39703730 | Create Study | Constrained Multivariate Functional Principal Components Analysis for Novel Outcomes in Eye-Tracking Experiments. | Statistics in biosciences | Kwan, Brian; Sugar, Catherine A; Qian, Qi; Shic, Frederick; Naples, Adam; Johnson, Scott P; Webb, Sara J; Jeste, Shafali; Faja, Susan; Levin, April R; Dawson, Geraldine; McPartland, James C; Şentürk, Damla | December 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
39237004 | Create Study | Spatiotemporal Eye Movement Dynamics Reveal Altered Face Prioritization in Early Visual Processing Among Children With Autism. | Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging | Griffin, Jason W; Naples, Adam; Bernier, Raphael; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali; Kleinhans, Natalia; Sugar, Catherine; Webb, Sara Jane; Shic, Frederick; McPartland, James C; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | September 3, 2024 | Not Determined |
38959536 | Create Study | Parsing evoked and induced gamma response differences in Autism: A visual evoked potential study. | Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology | Dickinson, Abigail; Ryan, Declan; McNaughton, Gabrielle; Levin, April; Naples, Adam; Borland, Heather; Bernier, Raphael; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Faja, Susan; Kleinhans, Natalia; Sugar, Catherine; Senturk, Damla; Shic, Frederick; Webb, Sara Jane; McPartland, James C; Jeste, Shafali; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | September 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
38822707 | Create Study | Modeling intra-individual inter-trial EEG response variability in autism. | Statistics in medicine | Dong, Mingfei; Telesca, Donatello; Guindani, Michele; Sugar, Catherine; Webb, Sara J; Jeste, Shafali; Dickinson, Abigail; Levin, April R; Shic, Frederick; Naples, Adam; Faja, Susan; Dawson, Geraldine; McPartland, James C; Şentürk, Damla | July 30, 2024 | Not Determined |
38430386 | Create Study | Autistic Individuals Do Not Alter Visual Processing Strategy During Encoding Versus Recognition of Faces: A Hidden Markov Modeling Approach. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Griffin, Jason W; Webb, Sara Jane; Keehn, Brandon; Dawson, Geraldine; McPartland, James C | March 2, 2024 | Not Determined |
37749934 | Create Study | The Selective Social Attention task in children with autism spectrum disorder: Results from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT) feasibility study. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Shic, Frederick; Barney, Erin C; Naples, Adam J; Dommer, Kelsey J; Chang, Shou An; Li, Beibin; McAllister, Takumi; Atyabi, Adham; Wang, Quan; Bernier, Raphael; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali Spurling; Murias, Michael; Johnson, Scott P; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Helleman, Gerhard; Senturk, Damla; Sugar, Catherine A; Webb, Sara Jane; McPartland, James C; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | November 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
37638733 | Create Study | Development of peak alpha frequency reflects a distinct trajectory of neural maturation in autistic children. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Finn, Caroline E; Han, Gloria T; Naples, Adam J; Wolf, Julie M; McPartland, James C | November 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
37405787 | Create Study | Investigating the Face Inversion Effect in Autism Across Behavioral and Neural Measures of Face Processing: A Systematic Review and Bayesian Meta-Analysis. | JAMA psychiatry | Griffin, Jason W; Azu, Margaret A; Cramer-Benjamin, Sophie; Franke, Cassandra J; Herman, Nicole; Iqbal, Reeda; Keifer, Cara M; Rosenthal, Lindsey H; McPartland, James C | October 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
37077750 | Create Study | A functional model for studying common trends across trial time in eye tracking experiments. | Statistics in biosciences | Dong, Mingfei; Telesca, Donatello; Sugar, Catherine; Shic, Frederick; Naples, Adam; Johnson, Scott P; Li, Beibin; Atyabi, Adham; Xie, Minhang; Webb, Sara J; Jeste, Shafali; Faja, Susan; Levin, April R; Dawson, Geraldine; McPartland, James C; Şentürk, Damla; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | April 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36943905 | Create Study | Neural mechanisms of language development in infancy. | Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies | Huberty, Scott; O'Reilly, Christian; Carter Leno, Virginia; Steiman, Mandy; Webb, Sara; Elsabbagh, Mayada; BASIS Team | January 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36929131 | Create Study | Evaluation of clinical assessments of social abilities for use in autism clinical trials by the autism biomarkers consortium for clinical trials. