with autism-affected children and high minor allele content in cases in autism-associated SNPs.GenomicsZhu Z, Lu X, Yuan D, Huang SJanuary 2017Not Determined
27620949Create StudyCharacteristics of socially successful elementary school-aged children with autism.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesLocke, Jill; Williams, Justin; Shih, Wendy; Kasari, ConnieJanuary 2017Not Determined
27417857Create StudyNon-ASD outcomes at 36 months in siblings at familial risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A baby siblings research consortium (BSRC) study.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchCharman, Tony; Young, Gregory S; Brian, Jessica; Carter, Alice; Carver, Leslie J; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Curtin, Suzanne; Dobkins, Karen; Elsabbagh, Mayada; Georgiades, Stelios; Hertz-Picciotto, Irva; Hutman, Ted; Iverson, Jana M; Jones, Emily J; Landa, Rebecca; Macari, Suzanne; Messinger, Daniel S; Nelson, Charles A; Ozonoff, Sally; Saulnier, Celine; Stone, Wendy L; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Webb, Sara Jane; Yirmiya, Nurit; Zwaigenbaum, LonnieJanuary 2017Not Determined
27358719Create StudyCommentary: sex difference differences? A reply to Constantino.Molecular autismMessinger, Daniel S; Young, Gregory S; Webb, Sara Jane; Ozonoff, Sally; Bryson, Susan E; Carter, Alice; Carver, Leslie; Charman, Tony; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Curtin, Suzanne; Dobkins, Karen; Hertz-Picciotto, Irva; Hutman, Ted; Iverson, Jana M; Landa, Rebecca; Nelson, Charles A; Stone, Wendy L; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie2016Not Relevant
27178863Create StudyEarly event-related potentials to emotional faces differ for adults with autism spectrum disorder and by serotonin transporter genotype.Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical NeurophysiologyFaja, Susan; Dawson, Geraldine; Aylward, Elizabeth; Wijsman, Ellen M; Webb, Sara JaneJune 2016Not Determined
26966285Create StudyRace, disability, and grade: Social relationships in children with autism spectrum disorders.Autism : the international journal of research and practiceAzad, Gazi F; Locke, Jill; Kasari, Connie; Mandell, David SJanuary 2017Not Determined
26890821Create StudyExecutive function predicts the development of play skills for verbal preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchFaja, Susan; Dawson, Geraldine; Sullivan, Katherine; Meltzoff, Andrew N; Estes, Annette; Bernier, RaphaelDecember 2016Not Determined
26881074Create StudyTheory of Mind Indexes the Broader Autism Phenotype in Siblings of Children with Autism at School Age.Autism research and treatmentTsang, Tawny; Gillespie-Lynch, Kristen; Hutman, TedJanuary 2016Not Determined
26567264Create StudySocial network analysis of children with autism spectrum disorder: Predictors of fragmentation and connectivity in elementary school classrooms.Autism : the international journal of research and practiceAnderson, Ariana; Locke, Jill; Kretzmann, Mark; Kasari, Connie; AIR-B NetworkAugust 2016Not Determined
26484047Create StudyDefault mode network segregation and social deficits in autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from non-medicated children.NeuroImage. ClinicalYerys, Benjamin E; Gordon, Evan M; Abrams, Danielle N; Satterthwaite, Theodore D; Weinblatt, Rachel; Jankowski, Kathryn F; Strang, John; Kenworthy, Lauren; Gaillard, William D; Vaidya, Chandan J2015Not Determined
26451968Create StudySchool-age outcomes of infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchMiller, Meghan; Iosif, Ana-Maria; Young, Gregory S; Hill, Monique; Phelps Hanzel, Elise; Hutman, Ted; Johnson, Scott; Ozonoff, SallyJune 1, 2016Not Determined
26343026Create StudyThe Gluten-Free/Casein-Free Diet: A Double-Blind Challenge Trial in Children with Autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersHyman, Susan L; Stewart, Patricia A; Foley, Jennifer; Cain, Usa; Peck, Robin; Morris, Danielle D; Wang, Hongyue; Smith, TristramJanuary 2016Not Determined
26340957Create StudyAltered Dynamics of the fMRI Response to Faces in Individuals with Autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersKleinhans, Natalia M; Richards, Todd; Greenson, Jessica; Dawson, Geraldine; Aylward, ElizabethJanuary 2016Not Determined
26236149Create StudyAnterior-Posterior Connectivity within the Default Mode Network Increases During Maturation.International journal of medical and biological frontiersWashington, Stuart D; VanMeter, John W2015Not Relevant
26164418Create StudyInfants'' behavioral styles in joint attention situations and parents'' socio-economic status.Infant behavior & developmentAbels, Monika; Hutman, TedAugust 2015Not Determined
26088663Create StudyLong-Term Outcomes of Early Intervention in 6-Year-Old Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryEstes, Annette; Munson, Jeffrey; Rogers, Sally J; Greenson, Jessica; Winter, Jamie; Dawson, GeraldineJuly 2015Not Relevant
26045943Create StudyEarly sex differences are not autism-specific: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC) study.Molecular autismMessinger, Daniel S; Young, Gregory S; Webb, Sara Jane; Ozonoff, Sally; Bryson, Susan E; Carter, Alice; Carver, Leslie; Charman, Tony; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Curtin, Suzanne; Dobkins, Karen; Hertz-Picciotto, Irva; Hutman, Ted; Iverson, Jana M; Landa, Rebecca; Nelson, Charles A; Stone, Wendy L; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Zwaigenbaum, LonnieJanuary 2015Not Determined
25898050Create StudyEffect of parent training vs parent education on behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder: a randomized clinical trial.JAMABearss, Karen; Johnson, Cynthia; Smith, Tristram; Lecavalier, Luc; Swiezy, Naomi; Aman, Michael; McAdam, David B; Butter, Eric; Stillitano, Charmaine; Minshawi, Noha; Sukhodolsky, Denis G; Mruzek, Daniel W; Turner, Kylan; Neal, Tiffany; Hallett, Victoria; Mulick, James A; Green, Bryson; Handen, Benjamin; Deng, Yanhong; Dziura, James; Scahill, LawrenceApril 21, 2015Not Determined
25778537Create StudyPredicting Outcome of Community-Based Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism.Journal of abnormal child psychologySmith, Tristram; Klorman, Rafael; Mruzek, Daniel WOctober 2015Not Determined
25599972Create StudyNeural Correlates of Set-Shifting in Children With Autism.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchYerys, Benjamin E; Antezana, Ligia; Weinblatt, Rachel; Jankowski, Kathryn F; Strang, John; Vaidya, Chandan J; Schultz, Robert T; Gaillard, William D; Kenworthy, LaurenAugust 2015Not Relevant
25457930Create Study18-month predictors of later outcomes in younger siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder: a baby siblings research consortium study.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryChawarska, Katarzyna; Shic, Frederick; Macari, Suzanne; Campbell, Daniel J; Brian, Jessica; Landa, Rebecca; Hutman, Ted; Nelson, Charles A; Ozonoff, Sally; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Young, Gregory S; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Cohen, Ira L; Charman, Tony; Messinger, Daniel S; Klin, Ami; Johnson, Scott; Bryson, SusanDecember 2014Not Determined
25409314Create StudyProtein interaction networks reveal novel autism risk genes within GWAS statistical noise.PloS oneCorreia, Catarina; Oliveira, Guiomar; Vicente, Astrid M2014Not Determined
25315782Create StudyEarly pragmatic language difficulties in siblings of children with autism: implications for DSM-5 social communication disorder?Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesMiller, Meghan; Young, Gregory S; Hutman, Ted; Johnson, Scott; Schwichtenberg, A J; Ozonoff, SallyJuly 2015Not Determined
25313971Create StudyPediatric status epilepticus: identification and evaluation.Current opinion in pediatricsFreilich, Emily R; Schreiber, John M; Zelleke, Tesfaye; Gaillard, William DDecember 2014Not Determined
25108609Create StudyPotential neural mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder.Research in developmental disabilitiesSullivan, Katherine; Stone, Wendy L; Dawson, GeraldineNovember 2014Not Determined
25039696Create StudyThe peer relationships of girls with ASD at school: comparison to boys and girls with and without ASD.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesDean M, Kasari C, Shih W, Frankel F, Whitney R, Landa R, Lord C, Orlich F, King B, Harwood RNovember 2014Not Determined
25038753Create StudyMost genetic risk for autism resides with common variation.Nature geneticsGaugler, Trent; Klei, Lambertus; Sanders, Stephan J; Bodea, Corneliu A; Goldberg, Arthur P; Lee, Ann B; Mahajan, Milind; Manaa, Dina; Pawitan, Yudi; Reichert, Jennifer; Ripke, Stephan; Sandin, Sven; Sklar, Pamela; Svantesson, Oscar; Reichenberg, Abraham; Hultman, Christina M; Devlin, Bernie; Roeder, Kathryn; Buxbaum, Joseph DAugust 2014Not Determined
24655649Create StudyThe broader autism phenotype in infancy: when does it emerge?Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryOzonoff, Sally; Young, Gregory S; Belding, Ashleigh; Hill, Monique; Hill, Alesha; Hutman, Ted; Johnson, Scott; Miller, Meghan; Rogers, Sally J; Schwichtenberg, A J; Steinfeld, Marybeth; Iosif, Ana-MariaApril 2014Not Determined
24108192Create StudyPredicting treatment success in social skills training for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: the UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills.Autism : the international journal of research and practiceChang YC, Laugeson EA, Gantman A, Ellingsen R, Frankel F, Dillon ARMay 2014Not Determined
24061784Create StudyBaseline factors predicting placebo response to treatment in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: a multisite randomized clinical trial.JAMA pediatricsKing, Bryan H; Dukes, Kimberly; Donnelly, Craig L; Sikich, Linmarie; McCracken, James T; Scahill, Lawrence; Hollander, Eric; Bregman, Joel D; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Robinson, Fay; Sullivan, Lisa; Hirtz, DeborahNovember 2013Not Determined
23996903Create StudyLong-term outcomes of parent-assisted social skills intervention for high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders.Autism : the international journal of research and practiceMandelberg J, Frankel F, Cunningham T, Gorospe C, Laugeson EAApril 2014Not Determined
23894004Create StudyReduced serotonin receptor subtypes in a limbic and a neocortical region in autism.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchOblak A, Gibbs TT, Blatt GJDecember 2013Not Determined
23880382Create StudyInterests in high-functioning autism are more intense, interfering, and idiosyncratic than those in neurotypical development.Development and psychopathologyAnthony, Laura Gutermuth; Kenworthy, Lauren; Yerys, Benjamin E; Jankowski, Kathryn F; James, Joette D; Harms, Madeline B; Martin, Alex; Wallace, Gregory LAugust 2013Not Determined
23820765Create StudyParent-reported temperament trajectories among infant siblings of children with autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersDel Rosario, Mithi; Gillespie-Lynch, Kristen; Johnson, Scott; Sigman, Marian; Hutman, TedFebruary 2014Not Determined
23734230Create StudyBrain responses to words in 2-year-olds with autism predict developmental outcomes at age 6.PloS oneKuhl, Patricia K; Coffey-Corina, Sharon; Padden, Denise; Munson, Jeffrey; Estes, Annette; Dawson, Geraldine2013Not Determined
23452686Create StudyBeyond autism: a baby siblings research consortium study of high-risk children at three years of age.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryMessinger, Daniel; Young, Gregory S; Ozonoff, Sally; Dobkins, Karen; Carter, Alice; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Landa, Rebecca J; Charman, Tony; Stone, Wendy L; Constantino, John N; Hutman, Ted; Carver, Leslie J; Bryson, Susan; Iverson, Jana M; Strauss, Mark S; Rogers, Sally J; Sigman, MarianMarch 2013Not Determined
23436793Create StudyBehavior and sleep problems in children with a family history of autism.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchSchwichtenberg, Amy Jo; Young, Gregory S; Hutman, Ted; Iosif, Ana-Maria; Sigman, Marian; Rogers, Sally J; Ozonoff, SallyJune 2013Not Determined
