38778001 | Create Study | Mind the Gap: Executive Function Is Associated with the Discrepancy Between Cognitive and Adaptive Functioning in Autistic Children Without Cognitive Delay. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Braverman, Yael; Edmunds, Sarah R; Hastedt, Ingrid; Faja, Susan | May 23, 2024 | Not Determined |
37249694 | Create Study | Reduced Visual Evoked Potential Amplitude in Autistic Children with Co-Occurring Features of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Cremone-Caira, Amanda; Braverman, Yael; MacNaughton, Gabrielle A; Nikolaeva, Julia I; Faja, Susan | August 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
36710763 | Create Study | Resting frontal alpha asymmetry as a predictor of executive and affective functioning in children with neurodevelopmental differences. | Frontiers in psychology | Edmunds, Sarah R; Fogler, Jason; Braverman, Yael; Gilbert, Rachel; Faja, Susan | January 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
36644329 | Create Study | Here''s the Story: Narrative Ability and Executive Function in Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Research in autism spectrum disorders | Greco, Gabriella; Choi, Boin; Michel, Kasey; Faja, Susan | March 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
35481725 | Create Study | Beyond group differences: Exploring the preliminary signals of target engagement of an executive function training for autistic children. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Edmunds, Sarah R; MacNaughton, Gabrielle A; Rueda, M Rosario; Combita, Lina M; Faja, Susan | July 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
34474598 | Create Study | A preliminary randomized, controlled trial of executive function training for children with autism spectrum disorder. | Autism : the international journal of research and practice | Faja, Susan; Clarkson, Tessa; Gilbert, Rachel; Vaidyanathan, Akshita; Greco, Gabriella; Rueda, M Rosario; Combita, Lina M; Driscoll, Kate | February 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
33982177 | Create Study | Brief Report: Test-Retest Reliability of Cognitive, Affective, and Spontaneous Theory of Mind Tasks Among School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Altschuler, Melody R; Faja, Susan | April 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
32972212 | Create Study | Inhibition in developmental disorders: A comparison of inhibition profiles between children with autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and comorbid symptom presentation. | Autism : the international journal of research and practice | Cremone-Caira, Amanda; Trier, Katherine; Sanchez, Victoria; Kohn, Brooke; Gilbert, Rachel; Faja, Susan | January 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
31877490 | Create Study | Test-retest reliability of the N2 event-related potential in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). | Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology | Cremone-Caira, Amanda; Vaidyanathan, Akshita; Hyatt, Danielle; Gilbert, Rachel; Clarkson, Tessa; Faja, Susan | February 2020 | Not Determined |
31479914 | Create Study | Relations between caregiver-report of sleep and executive function problems in children with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. | Research in developmental disabilities | Cremone-Caira, Amanda; Buirkle, Julia; Gilbert, Rachel; Nayudu, Nikita; Faja, Susan | November 2019 | Not Determined |
30394786 | Create Study | Variation in restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests relates to inhibitory control and shifting in children with autism spectrum disorder. | Autism : the international journal of research and practice | Faja, Susan; Nelson Darling, Laura | July 2019 | Not Determined |
29971661 | Create Study | Measuring Individual Differences in Cognitive, Affective, and Spontaneous Theory of Mind Among School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Altschuler, Melody; Sideridis, Georgios; Kala, Shashwat; Warshawsky, Megan; Gilbert, Rachel; Carroll, Devon; Burger-Caplan, Rebecca; Faja, Susan | November 2018 | Not Determined |
27825750 | Create Study | Neural and behavioral suppression of interfering flankers by children with and without autism spectrum disorder. | Neuropsychologia | Faja, Susan; Clarkson, Tessa; Webb, Sara Jane | December 2016 | Not Determined |
26890821 | Create Study | Executive function predicts the development of play skills for verbal preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Faja, Susan; Dawson, Geraldine; Sullivan, Katherine; Meltzoff, Andrew N; Estes, Annette; Bernier, Raphael | December 1, 2016 | Not Determined |
26886246 | Create Study | Face perception and learning in autism spectrum disorders. | Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006) | Webb, Sara Jane; Neuhaus, Emily; Faja, Susan | May 2017 | Not Relevant |
26075790 | Create Study | Genome-wide significant risk associations for mucinous ovarian carcinoma. | Nature genetics | Kelemen, Linda E; Lawrenson, Kate; Tyrer, Jonathan; Li, Qiyuan; Lee, Janet M; Seo, Ji-Heui; Phelan, Catherine M; Beesley, Jonathan; Chen, Xiaoqing; Spindler, Tassja J; Aben, Katja K H; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antonenkova, Natalia; Australian Cancer Study; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium | August 2015 | Not Determined |
24335116 | Create Study | Reduced delay of gratification and effortful control among young children with autism spectrum disorders. | Autism : the international journal of research and practice | Faja, Susan; Dawson, Geraldine | January 2015 | Not Relevant |
23893954 | Create Study | Reward-based decision making and electrodermal responding by young children with autism spectrum disorders during a gambling task. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Faja S, Murias M, Beauchaine TP, Dawson G | December 2013 | Not Determined |
23101741 | Create Study | Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Dawson, Geraldine; Jones, Emily J H; Merkle, Kristen; Venema, Kaitlin; Lowy, Rachel; Faja, Susan; Kamara, Dana; Murias, Michael; Greenson, Jessica; Winter, Jamie; Smith, Milani; Rogers, Sally J; Webb, Sara J | November 2012 | Not Determined |
22796987 | Create Study | The responsiveness of biological motion processing areas to selective attention towards goals. | NeuroImage | Herrington J, Nymberg C, Faja S, Price E, Schultz R | October 15, 2012 | Not Determined |