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Faja, Susan; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Sridhar, Aksheya; Kuhn, Jocelyn L; Nikolaeva, Julia I; Sugar, Catherine A; Webb, Sara Jane; Bernier, Raphael A; Sikich, Linmarie; Hellemann, Gerhard; Senturk, Damla; Naples, Adam J; Shic, Frederick; Levin, April R; Seow, Helen A; Dziura, James D; Jeste, Shafali S; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Nelson 3rd, Charles A; Dawson, Geraldine; McPartland, James C; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | May 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36568688 | Create Study | Electrophysiological Studies of Reception of Facial Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia. | Review journal of autism and developmental disorders | Levy, Emily J; Foss-Feig, Jennifer; Isenstein, Emily L; Srihari, Vinod; Anticevic, Alan; Naples, Adam J; McPartland, James C | December 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
36350848 | Create Study | Neural correlates of eye contact and social function in autism spectrum disorder. | PloS one | Hirsch, Joy; Zhang, Xian; Noah, J Adam; Dravida, Swethasri; Naples, Adam; Tiede, Mark; Wolf, Julie M; McPartland, James C | January 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
36309762 | Create Study | Predictability modulates neural response to eye contact in ASD. | Molecular autism | Naples, Adam J; Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; Wolf, Julie M; Srihari, Vinod H; McPartland, James C | October 29, 2022 | Not Determined |
36086805 | Create Study | Concomitant medication use in children with autism spectrum disorder: Data from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials. | Autism : the international journal of research and practice | Shurtz, Logan; Schwartz, Chloe; DiStefano, Charlotte; McPartland, James C; Levin, April R; Dawson, Geraldine; Kleinhans, Natalia M; Faja, Susan; Webb, Sara J; Shic, Frederick; Naples, Adam J; Seow, Helen; Bernier, Raphael A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Sugar, Catherine A; Dziura, James; Senturk, Damla; Santhosh, Megha; Jeste, Shafali S | May 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
36000217 | Create Study | The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials: Initial Evaluation of a Battery of Candidate EEG Biomarkers. | The American journal of psychiatry | Webb, Sara Jane; Naples, Adam J; Levin, April R; Hellemann, Gerhard; Borland, Heather; Benton, Jessica; Carlos, Carter; McAllister, Takumi; Santhosh, Megha; Seow, Helen; Atyabi, Adham; Bernier, Raphael; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali; Murias, Michael; Nelson, Charles A; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Senturk, Damla; Shic, Frederick; Sugar, Catherine A; McPartland, James C | January 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
35821544 | Create Study | Brief Report: A Specialized Fitness Program for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Benefits Physical, Behavioral, and Emotional Outcomes. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Jackson, Scott L J; Abel, Emily A; Reimer, Shara; McPartland, James C | June 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
35752729 | Create Study | Distinct Symptom Network Structure and Shared Central Social Communication Symptomatology in Autism and Schizophrenia: A Bayesian Network Analysis. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Han, Gloria T; Trevisan, Dominic A; Foss-Feig, Jennifer; Srihari, Vinod; McPartland, James C | September 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
35690495 | Create Study | Functional Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling in Autism. | Biological psychiatry | Horien, Corey; Floris, Dorothea L; Greene, Abigail S; Noble, Stephanie; Rolison, Max; Tejavibulya, Link; O'Connor, David; McPartland, James C; Scheinost, Dustin; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Lake, Evelyn M R; Constable, R Todd | October 15, 2022 | Not Determined |
35657448 | Create Study | Attention Allocation During Exploration of Visual Arrays in ASD: Results from the ABC-CT Feasibility Study. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Tsang, Tawny; Naples, Adam J; Barney, Erin C; Xie, Minhang; Bernier, Raphael; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali Spurling; McPartland, James C; Nelson, Charles A; Murias, Michael; Seow, Helen; Sugar, Catherine; Webb, Sara J; Shic, Frederick; Johnson, Scott P | August 1, 2023 | Not Determined |
35635067 | Create Study | Associations between sleep problems and domains relevant to daytime functioning and clinical symptomatology in autism: A meta-analysis. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Han, Gloria T; Trevisan, Dominic A; Abel, Emily A; Cummings, Elise M; Carlos, Carter; Bagdasarov, Armen; Kala, Shashwat; Parker, Termara; Canapari, Craig; McPartland, James C | July 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