23400347Create StudyExploring the manifestations of anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersHallett, Victoria; Lecavalier, Luc; Sukhodolsky, Denis G; Cipriano, Noreen; Aman, Michael G; McCracken, James T; McDougle, Christopher J; Tierney, Elaine; King, Bryan H; Hollander, Eric; Sikich, Linmarie; Bregman, Joel; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Donnelly, Craig; Katsovich, Lily; Dukes, Kimberly; Vitiello, Benedetto; Gadow, Kenneth; Scahill, LawrenceOctober 2013Not Determined
23336424Create StudyEarly sensory over-responsivity in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders as a predictor of family impairment and parenting stress.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesBen-Sasson, A; Soto, T W; Martínez-Pedraza, F; Carter, A SAugust 2013Not Determined
23334984Create StudyDysmaturation of the default mode network in autism.Human brain mappingWashington, Stuart D; Gordon, Evan M; Brar, Jasmit; Warburton, Samantha; Sawyer, Alice T; Wolfe, Amanda; Mease-Ference, Erin R; Girton, Laura; Hailu, Ayichew; Mbwana, Juma; Gaillard, William D; Kalbfleisch, M Layne; VanMeter, John WApril 2014Not Determined
23146332Create StudyParenting-related stress and psychological distress in mothers of toddlers with autism spectrum disorders.Brain & developmentEstes, Annette; Olson, Erin; Sullivan, Katherine; Greenson, Jessica; Winter, Jamie; Dawson, Geraldine; Munson, JeffreyFebruary 2013Not Determined
23130085Create StudyDo Social Attribution Skills Improve with Age in Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders?Research in autism spectrum disordersBal, Elgiz; Yerys, Benjamin E; Sokoloff, Jennifer L; Celano, Mark J; Kenworthy, Lauren; Giedd, Jay N; Wallace, Gregory LJanuary 2013Not Determined
23110514Create StudyDevelopmental trajectories in children with and without autism spectrum disorders: the first 3 years.Child developmentLanda, Rebecca J; Gross, Alden L; Stuart, Elizabeth A; Faherty, AshleyMarch 2013Not Determined
23101741Create StudyEarly behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryDawson, Geraldine; Jones, Emily J H; Merkle, Kristen; Venema, Kaitlin; Lowy, Rachel; Faja, Susan; Kamara, Dana; Murias, Michael; Greenson, Jessica; Winter, Jamie; Smith, Milani; Rogers, Sally J; Webb, Sara JNovember 2012Not Determined
23055002Create StudyInterventions addressing social impairment in autism.Current psychiatry reportsKasari C, Patterson SDecember 2012Not Determined
23044707Create StudyUsing large clinical data sets to infer pathogenicity for rare copy number variants in autism cohorts.Molecular psychiatryMoreno-De-Luca, D; Sanders, S J; Willsey, A J; Mulle, J G; Lowe, J K; Geschwind, D H; State, M W; Martin, C L; Ledbetter, D HOctober 2013Not Determined
22982285Create StudyRelation between early motor delay and later communication delay in infants at risk for autism.Infant behavior & developmentBhat AN, Galloway JC, Landa RJDecember 2012Not Determined
22843504Create StudyIndividual common variants exert weak effects on the risk for autism spectrum disorders.Human molecular geneticsAnney, Richard; Klei, Lambertus; Pinto, Dalila; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Baird, Gillian; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bölte, Sven; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Brian, Jessica; Casey, Jillian; Conroy, Judith; Correia, Catarina; Corsello, Christina; Crawford, Emily L; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Fombonne, Eric; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Green, Andrew; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Heron, Elizabeth A; Holt, Richard; Howe, Jennifer L; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Jacob, Suma; Kenny, Graham P; Kim, Cecilia; Kolevzon, Alexander; Kustanovich, Vlad; Lajonchere, Clara M; Lamb, Janine A; Law-Smith, Miriam; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Lombard, Frances; Lord, Catherine; Lotspeich, Linda; Lund, Sabata C; Magalhaes, Tiago R; Mantoulan, Carine; McDougle, Christopher J; Melhem, Nadine M; Merikangas, Alison; Minshew, Nancy J; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Noakes, Carolyn; Nygren, Gudrun; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Parrini, Barbara; Paton, Tara; Pickles, Andrew; Posey, David J; Poustka, Fritz; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Regan, Regina; Roberts, Wendy; Roeder, Kathryn; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Schlitt, Sabine; Shah, Naisha; Sheffield, Val C; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Stoppioni, Vera; Sykes, Nuala; Tancredi, Raffaella; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tryfon, Ana; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Vorstman, J A S; Wallace, Simon; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Wood, Shawn; Zurawiecki, Danielle; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Bailey, Anthony J; Battaglia, Agatino; Cantor, Rita M; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Dawson, Geraldine; Ennis, Sean; Freitag, Christine M; Geschwind, Daniel H; Haines, Jonathan L; Klauck, Sabine M; McMahon, William M; Maestrini, Elena; Miller, Judith; Monaco, Anthony P; Nelson, Stanley F; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Oliveira, Guiomar; Parr, Jeremy R; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Piven, Joseph; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Vicente, Astrid M; Wassink, Thomas H; Wijsman, Ellen M; Betancur, Catalina; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cook, Edwin H; Gallagher, Louise; Gill, Michael; Hallmayer, Joachim; Paterson, Andrew D; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Vieland, Veronica J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Devlin, BernieNovember 1, 2012Not Determined
22728336Create StudyInfants' pre-empathic behaviors are associated with language skills.Infant behavior & developmentHutman T, Rozga A, DeLaurentis A, Sigman M, Dapretto MJune 2012Not Determined
22615713Create StudyDepression and Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders without Intellectual Disability.Research in autism spectrum disordersStrang, John F; Kenworthy, Lauren; Daniolos, Peter; Case, Laura; Wills, Meagan C; Martin, Alex; Wallace, Gregory LJanuary 2012Not Determined
22574686Create StudyLatent class analysis of early developmental trajectory in baby siblings of children with autism.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesLanda RJ, Gross AL, Stuart EA, Bauman MSeptember 2012Not Determined
22499558Create StudyNetwork- and attribute-based classifiers can prioritize genes and pathways for autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical geneticsKou, Yan; Betancur, Catalina; Xu, Huilei; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Ma'ayan, AviMay 15, 2012Not Determined
22271196Create StudyDifferences in autism symptoms between minority and non-minority toddlers.Journal of autism and developmental disordersTek S, Landa RJSeptember 2012Not Determined
22215436Create StudyExploring the social impact of being a typical peer model for included children with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersLocke, Jill; Rotheram-Fuller, Erin; Kasari, ConnieSeptember 2012Not Determined
22193531Create StudyA double-blind placebo-controlled trial of fluoxetine for repetitive behaviors and global severity in adult autism spectrum disorders.The American journal of psychiatryHollander E, Soorya L, Chaplin W, Anagnostou E, Taylor BP, Ferretti CJ, Wasserman S, Swanson E, Settipani CMarch 2012Not Determined
22118062Create StudyMaking the connection: randomized controlled trial of social skills at school for children with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesKasari, Connie; Rotheram-Fuller, Erin; Locke, Jill; Gulsrud, AmandaApril 2012Not Determined
22079057Create StudyThe 5-HT(2A) receptor and serotonin transporter in Asperger''s disorder: A PET study with [¹¹C]MDL 100907 and [¹¹C]DASB.Psychiatry researchGirgis, Ragy R; Slifstein, Mark; Xu, Xiaoyan; Frankle, W Gordon; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Wasserman, Stacey; Pepa, Lauren; Kolevzon, Alexander; Abi-Dargham, Anissa; Laruelle, Marc; Hollander, EricDecember 30, 2011Not Determined
22059091Create StudyAn Initial Psychometric Evaluation of the CBCL 6-18 in a Sample of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders.Research in autism spectrum disordersPandolfi, Vincent; Magyar, Caroline I; Dill, Charles AJanuary 2012Not Determined
22010812Create StudyA simple assay to study social behavior in Drosophila: measurement of social space within a group.Genes, brain, and behaviorSimon AF, Chou MT, Salazar ED, Nicholson T, Saini N, Metchev S, Krantz DEMarch 2012Not Determined
22004249Create StudyDevelopmental change in the ERP responses to familiar faces in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders versus typical development.Child developmentWebb, Sara Jane; Jones, Emily J H; Merkle, Kristen; Venema, Kaitlin; Greenson, Jessica; Murias, Michael; Dawson, GeraldineJanuary 2011Not Determined
21996756Create StudyA novel approach of homozygous haplotype sharing identifies candidate genes in autism spectrum disorder.Human geneticsCasey, Jillian P; Magalhaes, Tiago; Conroy, Judith M; Regan, Regina; Shah, Naisha; Anney, Richard; Shields, Denis C; Abrahams, Brett S; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Bailey, Anthony J; Baird, Gillian; Battaglia, Agatino; Berney, Tom; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Cali, Phil; Correia, Catarina; Corsello, Christina; Coutanche, Marc; Dawson, Geraldine; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Foley, Suzanne; Fombonne, Eric; Freitag, Christine M; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Holt, Richard; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Kim, Cecilia; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Lamb, Janine A; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Lord, Catherine; Lund, Sabata C; Maestrini, Elena; Mantoulan, Carine; Marshall, Christian R; McConachie, Helen; McDougle, Christopher J; McGrath, Jane; McMahon, William M; Merikangas, Alison; Miller, Judith; Minopoli, Fiorella; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Nelson, Stanley F; Nygren, Gudrun; Oliveira, Guiomar; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Parr, Jeremy R; Parrini, Barbara; Pickles, Andrew; Pinto, Dalila; Piven, Joseph; Posey, David J; Poustka, Annemarie; Poustka, Fritz; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Sequeira, Ana F; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Sykes, Nuala; Stoppioni, Vera; Tancredi, Raffaella; Tauber, Maïté; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Vorstman, Jacob A S; Wallace, Simon; Wang, Kai; Wassink, Thomas H; White, Kathy; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Yaspan, Brian L; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Betancur, Catalina; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cantor, Rita M; Cook, Edwin H; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Geschwind, Daniel H; Haines, Jonathan L; Hallmayer, Joachim; Monaco, Anthony P; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Vieland, Veronica J; Wijsman, Ellen M; Green, Andrew; Gill, Michael; Gallagher, Louise; Vicente, Astrid; Ennis, SeanApril 2012Not Determined
21948895Create StudyFactor analysis of repetitive behaviors in Autism as measured by the Y-BOCS.The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciencesAnagnostou E, Chaplin W, Watner D, Silverman JM, Smith CJ, Zagursky K, Kryzak LA, Corwin TE, Feirsen N, Tanel N, Hollander E2011Not Determined
21935727Create StudyAnxiety and sensory over-responsivity in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: bidirectional effects across time.Journal of autism and developmental disordersGreen SA, Ben-Sasson A, Soto TW, Carter ASJune 2012Not Determined
21910524Create StudyImitation from 12 to 24 months in autism and typical development: a longitudinal Rasch analysis.Developmental psychologyYoung, Gregory S; Rogers, Sally J; Hutman, Ted; Rozga, Agata; Sigman, Marian; Ozonoff, SallyNovember 2011Not Determined
21901839Create StudyAlterations in GABAergic biomarkers in the autism brain: research findings and clinical implications.Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)Blatt GJ, Fatemi SHOctober 2011Not Relevant