35616816 | Create Study | Brief Report: Exploratory Evaluation of Clinical Features Associated with Suicidal Ideation in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Ellison, Kimberly S; Jarzabek, Elzbieta; Jackson, Scott L J; Naples, Adam; McPartland, James C | February 1, 2024 | Not Determined |
35615454 | Create Study | Identifying Age Based Maturation in the ERP Response to Faces in Children With Autism: Implications for Developing Biomarkers for Use in Clinical Trials. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Webb, Sara Jane; Emerman, Iris; Sugar, Catherine; Senturk, Damla; Naples, Adam J; Faja, Susan; Benton, Jessica; Borland, Heather; Carlos, Carter; Levin, April R; McAllister, Takumi; Santhosh, Megha; Bernier, Raphael A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Jeste, Shafali; Kleinhans, Natalia; Murias, Michael; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Shic, Frederick; McPartland, James C; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | January 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
35611602 | Create Study | Multilevel hybrid principal components analysis for region-referenced functional electroencephalography data. | Statistics in medicine | Campos, Emilie; Wolfe Scheffler, Aaron; Telesca, Donatello; Sugar, Catherine; DiStefano, Charlotte; Jeste, Shafali; Levin, April R; Naples, Adam; Webb, Sara J; Shic, Frederick; Dawson, Geraldine; Faja, Susan; McPartland, James C; Şentürk, Damla; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | August 30, 2022 | Not Determined |
35444715 | Create Study | Patterns of Intervention Utilization Among School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Findings from a Multi-Site Research Consortium. | Research in autism spectrum disorders | Sridhar, Aksheya; Kuhn, Jocelyn; Faja, Susan; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Nikolaeva, Julia I; Dawson, Geraldine; Nelson, Charles A; Webb, Sara J; Bernier, Raphael; Jeste, Shafali; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Sugar, Catherine A; Shic, Frederick; Naples, Adam; Dziura, James; McPartland, James C; ABC-CT Consortium | June 1, 2022 | Not Determined |
35313957 | Create Study | The autism biomarkers consortium for clinical trials: evaluation of a battery of candidate eye-tracking biomarkers for use in autism clinical trials. | Molecular autism | Shic, Frederick; Naples, Adam J; Barney, Erin C; Chang, Shou An; Li, Beibin; McAllister, Takumi; Kim, Minah; Dommer, Kelsey J; Hasselmo, Simone; Atyabi, Adham; Wang, Quan; Helleman, Gerhard; Levin, April R; Seow, Helen; Bernier, Raphael; Charwaska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Dziura, James; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali Spurling; Johnson, Scott P; Murias, Michael; Nelson, Charles A; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Senturk, Damla; Sugar, Catherine A; Webb, Sara J; McPartland, James C | March 21, 2022 | Not Determined |
34180705 | Create Study | Face perception predicts affective theory of mind in autism spectrum disorder but not schizophrenia or typical development. | Journal of abnormal psychology | Altschuler, Melody R; Trevisan, Dominic A; Wolf, Julie M; Naples, Adam J; Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; Srihari, Vinod H; McPartland, James C | May 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
34043128 | Create Study | Looking Back at the Next 40 Years of ASD Neuroscience Research. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | McPartland, James C; Lerner, Matthew D; Bhat, Anjana; Clarkson, Tessa; Jack, Allison; Koohsari, Sheida; Matuskey, David; McQuaid, Goldie A; Su, Wan-Chun; Trevisan, Dominic A | December 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33955195 | Create Study | Association between spectral electroencephalography power and autism risk and diagnosis in early development. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Huberty, Scott; Carter Leno, Virginia; van Noordt, Stefon J R; Bedford, Rachael; Pickles, Andrew; Desjardins, James A; Webb, Sara Jane; BASIS Team; Elsabbagh, Mayada | July 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33934921 | Create Study | Refining biomarker evaluation in ASD. | European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology | McPartland, James C | July 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33882266 | Create Study | Modeling temporal dynamics of face processing in youth and adults. | Social neuroscience | Hudac, Caitlin M; Naples, Adam; DesChamps, Trent D; Coffman, Marika C; Kresse, Anna; Ward, Tracey; Mukerji, Cora; Aaronson, Benjamin; Faja, Susan; McPartland, James C; Bernier, Raphael | August 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33749161 | Create Study | The N170 event-related potential reflects delayed neural response to faces when visual attention is directed to the eyes in youths with ASD. | Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research | Parker, Termara C; Crowley, Michael J; Naples, Adam J; Rolison, Max J; Wu, Jia; Trapani, Julie A; McPartland, James C | July 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33714056 | Create Study | 12-Month peak alpha frequency is a correlate but not a longitudinal predictor of non-verbal cognitive abilities in infants at low and high risk for autism spectrum disorder. | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Carter Leno, Virginia; Pickles, Andrew; van Noordt, Stefon; Huberty, Scott; Desjardins, James; Webb, Sara Jane; Elsabbagh, Mayada; BASIS Team | April 1, 2021 | Not Determined |
33073404 | Create Study | Contrast Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Infelicitous Beat Gesture Increases Cognitive Load During Online Spoken Discourse Comprehension. | Cognitive science | Morett, Laura M; Roche, Jennifer M; Fraundorf, Scott H; McPartland, James C | October 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32818527 | Create Study | N400 amplitude, latency, and variability reflect temporal integration of beat gesture and pitch accent during language processing. | Brain research | Morett, Laura M; Landi, Nicole; Irwin, Julia; McPartland, James C | November 15, 2020 | Not Determined |
32595540 | Create Study | Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia Are Better Differentiated by Positive Symptoms Than Negative Symptoms. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Trevisan, Dominic A; Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; Naples, Adam J; Srihari, Vinod; Anticevic, Alan; McPartland, James C | January 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32425762 | Create Study | Day-to-Day Test-Retest Reliability of EEG Profiles in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development. | Frontiers in integrative neuroscience | Levin, April R; Naples, Adam J; Scheffler, Aaron Wolfe; Webb, Sara J; Shic, Frederick; Sugar, Catherine A; Murias, Michael; Bernier, Raphael A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali; Nelson, Charles A; McPartland, James C; Şentürk, Damla | January 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32380941 | Create Study | EEG-IP: an international infant EEG data integration platform for the study of risk and resilience in autism and related conditions. | Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.) | van Noordt, Stefon; Desjardins, James A; Huberty, Scott; Abou-Abbas, Lina; Webb, Sara Jane; Levin, April R; Segalowitz, Sidney J; Evans, Alan C; Elsabbagh, Mayada | May 2020 | Not Determined |
32362842 | Create Study | The Presence of Another Person Influences Oscillatory Cortical Dynamics During Dual Brain EEG Recording. | Frontiers in psychiatry | Rolison, Max J; Naples, Adam J; Rutherford, Helena J V; McPartland, James C | January 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32346363 | Create Study | The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT): Scientific Context, Study Design, and Progress Toward Biomarker Qualification. | Frontiers in integrative neuroscience | McPartland, James C; Bernier, Raphael A; Jeste, Shafali S; Dawson, Geraldine; Nelson, Charles A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Earl, Rachel; Faja, Susan; Johnson, Scott P; Sikich, Linmarie; Brandt, Cynthia A; Dziura, James D; Rozenblit, Leon; Hellemann, Gerhard; Levin, April R; Murias, Michael; Naples, Adam J; Platt, Michael L; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Shic, Frederick; Senturk, Damla; Sugar, Catherine A; Webb, Sara J; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | January 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32116606 | Create Study | Real-Time Eye-to-Eye Contact Is Associated With Cross-Brain Neural Coupling in Angular Gyrus. | Frontiers in human neuroscience | Noah, J Adam; Zhang, Xian; Dravida, Swethasri; Ono, Yumie; Naples, Adam; McPartland, James C; Hirsch, Joy | January 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
32116579 | Create Study | Biomarker Acquisition and Quality Control for Multi-Site Studies: The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials. | Frontiers in integrative neuroscience | Webb, Sara Jane; Shic, Frederick; Murias, Michael; Sugar, Catherine A; Naples, Adam J; Barney, Erin; Borland, Heather; Hellemann, Gerhard; Johnson, Scott; Kim, Minah; Levin, April R; Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Santhosh, Megha; Senturk, Damla; Dziura, James; Bernier, Raphael A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dawson, Geraldine; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali; McPartland, James; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | January 1, 2019 | Not Determined |