21858588Create StudyEvidence-based social skills training for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: the UCLA PEERS program.Journal of autism and developmental disordersLaugeson, Elizabeth A; Frankel, Fred; Gantman, Alexander; Dillon, Ashley R; Mogil, CatherineJune 2012Not Determined
21844053Create StudyRecurrence risk for autism spectrum disorders: a Baby Siblings Research Consortium study.PediatricsOzonoff, Sally; Young, Gregory S; Carter, Alice; Messinger, Daniel; Yirmiya, Nurit; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Bryson, Susan; Carver, Leslie J; Constantino, John N; Dobkins, Karen; Hutman, Ted; Iverson, Jana M; Landa, Rebecca; Rogers, Sally J; Sigman, Marian; Stone, Wendy LSeptember 2011Not Determined
21667200Create StudyDesign and subject characteristics in the federally-funded citalopram trial in children with pervasive developmental disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersScahill, Lawrence; McCracken, James T; Bearss, Karen; Robinson, Fay; Hollander, Eric; King, Bryan; Bregman, Joel; Sikich, Lin; Dukes, Kimberly; Sullivan, Lisa; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Donnelly, Craig; Kim, Young-Shin; Ritz, Louise; Hirtz, Deborah; Wagner, AnnMarch 2012Not Determined
21598046Create StudyPredictors and course of daily living skills development in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersGreen, Shulamite A; Carter, Alice SFebruary 2014Not Determined
21584850Create StudyPredictive and concurrent validity of parent concern about young children at risk for autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersHess CR, Landa RJApril 2012Not Determined
21522181Create StudyGene-ontology enrichment analysis in two independent family-based samples highlights biologically plausible processes for autism spectrum disorders.European journal of human genetics : EJHGAnney, Richard J L; Kenny, Elaine M; O'Dushlaine, Colm; Yaspan, Brian L; Parkhomenka, Elena; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Sutcliffe, James; Gill, Michael; Gallagher, Louise; Autism Genome Project; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Sutcliffe, James; Gill, Michael; Gallagher, LouiseOctober 2011Not Determined
21519953Create StudySelective visual attention at twelve months: signs of autism in early social interactions.Journal of autism and developmental disordersHutman T, Chela MK, Gillespie-Lynch K, Sigman MApril 2012Not Determined
21484517Create StudyThe effects of face expertise training on the behavioral performance and brain activity of adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersFaja S, Webb SJ, Jones E, Merkle K, Kamara D, Bavaro J, Aylward E, Dawson GFebruary 2012Not Determined
21484201Create StudyNovel method for combined linkage and genome-wide association analysis finds evidence of distinct genetic architecture for two subtypes of autism.Journal of neurodevelopmental disordersVieland, Veronica J; Hallmayer, Joachim; Huang, Yungui; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Pinto, Dalila; Khan, Hameed; Monaco, Anthony P; Paterson, Andrew D; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Autism Genome Project (AGP)June 2011Not Determined
21448237Create StudyReduced transcript expression of genes affected by inherited and de novo CNVs in autism.European journal of human genetics : EJHGNord, Alex S; Roeb, Wendy; Dickel, Diane E; Walsh, Tom; Kusenda, Mary; O'Connor, Kristen Lewis; Malhotra, Dheeraj; McCarthy, Shane E; Stray, Sunday M; Taylor, Susan M; Sebat, Jonathan; STAART Psychopharmacology Network; King, Bryan; King, Mary-Claire; McClellan, Jon MJune 2011Not Determined
21442361Create StudyThe effect of an autism-associated polymorphism in the STK39 gene on the autism symptom domains.Journal of autism and developmental disordersVavolizza, Rick D; Schmeidler, James; Ramoz, Nicolas; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Smith, Christopher J; Silverman, Jeremy MFebruary 2012Not Determined
21438139Create StudyMutations in the TSGA14 gene in families with autism spectrum disorders.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsKorvatska, O; Estes, A; Munson, J; Dawson, G; Bekris, L M; Kohen, R; Yu, C-E; Schellenberg, G D; Raskind, W HApril 2011Not Determined
21404085Create StudyProton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and MRI reveal no evidence for brain mitochondrial dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersCorrigan, Neva M; Shaw, Dennis W W; Richards, Todd L; Estes, Annette M; Friedman, Seth D; Petropoulos, Helen; Artru, Alan A; Dager, Stephen RJanuary 2012Not Determined
21390918Create StudyImpaired Consonant Trigrams Test (CTT) performance relates to everyday working memory difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorders.Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescenceYerys BE, Wallace GL, Jankowski KF, Bollich A, Kenworthy L2011Not Determined
21360830Create StudyAltered posterior cingulate cortical cyctoarchitecture, but normal density of neurons and interneurons in the posterior cingulate cortex and fusiform gyrus in autism.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchOblak AL, Rosene DL, Kemper TL, Bauman ML, Blatt GJJune 2011Not Determined
21126245Create StudyIntervention targeting development of socially synchronous engagement in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: a randomized controlled trial.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesLanda, Rebecca J; Holman, Katherine C; O'Neill, Allison H; Stuart, Elizabeth AJanuary 2011Not Determined
21042871Create StudyDiscrepancies between academic achievement and intellectual ability in higher-functioning school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersEstes, Annette; Rivera, Vanessa; Bryan, Matthew; Cali, Philip; Dawson, GeraldineAugust 2011Not Determined
21041620Create StudyLaterobasal amygdalar enlargement in 6- to 7-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder.Archives of general psychiatryKim, Jieun E; Lyoo, In Kyoon; Estes, Annette M; Renshaw, Perry F; Shaw, Dennis W; Friedman, Seth D; Kim, Dajung J; Yoon, Sujung J; Hwang, Jaeuk; Dager, Stephen RNovember 2010Not Determined
20860756Create StudyMothers' reports of play dates and observation of school playground behavior of children having high-functioning autism spectrum disorders.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesFrankel FD, Gorospe CM, Chang YC, Sugar CAMay 2011Not Determined
20858465Create StudyReduced GABAA receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites in the posterior cingulate cortex and fusiform gyrus in autism.Brain researchOblak, Adrian L; Gibbs, Terrell T; Blatt, Gene JMarch 22, 2011Not Determined
20676748Create StudySocial networks and friendships at school: comparing children with and without ASD.Journal of autism and developmental disordersKasari, Connie; Locke, Jill; Gulsrud, Amanda; Rotheram-Fuller, ErinMay 2011Not Determined
20673234Create StudySocial involvement of children with autism spectrum disorders in elementary school classrooms.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesRotheram-Fuller E, Kasari C, Chamberlain B, Locke JNovember 2010Not Determined
20663923Create StudyA genome-wide scan for common alleles affecting risk for autism.Human molecular geneticsAnney, Richard; Klei, Lambertus; Pinto, Dalila; Regan, Regina; Conroy, Judith; Magalhaes, Tiago R; Correia, Catarina; Abrahams, Brett S; Sykes, Nuala; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Bailey, Anthony J; Baird, Gillian; Battaglia, Agatino; Berney, Tom; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bölte, Sven; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Brian, Jessica; Carson, Andrew R; Casallo, Guillermo; Casey, Jillian; Chu, Su H; Cochrane, Lynne; Corsello, Christina; Crawford, Emily L; Crossett, Andrew; Dawson, Geraldine; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Drmic, Irene; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Fombonne, Eric; Freitag, Christine M; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Goldberg, Jeremy; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Heron, Elizabeth A; Hill, Matthew; Holt, Richard; Howe, Jennifer L; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Kim, Cecilia; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Korvatska, Olena; Kustanovich, Vlad; Lajonchere, Clara M; Lamb, Janine A; Laskawiec, Magdalena; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Lionel, Anath C; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Lord, Catherine; Lotspeich, Linda; Lund, Sabata C; Maestrini, Elena; Mahoney, William; Mantoulan, Carine; Marshall, Christian R; McConachie, Helen; McDougle, Christopher J; McGrath, Jane; McMahon, William M; Melhem, Nadine M; Merikangas, Alison; Migita, Ohsuke; Minshew, Nancy J; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Nelson, Stanley F; Noakes, Carolyn; Noor, Abdul; Nygren, Gudrun; Oliveira, Guiomar; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Parr, Jeremy R; Parrini, Barbara; Paton, Tara; Pickles, Andrew; Piven, Joseph; Posey, David J; Poustka, Annemarie; Poustka, Fritz; Prasad, Aparna; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Renshaw, Katy; Rickaby, Jessica; Roberts, Wendy; Roeder, Kathryn; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Bierut, Laura J; Rice, John P; Salt, Jeff; Sansom, Katherine; Sato, Daisuke; Segurado, Ricardo; Senman, Lili; Shah, Naisha; Sheffield, Val C; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Stoppioni, Vera; Strawbridge, Christina; Tancredi, Raffaella; Tansey, Katherine; Thiruvahindrapduram, Bhooma; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tryfon, Ana; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Wallace, Simon; Wang, Kai; Wang, Zhouzhi; Wassink, Thomas H; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Wood, Shawn; Yaspan, Brian L; Zurawiecki, Danielle; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Betancur, Catalina; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cantor, Rita M; Cook, Edwin H; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Gallagher, Louise; Geschwind, Daniel H; Gill, Michael; Haines, Jonathan L; Miller, Judith; Monaco, Anthony P; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Paterson, Andrew D; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Szatmari, Peter; Vicente, Astrid M; Vieland, Veronica J; Wijsman, Ellen M; Devlin, Bernie; Ennis, Sean; Hallmayer, JoachimOctober 15, 2010Not Determined
20656041Create StudyfMRI evidence of neural abnormalities in the subcortical face processing system in ASD.NeuroImageKleinhans NM, Richards T, Johnson LC, Weaver KE, Greenson J, Dawson G, Aylward EJanuary 1, 2011Not Determined
20655320Create StudyAssociation between amygdala response to emotional faces and social anxiety in autism spectrum disorders.NeuropsychologiaKleinhans, Natalia M; Richards, Todd; Weaver, Kurt; Johnson, L Clark; Greenson, Jessica; Dawson, Geraldine; Aylward, ElizabethOctober 2010Not Determined
20617101Create StudyBehavioral Approaches to Training Developmentally Disabled Children for an Overnight EEG Procedure.Journal of developmental and physical disabilitiesDemore, Melissa; Cataldo, Marilyn; Tierney, Elaine; Slifer, KeithJune 2009Not Determined
20568002Create StudyBehavioral profiles of affected and unaffected siblings of children with autism: contribution of measures of mother-infant interaction and nonverbal communication.Journal of autism and developmental disordersRozga, Agata; Hutman, Ted; Young, Gregory S; Rogers, Sally J; Ozonoff, Sally; Dapretto, Mirella; Sigman, MarianMarch 2011Not Determined
20557420Create StudyDecreased GABA(B) receptors in the cingulate cortex and fusiform gyrus in autism.Journal of neurochemistryOblak AL, Gibbs TT, Blatt GJSeptember 1, 2010Not Determined
20546081Create StudyResponse to distress in infants at risk for autism: a prospective longitudinal study.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesHutman, Ted; Rozga, Agata; DeLaurentis, Angeline D; Barnwell, Jenna M; Sugar, Catherine A; Sigman, MarianSeptember 2010Not Determined
20546079Create StudyCan family affectedness inform infant sibling outcomes of autism spectrum disorders?Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesSchwichtenberg, A J; Young, G S; Sigman, M; Hutman, T; Ozonoff, SSeptember 2010Not Determined