32034650 | Create Study | Light-Adapted Electroretinogram Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Constable, Paul A; Ritvo, Edward R; Ritvo, Ariella R; Lee, Irene O; McNair, Morgan L; Stahl, Dylan; Sowden, Jane; Quinn, Stephen; Skuse, David H; Thompson, Dorothy A; McPartland, James C | August 1, 2020 | Not Determined |
31163191 | Create Study | Methodological considerations in the use of Noldus EthoVision XT video tracking of children with autism in multi-site studies. | Biological psychology | Sabatos-DeVito, Maura; Murias, Michael; Dawson, Geraldine; Howell, Toni; Yuan, Andrew; Marsan, Samuel; Bernier, Raphael A; Brandt, Cynthia A; Chawarska, Katarzyna; Dzuira, James D; Faja, Susan; Jeste, Shafali S; Naples, Adam; Nelson, Charles A; Shic, Frederick; Sugar, Catherine A; Webb, Sara J; McPartland, James C; Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials | September 2019 | Not Determined |
30556607 | Create Study | Autism's existential crisis: a reflection on Livingston et al. (2018). | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines | Mcpartland JC | January 2019 | Not Determined |
30391290 | Create Study | Reply to: Can the N170 Be Used as an Electrophysiological Biomarker Indexing Face Processing Difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder? | Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging | Kang, Erin; McPartland, James C; Keifer, Cara M; Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; Levy, Emily J; Lerner, Matthew D | March 2019 | Not Determined |
30092916 | Create Study | Atypicality of the N170 Event-Related Potential in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-analysis. | Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging | Kang, Erin; Keifer, Cara M; Levy, Emily J; Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; McPartland, James C; Lerner, Matthew D | August 2018 | Not Relevant |
29436853 | Create Study | Electrophysiological response during auditory gap detection: Biomarker for sensory and communication alterations in autism spectrum disorder? | Developmental neuropsychology | Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; Stavropoulos, Katherine K M; McPartland, James C; Wallace, Mark T; Stone, Wendy L; Key, Alexandra P | January 1, 2018 | Not Determined |
28695438 | Create Study | Developing Clinically Practicable Biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | McPartland, James C | September 2017 | Not Relevant |
28434615 | Create Study | Searching for Cross-Diagnostic Convergence: Neural Mechanisms Governing Excitation and Inhibition Balance in Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders. | Biological psychiatry | Foss-Feig, Jennifer H; Adkinson, Brendan D; Ji, Jie Lisa; Yang, Genevieve; Srihari, Vinod H; McPartland, James C; Krystal, John H; Murray, John D; Anticevic, Alan | May 15, 2017 | Not Determined |
28396215 | Create Study | Event-related potentials index neural response to eye contact. | Biological psychology | Naples, Adam J; Wu, Jia; Mayes, Linda C; McPartland, James C | July 1, 2017 | Not Determined |
28214131 | Create Study | Social Decision-Making and the Brain: A Comparative Perspective. | Trends in cognitive sciences | Tremblay, Sébastien; Sharika, K M; Platt, Michael L | April 2017 | Not Determined |
28009726 | Create Study | The emergence of autism spectrum disorder: insights gained from studies of brain and behaviour in high-risk infants. | Current opinion in psychiatry | Varcin, Kandice J; Jeste, Shafali S | March 2017 | Not Relevant |
27750521 | Create Study | Autistic traits modulate conscious and nonconscious face perception. | Social neuroscience | Stavropoulos, Katherine K M; Viktorinova, Michaela; Naples, Adam; Foss-Feig, Jennifer; McPartland, James C | February 1, 2018 | Not Determined |
27015716 | Create Study | Eye Tracking as a Behavioral Biomarker for Psychiatric Conditions: The Road Ahead. | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Shic, Frederick | April 2016 | Not Relevant |
26886246 | Create Study | Face perception and learning in autism spectrum disorders. | Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006) | Webb, Sara Jane; Neuhaus, Emily; Faja, Susan | May 2017 | Not Determined |
26844621 | Create Study | Considerations in biomarker development for neurodevelopmental disorders. | Current opinion in neurology | Mcpartland JC | April 2016 | Not Relevant |
26471250 | Create Study | Common and distinct modulation of electrophysiological indices of feedback processing by autistic and psychopathic traits. | Social neuroscience | Carter Leno, Virginia; Naples, Adam; Cox, Anthony; Rutherford, Helena; McPartland, James C | January 1, 2016 | Not Determined |