20531469Create StudyFunctional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders.NaturePinto, Dalila; Pagnamenta, Alistair T; Klei, Lambertus; Anney, Richard; Merico, Daniele; Regan, Regina; Conroy, Judith; Magalhaes, Tiago R; Correia, Catarina; Abrahams, Brett S; Almeida, Joana; Bacchelli, Elena; Bader, Gary D; Bailey, Anthony J; Baird, Gillian; Battaglia, Agatino; Berney, Tom; Bolshakova, Nadia; Bölte, Sven; Bolton, Patrick F; Bourgeron, Thomas; Brennan, Sean; Brian, Jessica; Bryson, Susan E; Carson, Andrew R; Casallo, Guillermo; Casey, Jillian; Chung, Brian H Y; Cochrane, Lynne; Corsello, Christina; Crawford, Emily L; Crossett, Andrew; Cytrynbaum, Cheryl; Dawson, Geraldine; de Jonge, Maretha; Delorme, Richard; Drmic, Irene; Duketis, Eftichia; Duque, Frederico; Estes, Annette; Farrar, Penny; Fernandez, Bridget A; Folstein, Susan E; Fombonne, Eric; Freitag, Christine M; Gilbert, John; Gillberg, Christopher; Glessner, Joseph T; Goldberg, Jeremy; Green, Andrew; Green, Jonathan; Guter, Stephen J; Hakonarson, Hakon; Heron, Elizabeth A; Hill, Matthew; Holt, Richard; Howe, Jennifer L; Hughes, Gillian; Hus, Vanessa; Igliozzi, Roberta; Kim, Cecilia; Klauck, Sabine M; Kolevzon, Alexander; Korvatska, Olena; Kustanovich, Vlad; Lajonchere, Clara M; Lamb, Janine A; Laskawiec, Magdalena; Leboyer, Marion; Le Couteur, Ann; Leventhal, Bennett L; Lionel, Anath C; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Lord, Catherine; Lotspeich, Linda; Lund, Sabata C; Maestrini, Elena; Mahoney, William; Mantoulan, Carine; Marshall, Christian R; McConachie, Helen; McDougle, Christopher J; McGrath, Jane; McMahon, William M; Merikangas, Alison; Migita, Ohsuke; Minshew, Nancy J; Mirza, Ghazala K; Munson, Jeff; Nelson, Stanley F; Noakes, Carolyn; Noor, Abdul; Nygren, Gudrun; Oliveira, Guiomar; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Parr, Jeremy R; Parrini, Barbara; Paton, Tara; Pickles, Andrew; Pilorge, Marion; Piven, Joseph; Ponting, Chris P; Posey, David J; Poustka, Annemarie; Poustka, Fritz; Prasad, Aparna; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Renshaw, Katy; Rickaby, Jessica; Roberts, Wendy; Roeder, Kathryn; Roge, Bernadette; Rutter, Michael L; Bierut, Laura J; Rice, John P; Salt, Jeff; Sansom, Katherine; Sato, Daisuke; Segurado, Ricardo; Sequeira, Ana F; Senman, Lili; Shah, Naisha; Sheffield, Val C; Soorya, Latha; Sousa, Inês; Stein, Olaf; Sykes, Nuala; Stoppioni, Vera; Strawbridge, Christina; Tancredi, Raffaella; Tansey, Katherine; Thiruvahindrapduram, Bhooma; Thompson, Ann P; Thomson, Susanne; Tryfon, Ana; Tsiantis, John; Van Engeland, Herman; Vincent, John B; Volkmar, Fred; Wallace, Simon; Wang, Kai; Wang, Zhouzhi; Wassink, Thomas H; Webber, Caleb; Weksberg, Rosanna; Wing, Kirsty; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Wood, Shawn; Wu, Jing; Yaspan, Brian L; Zurawiecki, Danielle; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Cantor, Rita M; Cook, Edwin H; Coon, Hilary; Cuccaro, Michael L; Devlin, Bernie; Ennis, Sean; Gallagher, Louise; Geschwind, Daniel H; Gill, Michael; Haines, Jonathan L; Hallmayer, Joachim; Miller, Judith; Monaco, Anthony P; Nurnberger Jr, John I; Paterson, Andrew D; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Szatmari, Peter; Vicente, Astrid M; Vieland, Veronica J; Wijsman, Ellen M; Scherer, Stephen W; Sutcliffe, James S; Betancur, CatalinaJuly 15, 2010Not Determined
20456532Create StudySocial and non-social visual attention patterns and associative learning in infants at risk for autism.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesBhat AN, Galloway JC, Landa RJSeptember 2010Not Determined
20452382Create StudyResponse to familiar faces, newly familiar faces, and novel faces as assessed by ERPs is intact in adults with autism spectrum disorders.International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of PsychophysiologyWebb, Sara J; Jones, Emily J H; Merkle, Kristen; Murias, Michael; Greenson, Jessica; Richards, Todd; Aylward, Elizabeth; Dawson, GeraldineAugust 2010Not Determined
20410715Create StudyA prospective study of the emergence of early behavioral signs of autism.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryOzonoff, Sally; Iosif, Ana-Maria; Baguio, Fam; Cook, Ian C; Hill, Monique Moore; Hutman, Ted; Rogers, Sally J; Rozga, Agata; Sangha, Sarabjit; Sigman, Marian; Steinfeld, Mary Beth; Young, Gregory SMarch 2010Not Determined
20394055Create StudyLanguage-related Cntnap2 gene is differentially expressed in sexually dimorphic song nuclei essential for vocal learning in songbirds.The Journal of comparative neurologyPanaitof, S Carmen; Abrahams, Brett S; Dong, Hongmei; Geschwind, Daniel H; White, Stephanie AJune 1, 2010Not Determined
20385903Create StudyConnecting genes to brain in the autism spectrum disorders.Archives of neurologyAbrahams, Brett S; Geschwind, Daniel HApril 2010Not Determined
20356575Create StudySpeech-and-gesture integration in high functioning autism.CognitionSilverman, Laura B; Bennetto, Loisa; Campana, Ellen; Tanenhaus, Michael KJune 2010Not Determined
20301009Create StudyToddlers with elevated autism symptoms show slowed habituation to faces.Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescenceWebb, Sara Jane; Jones, Emily J H; Merkle, Kristen; Namkung, Jessica; Toth, Karen; Greenson, Jessica; Murias, Michael; Dawson, Geraldine2010Not Determined
20112084Create StudyPlay and developmental outcomes in infant siblings of children with autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersChristensen, Lisa; Hutman, Ted; Rozga, Agata; Young, Gregory S; Ozonoff, Sally; Rogers, Sally J; Baker, Bruce; Sigman, MarianAugust 2010Not Determined
20058059Create StudyA randomized controlled study of parent-assisted Children''s Friendship Training with children having autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersFrankel, Fred; Myatt, Robert; Sugar, Catherine; Whitham, Cynthia; Gorospe, Clarissa M; Laugeson, ElizabethJuly 2010Not Determined
20044143Create StudyRelationship between whole blood serotonin and repetitive behaviors in autism.Psychiatry researchKolevzon, Alexander; Newcorn, Jeffrey H; Kryzak, Lauren; Chaplin, William; Watner, Dryden; Hollander, Eric; Smith, Christopher J; Cook Jr, Edwin H; Silverman, Jeremy MFebruary 28, 2010Not Determined
20015484Create StudySlc25a12 disruption alters myelination and neurofilaments: a model for a hypomyelination syndrome and childhood neurodevelopmental disorders.Biological psychiatrySakurai, Takeshi; Ramoz, Nicolas; Barreto, Marta; Gazdoiu, Mihaela; Takahashi, Nagahide; Gertner, Michael; Dorr, Nathan; Gama Sosa, Miguel A; De Gasperi, Rita; Perez, Gissel; Schmeidler, James; Mitropoulou, Vivian; Le, H Carl; Lupu, Mihaela; Hof, Patrick R; Elder, Gregory A; Buxbaum, Joseph DMay 1, 2010Not Determined
19998356Create StudyAttention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms moderate cognition and behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchYerys, Benjamin E; Wallace, Gregory L; Sokoloff, Jennifer L; Shook, Devon A; James, Joette D; Kenworthy, LaurenDecember 2009Not Determined
19948568Create StudyRandomized, controlled trial of an intervention for toddlers with autism: the Early Start Denver Model.PediatricsDawson, Geraldine; Rogers, Sally; Munson, Jeffrey; Smith, Milani; Winter, Jamie; Greenson, Jessica; Donaldson, Amy; Varley, JenniferJanuary 2010Not Determined
19827218Create StudyHow early do parent concerns predict later autism diagnosis?Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBPOzonoff, Sally; Young, Gregory S; Steinfeld, Mary Beth; Hill, Monique M; Cook, Ian; Hutman, Ted; Macari, Suzanne; Rogers, Sally J; Sigman, MarianOctober 2009Not Determined
19816954Create StudyStability and individual change in depressive symptoms among mothers raising young children with ASD: maternal and child correlates.Journal of clinical psychologyCarter, Alice S; Martínez-Pedraza, Frances de L; Gray, Sarah A ODecember 2009Not Determined
19759065Create StudySet-shifting in children with autism spectrum disorders: reversal shifting deficits on the Intradimensional/Extradimensional Shift Test correlate with repetitive behaviors.Autism : the international journal of research and practiceYerys, Benjamin E; Wallace, Gregory L; Harrison, Bryan; Celano, Mark J; Giedd, Jay N; Kenworthy, Lauren ESeptember 2009Not Determined
19726642Create StudyA neuroligin-4 missense mutation associated with autism impairs neuroligin-4 folding and endoplasmic reticulum export.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceZhang, Chen; Milunsky, Jeff M; Newton, Stephanie; Ko, Jaewon; Zhao, Geping; Maher, Tom A; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Bolliger, Marc F; Carter, Alice S; Boucard, Antony A; Powell, Craig M; Südhof, Thomas CSeptember 2, 2009Not Determined
19650112Create StudyDecreased GABAA receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites in the anterior cingulate cortex in autism.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchOblak, A; Gibbs, T T; Blatt, G JAugust 2009Not Determined
19590881Create StudyThe anterior cingulate cortex in autism: heterogeneity of qualitative and quantitative cytoarchitectonic features suggests possible subgroups.Acta neuropathologicaSimms ML, Kemper TL, Timbie CM, Bauman ML, Blatt GJNovember 2009Not Determined
19582564Create StudyDissemination of evidence-based practice: can we train therapists from a distance?Journal of autism and developmental disordersVismara, Laurie A; Young, Gregory S; Stahmer, Aubyn C; Griffith, Elizabeth McMahon; Rogers, Sally JDecember 2009Not Determined
19572193Create StudyBrief report: IQ split predicts social symptoms and communication abilities in high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersBlack, David O; Wallace, Gregory L; Sokoloff, Jennifer L; Kenworthy, LaurenNovember 2009Not Determined
19559060Create StudyMethamphetamine treatment causes delayed decrease in novelty-induced locomotor activity in mice.Neuroscience researchKrasnova, Irina N; Hodges, Amber B; Ladenheim, Bruce; Rhoades, Raina; Phillip, Crystal G; Cesena, Angela; Ivanova, Ekaterina; Hohmann, Christine F; Cadet, Jean LudOctober 2009Not Determined
19541375Create StudyThe emerging role of synaptic cell-adhesion pathways in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders.Trends in neurosciencesBetancur, Catalina; Sakurai, Takeshi; Buxbaum, Joseph DJuly 1, 2009Not Determined
19487623Create StudyLack of efficacy of citalopram in children with autism spectrum disorders and high levels of repetitive behavior: citalopram ineffective in children with autism.Archives of general psychiatryKing, Bryan H; Hollander, Eric; Sikich, Linmarie; McCracken, James T; Scahill, Lawrence; Bregman, Joel D; Donnelly, Craig L; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Dukes, Kimberly; Sullivan, Lisa; Hirtz, Deborah; Wagner, Ann; Ritz, Louise; STAART Psychopharmacology NetworkJune 2009Not Determined
19454620Create StudyERP responses differentiate inverted but not upright face processing in adults with ASD.Social cognitive and affective neuroscienceWebb, Sara Jane; Merkle, Kristen; Murias, Michael; Richards, Todd; Aylward, Elizabeth; Dawson, GeraldineJune 2012Not Determined
19452267Create StudyBrief report: parental age and the sex ratio in autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersAnello, Alene; Reichenberg, Abraham; Luo, Xiaodong; Schmeidler, James; Hollander, Eric; Smith, Christopher J; Puleo, Connor M; Kryzak, Lauren A; Silverman, Jeremy MOctober 2009Not Determined
19432386Create StudyMultiple rare variants in the etiology of autism spectrum disorders.Dialogues in clinical neuroscienceBuxbaum JD2009Not Determined
19404257Create StudyAutism genome-wide copy number variation reveals ubiquitin and neuronal genes.NatureGlessner, Joseph T; Wang, Kai; Cai, Guiqing; Korvatska, Olena; Kim, Cecilia E; Wood, Shawn; Zhang, Haitao; Estes, Annette; Brune, Camille W; Bradfield, Jonathan P; Imielinski, Marcin; Frackelton, Edward C; Reichert, Jennifer; Crawford, Emily L; Munson, Jeffrey; Sleiman, Patrick M A; Chiavacci, Rosetta; Annaiah, Kiran; Thomas, Kelly; Hou, Cuiping; Glaberson, Wendy; Flory, James; Otieno, Frederick; Garris, Maria; Soorya, Latha; Klei, Lambertus; Piven, Joseph; Meyer, Kacie J; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Sakurai, Takeshi; Game, Rachel M; Rudd, Danielle S; Zurawiecki, Danielle; McDougle, Christopher J; Davis, Lea K; Miller, Judith; Posey, David J; Michaels, Shana; Kolevzon, Alexander; Silverman, Jeremy M; Bernier, Raphael; Levy, Susan E; Schultz, Robert T; Dawson, Geraldine; Owley, Thomas; McMahon, William M; Wassink, Thomas H; Sweeney, John A; Nurnberger, John I; Coon, Hilary; Sutcliffe, James S; Minshew, Nancy J; Grant, Struan F A; Bucan, Maja; Cook, Edwin H; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Devlin, Bernie; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Hakonarson, HakonMay 28, 2009Not Determined
19404256Create StudyCommon genetic variants on 5p14.1 associate with autism spectrum disorders.NatureWang, Kai; Zhang, Haitao; Ma, Deqiong; Bucan, Maja; Glessner, Joseph T; Abrahams, Brett S; Salyakina, Daria; Imielinski, Marcin; Bradfield, Jonathan P; Sleiman, Patrick M A; Kim, Cecilia E; Hou, Cuiping; Frackelton, Edward; Chiavacci, Rosetta; Takahashi, Nagahide; Sakurai, Takeshi; Rappaport, Eric; Lajonchere, Clara M; Munson, Jeffrey; Estes, Annette; Korvatska, Olena; Piven, Joseph; Sonnenblick, Lisa I; Alvarez Retuerto, Ana I; Herman, Edward I; Dong, Hongmei; Hutman, Ted; Sigman, Marian; Ozonoff, Sally; Klin, Ami; Owley, Thomas; Sweeney, John A; Brune, Camille W; Cantor, Rita M; Bernier, Raphael; Gilbert, John R; Cuccaro, Michael L; McMahon, William M; Miller, Judith; State, Matthew W; Wassink, Thomas H; Coon, Hilary; Levy, Susan E; Schultz, Robert T; Nurnberger, John I; Haines, Jonathan L; Sutcliffe, James S; Cook, Edwin H; Minshew, Nancy J; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Dawson, Geraldine; Grant, Struan F A; Geschwind, Daniel H; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Hakonarson, HakonMay 28, 2009Not Determined
19384887Create StudyThe fMRI success rate of children and adolescents: typical development, epilepsy, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorders.Human brain mappingYerys, Benjamin E; Jankowski, Kathryn F; Shook, Devon; Rosenberger, Lisa R; Barnes, Kelly Anne; Berl, Madison M; Ritzl, Eva K; Vanmeter, John; Vaidya, Chandan J; Gaillard, William DOctober 2009Not Determined
19363431Create StudyResearch applications of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate psychiatric disorders.Topics in magnetic resonance imaging : TMRIDager, Stephen R; Corrigan, Neva M; Richards, Todd L; Posse, StefanApril 2008Not Determined
19360675Create StudyA large-scale screen for coding variants in SERT/SLC6A4 in autism spectrum disorders.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchSakurai, Takeshi; Reichert, Jennifer; Hoffman, Ellen J; Cai, Guiqing; Jones, Hywel B; Faham, Malek; Buxbaum, Joseph DAugust 2008Not Determined
19360673Create StudyBrain function and gaze fixation during facial-emotion processing in fragile X and autism.Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism ResearchDalton, Kim M; Holsen, Laura; Abbeduto, Leonard; Davidson, Richard JAugust 2008Not Determined
19322649Create StudyAn investigation of the relationship between fMRI and ERP source localized measurements of brain activity during face processing.Brain topographyCorrigan, Neva M; Richards, Todd; Webb, Sara Jane; Murias, Michael; Merkle, Kristen; Kleinhans, Natalia M; Johnson, L Clark; Poliakov, Andrew; Aylward, Elizabeth; Dawson, GeraldineSeptember 2009Not Determined
19306385Create StudyCardiovascular safety of medication treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.The Mount Sinai journal of medicine, New YorkNewcorn JH, Donnelly CApril 2009Not Relevant
19263208Create StudyConfirmatory factor analysis of the child behavior checklist 1.5-5 in a sample of children with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersPandolfi, Vincent; Magyar, Caroline I; Dill, Charles AJuly 2009Not Determined
19243924Create StudyCerebellar vermal volumes and behavioral correlates in children with autism spectrum disorder.Psychiatry researchWebb, Sara Jane; Sparks, Bobbi-Faun; Friedman, Seth D; Shaw, Dennis W W; Giedd, Jay; Dawson, Geraldine; Dager, Stephen RApril 30, 2009Not Determined
19234776Create StudyBrief report: biochemical correlates of clinical impairment in high functioning autism and Asperger''s disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersKleinhans, Natalia M; Richards, Todd; Weaver, Kurt E; Liang, Olivia; Dawson, Geraldine; Aylward, ElizabethJuly 2009Not Determined
19223437Create StudyReduced neural habituation in the amygdala and social impairments in autism spectrum disorders.The American journal of psychiatryKleinhans, Natalia M; Johnson, L Clark; Richards, Todd; Mahurin, Roderick; Greenson, Jessica; Dawson, Geraldine; Aylward, ElizabethApril 2009Not Determined
19151711Create StudyLaminar and compartmental regulation of dendritic growth in mature cortex.Nature neuroscienceChow, David K; Groszer, Matthias; Pribadi, Mochtar; Machniki, Michal; Carmichael, S Thomas; Liu, Xin; Trachtenberg, Joshua TFebruary 2009Not Determined
19127655Create StudyEvidence for latent classes of IQ in young children with autism spectrum disorder.American journal of mental retardation : AJMRMunson, Jeffrey; Dawson, Geraldine; Sterling, Lindsey; Beauchaine, Theodore; Zhou, Andrew; Elizabeth, Koehler; Lord, Catherine; Rogers, Sally; Sigman, Marian; Estes, Annette; Abbott, RobertNovember 2008Not Determined
19111285Create StudyReference production in young speakers with and without autism: effects of discourse status and processing constraints.CognitionArnold, Jennifer E; Bennetto, Loisa; Diehl, Joshua JFebruary 2009Not Determined
19068486Create StudyFunctional connectivity of the inferior frontal cortex changes with age in children with autism spectrum disorders: a fcMRI study of response inhibition.Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)Lee, Philip S; Yerys, Benjamin E; Della Rosa, Anne; Foss-Feig, Jennifer; Barnes, Kelly Anne; James, Joette D; VanMeter, John; Vaidya, Chandan J; Gaillard, William D; Kenworthy, Lauren EAugust 2009Not Determined
19033154Create StudyDrosophila vesicular monoamine transporter mutants can adapt to reduced or eliminated vesicular stores of dopamine and serotonin.GeneticsSimon, Anne F; Daniels, Richard; Romero-Calderón, Rafael; Grygoruk, Anna; Chang, Hui-Yun; Najibi, Rod; Shamouelian, David; Salazar, Evelyn; Solomon, Mordecai; Ackerson, Larry C; Maidment, Nigel T; Diantonio, Aaron; Krantz, David EFebruary 2009Not Determined
19015968Create StudyParent-assisted social skills training to improve friendships in teens with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersLaugeson, Elizabeth A; Frankel, Fred; Mogil, Catherine; Dillon, Ashley RApril 2009Not Determined
19003497Create StudyThe influences of task difficulty and response correctness on neural systems supporting fluid reasoning.Cognitive neurodynamicsKalbfleisch, M Layne; Van Meter, John W; Zeffiro, Thomas AMarch 2007Not Determined
18999331Create StudyModeling longitudinal change in the language abilities of children with autism: parent behaviors and child characteristics as predictors of change.Developmental psychologySiller M, Sigman MNovember 2008Not Determined
18985104Create StudyModel syndromes for investigating social cognitive and affective neuroscience: a comparison of Autism and Williams syndrome.Social cognitive and affective neuroscienceTager-Flusberg, Helen; Skwerer, Daniela Plesa; Joseph, Robert MDecember 2006Not Relevant
18984147Create StudyAutism: many genes, common pathways?CellGeschwind, Daniel HOctober 31, 2008Not Determined
18954476Create StudyNeurocognitive predictors of social and communicative developmental trajectories in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINSMunson, Jeffrey; Faja, Susan; Meltzoff, Andrew; Abbott, Robert; Dawson, GeraldineNovember 2008Not Determined
18782849Create StudyAssociation of common variants in the Joubert syndrome gene (AHI1) with autism.Human molecular geneticsAlvarez Retuerto, Ana I; Cantor, Rita M; Gleeson, Joseph G; Ustaszewska, Anna; Schackwitz, Wendy S; Pennacchio, Len A; Geschwind, Daniel HDecember 15, 2008Not Determined
18751880Create StudyBrief report: face configuration accuracy and processing speed among adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersFaja, Susan; Webb, Sara Jane; Merkle, Kristen; Aylward, Elizabeth; Dawson, GeraldineMarch 2009Not Determined
18655901Create StudyOxytocin and experimental therapeutics in autism spectrum disorders.Progress in brain researchBartz JA, Hollander E2008Not Determined
18632090Create StudyGenome-wide linkage analyses of quantitative and categorical autism subphenotypes.Biological psychiatryLiu, Xiao-Qing; Paterson, Andrew D; Szatmari, Peter; Autism Genome Project ConsortiumOctober 2008Not Determined
18606031Create StudyEarly behavioral intervention, brain plasticity, and the prevention of autism spectrum disorder.Development and psychopathologyDawson, Geraldine2008Not Determined
18502497Create StudyResolving ambiguity: a psycholinguistic approach to understanding prosody processing in high-functioning autism.Brain and languageDiehl, Joshua J; Bennetto, Loisa; Watson, Duane; Gunlogson, Christine; McDonough, JoyceAugust 2008Not Determined
18498344Create StudySensory clusters of toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: differences in affective symptoms.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesBen-Sasson A, Cermak SA, Orsmond GI, Tager-Flusberg H, Kadlec MB, Carter ASAugust 2008Not Determined
18463237Create StudyDiffusion tensor imaging of cortical surface development.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for NeuroscienceHutchinson EB, Kelley DJMay 7, 2008Not Relevant
18443967Create StudyBecoming a face expert: a computerized face-training program for high-functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders.Developmental neuropsychologyFaja S, Aylward E, Bernier R, Dawson G2008Not Determined
18439113Create StudyPsychopharmacology of aggression in children and adolescents with autism: a critical review of efficacy and tolerability.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacologyParikh MS, Kolevzon A, Hollander EApril 2008Not Determined
18414403Create StudyAdvances in autism genetics: on the threshold of a new neurobiology.Nature reviews. GeneticsAbrahams, Brett S; Geschwind, Daniel HMay 2008Not Determined
18348195Create StudyAn analysis of candidate autism loci on chromosome 2q24-q33: evidence for association to the STK39 gene.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsRamoz, Nicolas; Cai, Guiqing; Reichert, Jennifer G; Silverman, Jeremy M; Buxbaum, Joseph DOctober 5, 2008Not Determined
18306030Create StudyThe role of face familiarity in eye tracking of faces by individuals with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersSterling, Lindsey; Dawson, Geraldine; Webb, Sara; Murias, Michael; Munson, Jeffrey; Panagiotides, Heracles; Aylward, ElizabethOctober 2008Not Determined
18305076Create StudyAutism spectrum disorders: clinical and research frontiers.Archives of disease in childhoodCaronna EB, Milunsky JM, Tager-Flusberg HJune 2008Not Relevant
18253102Create StudyDiagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in the first 3 years of life.Nature clinical practice. NeurologyLanda RJMarch 2008Not Determined
18240012Create StudyParenting stress in mothers and fathers of toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: associations with child characteristics.Journal of autism and developmental disordersDavis, Naomi Ornstein; Carter, Alice SAugust 2008Not Determined
18234695Create StudyAbnormal functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorders during face processing.Brain : a journal of neurologyKleinhans NM, Richards T, Sterling L, Stegbauer KC, Mahurin R, Johnson LC, Greenson J, Dawson G, Aylward EApril 2008Not Determined
18188685Create StudyLanguage assessment and development in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersLuyster, Rhiannon J; Kadlec, Mary Beth; Carter, Alice; Tager-Flusberg, HelenSeptember 2008Not Determined
18058011Create StudyHead circumference as an early predictor of autism symptoms in younger siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersElder, Lauren M; Dawson, Geraldine; Toth, Karen; Fein, Deborah; Munson, JeffJuly 2008Not Determined
18001468Create StudyMutation analysis of the NSD1 gene in patients with autism spectrum disorders and macrocephaly.BMC medical geneticsBuxbaum JD, Cai G, Nygren G, Chaste P, Delorme R, Goldsmith J, Råstam M, Silverman JM, Hollander E, Gillberg C, Leboyer M, Betancur C2007Not Determined
17975722Create StudyCharacteristics associated with presence of depressive symptoms in adults with autism spectrum disorder.Journal of autism and developmental disordersSterling, Lindsey; Dawson, Geraldine; Estes, Annette; Greenson, JessicaJuly 2008Not Determined
17974928Create StudySmith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome and autism spectrum disorder.The American journal of psychiatryBukelis I, Porter FD, Zimmerman AW, Tierney ENovember 2007Not Determined
17971879Create StudyCreating physical 3D stereolithograph models of brain and skull.PloS oneKelley DJ, Farhoud M, Meyerand ME, Nelson DL, Ramirez LF, Dempsey RJ, Wolf AJ, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ2007Not Relevant
17963435Create StudyLevel of intellectual functioning predicts patterns of associated symptoms in school-age children with autism spectrum disorder.American journal of mental retardation : AJMREstes AM, Dawson G, Sterling L, Munson JNovember 2007Not Determined
17944296Create StudyExtreme sensory modulation behaviors in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders.The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy AssociationBen-Sasson, Ayelet; Cermak, Sharon A; Orsmond, Gael I; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Carter, Alice S; Kadlec, Mary Beth; Dunn, WinnieSeptember 2007Not Determined
17940244Create StudyRate of head circumference growth as a function of autism diagnosis and history of autistic regression.Journal of child neurologyWebb, Sara Jane; Nalty, Theresa; Munson, Jeff; Brock, Catherine; Abbott, Robert; Dawson, GeraldineOctober 2007Not Determined
17924181Create StudyA comparative analysis of well-being and coping among mothers of toddlers and mothers of adolescents with ASD.Journal of autism and developmental disordersSmith, Leann E; Seltzer, Marsha Mailick; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Greenberg, Jan S; Carter, Alice SMay 2008Not Determined
17894412Create StudyAutism-related routines and rituals associated with a mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate carrier SLC25A12 polymorphism.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsSilverman, Jeremy M; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Ramoz, Nicolas; Schmeidler, James; Reichenberg, Abraham; Hollander, Eric; Angelo, Gary; Smith, Christopher J; Kryzak, Lauren AApril 5, 2008Not Determined
17716073Create StudyAutism from developmental and neuropsychological perspectives.Annual review of clinical psychologySigman M, Spence SJ, Wang AT2006Not Determined
17683453Create StudyAudiovisual speech integration and lipreading in autism.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesSmith EG, Bennetto LAugust 2007Not Determined
17606819Create StudySocial and communication development in toddlers with early and later diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders.Archives of general psychiatryLanda RJ, Holman KC, Garrett-Mayer EJuly 2007Not Determined
17572391Create StudyOlfaction and taste processing in autism.Biological psychiatryBennetto, Loisa; Kuschner, Emily S; Hyman, Susan LNovember 1, 2007Not Determined
17558282Create StudyIncreased amygdala activation to neutral faces is associated with better face memory performance.NeuroreportKleinhans NM, Johnson LC, Mahurin R, Richards T, Stegbauer KC, Greenson J, Dawson G, Aylward EJuly 2, 2007Not Determined
17548752Create StudyCerebral cortical gray matter overgrowth and functional variation of the serotonin transporter gene in autism.Archives of general psychiatryWassink TH, Hazlett HC, Epping EA, Arndt S, Dager SR, Schellenberg GD, Dawson G, Piven JJune 2007Not Determined
17451856Create StudyEEG mu rhythm and imitation impairments in individuals with autism spectrum disorder.Brain and cognitionBernier, R; Dawson, G; Webb, S; Murias, MAugust 2007Not Determined
17438342Create StudyOutcome for children with autism who began intensive behavioral treatment between ages 4 and 7: a comparison controlled study.Behavior modificationEikeseth S, Smith T, Jahr E, Eldevik SMay 2007Not Determined
17437070Create StudyFactor structure evaluation of the childhood autism rating scale.Journal of autism and developmental disordersMagyar, Caroline I; Pandolfi, VincentOctober 2007Not Determined
17427195Create StudyMutation screening of the PTEN gene in patients with autism spectrum disorders and macrocephaly.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsBuxbaum, Joseph D; Cai, Guiqing; Chaste, Pauline; Nygren, Gudrun; Goldsmith, Juliet; Reichert, Jennifer; Anckarsäter, Henrik; Rastam, Maria; Smith, Christopher J; Silverman, Jeremy M; Hollander, Eric; Leboyer, Marion; Gillberg, Christopher; Verloes, Alain; Betancur, CatalinaJune 5, 2007Not Determined
17426350Create StudyUnobtrusive integration of data management with fMRI analysis.NeuroinformaticsPoliakov, Andrew V; Hertzenberg, Xenia; Moore, Eider B; Corina, David P; Ojemann, George A; Brinkley, James F2007Not Determined
17416819Create StudyShape mapping of the hippocampus in young children with autism spectrum disorder.AJNR. American journal of neuroradiologyDager, S R; Wang, L; Friedman, S D; Shaw, D W; Constantino, J N; Artru, A A; Dawson, G; Csernansky, J GApril 2007Not Relevant
17336944Create StudyResting state cortical connectivity reflected in EEG coherence in individuals with autism.Biological psychiatryMurias, Michael; Webb, Sara J; Greenson, Jessica; Dawson, GeraldineAugust 1, 2007Not Determined
17322880Create StudyMapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements.Nature geneticsAutism Genome Project Consortium; Szatmari, Peter; Paterson, Andrew D; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie; Roberts, Wendy; Brian, Jessica; Liu, Xiao-Qing; Vincent, John B; Skaug, Jennifer L; Thompson, Ann P; Senman, Lili; Feuk, Lars; Qian, Cheng; Bryson, Susan E; Jones, Marshall B; Marshall, Christian R; Scherer, Stephen W; Vieland, Veronica J; Bartlett, Christopher; Mangin, La Vonne; Goedken, Rhinda; Segre, Alberto; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Cuccaro, Michael L; Gilbert, John R; Wright, Harry H; Abramson, Ruth K; Betancur, Catalina; Bourgeron, Thomas; Gillberg, Christopher; Leboyer, Marion; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Davis, Kenneth L; Hollander, Eric; Silverman, Jeremy M; Hallmayer, Joachim; Lotspeich, Linda; Sutcliffe, James S; Haines, Jonathan L; Folstein, Susan E; Piven, Joseph; Wassink, Thomas H; Sheffield, Val; Geschwind, Daniel H; Bucan, Maja; Brown, W Ted; Cantor, Rita M; Constantino, John N; Gilliam, T Conrad; Herbert, Martha; Lajonchere, Clara; Ledbetter, David H; Lese-Martin, Christa; Miller, Janet; Nelson, Stan; Samango-Sprouse, Carol A; Spence, Sarah; State, Matthew; Tanzi, Rudolph E; Coon, Hilary; Dawson, Geraldine; Devlin, Bernie; Estes, Annette; Flodman, Pamela; Klei, Lambertus; McMahon, William M; Minshew, Nancy; Munson, Jeff; Korvatska, Elena; Rodier, Patricia M; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Smith, Moyra; Spence, M Anne; Stodgell, Chris; Tepper, Ping Guo; Wijsman, Ellen M; Yu, Chang-En; Rogé, Bernadette; Mantoulan, Carine; Wittemeyer, Kerstin; Poustka, Annemarie; Felder, Bärbel; Klauck, Sabine M; Schuster, Claudia; Poustka, Fritz; Bölte, Sven; Feineis-Matthews, Sabine; Herbrecht, Evelyn; Schmötzer, Gabi; Tsiantis, John; Papanikolaou, Katerina; Maestrini, Elena; Bacchelli, Elena; Blasi, Francesca; Carone, Simona; Toma, Claudio; Van Engeland, Herman; de Jonge, Maretha; Kemner, Chantal; Koop, Frederieke; Koop, Frederike; Langemeijer, Marjolein; Langemeijer, Marjolijn; Hijmans, Channa; Hijimans, Channa; Staal, Wouter G; Baird, Gillian; Bolton, Patrick F; Rutter, Michael L; Weisblatt, Emma; Green, Jonathan; Aldred, Catherine; Wilkinson, Julie-Anne; Pickles, Andrew; Le Couteur, Ann; Berney, Tom; McConachie, Helen; Bailey, Anthony J; Francis, Kostas; Honeyman, Gemma; Hutchinson, Aislinn; Parr, Jeremy R; Wallace, Simon; Monaco, Anthony P; Barnby, Gabrielle; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Lamb, Janine A; Sousa, Ines; Sykes, Nuala; Cook, Edwin H; Guter, Stephen J; Leventhal, Bennett L; Salt, Jeff; Lord, Catherine; Corsello, Christina; Hus, Vanessa; Weeks, Daniel E; Volkmar, Fred; Tauber, Maïté; Fombonne, Eric; Shih, Andy; Meyer, Kacie JMarch 2007Not Determined
17296168Create StudyNeonatal serotonin depletion alters behavioral responses to spatial change and novelty.Brain researchHohmann CF, Walker EM, Boylan CB, Blue MEMarch 30, 2007Not Determined
17275283Create StudyAutism spectrum disorders: developmental disconnection syndromes.Current opinion in neurobiologyGeschwind DH, Levitt PFebruary 2007Not Determined
17216333Create StudySex differences in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disordersCarter, Alice S; Black, David O; Tewani, Sonia; Connolly, Christine E; Kadlec, Mary Beth; Tager-Flusberg, HelenJanuary 2007Not Determined
17216332Create StudyResponse to joint attention in toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorder: a prospective study.Journal of autism and developmental disordersSullivan, Michelle; Finelli, Julianna; Marvin, Alison; Garrett-Mayer, Elizabeth; Bauman, Margaret; Landa, RebeccaJanuary 2007Not Determined
17146016Create StudyAmygdala volume and nonverbal social impairment in adolescent and adult males with autism.Archives of general psychiatryNacewicz BM, Dalton KM, Johnstone T, Long MT, McAuliff EM, Oakes TR, Alexander AL, Davidson RJDecember 2006Not Determined
17137564Create StudyRate of head growth decelerates and symptoms worsen in the second year of life in autism.Biological psychiatryDawson, Geraldine; Munson, Jeff; Webb, Sara Jane; Nalty, Theresa; Abbott, Robert; Toth, KarenFebruary 15, 2007Not Determined
17106428Create StudyAssociation analysis of the NrCAM gene in autism and in subsets of families with severe obsessive-compulsive or self-stimulatory behaviors.Psychiatric geneticsSakurai T, Ramoz N, Reichert JG, Corwin TE, Kryzak L, Smith CJ, Silverman JM, Hollander E, Buxbaum JDDecember 2006Not Determined
17069771Create StudyGaze-fixation, brain activation, and amygdala volume in unaffected siblings of individuals with autism.Biological psychiatryDalton KM, Nacewicz BM, Alexander AL, Davidson RJFebruary 15, 2007Not Determined
17034875Create StudyModeling early cortical serotonergic deficits in autism.Behavioural brain researchBoylan CB, Blue ME, Hohmann CFJanuary 10, 2007Not Determined
16958027Create StudyFamily-based association study of TPH1 and TPH2 polymorphisms in autism.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsRamoz, Nicolas; Cai, Guiqing; Reichert, Jennifer G; Corwin, Thomas E; Kryzak, Lauren A; Smith, Christopher J; Silverman, Jeremy M; Hollander, Eric; Buxbaum, Joseph DDecember 5, 2006Not Determined
16924017Create StudyGray matter abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder revealed by T2 relaxation.NeurologyPetropoulos H, Friedman SD, Shaw DW, Artru AA, Dawson G, Dager SRAugust 22, 2006Not Determined
16904652Create StudyOxytocin increases retention of social cognition in autism.Biological psychiatryHollander, Eric; Bartz, Jennifer; Chaplin, William; Phillips, Ann; Sumner, Jennifer; Soorya, Latha; Anagnostou, Evdokia; Wasserman, StaceyFebruary 15, 2007Not Determined
16897400Create StudyERP evidence of atypical face processing in young children with autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersWebb, Sara J; Dawson, Geraldine; Bernier, Raphael; Panagiotides, HeraclesOctober 2006Not Determined
16884725Create StudyThe neuroscience of affiliation: forging links between basic and clinical research on neuropeptides and social behavior.Hormones and behaviorBartz JA, Hollander ENovember 2006Not Determined
16874769Create StudyAbnormalities of cholesterol metabolism in autism spectrum disorders.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsTierney, Elaine; Bukelis, Irena; Thompson, Richard E; Ahmed, Khalid; Aneja, Alka; Kratz, Lisa; Kelley, Richard ISeptember 5, 2006Not Determined
16855874Create StudyInvolvement or isolation? The social networks of children with autism in regular classrooms.Journal of autism and developmental disordersChamberlain, Brandt; Kasari, Connie; Rotheram-Fuller, ErinFebruary 2007Not Determined
16845578Create StudyEarly predictors of communication development in young children with autism spectrum disorder: joint attention, imitation, and toy play.Journal of autism and developmental disordersToth K, Munson J, Meltzoff AN, Dawson GNovember 2006Not Determined
16816239Create StudyEffects of season of birth on autism spectrum disorders: fact or fiction?The American journal of psychiatryKolevzon, Alexander; Weiser, Mark; Gross, Raz; Lubin, Gad; Knobler, Haim Y; Schmeidler, James; Silverman, Jeremy M; Reichenberg, AbrahamJuly 2006Not Determined
16810564Create StudyThe collateral effects of joint attention training on social initiations, positive affect, imitation, and spontaneous speech for young children with autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersWhalen, Christina; Schreibman, Laura; Ingersoll, BrookeJuly 2006Not Determined
16752361Create StudyStratification based on language-related endophenotypes in autism: attempt to replicate reported linkage.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsSpence, Sarah J; Cantor, Rita M; Chung, Lien; Kim, Sharon; Geschwind, Daniel H; Alarcón, MaricelaSeptember 5, 2006Not Determined
16685181Create StudyEarly intensive behavioral treatment: replication of the UCLA model in a community setting.Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBPCohen H, Amerine-Dickens M, Smith TApril 2006Not Determined
16649827Create StudySelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in autism: a review of efficacy and tolerability.The Journal of clinical psychiatryKolevzon, Alexander; Mathewson, Karen A; Hollander, EricMarch 2006Not Determined
16616719Create StudyLack of evidence for association of the serotonin transporter gene SLC6A4 with autism.Biological psychiatryRamoz N, Reichert JG, Corwin TE, Smith CJ, Silverman JM, Hollander E, Buxbaum JDJuly 15, 2006Not Determined
16445396Create StudyEvent-related potential (ERP) indices of infants' recognition of familiar and unfamiliar objects in two and three dimensions.Developmental scienceCarver LJ, Meltzoff AN, Dawson GJanuary 2006Not Determined
16395125Create StudyAutism and ultraconserved non-coding sequence on chromosome 7q.Psychiatric geneticsRichler E, Reichert JG, Buxbaum JD, McInnes LAFebruary 2006Not Determined
16262987Create StudyNeurocognitive and electrophysiological evidence of altered face processing in parents of children with autism: implications for a model of abnormal development of social brain circuitry in autism.Development and psychopathologyDawson G, Webb SJ, Wijsman E, Schellenberg G, Estes A, Munson J, Faja S2005Not Determined
16203980Create StudyMultiplexed variation scanning for 1,000 amplicons in hundreds of patients using mismatch repair detection (MRD) on tag arrays.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaFaham M, Zheng J, Moorhead M, Fakhrai-Rad H, Namsaraev E, Wong K, Wang Z, Chow SG, Lee L, Suyenaga K, Reichert J, Boudreau A, Eberle J, Bruckner C, Jain M, Karlin-Neumann G, Jones HB, Willis TD, Buxbaum JD, Davis RWOctober 11, 2005Not Determined
16184061Create StudyPropofol sedation for longitudinal pediatric neuroimaging research.Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiologyAmundsen LB, Artru AA, Dager SR, Shaw DW, Friedman S, Sparks B, Dawson GOctober 2005Not Determined
16167091Create StudyIndividuals with autism spectrum disorder show normal responses to a fear potential startle paradigm.Journal of autism and developmental disordersBernier, Raphael; Dawson, Geraldine; Panagiotides, Heracles; Webb, SaraOctober 2005Not Determined
16161095Create StudyAssessment of social communication skills in preschoolers.Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviewsLanda RJ2005Not Determined
16119475Create StudyVariation in early developmental course in autism and its relation with behavioral outcome at 3-4 years of age.Journal of autism and developmental disordersWerner, Emily; Dawson, Geraldine; Munson, Jeffrey; Osterling, JulieJune 2005Not Determined
16083327Create StudyAutism spectrum disorders: emerging pharmacotherapy.Expert opinion on emerging drugsBostic JQ, King BHAugust 2005Not Relevant
15939406Create StudyStriatal volume on magnetic resonance imaging and repetitive behaviors in autism.Biological psychiatryHollander E, Anagnostou E, Chaplin W, Esposito K, Haznedar MM, Licalzi E, Wasserman S, Soorya L, Buchsbaum MAugust 1, 2005Not Determined
15850743Create StudyCortical thickness analysis in autism with heat kernel smoothing.NeuroImageChung MK, Robbins SM, Dalton KM, Davidson RJ, Alexander AL, Evans ACMay 1, 2005Not Determined
15843104Create StudyUnderstanding the nature of face processing impairment in autism: insights from behavioral and electrophysiological studies.Developmental neuropsychologyDawson G, Webb SJ, McPartland J2005Not Determined
15796118Create StudyImprovement in cognitive and language skills from preschool to adolescence in autism.Journal of autism and developmental disordersSigman, Marian; McGovern, Corina WFebruary 2005Not Determined
15750588Create StudyGaze fixation and the neural circuitry of face processing in autism.Nature neuroscienceDalton, Kim M; Nacewicz, Brendon M; Johnstone, Tom; Schaefer, Hillary S; Gernsbacher, Morton Ann; Goldsmith, H H; Alexander, Andrew L; Davidson, Richard JApril 2005Not Determined
15749245Create StudyThe teratology of autism.International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental NeuroscienceArndt, Tara L; Stodgell, Christopher J; Rodier, Patricia MApril 2005Not Determined
15647058Create StudyLinks between social and linguistic processing of speech in preschool children with autism: behavioral and electrophysiological measures.Developmental scienceKuhl PK, Coffey-Corina S, Padden D, Dawson GJanuary 2005Not Determined
15575414Create StudyThe genetics of autism.Seminars in pediatric neurologySpence SJSeptember 2004Not Determined
15454078Create StudyCa(V)1.2 calcium channel dysfunction causes a multisystem disorder including arrhythmia and autism.CellSplawski, Igor; Timothy, Katherine W; Sharpe, Leah M; Decher, Niels; Kumar, Pradeep; Bloise, Raffaella; Napolitano, Carlo; Schwartz, Peter J; Joseph, Robert M; Condouris, Karen; Tager-Flusberg, Helen; Priori, Silvia G; Sanguinetti, Michael C; Keating, Mark TOctober 1, 2004Not Determined
15335344Create StudyEvent-related brain potentials reveal anomalies in temporal processing of faces in autism spectrum disorder.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplinesMcPartland J, Dawson G, Webb SJ, Panagiotides H, Carver LJOctober 2004Not Determined
15325371Create StudyLess white matter concentration in autism: 2D voxel-based morphometry.NeuroImageChung MK, Dalton KM, Alexander AL, Davidson RJSeptember 2004Not Determined
15274045Create StudyFamilial symptom domains in monozygotic siblings with autism.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric GeneticsKolevzon, Alexander; Smith, Christopher J; Schmeidler, James; Buxbaum, Joseph D; Silverman, Jeremy MAugust 15, 2004Not Determined
15246704Create StudySex-specific development of cortical monoamine levels in mouse.Brain research. Developmental brain researchConnell S, Karikari C, Hohmann CFJuly 19, 2004Not Determined
15056512Create StudyLinkage and association of the mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate carrier SLC25A12 gene with autism.The American journal of psychiatryRamoz, Nicolas; Reichert, Jennifer G; Smith, Christopher J; Silverman, Jeremy M; Bespalova, Irina N; Davis, Kenneth L; Buxbaum, Joseph DApril 2004Not Determined
14999178Create StudyComorbidity in compulsive hoarding: a case report.CNS spectrumsKaplan, Alicia; Hollander, EricJanuary 2004Not Determined
14999175Create StudyImpact of recent findings on study design of future autism clinical trials.CNS spectrumsHollander, Eric; Phillips, Ann; King, Bryan H; Guthrie, Donald; Aman, Michael G; Law, Paul; Owley, Thomas; Robinson, RickiJanuary 2004Not Determined
14979766Create StudyEarly social attention impairments in autism: social orienting, joint attention, and attention to distress.Developmental psychologyDawson G, Toth K, Abbott R, Osterling J, Munson J, Estes A, Liaw JMarch 2004Not Determined
14699429Create StudyLinkage analysis for autism in a subset families with obsessive-compulsive behaviors: evidence for an autism susceptibility gene on chromosome 1 and further support for susceptibility genes on chromosome 6 and 19.Molecular psychiatryBuxbaum JD, Silverman J, Keddache M, Smith CJ, Hollander E, Ramoz N, Reichert JGFebruary 2004Not Determined

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Examining the validity of the use of ratio IQs in psychological assessments IQ tests are amongst the most used psychological assessments, both in research and clinical settings. For participants who cannot complete IQ tests normed for their age, ratio IQ scores (RIQ) are routinely computed and used as a proxy of IQ, especially in large research databases to avoid missing data points. However, because it has never been scientifically validated, this practice is questionable. In the era of big data, it is important to examine the validity of this widely used practice. In this paper, we use the case of autism to examine the differences between standard full-scale IQ (FSIQ) and RIQ. Data was extracted from four databases in which ages, FSIQ scores and subtests raw scores were available for autistic participants between 2 and 17 years old. The IQ tests included were the MSEL (N=12033), DAS-II early years (N=1270), DAS-II school age (N=2848), WISC-IV (N=471) and WISC-V (N=129). RIQs were computed for each participant as well as the discrepancy (DSC) between RIQ and FSIQ. We performed two linear regressions to respectively assess the effect of FSIQ and of age on the DSC for each IQ test, followed by additional analyses comparing age subgroups as well as FSIQ subgroups on DSC. Participants at the extremes of the FSIQ distribution tended to have a greater DSC than participants with average FSIQ. Furthermore, age significantly predicted the DSC, with RIQ superior to FSIQ for younger participants while the opposite was found for older participants. These results question the validity of this widely used alternative scoring method, especially for individuals at the extremes of the normal distribution, with whom RIQs are most often employed.1007/17423Secondary AnalysisShared
The importance of low IQ to early diagnosis of autismSome individuals can flexibly adapt to life’s changing demands while others, in particular those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), find it challenging. The origin of early individual differences in cognitive abilities, the putative tools with which to navigate novel information in life, including in infants later diagnosed with ASD remains unexplored. Moreover, the role of intelligence quotient (IQ) vis-à-vis core features of autism remains debated. We systematically investigate the contribution of early IQ in future autism outcomes in an extremely large, population-based study of 8,000 newborns, infants, and toddlers from the US between 2 and 68 months with over 15,000 cross-sectional and longitudinal assessments, and for whom autism outcomes are ascertained or ruled out by about 2-4 years. This population is representative of subjects involved in the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research, mainly on atypical development, in the US. Analyses using predetermined age bins showed that IQ scores are consistently lower in ASD relative to TD at all ages (p<0.001), and IQ significantly correlates with calibrated severity scores (total CSS, as well as non-verbal and verbal CSS) on the ADOS. Note, VIQ is no better than the full-scale IQ to predict ASD cases. These findings raise new, compelling questions about potential atypical brain circuitry affecting performance in both verbal and nonverbal abilities and that precede an ASD diagnosis. This study is the first to establish prospectively that low early IQ is a major feature of ASD in early childhood. 8/6323Secondary AnalysisShared
Psychometric Analysis of the Social Communication Questionnaire Using an Item-Response Theory Framework: Implications for the Use of the Lifetime and Current FormsThe Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) was developed as a screener of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). To date, the majority of the SCQ utility studies focused on its external validity (e.g., ROC curve analyses), but very few have addressed the internal validity issues. With samples consisting of 2,134 individuals available from the National Database for Autism Research (NDAR), the current study examined the factor structure, item-level characteristics, and measurement equivalence of the SCQ forms (i.e., Lifetime form and Current form) using both the classical true score theory and the item response theory (IRT). While our findings indicate sufficient psychometric properties of the SCQ Lifetime form, measurement issues emerged with respect to the SCQ Current form. These issues include lower internal consistencies, a weaker factor structure, lower item discriminations, significant pseudo-guessing effects, and subscale-level measurement bias. Thus, we caution researchers and clinicians about the use of the SCQ Current form. In particular, it seems inappropriate to use the Current form as an alternative to the Lifetime form among children younger than 5 years old or under other special situations (e.g., teacher-report data), although such practices were advised by the publisher of the SCQ. Instead, we recommend modifying the wording of the Lifetime form items rather than switching to the Current form where a 3-month timeframe is specified for responding to SCQ items. Future studies may consider investigating the association between the temporality of certain behaviors and the individual’s potential for being diagnosed with ASD, as well as the age neutrality of the SCQ.6/2054Secondary AnalysisShared
Unravelling the Collective Diagnostic Power Behind the Features in the Autism Diagnostic Observation ScheduleBackground: Autism is a group of heterogeneous disorders defined by deficits in social interaction and communication. Typically, diagnosis depends on the results of a behavioural examination called the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Unfortunately, administration of the ADOS exam is time-consuming and requires a significant amount of expert intervention, leading to delays in diagnosis and access to early intervention programs. The diagnostic power of each feature in the ADOS exam is currently unknown. Our hypothesis is that certain features could be removed from the exam without a significant reduction in diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity or specificity. Objective: Determine the smallest subset of predictive features in ADOS module-1 (an exam variant for patients with minimal verbal skills). Methodology: ADOS module-1 datasets were acquired from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange and the National Database for Autism Research. The datasets contained 2572 samples with the following labels: autism (1763), autism spectrum (513), and non-autism (296). The datasets were used as input to 4 different cost-sensitive classifiers in Weka (functional trees, LADTree, logistic model trees, and PART). For each classifier, a 10-fold cross validation was preformed and the number of predictive features, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity was recorded. Results & Conclusion: Each classifier resulted in a reduction of the number of ADOS features required for autism diagnosis. The LADtree classifier was able to obtain the largest reduction, utilizing only 10 of 29 ADOS module-1 features (96.8% accuracy, 96.9% sensitivity, and 95.9% specificity). Overall, these results are a step towards a more efficient behavioural exam for autism diagnosis. 35/1832Secondary AnalysisShared
Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes in autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitrySocial-communication (SC) and restricted repetitive behaviors (RRB) are autism diagnostic symptom domains. SC and RRB severity can markedly differ within and between individuals and may be underpinned by different neural circuitry and genetic mechanisms. Modeling SC-RRB balance could help identify how neural circuitry and genetic mechanisms map onto such phenotypic heterogeneity. Here, we developed a phenotypic stratification model that makes highly accurate (97–99%) out-of-sample SC = RRB, SC > RRB, and RRB > SC subtype predictions. Applying this model to resting state fMRI data from the EU-AIMS LEAP dataset (n = 509), we find that while the phenotypic subtypes share many commonalities in terms of intrinsic functional connectivity, they also show replicable differences within some networks compared to a typically-developing group (TD). Specifically, the somatomotor network is hypoconnected with perisylvian circuitry in SC > RRB and visual association circuitry in SC = RRB. The SC = RRB subtype show hyperconnectivity between medial motor and anterior salience circuitry. Genes that are highly expressed within these networks show a differential enrichment pattern with known autism-associated genes, indicating that such circuits are affected by differing autism-associated genomic mechanisms. These results suggest that SC-RRB imbalance subtypes share many commonalities, but also express subtle differences in functional neural circuitry and the genomic underpinnings behind such circuitry.2/1708Secondary AnalysisShared
Automated Autism Diagnosis using Phenotypic and Genotypic Attributes: Phase IThe ultimate goal of this project is to develop a predictive system that can automate the diagnosis process for autism using phenotypic and genotypic attributes for classification. At this time, only a first phase is being pursued: starting with scores from Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) reports, use data-mining techniques to select the smallest set of the most informative evaluation points that can lead to similar behavioral diagnoses as using all report features. The effort began in March, 2016 after data access to NDAR was granted. This report describes the results from that date through the end of December 2016.33/1045Secondary AnalysisShared
Revising the Social Communication Questionnaire scoring procedures for Autism Spectrum Disorder and potential Social Communication DisorderIn analyzing data from the National Database for Autism Research, we examine revising the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), a commonly used screening instrument for Autism Spectrum Disorder. A combination of Item Response Theory and Mokken scaling techniques were utilized to achieve this and abbreviated scoring of the SCQ is suggested. The psychometric sensitivity of this abbreviated SCQ was examined via bootstrapped Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve analyses. Additionally, we examined the sensitivity of the abbreviated and total scaled SCQ as it relates to a potential diagnosis of Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder (SCD). As SCD is a new disorder introduced with the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), we identified individuals with potential diagnosis of SCD among individuals with ASD via mixture modeling techniques using the same NDAR data. These analyses revealed two classes or clusters of individuals when considering the two core areas of impairment among individuals with ASD: social communication and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior. 7/889Secondary AnalysisShared
Predictors of self-injurious behaviour exhibited by individuals with autism spectrum disorderPresence of an autism spectrum disorder is a risk factor for development of self-injurious behaviour (SIB) exhibited by individuals with developmental disorders. The most salient SIB risk factors historically studied within developmental disorders are level of intellectual disability, communication deficits and presence of specific genetic disorders. Recent SIB research has expanded the search for risk factors to include less commonly studied variables for people with developmental disorders: negative affect, hyperactivity and impulsivity.220/589Secondary AnalysisShared
Face-processing performance is an independent predictor of social affect as measured by the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule across large-scale datasetsFace-processing deficits, while not required for the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), have been associated with impaired social skills—a core feature of ASD; however, the strength and prevalence of this relationship remains unclear. Across 445 participants from the NIMH Data Archive, we examined the relationship between Benton Face Recognition Test (BFRT) performance and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Social Affect (ADOS-SA) scores. Lower BFRT scores (worse face-processing performance) were associated with higher ADOS-SA scores (higher ASD severity)–a relationship that held after controlling for other factors associated with face processing, i.e., age, sex, and IQ. These findings underscore the utility of face discrimination, not just recognition of facial emotion, as a key covariate for the severity of symptoms that characterize ASD.2/445Secondary AnalysisShared
The Sensitivity and Specificity of the Social Communication Questionnaire for Autism Spectrum Disorder with Respect to AgeScientific Abstract The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) assesses communication skills and social functioning in screening for symptoms of autism-spectrum disorder (ASD). The SCQ is recommended for individuals between 4 to 40 years with a cutoff score of 15 for referral. Mixed findings have been reported regarding the recommended cutoff score’s ability to accurately classify an individual as at-risk for ASD (sensitivity) versus an individual as not at-risk for ASD (specificity). Based on a sample from the National Database for Autism Research (n=344; age: 1.58 to 25.92 years old), the present study examined the SCQ’s sensitivity versus specificity across a range of ages. We recommend that the cutoff scores for the SCQ be re-evaluated with age as a consideration. Lay Abstract The age neutrality of the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) was examined as a common screener for ASD. Mixed findings have been reported regarding the recommended cutoff score’s ability to accurately classify an individual as at-risk for ASD (sensitivity) versus accurately classifying an individual as not at-risk for ASD (specificity). With a sample from the National Database for Autism Research, the present study examined the SCQ’s sensitivity versus specificity. Analyses indicated that the actual sensitivity and specificity scores were lower than initially reported by the creators of the SCQ.3/339Secondary AnalysisShared
Cortico-Basal Ganglia Brain Structure and Links to Restricted, Repetitive Behavior in Autism Spectrum DisorderRestricted repetitive behavior (RRB) is one of two criteria domains required for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Neuroimaging is widely used to study brain alterations associated with ASD and the domain of social and communication deficits, but there has been less work regarding alterations associated with RRB. In this study we utilized neuroimaging data available from the National Database for Autism Research to assess volume in the basal ganglia and cerebellum, as well as microstructure in basal ganglia and cerebellar white matter tracts in ASD. We also investigated whether these measures differed between males and females with ASD, and how these factors correlated with clinical measures of RRB from the same individuals. We found that individuals with ASD had significant differences in free-water corrected fractional anisotropy (FAT) and free-water in cortico-basal ganglia white matter tracts, but that these measures did not differ between males versus females with ASD. Moreover, both FAT and free-water in these tracts were significantly correlated with measures of RRB. Despite no differences in volumetric measures in basal ganglia and cerebellum, these findings suggest the links between RRB and brain structure are within specific cortico-basal ganglia white matter tracts.1/192Secondary AnalysisShared
* Data not on individual level

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